Intense exchange of energy between lovers. Communication as an exchange of energies

Communication - exchange of energy

Only in human society is human development possible. Only among people is it possible to work off our karma, purify the spirit and its growth. You may ask: what about monasteries? What about the hermits and the retreat of people seeking the truth into forests and deserts, which has been practiced at all times?

As for monasteries, history colorfully tells us how rarely it benefited immature souls. What perversions and distortions in the psyche did this lead to?

Only voluntary and conscious withdrawal from the world can produce positive results. And only a developed soul is capable of this. To search for truth alone with yourself, you must first grow in yourself that inner strength, together with which you can fly to the skies and discover a wonderful understanding of the world and yourself. A person gains this inner strength in life’s ups and downs and adversities. Unfortunately, there is no other way.

We can often see how a person at home, alone with himself, can easily tune in to the best vibrations of goodwill, peace of mind, love for the World and for God. But as soon as he goes out into the street and encounters this World, he turns into a rude brawler and an arrogant boor.

Our true face is revealed in collisions with the World. Just like an extreme situation shows everyone who is worth what. Only by closely communicating with people do we have the opportunity to test ourselves and observe our true spiritual state. Finally, just study yourself.

It is difficult to imagine that a sage who professes the superiority of the spiritual over the physical, going to the market, could, splashing with saliva, loudly indignant and hurl swear words. Whatever the situation may be for him! But every day we can see how the same person, when communicating with people on whom he depends, shows himself to be an innocent lamb, and when communicating with those who depend on him, quickly shows a wolfish grin.

At the same time, a person can also be proud of how well he “understands human psychology” and what an excellent magician he is, a manipulator of other people’s souls. He will tell you that he is strong because his spirit is strong. In fact, he is a pathetic little man, clenching his fists in fear of a World he does not understand, desperately defending himself in front of everyone, because he trusts no one and loves no one. He has not yet begun to communicate as an exchange of energy for the purpose of his own spiritual growth.

Limitation in communication

A young woman had a child with a hopeless disease. One day, in frantic prayer, she swore that she would go to a monastery and devote herself to serving God if her child recovered. And he recovered. When he turned 16 years old, the time came to fulfill this oath. The woman was confused. She saw that her family needed her and understood that her life was full of serving people. She was an excellent doctor. In long prayers, the mother asked the Higher powers to help her make the right decision. And finally the understanding came that the time to leave the world had not yet come, that she fulfilled her karmic duty much better in worldly life.

The opportunity to retire and serve God is a reward for the fact that we have repaid all our debts to people, which means we have “worked off” our karma. If we do not feel that we have done all our worldly affairs, we have no right to leave people.

Buddha went into the forest and retired only when, having known the world, he felt the need to know the truth and bring it to people. About the same thing happened with Jesus, Mohammed, other prophets and saints.

You can leave the world only by paying off all your debts, otherwise they will directly or indirectly pull a person towards themselves and interfere with his service to God. Problems that have not been solved “in the world” will not provide an opportunity to purely and impartially touch the lofty truths and eternal knowledge.

Serving God is serving yourself, because by serving God, you grow yourself and draw closer to Him. You cannot serve yourself while having debts to the world. But you can serve yourself, and therefore God, by living “in the world.” This happens when, exchanging energy with the World, solving his karmic problems, a person fulfills his duty.

Exchange of energy and information

Let's return to where we started: only in communication with people is the growth of the human soul and the development of his mind possible, although, undoubtedly, being alone for some time is useful for everyone. Human development in the process of communication occurs through the exchange of energy.

The process of energy exchange occurs constantly between all objects and space, between the elements of water, fire, air and earth. You sit on a chair - you exchange energy with it. You wash in the shower - exchange energy with the bath, water, soap and towel. The whole world is energy, and it constantly circulates around you, involving everything and everyone in metabolic processes. But energy is never abstract; it always carries with it some kind of information and, depending on the information, has certain qualities.

The famous seer Vanga asked everyone who came to her to bring a piece of sugar. Sugar crystals easily perceive human energy and, along with energy, information about him. Vanga, taking a piece of sugar, received all the information about this person and could answer any of his questions. In the same way, a photograph of a person reflects his entire life and his state of health. Sensitive people “remove” information not only from photographs, but also from any thing that has belonged to the owner for quite a long time.

The element of water, due to its great mobility, is able to absorb information from the surrounding space and then retain it for a long time. Therefore, it can be easily “charged” with energy of the required quality. This is exactly how Epiphany holy water is obtained. In the church it is filled with information from the Great Sacred Power, which is capable of expelling all evil. The fact that water is a carrier of information has long been known in science and is used in technology.

The exchange of energy is a constantly ongoing process in human society. You feel bad, and you went to your neighbor to tell her about the problems that have overcome you. And she has her own problems. You chatted for an hour or two - exchanged energies. She gave you energy of such a quality that will help you solve your difficulties, because she does not have such difficulties, and the energy of this quality has not been spent. And you, in turn, gave her the energy to solve her problems. You have made an equal exchange.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Too often we see how "the game goes to one goal." A person, telling another about his troubles, tries to arouse sympathy for himself and receive the desired portion of “pure energy” in exchange for his own negative, “dirty”, i.e., to exchange his “bad” for someone else’s “good”. Yes, such an exchange is unequal; a person listening to other people’s complaints may then feel weak, his energy has been “eaten.” But life is not an easy thing. Today you helped someone, tomorrow someone else will help you. Therefore, you should not be greedy by denying energy support to your neighbor.

But there are people who are outright “vampires”. Having a weak, pitiful soul, they do not try to strengthen it and grow it, but want to constantly feed on the energy of other souls. They constantly whine, complain about fate, pester everyone with stories about their difficult lives and always try to shift the blame and responsibility onto the shoulders of others. You shouldn't encourage them. If you are forced to listen to them, do not sympathize. When listening to the same thing for the fifth and tenth time, try not to perceive what is being said to you. Stay within yourself, don’t engage in energy exchange. Mentally imagine how you are wrapped in a thick transparent fabric from head to toe or how an impenetrable glass wall is formed between you and your interlocutor.

Features of energy perception

By perceiving other people's energy, we process and comprehend it. During this process, the soul matures and karmic debt is worked off. By how a person is assessed by the people around him, he understands who he is. So he understands what prevents him from finding happiness in this world and what is needed to become happy.

You can absorb the energy of stars (which, apparently, was what the ancient Egyptians did), natural elements (as the Chinese did, observing the interaction of the sky, sea, sun). You can perceive the energy of nature: flora and fauna (Druids, South American Indians, tribes of ancient Russians). In this process, the soul also acquires knowledge and strength, the soul grows and matures. But this path, apparently, is not connected with working off our karmic debts. A person acquires karma among people and “works it off” among them.

Each person perceives the same energy differently. This amazing phenomenon cannot be understood from the point of view of the human mind.

One person comes to the store and is insulted there. Something clicks in his head, and he insults someone just as much, and maybe even more strongly. Another person, under the same circumstances, decides not to offend anyone with a swear word, ever, because he has experienced how unpleasant it is.

One child was beaten in childhood, and he then beats his children, believing that this is a good way of education, because he himself turned out to be a “good person”. The other one is also beaten, and he becomes embittered, becomes a criminal, and hates everyone. The third is treated the same as the first two, but he grows up to be a defender of the weak and oppressed, a fair and honest person. He cannot not only hit, but also offend, because he knows how painful it can be.

Why does the same action, the same aggressive energy message work so differently in different heads and souls? Only the Creator knows this. We can only assume that the path of each soul is unique, just as each soul is unique! That is why it is written in the Bible: do not judge! For you do not know and cannot know who you are condemning and for what.

How to help your soul

When we perceive someone else’s negativity, we either accept this energy and live with it, or we reject it and try to overcome its negative impact. Obviously, only a strong and bright soul can resist the dark and dirty. How can you make your soul big and strong?

Hermeticism gives the answer: think more and more often about the bright and good!

It is not for nothing that literature describes many stories about difficult childhood, when a child, humiliated in every possible way, deprived of warmth and affection, nurtures a beautiful, kind dream in his soul, and this helps him overcome all life’s adversities and lead the ship of his destiny into clear waters. Let us remember from childhood the familiar images of Cinderella and little Cosette, the boy Alyosha from “The Black Hen,” Pinocchio and many other characters. Children's writers, with their characteristic sensitivity, try to give children this energetic formula for finding happiness.

Bright thoughts, pure dreams, faith in a Higher Power, faith in God give a person the strength to cope with evil. Thought is material, Hermeticism asserts, everything is thought.

In the animal world, aggression begets aggression. In the human world there is even a proverb: as it comes around, so it will respond. So how are we different from animals? The fact that we are able to transform negative energy into positive energy with the power of our minds, extinguish aggression without responding with evil to evil, and thereby stop the effect of evil.

Have you ever tried to send positive, favorable impulses of your energy to an irritated and angry person? You don’t need to humbly accept his anger and aggression, you don’t need to bow your head, but, overcoming the pressure of his aggression, send an impulse of goodwill and understanding, calm and sympathy. Try it!

At first you will feel how difficult it is to resist the negative energy pressure while maintaining your independent state, how much mental strength you need to gather in order to exhale a positive charge towards aggression. But if it works, you will see a miracle! Before your eyes, the person will calm down, his irritation will subside, and it will be strange for him. He may start to apologize or feel awkward. Don't laugh at him and don't celebrate your victory. Send him more goodwill energy and you will be friends forever. How simple! And how difficult!


Sending a positive impulse

1. When you feel the pressure of aggression, do the following. Tense yourself internally, not allowing yourself to be drawn into destructive vibrations. Tighten your stomach and base of your skull. Wait a few seconds, feel your inner state independent of external influences.

2. Take a slow, deep breath and then exhale the same way, maintaining slight tension. Feel that you are managing to maintain your vibration.

3. Take another slow breath, gather your benevolent forces into a tight lump in the solar plexus area.

4. As you exhale, relax and gently release your energy clot into the solar plexus of someone who is irritated and aggressive.

Do you want peace and quiet in your family?

Do you want friendliness at work?

Do you want understanding with your children?

Everything is in your power. Carrying out a constant energy exchange with the world and the people around you, put information of benevolence, kindness, joy into your energy impulses, and the world will not be able to help but respond to you in kind.

And even if not everything works out right away, as we would like, there is not enough strength and patience. “The one who walks will master the road!” - says ancient wisdom.

Looking back, it’s annoying to think how many mistakes could have been avoided and how many steps in life could have been taken in a different direction. Stop! The path of every soul is unique! Every experience in life is positive! There is not and cannot be a negative experience. It is only important to draw a positive lesson for yourself from each experience!

We once acted wrongly and are annoyed, not realizing that our action then corresponded to what we ourselves were. As I am, this is how I act, this is the path I choose. I didn’t like it, and now I’m different, I’ve digested this experience and now I won’t make a similar mistake. This is my positive experience. If I want to avoid making new mistakes, I should consciously develop my spirit by analyzing my actions and thoughts. What I will be tomorrow - such will be my life tomorrow. What kind of life I want for myself tomorrow - this is how I make myself today in order to correspond to myself tomorrow.

Types of energy interaction between people

There are also different types of energy interactions between people. Let's call them conventionally:

Equivalent exchange,
drawing energy onto oneself,
ability to be a source of energy,
neutral position.
Let us now try to examine all four types in more detail.

Equivalent exchange

An equal exchange usually exists between close people with good mutual understanding and favorable relationships. Such an exchange occurs in cases where the hermetic principle of the correspondence of people to each other is observed.

If it's at work, then people are great partners and don't need many words to explain things to each other. They do not quarrel over primacy or the amount of remuneration, since they exchange exactly those impulses that their partner needs, and therefore are able to agree on any issue.

Equal energy exchange is easy to record.

Two people don’t get tired of each other, don’t interfere with each other, they start and finish work at one moment, almost without saying a word.

Married couples with equal energy exchange usually look like models of ideal well-being. Not so often, but even today there are such harmonious families, where goodwill and sensitive attitude of spouses towards each other reign. Of course, all sorts of ups and downs happen in them, but balance is still maintained in any adversity.

But it sometimes happens that an equivalent exchange of spouses is invisible to others, and then they can make a strange impression. It seems that one of the spouses is literally following the lead of the other, but such an impression is almost always deceptive. Such families are like closed systems, well-functioning internal mechanisms that live regardless of external circumstances.

At the same time, spouses may quarrel endlessly, or they may practically not notice each other. (So ​​it seems from the outside.) But if an issue that is important to them is being decided, one glance is enough for them to understand their partner’s agreement or disagreement. Spouses with equal energy exchange never make decisions without consulting their “half,” although this “advice” will be either incomprehensible or invisible to outsiders.

In the spring, manure is brought to the dachas from the state farm. The car approaches the site. The driver offers the goods. The man and woman think for a while, silently look, evaluate. She turned around and walked away, loudly talking about bad people profiting from the needs of summer residents. The driver frowned and wanted to leave. The man said, “Load it there.” It’s a mystery to the driver how the couple came to an agreement. Was he caught in a domestic scandal? And a few minutes later they were calmly dragging manure across the potato field, the woman loudly talking about how good the manure they had bought.

Married couples with equal exchange are long-lived. Their energetic integrity is the key to good luck and prosperity.

Equal energy exchange between friends and neighbors is characterized by absolute unobtrusiveness and reliable mutual assistance and support.

Energy vampirism

We have already mentioned “vampire” people who tell you endlessly about their misfortunes and problems. Usually such people initially evoke sympathy in you, and then dull irritation appears, which later turns into a desperate state, which can be expressed in one word: “Run!” Preferably away, out of sight.

If in friendly, neighborly and work relationships you can still somehow adapt to “vampires”, trying not to “feed” them and not lose energy, then in a marriage living together is almost unbearable for the “donor”. Moreover, a “vampire” can have an equal exchange with other people and only draw energy from one specific person.

The “donor” spouse, who constantly “feeds” the “vampire” spouse, can himself gradually become a “vampire” in relation to other people: colleagues, friends or his own children. Or, irritated by the loss of strength, he begins to create scandals, which ultimately lead to divorce. But this is the best option. The worst is when the “donor” spouse, unable to resist the pressure of the “vampire,” begins to get sick, waste away, and may even die at a young age.

An intelligent family - a husband, a Ph.D., very smart at work, a hard worker who provides for the family, quietly terrorizes his wife, a medical worker, a woman talented in many fields, passionate about foreign languages ​​and the history of the city. Terror is expressed in the fact that the spouse is constantly dissatisfied with everything. He established a routine whereby when he arrived the house should be perfectly clean and a hot dinner should be on the table. Having crossed the threshold of the house, he walks around the apartment and checks if everything is perfect. Sitting down at the table, he finds fault with the fork, which is placed crookedly, with the tea, which is not hot enough, with the smell of the kitchen, which could have disappeared before his arrival. One day, when he came home, he stood in the hallway for three seconds, turned around and left the house for the whole night, without saying a word. The reason for his offense was that he did not see his slippers in the hallway; his wife’s friend, who came to visit, was wearing them.

The woman pursued her hobbies in secret when her husband was not at home. Several times she tried to leave her despot. But the people around her and her relatives did not understand her, they considered her capricious: after all, her husband is courteous and well-mannered, pleasant to talk to, provides for his family well, and if there are quarrels, who doesn’t have them. And the husband, like a true “vampire,” cried and persuaded her to return, since he “cannot live without her.” The end is sad and even terrible. At 42 years old, a blooming, beautiful woman suddenly feels unwell and within a few months she burns out from cancer. The stress associated with constant loss of strength causes a fatal disease.

Drawing energy onto oneself can also be positive. There are people for whom everyone wants to “cry on their vest.” Often such people become professional psychologists, teachers, and doctors. They have the ability to attract negative energy, process it and release it purified into space. Naturally, they are not “vampires”; their karma is their duty to cleanse the psychic space of the planet. Such people must understand that the ability to purify the souls of other people was given to them not for enrichment, but as a means of working off their solid karma. There's nothing much to be proud of here.

Now there are much more such people than at all other times. This indicates that the planet needs urgent cleaning, so as not to die, suffocating in the negative energy of people.

Sometimes a mother, passionately wanting to help her sick child, manages to take on his pain, his suffering. To pull on herself all the negative things that were due by fate to her beloved person. The intensity of her dedication is so high that everything bad instantly “burns out” in the flames of such energy. In this case, the mother not only helps her child, she helps him overcome his own karma.

Mother and child have a special energetic relationship. A mother has the right and opportunity to help her child in absolutely everything (even in overcoming his own karma); it is important that there is a close connection of spiritual kinship and love between them.

For a child, a mother is a conductor of cosmic energy, and a father is a conductor of earthly energy. Therefore, when there is no mother’s love, we lose heaven, when there is no father’s authority, we feel insecure in human society.

People are sources of energy

For someone who strives to give gifts to others, does it selflessly and at the same time receives joy from seeing the joy of others, a source of energy from the Higher Powers opens up. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of being a “donor”.

It is important that donation be conscious, corresponding to the level of development of the energy of your soul. Otherwise, you will burn out in other people's problems without solving your own.

And of course, it is important that the “feeding” goes “as intended,” that is, benefits the soul of the so-called “vampire.” If you endlessly nourish someone, trying to help, and the person only happily “eats” your “tasty” energy and is not going to change anything in his life, then you are not bringing him any benefit. You aggravate his karma by putting someone else's burden on your shoulders. Your energy is going in the wrong direction. This means that your karma also suffers.

Not all people have the ability to be a source of energy for others.

The heavier a person’s karma, the more important it is for him to learn to give. By disinterestedly, without second thoughts, giving something to people, a person gains immeasurably more - the ability of the soul to absorb the energy of the Cosmos, the energy of high vibrations of space, so he becomes stronger and develops his spirit. But this does not mean being a source of energy.

To do something and give away is the whole meaning of our life. If, by giving, we have grown the energy of the spirit for new journeys in the Universe, then our life has not been lived in vain.

To accumulate, acquire, preserve, comprehend - this is the first half of our earthly task. This is precisely what we focus on due to our misunderstanding and childhood underdevelopment. And only those who, while accumulating, think about where they will give it, win. By giving, he solves the second, most important for the soul, half of the problem. By giving, the soul rejoices, expands, becomes larger. Leaving the earthly plane, she will be able to let into the vast cosmic space of unearthly happiness.

Here are two entrepreneurs. One has a goal - the pocket should be full, no matter why. Another thinks about a rich and prosperous life for his family, society, and wants to produce a beautiful, high-quality product that everyone needs. With an equal amount of initial energy and the desire to work, the first will quickly exhaust its energy capabilities, the second, by investing and giving, will increase its energy every time it sees the usefulness of its work.

A woman wants to buy expensive cosmetics. What does the return have to do with it? A woman takes care of her appearance, strives to be attractive - in these minutes and hours she accumulates energy, which she then uses. Where? It depends on her inner deepest desires. If she wants to give the joy of delight and admiration to one person, she “unintentionally” gives it to all the people around her. It shines like the sun, gives warmth, gives back, and therefore at this moment acquires the ability to be a conductor of cosmic energy to the souls of people. A direct communication channel is established between the giving person and the infinite energy of the universe, feeding everything around with the pure energy of Light: “I’m happy that you like it!”

Another woman has accumulated energy with the specific goal of achieving favorable conditions for herself from life or from a certain person. She does not give, but bargains. Her beauty is cold and often repulsive. Despite all the sophistication of her taste, people find it unpleasant and uncomfortable to communicate with her, because the energy impulse coming from such beauty tells us: “Is it possible to get something from you?” There is no light source, there is no gift, there is a business exchange. Only the lamp shines, turned on by a great desire to receive. Such a woman will quickly burn out and go out, without gaining anything for her soul, but only having spent the energy of her young forces.

You are preparing a festive table, guests will come to you. You want to make everything better than your friend’s, so that everyone will admire and think: “Yes, Sveta’s table was more luxurious than Masha’s!” You are looking for delicious recipes and chasing unimaginable products. Everything is very great, and the guests are happy. But something was missing for complete delight. You did all this to gain their admiration energy. Well, you've made an equal exchange.

And Masha baked simple pancakes and wanted to please the visiting guests. She invested in them the joy of giving, without wanting to receive anything in return. Everyone who eats this pancake miraculously tastes together with the food a bunch of light forces, a flow of fresh energy, given from a big soul just like that, and it seems to him that this is the most delicious food in the world.

“One flour, but not only hands,” people say, emphasizing the importance of not only flour, but also hands, the human soul invested in the work.

People for whom giving is like breathing, for whom it is not difficult to carry out the second (and main) half of the earthly task, are sources of energy. Giving is easy for them.

A sincere desire to give is truly a very high state of soul, it is the ability to establish a direct channel of communication between Higher powers and people. One can even say that through the person who gives, the Lord God himself sends his love to people.

People - sources of energy, in fact, do not themselves generate so much force, but are only conductors of heavenly forces. This is their destiny (if we consider destiny as a task from God the Father to his son or daughter going to earth).

Why they suffered such a fate, we will not consider now. Let's just say that these people have no less problems than others. These problems are just special. All of them are associated with the inability to accumulate one’s own strength and solve one’s own karmic problems. It’s as if people take high energies and pass them on to others, but they don’t know how and even seem embarrassed to use this energy for themselves. But in vain!

For them, it is the ability to accumulate, oddly enough, that expands the soul. However, this is strange only at first glance. Everything must have development. If people give without knowing how to accumulate, then sooner or later they will certainly begin to feel annoyed that their own problems are not being solved. This can even make them angry: “I help everyone, but no one can or wants to help me!”

But if a person with such a destiny learns to use heavenly powers to help solve his problems, then, by solving them, overcoming his karma, his soul develops, and therefore expands. Then the task of God the Father is fulfilled in the best possible way. Fate becomes happy.

As you can see, the accumulation of energy and its release are two sides of the same process of life, and neither one nor the other should be neglected.

Of course, anyone can be a source of energy. For some this is important in the family, for others in service, in partnership, in healing. You just need to remember that this high and pure state cannot be imitated, cannot be replaced. Everyone feels this energy, any lie - and there is no longer Light, no gift. You must also remember that in this high state of spirit you cannot lose anything; it connects you to the high energies of the Cosmos.

“He who knows when to stop knows everything,” says the wise man. Before you give, check whether you have this desire, this condition, whether you have something to give. In life we ​​meet unmercenary people who strive to help everyone. Sometimes it's exciting because they have the energy that we talked about. And sometimes, looking at such a person, we experience a strange feeling. A kind, seemingly selfless person evokes pity and irritation, a vague desire to get rid of it quickly and run away.

Most often these are hidden “vampires”. Under the guise of goodwill and the desire to help everyone, they try to “draw upon themselves” our energy of gratitude. Often unconsciously. It's hard to blame them. Because most often these are people who did not receive love in childhood. They try with all their hearts to be good in order to somehow make up for this deficiency; they want to receive the energy of love and gratitude at any cost, even at the cost of humiliation.

However, just as it is easy to deceive emotions, it is so difficult to deceive energy sensations. If you feel that you are being “pulled”, then... send such a person your warmth and goodwill, and God will not leave you.

Be like the Sun! The sun shines and warms everything around, without wanting anything in return. Be like the Sun, and you will come closer to it, and you will understand it, and you will become more than just living on Earth, you will become living in Space, living in Eternity.

Neutral position

The neutral energy position is associated with protection and conservation of energy. Every person has moments in life when he should not enter into energy exchange with the people around him. Here is a sample list of them:

When you feel the limit of your strength, the tension is on the verge of breakdown; you know that a break is needed;
when you feel the presence of a “vampire” and do not want to “feed” him;
when you don’t want to give any information about yourself;
when you are irritated or angry and do not want to throw out your negativity on others, wanting to understand it and deal with it yourself;
when you feel mental pressure on yourself and want to maintain your energetic freedom.
Every person has the right to enter or not to enter into energetic interaction with the world around him. We must respect this right in every person. Let us remember: I am free to the extent that I recognize the freedom of the people around me. Including the freedom to make mistakes!

It is not at all difficult to believe that it is necessary to “close yourself” sometimes. But it is much more difficult to learn to “close up” and at the same time be neutral. Very often we think that we have “closed ourselves,” but instead we have released thorns and do not notice how we are showing aggression towards everyone who is nearby.

How to enter a neutral energy position? How to hide without disturbing the harmony of the world, as well as the harmony of your inner space?

In energy science this state is called the average mode of attention, in psychology it is called withdrawal, in esotericism it is close to the concept of “meditation”. This is an altered state of consciousness that is not characteristic of a person in everyday life. Being awake, but being in this state, our brain begins to work as if we are “disconnected” from the world around us. However, at the same time, we control all our actions, and our perception of information becomes even more acute, because we become able to highlight only what is important to us. We save energy, but at the same time we seem to see the world more clearly and clearly and understand ourselves.

How to achieve this state? First you need to practice in private, so that no one interferes and nothing distracts you.


Medium attention mode

Stand or sit comfortably. Imagine on your head, on the very top of your head, a little man - that’s you. You, the little one, jump into yourself, the big one. Or rather, you smoothly plunge into yourself on a parachute.

First you descend into the heavens of your head. They can be foggy and cloudy, they can flash with lightning and thunder with thunderclouds. The sun breaks through the dark clouds.

Having passed the throat and neck, you already see the blue sky of your shoulders around you. In the free light space of heaven you soar lower and lower.

At the level of your stomach, you sink to the ground, feeling it soft and warm. The greenery of fragrant herbs with dewy freshness relaxes you, you sink further.

Just below the level of your navel, sit in a small boat and float on a quiet lake. Blue, clean, transparent lake. Look into the water. Look at water lilies and water lilies from above. Have you ever looked at water lilies opening their petals from the depths of the waters? This spectacle cannot be compared with anything. It’s worth looking at this carefully and for a long time, without thinking about anything!

Now stay inside yourself. Relax in your inner world. Watch your breathing.

You breathe as if through the top of your head. With the top of your head you inhale the air of the surrounding space, the air of its upper layers, free from the energy of other people. It’s as if there’s a pillar of light and light standing on your head. It allows you to suck in air from the upper atmosphere. Together with the air, you absorb light, and then exhale it as if into yourself, giving light to your little self, resting on the water of the blue lake of your world.

In this state you can live, work, communicate. People around you will perceive you favorably because you will exude harmony. Close people may be unhappy because you are closed and don’t give them anything. Try to explain that you need a little rest, or give them some of your inner joy. A loved one will understand you and can spontaneously pick up your state, that is, “fall” into their inner world without disturbing yours. Well, being in this mode at least occasionally does not hinder each of us.

The condition does not pose any danger. When necessary, you will easily get out of it, because you put yourself there. When you leave, you will feel rested, full of strength and health. Your strength will triple when you realize that by “withdrawing” into yourself you were able to achieve what you wanted, because it was necessary either to protect yourself, or to restore strength, or to hide your intentions or irritation, or to repel psychological pressure.

Attention! If, with the help of such a state, you strive to deceive, fool someone, acquire something undeserved, then very soon your inner world will become dull, the clear lake will be clouded, from under every lily your dark secret thoughts will look at you with vile eyes. You will no longer be able to return comfort, you will not be able to catch the lost joy. It will take a long and difficult time to cleanse your mental world, fill it with new bright thoughts and colors.

EL TAT "Overcoming karma. Ancient truths about health and happiness"

During communication between people, there is an exchange of emotions, information - everything that is commonly called psychic energy. How often can you hear - we talked for only 10 minutes, and I’m so tired of him... he’s a difficult person... Or you went to your boss for a conversation and came out squeezed like a lemon - familiar? Let's figure out what happened...

We always think that vampires are some other people, acquaintances, relatives, employees. But of course not, we are good and kind. And we all just want to drink.

Let's understand the basics of energy, otherwise I'm afraid that you and I will slide into a mindset of superiority, which only leads to problems and degradation.

Who are energy vampires?

Vampires are people with a low amount of personal energy due to the presence of destructive internal programs that do not allow them to accumulate their own energy.

They feed on a certain energy, mostly negative. They provoke others to show emotions, which contribute to the release of certain energy. Taking this energy, they feel good and satisfied.

So, the first postulate is new for many.

You can only vampirize and drink energy from someone who periodically vampirizes. If a person himself is not a vampire and lives a self-sufficient life, does not depend on anyone emotionally and retains his inner core, then it is impossible to take away his energy. No way. If they “drink” you, it means that you also periodically “drink” someone.

How do we take energy?

The most common way for a vampire to “eat” is to provoke someone to negative emotions, for this you can talk about the crisis, about the difficult situation in the country, you can tell your friend that she has gained weight and looks bad, that her man is behaving badly and unworthily, You can load a person with negativity, anything you want, just to make him feel bad, sad, hard. This is the first level, one might say, the first light dish.

The second level - you need to bring a person to strong emotions, to fear, tears, anger, rage, breakdown, psychosis and wild aggression. After this, say in a quiet voice: “Why are you so nervous?” Consider this the second, already quite decent dish with a side dish.

There are vampires who live on the energy of provocations and contradictions; they love to drive a wedge between loved ones, because there is a lot of energy there, there is something to profit from. And here intrigues, dirty gossip, and hints are good. There are women who like to break up families, I have advised such women several times.

This happens unconsciously. As soon as she takes a man away from the family, creating a lot of heavy emotions, scandals, pain there, the man ceases to be interesting to her and she understands that “this is not mine,” after which she lives on this negativity for some time, and then starts again to search for the victim.

Typical vampirism is a “sports interest.” A woman or man seeks attention and strong emotions from the opposite sex, and then breaks up. Naturally, after this, their ex-partners feed them their pain, attention, suffering, worries and bitterness for a long time. There are more than enough emotions here, “eat, I don’t want to.”

Provocative appearance or behavior, when a vampire behaves provocatively or looks in a way that causes a lot of emotions in others. This is a narcissistic vampire who takes energy through his appearance and behavior, for example, bright clothes, chains, excessive makeup, slang, obscenities, loud laughter, a sideways glance or fashionable pretentiousness. I have met such women, and in reality they were quite adequate people with decent professions, with families, but at the same time they fueled themselves at the expense of the attention of others, dressing brightly and even somewhat vulgarly.

Feelings of self-pity and provoking feelings of self-pity- this is also recharge, such people usually complain about life, dramatize, try to present everything in tones of suffering and pain. If you begin to feel sorry for them, then consider that you are giving away your energy. You can sympathize and empathize with people, but it is dangerous to feel sorry, because in this way we feed their weakness, not their strength.

Guilt. Well, we are all masters here. Getting a person to feel guilty means creating an energy bridge through which he will feed you with his energy.

Rescuer syndrome, oddly enough, is also a way to nourish yourself, albeit a very noble one in appearance. Such people always strive to help someone, they themselves walk around with a lot of traumas and grievances, but first of all they distribute lectures and trainings to their girlfriends, they give books to everyone, they try to tell everyone how to live. If one of their victims nevertheless decides to change and begins to develop, then the rescuer receives part of the realized energy.

The role of a rescuer is also a kind of energy vampirism, because by saving a person, a huge amount of energy is given to us, and many become so addicted to this that their whole life turns into the propagation of goodness in the worst sense.

Vampires are not always conscious of their behavior, and many manipulations are carried out unconsciously; they do not think: “Now I’ll make Masha cry and I’ll feel good!” Thoughts are completely different: “We need to tell Masha the truth about how she recovered!” Do you understand?

Why do we vampire?

Very often we begin to take energy from other people and choose this path of existence, because we ourselves have powerful energy holes, where our own life energy safely merges.

There are many funnels where our energy goes, and they are all destructive: living in stress, the habit of judging, categoricalness, empty talk about nothing, excessive haste, worry, living in the past, living in the future, trying to fit in with everyone and be good - all this takes energy from the present, and we are forced to either run to trainings where they will give us energy doping, or suck energy out of people.

How can I tell if I'm a vampire?

The main understanding of one's vampirism is the feeling of emotional dependence on people or events.

When you begin to feel withdrawal without the presence of certain emotions in your life.

  • For example, when you feel empty, you really want to call your friend and tell her how bad you feel.
  • Or if you feel a lack of energy and think: “I haven’t been in a relationship for a long time, I need a man.”
  • Or you lack vitality, and you begin to provoke scandals out of nowhere, deluding your loved ones into strong emotions.
  • Or you feel an overwhelming urge to tell someone the “truth.”
  • When it seems fair and important to you to discuss someone, to give a negative assessment of his activities.

After terrible scandals, the vampire feels great, it does not exhaust him at all, moreover, he, on the contrary, perks up and begins to help everyone.

Your vampirism can be tracked by some examples, for example, when you say “some important truth” about someone, and your opponent says: “Let’s not discuss this. I don’t think it’s worthy!”
The vampire will be offended, he will feel uneasy, he will feel bad and hard, because he was not allowed to be filled with negativity.

If you are telling something difficult and pressing, and the interlocutor does not react with strong emotions. This infuriates the vampires, because, again, their manipulation failed. Moreover, this irritation emerges unconsciously, and the vampire himself may not understand what infuriates him so much.

Why should you give up the role of a vampire?

The path of the vampire is the path of dependence and departure from inner freedom; it is a constantly growing hole inside, to satisfy which more and more victims, people, and scandals are needed.

This is a person shackled by emotional dependence; beyond this, vampires rarely prosper, and even if this happens to them, they live in eternal fear because they do not have the internal resources to create abundance and prosperity. To be a vampire means to refuse to develop yourself as a healthy, holistic person.

But that’s what we’re all here for!

Pay attention to your focus in life. Vampires always feed their donors

, so they like to be out in the open with their minds, they like to think and analyze, discuss the lives of other people, they keep track of who has what going on. The attention of a self-sufficient person is mostly in himself, in his desires, in his goals and intentions, and only a small part of his attention goes outside to the implementation of his ideas and building relationships with people.

If you find yourself in some of these points and you have the courage to recognize destructive programs in yourself, then this in itself is an important realization that will help you free yourself from these negative programs.
And then look at your life and find those holes through which you lose your own strength.

And give them up consciously, give up judgment, empty talk, categoricalness, constant worry and haste.

Forgive your past and let it go. And let go of the people who destroy you...

Over time, your integrity will be restored and you will see that you are no longer interested in being a vampire, your focus will be positive and abundant.

And along with internal integrity, your desires and new kind people will knock on your life!

We experience bliss and happiness when we are filled with subtle energy. Our daily life at a deep level is mainly determined by the desire to receive maximum love energy and this manifests itself in literally everything. Here are two friends talking to each other. At first glance, it seems that they are simply exchanging interesting information, but if you pay attention to the movement of subtle energy, then a simple conversation takes on a new dimension and its hidden meaning literally appears in every word.

When communicating, talking about their successes and achievements, people often strive to evoke respect for themselves, to prove to their interlocutor (and themselves) that they are worthy of love. And if this can be done, then such a conversation and the interlocutor are considered very pleasant. A conversation brings us deep pleasure if the interlocutor laughs at our joke, feels respect or admiration for us. Basically, our energy depends on our own state during a conversation. If we experience a feeling of love during a conversation, then regardless of the state of our interlocutor, we receive subtle energy. And, conversely, if we experience disappointment, failure of our expectations, loss of love, then we always lose subtle energy that can go to our interlocutor if he does not experience strong negative emotions at that moment. Energy exchange occurs simultaneously between the interlocutors and between the external field. If positive emotions dominate the conversation, then both receive energy from the external field and from each other. If both experience negative emotions, then subtle energy leaves them. If one experiences positive emotions and the other negative, then part of the vital energy of the “negative” will flow to the “positive”. Naturally, a conversation is not something stationary, and someone who has just lost energy can receive it in a moment.

If during a conversation the energy of one person passes to another, then the person losing energy will strive to end the conversation as quickly as possible. And, conversely, the one who acquires energy, as a rule, wants to continue communicating. The more often moments of delight, love and happiness arise during a conversation, the stronger the friendship, the stronger the desire to communicate, since in this case there is a powerful influx of subtle energy from the external field.

Let's consider mechanics of energy exchange between people. By communicating, we exchange subtle energy. It is important for us to evoke in our interlocutor a feeling of love (respect, admiration, acceptance) towards us, because then we are filled with vitality. Do we always receive subtle energy when another person has thought of us with love or admiration? Unfortunately no. For example, famous artists may feel lonely and unhappy, although they are the adoration of thousands and millions. This happens because there is no connection, no synchronization between the fans and the celebrity. Just one person with whom such a connection is established immediately becomes more important to us than all other people. A good image for visualizing such a connection is the channels connecting the cocoons of people’s subtle energy. The closer a person is to us, the more powerful the channels for energy exchange between us. There are no channels between strangers. Conversation, exchange of emotions and information is the beginning of the formation of energy exchange channels.

Channels gain power when we find common interests, common values, and experience different situations together. It is not surprising that the most powerful channels are between members of the same family.

When powerful energy channels have already been formed, we exchange subtle energy even without words and even turning away from each other. There are invisible connections between us that allow us to always feel our loved one, always in contact with him.

If such channels are absent, then the exchange of subtle energy becomes insignificant. Remember how much we worry about our pet, but for some reason the suffering of a cat on the street doesn’t affect us much.

Now we are ready to take advantage of the fruits of the formulated law of subtle energy exchange and begin to clarify with its help the behavior of people in a variety of situations. Let's look at how subtle energy is downloaded

Like belt ends - left and right

They separate first in order to tie them together, -

So you and I:

We'll part, but, really,

Just to meet again!

Ki Totonori

A person spends most of his life among people. He may not talk much to those around him, but he breathes the same air with them, eats food that someone else prepared, lives in a house built by someone else. Only hermits living far from civilization can say that they practically do not communicate with anyone.

When meeting for the first time, life energies first come into contact with each other. And only then, after a few seconds, at most within a minute, other information about the person will be collected: who he is, what his energy is, whether he is suitable for us to communicate with. People's experience says: “The first impression is the most correct.” After this, the mind “turns on” - it evaluates the person’s clothing, general appearance and behavior; Based on this data, the first impression is corrected and the image of a new acquaintance is created. The ability to speak is assessed - beautiful, correct speech, a velvety voice are very attractive to other people. It is not without reason that those whose lives depend on the ability to communicate with a large number of unfamiliar people specially train their voice and speech. A person who can carry on a conversation is always attractive and endearing. But in everything you need to know when to stop - long conversations deplete a person’s vitality. They are especially harmful on an empty stomach.

People with low energy often love long conversations. Experiencing strong emotions, a person “opens up”, and his life force can be “pulled” onto himself, so such people can provoke you into arguments and quarrels. This is used by the so-called gossipers, debaters and “truth seekers”. But although the “pulled” vital force causes a surge of strength in a person, it does not benefit the body.

It happens that the mother-in-law is dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law and finds fault with her every step, causing conflict. This is a sign of her lack of vital energy. In this case, the most correct position is to behave politely and calmly. If the mother-in-law understands that scolding her daughter-in-law is useless, then it is likely that after a while she herself will calm down.

The exchange of energy in a family greatly affects the health and happiness of all its members. Most people do not think about behavior in the family, and this is in vain. Family life unites and harmonizes energy, so in the family you need to behave politely and respectfully. People in a family become more vulnerable to each other, and a man and a woman, who have lived together for several decades, become similar to each other, they understand each other without words, and even their physiological rhythms begin to coincide.

Over many centuries of living together, people have empirically created a set of rules that help them live happily - these are politeness and etiquette. If it weren’t for politeness and basic rules of behavior, most people would have quarreled with each other long ago and turned communication into a complete showdown. All discontent in the family, quarrels and disputes reduce the vitality of the spouses and take away happiness and good luck from the family. In families where there is a lot of arguing and quarreling, children are born weaker than they could be. Their vital energy is somewhat reduced, and they require more attention to their health and upbringing. Children with reduced vitality need to communicate with older and more active children and young people under 25 years of age. Children attending kindergartens or school must communicate with children of other ages, as well as with adults and the elderly. Long-term communication between children of the same age causes a one-sided increase in vitality and stagnation of energy. If you do not have the opportunity to ensure that your child communicates with people of a different age, then you need to keep him busy with music, dancing, drawing, calligraphy or modeling. At least an hour a week should be devoted to walking in a beautiful area and you need to start from a very tender age, otherwise excess energy will accumulate, which can interfere with normal development in adolescence.

Children from birth to 16 years old have an excess of vital energy, and for their proper development they must share it with other people so that the constantly renewed energy contributes to their development. From 16 to 70 years (the upper limit may vary depending on the health and living conditions of a person), the acquisition of vital energy prevails over its conservation, and after 70 (the age limit is average, it is individual for each person), on the contrary, conservation prevails over its acquisition. Therefore, communication between children under the age of 16 and people over the age of 60-70 is very useful. Children give off excess energy, and older people receive it. Such an exchange is mutually beneficial - children’s aggression decreases and they become calmer, and older people become more active. Sharing life experiences makes both children and older people wiser. In most cases, older people have enough time to teach children drawing, singing, calligraphy, various crafts and arts. A family of three generations is energetically more prosperous than a family of two, and even more so than a single person. Always a family consisting of three or four generations had a better chance of survival in harsh times. Gradually, with the development of civilization, a single person could provide himself with the means necessary for life, so the number of large families began to decrease. But human energy does not keep pace with the economic factors influencing human life. Therefore, life in a large family is still more prosperous. If it is not possible to live in a family consisting of several generations, then in order to maintain vitality you need to communicate with people of different ages, from children to the elderly.

One of the first signs of depletion of vital energy is a reluctance to see other people and irritation when communicating with them. In this case, you need to relax in natural conditions (near the sea, forest, meadow, etc.), alone or next to a friend, recharge with vital energy and only then continue your activities. When you are short on time, you can restore your vitality through exercise, meditation and delicious food. After all, it is the food that the human body needs at the moment that is tasty; By regulating taste preferences, the body maintains energy balance.

If you suddenly have to communicate with unpleasant people, then you should maintain a calm state of mind and cross your legs or arms in order to thus preserve your vitality. A prudent person should not be in places of crowded gatherings too often, because the energy of the crowd is very strong and can cause harm to a person with normal vital energy. Unfortunately, there are people who “feed” on the energy of the crowd; for them it is like a drug. They may know perfectly well that this will not benefit them, but it intoxicates them, and they fly there like flies to the light.

Communication with friends, relatives and colleagues is very useful. Joint admiration of cherry blossoms (hanami), red autumn maples, koi carp, the full moon, visiting exhibitions and participating in holidays help to better understand each other. The general festive mood allows people with weaker energy to receive vital energy attracted by all other holiday participants or khans. And energy means prolonging life and maintaining health.

For example, participation in the Kingo Matsuri fish festival can not only bring a lot of joy, but also help you learn many new fish recipes. By taking a break from everyday worries and switching to something new, the mind rests and the body renews energy. Even one day dedicated to gaining new positive experiences helps improve your life.

The flower doll exhibition held in the fall in the city of Nihonmatsu brings a lot of joy. Since the 19th century, large, human-sized “Kiku-ningyo” dolls have been created from living chrysanthemums. Their luxurious clothes made from fresh flowers amaze with the variety of shades. The dolls stand and sit in various poses; from a distance they can be mistaken for living people. This exhibition helps to increase vital energy.

To maintain health and increase life expectancy, 128 holidays are celebrated a year. If a person does not celebrate his birthday, the New Year holiday and the spring equinox, then his vitality begins to gradually weaken regardless of age, immunity decreases and diseases appear. These days, the interaction between human energy and the energy of space is changing, so you need to be happy, cook delicious food and communicate with nice people. Traditions have been developed experimentally, the implementation of which allows you to use the energies of the cosmos in the most beneficial way to improve your life. Traditions are not immutable; they change over time. As the energy of the cosmos changes, tradition changes. To improve your life, it is very useful to study traditions by asking older people about how they used to spend holidays. Sometimes it is very useful to put on national clothes and dance national dances - they contribute to maximum preservation of vitality.

Gifts are also very important to preserve vital energy. They don't have to be expensive, as long as they are chosen with love and packaged beautifully. It is very pleasant to receive, but no less pleasant to give them. People rarely give gifts to themselves, and in vain. You can give gifts to yourself for any occasion: graduation from university, start of vacation, holiday, birthday, long-awaited purchase. Give something that brings joy - a beautiful flower, a delicious cake, a beautiful painting. Gifts to yourself are a means of raising your vitality.

Pair dancing is useful for maintaining and restoring health. During the dance, the energy of people interacts, promoting mutual harmonization.

Man as a transit zone for various types of energies. For the most part, energy exchange between people and the outside world occurs in the background and people do not record it. At some point a person can begin to observe this process, but as practice shows, he quickly comes out of this state.

There are different types of energy exchange and how a person reacts to the outside world. Some people take in all the energy they feel around them. There are people who filter energies and allow only a certain quality.

1. For example, the first type will be approached by a person with very negative energy: bad thoughts, fatigue, depression, he will automatically pump it out and either keep it with himself or throw it out through aggression on another person. Such people do not control the quality of energies; they need any energy. They come to different places and absorb everything that is “free” at the moment. This is how there is a framework of their energy, an unconscious structure of the physical and mental bodies. Energy vampires can do the same, people who deliberately provoke other people to release high-quality or low-quality energy - through conversation, action, manipulation.

A simple example: in a work team, a subordinate can come to the leader with fear and depression, the leader, through a conversation, can feed on this energy and keep it for himself, or reset it - call another subordinate and pass the baton through a shout. This type of person comes to stores or public places and collects all the connections that are available, they then shape his desires, moods, physical and mental state. This type of people, regardless of whether they initiate an influx of energy or simply take all the energy from people, simply need an endless stream of influences. Because the flow can carry energy of different quality, then the state of this type of people is also very unstable.

2. The second type of people controls energy exchange and their subconscious is configured in such a way that they filter out unnecessary frequencies at the moment. Optionally, the filter can be set to low frequencies. A filter can also exist within high frequencies, when a person deliberately narrows his world to a certain point, and the filling of his energy occurs in a certain frequency range - and when next to such a person they can start a conversation about higher frequencies, perception of the world, existence, behavior, he may not perceive this spectrum and simply not understand what we are talking about, because karmically at the moment he is supposed to have a slightly different experience.

A simple example is when in a work group the company conducts conversations at low energies, using obscene language or discussing entertainment of low quality, judging other people, and at this moment a person may come who will express an alternative point of view, and most likely his point is not will be accepted because people have a filter around them and they build their world as they need at the current moment (but they can also change later and even as a consequence of this conversation). Even if a person’s speech at higher frequencies is convincing and the infusion of energies into a space of higher quality is stable, then the majority of people will return after some time back to their frequencies, including because this is what is destined for them karmically, precisely at this moment. The same thing happens with a high-frequency filter; people whose filter only passes high frequencies, when they get into passionate public places or companies, try not to let these energies pass through.

There are quite a few types of energy exchange around, it is interesting to observe the nature of the influences on a person. A bad mood is like a virus that enters a person’s energy field - from unfavorable places, or after conflicts, through conversation or action. A person is like a transit zone for different types of energies: bad energy, like black smoke, can enter a person, and until you get it out, the person will be in a similar state. The same thing with good energy.

Every day we feel the influence of a huge number of factors, each of which is a carrier of frequency-energies. And every day this energy enters us and we carry it within ourselves. We complicate facts, our states, we worry about some events, when situations can be much simpler than we might think, and in general, our “seems” and “sees” are very much tied to what kind of energy structure has entered us, what we carry it within ourselves. And every time it captivates the eye when a person lets go of the thought that everything in his life is bad, and the dirty stream of energies that kept him on his toes comes out from his back. Thoughts clear and ideas appear. Literally within a few minutes of each other. There might have been no ideas and no feeling of joy in life... and suddenly it lets go...

Until we record our states and understand that for the most part, our consciousness, mood, assessments, plans, mobility - those energies that we accept and carry within ourselves, we will be in an endless pendulum and will not be able to control our consciousness, body, mind, desires, life circumstances, relationships with people, plans.

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