Features of care for problem skin. Identifying problem skin

Hi all!!!

Today I’ll tell you about my facial skin care routine. I’ve been working towards this for a very long time - through trial and error, and I’ve chosen the optimal method for myself. Who will be interested in my review? Girls with oily/combination and problem skin. I will divide the review into four stages:

I. The severe stage of acne, as I struggled with very severe rashes, is the case when it is scary to approach the mirror.

II. Skin care now, how to maintain your skin so that those terrible breakouts don't come back again.

III. The fight against post-acne is the most difficult stage, here you will understand that acne is half the trouble.

IV. I devote a separate topic to “black dots”, after all, this problem requires a basic approach.

I will supplement my review with “before” and “after” pictures; unfortunately, I don’t have photos from the period when my skin was in terrible condition. I’m very sorry, I couldn’t have known that I would start activities on this site. But the fight against post-acne is not over yet, here I will delight you with photographs, but later.


Rule #1: Throw away regular towels! Why? They contain all the infection, all the bacteria that pass from your face. It turns out to be a vicious circle, but what to do??? We buy disposable towels, now this is not uncommon, they are sold almost everywhere.

Rule #2: Don't keep makeup on your face for long. For example, even if I’m very tired, I immediately run to wash off my makeup. It doesn’t matter how I feel or what’s wrong with me, I always wash off my makeup, otherwise you won’t have any problems.

Rule #3: We choose one powder, one foundation, one corrector - this is very important. Of course, we girls wear a lot of cosmetics, but in order not to scare our skin and not get confused ourselves, we follow this rule.

Rule #4: Regularity, skin care is work, and taking care of problem skin is hellish work, so don’t be lazy! Even if I feel really bad, I will always follow the basic rules of care.

Rule #5: Don't panic, miracles don't happen right away. For example, my sister wants the rash to go away in one day. I always laugh at this, because this will never happen, you need to wait at least a week. Even if you smear yourself with gold, miracles will not happen.

Rule #6: We refuse everything harmful: chips, crackers, Coca-Cola, deep-fried products, and so on. Sweets are allowed, but only a little.

Rule #7: We change the pillowcases on the pillows at least twice a week, this is very important, the same thing happens as with towels.

Rule #8: Don't touch your face with your hands!!! You must remember this, like your own mother, never pick pimples!

Rule #9: Don’t buy all the facial products with inscriptions: for acne, blackheads, post-acne, and so on. Why? Not all products with such promises fulfill their tasks, and sometimes they do even worse. What to do? Our website will come to the rescue, as well as YouTube. See all the opinions, both positive and negative. This way you will make the right choice for yourself.


Everyone needs vitamins, of course, you need to know when to stop. For example, in the summer I completely give up vitamin complexes, because this is the season for fresh berries and fruits, but autumn and winter is the time for me to take store-bought vitamins. What have I tried?

  • Biomax- the most affordable and effective vitamins
  • Complivit- I liked it less, but it’s worth a try
  • Pentovit- these are only B vitamins, useful not only for the skin, but also for the hair
  • Alphabet- good vitamins, I also recommend trying them
  • Fish fat- a good food supplement, good for everyone

I advise you to take only well-known vitamins and supplements; for example, I’m afraid to try little-known vitamins from other countries. I trust only proven ones.


I have never consulted a dermatologist or cosmetologist about acne and acne problems. We can’t find a good cosmetologist, and I’m afraid to trust my face to someone unknown, maybe it’s stupid, but that’s how it happened. If your budget allows it or you have good cosmetologists, of course, turn to professionals. And if you are simply in a hopeless situation, as I was, then I hope I can help you. So, let's start with the most serious stage.


Here I will tell you the most important and shortest stage of treatment. It went away very quickly for me, probably within a month, all the serious nastiness on my face was gone. What should you buy?

  • Tar soap
  • Salicylic acid 40 ml 2%
  • Streptocide
  • Levomycetin tablets
  • Clay black and blue
  • Tea tree oil
  • Aloe vera gel
  • Facial cleansing sponge
  • Vitamins, any you like

Everything is very inexpensive, but there may be problems with aloe gel; you can use pure aloe juice, which is also good.


  • Salicylic acid 2%, 40 ml
  • Streptocide in bags, one piece
  • Levomycetin 4 tablets

Pour Streptocide and Levomycetin into a bottle of salicylic acid; be sure to grind the tablets. Shake everything up and wait at least a day for all the substances to dissolve well.


  • We wash ourselves with tar soap using a sponge. After 5 minutes, wipe your face with mash. If your face is really dry, after 30 minutes you can moisturize your skin with aloe, but nothing dried out for me at all. We take vitamins according to the instructions.


  • We wash ourselves with tar soap. Next, I applied a clay mask.


  • Clay, black/blue, one teaspoon
  • I add water so that it becomes a mass similar to sour cream.
  • Tea tree oil, 3 drops

Mix everything and apply to the face, wait 20 minutes, rinse. Water can be replaced with herbal decoctions or still mineral water.

I made this mask every day!

  • After the mask, the skin rests for about 30 minutes, then I again treat the skin with mash and go to bed. We take vitamins according to the instructions.

ATTENTION! We remove all scrubs and peelings, they will do harm here! Only strips from “black dots” are possible.

That's the whole stage! It's very simple, severe rashes went away within a week! I am not kidding! So I was treated for about two weeks, my skin became absolutely clear, but I still had post-acne from picking at pimples and tormenting my skin with the wrong products.


I got rid of the severe rashes, but how can I take care of my skin so that it doesn’t come back again? Also, such care will help smooth out the effects of problematic skin.


The first thing we must do is cleanse our skin of impurities. Which means do you prefer?

  • I love natural soap, which may contain components such as: tar, sulfur, salt, activated carbon, calendula, chamomile, tea tree.
  • Gels and foams for washing should be as natural as possible; try to choose a product with less chemical content
  • It’s good if the foams/gels contain acids, for example: salicylic acid, lactic acid, citric acid, malic acid or citric acid.

At the moment I have this choice for cleansing my skin. I wash off cosmetics with oils, for example, almond.


Clay, for many girls, is simply a salvation; in this section I will help you choose the right clay.

I always have cosmetic clay in my arsenal; it’s cheap and has a lot of benefits. I prefer all varieties, and they exist:

  • White- ideal for combating post-acne and excess oily skin, I recommend it to girls with age spots, clogged pores and post-acne.


  • white clay, 1 teaspoon
  • lemon juice, 1 teaspoon
  • kefir, take enough to make a thick mass

Mix everything, apply to the face and wait 20-30 minutes, rinse off. This mask will cleanse pores, lighten acne and normalize oily skin.

  • Green- ideal for combating post-acne, acne and large pores. For some reason, it is the most difficult to find.


  • green clay, 1 teaspoon
  • water, take enough to make a thick mass
  • rosemary essential oil, 3 drops

Mix everything, apply to the face and wait for 20 minutes, rinse off. This mask deeply cleanses pores, removes subcutaneous skin and post-acne.

  • Blue- a favorite in the fight against acne, I always use it if my skin is in trouble.


  • blue clay, 1 teaspoon
  • Chamomile decoction, take so that you get a thick mass
  • tea tree essential oil, 3 drops

Mix everything, apply to the face and wait for 25 minutes, rinse off. Cleanses and removes acne instantly.

  • Black- my favorite clay, it does everything, cleans pores perfectly and is generally a savior, but it’s hard to find, I don’t even know why.


  • black clay, 1 teaspoon
  • apple cider vinegar 6% or 3%, must be natural
  • water

First, we make a mixture for pouring clay. We dilute the vinegar 1:3, that is, one part vinegar to three parts water. Then we take one teaspoon of clay, add this solution to it, so that we get a thick mass. We apply the mask to the face and wait 15 minutes, wash it off, the face may be red, but in the morning everything goes away.

I have listed my favorite clays, of course, there are many more varieties, but I love these the most and recommend them.


I know a lot of oils that fight problematic facial skin, but for myself, I chose only a few favorites.

I'll start with essential oils.

Essential oils:

  • Tea tree- everyone knows it, it is known for its excellent property of eliminating acne, and in general, it has a lot of useful properties, I always buy it. You can use it spot on a pimple, or you can add it to masks and lotions.
  • Rosemary- I call it a friend of the tea tree, the properties are very similar. Rosemary is good for tightening pores and normalizing oily skin. I always have it in my arsenal, I add it everywhere, and you can also apply it directly to pimples.
  • Lemon- with this comrade you need to be extremely careful, the most powerful oil that spares nothing. I add one or two drops at a time, or use it in mixtures with the base. Perfectly removes blackheads, lightens age spots and post-acne. You can’t apply it pointwise, it’s better to mix it in masks or lotions.
  • Mint- I really love this oil, it tightens pores well, evens out the complexion, and it just gives a pleasant cooling sensation. I can apply it directly to a pimple and add it to a cleansing gel.

Base oils:

  • Caraway- known for its super abilities in combating post-acne and acne, I also add it to masks with clay or egg white, I advise everyone to buy it.

  • Grape seed oil- I use it when I want some kind of nourishing mask. Well moisturizes the skin, nourishes and evens out the complexion.
  • Almond oil- I remove makeup with it, sometimes I add it to masks, I like it more, of course, for the skin around the eyes and eyelashes.


Of course, read the ingredients, it’s the whole point. I currently have this set; there are now a lot of ready-made products.

It’s good if they contain: acids, clay, sulfur, vitamins, natural extracts. You don’t need to buy everything, read the ingredients, reviews, then you will find the right thing.


What is hydrolate?

Hydrolate is a by-product of essential oils obtained by steam distillation of a plant. Such water absorbs most of the biologically active substances from the plant and, in addition, also a small (residual) amount of essential oils that were not separated during sedimentation. "Flower water" is a narrower concept that refers to hydrosols obtained from flowers.

Hydrolates are good for diluting clay and moisturizing the skin during the day. Good to use as a toner.

For anyone who has not tried hydrolates, I highly recommend them, they are a must have, especially for problem skin.


You know, I really like to wipe my skin with pharmaceutical products, I always alternate them with tonics or hydrosols.

What do I choose?

  • Salicylic acid 2%, 1%- perfectly cleanses pores, also acts as a micro-peeling, removes rashes. I like 2% more; in my opinion, the result is better than 1%.
  • Tincture of calendula- I also love it, but less than salicylic acid. Calendula is good when there are a lot of purulent rashes.
  • Chlorhexidine- I recommend it to all girls, it’s an excellent antiseptic, it also fights rashes and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

I don’t use all these products often, I make sure to take breaks, otherwise the skin gets used to it and there will be no effect.


There are times when pimples pop up unexpectedly, and it’s not always beneficial to do a pimple for this. Ointment from the pharmacy comes to my aid.

Which ones to choose?

  • Zinc-salicylic paste- good when the pus has already come out and you need to heal what is left, but finding such an ointment is now difficult.
  • Syntomycin ointment- it often helps me with small pimples, it is convenient to use during the day, it does not leave a greasy film on the face, they say that it also helps with post-acne, but here it did not help at all. Contains an antibiotic, be careful.
  • Levomekol- works great against large rashes, but I only use it at night, it’s too oily.
  • Ichthyol ointment- draws out all the pus, I like to use it for purulent pimples, but it smells terrible and stains everything around.
  • Streptocide ointment- kills bacteria well, but its action is not so fast, I liked it because it does not leave red spots after a pimple, and heals well.

Of course, also alternate all the ointments, not all at once.


Problem skin needs to be moisturized, but finding a suitable cream is unrealistic; I have tried many brands.

Almost all the creams clogged my pores to the point of horror. Finally, I found something more or less suitable for myself. I present to your attention my favorites:

  • Aloe vera gel, I have two versions, Crimean and Savonry. I use it more often after clay masks.
  • I use snail gel morning and evening, but I haven’t completed the whole course yet, I’ll definitely write a review about it
  • And the night cream from Olesya Mustaeva, I use it only at night - the best night cream, but I recommend it when there are not many rashes.

I’ll tell you more about each of them later, but I can say with confidence that they work, at least I haven’t found anything better.


I put scrubs and gommages in the very last section, since you can’t use such things often. Why? The fact is that if you have rashes on your face, then any trauma to the skin will be fraught with severe inflammation.

You still need to scrub your skin, what should you do? Choose two scrubs for yourself, one with very small particles, often gommage, and let the other be rougher - I have a hundred apple beauty recipes.

  • I use gommage every other day
  • I use the scrub once a week

The main rule is not to press too hard on the skin, the scrub will do everything for you!


Let's proceed to the third stage - the fight against post-acne, a very difficult period, requires patience and time, especially if you do not have extra money to go to a cosmetologist. What to do in this situation? Include acids, acid peels, badyagu, and mesotherapy in your skin’s diet. Slowly but surely, we will achieve clear, blemish-free skin.


Now they can be purchased at any store, there are budget ones and not so much, as a rule, they all work, but slowly. You can just buy a lemon and lubricate the problem areas with fresh juice, it helps a lot. I do them 1-2 times a week.


Here you can come up with 3 options for peelings, they will be similar in effect, but the hardness score, one might say, will be different.

  • The strongest option- mix badyaga powder in equal quantities with badyaga gel, everything is sold in pharmacies and costs a penny. Apply in a circular motion to problem areas, wait 15 minutes, rinse.
  • Middle option- mix badyagi powder in equal quantities with hydrogen peroxide. Apply in a circular motion to problem areas, wait 15 minutes, rinse.
  • Weak option- mix badyagi powder in equal quantities with hot boiled water. Apply in a circular motion to problem areas, wait 15 minutes, rinse.


You will definitely need to purchase a mesoscooter, I’m just starting to take courses, the result is already visible, more details - wait in the next review. Which needles to choose?

  • If you have thin skin, 0.75 mm is enough
  • If the skin is thicker, 1 mm will be more effective.

I do the procedure 1-2 times a week.



The fight against “black dots” is the most eternal; you can never completely get rid of them. They will still be there. The question arises, how to remove them, at least temporarily?

  • Steaming masks, for example, there are Korean ones with activated carbon, are very cool. I use them before the cleansing strip, or I can do it just like that.
  • Cleansing strips for the nose, among the favorites so far are Propeller and Tony Moli, do not remove everything, but 90% of the nasties disappear
  • Special systems, I really liked the Korean Mizon system and the one with the snowman from ROYAL SKIN. All systems are very effective, but expensive.
  • The most budget-friendly product is simple soda, but it does not remove as effectively; for prevention, you can add soda to a portion of the gel and wash your face as usual.

Well, that’s all, I told you my most important tips, I hope I helped you in some way, if you have any questions, ask. All the tips that I told you have been tested by me personally. I will update the review with new tips, as well as photographs.

Thank you everyone for watching! Good luck! Bye!

The face is the outer cover for every person, because it is the face that we first pay attention to when meeting and communicating with a person. That is why it is so important to keep this part of the body in an attractive and well-groomed form. But sometimes it’s quite difficult to do this, because some people have a lot of skin problems. Caring for problematic facial skin can also be done at home.

Identifying problem skin

For many, the term “problem skin” is immediately associated with a specific skin type, but this is absolutely not the case. Both oily and dry skin types can be problematic. The main distinguishing factor here is the problems that arise with the skin during life.

Of course, identifying exactly problem skin is quite simple, since all the symptoms, as they say, are on the face. But still, with the help of certain problems and rashes, you can easily determine your skin type, and this will make the care process more effective and safer.

Be sure to purchase cosmetic products in accordance with your skin type, since when using products that are not suitable for this item, unpleasant consequences of improper care often occur on the face - pimples, blackheads, blackheads, peeling and other “charms”.

Symptoms of problem skin

In order to know for sure about the presence or absence of skin problems, it is important to competently approach the issue of identifying any symptoms of problem skin. If you notice that you regularly experience 2 or more of the following symptoms in your daily life, then most likely you definitely have problem skin.

  • The problem of pimples, blackheads, blackheads and inflammation on the face worries you very often;
  • The skin has a strong shine that is difficult to hide even with the help of decorative cosmetics;
  • The pores are enlarged (this can be seen with the naked eye);
  • You often suffer from redness and swelling, itching and irritation of the skin;
  • The skin is very flaky even when using a moisturizer;
  • Rashes and rosacea on the face.

If the symptoms really interfere with your normal life, and you suspect that this is a really serious problem, then be sure to seek help from a dermatologist.

Also, some of the listed signs may be symptoms of allergies in the body, so visiting an allergist would not be a bad idea.

Care for problem skin: 3 stages

Proper care for any skin type should occur in 3 stages: cleansing, scrubbing, moisturizing. This is also true for problem skin (which can be either oily or dry). But each type has its own restrictions and rules in all 3 stages, which must be followed to achieve maximum effect.

Dry problem skin: care

The main signs of dry problem skin are peeling, itching and irritation. The main step in caring for dry skin is considered to be moisturizing, but many girls, alas, neglect others - cleansing and scrubbing, although this is fundamentally wrong.

As for cleansing dry, problem skin, it is better to do this in the form of washing with special gels, milk or facial washes. Do not forget that these products should be purchased specifically for dry skin. Under no circumstances should you use soap for washing, especially for dry skin - soap is very drying and “tightens” the epithelium, only aggravating the situation. To wash your face, use special sponges that can be purchased at cosmetics stores.

You need to scrub dry skin very carefully and carefully, as it is very easy to damage. You need to do scrubs no more than once a week. Buy special scrubs for dry problem skin.

You need to moisturize dry skin several times a day with small portions of the product. Buy quality creams for dry problem skin. They work better than conventional creams because they restore the structure of overly dry epithelium.

Oily problem skin: care

If you often experience pimples, blackheads, enlarged pores, and oily sheen, then you have an oily skin type. Pay more attention to cleansing your skin.

To cleanse, as in the case of dry skin, use special foams and gels for washing. Buy products exclusively for problematic oily skin. A special sponge is used for washing. Washing procedures are performed 2-3 times a day, usually after waking up and before bed. For additional cleansing, use lotions and tonics, which should be used to wipe previously prepared and clean skin.

Scrubbing oily skin that is covered with acne is undesirable, since after damage to an individual pimple, the likelihood of a skin infection spreading increases significantly. If acne does not bother you, then scrubbing procedures should be performed no more than 1-2 times a week.

Contrary to myths, it is necessary to moisturize oily skin. For this purpose, special creams are used for problematic oily skin, which help regulate the amount of sebum on the surface of the epithelium.

Additional skin nutrition

Every girl dreams of having healthy skin, not affected by redness, oily sheen and acne. However, not everyone is lucky enough to have one. But there is no need to despair. Properly organized care for problematic facial skin at home can reduce the risk of inflammation, rashes and redness to a minimum.

Identifying problems

Those girls who periodically have a couple of pimples on their face cannot be said to have a problem skin type. Then the question arises, what kind of skin can be considered problematic?

It should be noted that the epidermis is considered problematic only if the presence of two or more signs listed below is noted:

  • frequent appearance of pimples, blackheads, comedones;
  • presence of enlarged pores;
  • very shiny skin;
  • the skin constantly peels off;
  • systematic appearance of redness and irritation;
  • rosacea (appearance of red spider veins).

Among the reasons that can provoke the occurrence of this series of problems are the following:

  1. Oily and combination skin is initially prone to acne, comedones, and enlarged pores.
  2. Dry skin often develops redness, irritation, peeling, and rosacea.
  3. The occurrence of problems may be associated with poor nutrition, hormonal changes, gastrointestinal problems, smoking, stress, incorrectly selected cosmetics, skin diseases and genetic predisposition.

Thus, to care for problematic facial skin, it is not enough just to choose the necessary product. It is important to provide an integrated approach so that the problem is completely resolved; for this it is necessary to establish external and internal processes.

We provide competent care

Those who want to understand the question of how to properly care for problem skin must adhere to certain rules. Care should be carried out in stages. To begin with, the skin of the face is cleansed, then toned, after which protection, as well as nutrition and hydration, should be provided. First things first.

  1. For cleansing, you should use a caring gel or foam for washing. It is also necessary to use makeup remover and pore cleansing scrubs. Any of the products is selected depending on the characteristics of the skin type. The use of scrubs for oily and combination skin should be no more than 3 times a week. Dry skin requires using a scrub no more than once every 7 days. You need to wash your face 2 times a day – in the morning and before bed. In accordance with the rules for caring for problem skin, it is not recommended to use soap. This product dries out the skin, and after washing, an invisible film remains on the face, preventing the pores from breathing. This leads to various types of inflammation, which will appear more often after such a procedure.
  2. Toning is carried out using a toner, which is selected according to skin type. The choice of this product must be treated especially carefully, because there are no products that are universal and suitable for any type.
  3. To care for problematic facial skin, you need to take care of protection, which is provided through a day cream. Such protection is necessary from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, exhaust gases and other external negative factors. If protective actions are neglected, the skin will begin to age faster, and facial wrinkles will appear early. If you can sometimes refuse a night cream, then you should not neglect the use of a day cream. In summer, instead of day cream, you can use a light gel.
  4. For problem skin, it is very important to ensure timely hydration and nutrition. This is the use of night cream, as well as various face masks. Applying night cream should be done after toning. When caring for your face, it is recommended to apply masks no more than 2-3 times a week. Masks can be used both professionally and prepared at home.

The general rules are:

  • The temperature of the water for washing should not be higher than 35 degrees. Hot water opens pores and increases sebum production.
  • After washing, it is recommended to use the towel with caution. There is no need to rub your face too much.
  • You should not wash your face more than 2 times a day.
  • For problem skin, it is advisable to use cosmetics marked “non-comedogenic.”
  • Skin prone to acne and inflammation is recommended to be exposed to solariums and solar radiation as little as possible.
  • When the first pimples appear, you need to make sure that they are not rubbed. Otherwise they will spread very quickly.

If you follow all these tips for caring for problem skin, you will be able to significantly improve the condition of your skin. It is very important that daily care becomes a habit and is performed regularly. Only under this condition will it be possible to achieve maximum effect.

Effective recipes

Proper facial care can be provided at home using traditional medicine recipes. All recipes are easy to prepare.

  • Mask with kefir. This simple mask will help in caring for problem skin types. To prepare, you need to mix kefir with cottage cheese to obtain a paste and apply to the skin of the face. After 15 minutes, wash off the composition. Thanks to this product, the skin will become whiter and it will be possible to get rid of redness.
  • Green tea mask. This product will restore the healthy appearance and beauty of aging skin. Preparation: 2 tbsp. l. To brew green tea, pour half a glass of boiling water and leave for half an hour. Mix the strained tea infusion with 20 g of yeast. Wait until the yeast dissolves. If there is a need to make the composition thicker, it is recommended to add a little flour. Apply the resulting drug to the skin of the face and leave for half an hour. Wash off the composition with warm water. The mask should be done twice a week.
  • A mask made with honey and onion juice is considered the most common. Mix these ingredients in equal proportions. Apply the resulting composition to problem areas of the skin and rinse after 20 minutes. You cannot overexpose such a mask, since onion juice has an aggressive effect on the dermis.
  • Glycerin mask with rose water. By following the rules for caring for problem skin, you can resort to using the following mask. A mixture prepared from 2 tablespoons of flour, the same amount of water, 1 teaspoon of rose water and 6 drops of glycerin is thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. This composition must dry completely. To remove it, you need to wipe your face with a towel or napkin, and then wipe your skin with a piece of ice obtained from frozen mint infusion.

The question of how to care for problem skin should be taken seriously. You need to carry out all the necessary actions regularly and not abandon activities when improvements are discovered. Don’t be lazy, but rather wait until the care procedures become an easy habit – after all, only after some time can you count on excellent long-term results.

How should you care for problem skin? Troubles such as acne, redness, and wrinkles can seriously ruin your life. And these are all signs of problematic skin.

And the only thing that every person with such problems wants is to get rid of them as soon as possible. But is this real?

Don't give up. There are many opportunities to achieve amazing and completely healthy skin. To do this, it is enough to have the desire and make a little effort.

Major skin problems

Let's first find out what are the signs of problem skin. If you have this type of skin, then you will encounter the following problems:

  • , acne, pimples occur frequently and increase in number;
  • excessively shiny skin;
  • over the entire surface;
  • frequent ;
  • systematic irritation and redness;
  • red vascular zones appear.

The causes of problems may include various factors:

  1. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Disruptions in the endocrine system, etc.

It is also worth adding that poor nutrition and bad habits contribute to skin problems.

The listed and other points lead to the skin becoming excessively oily, which is a favorable environment for bacteria that cause pimples, ulcers, comedones, and blackheads.

Dry skin is often prone to peeling, irritation and redness. And after 25 years, the process of wrinkle formation begins.

But most often these problems haunt those who do not properly care for their face.

Caring for problem skin (10 important rules)

When caring for your skin, you should follow a number of rules. A step-by-step approach is important:

  1. When cleaning, you should not use aggressive agents or soap, which leave a film on the cover that does not allow the cover to breathe. For this purpose, gels and foams are provided that can penetrate deep into the pores and free the skin from residual dust, dirt, cosmetics, foundation, powder, etc.
  2. You should wash your face in the morning and evening. The water should not be at an aggressive temperature - 30-35 degrees, that is, at body temperature.
  3. You cannot dry yourself with a hard towel - it is best to blot your face with a napkin.
  4. For dry skin types, apply once a week.
  5. You need to use a tonic to maintain firmness and elasticity, choose according to the type of skin. You should carefully study the label on the bottle and use products only from trusted brands.
  6. The skin must be protected from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays; day creams are provided for this. The product protects not only from the harmful effects of rays, but also exhaust gases and dust.
  7. We must not forget about care at night. Despite the fact that we sleep, certain processes continue in the body, including our skin. It needs nourishment, relaxation and hydration. Therefore, before going to bed, you should cleanse the cover of any remaining makeup and dirt, use a tonic and moisturizer.
  8. Cosmetologists strongly recommend using masks made from natural healthy ingredients, the procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week.
  9. It is strictly forbidden to visit or lie in the open sun for a long time. The negative effects of ultraviolet radiation can lead not only to pigmentation, dry skin, peeling, but also the formation of malignant tumors of an oncological nature.
  10. If pimples occur, you should not rub them, squeeze them out, and especially do not touch them with dirty hands. This is especially true for teenagers who squeeze out pimples on problem skin on their own and in places not intended for this.

Basic rules of care

To get rid of the troubles that problem skin leads to, you need to carry out certain facial care activities every day.

In the morning you need:

  1. Using gel or foam for the appropriate skin type, cleanse your face.
  2. Next comes the toning stage. To do this, wipe the surface of the skin with tonic.
  3. After this, the epidermis needs intensive nutrition, so apply serum to the skin. Afterwards, moisturize your skin with cream.
  4. Only after such actions can you apply decorative cosmetics.

Remember that waste products from skin cells accumulate on your skin overnight. If you don’t cleanse the surface of your face and start applying cream or foundation, your pores will only become clogged.

In the evening, you should do the following:

  • Cleanse your face using foam and special products.
  • Using special brushes, massage. Periodically at this stage it is worth doing scrubbing, peeling, applying masks (a couple of times a week).
  • The next stage is toning. Just like in the morning, use tonics.
  • Next, feed your diet using whey or other oil-free products.
  • Finally, you should apply night cream. Don't forget the area around your eyes.

Procedures for caring for problem skin (6 options)

Working on your appearance should never stop. We are talking about a comprehensive approach to prevent the appearance of blackheads, acne, pimples, wrinkles, etc.

Of course, home care is important. But if you really want to get rid of acne, acne and other blemishes that cause problematic skin, you should pay attention to professional procedures.

Mechanical cleaning

Some cosmetologists are quite aggressive about the mechanical type of cleansing, believing that this injures the skin and leads to inflammation.

But the procedure continues to be popular and there is a reason for this: after cleaning, the result is immediately visible - there are no pimples, ulcers, blackheads or blackheads.

The mechanical cleaning procedure consists of 3 stages:

  • cleansing;
  • steaming;
  • cleaning pores and relieving inflammation.

This type of cleansing involves physically squeezing pus and impurities out of the pores with your hands or hands.

The method also has negative sides: the procedure is painful and actually causes injury. For this reason, experienced and qualified specialists must prescribe the use of anti-inflammatory and wound-healing sprays, gels or ointments.

To eliminate redness, white and blue clay and masks with aloe vera are used.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Manual, that is, mechanical cleaning has been replaced by ultrasonic cleaning. With the physical method, tips or “tails” remain in the pores, which then begin to become inflamed and lead to the formation of purulent pimples and their increase in number.

Moreover, the skin may be “tight” and cannot be processed manually, which will aggravate the problem rather than help get rid of it.

The ultrasonic method is recommended for everyone without exception and guarantees deep, complete cleaning of pores, after which there will be no problems. This is also facilitated by hardware sterilization of the skin, which gives a long-lasting and guaranteed result.

The second point indicating the superiority of the ultrasound procedure is the preservation of skin elasticity.

With constant squeezing, the pores become wide and noticeable. With hardware, there is no such effect, which allows you to use the method up to 1 time per month for oily skin, and up to 3 times a year for combination and dry skin.


This method is suitable if you have not only pimples, acne or blackheads, but also enlarged pores. We can say that this is one of the best and most gentle procedures, the course of which includes up to ten or more sessions.

The results of the impact are more than noticeable - there are no scars left from pimples and blackheads, the skin is evened out in a matter of days, the color improves.

The principle of operation is simple - due to photo flashes, bacteria, the main culprits of inflammation and acne, are destroyed. The method is excellent for teenagers suffering from hormonal changes leading to a purulent inflammatory process.

In addition to excellent results in treating acne, phototherapy has other benefits.

According to reviews from both specialists and their clients, the brightness of freckles is reduced and eliminated. The procedure leaves no injuries and is absolutely painless. The only negative is the high price.

Advice from cosmetologists: after phototherapy, it is not recommended to appear in the open sun and try to avoid direct rays for about 15 days. For this reason, it is better to conduct sessions in autumn or winter.

For protection, you should use a cream that protects from ultraviolet radiation and a moisturizer.

Chemical peeling

A procedure based on the use of is another great way to tidy up problematic facial skin.

Depending on the depth of exposure, the recovery period will differ. After the procedure, you may observe slight redness, which disappears after a couple of hours. But there are peelings, after which the face becomes covered with a film that gradually peels off.

Theda Contis

plastic surgeon

You shouldn't wash your face often. Frequent water procedures only increase the production of sebum, which will ultimately lead to acne and other problems. Be gentle with your skin, don't rub it with a towel. Make masks periodically, and leave the squeezing out of acne to a cosmetologist.

Recipes for home use and procedures are an important point in the fight for beauty and youth. But we should not forget about other, no less serious issues relating to the condition of the skin and the body as a whole.

An active lifestyle, proper nutrition, normal sleep, plenty of fluids and positive emotions are required.

As for the latter, there is scientific justification for saying so. Hormones of joy, happiness and pleasure, when stimulated, delay age-related changes and preserve youth.

Many people, regardless of age and gender, have problem skin. Difficulties include too oily dermis and acne. The skin, unlike other organs, is most susceptible to external factors. Most often, inflammation occurs in the sebaceous glands, which have the unpleasant tendency to become clogged. Combination and oily skin requires an individual approach aimed at eliminating specific problems.

Treatment of acne with ultraviolet rays

  1. Ultraviolet rays disinfect and destroy harmful bacteria. The method is relevant only if you sunbathe at the “right” time. Experts in the field of dermatology recommend sunbathing at 09.00-10.00 and 16.00-17.00 hours.
  2. Before starting ultraviolet treatment, consult a dermatologist. The doctor will give precise recommendations on how much you should be in the sun. Neglecting the advice of a specialist can result in burns. Injuries, in turn, will provoke even greater skin problems.
  3. You should not assume that solarium also has a beneficial effect on the epidermis. This statement is erroneous. Artificial UV light does not heal skin damage or remove pus. On the contrary, it helps to reduce the immunity of the affected epidermis.

Please note that while taking a course of antibiotics, any procedures using UV rays are contraindicated.

Eliminating acne with pharmaceutical products

  1. "Visine." To make a pimple less noticeable, you can resort to simple medications that are designed to relieve inflammation from the eyes (like Visine). Use a cotton swab soaked in the composition and apply the disc to the affected area. Wait 15 minutes, repeat the procedure several times.
  2. Aspirin. Grind 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid into powder and mix with drinking water to form a paste. Next, apply the composition to the inflamed areas and leave for 1 hour. To get the best result, experienced specialists recommend carrying out the procedure before bed, leaving the product on overnight. After waking up, the redness will decrease significantly.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Mix 20 gr. brewer's yeast with 30 ml. hydrogen peroxide (the concentration of the active substance should not exceed 6%). Bring the mixture to a creamy mass, apply locally to inflamed areas, wait until dry. Remove excess with paper towels and wash off any crusts that have formed in the morning. Chlorhexidine is considered an analogue of peroxide; the technology of use is identical.

Cleansing facial skin from blackheads

Cosmetic patch. It is not recommended to remove acne with your fingers at home. However, if you decide to resort to such an adventure, thoroughly disinfect your hands or wear gloves.

To eliminate blackheads, use a targeted patch. The problem is that it cleanses the pores only superficially, without affecting the lower layers of the dermis.
After the procedure, do not rush to squeeze out acne yourself. Use antiseptics in liquid form (peroxide, vodka, alcohol, etc.), treat problem areas with the product. The composition will do all the work for you: open pores, clean and disinfect sebaceous ducts.

Professional facial cleansing. To carry out deep and effective facial cleansing, you need to seek the help of a cosmetologist. The first thing the specialist will do is apply a mask that will draw out impurities.

This will be followed by heating the epidermis with steam, releasing ions that disinfect the pores. Next comes a mechanical method for removing comedones using your fingers, without leaving scars on the skin.

Ultimately, the face is treated with high-frequency currents and a restorative mask is applied. Upon completion of the procedure, the pores will expand for several days, then return to their original position. It is recommended to carry out cosmetic cleaning no more than once every 2 months.

  1. During adolescence, many face difficulties regarding the condition of their facial skin. To eliminate discomfort, you need to choose suitable products to care for the epidermis.
  2. Do not accustom your child to cosmetic creams from an early age unless necessary. Otherwise, problems will only increase as you grow older.
  3. All kinds of “adult” cosmetics clog the sebaceous glands of a young body, leading to early wrinkles and more serious consequences.
  4. Choose light herbal infusions for wiping your face. Avoid harsh scrubs, peelings, masks, aggressive tonics (with aspirin, charcoal, etc.).

Traditional methods of caring for problem skin

Therapeutic compositions safely affect damaged areas of the skin, promoting their speedy recovery. All of the masks listed are universal and can be used as needed. The products soothe, moisturize, cleanse and nourish the skin.

  1. Salt and shaving foam. Salt cleansing is used to eliminate acne. Take a cotton pad and soak it in shaving foam. Dip a cosmetic sponge into fine-grained table salt and baking soda (equal proportions). Rub the mixture in a circular motion over problem areas. If your skin is too oily, leave the product on for a few minutes as a mask. Rinse off the product with warm water, then apply low-fat cottage cheese or white clay to your face, wait another 15 minutes.
  2. Starch and yogurt. You will need 55 ml. natural yogurt without impurities, 40 ml. milk, 15 gr. starch. Mix the ingredients until smooth, apply to face, rinse after 20 minutes.
  3. Spoiled milk. Use kefir or sour milk. Soak a cotton swab in the mixture and wipe the problem skin for 10 minutes. Filtered water with the addition of lemon juice is considered an analogue; the procedure technology is identical.
  4. Daisy and violet. Mix 15 gr. violets, 20 gr. daisies, pour 90 ml ingredients. warm water. The herbal tincture is kept for a day. After the specified time, use the decoction as a wash or wipe your face with it.
  5. Coffee grounds. When brewing natural coffee, do not rush to get rid of the grounds. After cooling, apply it to your face with massaging movements as a scrub. Rub the dermis for 3 minutes, after completing the procedure, wash with warm water.
  6. Cucumber and egg. To prepare the composition you will need 50 ml. cucumber juice, 1 egg white. Mix the ingredients and bring the mixture until smooth with a mixer or fork. Apply the mixture to your face, wait 20 minutes, and rinse off when the time is up.
  7. Cottage cheese and kefir. A milk-based mask copes well with inflammation, thoroughly moisturizes the skin, giving it freshness. You will need 40 gr. cottage cheese, 80 ml. kefir Stir the mixture, apply to face, wait 20 minutes, rinse with cool water.
  8. Carrots and egg whites. The mask copes well with rashes. To prepare it, take a medium-sized carrot and grate it. Add egg white, 15 ml. lemon juice, 25 gr. starch. Stir the mixture until smooth, dilute a little with water. Apply the mixture to your face, wait 20 minutes, and rinse off.
  9. Garlic. Grind 4 cloves of garlic into a paste. Apply to affected areas of skin, leave for half an hour. In case of severe burning, rinse with water sooner. Carry out the procedure twice a day.
  10. Nettle and celandine. The product copes well with acne. Take 120 gr. burdock root, 110 gr. strings, 90 gr. nettles, 40 gr. celandine. Grind all ingredients, pour 550 ml. boiling water. Wait until it cools completely, meanwhile the broth will infuse. Take the composition orally, 20 ml. 3 times a day for 1 month.
  11. Potato. Take a small tuber, rinse it, peel it. Grate the vegetable on a coarse grater, then apply part of the mixture to problem areas. As soon as the product dries, replace it with a fresh composition. The duration of the procedure is a third of an hour.
  12. Banana and egg. Grind half a banana, add the white of a chicken egg, pour in 15 ml. lemon juice. Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass and apply to the face. Wait 25 minutes, remove with water.
  13. Bread. Take 150-170 ml. kefir, 120 gr. rye bread without crust. Grind the ingredients in a blender until a homogeneous paste forms. Apply the product in a thick layer onto your face. Wash your face with cool water after 30 minutes.
  14. Medicinal plants. Collect inflorescences of chamomile, lemon balm, yarrow, string, and make a decoction based on them. Cool the resulting mixture, use a gauze cloth, moisten it, and apply it to your face as a compress. While the broth is hot, you can also use a steam bath by holding your face over the pan for 7-10 minutes. This will steam the pores and cleanse them of sebaceous impurities. This method is recommended to be used strictly for acne; it is strictly forbidden to carry out steam procedures in the presence of ulcers.

Contact a dermatologist, read the specialist’s recommendations, and then use targeted cosmetics and pharmaceutical preparations. Hire the services of an esthetician for a professional cleaning. Make it a habit to cleanse your pores with homemade masks or cosmetic patches.

Video: 3 super products for problem skin

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