Short haircuts for a round face with glasses, a large, long nose, wide cheekbones, a narrow chin, for thin, curly hair. Photos of options

Hairstyle is one of the most important components of appearance. It must be selected taking into account the shape of the face. There are several such shapes - there are oval, round, triangular and square face types. Let's look at what women's haircuts for wide faces exist.

Features of a wide face shape

First of all, let's define the concepts. A wide face is considered to have a wide forehead and chin, which is almost in line with the cheekbones.

With the help of a properly chosen haircut for this type of face, you can visually slightly narrow your forehead and cheekbones, and also divert attention from a heavy chin.

How to choose a hairstyle if you have a wide face: expert advice

Experienced hairdressers advise leaving such a forehead open, and the hair above the forehead should be raised and laid as high as possible. Combing the parietal area will visually lengthen the face and make it narrower.

Women's haircuts for wide faces - options

Haircuts for wide faces: "Debut"

For a round face shape, the “Debut” haircut is ideal. The length of the haircut should reach the chin. In this case, the widest part of the cheekbones will be covered by hair.

A short tousled hairstyle, complemented by torn bangs, will also look great.

The length of the bangs is medium, preferably to the middle of the forehead. Wavy and curly hair can be styled in a slightly longer hairstyle, with the curls softly framing the face.

Haircuts for wide faces: "Ladder"

Those with long hair can also use a few tricks to hide the excess width in the lower jaw and forehead. Haircuts for this purpose are a real find. In this case, a ladder trimmed along the cheeks will look very good. Haircuts for wide faces can also be two-layered, with a shorter layer placed above a longer one.

If you twist the strands slightly, this will give your hair extra volume.

The ends of the hair can be curled both inward and outward. As for thinning, you can decide to your taste whether to use it or not. In any case, both options will look quite relevant - both with clear, even borders and with thinning.

Bob haircut for those with wide faces

The bob haircut is always in fashion today, evoking memories of the 20s of the last century. You can make a hairstyle with long strands in front, which are styled with soft curls or rings. If you divide your hair into a side parting and remove your bangs from your face, you will get an option in which the width of your face will be practically invisible.

However, in no case should you make strictly geometric haircuts - they will only emphasize the existing shapes. You should also avoid straight parting and hairstyles in which the hair is combed smoothly back.

What hair color suits wide-faced people?

Pay attention to the correct choice of hair color. Dark, especially black tones, emphasize the smallest details, and therefore the width of the face. But light shades can soften hard contours and give the image the missing lightness.

How to pin up your hair to hide a wide face

Do you have a round face? This means that you need to give it relief and visually narrow the oval of your face. When you pin your hair up, be sure to leave a few strands hanging loosely near your temples to hide your cheeks.

Girls with round faces go for tall, voluminous hairstyles that lengthen the face and make it visually thinner.

And lastly, human nature is such that we are never satisfied with what we have. The same applies to wide face types. Many women make every effort to hide this imaginary flaw in their appearance. Haircuts for them are almost a way of marking. In fact, such a person usually belongs to a strong personality, richly gifted spiritually.

These are strong-willed, decisive people who are capable of wonderful and courageous deeds. Many models and actresses, on the contrary, try to give their faces similar shapes, using all kinds of hairdressing tricks. Perhaps you should think about whether it is necessary to change this impression of you from others and hide the beauty given to you by nature?

To choose the right hair shape and length, you need to know what face shapes exist and what hairstyles are suitable for them.

There are three ways to determine your face type and shape. With these techniques, a woman can easily figure out which face shape she has. And it’s easy to choose hairstyles that suit him.

Determining your face shape using a mirror

To do this, you need to take a washable marker or lipstick and stand at a distance of half a meter from the mirror. The light must fall from above, and not on the face. You need to carefully outline the contours of your face, starting from the chin. Then move on to the cheekbones and forehead.

After this, you can begin to analyze the face: where is the widest part of it, how much the cheekbones protrude, how wide is the forehead. By determining these parameters “by eye”, you can calculate your face type.

Using a tailor's meter

  • First you need measure the cheekbones along the protruding parts. These parameters will correspond to the width of the cheeks;
  • Jaw width is measured as follows: The centimeter should be placed just below the ear and brought to the middle of the chin. The resulting figure must be multiplied by “two”;
  • The forehead is measured at its widest part: the measuring tape must be laid from one temple to the other;
  • Face Length: a centimeter is applied in the middle of the forehead and lowered to the most protruding point of the lower jaw.

Four measurements method

With its help, you can quite accurately determine the shape of your face and conclude which hairstyles are suitable for it.

How to take measurements:

  • Make the 1st measurement horizontal and draw along the top of the forehead;
  • 2nd – along the upper border of the eyebrows;
  • The 3rd parameter is measured on the lips, at their highest point;
  • The 4th measurement is taken vertically along the hair growth line, through the nose and to the lower jaw.

Face shapes are different and hairstyles for them also need to be chosen accordingly.

If you correctly calculate your parameters, you can achieve a perfectly created image.

In total, stylists and hairdressers distinguish 8 standard types.

Stylists identify eight standard face shapes. For each of them, certain types of hairstyles are recommended.

Standard face shapes

Oval face

This type is easily recognized by its sharp, protruding cheekbones. Such faces resemble the shape of an egg, which is turned upside down with the sharp part down. Usually, The forehead and jaw of the owners of this type of face are almost the same, the chin is slightly rounded. A classic example of this type is Sarah Jessica Parker.

Triangular face

This type of face has almost the same width and length. But the forehead is its widest part. Sometimes there are varieties of this face in which the forehead and cheekbones can be the same in width. This type of face ends with a pointed chin. A typical example of a triangular face in Legally Blonde is Reese Witherspoon.

Diamond face

This type of face is a bit similar to the oval one. The only difference is that his chin is pointed. And the forehead resembles a cone. Sophia Loren has this face. The type of her American colleague “Catwoman” Halle Berry looks no less impressive. Madonna is also among the owners of a diamond-shaped face.

Round face

The name of this type speaks for itself. The widest part of such a face is the cheekbones. But usually the measurements for width and length are almost the same. Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz are bright representatives of this type.

Rectangular face

An almost perfect rectangle is achieved by straight lines along the border of hair growth. The cheekbones are angular in shape, and the proportions of other parts of the face are the same. Britney Spears, Gwyneth Paltrow, Heidi Klum - these universally recognized beauties have rectangular faces.

Square face

Representatives of this type have ideal facial proportions. Their forehead is usually wide and their cheekbones are angular. Typical examples are Angelina Jolie and Selma Hayek.

Trapezoidal (pear-shaped) face

The width of the face is slightly less than the length. Downwards it gradually narrows. The forehead is usually wide, and the hairline is clearly defined and almost straight. Kelly Osbourne, Jennifer Aniston and Mini Driver are all owners of this type of face.

Heart shaped face

It is believed that this type is the most feminine. The “heart” shape is emphasized by a special hairline: it clearly shows the “tick” that the hair forms.

This face type is characterized by a wide forehead, narrow chin and prominent cheekbones. Representatives of this type: Eva Longoria, Kim Basinger and Marilyn Monroe.

Stylists say that all face shapes are good in their own way, if you choose the right haircut and hairstyle for each of them, then you can visually correct the shortcomings that every person has.

How to choose a good hairstyle according to your face shape - what else you need to know.

Makeup artists warn their clients: when changing their image, under no circumstances should they be guided only by fashion trends.

The wrong hair color or haircut style can cause irreparable damage to your overall image

It is no coincidence that experts classified the main face shapes and selected hairstyles for them.

Here are the main tasks that real professionals set for themselves when working with a client:

  • We hide flaws. There are no ideal people. Not all hairstyles will suit even an oval face;
  • We emphasize the advantages. With the help of a haircut, you can hide imbalances in the face and focus on its most attractive parts;
  • We avoid extremes. Even the most correct facial features can be distorted as a result of incorrectly chosen hair length and haircut shape.

The choice of the right image is influenced by several factors that the master must take into account:

  • Hair color. Light colors will make the face visually wider. And dark shades will narrow it significantly. As a classic example, we can cite the main character from the film “The Addams Family” - Marticia. Long black hair visually lengthens an already narrow face;
  • Hair length. Only those with a perfectly regular head shape can afford a short crew cut. A round head from such a haircut will look like a soccer ball. A narrow skull should not be framed with long hanging strands;
  • Hair structure. Coarse and curly hair will stand on end if it is cut short. And it is better to cut thin and light hair than to tie it at the back of the head.
  • Individual characteristics faces also need to be taken into account when choosing hairstyles and haircuts.
  • Hair and makeup should match perfectly. A well-chosen make-up will complement the image and make facial imperfections less noticeable.

Stylists advise: before visiting a beauty salon, you need to look critically at yourself in the mirror, evaluate your strengths and see your shortcomings.

What haircuts are suitable for a round face?

Haircuts for round faces and different hair lengths

This type needs visual lengthening. Since the width from the top of the forehead and the distance between the cheeks are the same, it is necessary to balance the proportions. This effect can be achieved on long and medium hair.

Cascading haircuts and large curls are suitable for a round face type. If you have a short haircut, you need to give it maximum volume to make the hair appear larger.

An asymmetrical bob will look good on such a face. Its length should be significantly below the chin line, and the back of the head must be raised.

Hairstyles for round face shapes

With a round face, a classic bob to the middle of the cheek is strictly contraindicated. It is better to completely abandon the straight parting and short bangs.

A side parting would look perfect on such a head.

What haircuts are suitable for a square face?

According to stylists, a square face is very expressive. But it requires a special approach.

To soften the harsh lines of the square, women need to choose haircuts that will make the face softer.

The ideal option is a bob, below chin level. But it should not be too voluminous at the cheek line.

For this type of face, you need to choose hairstyles and haircuts that will visually round it out. Women belonging to this type need to forget about long and absolutely straight hair, say the stylists.

A mandatory element of a haircut for a long face should be bangs. It can be anything: long, short, straight or beveled.

Hairstyles for Long Faces

The main goal is to distract attention from a face that is too long. Various options for graduated and multi-layered haircuts are suitable for this type. A graduated bob looks great

Which haircut is suitable for an oval face?

An oval face shape is considered ideal by hairdressers and stylists. All haircuts and styling options are suitable for her.

Cascade, classic bob, or short “hedgehog” - the oval will fit perfectly into any frame. Some stylists still believe that boyish haircuts violate the natural harmony of such a face and deprive it of its femininity.

Hairstyles for oval faces

An oval face is equally suitable for bangs or their complete absence; you can put your hair in a ponytail or let it fall along the face.

Hairstyles for triangular face shape.

Certain restrictions in choosing a hairstyle are imposed in the case of a combination of a narrow chin and a wide forehead. With the help of a hairstyle, you need to visually expand the lower part of your face. Curls and bobs styled “from the face” are an ideal option for this type.

Hairstyles for Square Face Shapes

Hairstyles with volume at the top of the head look good on square faces. Thanks to the light backcombing on the bangs, you can visually elongate your face. Side partings, angled bangs and large curls are ideal.

Hairstyles for Square Faces

Women with a square face type should avoid bob-style haircuts and hair tied in a ponytail.

Haircuts for heart-shaped faces

Hairstyles for Heart-Shaped Faces

Haircuts that visually reduce the forehead and make the chin wider are ideal.. A bob with a side parting and sloping bangs is the best option. The main thing is to choose the right length.

For ladies with a heart-shaped face, a bob whose length will be below the level of the chin is suitable. And the hair should be styled towards the face.

Hairstyles for rectangular face shapes

Even a steep forehead combined with a prominent chin and well-defined cheekbones can be beautiful if you choose the right hairstyle. With the help of curvaceous forms, you can divert attention from obvious facial flaws and turn them into advantages.

Hairstyles for rectangular faces

Almost all haircut options are suitable. The main thing is to give them as much volume as possible. No “slicked” strands, stylists warn!

Pear-shaped face shape: haircuts

With this face shape, both long haircuts and medium-length hair are allowed. The main task of the stylist is to avoid large amounts of hair near the chin.

Haircuts for pear-shaped faces

You cannot choose haircuts with the same hair length and ultra-short ones. They will visually enlarge the upper part of the head. Haircuts with oblique bangs are welcome, for example, a bob with a length below the cheekbone line.

Hairstyles for Diamond Shaped Faces

Hairstyles for Diamond Faces

Wide and high cheekbones, a narrow forehead and a pointed chin - these disadvantages can be turned into advantages if you visually narrow the cheekbones and maximize the forehead line using a hairstyle. If your hair is long, then large curls are ideal.

Stylists say that with such a face you should not comb your hair in the middle. The lines should only be asymmetrical.

Hairstyles for Diamond Shaped Faces

For medium-length hair, it is appropriate to make a bob or an elongated bob. Short hairstyles with this type of face are allowed, but they should be as voluminous as possible.

How to choose a hairstyle for a woman with facial features.

With the help of hair length, color and volume, you can correct many “natural” facial imperfections.

A long nose

If nature has not rewarded you with a neat nose, then you should give up smooth hair. Voluminous haircuts will “distract” attention from this shortcoming.

If your everyday hairstyle involves wearing a ponytail, then your hair should not be completely pulled back with an elastic band. They need to be given a little volume at the face and back. The only possible option for bangs is oblique and torn. If this part of the hairstyle is straight and thick, it will only make the nose appear larger.

For those with a long nose, it is better to choose voluminous haircuts of medium length.

Sarah Jessica Parker is not at all embarrassed by her rather large nose; she simply managed to turn this flaw into a clear advantage with the help of a properly chosen image.

Short nose

Smooth hairstyles are contraindicated for those with a snub nose or a potato nose. For this type of face, voluminous hairstyles are suitable; backcombing is allowed. Style icon Victoria Beckham successfully disguises her less than neat nose with a mop of hair.

Those with a snub nose should choose voluminous hairstyles.

Large curls and large buns are suitable. The “lyrical chaos” style is a great option. Sandra Bullock's nose shape is by no means ideal. But the right hairstyle makes her irresistible.

Short neck

To visually lengthen your neck, you can get a boyish haircut. This option is not suitable for everyone, but only for the bravest. A low hairline can be easily corrected using a hair clipper. But then you will have to visit the hairdresser quite often.

A short bob with elongated strands and a maximally raised nape will also help to visually make your neck longer.

If your hair is long, you can put it in a high ponytail or leave it loose over your shoulders.

Long neck To balance the proportions and make an overly long neck shorter, you need to give up hair in a ponytail or shaved nape. A cascading haircut will look ideal.

Any hairstyle that covers the neck at least to the middle will visually “shorten” this part of the body.

Big facial features Stylists advise women with large and expressive facial features to choose voluminous hairstyles.

Smooth and too short “boy” haircuts are absolutely not suitable for such persons.

A voluminous bob or curls can visually reduce the proportions of the face. This effect can be achieved with the help of properly selected highlighting.

Small facial features On the contrary, voluminous hairstyles with large curls are contraindicated for those with small features.

Against the background of a shock of hair, your face will become completely invisible. Such women need to choose short hairstyles that reveal their face. Ears should be as open as possible.

Heavy chin This natural flaw can be disguised with the right bangs.

It will distract attention from the heavy lower jaw. A bob with a length below chin level is suitable. In this case, the hair needs to be styled “towards the face” and the lower part of the hairstyle should be made as full as possible.

Flat face In this case, stylists recommend not to be shy and to completely open your face to the gaze of others, and to place the main emphasis on the hair at the back. There is no need to try to hide a flat face with bangs, it will only highlight this flaw.

For such a face, hairstyles with curls and fluffy curls will suit you.

Useful video materials on the topic “Face shapes and hairstyles for them.” Straightening curly hair and creating volume at the roots

How to choose a hairstyle according to your face shape. Stylist tips:

How to straighten your hair without harming it:

With the onset of spring, you also wanted something fresh, new, you decided to start with your appearance. What better way to change your appearance than a new haircut.

But the most important factor in choosing a haircut was, is and will be - the shape of your face. If you make the right choice of haircut, then you can not only radically change your appearance, but also correct your shortcomings in appearance, emphasizing only your advantages.

Oval is the ideal face shape on which any type of haircut with different lengths and structures, symmetrical and vice versa, looks good. Haircuts can be with different types of bangs or without them. When choosing a haircut, you just need to pay attention to the shape of the nose, neck length and other individual differences. Perhaps there is one exception - this is an overstated hairstyle, which can make the face too elongated.


A round-shaped face has the same width and length, wide cheekbones and forehead, so the face needs correction, it needs to be given a visual oval.

Any asymmetrical haircut will have a positive effect on a round face; a medium-length haircut with angled bangs and a side parting is recommended. A haircut with long hair that partially covers the face with thick bangs from the top of the head is recommended. You can visually make your face longer with thick oval bangs. If you like a short haircut, it should be with top volume to make the face appear longer and be sure to have long temples to help narrow the face. Bangs are a must. An asymmetrical bob haircut with beveled bangs and lengthening will have a good effect on facial correction.

Not suitable for a round face: smooth styling, lack of bangs, large curls, hairstyles without top volume.


A square face with a wide forehead and chin needs to be visually narrowed and softened by rough features. The ideal haircut for a square face would be a graduated bob, the length of which should be below the chin; a ladder covering the cheekbones and having a large volume on the crown area is also suitable. For thick hair, a long asymmetrical bob is indispensable. You can use haircuts without clear lines with beveled bangs. Symmetrical hairstyles and straight thick bangs are not recommended.



For an elongated face, to give roundness, a bob haircut is recommended, also a short oval bob, thick bangs up to the eyebrows. Soft curls will be very useful with curls from the face; side volume is also desirable in the hairstyle.

Straight long hair is not desirable, as are straight partings.


Thick bangs with an asymmetrical long bob will soften your facial features. Haircuts are recommended length to the chin, emphasizing the oval of the face, asymmetrical, styling should give fullness at the level of the cheekbones, soft curls with a strict straight parting are recommended. We do not recommend cutting your hair too short or having long, straight hair.


Voluminous bangs on an asymmetrical bob that hide voluminous cheekbones are ideal. Short haircuts should have volume at the top of the head. Soft curls on medium length hair will help smooth out wide cheekbones. It is contraindicated to comb your hair back, as well as to wear hairstyles that widen at the cheekbones or end.


A short stepped haircut with voluminous sides will remove the emphasis from a wide chin. Graduated haircuts with maximum volume of the crown area with thick beveled bangs are also recommended. It is necessary to exclude haircuts with volumes that emphasize the lower part of the face.

A short haircut is an opportunity to hide the imperfections of a round face without resorting to plastic surgery and makeup. For a harmonious look, just the right styling is enough to make your face more oval and not lose its tenderness and femininity.

You can easily determine your face type at home using one of the following methods:

Signs of a chubby type:

  • smooth transition between the lines of the forehead, cheekbones, chin;
  • lack of pointed corners, soft features;
  • the width of the forehead, cheekbones, and chin are approximately equal, but the length is different;
  • visually the face often appears flat;

Haircuts for chubby women with bangs

The main task of a short haircut for a round face is to visually “stretch” its parameters and hide imperfections. Therefore, it is necessary to choose styling with a voluminous top and straight vertical lines.

  • pixie;
  • garcon;
  • bob with extension;
  • elongated bob;
  • asymmetrical haircuts.

Bangs are an important element of a hairstyle, which can either correct facial features or change its appearance for the worse. If you have a round face, straight and short bangs are not recommended. It makes it flat and visually enlarges it. It’s better to give up bangs or choose an elongated version with side bangs.

You should also avoid straight parting. With a boy's haircut, you don't need to do it, but with a bob or bob, the hair is combed to the right or left side.

Pixie haircut

The craze for pixie haircuts began in the late 60s. It is characterized by very short hair, which adds audacity and rebellion to the image, without depriving the girl of softness, elegance and tenderness.

Features of a pixie haircut:

A short pixie haircut for a round face is suitable for non-frizz thin strands. Firstly, thanks to the volume at the roots, you can get rid of the lack of thickness, and secondly, straight, unruly hair does not require careful styling. The hairstyle is suitable for those with a thin neck and straight shoulders.

For thick hair, this haircut can be used to thin it out and lighten the volume. Pixie is not suitable for those with very curly hair.

Bob haircut

Bob - a short haircut for a round face means the length of the hair on the face from the lower jaw line to the shoulders. The main difference from other haircuts is the difference between the length of the front and back strands. The latter should be shorter.

There are the following bob haircut options:

One of the advantages of a bob is that a short haircut for a round face implies the absence of even bangs. It is designed to be laid on the side.

Bob haircut

A short bob haircut is considered ideal for girls with a round face. Elongated, even strands framing the face help hide excess roundness and disguise the width of the cheekbones. Unlike a bob, with a bob, the strands of the back and front are the same length.

Haircut cascade

The cascade can be called the opposite of the bob. The hair is short here near the face, and as it moves towards the back of the head the strands lengthen. When creating a cascade, it is important not to allow the length of the curls above the cheekbones.

For a round face, the following cascade haircut options are suitable:

  • shortened When styling this hairstyle, volume is created on the top of the head. This allows you to elongate the face, and make its owner visually taller by several centimeters;
  • cascade with strands. The basic structure of the haircut is similar to a bob. But the strands that frame the face are cut shorter. This allows you to simultaneously hide excessive “roundness” of your cheeks and make your hairstyle stylish and unusual.

For a cascade haircut, asymmetrical or side-cut bangs are suitable. But you will have to give up straight and round. It is difficult to style with them.

Applying a cascading haircut to a pixie or bob allows you to add personality to your hairstyle and experiment with styling. Mixing styles has become a fashion trend lately.

Asymmetrical haircut

Almost any asymmetrical haircut suits a round face. Different lengths of strands are the best correction for drawing out too rounded lines. An asymmetrical short haircut for a round face allows you to create an individual look, since it is almost impossible to achieve identical hairstyles.

The following options exist:

  1. Asymmetrical pixie haircut. These are strands of different lengths, which differ significantly from each other on the top of the head and on the bangs. “Ragged” elongated bangs with or without a side parting can extend onto the cheekbones and lip line.
  2. Asymmetrical garcon haircut. Visually, it is similar to a squeak. The difference is the smooth lines of the garçon compared to the slightly chaotic pixie. Uneven bangs below the cheekbones, combed to the side, will help to remove the roundness of the face.
  3. Asymmetrical bob. The hairstyle is used only for perfectly smooth hair. It is recommended for women with a long beautiful neck. In addition to correcting imperfections in the face line, an asymmetrical bob will help shift attention away from large and protruding ears.
  4. Asymmetrical bob. Stylists recommend this hairstyle for those with thin hair. Thinning allows you to hide this flaw and give your hair volume. It is important to ensure that the length of the strands does not end at the cheeks or cheekbones.
  5. Bob-car on a leg with asymmetry. The hairstyle suits girls with a graceful neck. Due to the long strands near the face and very short ones on the top of the head, volume is created that visually elongates the face. The disadvantage of the hairstyle is regular correction. Overgrown strands greatly spoil the image.

Haircuts for curly hair

Curly hair is a real “punishment” for a round face. The smaller the curls, the more noticeable the “dandelion effect”. This further widens and rounds the face. If you have curly hair, it is better to abandon the classic bob and bob. These hairstyles require daily styling, which can be a problem if you have curls.

If you have curly hair, a pixie cut will help make your face more oval. Short hair at the back and temples will distract attention from the cheeks. And long asymmetrical wavy bangs will add tenderness and femininity. Some stylists recommend combining this hairstyle with gradient coloring.

When choosing a bob or bob, it is recommended to combine them with bangs. It should run diagonally and cover part of the forehead. The parting is done at the upper left or right corner of the forehead. If the choice is an asymmetrical haircut with elongated strands, thinning will eliminate excessive roundness at the ends.

Haircuts for thin hair

Almost all short haircuts are suitable for non-voluminous, thin strands. Firstly, their low density does not add unnecessary volume to the face, and secondly, most haircuts fall on thin strands.

Ultra-short pixie and garcon haircuts are combined with long bangs or curls that frame the face and short strands at the back of the head. This makes it easier to add volume and visually make the face more oval without depriving it of its femininity.

If you have sparse hair, you should avoid mirror smoothness. Therefore, stylists recommend using various cascading and multi-stage hairstyles.

Classic hairstyle with a ladder is not advisable for a round and wide face. But it can be used if it is created from thin and sparse hair. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the longest strands fall below the level of the chin by several centimeters.

For thin and sparse hair, it is better to avoid bangs.

Haircuts for thick hair

For very thick wavy hair, it is better to use ultra-short boy haircuts. And regular thinning will save your hair from excess volume. For fans of longer hairstyles, bobs and long bobs with side bangs are suitable. For thick hair, styling is important. The hairstyle should be mirror-smooth, and the front strands can go behind the face and hide the roundness of the cheeks.

It is better to avoid bangs if you have thick hair. But if without them the image is not complete, it is better to choose options with torn ends and thinning. If you have thick hair, it is better not to resort to cascading haircuts. They create excess volume.

What hairstyles are suitable for women with wide, narrow, long noses?

Voluminous hairstyles with wavy ringlets and curls help to visually “get rid” of a wide nose. But with a very full face, such hairstyles are not recommended.

They can be replaced by asymmetrical strands, a cascade with bangs combed to the side and a bob and a bob with an extension. Girls with pixie haircuts are recommended to create additional volume with wavy bangs and a light backcomb at the back of the head. This elongates the face and visually narrows the nose.

A narrow nose is rarely considered a fault, but with a round head shape, it can make the face look flat and focus attention on large cheeks or wide cheekbones. In order to visually expand it, it is better to abandon voluminous hairstyles and long bangs. For small facial features, it is recommended to cut your hair as short as possible.

A round face with a long nose is quite difficult to correct. To do this, you need to remove attention from this defect and draw it to beautiful lips or eyes. To do this, you need to give up long hair and straight bangs. The best option is a shoulder-length or chin-length haircut with side bangs.

What hairstyle to choose with wide cheekbones

Wide cheekbones are not uncommon with a round face. They are able to give the image heaviness and angularity.

With this face shape, you need to choose hairstyles that smooth it out without making the look even more rounded.

  1. It is better to avoid ultra-short haircuts, since the face is not covered by hair. Otherwise, choose only multi-layered haircuts for boys.
  2. The optimal length of strands framing the face is below the chin.
  3. Bangs will help hide the width of your cheekbones. It should be long and laid on its side.
  4. Asymmetry will help soften the straightness of the cheekbones and the volume of the cheeks. The more it is, the less attention is paid to the severity of the lateral lines of the face.
  5. Any straight horizontal lines are prohibited. The worst option for wide cheekbones is straight short bangs and a parting in the middle.

For wide cheekbones in combination with a round face shape, the following hairstyles are recommended:

Haircuts for round faces with narrow chins

The main task of a haircut for a narrow chin is to soften the corners. It is also important not to visually expand the contours of the face, which will make it flat.

The main principles of haircuts for a round face with a narrow chin:

A pixie bob is considered a suitable hairstyle for a round face with a sharp and narrow chin. This is a combination of edgy and short pixie strands with longer curls near the face. Wavy strands in long bob and classic bob haircuts will help “soften” a narrow chin.

Tips from hairdressers: what should a haircut be like for women over 50 years old?

At the age of 50, hair loses its thickness and must be constantly dyed due to gray hair. Therefore, short haircuts are especially suitable for round faces.

Women over 50 with a round face and short hair
It is recommended to wear glasses. They give the image romance and youth.

Stylists offer the following options that go well with glasses:

For a round face, not only the hairstyle is important, but also the hair color. It is better to dye short hair in dark colors. This outlines the contour of the face, making it narrower, while lighter shades have the opposite effect.

Video about short haircuts for round faces

Haircuts for women with round faces:

Round face hairstyles, haircuts:

There is an opinion among girls that it is difficult to choose a good hairstyle for a full face, but this idea is “delusional”. Even with chubby cheeks, you can create various hairstyles that will become an adornment. But, there are some nuances that must be taken into account when choosing a haircut for a full face, because no one can do without certain restrictions.

Basic selection rules

With the help of a well-chosen hairstyle, you can hide flaws and highlight your advantages. A good haircut for women with a round face shape helps to radically change and “slim” the face. If you want to lengthen the facial shape and visually make it narrower, then you need to be guided by the following rule: while hiding the flaws, emphasize the advantages.

With or without length?

When choosing hair length, you need to take into account your body type. If you have a short neck, it is better to pay attention to shortened options with a fluffy crown or a medium-length hairstyle just above the shoulders. If you have a large, heavy chin and a wide face, then it is advisable to choose a shoulder length. Remember, the bob is not suitable for women with a round face type. If you like short hairstyles like these, then pay attention to the bob bob.

Don't want to say goodbye to length? No need. Create a layered, cascading hairstyle that is easy to style. A falling cascade looks impressive on long hair, visually elongates and narrows the face. When choosing a hairstyle or haircut for a full face, you must adhere to the following rule: when creating the upper volume, the temples should be cut short, and it is advisable to leave a few strands on the sides, which will limit the width of the face. In your case, there should be volume in everything.

Short options

For women with a round face, too short haircuts are not suitable; the ideal option would be long bob-style bobs or cascades. Now these short hairstyles are at the peak of popularity; they are easy to style and do not require much time and effort. In this case, the hairdresser must make the correct cuts so that the hairstyle looks harmonious.

Chubby cheeks can be disguised with a parting that should be asymmetrical. At a certain oblique angle, short hair looks attractive and elegant. With a short haircut, you need to think about additional volume; thinning will help here. Using thinning scissors, the hairdresser processes the ends of the hair and creates a support. Shaping is the process of cutting the hair near the head. Once dried, this short hair lifts slightly, creating volume.

A straight bob goes well with a round face type. The length of the front strands should be below the cheekbones to hide them. Thanks to this, imperfections will be masked.

Golden mean

In the case of medium length, the elongated bob comes first. This is a stylish, elegant and feminine hairstyle. In this case, you can choose any hairstyle option; it is important not to forget about layering.

For office style, an asymmetrical parting and oblique side bangs are suitable. With this hairstyle, your appearance will be elegant and strict. It does not require much effort during installation. The bangs can be easily styled chaotically or smoothly.

Graduation of the entire hair length looks good on a full face. Haircuts such as cascade or bob are easy to style and easy to care for.

"Long" haircut

If you want to maintain the length of your hair, you need to take a closer look at multi-level haircuts. This is especially true for girls with naturally curly hair. You also need to remember that the first strand should be no lower than the chin.

If you don’t like multi-level options and your hair is naturally straight, then go for light curls that visually narrow your face.

It is important to remember that long, straight hair is not meant for women with round faces. “Sleek” strands only emphasize the fullness and roundness of the face. It is better to choose voluminous and lush options without horizontal lines or straight cuts. It is the asymmetry with oblique lines that is in harmony with a round face.

When choosing a haircut, it is important to rely on your own image, clothing style and hair structure. But the best style is the one you like, and the haircut is just a nice addition!

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