DIY paper lanterns. New Year's lanterns: diagram

We always decorate our houses for the New Year with garlands, a Christmas tree and snowflakes. Another tradition came to us from China - New Year's lanterns made of paper, which are used to decorate the Christmas tree, make garlands from them, or simply hang them in rooms. We invite you to follow the custom and make three-dimensional paper lanterns. Don't forget to involve children in this interesting work.

Traditional Christmas tree lantern made of paper

First of all, let's remember how we made lanterns in our distant childhood. Prepare colored paper, glue and scissors.

An interesting modification can be obtained if a cut sheet of paper is wrapped around the inside of a paper roll. Diagrams of paper lanterns clearly explain how to do this.

How to make an original paper lantern?

We invite you to make unusual paper lanterns with your own hands. To make them you will need: colored paper, scissors, hole punch, rope or thread.

How to cut an unusual lantern from paper?

This flashlight is multi-layered. To make a paper lantern you will need leftover wallpaper, wrapping or colored paper, glue, a pencil and scissors.

Wonderful DIY paper lantern

It’s very easy to make a flashlight with your own hands, using the same colored paper. In addition, prepare scissors, glue or tape, thread, and an awl.

In China, paper lanterns perform a special function - they protect the home from evil spirits. We use them for decoration during the New Year holidays. We invite you to learn how to make paper lanterns with your own hands for the New Year. Further in the article there are several step-by-step photo tutorials and videos on which you can make such beauty!

Traditional lanterns for beginners

A fairly simple and effective decoration that you can make with your own hands together with your children. These paper lanterns can be used to decorate an office, a classroom at school, a kindergarten group, or a room in the house.

Let's look at how to make paper lanterns step by step with photos for beginner handicraftsmen. The following is a detailed master class.

Such creativity will be interesting for children, so you can involve them in this simple and interesting work. A joint activity between children and adults creates a special festive atmosphere.

We will need:

  • colored paper of any shades;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue or regular stationery glue for paper;

Let's start creating:

  1. You need to fold a piece of paper in half lengthwise and make cuts on the fold side every 1 - 1.5 centimeters.
  2. We unfold the paper and fold it crosswise into a circle, gluing the joint at the top and bottom.
  3. Cut a strip from a colored sheet of paper and glue on a handle. The flashlight is ready, but variations are possible here.

You can leave the lantern like this for the New Year 2018, or glue a cylinder from another sheet of colored paper (you can use the same shade or take a different one) and insert it inside, gluing the cut sheet around this cylinder.

Paper lantern diagram

Make several of these simple and colorful paper products and hang them on a string to resemble a garland, or decorate a Christmas tree with them.

Ball-shaped lanterns 2 options

The first option is a ball of stripes. To implement it we need:

  1. Any colored paper or cardboard. You can use old postcards.
  2. Rivets or thread with a needle and a couple of beads.
  3. Rope for loop.
  4. Scissors.
  5. Awl.

PHOTO: Round New Year's paper lanterns

We do this:

  1. We cut strips, the width of which is 1.5 centimeters, and the length - 15 - 18 centimeters, as desired.
  2. We stack the strips together and make a hole on both sides with an awl.
  3. We insert rivets or a bead strung on a thread and a needle into the hole.
  4. We spread the strips around the circumference.
  5. We attach a loop on one side.

Step by step

The toy is ready.

You can decorate a Christmas tree or room with these stylish lanterns.

Another round option

For the second version of paper lanterns in the shape of a ball, which you can make with your own hands for the New Year, a diagram describing the manufacturing process is provided.

Round flashlight

Let's prepare everything you need:

  • thick colored paper, cardboard or the same old postcards.
  • hooks or straightened paper clips for loops. You can also use a textile loop made of thin ribbons, jute rope, or braid.
  • satin ribbon.
  • glue.

Step by step photos

These toys are easy to make:

  1. Cut out circles of the same diameter from colored cardboard or paper. For one flashlight you need 10 such circles.
  2. Fold each circle in half with the colored side facing inward.
  3. Glue all the circles together, leaving the last 2 sides unglued.
  4. Glue in a hook or loop of braid and glue the remaining sides together.
  5. We decorate the toy with a beautiful ribbon bow or attach any other decor to it to your liking.

But these are not all the options for this interesting and familiar New Year's toy from childhood. Let's look at a few more ideas further.

See how to make lanterns for the New Year 2018 with your own hands using photos and diagrams:

Figured paper lanterns

You can make your own shaped paper lanterns for the New Year, a description of which with a diagram is given below. The process of creating such a New Year's miracle is very similar to the previous description.


How to make them step by step

First, let's prepare everything that will be useful in the work:

Thick paper, cardboard or, our favorite, old postcards.

  • glue;
  • double sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • tape, 0.5 centimeters wide;
  • decorative elements: berries, beads.

Now let’s get started; during the work you need to be careful and attentive. It is important to do everything according to the sequence and not miss the details:

  1. We make a figured stencil of one side of the flashlight and cut out several identical parts. For one decoration, make 10 - 20 pieces as desired.
  2. Fold the pieces exactly in half.
  3. Now the most crucial moment is gluing. You need to do this according to the picture at the right points. First in those marked “1”, then in those marked “2”.
  4. Now connect the edges of the ovals and sew with thread. Can be glued with double-sided tape.
  5. Now unfold the flashlight and secure its edges.
  6. Attach a loop of ribbon and decorations on top.

Step-by-step photos of the New Year's product:

Make several of these lanterns, they will create an amazing holiday mood. They can decorate a Christmas tree, a room, any room. And if you take laminated paper or thin plastic, then the lanterns can decorate a street Christmas tree.

Lanterns made of thin tissue paper

This type of lantern is unusual, not the one we are all accustomed to since childhood. But it is more reminiscent of Chinese lanterns, traditional for celebrating the New Year in this exotic country. Lanterns made from thin tissue paper are very easy to make.

They add brightness to the holiday. You can also use corrugated paper for them. Let's prepare for the process:

  • thin paper. One flashlight requires 2 sheets;
  • needle with thread;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • braid or jute rope for a loop.

That's all that may be useful, now let's get started:

  1. We connect 2 sheets and bend them in half lengthwise.
  2. Fold them like an accordion, carefully ironing the folds with your palm.
  3. We unfold the sheets. We connect one edge along the folds and stitch it with thread.
  4. Now we sew the second edge with thread in exactly the same way.
  5. We connect the joint with double-sided tape.
  6. Now we hang the flashlight on the ribbon.

You can make several lanterns of the same color, or beautifully choose shades for a bright multi-colored holiday.

Master class on imitation of a real lantern made of thick paper with decor

Now let's see how to make an interesting flashlight - an imitation of a real street lamp. We will make it out of paper and beautifully decorate it with decorative branches and New Year's decorations.

To work you will need:

  • thick colored paper or cardboard. The paper must be double-sided, that is, colored on both sides;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • a sheet of paper for a template;
  • glue and brush;
  • New Year's decor.

This decorative toy is very easy to make, you just need to be careful when making the pattern and cutting out the parts, and the effect is amazing. It’s quite possible to make such a flashlight together with children.

These are the beautiful paper lanterns you can make with your own hands for the New Year 2018! Follow the steps described in the video and you will get an amazing decorative item that will add style and zest to your holiday!

Hello, dear friends! Surely you have already come across lamps and lanterns made of paper in life or on the Internet. The growth in popularity of such products is not surprising - they serve as an amazing and fashionable interior decor and at the same time successfully fulfill their immediate function - lighting. Some modern designers are making a name for themselves by creating handmade lamps that are true works of art. And compact and quickly produced paper lamps are increasingly in demand as elements of festive surroundings.

I can't wait to notice that this lantern has its own design feature. When we studied this topic, as a rule, we came across lanterns and lamps in tabletop versions. That is, the candle (LED) is placed directly on the table or on the bottom of a glass cup, and the body of the lantern, like a cover, is simply installed on top.

So our lantern has that ring at the top - it’s not just a tribute to historical traditions. It, like its metal oil predecessors, can be used for its intended purpose - for carrying a lantern, for hanging it.

How we achieved this, and where the “On” button is hidden. — I’ll be happy to tell you about this below. :)

Master class: paper lantern in oriental style

Materials and tools:

office paper - for printing templates;

thick colored paper (for example, pastel paper with a density of 160 g/m²);

breadboard knives (standard and for artistic cutting);

corrugated cardboard 3 mm thick;

metal ruler;

creasing tool (can be replaced with an awl, knitting needle, etc.);

glue stick and Moment Crystal glue;

LED candle (diameter - 3.8 cm).

We start, as usual, by printing ready-made templates. You can purchase a set of templates for making a paper lantern in an oriental style at.

We print and cut out the templates with small allowances for ease of use.

We attach the templates to thick colored paper (to the wrong side) with a stapler.

The walls of the lantern can be made in two ways: cut out 2 halves of the development F-4 separately (as in the photo above) or first glue 2 templates F-4(as in the photo below), and then cut out a solid scan using it (in this case you will need a sheet of colored paper larger than A4).

It is easier to cut out the pattern with a special craft knife for artwork. And to cut out parts along the outer contour, use a standard knife (or a stationery knife).

But before cutting (while the templates are still attached to the colored paper), the parts must be punched along the fold lines. I do this with the tip of a goat’s leg compass - it’s very convenient.

We bend the cut parts, carefully working out all the fold lines.

We glue the halves of the development of the body of our future lantern out of paper.

Fold and glue the top of the lantern (detail F1), as well as a ring F-2.

Insert the glued ring into the slot of the square F-3.1. Here the tips of the base of the ring are already glued to the square from the wrong side. But it’s better to do this in the next step, grabbing the valves at the top of the lantern.

Glue the ring to the top.

And from the inside we glue a square F-3.2. The ring is securely fixed.

And now we have come to our “secret additive”, which will turn our paper lantern into a “multifunctional device”. :)

We will make the base from corrugated cardboard packaging. To do this, cut out parts from it F-14, F-14, F-15 And F-16. In this case, we attach the templates to the wrong side of the cardboard with pieces of double-sided tape. For work, use a standard knife.

Gluing 3 parts F-14 and 2 parts F-13.

If the cut circles are not very even, at this stage you can sand the edges with fine sandpaper and remove all the imperfections.

We cover the round blank with a piece of paper F-7.

Striped F-9 paste over the part F-16, and with a stripe F-8- internal hole of the workpiece from parts F-14.

Insert the smaller cardboard circle into the hole in the base of the lantern and twist it there a little so that the parts get comfortable with each other. The round part should fit into the hole quite freely (without excessive effort) and at the same time fit tightly enough (without falling out).

We seal the remaining open side with the part F-6.

We also cover the round cardboard parts with the corresponding paper parts, as shown in the photo.

Glue the smaller circle in the center of the larger one, joining the open cardboard sides. This will be a stand for an LED candle and a plug.

I think you already understand how it works. And below you can see “live” confirmation of your guess.

Let's start assembling the body of our lantern from paper. Wrap the part with a reamer F-15. First glue the valves with rectangular edges.

Then we glue the flaps with beveled edges.

Take a cardboard base.

And glue it inside the lantern. Apply glue not only to the bottom side of the base around the perimeter, but also to the ends. Press the base firmly onto the part F-15 and smooth the walls to the ends.

Now we lubricate the side flap of the housing with glue (in hard-to-reach places, glue can be applied with a toothpick). And glue the walls together.

In principle, you can press the parts to be glued together with your hands. Or you can use a wooden skewer through the holes of the pattern (but this option is not always available, you will see why below).

Glue the top to the side walls in the same way.

We insert the plug.

And the paper lantern is ready!

Now you can insert an LED candle inside and do whatever you want with the lantern: put it on a table, hang it somewhere, or just wander around a dark room with it, like in the good old days. :)

Want to see what he's like in action? Watch this video:

My story about how to make a paper lantern with your own hands would be incomplete without mentioning another assembly method.

I’ll show you the example of a New Year’s lantern model. Here the holes of the pattern are covered with tracing paper. The set contains corresponding templates.

You can glue the tracing paper onto narrow strips of double-sided tape at the very beginning, before you start gluing the developments of the body and the top.

In this case, the light becomes more diffused. In my opinion, this makes the lantern look even more interesting in the dark. But some people, on the contrary, like the previous option more.

You can try both options and draw your own conclusions. How to make a lantern out of paper is no longer a mystery to you. And with ready-made templates, this turns into a fast and streamlined process.

Choose your favorite templates in our store and add a touch of romance to your interior. The approaching New Year is a great occasion for this.

And share your impressions and ideas in the comments. By the way, would you like to continue the theme of lamps and lanterns made of paper?

We wish you exciting creativity!

Yours Inna Pyshkina and the KARTONKINO team.

Larisa Sotova

I present to your attention Master Class, on production lanterns for gnomes.

To dance at the New Year's party we needed flashlights, For gnomes, I wanted to do flashlights, which could glow fabulously gnomes in hands so I did flashlights, into which you could insert a child-safe, battery-powered candle.

To work for me needed:

1. Cardboard from paper boxes

3. Colored foil

4. Construction cutter

5. Glue gun with sticks

6. Battery-powered candles

7. For decoration flashlights: openwork napkins, blue wire, various snowflakes, decorative tapes with an adhesive base.

Drawing a template flashlight.

Trace the template onto cardboard and cut it out with a cutter.

We draw windows for flashlight leaving one for foil.

Don't forget to draw the bottom to flashlight.

Blanks for flashlights.

1. Glue the skewers with a glue gun.

2. Glue the cylinder to hold the candle.

3. Glue the foil to one of the edges flashlight to reflect light.

Connecting flashlight glue gun. Make a loop from blue wire (handle for flashlight) and fix it on the lid flashlight.

All walls flashlight cover with decorative tapes with adhesive base (very convenient to glue)

cover flashlight we cover it with openwork napkins and make edges from blue wire, covering the bend points.

Decorating flashlight silver snowflakes, colored sequins.

Candles are easily inserted inside flashlight.

Another flashlight made a little differently.

Thank you for your attention!

Publications on the topic:

My colleague Tatyana Vladimirovna and I made a didactic game “Seven Dwarfs”. Purpose of the game. Promote accumulation in children.

I bring to your attention simple crafts from thin wire tinsel that can be made in a matter of minutes for the New Year's holiday.

Now the time has come to grow plants in our garden. The children, together with their parents, figured out how to decorate their glass pot.

Synopsis of the comprehensive final lesson “Journey to the laboratory of forest gnomes” for children of the preparatory group Topic: “Journey to the laboratory of forest gnomes” Goal: Raising a harmoniously developed personality of a preschooler with a high level of interest.

Summary of physical education entertainment for children 4–5 years old “The Fairytale Journey of Dwarves” Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, motor. Integration of educational areas: “Socio-communicative development”,.

Summary of direct educational activities on paper design in the middle group “Rug for gnomes” Summary of direct educational activities in the middle group on the topic “Rug for gnomes” (construction) Purpose: To teach children how to make.

Summary of a physical education lesson for children of senior preschool age “The Journey of the Little Dwarfs” Objectives: 1. Use a fairy-tale image to perform movements freely and naturally. 2. To form in children a desire for self-expression.

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

A wonderful New Year's decoration that came to us from China is paper lanterns. They are very easy to make, so you can easily make them together with your baby. You can use lanterns to make a garland, decorate a Christmas tree with them, or simply hang them around the room. After all, it is believed that such decorations attract good luck to the house and scare away evil spirits. Today we will look at several ways to make a paper lantern with your own hands.

Classic paper lanterns.

Classic version

You probably did these kinds of crafts as a child. You can make lanterns using this master class with very young children. To make it you will need colored paper, scissors, glue.

Lanterns made of paper with a tube.

Schematically, the manufacturing looks like this:

Manufacturing diagram.

Step-by-step production:

  1. Prepare two sheets, one 2 cm smaller than the other in width - for a double-walled product. For a regular flashlight, you can just take a sheet of any size.
  2. Fold a large sheet in half and make cuts from the middle to the sides, not cutting 1 cm to the edge. The width between the slots should be the same, about 1 cm.
  3. Lay out the sheet and roll it into a tube. Also roll the smaller sheet into a tube, glue it and place it in the outer cut sheet. Glue the top and bottom.
  4. To hang the decoration, you can make neat punctures and attach a loop or glue a paper handle.

Idea: You can place LED candles inside paper lanterns to create a fabulous New Year's atmosphere.

Lanterns with a candle inside.

You can diversify the look of classic lanterns using simple techniques: combining multi-colored paper, decorating with ribbons, sparkles, and cut out figures.

Product examples.

Figural decoration

To make the next type of lantern you only need paper and a beautiful thread to match the color. You will also need a needle, and if you have one, a hole punch (awl).

Figured lanterns.

Manufacturing process step by step:

  1. Take a rectangular sheet of paper, fold it like an accordion, bend the edges well and lay it out.
  2. Using a needle or hole punch, make holes in the middle on all edges, at the same distance from the edge.
  3. Fold the sheet in half and bend it, straighten it and bend it in the other direction.
  4. Thread the threads through the holes at the top and bottom. Pull a little so that the product tapers at the top and bottom. You can make a loop from the top thread. Ready!

Manufacturing process.

Such lanterns can be strung on the bulbs of an LED garland to make the light softer and the garland more original.

Finished goods.

Multilayer decoration

The next craft has a more original shape and is a little more difficult to make - it will require great care. To make it, select colored cardboard (you can use leftover thick wallpaper), double-sided tape, and scissors.

Multilayer flashlight.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Cut out 10 to 15 blanks according to the template (see below). It is important that they are all neat, even, and identical. The more blanks, the more magnificent the product will be.
  2. Fold each piece in half with the printed side facing inward.
  3. According to the photo below, the blanks need to be glued together at points 1 and 2.
  4. Then you need to glue the core of the flashlight and connect the two outer pieces to fix the structure. All that remains is to thread the loop and hang the decoration!

Manufacturing process.

You may be interested in:

The finished product looks like this:

An example of a finished decoration.

Spherical flashlight

Spherical lanterns are shaped like balls. You can make them small to decorate the Christmas tree, or large. In any case, the manufacturing process is very simple and fast.

Spherical flashlight made of stripes.

For creativity, prepare multi-colored cardboard or thick wrapping paper, a hole punch or awl, scissors, a ruler with a pencil and 2 rivets.

How to make a New Year's lantern out of paper with your own hands step by step:

  1. Cut the paper into equal strips 1 cm wide. There should be about 10-15 strips. If it is less, there will be large gaps in the flashlight; if it is more, the stripes will be distributed unsightly.
  2. At a distance of 3-5 mm from the edge, make holes with an awl or hole punch on both sides.
  3. Stack the strips and fasten them with rivets along the holes. The stripes should scroll.
  4. Carefully, taking out the strips one by one, distribute them and form a ball.

Step-by-step production.

There is another way to make such a flashlight - using thread.

The paper also needs to be cut into strips, holes must be made on both sides 5 mm from the edge. Next, you need to thread the thread on one side and mask the tip with a sticker. Thread the thread into the second hole, pull it a little so that the strips become arched, tie the thread into a knot or make a tassel. Next, distribute the strips around the thread and form a ball.

Step-by-step production.

These are the cute lanterns you get in the end:

Lanterns made of strips and thread.

Drop flashlight

Another super easy option for making paper lanterns.

A small flashlight.

The manufacturing principle is extremely simple - according to the template (see below), you need to cut out a lot of blanks, glue them in halves to each other, thread a thread in the center and make a loop on it.

This is what the product looks like during the manufacturing process:

Flashlight in the making.

The products themselves look very simple, even boring. Therefore, diversify their design to your taste - make openwork cutouts, add a tassel at the bottom, choose printed paper, sprinkle the finished drops with glitter. For example, blanks of this shape can easily be styled as fruits.

Manufacturing variation.

Lantern house

The considered craft options are quite simple, so we offer you another master class where you will learn how to make a more original product, stylized as a real lantern. This type of flashlight is also often called a gnome flashlight.

Lantern house for a gnome.

To do this, you can search on the Internet, draw your own, or use the proposed house template:

House template.

For production you will need:

  • thick cardboard;
  • breadboard knife;
  • thin translucent fabric or paper;
  • a board or special cutting board;
  • glue.

To decorate the house, you can use any materials: paints, sparkles and rhinestones, fringe, various inserts. But even without decoration, such products look wonderful if you use LED lighting inside:

Illuminated flashlights.

You need to cut out a blank from cardboard, use a breadboard knife to carefully cut out the design. Next, along the fold lines, you need to carefully bend the cardboard. On the inside of the house, all edges need to be covered with thin fabric or paper - these are stylized windows. In addition, if there is a light source inside, the veil will soften and diffuse it. Finally, the house needs to be glued together and, if necessary, a loop attached.

Product example.

A couple more templates for cutting out a house:

Original heart house with 6 sides:

House with square windows and gable roof:

We looked at 6 options of varying complexity on how to make a Chinese lantern with your own hands from paper. With such crafts, your home will surely be transformed for the New Year!

Video: how to make a paper lantern.

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