Causes of uneven fingernails. Treatment for wavy nails

An article on the topic: "causes and treatment of lumpy fingernails. Doctors' advice" from professionals.

  • Uneven nails in children
  • Useful tips

If any irregularities on the surface of the nails become noticeable, you should find out the cause of these changes. Wavy nails can affect the appearance and also indicate significant problems with the functioning of internal organs. The deformation may be invisible to the eye, or it may be clearly expressed. You can most often notice the modification on the thumbs, since they have the widest nail plate. Uneven nails may contain one small wave or have a continuous unevenness. This can be seen by looking at the thumbnail in profile. If you cover lumpy nails with varnish, all irregularities and waves, even minor ones, will be noticeable on the nails. So why do nails become wavy?

Factors causing unevenness on nails

Wavy nails occur for various reasons. If this is not an injury, then there is a risk of developing more serious pathologies in the body.

Traumatic situations are one of the reasons for wavy edges due to careless manicure. Also included in this causative factor is the removal of cuticles with nail scissors, which provokes infection.

When nail defects appear due to injury, there is no need to make any attempts to correct them; they will grow back in 6–18 months. To improve the appearance of the nail plate, you can polish its surface with a nail file and apply antibacterial varnish. All work involving contact with aggressive household reagents must be done with gloves.

Mycosis (fungal infection)

When there are cuticles on the fingers, and the nail plate begins to peel off and ridges form at its ends, this is the reason why mycosis fungus has gotten under the nail plate. These microorganisms appear, develop quickly and completely destroy the nail cover, changing its color and structure, as a result of which they grow poorly or do not grow at all. If uneven nails have recently appeared, it is worth making compresses with an antifungal ointment.

If the situation is advanced, you should immediately consult a mycologist. The doctor will refer you to a medical examination and issue a prescription for suitable medications. To prevent mycosis from spreading to the surface of the skin and nails, it is necessary to perform hand hygiene procedures daily.

Wavy nails may indicate hormonal imbalance due to endocrine imbalance. If such violations are present, then an endocrinologist and properly selected medications will help solve the problem.

A weak nail plate with the presence of ridges and grooves can occur due to a lack of useful vitamins, such as Ca, Mg, A. It is possible to determine what exactly the body lacks after taking tests. Vitamin complexes, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, will help correct the situation when the fingernails have become ribbed.

The most common cause of wavy fingernails is a lack of iron in the body, which leads to anemia. After passing all the necessary tests prescribed by the therapist, you can begin treatment. The main rule for anemia is the mandatory intake of iron-containing products that increase hemoglobin. Treatment with products will help not only eliminate wavy fingernails, but also improve the health of the entire body.

Deformation of the nail plate indicates gastrointestinal problems. Vitamins taken from food affect the growth and appearance of nails. Failure of the acid-base balance provokes a failure to absorb beneficial enzymes, which affects the condition of the hands and periungual areas. Hangnails appear, nails become crooked and have transverse lines. If your nails become ribbed, you should contact a gastroenterologist - he will prescribe effective therapy.

Stressful situations and depression are the cause of the negative impact on the appearance of the hands. In such a situation, it is necessary to show less negative emotions and prevent their occurrence.

Uneven surface of nails in children

Wavy fingernails can also be present in a child, the reasons may be the following:

  1. The Candida microorganism entered the child’s body through the consumption of poorly processed vegetables and fruits.
  2. Carbohydrate imbalance due to a lack of vitamins A and B in a child.
  3. Scratches and peeling of the skin at the edges can provoke an inflammatory process due to infection.
  4. Colds, pneumonia, and lichen sicca can also affect the structure of a child’s nails.

Therapy for tuberosity of nail plates

To get rid of such a problem as ribbed fingernails, you should start treatment with your diet. This is important, since a lack of beneficial microelements in the body will not lead to a positive result even with a number of cosmetic and medicinal procedures.

Vegetables and fruits such as potatoes, dill, cilantro, watercress, almonds, carrots, cucumbers, and cabbage should be present on the table. Vitamin salads should be seasoned with any cold-pressed vegetable oil. The above vegetables include many beneficial microelements such as A, E and C, calcium, silicon, iodine and even sulfur. This kind of vitamin composition will have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and over time the marigolds will acquire an even shape, and the waviness and grooves will disappear from their surface. Healthy products and their minerals will eliminate unevenness on the nails and increase the resistance to inflammatory processes of the cuticle.

Today it is considered fashionable to do helium nails and carry out salon and cosmetic procedures for the hands. It should be noted that the chemical composition of corrective agents does not always have a positive effect on the nail plate and the skin around it. All this can cause a problem such as ribbed nails. When carrying out this kind of procedure, you should take a break from time to time and give your nails a rest from varnish and gel coatings.

Without taking into account a number of reasons indicating why the nails are ribbed, you need to carry out treatment and use the following rules:

  1. Carefully remove hangnails.
  2. Use rubber gloves when in contact with water and household chemicals.
  3. Apply nail polish infrequently and do not apply extensions.
  4. Before applying nail polish, treat the skin around your finger with a basic firming antimicrobial agent.
  5. Eat healthy foods.
  6. Carry out preventive treatment with multivitamins.

It is quite possible to correct ribbed nails; the main thing is to take the problem seriously.

The condition of the skin of your hands and nails contains no less information than a business card. In particular, it reports on such important factors as a person’s health and lifestyle.

The problem of lumpy nail plates on the hands is common. What factors lead to the appearance of waves and grooves on the fingernails, how to cure and prevent this will be discussed in this article.

The main causes of lumpy nails

The main reasons for the appearance of lumpy nails include: poor diet, weak immunity, side effects of manicure, and the like. Let's take a closer look at them.

Lumpy nails are a symptom of vitamin deficiency or nail fungus

Poor nutrition

External signs of a lack of nutrients are as follows.

  • Lumpy fingernails have similar causes to brittle hair and dry skin: a lack of iron-containing foods is obvious.
  • If, in addition to deformation of the nail plate, its fragility and delamination are also observed, this is a sure sign of calcium deficiency.
  • Nails with a fragile, wavy nail plate are a sign of a lack of sufficient elastin and collagen, the generator of which is silicon.
  • Violation of the nail structure also occurs due to a lack of vitamins A (retinol, carotene), E, ​​B7 (H, biotin).
  • A lack of Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids can lead to hormonal imbalance, which primarily manifests itself in deterioration of the skin and nails.

Weakened immunity

Oxygen starvation and vitamin deficiency, as causes of weakened immunity, lead to destruction of the structure of the nail plate. It becomes thin and wavy.

Thin and wavy nail

Weak immunity allows fungi to spread freely in the nail tissues. promotes the development of a pathogenic environment. It is not difficult to associate stress, alcohol abuse or smoking with bumps on the nails: the body is not able to resist diseases.

Consequence of manicure, extensions or improper polishing

During the manicure process, the nail plate is polished and then covered with several layers of compounds that smooth out bumpy fingernails. The reasons for the bumps are the use of low-quality varnishes. pressing the stick too hard when removing cuticles, deep sanding, acetone-containing nail polish removers.

An illiterate manicurist can harm your nails

For example, inexperienced masters performing hardware manicures often grind the nail plate too deeply with a cutter and touch the matrix - the structure responsible for the thickness and growth of the nail. Or the master removes the cuticle using metal instruments that exert traumatic pressure on the base of the nail, which inevitably leads to the formation of uneven plates.

Possible nail diseases

If the bumps are accompanied by the presence of white spots or longitudinal lines on the nails, we can say that cause - fungal diseases of fingernails. Other symptoms include swelling of the lateral ridges, thickening of the plate, flaking, discoloration, and crumbling.

Nail problems may be caused by a medical condition

Often, infection with a fungus occurs due to neglect of personal hygiene rules, as well as through contact of an infected person with a healthy person. In this case, medical intervention is necessary to determine the pathogen and adequate therapy.

Exposure to household chemicals

Household chemicals adversely affect the nail plate, drying it out, which leads to the appearance of bumps and irregularities.

When contacting household chemicals, you must take precautions: use protective latex gloves, rinse your hands thoroughly under running water after handling the reagents.

Slagging in the body and lack of moisture

Grooved growths located along the length of the nail indicate problems in removing metabolic products from the body. Lumpy fingernails are a consequence of intoxication and slagging in the body.

The causes of waves and bumps also lie in lack of moisture

This can be caused by using soap that does not contain moisturizing components (avocado oil, glycerin, aloe vera), which means it dries out the nail folds and cuticles, which leads to degeneration of the nail plate and a “washboard” appearance.

Water is essential for the entire body, without exception.

Another reason for dehydration is an insufficient amount of fluid consumed by the body. The daily water requirement for an adult is 2 liters .

Master class from professionals: How to make shellac at home for beginners (step by step). Bright options for stylish manicure!

How to cure nails with medications

Medication methods for treating lumpy nails: medicated varnishes, vitamin complexes.

Therapeutic varnishes for restoring nail structure

To restore the structure of nails, many brands offer entire series of varnishes aimed at maintaining the beauty of the nail plate. Such brands include “Orly”, “Smart Enamel”, “Eveline”, “Sally Hansen”. These products create a layer that gives thickness to the nail, protecting it from the effects of household chemicals and minor injuries.

Varnishes from the “Smart Enamel” series

Disadvantages include the duration of use (from two months) and thickening of the composition. The main advantage is ease of use and aesthetic appearance of the nail plate.

Preparations and vitamin complexes for nail growth

There is a whole direction in pharmaceuticals for the development of products that provide the prevention and treatment of lumpy fingernails. These include monovitamin preparations, such as vitamin A tablets. And combined complexes - “Omega 3”, “Aevit”, “Merz” dragees.

Carefully! An excess of vitamins can also lead to undesirable consequences.

Read the popular article in the category: An effective drug - Mikoderil varnish for nail fungus. Reviews, price.

Ointments, creams and oils to strengthen nails

These products should be used even by those with perfect nails to prevent diseases. Oils and creams should contain moisturizing components to prevent the nail plate from drying out, vitamins and herbal ingredients.

Problematic nails need special care using oils

The products should contain glycerin, aloe vera, olive oil, shea butter, sea buckthorn oil, vitamin E, and keratin.

Folk remedies and recipes

Folk remedies can be no less useful than medications. These include baths to strengthen nails.

Recipes for healthy nail baths

There is a way to strengthen your nails at home: make a bath for them.

Recipes can be as follows:

  • stir 1 tbsp in 250 ml of warm water. l. sea ​​salt (in this case, sea salt can be replaced with table salt with the addition of 1 drop of iodine);

Sea salt is one of the most popular bath ingredients

  • in 1 tbsp. add 1 ampoule of vitamin B1, 150 ml lemon juice to warm water;
  • to 250 ml of fresh orange juice add 250 ml of warm water, 4 drops of iodine, 2 tbsp. l. table or sea salt.

The duration of a bath for the prevention and treatment of lumpy nails should not exceed 15 minutes.

Read the popular article in the category: Stylish shellac Cat's eye: all the options for fashionable shellac. How to do it step by step at home.

Special diet for healthy nails

These techniques will help you cope not only with problem nails, but also improve your body’s functioning.

  • It is undesirable to consume foods that impede normal metabolism. These include: carbonated drinks, coffee, strong black tea, fatty sauces (including mayonnaise), sweet pastries and white bread, alcohol.
  • It is worth filling the diet with useful elements: iron, silicon, zinc,
    selenium, vitamins, calcium.
  • In food products, iron is found in pistachios, beef liver, lentils, spinach, and buckwheat.
  • Hard cheeses, almonds, wheat bran, celery, parsley, olives and figs are top calcium-rich foods.

Calcium rich foods

  • It is enough to enrich your diet with buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and barley cereals, beans, and fresh pineapples to strengthen your nails and compensate for the lack of silicon.
  • Zinc is abundant in nuts (especially cashews), beef, soybeans, shrimp and cheese. Selenium is found in octopus, chicken eggs, sunflower seeds, brown rice, corn, walnuts and Brazil nuts.
  • The body receives biotin from boiled egg yolk, oatmeal, cereals, fresh tomatoes, spinach, and potatoes. Sources of vitamin A are carrots, red peppers, tomatoes.
  • It is necessary to remember to comply with the daily consumption standards of the listed elements.

Diet changes should be followed for 2-3 months

This is exactly how long it takes for a renewed nail to grow and achieve noticeable results.

Masks for lumpy nails

The following masks are most effective:

  • Mix ½ tbsp. water and 2 tsp. gelatin, hold in a water bath until the gelatin dissolves, cool. Add 1 tsp. almond oil, 4 drops lemon oil, let harden. Apply to nails and leave for 20-25 minutes.

After applying the mask to your nails, they can be placed in such finger pads

  • Mix 1 tsp. nourishing hand cream with 1 tsp. hot pepper, apply to fingertips. Wash off after 5-10 minutes. It is important that there are no inflammations or cuts on the skin of your hands at this time.

Olive oil wrap

Mix 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 2 drops of iodine. Bring the composition to 40 degrees in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Cover nails and cuticles with the mixture, put on cotton gloves and leave overnight. In the morning, wash off the composition and apply moisturizer to your hands. Apply the wrap 1-2 times a week for a month .

Obviously, there is no single reason for the growth of lumpy fingernails. This phenomenon may act as a marker of a disease requiring medical attention.

Self-medication can only make the situation worse

It is recommended to use methods to stimulate blood microcirculation in the tissues of the extremities (physiotherapy, massage, electrical stimulation). Thus, the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the nail cells is increased, which helps to straighten the nail plate as it grows.

It is important to consume vitamin-mineral complexes rich in vitamins A, B, zinc, iron and silicon.

Nuts are a source of large amounts of vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for nails.

In the event that the periungual ridges or cuticle are inflamed, local treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs is used to prevent infections and fungi from entering the nail bed and under the stratum corneum.

Daily hand care is a means of preventing the causes of lumpy unevenness on the nails. Furrows are not just a cosmetic defect, but an indicator of systemic diseases, weakened immunity and an unbalanced lifestyle.

Wavy nails - a problem or a defect? How to treat nails? Find out from this useful video:

Diagnosis by nails with examples in the photo. Watch an interesting video:

Possible diseases, nail injuries in the cuticle area, as a result of illiterate manicure. Details in the following video:

Ribbed nails: what to do?

You've probably encountered such a phenomenon as ribbed nails. - in myself or seen with friends. today will tell you why this happens and what needs to be done to prevent this trouble.

Why do nails become ridged?

If the nails on your hands have become “humpbacked”, this is a signal from the body about some kind of “problem”. Many scientists agree that hands are a kind of indicator of human health. Ribs or ridges on the nails may indirectly indicate diseases of the respiratory tract and disorders of the cardiovascular system, indicate problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland, deficiency of iron, selenium, etc. In addition, you may have intestinal diseases or poor absorption of certain substances.

The grooves on the nails can be transverse and longitudinal (or, respectively, vertical and horizontal). If transverse grooves most often appear due to external adverse effects, then longitudinal grooves arise due to vitamin deficiency or other internal problems. This is not only unpleasant, but also looks terribly ugly. Therefore, you will most likely want to do everything possible to avoid such trouble.

Why are the nails ribbed?

There can be many reasons for the ribbing of the nail plate. Here are the main ones:

  • Lack of vitamins (vitaminosis) or other substances in the body. In general – poor nutrition;
  • Internal diseases (which ones we discussed above);
  • Fluid deficiency;
  • Infections, including fungal ones;
  • External influences (incorrect manicure - may be from an aggressive cuticle remover, from a poorly trimmed manicure or from a cuticle stick that is too hard);
  • Injuries, etc.

However, ribbed nails may simply be a feature of your body. In this case, believes that there is no way to change this fact. Just try to include more greens, carrots, buckwheat, red meat, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. They will help “saturate” the body with vitamins and microelements.

Ribbed nails are most often a sign of internal problems in the body, but sometimes the cause is improper manicure!

How to deal with “humpbacked” nails?

If you think about it, you need to deal with ribbed fingernails by working on the cause of this phenomenon. To begin with, it is best to visit a therapist and get tested (general urine test, blood test, and others that the doctor prescribes). Based on their results, it will be clear what your body is missing and the doctor will prescribe you a mineral-vitamin complex or prescribe a diet. By diet we do not mean dietary restrictions, but quite the opposite: eating as many foods as possible that contain substances necessary for the body.

Your ridged fingernails may also indicate the diseases described earlier. In this case, you need to immediately begin treating these ailments. As you heal, the nail plates will grow back evenly.

Nails become ribbed: a dermatological problem

In addition to internal problems, grooves on the nails can also provoke dermatological diseases. The most common among them is fungus. This disease not only “eats” the nail plate, but can also damage it, forming such a ribbed surface. In this case, of course, you need to consult a dermatologist who will prescribe treatment for you. Therapeutic measures include applying antifungal ointments and creams to sore nails. In addition, you can use traditional medicine methods, such as vinegar treatment.

You may notice that your fingernails have become ribbed due to psoriasis. This phenomenon is called “nail psoriasis.” In this case, you need, again, to cooperate with your doctor.

What general advice do doctors give for correcting the shape of the nail plate?

  1. Drink more fluids - at least two liters per day;
  2. Teach your nails to take salt baths, preferably with sea salt. You can also add lemon juice and iodine there. This will strengthen them and make them healthier;
  3. Eat well. Vitamins E and A (retinol) are necessary for the “construction” of the nail. And also a microelement such as selenium, which is found in large quantities in seafood, chicken eggs, liver, garlic, pistachios and other products;
  4. Use hand and nail cream, it additionally nourishes the skin and its derivatives with moisture and vitamins;
  5. To avoid contracting a fungal infection, use only your own manicure devices, and also control their use in the manicure room;
  6. To prevent the appearance of psoriasis, avoid stress and nervous shock.

Manicure for uneven ribbed nails

What girls don’t do to make their nails smoother!

  • They polish and grind their nails (for some: soft files for some, hard files for others... nails become thinner, but smoother)
  • Apply gel polish, biogel, shilak and others like them
  • Nail extensions
  • They use nail leveling products (according to reviews, the most effective are: Orly “Nail Defense”, “Calcium shield”, “Ridge filler”, Belweder “for thin and uneven nails”, Vivienne Sabo “Bon Elixir base for nails with talc”)
  • The varnish is applied in several layers: first 2 layers of medicinal, then 2 layers of regular and then 1 layer of top coat. This way you can hide uneven nails a little.
  • Use dark varnishes without mother-of-pearl so as not to draw attention to the ribbing of the nails.
  • Avoid nail polish removers with acetone and give your nails a break from polish more often.

You too can use these tips while you are looking for the cause of your ridged nails!

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Beautiful and well-groomed nails are a person’s calling card. And the uneven surface of the nail significantly worsens the appearance, leading to an unaesthetic picture. Some consider this a minor defect, which they try to disguise in every possible way. But deformation of the nail in the form of a bumpy, wavy, ribbed surface may indicate a serious violation of the functionality of the body. Irregularities are different, as are the reasons leading to the pathological condition.

Types of irregularities in the nail plate

When the nail plates have changed, become wavy or bumpy, the problem does not go unnoticed. Sometimes this is a symptom of pathology, in some situations it is a cosmetic defect.

Ribbed nails

They are characterized by longitudinal stripes along the entire nail plate. And this picture really poses a health threat. The only time this condition should not be a cause for concern is in old age. This phenomenon is observed in 99% of cases due to age-related changes in the body. The problem cannot be corrected, so treatment is not required.

If longitudinal stripes appear at a young age, you need to go to the doctor. Ribbing can be the result of improper manicure or a serious violation of blood circulation in the body.

The surface of the nail plate becomes ribbed due to diseases:

  • Chronic skin diseases;
  • Gout;
  • Rheumatoid form of arthritis;
  • Arterial hypertension or hypotension.

Such diseases are always accompanied by certain symptoms. If they are cured or permanent compensation is achieved, then the marigolds will soon acquire a healthy appearance.

Important: if the only symptom is an uneven nail plate, then it is recommended to examine the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

wavy surface

Even with a manicure, the transverse stripes are striking. Unfortunately, there is no way to hide the problem. If a girl uses varnish, then in most cases it goes on ugly and crooked.

Stripes are not only a hindrance during nail care, but also evidence that internal organs or systems are not working properly. Often the reason lies in the fact that a person becomes a vegetarian and refuses meat products. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but a deficiency of certain components leads to various diseases.

If the waves are combined with detachment of the nail plate, then they speak of a fungal infection. In this case, long-term treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist will be required. The doctor will prescribe the necessary local and general medications, prescribe the dosage and frequency of use.

Lumps on nails

A lumpy surface never just appears. In 100% of clinical pictures, a provoking factor is necessarily present. As a rule, tuberosity is the result of a serious deficiency of nutritional components, in particular iron, B vitamins, selenium, and zinc.

Another reason is hormonal changes in the body. Hormonal imbalance disrupts the full functioning of the human internal system, which is reflected not only in the nails, but also in the hair and skin.

Etiology of nail deformation

If the nail on the hand is uneven, while the rest of the nails are still smooth and delight their owner with a healthy shine, then the etiology is due to mechanical trauma. Usually it occurs due to prolonged harmful effects of some factor. If you eliminate it, the new grown nail plate will be smooth.

In fact, there are a huge number of reasons that lead to changes in fingernails and toenails. In medical practice, all factors are divided into external and internal influences.

Irregularities on the nails occur for the following reasons:

  1. Injury to the nail plate due to improper manicure, rough cuticle removal, extensions. If there is a problem with your toenails, then you need to reconsider your shoes; perhaps strong compression of the toe has led to pathology. When the injury is shallow, the new nail will be smooth. In a situation where there has been a long-term, strong and deep mechanical impact, waviness may remain forever.
  2. Hereditary factor. Nails are not only an indicator of health, but also the individuality of each person. They have different shapes for all people. If certain genes are inherited, treatment will not help. The only thing that can help the patient is to disguise the defect. As a supplement, taking vitamins is recommended.
  3. Taking medications for a long time can deform the nail plate. Usually, after stopping the therapeutic course, the picture normalizes on its own.
  4. Poor nutrition can lead to nail changes. If there are not enough vitamins and other substances, the body tries to signal a deficiency in this way. Changing your diet brings everything back to normal.
  5. If wavy fingernails itch, their color has changed, they have begun to crumble and peel, then the reason lies in a fungal infection. It is imperative to undergo a full diagnosis and identify the pathogen.
  6. Despite their natural hardness, nails are extremely susceptible to the negative effects of chemicals. The etiology may be based on household chemicals, low-quality nail polish, etc.

For your information, a fungal infection can affect the nail plates on the hands and feet; without conservative treatment, the situation only gets worse.

How to make your nails even and smooth?

The doctor will tell you what to do after the diagnosis. It should be remembered that the wavy or ribbed surface of the nail plate is not an independent disease, but a clinical manifestation of pathology or some factor. There are many provoking factors; it is unlikely that you will be able to independently identify the culprit of the problem. When contacting a medical institution, the doctor will prescribe a series of laboratory tests, determine the etiology, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If the reasons are poor-quality manicure, then you need to contact another master. It is important to treat your nails with special products that will help them recover. You can make various baths at home.

When nail injury is a consequence of prolonged stress, neurosis and depressive syndrome, then medications are needed to relieve nervous tension. For example, Afobazol. Take tablets only as prescribed by your doctor.

  • Carrots, fish, red caviar, chicken eggs, potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, any greens, red meat are rich in vitamin A;
  • Buckwheat porridge, liver, walnuts, seafood, cauliflower, potatoes, dairy and fermented milk products, legumes - a lot of B vitamins.

For nail plate fungus, the type of pathogen is determined. Then topical medications are prescribed - gel, ointment, cream, etc. When the cause is hormonal imbalance, therapy with medications containing hormones will be needed.

Advice: in the modern world there is no remedy that will get rid of uneven nails in a few days, so you will have to be patient during treatment.

When a systemic disease is suspected, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis. They visit a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist and other medical specialists. When the factor is identified and eliminated, the waves on the nails are leveled out.

Preventive actions

To prevent deformation changes in the nail plate, doctors recommend a list of basic rules that allow you to maintain a smooth and healthy nail surface:

  1. Nails are filed during manicure strictly at right angles. It is strictly forbidden to tear off hangnails, and you cannot pull out the cuticle.
  2. Reduce nail contact with chemicals. When cleaning, washing dishes, etc., wear gloves.
  3. Do not overuse nail polish. Even the “safest” varnish coating contains synthetic derivatives that lead to negative consequences in the future.
  4. Taking care of your nails involves using specialized nourishing creams and gels. At home, you can make baths based on medicinal herbs.
  5. Always apply a base coat underneath the base coat of varnish.

We can confidently conclude that sometimes behind the waves on the nails there are serious health problems - hormonal imbalance, fungal infection, vitamin deficiency. These conditions affect not only appearance, but also well-being, quality of life, and sometimes even its duration.

Hiding the external defect with rough sanding and varnishing only makes the situation worse, the symptom remains, but the cause progresses. Only by eliminating the provoking factor will your nails be smooth and healthy.

Every woman dreams of beautiful, well-groomed nails. But sometimes various life situations or inattention to one’s health can harm the horny plate. Today we will find out why some people experience deformation of their fingernails, the types, and causes of this problem. We will also determine how to get rid of such complications as unevenness and tuberosity of the horny plate.

Causes of deformation

Uneven, ridged and wavy fingernails can be observed in people in the following cases:

  • If there was an injury.
  • In case of careless nail care.
  • If there is a fungal or bacterial infection.
  • If there are certain diseases of the internal organs.
  • Predisposition.
  • If a person has experienced stress.
  • With poor nutrition, iron deficiency.

Traumatic factor

Uneven fingernails, the cause of which lies in damage to the nail plate due to bruising or pinching of the fingertips, strong pressure, are most often observed in children. After all, quite often children, playing in the yard or even at home, injure themselves. And it is often the fingernails that suffer. Usually the affected plate, which appears as a result of bruises, disappears after some time as a new one grows.

Careless care

Uneven fingernails, caused by rough removal of the cuticle, require gentle care. After all, if a person uses metal tools, he can simply damage the structure of the horny plate. And wounds, cuts, cracks make the skin of the hands susceptible to infection by various fungi, which only aggravates the problem of unevenness.

Correcting the situation

If the reason lies precisely in improper care, then you should think about it and start treating your nails correctly. You should get rid of habits such as biting and tearing off hangnails. If the problem already exists, then you need to switch to a dry manicure, which is gentle on the horny plate and prevents injury to it.

Presence of fungal or bacterial infection

This reason for the appearance of unevenness and lumpiness on the nails can be a consequence of the second factor - carelessness when cutting the cuticle or pulling out hangnails. After all, if a person has a wound at this moment, then after some time an infection can penetrate through it and infection will occur.

Most often, the fungus appears in the summer. It can first form on the legs, and then spread to the arms. This disease can be recognized by the presence of unevenness, brittleness, tuberosity, and looseness of the nail surface. Longitudinal and transverse grooves may appear on the horny plate.

Uneven fingernails, which are caused by a bacterial or fungal infection, can only be treated with the help of a specialist. In this case, a visit to a dermatologist is mandatory. The doctor first sends the patient to undergo tests, and after their results, when the etiology of the problem is clear, he prescribes medication.

Diseases of internal organs

Sometimes ridged, wavy and uneven fingernails (the causes and treatment of which are described in detail in this article) are a sign of some ailment. For example, with pneumonia, the surface of the horny plate changes. In addition to this dangerous disease, changes in the condition of the nails can be affected by diseases such as influenza, anemia, cholecystitis, arthritis, psoriasis, and eczema. Problems with the cardiovascular system and thyroid gland can also contribute to the deterioration of the stratum corneum. To get rid of unevenness on the nails in this case, you must first cure the disease that caused such a defect.


It also happens: a person is genetically programmed that his horny plate will be uneven and bumpy. In this case, the problem is almost impossible to solve. True, doctors can prescribe a person to take calcium and strengthen nails with natural products containing resin and silk. Such drugs are not cheap, but if you want to look beautiful and healthy, then you should not spare money on yourself.

Stressful situations

Everyday stress and depression can also affect the occurrence of deformations of the horny plate. How is the uneven surface of the nails treated in this case? First of all, you need to stop being nervous, change your attitude towards life (take everything easier), play sports, get rid of bad habits, change your social circle. But if a person cannot change the situation, then he should pamper his nails with care at least 3 times a week: take baths with sea salt, massage with balm, apply protective agents.

Activities that can heal uneven nails or prevent damage

Necessary products and medications

A deficiency of iron, which plays an important role in the body, can become a factor in the appearance of problems such as uneven fingernails. The reason for this deformation is clear, because without enzymes, which include iron, the synthesis of thyroid hormones is impossible, which plays an important role for immunity. And if the defenses are weakened, then the person becomes extremely susceptible to various bacteria and fungi. Therefore, the diet of any person should contain sufficient amounts of iron. Foods rich in this microelement are: beef liver, green apples, pomegranate. You can also buy drugs at the pharmacy that contain iron, for example, Elecampane, Tireo-Vit.

To restore the nail plate, the deformation of which occurred after stress, you need to remove its negative impact as quickly as possible. In this case, the drug “Nervo-Vit” will help - it will restore peace of mind, and also make your nails smooth and beautiful.

Home procedures: treatment

If a person finds wavy or uneven nails, then he needs treatment. Of course, you should first go to the hospital and find out the cause of this problem. But at the same time, you can try to correct this situation yourself. To do this, you should make contrast baths: dip your fingers for 5–10 minutes, first in hot and then in cold water. Then you need to do a light massage near the nail folds.

If the deformity did not occur due to some disease, then traditional methods of therapy can be used. Beeswax applied to the nail helps a lot. You can make baths from a decoction of chamomile and mint.

Some patients resort to polishing their nails. However, this procedure should be done by a specialist and definitely no more than 2 times a month.

If the cause of unevenness on the nails is the presence of some kind of disease, then, naturally, the disease should first be eliminated from the inside, and then the external defect. However, the treatment process is quite long and painstaking, so you should be prepared for such therapy. After you manage to get rid of the wavy and uneven nails, you will need to carefully monitor their condition so that the problem does not make itself felt again. It is also important to eat right, regularly undergo medical examinations and drink vitamin and mineral complexes.

Now you know that uneven fingernails - the reasons and ways to solve this problem are discussed in detail in the article - have different etiologies. Predisposition, injury, improper care, stressful situations, the presence of diseases of internal organs - all this can become the basis for the occurrence of deformation on the nail plate. A timely visit to the doctor, adequate treatment, proper nutrition - all this will help eliminate the problem.

Smooth, beautiful nails look aesthetically pleasing and attract attention. But what to do if they become ribbed and spoil not only the appearance, but also any manicure? You can find out why the nails became deformed and began to peel, whether this is only a cosmetic problem and how the disease can be cured by comparing the various causes and examining a specialist.

  1. Why do nails become uneven?
  2. Basic preventive measures
  3. Rules of care
  4. Nourishing bath recipes
  5. Features of treatment and beneficial microelements

Why are nails wavy?

Unevenness of the nail plate can appear not only as a result of injuries or incorrect manicure, but also be a symptom of malfunctions in the internal processes of the body. Also, nails can become ribbed due to the attachment of a fungus, which is not only unpleasant, but also takes a long time to treat. Children, pregnant women and the elderly are most at risk. Conventionally, the causes of problems are divided into 2 types: internal and external.

Internal culprits:

  • deficiency of beneficial vitamins and minerals;
  • violation of proper metabolism;
  • hormonal disruptions and surges;
  • stress and nervous shock;
  • poor nutrition;
  • mycoses;
  • smoking and other bad habits;
  • general diseases.

External reasons:

  • waviness of the nail plates due to injury;
  • improper extension and use of false nails;
  • incorrect cutting of the cuticle during processing;
  • exposure to aggressive chemicals.

These are only the main culprits for unevenness and ribbing of nails; in a global sense, the human body can have such an individual reaction to any external or internal manifestations. Children and adolescents can develop the problem of uneven nails due to rapid growth without additional concomitant diseases. Older people often complain of wavy nails on their thumbs as a result of hormonal changes as they age. Only a doctor can help identify the causes and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Prevention of lumpy and wavy fingernails

Problems with the nail plate can be prevented without therapy in at least half of the cases. There is no need to find out why the nails become ribbed on the hands and carry out treatment if you take measures to prevent this disease. The first rule is to care for the nail plates and prevent negative effects on them. Avoid external causes causing uneven nail surfaces:

  • do not directly touch household chemicals, work with gloves that will protect your nails from harmful substances and irregularities;
  • if your plate is thinned, then extensions and some types of manicure should be abandoned so as not to provoke the development of the disease;
  • try to limit mechanical stress on your nails, including caring for them and cuticles;
  • To prevent wavy nails, include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in your diet: fermented milk, fruits and vegetables, oils and seafood. Treats containing gelatin, such as marmalade or jelly, will be very useful. Some of the most common reasons for wavy nails are lack of sleep and smoking. The latter makes the plates yellowish, thin and brittle, and they require treatment. A healthy lifestyle will help prevent the appearance of ridged fingernails.

Care for wavy nails

To prevent the problems of uneven, bumpy nails from affecting you, you need to take care of your hands. If the causes of unevenness are not symptoms of internal spectrum diseases and do not require specific treatment, then it is enough to follow simple care rules.

1. Protect your hands from exposure to aggressive external environments: frost, scorching sun, wind. Do not neglect to wear gloves and mittens, thus covering not only your skin, but also your fingernails.

2. Use protective creams no later than an hour before going outside. When applying them to the skin, spread a thin layer on your nails so that they also receive nourishment.

3. Treat your manicure responsibly. Treatment of wavy nails should be gentle, so you should take special care when choosing a nail file:

  • give preference to glass files, metal files destroy nails and spoil the structure;
  • choose the direction of movement of the nail file and stick to it, you cannot use it back and forth, this contributes to brittleness and crumbling of the plate, and the appearance of ribbed nails;
  • Never file your nails while steamed; they must be dry.

4. Carefully treat the cuticle, moving its edge with a stick, and get rid of hangnails using tweezers, so as not to treat wounds later, especially on the nails on the big toes. Before the procedure, do not forget to apply moisturizer.

5. Before applying varnish, use a protective base to cover the nail: it will strengthen the structure of the ribbed nail plate and will allow you to avoid renewing your manicure for longer.

Baths for the prevention of wavy fingernails

The ribbing creates discomfort and forces women to hide their nails both under a thick layer of varnish and under extensions. A bright colored coating of the nail plate will not help in treating the disease, but will only highlight defects, and the tips will interfere with the growth of normal healthy nails. They can only be coated with clear or matte varnish during therapy. Special baths will strengthen your nails well:

1. Oily. They are useful for preventing unevenness and preventing wavy nails. Fill a bowl with one of the following: olive oil, castor oil, tea tree oil, jojoba oil, with a few drops of lemon juice and frankincense. Heat in a water bath until warm. Keep your nails in the bath for 10 minutes, then wipe with a dry cloth and apply cream. It is recommended to use the product 2 times a week.

2. Salt. A solution of a few teaspoons of salt in a glass of warm water will help strengthen the nail plate and prevent its deformation. Dip your fingertips into it and hold for 5-7 minutes, then rinse under the tap and wipe off. Salt must be handled carefully, so do such baths no more than 2 times a week.

3. Iodine. In addition to simply covering uneven nails with iodine, you can drop a few drops into corn oil and hold your nails there for 10 minutes. This bath will strengthen the plate and give your hands a healthy look.

Treatment of ribbed nails

You can avoid ribbing if you always take care of your nails, and not just when the first signs appear. If you treat a disease at home, it is no different from prevention, except for the more frequent use of baths and creams. If you do everything for the benefit of your nails, but the disease does not recede, you need to see a doctor. First of all, get examined by a therapist, who will give advice on how to straighten lumpy nails, and if there are none, refer you to a dermatologist.

A visit to a dermatologist is mandatory when treating problem nails, since the cause sometimes lies in fungal pathologies, which can only be diagnosed by a specialist. To determine the type of fungus and prescribe treatment, you need to take tests. The disease can occur with vitamin deficiency and be seasonal. In this case, taking vitamins will help. Nails respond best to the following beneficial substances:

  • vitamins B, E, D, C, K, PP;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • inulin;
  • selenium.

There are entire complexes that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the plates and help get rid of ridges in the nails without much effort. And proper nutrition, enriched with vitamins, will enhance the effect of any treatment.

Beautiful and well-groomed nails are a person’s calling card. And the uneven surface of the nail significantly worsens the appearance, leading to an unaesthetic picture. Some consider this a minor defect, which they try to disguise in every possible way. But deformation of the nail in the form of a bumpy, wavy, ribbed surface may indicate a serious violation of the functionality of the body. Irregularities are different, as are the reasons leading to the pathological condition.

Types of irregularities in the nail plate

When the nail plates have changed, become wavy or bumpy, the problem does not go unnoticed. Sometimes this is a symptom of pathology, in some situations it is a cosmetic defect.

Ribbed nails

They are characterized by longitudinal stripes along the entire nail plate. And this picture really poses a health threat. The only time this condition should not be a cause for concern is in old age. This phenomenon is observed in 99% of cases due to age-related changes in the body. The problem cannot be corrected, so treatment is not required.

If longitudinal stripes appear at a young age, you need to go to the doctor. Ribbing can be the result of improper manicure or a serious violation of blood circulation in the body.

The surface of the nail plate becomes ribbed due to diseases:

  • Chronic skin diseases;
  • Gout;
  • Rheumatoid form of arthritis;
  • Arterial hypertension or hypotension.

Such diseases are always accompanied by certain symptoms. If they are cured or permanent compensation is achieved, then the marigolds will soon acquire a healthy appearance.

Important: if the only symptom is an uneven nail plate, then it is recommended to examine the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

wavy surface

Even with a manicure, the transverse stripes are striking. Unfortunately, there is no way to hide the problem. If a girl uses varnish, then in most cases it goes on ugly and crooked.

Stripes are not only a hindrance during nail care, but also evidence that internal organs or systems are not working properly. Often the reason lies in the fact that a person becomes a vegetarian and refuses meat products. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but a deficiency of certain components leads to various diseases.

If the waves are combined with detachment of the nail plate, then they speak of a fungal infection. In this case, long-term treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist will be required. The doctor will prescribe the necessary local and general medications, prescribe the dosage and frequency of use.

Lumps on nails

A lumpy surface never just appears. In 100% of clinical pictures, a provoking factor is necessarily present. As a rule, tuberosity is the result of a serious deficiency of nutritional components, in particular iron, B vitamins, selenium, and zinc.

Another reason is hormonal changes in the body. Hormonal imbalance disrupts the full functioning of the human internal system, which is reflected not only in the nails, but also in the hair and skin.

Etiology of nail deformation

If the nail on the hand is uneven, while the rest of the nails are still smooth and delight their owner with a healthy shine, then the etiology is due to mechanical trauma. Usually it occurs due to prolonged harmful effects of some factor. If you eliminate it, the new grown nail plate will be smooth.

In fact, there are a huge number of reasons that lead to changes in fingernails and toenails. In medical practice, all factors are divided into external and internal influences.

Irregularities on the nails occur for the following reasons:

  1. Injury to the nail plate due to improper manicure, rough cuticle removal, extensions. If there is a problem with your toenails, then you need to reconsider your shoes; perhaps strong compression of the toe has led to pathology. When the injury is shallow, the new nail will be smooth. In a situation where there has been a long-term, strong and deep mechanical impact, waviness may remain forever.
  2. Hereditary factor. Nails are not only an indicator of health, but also the individuality of each person. They have different shapes for all people. If certain genes are inherited, treatment will not help. The only thing that can help the patient is to disguise the defect. As a supplement, taking vitamins is recommended.
  3. Taking medications over a long period of time can deform the nail plate. Usually, after stopping the therapeutic course, the picture normalizes on its own.
  4. Poor nutrition may lead to changes in nails. If there are not enough vitamins and other substances, the body tries to signal a deficiency in this way. Changing your diet brings everything back to normal.
  5. If wavy fingernails itch, their color has changed, they have begun to crumble and peel, then the reason lies in a fungal infection. It is imperative to undergo a full diagnosis and identify the pathogen.
  6. Despite their natural hardness, nails are extremely susceptible to the negative effects of chemicals. The etiology may be based on household chemicals, low-quality nail polish, etc.

For your information, a fungal infection can affect the nail plates on the hands and feet; without conservative treatment, the situation only gets worse.

How to make your nails even and smooth?

The doctor will tell you what to do after the diagnosis. It should be remembered that the wavy or ribbed surface of the nail plate is not an independent disease, but a clinical manifestation of pathology or some factor. There are many provoking factors; it is unlikely that you will be able to independently identify the culprit of the problem. When contacting a medical institution, the doctor will prescribe a series of laboratory tests, determine the etiology, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If the reasons are poor-quality manicure, then you need to contact another master. It is important to treat your nails with special products that will help them recover. You can make various baths at home.

When nail injury is a consequence of prolonged stress, neurosis and depressive syndrome, then medications are needed to relieve nervous tension. For example, Afobazol. Take tablets only as prescribed by your doctor.

  • Carrots, fish, red caviar, chicken eggs, potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, any greens, red meat are rich in vitamin A;
  • Buckwheat porridge, liver, walnuts, seafood, cauliflower, potatoes, dairy and fermented milk products, legumes - a lot of B vitamins.

For nail plate fungus, the type of pathogen is determined. Then topical medications are prescribed - gel, ointment, cream, etc. When the cause is hormonal imbalance, therapy with medications containing hormones will be needed.

Advice: in the modern world there is no remedy that will get rid of uneven nails in a few days, so you will have to be patient during treatment.

When a systemic disease is suspected, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis. They visit a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist and other medical specialists. When the factor is identified and eliminated, the waves on the nails are leveled out.

Preventive actions

To prevent deformation changes in the nail plate, doctors recommend a list of basic rules that allow you to maintain a smooth and healthy nail surface:

  1. Nails are filed during manicure strictly at right angles. It is strictly forbidden to tear off hangnails, and you cannot pull out the cuticle.
  2. Reduce nail contact with chemicals. When cleaning, washing dishes, etc., wear gloves.
  3. Do not overuse nail polish. Even the “safest” varnish coating contains synthetic derivatives that lead to negative consequences in the future.
  4. Taking care of your nails involves using specialized nourishing creams and gels. At home, you can make baths based on medicinal herbs.
  5. Always apply a base coat underneath the base coat of varnish.

We can confidently conclude that sometimes behind the waves on the nails there are serious health problems - hormonal imbalance, fungal infection, vitamin deficiency. These conditions affect not only appearance, but also well-being, quality of life, and sometimes even its duration.

Hiding the external defect with rough sanding and varnishing only makes the situation worse, the symptom remains, but the cause progresses. Only by eliminating the provoking factor will your nails be smooth and healthy.

The appearance of irregularities on the nails indicates the presence of malfunctions in the body's performance. Often it is the nail plate that is the first to give signals about emerging problems in the functioning of internal organs.

The longitudinal grooves that appear, which stretch from the cuticle to the very tip of the nail, are usually not signs of internal problems. But wavy fingernails or toenails with stripes running across them are a clear indicator of health problems.

Why do nails become lumpy and uneven?

In each specific case, the uneven nail plate is expressed differently.

Wavy fingernails. (photo)

Possible manifestations of undulation are as follows:

  • waves can be located both along and across;
  • fit quite tightly to one another;
  • be present in a single quantity;
  • It is possible that only one or two nails or all of them may be affected.

The severity of the manifestation is also observed in a significant difference in the length and depth of the tubercles.

The following probable causes may lead to such a pathological change:

  1. Causing injury. It is possible to injure the nail plate mechanically both when performing official duties at work and when performing certain activities at home. However, in women, the most common causes of injury are improperly performed manicures, pedicures or extensions.
    An uneven surface of the toenail may result from wearing uncomfortable or too tight shoes.
    If the mechanical force was not strong, then after six months a new nail will grow and the unevenness will disappear along with the old one. However, with deep trauma, that is, strong impact, the waviness of the plate or the crooked nail can remain for life. In case of unexpected appearance of unevenness, in the absence of mechanical impact or manicure, consultation with a specialist is required.
  2. Heredity. Such a manifestation can be programmed at the genetic level and transmitted from parents. In this case, it is not possible to get rid of the reason why the nails became wavy. The only option left is to give your nail plates a beautiful look with a manicure or pedicure.
  3. Lack of vitamins. Often, unbalanced and ill-conceived diets lead to the appearance of wavy nails. However, a lack of vitamins and minerals may occur during the cold season due to malnutrition. Consultation with a specialist will help you choose the necessary vitamin and mineral complex.
  4. Lack of moisture can make your nails look crooked or wavy. Dehydration of the body can lead not only to wavy nails, but also to any other pathologies of the body.
  5. Long-term use of medications, such as antibiotics.

    Lumpy nails may appear during the treatment of diseases such as ARVI, influenza or pneumonia, because during this period of time the body becomes weakened.

  6. Fungal diseases. This is the most common cause of wavy, bumpy, and ribbed nails. One of the signs of the disease is yellowing of the plate.
  7. Lesions from non-fungal infections. Non-fungal infection often occurs when an injury occurs, when a seemingly trivial scratch leads to the appearance of abscesses and ulcers. This can serve as a source for plate deformation.
  8. Disturbances in the functioning of the body of a hormonal nature can cause waves on the nails due to the fact that malfunctions occur in the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  9. Chronic diseases of internal organs, for example, manifested in the digestive tract or circulatory system.

It is not possible to independently determine the reason why longitudinal or transverse waves arise.

This can only be done after visiting a specialist and undergoing a series of tests. A visit to the doctor is all the more urgent if an uneven nail grows in a child, for example, on the thumb, but it is reliably known that there was no injury.

Irregularities on the thumbs

The nail plates of the thumbs of human limbs are the primary places where signs of problems in the body appear.

Wavy or ribbed nails on the thumbs are immediately visible due to their rather large size. Since they are larger than the others, all the flaws on them are more noticeable. Uneven nails on the thumbs are especially visible if you look at them slightly from the side.

This view allows you to clearly see the depth of the hollows and depressions. Moreover, when covering them with non-pearl varnish in one layer, all irregularities will become very pronounced.

How to get rid of unevenness

The huge number of possible causes of irregularities makes it impossible to describe the treatment procedure in any detail.

Transverse lumpy formations and dents.

Treatment of such a problem is possible only after the reasons why nails grow in waves have been identified. When infected with fungal infections, the healing process can be long.

If such an unpleasant manifestation is caused by diseases of the internal organs, then a thorough examination by a specialist is necessary. To complete the healing process, the necessary medications will be prescribed - restoring impaired metabolism, iron deficiency or, if necessary, hormone levels.

An experienced cosmetologist can polish the nails if their ribbing is not strong.

How to prevent recurrence

And again, much depends on the specific cause of the appearance of waves, tubercles and other nail deformities.

To prevent the recurrence of such a phenomenon as a wavy nail, you must first follow the rules of a healthy diet. After all, nail plates can directly indicate a lack of certain vitamins or microelements. This event requires the inclusion of vegetables, herbs and fruits familiar to your region in your daily diet. You must remember that they should be on your table every day.

Photo: lumpy nails, waves of complex shape.

In order to prevent the surface of the nail from being “furrowed” by transverse waves in the future, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Compliance with personal nail hygiene requirements. This means cutting them in a timely manner and having a personal manicure set.
  2. Avoid, if possible, situations in which it is possible to injure the nail. After all, even when writing texts for a long time, pressing a ballpoint pen quite hard can cause injury to the plate. Frequently typing on the keyboard can cause your nail to become deformed.
  3. Be careful when cutting cuticles. Excessive exercise can lead to the appearance of wounds through which pathogenic organisms enter the body and cause “waves”.
  4. Remove any hangnails that appear using sharp manicure utensils. Under no circumstances should they be chewed off or torn off. For many people who have had unpleasant consequences of this action, crooked nail plates indicate the dangers of biting both hangnails and the nails themselves.
  5. When coming into contact with aggressive chemicals and household chemicals, use gloves.
  6. Periodically disinfect your individual manicure set.
  7. Regularly massage the nail plate and phalanges of the fingers and toes. Make special baths using essential and vegetable oils or sea salt. However, it must be remembered that excessively moisturizing the hands leads to softening of the nail, and too delicate a cuticle will not be able to protect the base of the plates from infections.
  8. When performing a manicure, use a base coat that has a healing effect.

It must be remembered that the beauty of nails can only manifest itself in those with healthy nail plates. In addition, they require constant care and maintenance.

In contact with

With the onset of autumn and spring, many representatives of the fair sex face various problems with their nail plates. The natural jewelry of women's fingers becomes brittle, soft, crumbles, flakes, grows slowly and loses its natural shade. In most cases, such defects are caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals in the human body. Along with seasonal nail ailments, there is also a year-round nuisance. It consists in the fact that the surface of the nail plates is dotted with ridges, “waves,” tubercles and pits. In other words, the natural smoothness of the stratum corneum disappears without a trace. Let's try to find out what this is connected with and how to deal with this problem.

Causes of wavy nails

Wavy nails are not just a cosmetic defect that significantly spoils a woman’s appearance. The problem raised should be taken seriously, because uneven nail plates often indicate problems in the body, which it is advisable to recognize in time and take appropriate measures. So, what are the main factors that provoke the appearance of ridges, waves and hollows on the surface of the nails?

1. Fungus. This is the most common reason for the deviation from the norm we are considering. Nail mycosis is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through direct contact, for example, shaking hands or using the same household objects. It is also possible to “catch” a fungus by working out in the gym, visiting a bathhouse or sauna. Injuries to the nail plates and the cuticles around them contribute to the appearance of fungal infections of the nail plates due to, say, an incorrectly performed manicure or a torn hangnail, as well as prolonged or frequent use of antibiotics.

2. Disturbances in the functioning of specific organs and systems. Nails can become wavy if there are malfunctions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, with a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood (as one of the signs of iron deficiency anemia), metabolic disorders, psoriasis, eczema and other allergic diseases, thyrotoxicosis, pneumonia, varicose veins, hormonal failures, diabetes, arthritis, accompanied by an intense inflammatory process. Even the flu can cause complications in the form of nails with an uneven surface. The same fungus “sticks” only to those people who are the owners of weakened immunity. And, of course, don’t forget about stress: improper functioning of the nervous system often provokes the defect in the nail plates that we describe.

3. Injuries. The role of this factor has already been mentioned above, but it should be considered as a separate reason too. It happens that a serious injury, such as a blow to the nail, purulent inflammation of the nail fold, or panaritium, results in the nail surface losing its evenness and smoothness. The only advantage here is the local manifestation of the defect and its transient nature as the damage heals.

4. Lack of vitamins and minerals. This reason should not be discounted as one of the likely factors contributing to the appearance of wavy fingernails and/or toenails. As a rule, ribs and hollows in this case signal a deficiency in the body of vitamins A, D3, group B, as well as minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, selenium, silicon, sulfur.

The causes of uneven nails that we have considered are the most typical for most people who are faced with a similar problem. But, in addition to the factors listed above, direct contact with detergents and cleaning agents, non-fungal, but bacterial infections, lack of oxygen, cancer, and adverse environmental influences can cause wavy nail plates.

Treatment of uneven nails

If you have become a victim of an unpleasant cosmetic defect, expressed in the loss of the natural decoration of your fingers of a smooth surface without dents and ribs, first of all, seek help in accurately diagnosing the disease at a medical institution, namely, a mycologist and dermatologist. The latter will order the necessary studies, take tests and determine the reason why beautiful and normal-looking nails suddenly became wavy.

In case of fungal infection of the nail plates, you will have to take a course of a specific drug such as Irunin (Itraconazole), Diflucan (Fluconazole) according to a certain scheme, and lubricate the problem areas with Clotrimazole ointment, for example. Treatment will most likely require a long period of time, although it all depends on how long you have been a carrier of the “infection” that has settled in your nails.

Having ruled out a fungal infection, you should initiate a trip to another doctor - a general practitioner. For his part, he will be able to find out the presence or absence of internal disorders that provoke the appearance of unevenness on your nails, and also understand whether your body suffers from a deficiency of certain useful substances. If a deficiency is diagnosed, you will be prescribed certain dietary supplements or medications. Your task is to adjust, in addition to everything else, your diet, enriching it with the necessary minerals and biologically active substances. Eat more often:

  • garlic, buckwheat, oatmeal, onion (sources of sulfur);
  • brown rice, broccoli, olives, black currants (rich in selenium, B vitamins);
  • tuna, zucchini, poultry, meat, berries (rich in iron);
  • nuts, chicken eggs, tomatoes, oranges and other citrus fruits (sources of fluoride and vitamin C).

It is recommended to take proper care of your nails. This measure will help not only get rid of uneven spots on the nail plates faster, but also avoid history repeating itself in the future. What is proper care? In manicure, which you either do yourself in compliance with hygiene and safety rules, or trust specialists; when cleaning the house, garden and washing dishes exclusively using latex gloves; in periodic oil massage of the nail plates and the skin around them with a toothbrush with soft bristles; when applied before decorative varnish as a base for manicure or medicinal varnish.

Folk recipes for dealing with uneven nails

Traditional method from this series: herbal and salt baths for nails. Take a small container, pour warm, but not hot water (2 glasses) into it and dilute 1 tbsp in the last one. sea ​​salt. You can add a few drops of iodine or lemon essential oil. Dip your fingers into the resulting solution and hold for 10 minutes. To achieve the maximum effect of eliminating waviness of the nail plates, this procedure should be carried out several times a week for 2 months. The herbal bath is prepared in the same way. Only the water is completely replaced with a decoction of medicinal herbs (sage, chamomile, oregano, calendula) and no salt is added to it.

It is very useful to remove waves and hollows from the surface of the nail plates by lubricating your nails at night before going to bed with warm base oil mixed with essential plant extracts. The first can be almond, olive oil, avocado oil, the second can be essential oils of lemon, orange, ylang-ylang. Before use, the base oil should be slightly warmed, the essential extract should be added and applied with massage movements to the nails affected by unevenness. Put on cotton gloves and go to bed.

One thing to understand is that a wavy nail will never become straight and smooth no matter what you do. All the measures discussed in this article are aimed at provoking the growth of a healthy nail plate, but the area with unevenness will simply have to be trimmed with scissors as it grows. Good luck to you!

Ponomarenko Nadezhda

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Irregularities and waves on the nails can cause not only aesthetic discomfort, but also be a manifestation of disturbances in the functioning of the body. The degree of deformation can be slightly noticeable or pronounced. The nail plates of the thumbs are most convenient for diagnosis due to their sufficient width.

Externally, the defect may look like a single wave, or like a continuous ribbed irregularity. You can notice the deformation by examining the lumpy fingernails in profile, or by covering their surface with varnish.

A wavy nail plate may indicate negative processes occurring in the body. Therefore, having identified such symptoms, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for advice. In today's review we will talk in detail about wavy fingernails.


The appearance of wavy tubercles on the nails, with the exception of their occurrence as a result of injury, often indicates serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

There are several main causes of tubercles:

  • traumatic history;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • avitaminosis;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • lack of iron in the body;
  • frequent stress.

Sometimes wavy fingernails occur due to improper cosmetic procedures. Inaccurate cutting of the cuticle and gross violation of the rules of manicure can negatively affect the condition of the nails. Traumatic damage to the nail plates should be avoided.

Fungal infections of the nail plates

The most common cause of tubercles is various fungal infections -. At the first manifestations of the disease, it is necessary to consult a specialist to clarify the diagnosis, establish a medical history and prescribe effective treatment. In favorable conditions of heat and high humidity, the fungus can spread quickly.

The acute stage of the disease is usually accompanied by pain and inflammation. Infected areas of the nail have, sometimes with darker stains. The surface becomes bumpy, and the structure... As the disease progresses, it affects large areas of the nails and dermis.

There are a huge number of varieties of fungal infections that have a pathological effect on the nail plates. Because of this, it is very important to establish an accurate diagnosis for effective therapy.

Modern laboratories conduct unique research to determine the types and subspecies of fungal microorganisms.

A universal approach to treatment is unacceptable, since the prescription must take into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, contraindications and personal intolerance to drugs.

Preventive measures

To avoid infection with mycosis, you should adhere to basic hygiene rules, use antiseptics in common areas with high humidity (swimming pools, showers in gyms, saunas), and avoid direct contact with infected people.

Irregularities on the surface of the nail may also have a non-fungal cause. There are quite a few varieties of pathogens that cause deformities. Only a dermatologist will be able to determine the type of disease and prescribe the correct treatment to eliminate pathological signs and quickly recover.

Connection with body health

Fungal infections usually affect people with a congenital or acquired predisposition to such diseases. It is also important to take into account the protective functions of the body - the health of the immune system. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and regular hygiene will be the best prevention of mycotic diseases.

The correct and harmonious functioning of internal organs and systems will protect against aggressive environmental influences. Good metabolism, longevity and beauty are based on a proper daily routine, frequent walks in the fresh air, healthy sleep and active recreation.

Medication methods to eliminate the problem

Taking vitamin complexes and medications will help you get rid of aesthetic nail defects. Loss of shine and waviness of the nail plates may indicate a lack of vital microelements and substances in the body.

If mycotic lesions are detected, you will need to adhere to complex therapy, including a balanced diet and antifungal medications.

External agents in the form of corticosteroids and creams will help enhance the effect of therapy. Eating enough vegetables and fruits, nuts and seeds is a necessary component for the overall strengthening of the body. It is important to eat foods rich in iron, the absorption of which is optimal with fluoride and vitamin C.

Wavy fingernails: how to treat at home

You can easily get rid of lumpy fingernails at home if fungal infections are excluded. A wide selection of traditional medicine recipes and proper care will quickly eliminate the problem. You should avoid mechanical injuries to the nails, which often occur when holding a pen for a long time and incorrectly when writing, or while working with the keyboard.

Rough and incorrect cuticle removal can also deform the smooth surface of the nail. Any damage, such as scratches and microcracks, during manicure procedures increases susceptibility to fungal infections.

Wave-like unevenness of the nail cannot be eliminated with the help of cosmetic procedures for moisturizing, building up and polishing the plates.

Proper care for healthy nails

Regular and healthy nail care will keep your nails beautiful. You will need to systematically follow several basic rules:

  • professional manicure (proper filing, trimming cuticles, careful removal and treatment of cracks, damage to the nail and skin);
  • protect nails from the toxic effects of substances (use gloves, use oils, strengthening varnishes);
  • maintaining hygiene (individual manicure set, use of antiseptic).

Beautiful and healthy nails are not always a gift from nature. Proper hand care requires some effort to achieve the desired result. Following regular procedures and hygiene rules will help protect against aesthetic defects and unpleasant diseases.


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