Facial cosmetic procedures: review of salon techniques. What cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries can be done for pregnant and lactating women: permissible and prohibited

A visit to a beauty salon is comparable to a real holiday for any woman. When you leave the salon after certain procedures, you can feel several years younger, healthier and more beautiful. There are a lot of procedures and they are all intended for different purposes:

  • cleaning;
  • rejuvenation;
  • lifting (tightening), etc.

Depending on the result you want to achieve, you should choose one or more procedures. Specialists in beauty salons will help you do this.

Techniques based on various injections make it possible to correct the shape of the chin and cheekbones, the size of the lips and much more. They easily cope with wrinkles that are present in different parts of the face.

This is one of the most advanced techniques in the fight against age-related skin changes. The technique is aimed at preventing aging and eliminating existing wrinkles, dryness and sagging. The procedure is based on subcutaneous and intradermal injections with different solutions. It all depends on the type of flaw that needs to be eliminated.

An important advantage of the technology is that the substances are injected into the problem area, that is, the result is always fast and of high quality.

This is another successful method of modern cosmetology. With its help, salons quickly and painlessly remove various defects from the surface of the skin, and also improve the contour of the face.

The technique consists of subcutaneous or intradermal injection of various drugs. Various gels are used as materials for introduction into the skin:

  • analogues of components produced by skin cells (contain hyaluronic acid, collagen, etc.);
  • synthetic, not taking part in tissue metabolism.

Among the advantages of the technology is the ease of injection, but due to the slow resorption of the substance, several procedures must be carried out. Using different gels you can:

  • effectively and quickly deal with appearance defects;
  • visually rejuvenate the skin;
  • improve facial contour;
  • restore a woman's self-confidence.

This method has become in high demand relatively recently. The mechanism of action is targeted multicolor light radiation without disturbing the unity of the skin. The procedure stimulates the human body to independently produce collagen and ensure normal skin restoration.

As a result of this effect, various cosmetic defects are eliminated. The result can be consolidated after several procedures. It is important to carry out photorejuvenation with personal hygiene and combine it with superficial peeling.

Other procedures

There are other cosmetic procedures that are in fairly high demand. Among them are the following:

  • peeling;
  • vacuum facial massage;
  • modeling lifting masks;
  • Botox;
  • cryotherapy.

It is necessary to remove the top layers of skin to give it smoothness. Peeling combats the following defects:

  • scarring;
  • wrinkles;
  • dark spots.

The procedure gives the skin an attractive and healthy color. There are different options for this type of cleaning:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • laser.

Chemical peeling is performed using alkaline and acidic substances that remove the upper dead layers of skin. Mechanical peeling requires special tools and abrasive compounds to remove the top layer of skin.

Ultrasound and laser techniques are implemented using special equipment that destroys bonds in skin cells, as a result of which they begin to peel off. The result can be seen after the first procedure, and up to 6 procedures per year are allowed.

These masks with a lifting effect are needed to reduce swelling and sagging of the facial muscles. Firming masks help strengthen the skin and create a clear oval face. The procedure is carried out in the form of applying a mask to the face, which hardens and tightens the skin. These masks can be very different:

  • film;
  • gel-like;
  • nutritious;
  • collagen;
  • anti-inflammatory and many others.

The procedure is needed to tone the facial muscles and activate the lymphatic and blood vessels. It is performed as follows: the face is first cleansed, and then the face is massaged in the traditional way, after which the massage is performed using special attachments. This procedure is very pleasant and useful.

The procedure is needed to smooth the face and fight wrinkles. It is performed in the form of special subcutaneous injections and requires corrections. However, it does not cause any pain.

This is one of the popular modern cosmetic procedures, which:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • stimulates skin metabolic processes;
  • activates its defense mechanisms.

The procedure is based on the use of special liquid nitrogen, which, due to its low temperature, cools the upper layers of the skin. The procedure is painless and completely safe.

Treatments for oily skin

Oily facial skin requires special care - all representatives of the fair sex should know this. In reality, there is nothing complicated about this and caring for this type of skin is no more difficult than for combination or dry skin. The following procedures are performed in beauty salons for oily skin:

  • steam baths;
  • peeling;
  • special masks;
  • Darsonvalization.

The procedure is needed to cleanse excess fat secretions. Steam baths are created based on a decoction of various medicinal herbs, such as:

  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • series, etc.

The procedure lasts about 20-25 minutes and is absolutely painless and also very beneficial. At the same time, the pores expand well, allowing beneficial substances to be absorbed into the skin. Steam baths are usually combined with other treatments such as peelings and masks.

We have already written about it above. The procedure is excellent for women with oily skin.

Masks for oily skin

Cosmetic masks are needed to combat excess fat that may appear on the surface of the skin. Masks also dry out the top layers and relieve inflammation.

The procedure involves applying a special device to oily skin, which delivers high-frequency pulsed alternating currents to the surface of the skin. The procedure gives the following effects:

  • narrowing of pores;
  • blood circulation;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • getting rid of excess fat, etc.

You can do all of the above procedures in a salon with specialists, but you can try to cope with it yourself. In the latter case, you are unlikely to achieve high results.

Find out everything about what facial procedures beauty salons offer today and how to choose the optimal method for rejuvenating your skin: features of mesotherapy, different types of peeling, classification of salon masks, types of professional massage, advantages of cryotherapy.

Thirty years is the milestone that should make every woman think about what she will look like in 5-6 years. The aging process is inevitable, time is inexorable, but there is no point in becoming depressed because of this. It's time to buy high-quality, preferably pharmacy, cosmetics and put your lifestyle in order.

Well, and most importantly, every self-respecting representative of the fair sex should visit a cosmetologist at least occasionally. All kinds of rejuvenating facial treatments in the salon will make you feel the most beautiful and attractive. The most important thing is to make the right choice among this variety.

Facial mesotherapy procedure

One of the most popular and effective salon procedures for facial rejuvenation -. It is an injection of medicinal and cosmetic solutions under the skin. Most often used for this purpose, it has pronounced rejuvenating and lifting properties.


  • rosacea;
  • acne;
  • improper functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • enlarged pores;
  • scars;
  • age-related pigmentation;
  • poor, unhealthy complexion;
  • wrinkles;
  • recent facial surgery, laser resurfacing, mechanical peeling;
  • blurry facial contour;
  • double chin;
  • dry skin.


  • skin diseases;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • fever;
  • oncology;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • recent use of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents;
  • allergy;
  • age up to 35 years.


Depending on the condition of the skin, a cosmetologist can recommend from 5 to 10 courses. One facial mesotherapy procedure should not be performed more than once a week. The first result is noticeable after 3-4 sessions.

Effect duration

Since hyaluronic acid is gradually eliminated from the body, the rejuvenation effect after mesotherapy disappears after about six months.

It must be remembered that facial mesotherapy is a salon procedure that should be performed by a professional. You cannot do such serious experiments at home. Yes, you can buy a mesoscooter, which has been very popular lately, and try to rejuvenate your skin at home. But you shouldn’t count on high efficiency. But you need to be prepared for all sorts of side effects.

Through the pages of history

Initially, mesotherapy was exclusively a medical procedure for treating damaged areas of the body and had nothing to do with cosmetology. It appeared in 1958, thanks to the French doctor Michel Pistor.

Salon facial peeling

They do everything by using scrubs for this purpose 1-2 times a week. But if you decide to clean your skin in a salon, you will feel the difference between these procedures with the naked eye. Peeling means exfoliation of the keratinized, already dead layer of the epidermis, under which healthy and young skin blooms in all its glory.


  • pigmentation;
  • acne;
  • wrinkles;
  • post-acne;
  • stretch marks;
  • preparation for plastic surgery;
  • comedones;
  • double chin;
  • shaved.


  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • fresh, unhealed wounds and facial injuries;
  • acne;
  • heat;
  • oncology;
  • warts on the face;
  • taking a number of medications.

Progress of the procedure

  1. The skin is cleansed, softened and steamed.
  2. Apply a chemical solution.
  3. If necessary, anesthesia is given.
  4. If a hardware procedure has been chosen, the solution is exposed to ultrasound, brushes, laser, etc. for deeper and more uniform penetration.
  5. Remove any remaining product.
  6. Treat the skin with an antiseptic.
  7. Apply a bandage if necessary.


  • mechanical: without the intervention of hardware cosmetology;
  • chemical: exposure of the skin to various acids;
  • fruit: facial rejuvenation is carried out using natural fruit acids - tartaric, lactic, glycolic, citric, malic, grape;
  • laser;
  • diamond.

Most often, one procedure is enough for complete and high-quality cleansing of the skin. But at the same time it must be done regularly, at least 1-2 times a month. In addition, you need to understand that while superficial peeling gently and sparingly affects the upper layers of the epidermis, deep chemical cleaning affects the lowest levels of the dermis. The latter type of procedure is more effective, but also more dangerous. The rehabilitation period after it can range from 2 to 7 days.

Back in time

Facial peeling is one of the oldest facial rejuvenation procedures. In ancient Greece, for example, beauties used wine vinegar to cleanse their skin.

Face masks in salons

Undoubtedly, every woman makes masks at home to care for her skin. They can be very different: store-bought and homemade, chemical and natural, nutritious and moisturizing, etc. But if you even try to go through facial rejuvenation procedure using masks that beauty salons use, you will understand that this is perfection itself. The effectiveness can be seen in the reflection of the mirror after the first procedure. There is no problem for which a mask would not be selected for you.

Types of salon masks by skin type

  1. for oily;
  2. For ;
  3. for dry;
  4. for combined;
  5. for sensitive, allergenic;
  6. for problematic;
  7. for pigmented;
  8. for skin with rosacea.

Classification of masks by shape

  1. Powdery: the components of the mask are in dry form, for preparation they must be diluted with liquid (water, hydrogen peroxide, etc.).
  2. Pasty: include clay or healing mud.
  3. Creamy: have a delicate texture.
  4. Gel-like: prepared on the basis of alcohol, aloe extract, essential oils.
  5. Collagen: prescribed for a rejuvenating and lifting course of procedures in the salon for the care of already mature skin.
  6. Plasticizing (): include salts of alginic acid, due to which during the procedure the masks harden into dense rubber, paraffin, resins, gelling agents. Salons often suggest applying a rich cream or serum under the mask.
  7. Film: after hardening they form a thin film. Prepared from polyvinyl alcohol or vegetable glue.

Types of salon masks by composition

  1. clay;
  2. algae;
  3. vegetable;
  4. paraffin;
  5. animal origin (from placenta, collagen).

Classification of masks by action

  1. moisturizing;
  2. lifting (tightening);
  3. nutritious;
  4. anti-inflammatory;
  5. whitening;
  6. absorbent;
  7. cleansing;
  8. tonic;
  9. warming (=thermal);
  10. vascular strengthening;
  11. rejuvenating.

Once or twice a month, be sure to make masks in a beauty salon. A cosmetologist will professionally select a miraculous composition for your skin type and cosmetic problem that will transform your appearance. There is no need to deny yourself this pleasure. Moreover, compared to other salon procedures, this one will not break your home budget.

Historical reference

According to ancient sources, the first face mask (milk and honey) was invented by Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt (1st century BC), famous for her beauty.

Facial massage treatments

In salons you can be offered a procedure facial massage, which is produced exclusively by a professional. It is not only very effective, but also very pleasant. There are different techniques, but each of them can solve the pressing problems of any woman related to her appearance. As for the choice, a cosmetologist will help you here.


  • wrinkles;
  • ptosis;
  • blurry facial contour;
  • shaved;
  • double chin;
  • unhealthy, poor complexion;
  • swelling;
  • fatigue;
  • aging processes.


  • extensive inflammatory processes;
  • ulcers;
  • numerous pimples;
  • profuse acne;
  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • hemophilia;
  • open, fresh, unhealed injuries and wounds;
  • warts;
  • large moles.


  • lymphatic drainage massage;
  • chiromassage (combines various oriental techniques);
  • Japanese (main effect - against wrinkles);
  • silver spoons;
  • Spanish (modeling, making the oval of the face beautiful and flawless);
  • cryomassage (using liquid nitrogen);
  • darsonval (a special apparatus is used).


Salon massage procedures require an integrated approach, i.e. from 8 to 12 sessions. Before 30 years of age, it is recommended to conduct 1-2 such courses per year, after 30 years - 2-3 times a year.

Massage has always been a very pleasant and effective procedure that refreshes and rejuvenates the skin. Believe me, if you use this service in the salon, you will truly enjoy the process, from facial preparation to the results.

About the origin of the name

The word “massage” itself is of Arabic origin and is translated as “gently pressing,” while a similar Greek word means “to move the hand,” “to touch.”

Cryotherapy in salons

Cryotherapy is another one of the most popular modern procedures in salons. It relieves inflammation from the face, improves blood circulation, activates metabolic processes, and strengthens the skin's protective mechanisms. The basis is the use of liquid nitrogen, whose low temperature (-150°C) is used to cool the upper layer of the epidermis. This salon procedure is safe and painless.


  • comedones;
  • acne;
  • weak immunity;
  • swelling;
  • skin inflammation;
  • irritation and itching;
  • aging processes;
  • pigmentation;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • increased skin oiliness.


  • rosacea;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • migraine;
  • fever.

Cryotherapy techniques

  • Manual

Using a cotton applicator, apply liquid nitrogen to the skin using light, gliding movements, stopping at problem areas.

  • Cryo nebulizer

Liquid nitrogen is applied to the face not manually, but using a special tool called a cryo-spray. The recommended temperature for this salon procedure is minus 180°C, but in the absence of serious skin problems, a cosmetologist can raise it to minus 60°-80°C.

  • Cryoelectrophoresis

Under the influence of a pulsating current, frozen medications are injected into the deepest layers of the skin using cryoelectrophoresis. The cosmetologist selects them individually for each woman.


Do you want a noticeable and long-lasting effect? 9-12 salon cryotherapy procedures will be required. Once a year, this type of facial rejuvenation should be addressed after 35 years in order to stop the aging processes that have already begun and prevent those that are coming in the near future.

Numerous facial treatments in the salon offer modern women plenty of choice. If you have the desire and your financial situation allows, you can get your skin in order in just a few courses.

Despite the horror stories about side effects and complications after such rejuvenation methods, in practice they are very rare. 1 case in 1,000. In any case, the beauty salon you contact is responsible for this. So don’t be afraid: risk is a noble cause, especially when it comes to female beauty and fading youth.

Review of the most popular facial procedures in beauty salons

4.1 /5 - Ratings: 62

Maintaining attractive and youthful facial skin is not easy, but regular professional care can bring any person closer to this goal. Cosmetic procedures are prescribed by a specialist depending on the type of problem and the age of the patient, allowing you to achieve the desired results and eliminate existing defects.

Procedures after 25 years

It is necessary to take care of your facial skin with the help of a specialist from the age of 25–30. At this stage, any age-related changes are visually invisible, but internal processes are already beginning to slow down. The purpose of cosmetic procedures intended for the youngest patients is:

  • Prevention of age-related changes.
  • Elimination of manifestations of photoaging, first wrinkles.
  • Cleansing the skin.
  • Elimination of existing defects.

The given indications can be divided into two broad areas: cleansing and rejuvenation. Let's talk in more detail about each of them:

Skin cleansing

Skin cleansing is carried out to remove dead cells, sebaceous secretions, black plugs and other impurities. Such actions increase the supply of oxygen to cells, activate their regeneration, and eliminate minor aesthetic defects (wrinkles, pigmentation). Cleaning is carried out using the following methods:

  • Ultrasound. Knocks out dirt and sebaceous plugs, provides skin massage and additional production of collagen necessary for skin elasticity.
  • Vacuum. Draws out impurities from the skin, further stimulating blood circulation, lymph movement and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to cells.
  • Electricity. Pulls out impurities from the skin, activating chemical reactions that dissolve sebaceous plugs and blackheads.
  • Gas-liquid exposure. Knocks out contaminants with a stream of oxygen, carbon dioxide and saline solution. Provides additional saturation of cells with oxygen.
  • Manual influence. It is carried out manually and is suitable for removing the deepest sebaceous plugs, blackheads, and pimples with white heads. It is characterized by increased trauma.
  • Combined impact. It involves a combination of manual and machine cleaning for optimal removal of various types of contaminants.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

The average cost of cleaning is about 1000–2000 rubles, depending on the qualifications of the cosmetologist and the type of effect. The procedure involves a one-time procedure, the effect of which lasts for 2–5 weeks. It should be noted that cleansing the skin using similar methods is important not only before the age of 30, but also at a later age.

Skin rejuvenation

Prevention of age-related changes is necessary to prevent the formation of wrinkles and the development of ptosis. It is carried out in the following ways:

  • Biorevitalization. Repeated injections of hyaluronic acid into the superficial areas of the dermis. The purpose of the procedure is to moisturize the skin, eliminate facial wrinkles, and improve complexion.
  • Mesotherapy. Repeated injections of special preparations (meso-cocktails) consisting of a complex of vitamins, plant extracts, microelements and other useful components into the superficial areas of the dermis. The purpose of the procedure is to nourish and moisturize the skin, improve its overall health and prevent age-related changes.


The introduction of drugs into the depths of the dermis can be carried out not only through injections, but also using ultrasound or electric current, without compromising the integrity of the skin.

The average cost of such procedures is about 1,500–2,000 rubles; they are carried out in a course of 3–5 sessions, and the results last for a maximum of six months.

Procedures after 30 – 35 years

Professional skin care after 30 years is a must for those who want to look young and attractive for as long as possible.

At this stage, changes not only occur deep in the dermis, but are also recorded visually. Thus, due to the reduced production of collagen and elastin, the first age-related wrinkles and folds appear, the elasticity of the skin decreases, and a slight deformation of the oval of the face may be observed.

  • The purpose of cosmetic procedures intended for patients in this age category is:
  • Prevention of age-related changes.
  • Reducing wrinkles.
  • Elimination of ptosis.
  • Skin cleansing.

Reduction of aesthetic defects.

Skin cleansing

In addition to the above methods of skin cleansing, laser peeling is recommended for patients aged 30–35 years. The main difference between this procedure and other cleaning methods is the principle of double exposure. During cleaning the following occurs:

  • Elimination of dead and damaged cells that make up the surface layer of the skin, thereby starting the processes of regeneration and renewal. As a result of the procedure, the skin becomes more elastic and the severity of defects (scars) decreases.
  • Destruction of existing contaminants, blackheads, accumulations of sebaceous secretions, foci of inflammation.

The cost of the procedure starts from 2000 rubles per session.

Laser peeling

Skin rejuvenation

After 30 years, procedures carried out for the purpose of rejuvenation become especially relevant. As a rule, they involve a complex effect, simultaneously eliminating sagging soft tissues and reducing wrinkles:

  • Microcurrent therapy. The goal is to tighten the skin and eliminate the signs of age. It is carried out due to electric current affecting skin cells.
  • Elos-rejuvenation. It involves a complex effect through electricity and light radiation. The purpose of the procedure is to heat the deep layers of the dermis to increase collagen production.
  • Biomechanical stimulation. It is carried out using mechanical vibrations that stimulate muscle endings, increasing their tone and promoting skin tightening.
  • Photolifting. It involves stimulating collagen production by heating cells with a laser. Additionally, the rejuvenating effect is achieved due to microdamage to cells, on the restoration of which the body devotes all its resources.
  • Myolifting. The technique is intended to eliminate ptosis; positive results are achieved due to the effect of electric current on the muscle endings.

Video:Elos - rejuvenation

After 35 years, injection procedures such as biorevitalization and mesotherapy do not lose their relevance, but are carried out much less frequently. The thing is that they have a general strengthening and rejuvenating effect, without helping to get rid of pronounced aesthetic defects, such as deep wrinkles or folds.

To combat these shortcomings, injection plastic surgery is more suitable. The point of this procedure is to fill wrinkles and problem areas with soft tissue deficiency with liquid fillers based on polylactic or hyaluronic acid. Synthetic fillers are biodegradable, that is, over time they dissolve and are completely eliminated from the body; the results from their use last for up to 2 years.

After 30 years, the fight against deep wrinkles can also be carried out through Botox. This drug consists of botulinum toxin, a substance that is poisonous. When administered intramuscularly, it is almost safe for health. The principle of its action is to temporarily block muscle activity, due to which smoothing of the skin is achieved.

Botox injections

But skin tightening at this age is most often carried out by implanting special threads made from biodegradable and biocompatible materials into the soft tissue. The threads fix the skin in a new position due to their physical presence and over time dissolve into their constituent components, which are then excreted from the body naturally. Such processes are accompanied by increased collagen production and the creation of an internal framework that helps retain the skin.

We asked cosmetologists about which modern cosmetology methods are the most effective. All of them are not only professionals, but also women who, due to the nature of their activities, have experienced practically existing procedures and tried all the new products. And, of course, each of the female cosmetologists has already determined for herself “her own” - the most effective technique.

We asked experienced cosmetologists from a leading metropolitan clinic to reveal their professional secrets to us and tell us about their favorite and most effective beauty procedure that they personally use.

Yulia Vladimirovna Karlsson - General Director:

If we talk about my favorite technique, then this is definitely . This injection method of express facial rejuvenation is, of course, not the most pleasant procedure, but, in my opinion, it is the most effective. It harmoniously combines fillers and fillers, while using a “deep” surgical rather than a “superficial” cosmetic approach to performing injections, which gives a fundamentally different result.

I, as a sophisticated patient and as a professional, like this Swedish technology so much that I invited its creator, Professor, to Russia. Now a world-famous plastic surgeon comes to visit us every month, and my friends and I no longer have to travel to Stockholm specifically to see him.

Reference: Softlifting is the latest method of volumetric modeling of the face using fillers based on hyaluronic acid. The method gained enormous popularity in the West, first among movie and show business stars, and then among a wide audience of women. The procedure is much more effective than standard contouring with hyaluronic acid fillers, but is less traumatic.

- Head of the Department of Cosmetology and Rehabilitation:

- It is very difficult to choose a single procedure among many modern, truly effective methods, each of which has its own advantages, and what is suitable for one patient may be useless for another. If we talk about me, then surprisingly, I have such a “basic procedure”! This .

Everything else is just an addition to it. Moreover, for myself I perform ELOS at maximum energies, which I probably would not risk using for my patients. After all, I know my skin well, I adequately assess the risks, and in practice I am convinced that I need just such regimes.

After the procedure, the face turns red, slight swelling is possible, but “rehabilitation” takes only 20-30 minutes, after which the redness and swelling disappear, and I am back in shape. The effect of one course lasts me almost a whole year.

I won’t lie, at high energies this is a rather painful procedure, and if I had found another equally effective technique, I would probably give up ELOS. But so far I don’t see any worthy alternatives for myself.

Irina Nikolaevna Ivanova - doctor of the highest category, cosmetologist-dermatologist:

- I, like any of my patients, want to stay young as long as possible and always look attractive. I probably don’t have a favorite technique after all. For myself, I use a variety of procedures and really love trying new things.

If we talk about what gives the most noticeable visible effect, then among the favorite techniques that I turn to regularly is.

These are injections of modern natural preparations that serve to restore the structure and rejuvenate all layers of the skin.

Hyaluronic acid - a real “vitamin” for the skin - gives a wonderful effect of a fresh, rested face, and the procedure itself is not so scary. We use special very thin needles, so everything is quite tolerable.

Natalya Viktorovna Vasilyeva - doctor of the highest category, dermatologist-cosmetologist:

- My favorite procedure is. In order to keep my body in shape and my skin toned, twice a year I make sure to undergo a full course consisting of 10 procedures. Every woman has some problems, for example, cellulite, less than ideal body contours or insufficiently elastic skin. LPG solves them very effectively.

For the face, I use hardware cosmetology procedures - and photorejuvenation. Both methods are quite effective and relatively painless, which is especially important for me, because I am afraid of injections, although I see how effective injection techniques are and I myself administer them to my patients.

The only thing I dared to do was mesotherapy of the scalp. After giving birth, I, like many women, had problems with hair loss. Of course, I knew how to solve them and, having overcome my fear and my dislike for needles, I completed a course of injection treatment with the trichologist at our clinic, Galina Volkova. By the way, the effect, as expected, was very good.

Galina Mikhailovna Volkova - leading specialist trichologist, dermatologist, doctor of the highest category:

Any woman, regardless of profession, wants to look her best! When you need to quickly achieve maximum effect (make your eyes open and youthful, correct wrinkles and folds), the most effective method is a combination of botulinum therapy and hyaluronic acid fillers.

Still one of the most effective methods to combat wrinkles. I know this from myself. A simple, not too expensive procedure and after 3-4 days you look noticeably younger.

You can raise your eyebrows, reduce nasolabial folds, and rejuvenate your neck. But the injections must be done by a very good specialist.

All disappointments from Botox can only arise from its incorrect use. I do injections about twice a year, in our clinic, with my colleague Natalya Vasilyeva, and I am always very pleased with the effect.

Legendary Coco Chanel once said: “Your face at twenty was given to you by nature; what it will be like at fifty depends on you.” Natalia Nikolaeva, a leading expert in the field of application of modern cosmetology techniques, author of the book “Cosmetology without surgery: 10 markers of youth” (Eksmo publishing house), told AiF.ru how exactly to take care of yourself at different ages.

Age: from 20 to 25 years

General information: This is perhaps the only age when you don’t yet need to anxiously read the list of anti-aging procedures and the composition of anti-aging creams. On average, our growth as an organism stops at 21-24 years of age. As you know, the process of destroying a mountain begins only when the mountain is completely formed. Therefore, it makes no sense to condemn a developing organism that has not reached the peak of this process to anti-aging care. But there are exceptions to any rule. We do not consider those with problematic skin prone to inflammation and acne. Here, of course, you cannot do without the help of a dermatologist and cosmetologist; in all other cases, you only need home care.

Home care: Skin needs four basic principles of care. They should accompany us throughout our lives:

1. Cleansing. Milk, foam, and micellar water are perfect for such care. The main principle in using such a product is the mandatory removal of the drug that emulsifies dirt and cosmetics using not only a cotton sponge, but also running water. There may be options here, depending on your capabilities: thermal, mineral or simply purified water. Only in this case can you be sure that you have not rubbed the remnants of makeup and street dirt into the pores of your skin along with cosmetic milk. I am always a supporter of natural skin cleansing at home, the so-called mechanical one: with a special sponge, perhaps a brush or a light scrub. Cleansers containing fruit acids or other chemical exfoliating active substances should be prescribed by a specialist, taking into account your individual characteristics.

2. The next stage is tonification, which many people like to neglect. But in vain. You need to use a tonic, as it will remove the remnants of the cleanser, and also saturate the skin with moisture and activate blood vessels.

3. Hydration. After cleansing, the skin of the face and neck requires moisturizing. And this also applies to those with oily skin. You should choose a moisturizer that is appropriate for your age and skin type. At a young age, it is good to focus on vitamin and antioxidant formulas of moisturizing preparations.

4. The finishing touch is the use of products with SPF protection.

Age: from 25 to 30 years

General information: During this period, for the first time we are faced with manifestations of age on the face and cosmetic procedures aimed at preserving youth.

Home care: Home care with its 4 basic principles is still relevant. To it should be added nourishing serums and creams that have not only a moisturizing, but also a regenerative effect. Face masks and the use of eye patches and masks are encouraged. Especially during periods of stress for the skin: sleep disturbances, sudden climate change, nervous tension.

Professional care: You can also use salon procedures to maintain your skin in a youthful state. As a rule, they are light and provide additional toning or cleansing as a stimulus for skin renewal.

The leading modern effective restorative methods for young skin are:

  • ultrasonic cleaning,
  • chemical peeling courses (every six months),
  • gas-liquid peeling,
  • mesotherapy with light vitamin cocktails. It provides the skin not only with balanced nutrition, but also with reasonable stimulation.

You need to be prepared for the fact that at this age the first wrinkles may appear. It depends on the anatomy and the innate nature of facial expressions. Attention should be paid to the so-called “dermal creases”. These are wrinkles that remain in a line even if you try to stretch them with your fingers. This picture is a signal and indication for injection cosmetology. Depending on the location, either filler or botulinum toxin is used to correct wrinkles.

What not to do: At this age, it is still undesirable and early to do anti-aging procedures, such as: biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid, thread reinforcement, deep laser and chemical resurfacing (if it is not post-acne - skin with pronounced consequences from acne). You should not get carried away with fillers, unless, of course, we are talking about obvious anatomical imperfections (for example, very thin lips, facial disproportions, etc.).

Age: 30 to 40 years old

General information: In this age range, you should visit a cosmetologist regularly, at least 1-2 times a year, at least just to select the right skin care products and receive recommendations on further tactics for using home anti-aging measures.

At this time, a woman’s facial wrinkles become sharper, crow’s feet appear around the eyes and a fine network of wrinkles under the eyes, nasolabial folds, chin wrinkles, wrinkles near the ears appear, and visually the folds of the neck become stronger. In the fight against such manifestations of age, there is one important principle. Injections should begin as soon as you begin to notice that wrinkles have moved from the dynamic phase to the static phase. That is, when you don’t seem to make facial movements, but the wrinkles are still there and remain with a calm face.

Home care: Your home arsenal should include exercises for the face and neck that help maintain muscle tone and prevent the development of gravitational ptosis, the drooping of tissues under the influence of gravity. But it’s better if they are demonstrated to you by a specialist who understands muscle architecture and your anatomical features.

Increased attention should be paid to moisturizing and nourishing the skin. From the age of 35, you can use anti-aging products with retinol in the autumn-winter period. Preferably a course of 2-3 months. This drug rejuvenates the skin from the inside, rebuilding the functioning of cells in a youthful way. Combined home care products that include complexes of retinol, vitamins and coenzymes also give good results.

Professional care: Various types of biorevitalization should be added: based on hyaluronic acid, in combination with peptides and amino acids. This injection procedure will saturate the skin with moisture from the inside, giving it material for restoration and rejuvenation.

Good skin restoration results are demonstrated by:

  • plasmolifting (introduction of the patient’s own plasma, enriched with growth factors, under the skin of the face and neck);
  • thread lifting or thread reinforcement - strengthening or lifting using absorbable threads. The threads received the unspoken name “conservatives of youth.” Installed in a certain way under the skin, they create a natural supporting frame that holds the skin and prevents the formation of wrinkles, folds, and disruption of the oval lines of the face;
  • Fractional laser photothermolysis is a modern laser resurfacing that significantly tightens and rejuvenates the skin from the inside, but at the same time the rehabilitation period is reduced to zero.
A little cosmetological secret: Contour plastic surgery of the cheeks and cheekbones at the age of 40 returns the sculptural clarity of lines to the face, harmonizes proportions and gives the effect of a natural lifting of the middle third of the face.

What not to do: Representatives of this age group are statistically the most active users of cosmetic services, especially injection techniques. However, you should be very careful with fillers and botulinum toxins, or more precisely, with their quantity. Often women become a kind of “hostages of beauty.” Having received an excellent result from injections once, they strive to repeat it and repeat it. This is where the pitfalls lie. Large amounts of hyaluronic acid look unnatural and cause puffiness and swelling. Disproportionally enlarged lips or overly prominent cheekbones look especially unaesthetic.

Age: from 50 years to 60 years

General information: Thanks to the development of modern aesthetic medicine, this period in global skin care principles is very similar to the previous one.

Home care: In cosmetics for home use, emphasis should be placed on anti-aging products rich in vitamins and nutrients. Regular facial exercises are very effective.

Professional care: In professional care, perhaps, the emphasis is somewhat shifting from procedures that stimulate skin regeneration to procedures for replacement injection therapy and thread lifting. Although biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid and plasma lifting, laser rejuvenation, and mid-peelings are still relevant and effective. However, a little more attention has to be paid to injection techniques. True, the tactics of managing patients at 50-60 years of age are significantly different. To achieve a natural rejuvenation effect, for example, the doses of botulinum toxin in this age period are significantly reduced, since muscles naturally reduce their tone. In many cases, it is preferable to use the mesobotox technique. A similar tactic is used for fillers based on hyaluronic acid: injection sessions have to be carried out a little more often, and, on the contrary, the amount of the injected drug must be reduced. This is how you can achieve a natural and beautiful rejuvenation effect.

For this age category, excellent results are demonstrated by threads with notches or fixation threads, which not only strengthen the tissues, but tighten them and hold them in a new position. With the help of such threads you can tighten the chin area, restore the oval of the face, and tighten the cheeks.

At this age, depending on the condition of the skin and face, they often resort to plastic surgery: lifting the upper and lower eyelids, endoscopic lifting of the forehead and temporal region, surgical facelift and neck lift.

What not to do: Particularly difficult are patients who first contact a cosmetologist at this age. It is important to correctly assess the severity of age-related changes, the future aesthetic effect of possible injection procedures, and the patient’s expectations. This will allow you to choose the right tactics: either continued home care, or therapeutic cosmetology, or plastic surgery.

Great care should be taken with primary patients who come in for facial wrinkles at this age. In most cases, classic doses of botulinum toxin are not used to correct facial wrinkles. They use either the mesobotox technique, or staged injection over several sessions, or fill wrinkles with filler.

At this age, various methods of reinforcing soft tissues are not so relevant, ranging from mesothreads to injection reinforcement, which is aimed at using the regenerative abilities of the skin. This function decreases somewhat at this age, so the effect will be insignificant and short in duration.

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