Day of the summer equinox what to do. Summer Solstice Festival: all Russian traditions and folk signs

The summer solstice occurs on June 21st. The most powerful energy days are from June 20 to June 23. This is a sacred time of power, when practices and rituals work much better. If you spend this day correctly, doing everything necessary, you will lay significant improvements in your health and destiny in your future.


These days, Nature has special vibrations that can be used to cleanse the mind, body, soul and spirit, create harmony and change destiny. Our ancestors knew the power of these days and celebrated a holiday at this time, which was called the solstice.

From 21 to 22 June, the longest day and the shortest night. On the night of June 20-21, there is Kupala Night. The replacement of the holiday with Ivan Kupala was made by Christianity. Be that as it may, sacred dates need to be remembered and learned to feel their power.

By these days, flowers and herbs are gaining strength, and on the day of the solstice the border between the worlds is erased. People and gods can merge into one.

A little chronicle and facts

Before Christianity, this holiday was celebrated not only among the Slavs, but also among the Celts, Scandinavians, Germans and the Baltics.

The most ancient mention of the importance of the solar holiday is said by the oldest tower in the world, Jericho. She is about 10,000 years old or more.

It was not for nothing that Hitler attacked the Soviet Union at this sacred time. He considered himself the heir to the ancient Vedic Aryan civilization that worshiped the Sun. On June 22, he tried to collect as much energy as possible from the Sun for his satanic plans.

Another interesting fact from the history of the Japanese people, when they used the power of the Sun through prayer. In December 1944, the US fleet with landing troops headed to the shores of Japan. The Japanese Cabinet of Ministers called on the Japanese people to pray to the Sun Goddess Amaterasu. They asked the goddess to send the Kamikaze wind, considered sacred to the Japanese, to the US fleet.

The simultaneous prayer of millions of Japanese worked. American ships were caught in the middle of a powerful typhoon, resulting in damage to 31 ships and 146 aircraft. Almost 800 people died.

Solar energy is very powerful and our ancestors used it for purification and creation.

Solar energy peaks follow the cycles of astronomy. In some years it may be not the 21st, but the 20th for the northern hemisphere. In 2018, the summer solstice will be June 21 at 13:07 Moscow time. You can calculate the time yourself for your region.

On this day, the Sun moves from the constellation Gemini to the constellation Cancer and astronomical summer begins.

What to do on the summer solstice

To get the most out of this day, you must:

From June 20 to June 23 are the strongest energy days. If you are practicing, use this time for cleansing and the practices you are doing. If you do everything right, the results will be good.

On the night of June 20-21, you need to swim in the pond. At this time, water has healing properties.

Start the morning of June 21 with a greeting to the Sun. A very good greeting would be the yoga gymnastics Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). It is advisable to spend this entire day in Nature.

Make yourself some sun tea. Brew the tea you like and put it out in the sun. Drink it with honey.

In the morning, fill up with water. On this day, water is considered healing.

On this day, wear clothes and jewelry with yellow color.

Take time to understand and cleanse your emotional sphere. We look into all corners of our consciousness and cleanse it of all negative things. In return, we are filled with love and joy.

Forgive all your offenders, mentally thank them for the lessons they taught you.

Get as much rest as possible on this day.

If you can, find a group of people who celebrate on this day. At the festival, in round dances and through rituals, you will receive purification.

However, listen to your intuition. Not all holiday groups will be useful for you.

Do something creative on this day: sing, embroider, express yourself.

Have fun with friends or like-minded people in Nature.

On this day, it is customary to cleanse the body (swimming in a pond), cleanse the soul (jump over a fire) and cleanse the spirit (walk barefoot on hot coals).

What not to do on the summer solstice

Avoid aggression, anger and other negative qualities. Avoid sadness and despondency. This affects fate.

Don't drink alcohol. Alcohol attracts the lower worlds.

You can't spend this day alone.

You can't guess. Fortune telling is harmful on any day, and especially so on energetically strong days.

Rituals and rituals

On this day it is customary to carry out ceremonies, rituals, and make conspiracies. Most practices used today harm the soul or space. When people try to perform rituals against the evil eye, for wealth, etc., they do not understand that there is a reason for everything and it is necessary to remove the cause, not the effect, with the help of rituals. However, there are good and safe rituals and ceremonies.

I will give a few useful rituals.

A ritual that nourishes with solar energy.

At dawn you need to be in Nature. When the Sun fully appears on the horizon, stand facing it. In this case, you need to stand with your bare feet on the ground. Close your eyes and stretch your hands towards the Sun. Spread them apart so that your palms are facing him.

Feel how the energy of the Sun penetrates your body through your hands. Feel how the energy of the Earth enters you through your feet. After 5-10 minutes you will feel the strength filling you. If you stand longer, your body may begin to hum. This is a sign of great energy in the body. Receive this energy with gratitude.

Do not allow a single bad thought at this time.

In such a strong energy state, thoughts with decesterated force will strive for materialization. Any harmful thought will have a bad effect on fate.

Rejuvenation with morning dew

On the days from June 20 to 22, dew has extraordinary rejuvenating properties. Use a natural cloth to collect dew. You can run it across the grass or just lay it on the grass. When the fabric is saturated with dew, remove it.

If the dew is strong, you can squeeze it out of the fabric into a mug. If there is not enough dew, just wet the cloth and apply compresses. When washing with dew, connect visualization. Imagine how all the wrinkles are smoothed out. After this procedure, do not wash your face for at least 3 hours.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

Wildflowers are collected and a wreath is woven from them. While weaving a wreath, you need to think about your desire and pay attention to the feelings that appear at the same time. If there is joy and happiness, the desire is good. If there is even the slightest discomfort, it is better to refuse such a desire.

Table of summer solstices until 2025

Year Date and time in Moscow
2018 June 21 at 13:07
2019 June 21 at 18:54
2020 June 21 at 00:44
2021 June 21 at 06:32
2022 June 21 at 12:13
2023 June 21 at 17:57
2024 June 20 at 23:50
2025 June 21 at 05:42

Good luck and bright thoughts to you! Sincerely, .

Learn to control your destiny, make your dreams come true and achieve your goals in 30 days.

Beliefs say that only on this day people have a chance to change their lives

Today is the 172nd day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar - there are 193 days left until the end of the year. Solar Solstice Day is the longest daylight day of the year, International Skateboarding Day, National Day is celebrated in Greenland, writes

Old beliefs say that only on the day of the summer solstice do people have a chance to change their lives. They say that the summer solstice has extraordinary magical powers, because it is not for nothing that the solstice was so revered by the pagans. They believed that on the night before the solstice, all four elements unite - fire, water, earth and air.

It is believed that on this day you need to make your deepest wishes, guess about love and changes in life. By the end of the year everything should be fulfilled.

The summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation towards the Sun is at its lowest. The day of the solstice is also called the solstice. In 2018 in Belarus it will take place on June 21 at 13:07 Minsk time. The longest day is 17 hours and 33 minutes long.

The Slavs knew how to use the “day of the entry of the Sun god into full power” to control their destiny, to subjugate the forces of nature and fulfill desires.

In many cultures, the summer solstice is considered a successful time for concluding any unions and agreements, including marriage. As our ancestors believed, on this day the Sun splashed out a lot of positive energy, which provided protection and prosperity to all people.

To attract money and success to your family, place coins under the door. And very soon you will notice how money will begin to appear to you on its own and in sufficient quantities.

Summer Solstice Day 2018: What not to do

On Summer Solstice Day, it is better to avoid negative emotions, not to quarrel or scream, or to give in to despondency.

The summer solstice was considered a good day for a wedding. However, now weddings are not celebrated on this day, because June 21 falls during Lent.

Dress in a “sunny” thing - any yellow wardrobe item, gold jewelry, or bright accessory will do.

The summer solstice is a great time to get creative for satisfaction. This way you can get inspiration for a long time. The main thing is not the result, but the enjoyment of the process.

Allow yourself to plunge into your feelings and accept them.

The summer solstice day is great for freeing yourself from negativity and letting go of negative attitudes.

It is believed that on this day the doors between worlds are open, and trees and plants can speak. Therefore, it will be great to go out into nature.

1893 - The world's first Ferris wheel (Ferris wheel) appeared at an exhibition in Chicago.

In 1913, 18-year-old American Georgia Broadwick became the first woman to parachute from an airplane. It happened in the skies over Los Angeles.

1948 - Columbia Records released long-playing records onto the market.

1971 - while excavating the Tolstaya Mogila mound, Ukrainian archaeologist Boris Mozolevsky discovered the famous Scythian pectoral.

In 1935 - Françoise Sagan (Couare), French writer ("Hello, sadness", "Do you love Brahms?").

In 1955 - Michel Platini, French football player and coach.

1962 – Viktor Tsoi, Russian rock musician of Korean origin, leader of the cult rock band “Kino”.

Since ancient times, unusual natural phenomena have aroused keen interest among people. The summer solstice is by no means an exception to the rule. What is this, our ancestors wondered? The end of the world or a harbinger of important events? Why is the longest day of the year considered magical? Let's break it all down.

What it is?

There is nothing extraordinary about the summer solstice. The event is repeated every year. And if it doesn't happen, then really expect the end of the world! From an astronomical point of view, the explanation of the phenomenon sounds rather tricky: “The moment the center of the Sun passes through the points furthest from the Earth’s equator.” In human language, it turns out that on this day our planet has the greatest angle of inclination to the Sun. A simple observer notices that the star seems to freeze at the highest point of the sky and does not move anywhere. As a result, daylight hours last the longest of the year (17 hours 33 minutes).

Summer solstice day. ShutterStock/

When it happens

There are summer and winter solstice (when, on the contrary, the day is the shortest in the year and the night is the longest). In the northern hemisphere, where our country is actually located, the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22, the summer solstice on June 20 (in leap years) or June 21. In the southern hemisphere the opposite is true. In December there is the summer solstice, in June there is the winter solstice.

In 2018, the summer solstice falls on June 21st. Time in Moscow: 13 hours 7 minutes.

A little bit of history

From time immemorial, many nations have revered the summer solstice as a holiday. For example, the legendary Stonehenge monument in England was erected 5 - 4.5 thousand years ago, focusing specifically on the position of the Sun on the day of the summer and winter solstice. There is a version that in the summer the Druids performed special rituals here. Today traditions are being revived. Hundreds of people gather at the ancient stones to greet the dawn: they beat drums, put on a fire show, and give praise to the Sun and Life in a broad sense.

Ancient stones of Stonehenge. ShutterStock/

In Rus', during pagan times, the shortest day of the year was celebrated no less widely. But with the advent of Christianity, they decided to dedicate it to John the Baptist and moved it to June 24. He became known as Ivan Kupala. After the change in chronology, the holiday completely moved to July.

But in the countries of Scandinavia, Summer Solstice Day is still held in high esteem. In Finland it is called Juhannus and has state status - everyone has a rest! In Sweden it is Midsommar, a magical time of love, walks and fortune telling. Yes Yes! Swedes do not tell fortunes at Christmas time, like we do, but in June.

Fortune telling for girls

What are the beautiful women of Sweden wondering about? Of course, for the grooms! Still, girls in different countries are similar in this regard. Here are some very popular local fortune tellings. On the way home from the holiday, the girl needs to pick seven different flowers and put them under her pillow. Then the betrothed-mummer will certainly appear in a dream.

Summer Solstice Festival in Sweden. ShutterStock/

Another option is to eat salty porridge at night so that your future spouse will bring you water in your dream. Sources are silent about whether porridge can be replaced with roach or chips. After all, then the betrothed can grab a mug of beer.

And this is our version. Take a branch of any tree and place it under your pillow. When falling asleep, you need to whisper the cherished words: “Tree-soul, tell the truth, will your wish come true - give me the answer (voice your question).” The question must be very specific. For example, “Will I get married this year?” And then in a dream you will dream of a wedding with all the details: a long dress, a loaf of bread and, of course, the groom.

True signs

The time from June 20 to 23 is called magical. These are very strong energy days that are fueled by the Sun. That is why you can use this period to attract wealth, luck and personal happiness. The main thing is to direct all your energy, thoughts and aspirations in the right direction. Wish only good things for yourself and your loved ones!

Hitler did not choose the date of the attack on the Soviet Union - June 22, 1941 - by chance. Some scientists think so. The fact is that the Fuhrer was fascinated by the occult sciences and hoped that the time would be favorable for the fulfillment of all his desires. As subsequent events showed, this was the beginning of the collapse of Nazi Germany.

So, here are a few signs:

  • Bad weather that day promised a crop failure. That is, it’s better not to count on buckets of cucumbers from your dacha garden.
  • And vice versa! If a lot of dew has collected in the morning, prepare jars for pickling. The harvest will be abundant.
  • If a guy cheats on a girl on this day, they will soon get married. Even if a glass of water spills on your favorite dress, immediately file a claim and take it to the registry office.


Rituals for all occasions

As you probably already understood, the Summer Solstice is a favorable time to recharge your energy. Any rituals are especially effective, fortune telling gives accurate answers to many questions, and the herbs collected on this day have magical powers.

What do we have to do?

  • To ensure your health and strength throughout the year, start the morning of June 21st with a Sun salutation. Get up at dawn and spend the whole day in nature.
  • Surround yourself with yellow things. Also choose clothes and jewelry in sunny shades.
  • It is believed that on this day it is simply necessary to swim (to cleanse the body) and jump over the fire (to cleanse the soul). True, you won’t find a bonfire in the city during the day with a fire, and for lighting one in a park it’s even worse - you can get a fine. Therefore, it is worth doing differently. Clear your thoughts of all negative things, let go of grudges, forgive those who offended you. Remember only the good, joyful things.
  • On this day, it is useful to do something creative: start painting a picture or a long-planned story, go take photographs in nature, process the photos and post them on Instagram. There are many options! The main thing is a flight of fancy.
  • Don't forget to make yourself some sun tea with chamomile and honey. Place your cup of drink in the sun and let it recharge with energy.

make a wish

If you make a wish on the day of the summer solstice, it will certainly come true. But we need to do it right. Go to nature and pick flowers. Weave a wreath out of them and during this activity think about your dream (“so that it is empty” will not do). Only positive emotions! Then put the jewelry on your head and walk around in it all day.

Weave a wreath. ShutterStock/

According to another belief, you have to pay to fulfill a wish. Don't be afraid! No human sacrifices will be required. You just need to throw something unnecessary into the fire, for example, old clothes. When throwing an item into the fire, say: “Paid!” If you perform this ritual at home, light a candle, write on a piece of paper everything you want to get rid of (say, bad habits), and set the piece of paper on fire. The fire should go out on its own.

How to attract money?

Empty all the change from your wallet and put it under the threshold of the house or in some other place near the front door. Then the cash flow will simply flow to you in the near future.

Do you want changes in life?

On the night of June 21-22, turn over as many objects as possible in the house. Cups and glasses, chairs, clothes. You can just rearrange something. During this ritual, think that from this moment everything in your life should change. Tell yourself “The house is upside down, another life will begin with a new day!”

June 21 is one of the most important days of the annual solar cycle - the summer solstice. Among the Slavs it is called Solstice, among the Celtic peoples it is called Lita. The longest day of the year, which symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, the joy of being, maximum ascent, and enjoyment of earthly life. What do you need to do on this day to bring happiness into your life?
The Sun will reach its peak at 13.07 Kyiv time. On this day you can make wishes and fulfill magical wishes.

Our ancestors believed that this day unites all the elements - fire, water, earth and air. And therefore, all the spirits of these elements living next to us incarnate into people and have fun with them. It is believed that it is on this day that the spirits give us signs, provide support, and if we stop our inner bustle, we can hear them. Therefore, it is at this time that spiritual insights are possible and prophetic dreams occur.

This is a day of joy, but right now the Sun will illuminate everything that happens in our lives with a bright light, and we will see without embellishment the people around us, our actions, what hinders and helps us move forward. This is a time of reassessment of life values, search for constructive ways. It's good to engage in spiritual practices. By the way, before the holiday, don’t forget to clean your house and get rid of excess junk.

During this period, it is good to take stock and outline new life goals. Make a list of your recent achievements and admit your mistakes. But don’t blame yourself for them, think about how you can improve the situation. If this is impossible, forgive yourself and let go of the past.

Avoid empty chatter, gossip and people you are not interested in. This will only take away your energy, which can be directed to creation. At the same time, find time to communicate with those who are truly dear to you.

Communication with loved ones during this period can be very emotional, and a passionate desire to argue and debate will appear. It's not bad. Right now you can sort out your relationship, dot all the i's, forgive each other, which will help improve relationships in the future. Just make sure that the discussion is constructive, without accusations, try to hear and understand each other.

If you are looking for a couple, do not sit at home, now is a very good time to meet someone and start a long-term relationship.

Do not be greedy, do not be stingy, do not show pettiness and cowardice. Try to become the Sun yourself, which generously gives light and warmth to everyone living on earth. Everything that you sincerely do for others on this day will return to you a hundredfold. This is a good time for gifts, purchases, investments.

This is also a time of vibrant beauty. Take care of your appearance: dress up, go to the spa, buy yourself a dress that you have long dreamed of. Don't be afraid to experiment. All procedures, especially natural ones, without chemicals, will now be beneficial. ?
Everything that is planted on this day will come up as a harvest in the fall. I wish you happiness, joy, health, prosperity and inner harmony!

The longest day of the year falls on June 21 and is considered a magical period in astrology. The shortest night that follows is the time to make wishes and perform magical rituals.

Many peoples, including Slavic ones, to this day celebrate traditional pagan holidays associated with the apogee of summer. In some civilized countries, this celebration takes place at the state level; in ancient times, they celebrated the very romantic holiday of Ivan Kupala, which, with the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, shifted to July 7.

The summer solstice occurs at the moment when the tilt of the Earth's axis of rotation in the direction of the Sun takes on its lowest value - this is the definition given by Wikipedia. This is if you approach the issue scientifically. And if you want a miracle, you can remember folk signs, conspiracies and prohibitions.

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Summer Solstice: Do's and Don'ts

  • People believe that you should absolutely not sleep on the shortest night of the year. But everything, perhaps, is not so strict, and there are several reasons for such a ban: firstly, the dark time of day lasts very little and in many regions pitch darkness never comes. In general, our ancestors believed that if you sleep on the night of the summer solstice, you can get yourself into trouble. I didn’t find any sensible argumentation, and to believe or not is a matter of your personal choice.
  • Plants and animals on the day of the summer solstice and the night following it become a little closer to us - they feel and understand more, hear and can help. Therefore, it is during this period that trees should not be cut down and animals should not be offended.
  • The ancient Slavs, whose entire life was tied to the harvest, performed all sorts of magical rituals on this day, calling on the gods to help them grow enough food.
  • It was believed that on the day of the summer solstice, herbs had special powers, so healers went to collect medicinal plants. And you can pick up linden blossom, which will help in the cold winter time.

Rituals and fortune telling on the summer solstice

In addition to herbs, such elements as water and fire gained special power - our ancestors were sure of this. Ritual bathing in open reservoirs, just like in a home bath in our time, can charge you with health for the whole year. The water has maximum strength and power from 23:00 on June 20, reaches its apogee at 12:00 on June 21 and gradually subsides until almost noon the next day.

To take advantage of the special power of fire, our ancestors lit fires and threw into the fire spicy herbs collected the day before - lemon balm, mint, thyme and others. If there was no wind, and the smoke from the fire rose to the sky, it means that luck and success await you. If smoke spreads along the ground, expect trouble.

On the shortest night, after the summer solstice, as on Ivan Kupala, the girls wove wreaths, jumped over the fire and told fortunes about their betrothed.

You can believe or not believe in folk superstitions, but taking the opportunity to visit nature will be very useful, especially since our ancestors believed that on the day of the summer solstice, plants can hear us and even speak to us. Why not check it out?

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