How to attract what you want into your life? How to attract what you want into your life People don’t march in formation along the embankment.

The law of attraction is a very wise law by which life is built. Therefore, it is important to learn to develop intuitive abilities and attract into your life what you dream of.

Perhaps you dream of traveling the world? Have you always wanted to write a book? Or are you thinking about opening your own cafe? Every person has unique dreams, but only a few believe that their fulfillment is possible. Never let someone tell you that you can't do something. Believe in yourself.

We need to spread our wings! Find your purpose and meaning in this life. The most important thing is to consider them absolutely real and watch how they come to fruition. And then you can show others that life is not as tough as we always think it is. And that we are lucky to live in this wonderful world where miracles happen every day.

1. Be positive

Go through life with a positive attitude. When you speak, do it with good intentions. Attract positive thoughts no matter what you do. The more positive energy you have in your thoughts, the less negativity there will be in your life.

2. Be grateful

There is much in this world for which we can be grateful. Be grateful for your family. Be grateful for your friends. Be grateful for home. Be grateful for food. Be grateful for the adventure.

There are many people on this planet who can only dream of what you are already lucky enough to have.

3. Believe in your dreams

Attract what you dream of. After all, it is your dreams that can turn life into an endless miracle.

Whatever you need or want must be believed without doubt.

4. Follow your intuition

You are the only one who has control over what happens in your mind. If something makes you feel good, you should definitely do it. It is important to listen carefully to your inner voice. You must know and be prepared for the fact that your intuition will help you.

5. Have the courage to follow your heart

The law of attraction will affect your heart. And if the desire of your heart leads to heartache, then you need to be able to face suffering with courage. Courage gives strength.

Don't let others drag you down. Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed and remember to support them.

6. Listen to your instincts

We always say that intuition gives the right clues. But our instincts can, on the contrary, make us weak. Pay attention to this “weak link” and be aware of it. Don't give in, stay on your toes!

7. Give good things to people

8. Travel inspires and takes you to the next level

Travel is one of the strongest activators of changes in life. Every time you travel, you see new places, new people, and experience new perspectives. And all this is excellent “fuel” for our life-changing “mechanism”.

9. Find time to do what you enjoy

The Law of Attraction suggests that we attract what we want. Do you want to have more time to do what you enjoy most? If so, don't say “it's impossible,” but start finding at least 10 minutes to start.

10. Show your passion.

11. Be sincere with everyone

Be yourself. Nobody likes fake personalities. Be real, be honest, be kind, be able to admit mistakes.

12. Don't practice hypocrisy

Show others that you can do something that those around you can too. If you want to attract all the good, then you yourself must also be a source of good.

13. Realize that your imagination is very powerful

Imagine your dreams coming true. The Law of Attraction applies to whatever you want to become a reality. If you always think about your dream and visualize it, you will help make it come true.

14. Be passionate about what interests you

Be enthusiastic about learning about things that interest you. If you are truly passionate about something, you should learn as much as possible about it.

15. Forget about failures

There is no need to replay failures in your head. Focus on success and happiness.

16. Understand: Worry, stress and fear don't matter.

Forget about fear. If we focus on eliminating worry, stress and fear, our lives will be happier. The unknown is scary, but the heart is waiting for adventure to fill life.

17. Recognize that everything happens for a reason.

Defeats and losses also have their purpose. Life sometimes leads us in a very mysterious, but in its own beautiful way.

18. Be honest, lies are useless

If you want to attract something true into your life, always tell the truth and you will never have to hide anything. If you are ashamed of something, admit it.

Never blame anyone for doing wrong. Control your grievances and learn to find your mistakes.

19. Live like every day is a miracle

Live as if your dreams are coming true every day. Live as if there were no tomorrow. And miracles will begin to happen around you.

Albert Einstein said: “There are two ways to live. The first is as if no miracles exist, and the second is as if there are only miracles everywhere.”

20. Be open

In order to attract what you want, you must have an open mind. Having an open mind allows you to gain multiple perspectives.

21. Don't let school interfere with your education

This is what a famous professor once said. In other words, school is not the only place where people receive education. You will also learn a lot from other sources and personal experience.

22. Learn from everyone

We must learn not only from our own experience. You can learn a lot from others. We all have something worth learning. This proves that together we are capable of more.

23. Know how to notice the best in people

If we see something better in others, they are more likely to see something better in us. This is also the law of attraction. Start small, give someone the benefit of the doubt. If a person stops disappointing you, it means that you have become better for him.

24. Believe in abundance and freedom

Along with freedom comes abundance. Once you achieve freedom (it's not about money), you can do whatever you want. Allow yourself to be happy for free and help others. Liberation brings abundance into life.

25. Focus on desires

Attract what you need and your desires will be fruitful. Needs come gradually. At the appointed time.

26. Don't get hung up on the fact that money can buy happiness

We buy material things with money. But joy and love cannot be bought for them. Ambition and success cannot be bought with money either. No one can sell you wonderful dreams or a purpose in life for money. Moreover, by giving someone your last ruble, you can completely change their life. But yours will change for another reason.

27. Remember there is always room for improvement

Nobody is perfect in this world. You may not be born a child prodigy or with the talent that you yourself now wish you had. But you can develop. Why not gain knowledge about everything that interests you, and then improve on what you find most important?

28. Do not give up

Do not give up! Nowhere, never and under no circumstances!

29. be patient

Patience is a true value. Everyone dreams of achieving their goals at a fast pace, but more often than not, you need to have patience to go all the way.

30. Inspire others!

Strive to inspire. Your ambition and enthusiasm can be a great motivator for those around you. Show people that our life is a great journey. Thanks to our imagination, dreams can be controlled. But it is we who can give them freedom, and then they will begin to come true!

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He who is not happy with what he has will not be happy with what he wants.

The most common misconception when assessing your capabilities

When discussing this topic, people mistakenly believe that you need to initially have connections, special talent, education, money or extraordinary skills. Then they will be able to do what they want, become what they dreamed of becoming, sleep until lunch, in a word, they will be happy.

Many also believe that success is the result of a favorable combination of circumstances, luck, or luck. It seems to us that we need certain external components that will lead us to Success and a state of happiness.

Most of us think like this: “First I’ll earn a lot of money, then I’ll take care of my health, personal and spiritual growth and I will be happy...”. Actually, this is what society teaches us.

One Eastern parable says about this:

“Money can buy a bed, but not sleep; food, but no appetite; medicines, but not health; servants, but not friends; women, but not love; home, but not home; entertainment, but not joy; education, but not intelligence."

In fact For most people this formula... doesn't work.. “I swear, if people began to mistake happiness for money, and money for happiness, then no one will ever receive the Golden Key,” said the wise turtle Tortila.

The truth is that you may or may not earn money, but you can lose your health once and for all. What kind of happiness can we talk about then?

Moving along this path, even achieving certain results in the material sphere, you will constantly find yourself faced with new needs and be in a constant search for happiness, each time setting yourself new conditions for finding it. The list of these conditions can be endless. In pursuit of new symbols of happiness, you feel like you are on an endless treadmill.

As John Lennon sang, “You keep making plans for life, but it’s already underway.”

It's like a never-ending chase for tomorrow. The next acquisition initiates the desire for a new acquisition.

How much someone needs to be happy, everyone decides for themselves. The outstanding philosopher of the 18th century Grigory Skovoroda spoke about a fountain surrounded by people with various vessels in their hands: But “The main thing is that everyone is full of being.”

There's nothing wrong with wanting more; the main thing is to avoid attachment and dependence on the desire for more. It must be remembered that as soon as your ego falls in love with material goods, your happiness from you goes into them, you identify yourself with them, and your growth and development stops. There is no need to covet money and things, you just need to use them - apply them, admire them, experience pleasure.

The main thing is not to look for yourself in them! You are much more than your ego assures you, which drags literally everything into its treasury of identifications - from things to opinions about yourself. Otherwise, you will be doomed to spend your whole life collecting this endless pile of trinkets, which will completely close you off from your true “I” and the correct understanding of the level of “Being”. To realize the futility of this process, you don’t have to wait for the moment when there are 5 minutes left before the “closing of the curtain”... This is a question of the balance of material and spiritual, where contradictions are not at all necessary, since both are two sides of the same coin.

But everything real, material, is created from the spiritual, and the spiritual is primary. Of course, every person, in the process of his comprehensive development, must also develop the material side of his existence. Without a certain amount of money, you will not be able to experience the fullness of life, this is undeniable. Gandhi said:

“There are people in this world who are so hungry that they cannot see God in anything but bread.”

Awareness of the value of the current moment, gratitude for it - this is the main principle of attracting what you want into your life. Socrates said:

“He who is not content with what he has will not be content with what he wants.”“Many, having accumulated wealth, found not an end to their troubles, but other troubles.” .

(Epicurus) Sophia Loren once said:“The two great advantages I received at birth were that I was born smart and born into poverty...”

. Paradoxically, this great actress considered poverty at the beginning of her life to be a good gift, and wealth at birth to be the most difficult test for a person. The famous oligarch Vladimir Potanin adds:.

Vladimir Korotkevich, a Belarusian writer, author of many historical novels, said that previously the sons of rich parents, until the age of 12, were raised in the poor families of their peasants, then they took them away and informed the boy that he was a rich heir. As a result, by this time my son had managed to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, as well as a healthy idea of ​​life.

“Wealth - health - happiness”... Why not the other way around: start with a feeling of happiness right “here and now”, with taking care of your health, and consistently begin to move towards well-being? After all, in order to become happy, to feel happiness simply and without preconditions, there is no need to wait for something. After all, happiness can only be felt in the present time!

Pythagoras also said that those who know how to live in the present can be happy.

And the famous expert in high performance psychology Jim Loehr adds - “Money won’t buy you happiness, but happiness will help you become richer.”.

So where does it all begin? In fact “Be - Do - Have” - this is the correct sequence in realizing your dreams.

  • First you focus on who you are and who you should be in relation to your purpose;
  • then on what you think, feel and how you act;
  • and only then – what will you get as a result.

Level "Be" means to be at peace with yourself, a balanced internal state. This sequence gives you natural inner integrity and harmonious structure. That's why: “Be – Do – Own!”.

Goethe wrote: “To get more, you must first become more.”. After all, you are not the things you have, and not even what you do and what you do, and not what others think about you. You are the qualities and states that are inside you. The Bible says: “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and destroy himself?”

We think of ourselves as if we are our cars, things, work, titles, environment, salary, regalia, diplomas, reputation, etc. To the question “Who are you?” We most often define ourselves by what we do or what we have.

But if you are what you have, then if it is taken away from you, then you are gone? Nowadays this is done easily, and you yourself know many examples of this. “Today is Caesar, tomorrow is nothing,” said Virgil. For this reason, when the global crisis broke out, many bankrupt businessmen took their own lives. Their belief system was that they were their business. Having lost him, they thought that they had lost everything and did not see the meaning of their existence.

“True wealth is not what you have, it is what you are left with when you lose everything you had,”- says James Ray.

Your inner world is the only thing that truly belongs to you. Your inner qualities are the main value that no one can ever take away from you. What you have in your soul will remain with you forever and will serve as a reliable foundation at any time.

Even in the face of incredible losses and the most difficult landings, who you are will allow you to recover and return to an even higher level again, because sustainable growth will always come from the inside out. That's why, The first component of Success is you! It is from the level of “Be” that your ascent begins.

Enel Charles, the founder of New Thinking in his famous book “The Master Key System” writes: “We must be before we do, and we can only do to the extent that we are, and therefore everything we do coincides with what we are, and what we are depends on what what we think."

Mahatma Gandhi said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Before setting any external goals, you need to achieve the main internal goal. This means that you need to develop qualities in yourself that will move you towards your ideal. The beginning of your transformation is the beginning of observing and analyzing your mental and behavioral habits, because they determine the quality of your life.

James Ray in his book Harmonious Wealth writes: “If you decide to become a millionaire, then decide not for the green pieces of paper, but for the sake of who you have to become to get there.”

Remember that everything first arises in thoughts and then manifests itself in reality. “A new life is just a new way of thinking.”

And in order to teach your brain new thinking, it, just like your body, needs to be exercised. This particular process will involve working with your habits, habits at the level of actions and at the level of thoughts. But you must do it yourself; no one will do this “physical exercise” for you. published

1. Be positive

Go through life with a positive attitude. When you speak, do it with good intentions. Attract positive thoughts no matter what you do. The more positive energy you have in your thoughts, the less negativity there will be in your life.

2. Be grateful

There is much in this world for which we can be grateful. Be grateful for your family. Be grateful for your friends. Be grateful for home. Be grateful for food. Be grateful for the adventure.

There are many people on this planet who can only dream of what you are already lucky enough to have.

3. Believe in your dreams

Attract what you dream of. After all, it is your dreams that can turn life into an endless miracle.
Whatever you need or want must be believed without doubt.

4. Follow your intuition

You are the only one who has control over what happens in your mind. If something makes you feel good, you should definitely do it. It is important to listen carefully to your inner voice. You must know and be prepared for the fact that your intuition will help you.

5. Have the courage to follow your heart

The law of attraction will affect your heart. And if the desire of your heart leads to heartache, then you need to be able to face suffering with courage. Courage gives strength.

Don't let others drag you down. Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed and remember to support them.

6. Listen to your instincts

We always say that intuition gives the right clues. But our instincts can, on the contrary, make us weak. Pay attention to this “weak link” and be aware of it. Don't give in, stay on your toes!

7. Give people kindness

Treat others the way you want to be treated. We've all heard this saying. But it is important not only to know it, but also to follow it. Treat other people with kindness. This creates a world filled with virtuous karma.

8. Travel inspires and takes you to the next level.

Travel is one of the strongest activators of changes in life. Every time you travel, you see new places, new people, and experience new perspectives. And all this is excellent “fuel” for our life-changing “mechanism”.

9. Find time to do what you enjoy

The Law of Attraction suggests that we attract what we want. Do you want to have more time to do what you enjoy most? If so, don't say “it's impossible,” but start finding at least 10 minutes to start. Show your passion.

11. Be sincere with everyone

Be yourself. Nobody likes fake personalities. Be real, be honest, be kind, be able to admit mistakes.

12. Don't practice hypocrisy

Show others that you can do something that those around you can too. If you want to attract all the good, then you yourself must also be a source of good.

13. Realize that your imagination is very powerful.

Imagine your dreams coming true. The Law of Attraction applies to whatever you want to become a reality. If you always think about your dream and visualize it, you will help make it come true.

14. Be passionate about what interests you

Be enthusiastic about learning about things that interest you. If you are truly passionate about something, you should learn as much as possible about it.

15. Forget about failures

There is no need to replay failures in your head. Focus on success and happiness.

16. Understand that worry, stress and fear don't matter.

Forget about fear. If we focus on eliminating worry, stress and fear, our lives will be happier. The unknown is scary, but the heart is waiting for adventure to fill life.

17. Recognize that everything happens for a reason.

Defeats and losses also have their purpose. Life sometimes leads us in a very mysterious, but in its own beautiful way.

18. Be honest, because lies are useless

If you want to attract something true into your life, always tell the truth and you will never have to hide anything. If you are ashamed of something, admit it.

Never blame anyone for doing wrong. Control your grievances and learn to find your mistakes.

19. Live as if every day is a miracle.

Live as if your dreams are coming true every day. Live as if there were no tomorrow. And miracles will begin to happen around you.

Albert Einstein said: “There are two ways to live. The first is as if no miracles exist, and the second is as if there are only miracles everywhere.”

20. Be open

In order to attract what you want, you must have an open mind. Having an open mind allows you to gain multiple perspectives.

21. Don't let school interfere with your education.

This is what a famous professor once said. In other words, school is not the only place where people receive education. You will also learn a lot from other sources and personal experience.

22. Learn from everyone

We must learn not only from our own experience. You can learn a lot from others. We all have something worth learning. This proves that together we are capable of more.

23. Know how to notice the best in people

If we see something better in others, they are more likely to see something better in us. This is also the law of attraction. Start small, give someone the benefit of the doubt. If a person stops disappointing you, it means that you have become better for him.

24. Believe in abundance and freedom

Along with freedom comes abundance. Once you achieve freedom (it's not about money), you can do whatever you want. Allow yourself to be happy for free and help others. Liberation brings abundance into life.

25. Focus on desires

Attract what you need and your desires will be fruitful. Needs come gradually. At the appointed time.

26. Don’t get hung up on the fact that money can buy happiness.

We buy material things with money. But joy and love cannot be bought for them. Ambition and success cannot be bought with money either. No one can sell you wonderful dreams or a purpose in life for money. Moreover, by giving someone your last ruble, you can completely change their life. But yours will change for another reason.

27. Remember that there is always room for improvement.

Nobody is perfect in this world. You may not be born a child prodigy or with the talent that you yourself now wish you had. But you can develop. Why not gain knowledge about everything that interests you, and then improve on what you find most important?

28. Don't give up

Do not give up! Nowhere, never and under no circumstances!

29. Be patient

Patience is a true value. Everyone dreams of achieving their goals at a fast pace, but more often than not, you need to have patience to go all the way.

30. Inspire others!

Strive to inspire. Your ambition and enthusiasm can be a great motivator for those around you. Show people that our life is a great journey. Thanks to our imagination, dreams can be controlled. But it is we who can give them freedom, and then they will begin to come true!

By learning to subconsciously attract what you want, you can get whatever you want. Simple practices will help you make your life brighter and make all your dreams come true.

Every person has a cherished dream, but many do not know how to approach it. When we make a wish, we already at a subconscious level believe in its fulfillment. We fight, we wait, and we put in all the effort necessary to get what we want, but when it doesn't happen, we give up. Why are our wishes not fulfilled? Surely you have asked this question more than once. To get closer to your dreams, you first need to find out why our dreams do not come true.

Why don't wishes come true?

Before you begin practices to fulfill your desires, you need to figure out why some of them cannot be fulfilled despite all your efforts. The site team will tell you about the main obstacles that may arise on your path to your dream.

Incorrectly formulated desire. The most important and common mistake is the incorrect formulation of desire. Of course, when we voice our dream, we first of all imagine the result, but this is not the most important thing. At this point you should describe your desire in detail. For example, if you want to buy a new house, you need to imagine it down to the smallest detail, otherwise you won’t be able to realize your dream for a very long time.

Desire is connected to your past. The dream should concern only your future. If you dream of correcting the mistakes that happened to you earlier and waste your internal energy on worries, then your desire will not come true. Focus on the future and let go of the past, and everything you want will appear in your life.

You are not ready to fulfill your desire. Before you make a wish, think about whether you are ready for it to come true. You must be sure that you are ready to accept your desire and start a new life, only in this case you will get results.

Your dream is impossible. Unfortunately, our dreams cannot always come true, especially if they are far from reality. It is important to remember that the Universe is not capable of creating miracles, therefore, in order to achieve what you want, you do not need to confuse realistic dreams with sky-high fantasies.

Inaction. Making a wish is not difficult, but getting the result is much more difficult. To do this, you need to make an effort on your part. If you're dreaming of traveling, you don't have to wait for tickets to fall out of the sky. Start working harder, learn to save and save money, and then soon you will be able to get closer to your dream.

Useful practices for getting what you want

If you have already found the reason why your desire is not coming true and got rid of it, then it’s time to start realizing your dream. To do this, use simple but effective practices.

Formulate your dream correctly. To get what you want, learn to correctly formulate and express your thoughts. For example, if you want to get your hands on something, you must describe it in detail and even imagine that you are already holding it in your hands. This will help you get closer to your dream on a subconscious level and make it a reality in the near future.

Create a collage. Sometimes you just need to paint a picture of your life in which all your dreams have already been fulfilled. To do this, you can create a collage yourself. Look through newspapers and magazines and cut out pictures from them that depict what you want to achieve. Post them on whatman paper, and draw yourself or place your photo in the center of the composition. Look at your collage every day, and then your expectations will become less painful, and your wishes will soon come true.

Visualize your desires. According to psychologists, in order for desires to come true, it is important to imagine them in your mind. To do this, retire to a quiet, deserted place. Think about your dream, imagine it as clearly as if it had already come true. Repeat this practice at least several times a week, and the result will certainly please you.

Work on your fears. Each of us is afraid of something, and sometimes it is because of this that we cannot change our lives for the better. Fears scare away our desires, preventing them from being fulfilled. They keep us from moving on and getting closer to our dreams. It is necessary to fight fears and not be afraid of new changes. Only by gaining courage and self-confidence can you attract what you want and achieve success.

Manage your emotions. When we want to get something, we most often say the phrases “I want” or “I dream,” but we cannot rely entirely on the power of words: your feelings also play a huge role in this process. When you imagine your dreams, you need to be in a good mood, as if everything you wanted to achieve is already in your life. Don’t forget that the Universe reacts not so much to our words as to our emotions, so you need to learn to suppress internal negativity, otherwise the path to your dream will be long and full of obstacles.

Our ancestors knew about the extraordinary power and capabilities of amulets. With their help, you can not only attract luck and money into your life, but also realize your dreams. We wish you success and good mood,and don't forget to press the buttons and

Joe Vitale is one of the authors of the acclaimed film “The Secret”, the author of books and trainings on the Law of Attraction. His story is interesting: he was once poor and homeless - but now he is one of the most successful speakers of our time.

Joe suggests using 5 steps to make the Law of Attraction work for your benefit:

1. Write what you DO NOT want.

People focus on what they don't want. Instead of looking for opportunities to achieve what they want, they attract the unwanted into their lives. Hence the next step:

2. Turn complaints into intentions.

Reframe what you don't want into something you don't want. What would you like. And then your eyes will open to the opportunities that are all around you.

3. Clear the Subconscious.

We attract into our lives not those intentions that we are aware of, but what is in our Subconscious.

How to do it? How to cleanse the Subconscious? First, become aware of your limiting beliefs. Secondly, devote more time to meditation - states when the body and mind are relaxed.

4. Imagine the end result.

Visualize and experience the state when the result is achieved.

Of course, visualization alone is not enough to achieve what you want. Therefore, the next step is action.

5. Take an action that inspires you, driven by your intuition, not your mind.

You feel like you have to do it - you want to do it!

This action will be light and pleasant, and not something that burdens you.

Dealing with doubts:

Doubts often poison our lives. Doubts are completely logical and reasonable.

We ask ourselves: “What if it doesn’t work out?” Knowing the Law of Attraction, we realize that we attract negativity to ourselves with such a phrase. To speed up the achievement of what you want, allow yourself to dream big. In response to doubts, deliberately begin to visualize even greater success.

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