Knitted Christmas trees in a step-by-step master class. How to knit a beautiful Christmas tree Knitting Christmas tree diagram and description

herringbone pattern in a circle

The herringbone pattern in the circle can be used for children's knitting, as well as for knitting various accessories. The herringbone pattern is one-sided, has a slightly springy texture and can and can be used as an openwork elastic band. Its pattern is very simple, and if you look closely, you will see that the pattern is based on the most ordinary vertical zigzag. And the relief texture of the pattern is formed by yarn overs and loops knitted together, tilted in different directions.

circular herringbone pattern diagram

Description and diagram of the herringbone pattern in a circle: The herringbone pattern is 6 stitches and 8 rows high. To avoid getting confused in the pattern, when knitting in the round, mark the beginning of each new row with a marker. Be sure to watch the inclination of the loops knitted together, the quality of the pattern depends on this.

2nd row: *K2, k2tog. with switch right, yarn over, knit 2*;

4th row: *K2 together. with switch right, yarn over, knit 4*;

Row 6: *K2, yarn over, k2tog. tilted to the left, knit 2*;

Row 8: *K4, yo, k2tog. with a tilt to the left*.

If you need to knit a pattern on straight knitting needles, use the following diagram. Its main difference from the previous one is the presence of purl rows, and accordingly, purl loops knitted together.

herringbone pattern diagram

The pattern report is 6 loops, the diagram shows both the front and back rows. Knit the front rows according to the pattern from right to left, and the purl rows from left to right. Repeat the pattern from the 1st to the 8th rows.

Herringbone pattern for straight knitting:

1st row: *K3, 2 together with a tilt to the right (behind the front walls), yarn over, K1*, repeat the pattern from * to * until the end of the row;
2nd row: *P2, P2 together. cross, yarn over, 2 purl*;
3rd row: *knit 1, knit 2 together. with switch right, yarn over, knit 3*;
4th row: *P4, yarn over, P2 together. cross.*;
5th row: *K1, yarn over, k2tog. with a tilt to the LEFT (slip 1 stitch without knitting, knit the next stitch and pull it through the removed stitch), knit 3*;
6th row: *P2, P2 together, yarn over, P2*;
7th row: *K3, yarn over, k2 together. with a slant to the left, 1 face.*;
8th row: *P2 together, yarn over, P4*.

Every day New Year 2019 is getting closer. Let's start preparing? If you have not yet decided on the projects that you want to do yourself, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our sections and selections by keywords. Our New Year's collection already contains more than 1000 interesting crafts, master classes, diagrams and descriptions. Have fun and happy New Year!

New Year 2019: collection

Typically, such Christmas trees are made using a crochet hook, since crocheting provides more opportunities for varying the shape of the products. However, with the help of knitting needles you can knit very cute Christmas trees. Today we will tell you...

The Christmas tree occupies a special place among other conifers, and trees in general. Of course, it was she who was chosen as the Christmas tree. Well, that’s why needlewomen love to make a Christmas tree using various techniques...

Is it possible to do without a scarf or a warm knitted snood in winter? A snood is a kind of scarf that is looped, like a removable collar-collar. Today we invite you to take a look at the snood model invented by Justyna...

If you are already thinking about what to give to your loved ones, friends and work colleagues for the winter holidays, then it’s time to get down to business. Try making a New Year's gift with your own hands - knitting a Christmas tree. T...

The "Herringbone" pattern with knitting needles is perfect for knitting winter things. After all, if you make it from green yarn, it will remind you of the forest beauties that will very soon take their place in the city squares and...

A simple and incredibly effective idea - knitted Christmas trees with knitting needles as Christmas tree decorations with your own hands. For knitting Christmas trees with knitting needles, it is convenient to use leftover yarn, and you can decorate the Christmas trees in any way you like, probably something...

Let's add to our collection of New Year's decor with our own hands and make a beautiful and soulful toy with our own hands - a Christmas tree with knitting needles. This option is good for those cases when you need to decorate a small space...

A knitted Christmas tree can become not only a bright decoration for the New Year holidays. A set of original jewelry can serve as a good gift for friends and close relatives, and can also turn into a profitable business on the eve of a magical Christmas and New Year.

Beginner knitters should start with bright Christmas trees, like in the photo. They are knitted in stockinette stitch and decorated with available materials. The idea is original in its simplicity!

  1. It is necessary to knit two identical triangles with a color scheme of the needlewomen’s choice.
  2. Separately make a small leg for the Christmas tree.
  3. Sew the blanks around the entire perimeter. For volume, you can fill it a little with filler and sew the leg in the right place.
  4. Decorate the finished Christmas trees according to your imagination and attach a ribbon pendant.

Such knitted decorations will delight all family members and especially little pranksters. They can be connected to the exciting process of decorating soft New Year's toys.

Video: Decoration “Christmas tree”

A short tutorial will help beginning needlewomen knit magnificent green Christmas trees with their own hands. They can stand on a surface or hang as an ornament on a Christmas tree.

Knitted volumetric cone spruce

Large, soft Christmas toys can serve throughout the year as interior decorations or sofa cushions. They are especially suitable for a children's room and will add a touch of festive mood to the fairy-tale world of little dreamers. To work you will need:

  • yarn – 100% wool, 100 g each, 2-3 shades of green and bright colors for decoration;
  • straight and circular knitting needles No. 6-7;
  • filler and a needle with a large eye.

Knitting begins from the bottom, the pattern is stockinette stitch, it is convenient for embroidering French knots, the work pattern is easy and understandable for beginner needlewomen.

Advice! The blank for the toy does not have to be knitted in the machine; maybe the needlewoman will like the original knitted version!

Christmas trees from Travka with fluffy legs

Knitting a Christmas tree with knitting needles from shaggy grass is as easy as shelling pears! Here you can use 2 ways to create a New Year's toy.

Method 1

Knit many squares of different sizes from fluffy thread, decorate them with different trinkets, and then combine them in order “from large to small” on one base. This can be a plastic or wooden rod attached to a stable leg.

Method 2

Knit a cone from grass, sew its edges and put it on a cardboard base. You can calculate the dimensions of the blanks yourself and create Christmas trees of different sizes. The bottom is best made of thick paper or felt.

Video: Model made from grass

An interesting video in 2 minutes will demonstrate how to make a Christmas tree from grass quickly and at minimal cost. To the joy of all needlewomen!

    I liked this knitted Christmas tree pattern. Five tiers, decorations and a star at the top of the tree. Unfortunately, I only know how to crochet, so I won’t be able to create such a miracle, but those who master the knitting technique can knit a real Christmas tree.

    For the craft you will need:

    red and green yarn,

    knitting needles and hook,

    padding polyester

    Take knitting needles and green yarn. We cast on exactly 22 loops.

    one row we do the front one

    now the front one. We continue to knit, removing one loop each time. Next we knit the first two loops. The knit and loop are made of red yarn.

    Now we knit like this: two loops are green, one is red.

    now we make a purl row, decrease the loops

    We alternate the next row again and knit the first two and last two loops.

    now the purl row is without decreasing and the front row is without alternation, but with decreasing loops.

    We knit in this way until you get a triangle.

    we knit another triangle, but only one color, green.

    We knit the two parts with red yarn using a hook. We fill the inside with padding polyester.

    At the bottom of the Christmas tree we knit a tree trunk. We knit two rows of six single crochets.

    if you want to hang the toy on the Christmas tree, then attach a loop on top.

    You don’t have to buy a Christmas tree and then think about how to take it out. If you really want a Christmas tree for the New Year, but you can’t buy it, then the solution is to make a Christmas tree yourself. One of the options is to knit or crochet a Christmas tree. My version of the Christmas tree involves both knitting needles and a hook - the base of the Christmas tree is knitted with knitting needles, and the needles are crocheted.

    Nothing is impossible for craftswomen! Tie a bow? Nothing complicated! Especially when there are so many tips and ideas on the Internet in the form of various master classes. I myself really liked the non-traditional knitted necklace, made of red and white threads. In addition to them, we will need:

    • knitting needles;
    • pot;
    • padding polyester (for filling the tray);
    • sticks (for example, from a sushi bar - for the trunk);
    • paralon or plaster (as an element holding the tray).

    So, we begin to knit long triangles - the future lace. One side of the bow will be red, the other will be white. After the triangles are ready, we connect them with threads, not forgetting about the padding polyester.

    We decorate our locker with buttons (or maybe beads):

    Now let's start assembling the tree - we strengthen the tree trunk and put the tree in a pot:

    As a result, we get these unusual, but absolutely New Year's bows, knitted with our own hands. There is no shame in giving them as a gift!

    There is a very easy way to knit a Christmas tree. For such a beautiful Christmas tree

    you will need to knit five green squares with the number of loops, respectively, 63, 53, 43, 33, and 23 loops (by the way, such squares can also be crocheted). Tie each resulting square with golden thread. Then fold the square as in the photo and sew it on. You can decorate your Christmas tree with beads, sequins, seed beads, a bow or buttons.

    There are several options. Imagination also matters.

    It’s not enough to tie a bow, you also need to decorate it in an original way.

    If the paint is large, you can use sweets, jewelry, and small paints.

    If it is small, then various beads, beautiful buttons, etc. will do.

    So, how to tie a bow?

    Option one.

    Made from bouclé yarn. Consists of three parts, which are knitted separately and then joined.

    The knitting is circular. The cast-on stitches are evenly distributed on 4 knitting needles, knit with the front facing.

    On the 5th row, in every second row you need to add one loop in the middle of all the knitting needles.

    The loops are finished and closed when the top reaches 7 cm.

    This is how one part is knitted.

    Then the other two parts are knitted in the same way.

    Option two.

    For such a box you need yarn of two colors, padding polyester, a stick, a small pot, and imagination, of course. After all, you can figure out how to adequately decorate such a box yourself.

    And it’s easy to knit. Triangles are knitted, connected to each other and filled with padding polyester. The more padding polyester, the more voluminous the box will be.

    There are really a lot of options for knitted locs. There are also very difficult ones to make, requiring enormous, painstaking work. Only a true craftswoman can handle such things. But there are also much simpler ones that require very little effort and time from you. However, this will not make them any less beautiful and original. I propose to knit something in between - not very simple, but also far from the most difficult lace, but not with knitting needles, but with crochet.

    During the work we will need:

    • yarn (in this case with lurex);
    • hook 1.75;
    • an unnecessary magazine with a cardboard cover (in principle, you can just use cardboard);
    • padding polyester

    We make a cone from a magazine cover (or cardboard), secure it with tape and wrap it in padding polyester. In turn, we sew the padding polyester along the edges and sew it to the lower edge of the cardboard cone. To prevent the padding polyester from showing through the future branches, we wrap the cone with threads, starting from the top.

    We knit the top: a ring, from a ring 6 tbsp. without a crochet, in the second row there are 2 more stitches in each column. We get a circle, from which we knit 4-5 rows without additions and get something like a hat. This is our top. We put it on the cone and begin tying it with a mesh of air loops according to the principle - 5 vp. every 3rd. After 4-5 rows - 6 vp. every 4th; after another 4-5 rows - 7 ch, then 8. Having tied the mesh to the end, sew the last row to the lower edge of the cone.

    Then we knit the branches (from the top along the grid): the first 3-4 levels - 5 loops in every third loop of the chain; Level 5 - we knit not in each circular strip of the chain, but every other one.

    We knit a circle that will serve as our bottom. For stability, we put any unnecessary, but relatively heavy thing on the bottom. We fill the cone with padding polyester and sew the bottom to the bottom edge of the cone. We decorate the box at our discretion.

Lately, I’ve been seeing knitted soft toys on sale more and more often. Is this really so in demand! And having asked this question, I crawled into the endless expanses of the Internet and found out that this was indeed the case.

Needlewomen knit cute bears and fluffy bunnies for sale. But I focused my attention on miniature knitted toys called amigurumi. The word is translated as a small toy. The fact is that toys that fit in the palm of your hand can be called this. I found a lot of pictures online with ready-made animals. The main thing when knitting amigurumi is to maintain proportions. The toy should have a large head and small paws, and be knitted without seams in the round. At the same time, have a charming face and good mood.

I remember I even tried to knit as a child, but mostly it was hats and scarves. But with toys it’s more difficult - you need patience. And those who have it in abundance - they do a good business “with their own hands” in the literal sense!

I really liked this amigurumi dragon! just look into these eyes that hope to meet their mistress))))

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