Crafts. Birthday gift for grandma

A master class on growing very beautiful snowflakes from a solution of borax crystals in water will help you decorate your house for the New Year. Borax can be purchased at a pharmacy, hardware store, or in the laundry detergent section of the supermarket. and you can see what borax looks like and also learn about its properties.

You will also need:

Special brushes for cleaning smoking pipes (sold in tobacco stores)
- food coloring (optional)

If you were unable to buy brushes for cleaning smoking pipes, you can replace them with wire wrapped in thick woolen thread.

Work plan:

1. First you need to make a supersaturated solution of borax in water. To do this, gradually add borax to hot water, stirring. Approximate proportion (3 full tablespoons per glass of water). Only after achieving complete dissolution of the last portion, add the next one. You need to add enough borax so that the water becomes cloudy, almost opaque. As you add, if you clearly see undissolved borax crystals in the water, you should not add more: the undissolved crystals in the mixture will act as a “distracting” element, and the crystals will begin to grow around these particles, and not around your snowflake. Therefore, it is better to strain the solution.

Pour the mixture into a glass beaker, bowl, jar or jug ​​(depending on the size of the crystal you want to grow). Glass containers must have a fairly wide neck.

2. Make a snowflake out of a pipe cleaner. Tie a rope or attach a wire to it. Wind the other end of the rope (wire) around a pencil (stick).

3. Immerse the snowflake in the borax solution.

4. Place the container with the suspended structure where no one will disturb it for a long time. In about a day the snowflake will be ready!

1. If you want to get colored snowflakes, add dye to the borax solution, or use colored pipe cleaners to clean smoking pipes.

2. The borax solution can be reused by preheating it in the microwave. But the crystallization process will take a little longer.

3. If the borax begins to crystallize when you pour the mixture from the pan into a glass container, try preheating the container with clean hot water;

4. Make sure that borax and borax crystals do not fall into the hands of small children! If borax is ingested in large enough quantities, it will become toxic to the body. All materials that have come into contact with borax must be thoroughly rinsed. Materials contaminated with borax should not be used for preparing or eating food.

5. Growing a crystal snowflake from borax is not only a fascinating, but also a useful activity - an entertaining scientific experiment on growing crystals at home.

In the article you will find the most original ideas for creating New Year's gifts with your own hands.

In cases where finances do not allow you to give a gift purchased in a store, you can make surprises with your own hands. Such gifts will have a special charm, as they were created with love and trepidation.

Gift options for parents:

  • A bottle of champagne. Yes, you will have to spend a little money for this, but such a gift will always be relevant during the New Year holidays and will give a lot of pleasant emotions. You will need to purchase a bottle of champagne, 200-300 grams of chocolates, double-sided tape and satin ribbon. You should attach a piece of double-sided tape to the candy and thus attach it to the glass of the bottle. The entire bottle is decorated in this way, and its top is decorated with a satin bow. This bottle can be safely placed on the New Year's table as a drink and snack!
  • Candlestick. You will need a transparent glass, old candles, dyes and a thread. The glass will be a candlestick. Old candles are melted into wax. The thread is tied to a skewer and attached to the neck of the glass (so that it does not sink). The wax melts gradually and color is added to it (you can also add a drop of essential oil to give the candle a scent). Each color of wax is poured in layers and then stored until it hardens.
  • Gingerbread house. If you know how to bake gingerbread cookies, you can make a beautiful New Year's house, which consists entirely of sweet gingerbread cookies, and they are attached with sweet icing.
  • Christmas tree decoration. In craft stores you can find a large number of bases for Christmas tree decorations that are not at all expensive: foam, wood, plastic. With the help of painting and glitter decorations, you can turn such basics into a unique New Year's decor.
  • Soft toy. It can be sewn from felt, knitted with threads or sewn from the fabrics that you have on hand. The main thing is to stick to the New Year's theme and make Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens, Christmas trees, Christmas decorations, deer, snowmen and so on.
  • Decorative “winter” bouquet. This is a home decoration for the New Year holidays. To do this, you can use any natural material: pine cones, branches, a Christmas tree and accessories from the store. Bouquets can be different: for a table, in a vase, on a wall, a wreath (see the ideas in the photo below).
  • Decorative Christmas tree. It is needed to decorate the house for the holidays. You can make a Christmas tree from cardboard, thread, fabric, wood (photo below).

Idea: champagne for the New Year

How to make an interesting New Year's gift for mom: diagrams, templates, photos

You can easily please your mother with a pleasant surprise by making it yourself. Think about it and remember where mom most often goes and what she does. Any child can independently sew potholders, coasters or napkins, pincushions and soft toys for the holiday from scraps at hand, which will decorate the house and set a festive mood.

IMPORTANT: In any case, an oven mitt is a good gift, because the mother always cooks in the kitchen, and each time she wears exactly the oven mitt that the child gave her, it will be nice.

How to sew a potholder:

  • You will need cardboard, scissors, thick fabric and thread.
  • You can sew by machine or by hand
  • It is good to use felt or felt as a fabric; the material should be folded in two layers and stitched along the edges (you can also lay a layer of padding polyester between the layers).
  • First, draw a template for the potholder (see diagram below), and then cut it out along the fabric (4 pieces).
  • Sew the two parts into one, and then stitch the side where the wrist is. Sew the two halves into a “mitten” and attach a tail (for a hook).

Video: “Sewing a potholder”

How to make an interesting New Year's gift for dad: diagrams, templates, photos

What to give dad is a difficult question. Each dad is completely individual. Perhaps you can make a wonderful scented candle for him or record a CD with his favorite songs. Think about the convenience and comfort of your dad, he will probably like a small sofa cushion.

What to prepare for work:

  • Textile
  • Threads
  • Scissors
  • Materials for application
  • Stuffing

IMPORTANT: Cushion stuffing can be purchased at fabric stores. It can also be replaced with cotton wool or leftover rags.

How to do:

  • Make two pillow pieces (two squares)
  • Come up with a decoration for the pillow: applique, stripes or embroidery. Decorate one side of the pillowcase.
  • Sew the patterns tightly from the inside out and fill from the inside
  • The edges of the pillow can be decorated with thread fringe or tassels.

Video: “Cool DIY pillows”

How to make an interesting New Year's gift for your grandmother: diagrams, templates, photos

Try to surprise your grandmother with an original New Year's gift - a Christmas wreath. It is very simple to make from simple materials that can be found in the forest: sticks, branches, cones, rose hips and others. You can decorate the wreath with old New Year's toys, tinsel or ribbons.

How to do:

  • You will need 2-3 spruce branches (long)
  • Twist the branches into a ring and secure them with wire (you may have to ask for help).
  • After this, start decorating the wreath, hiding all traces of the wire.
  • The wreath can be wrapped with decorative beads, decorated with artificial snow and snowflakes, and tied with ribbon bows.
  • Be sure to try to leave a hook on the back of the wreath so it can be hung.

DIY wreath ideas:

Video: “DIY New Year’s wreath”

How to make an interesting New Year's gift for grandfather: diagrams, templates, photos

Treat your grandpa to a beautiful and festive hot cup stand. You can make it in two ways: sewing or knitting. Such a stand will definitely come in handy on a table or on the handrail of a chair and will always delight you with pleasant emotions.


Video: “Do it yourself hot coasters”

The best New Year gifts for parents - for mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather with their own hands, made by children: ideas, photos

The best gift is the one made with your own hands. This is an accurate statement, verified by millions of people and a huge amount of time. Browse through some handmade holiday gift ideas and choose your favorite.


Postcard is the best gift

Video: “Do-it-yourself New Year gifts”

New Year, according to tradition, is a family holiday. This is the day when the whole family and close friends gather together at one table, giving each other gifts and good mood. On this holiday it is customary to give warm, soulful gifts, so many people prefer to give gifts made with their own hands.

Children also strive to take as much part in the preparations for the New Year as possible, because for all kids it is associated with magic and all kinds of surprises and miracles. This is the day when everything is possible.

Even the most notorious little restless and mischievous people will want to please their beloved dad and grandparents with a gift. And the role of the mother is to suggest and help how to do this.

Make a joint gift for your beloved dad with your child. From you - a prepared gift, and from the child - a homemade postcard for him. He will definitely be delighted with such a surprise.

The easiest way to make a New Year's card with a child is applique.

For this you will need:

  • glue stick;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • colored pens or markers.

Making a card with a Christmas tree:

1. We will use red double-sided paper for the base, and green for the Christmas tree. We cut a sheet of green paper exactly along the edges so that it is 0.5-1 cm smaller on each side than the postcard itself.

2. Fold a sheet of green paper in half and draw a Christmas tree with a pencil.

You can prepare a template for the Christmas tree in advance from plain white paper so that your child can independently attach and trace it with a pencil on green paper.

3. Cut out the branches of the Christmas tree, as shown in the picture below. Be careful not to cut off the sides.

4. Glue the green leaf to the red base with a glue stick (there is no need to glue the Christmas tree itself).

How to do it yourself: If you have shaped hole punches, you can use them to make stars or snowflakes; if not, your child can simply draw them with colored pens or markers, or they can be cut out of paper according to a template.

Such a simple card will not take up much of your time, and the child will be endlessly happy to give dad a gift that he made himself.

If you don’t have colored paper on hand, you can make a cute snow-covered Christmas tree out of white. She doesn't look any worse.

In addition to Christmas trees, you can make cards with snowmen, New Year's balls and snowflakes. They are all simple, but for all their simplicity, they look very beautiful and elegant.

A few ideas for crafts with your child for the New Year for your inspiration.

A simple snowman card that you can make together even with the smallest children.

You can use buttons to depict a snowman.

Multi-colored buttons will also look great as New Year's balls.

Instead of a Christmas tree, using the same principle, you can make a card with a mountain of gifts and write a wish on each gift.

Crafts with children for the New Year as a gift for grandparents

All grandmothers, without exception, are delighted with any achievements of their grandchildren. And how happy they will be to receive a homemade souvenir from them! Then for another whole year they will show it to all their friends and acquaintances, proudly saying: “My grandson made this for me himself, what a great guy!”

Together with the smallest children, you can make toys for the Christmas tree for grandparents. Such a gift will be carefully kept and give pleasant memories.

Making Christmas toys with children


  • ice cream sticks;
  • glue gun;
  • paints;
  • buttons, beads, rhinestones, ribbons and everything you can find at home for decoration.

Making a snowflake toy

1. First, prepare the foundation for your child yourself. Use a glue gun to attach 4 popsicle sticks together. Let it dry.

2. Now you can give your baby complete creative freedom. Choose a color with it and paint the snowflakes.

3. After the paint has dried, you can start decorating: paint a snowflake, stick beads on it, tie ribbons and whatever your heart desires. It will make a very cute souvenir for the New Year.

Using the same technique you can make a Christmas tree.

Toys for the New Year tree can be made from large beads. For such a toy you will need wire and multi-colored beads. Bend the wire into a candy shape or any other shape and string beads onto it.

It is best to use large beads, this will make it easier for the child to string them onto the wire. Be careful not to leave your child alone with the beads.

Crafts for older children

If your child is old enough to be trusted with a needle, then a kitchen towel with a Christmas tree would be an excellent gift for grandma for the New Year.

Buy a regular white waffle towel. Draw strokes on it with a simple pencil, as shown in the picture below.

How to do it yourself: Give your child some thread and a needle and show him how to draw the thread along the drawn lines. To make it easier for your child, secure the fabric in a hoop. Such a towel, without a doubt, will pleasantly surprise your grandmother and will delight her for many years to come.

You can also give your grandparents a cute snowman; you can put it under the Christmas tree or on a shelf near the TV. It will immediately bring the New Year's mood into the house.

It is done simply and quite quickly.


  • sock;
  • buttons;
  • money rubber bands;
  • rice for filling;
  • eye pins;
  • ribbon or piece of fabric for a scarf.

Making a snowman:

1. First, cut off the top part of the sock. Fill the snowman's body with rice and tie a rubber band. Now we fill the head and also tie it with an elastic band.

2. Roll up the remaining part of the sock and make a hat out of it. The hat can also be made from a sock of a different color.

3. Now we tie a ribbon around the neck, glue or sew on buttons, and give the snowman a nose and eyes. If there are no pins, the eyes and nose can be embroidered or simply drawn.

Such a snowman, made with love by the hands of a child, will take pride of place in the home of grandparents.

Involve your child in creativity from an early age, and then he will grow up with a rich imagination and skillful hands.

A postcard can bring pleasant emotions, and it is also a great addition to a gift! A handmade postcard is a huge sign of attention shown to a specific person. You can make such a craft easily and quickly, using some materials you will get an original and effective postcard.

This master class describes in detail the process of creating a postcard for your grandmother with your own hands!

You will need materials and tools such as:

- thick paper or colored cardboard;
- colored paper;
- scissors;
- Double-sided tape;
- threads.

For the base of the card you need thick paper or cardboard. It’s better to use double-sided cardboard, but if you don’t have one at hand, this can be easily fixed! On the back side of a sheet of cardboard, you just need to glue a sheet of colored paper of the same size.

Afterwards, on colored paper, you need to sketch a balloon. You can use different shades of paper.

Then, the balls are carefully cut out along the contour.

You need to glue double-sided tape to the back of the cut-out pieces.

You need to tie pre-prepared ropes to the bottom of the ball.

Then, on white cardboard, sketch one large cloud and several small ones.

Then, carefully cut them out and attach double-sided tape to them.

You need to attach all the strings with balls to the big cloud.

Having straightened the balls, secure them in the same way.

Place small clouds evenly on the cover of the card, behind the balls.

For the inscription, cut out any suitable shape from colored paper. Then glue it with a glue stick.

You can stick colored stripes on the top and bottom of the craft. Also, make a small bow that will look great in the corner of the card!

Afterwards, it needs to be carefully supplemented with colored flight around the perimeter.

Then, the resulting “frame” can be decorated with white dots. Having made a small bow, glue it to the corner of the “frame”.

Make highlights on the balloons using white paint. Fill in a special place for the inscription, and if desired, you can decorate the cloud.

And so, the postcard for grandma is ready!

The final look of the craft. Photo 1.

The final look of the craft. Photo 2.

The final look of the craft. Photo 3.

Such an original craft will perfectly complement a gift! Grandma will be very happy with such a card! After all, in such a “little thing” as this postcard, there is so much attention to a person...

The final look of the craft. Photo 4.

On the eve of the New Year, I am very concerned about the question of what can I give to my beloved grandmother? After all, we want to not only make a pleasant surprise, but at the same time show with our gift all the care, love and affection that we feel for this dear person. Of course, older people have received a huge number of gifts during their lives, but from grandchildren and granddaughters the gift should be special.

  • Original gifts
  • DIY gifts
  • The best gifts for grandma
  • Gifts for grandmother from granddaughter
  • "Lupine"
  • Craft - decoration

Gift ideas for grandma for the New Year

There are a lot of ideas about what to give your beloved grandmother. However, it is worth remembering that the gift should be such that it lifts your spirits afterwards, reminding you that grandma is not alone and that she is always remembered.

Elderly people value comfort and care, so a knitted blanket or shawl, which you should make yourself, is a great gift.

Original gifts

All grandmothers, without exception, value their family and adore their grandchildren, which is why they spend so much time in the kitchen, preparing pancakes and various delicacies that everyone close to them is crazy about. Therefore, a frying pan with a special coating for pancakes will be an original and valuable gift.

You can give a multicooker, which will not only help in cooking, but also take care of the health of an elderly person. A blender or food processor will be an invaluable gift that will constantly remind her of her family and that they care about her.

Elderly people value comfort, so you can give heated slippers that will help keep your feet warm at all times. By the way, you will also need a warm robe or scarf for your head. All grandmothers, without exception, love to read, so a transformable lamp will be a wonderful gift. A clock that loudly reminds you of what time it is, you can choose one with a cuckoo, will appeal to an elderly person.

DIY gifts

Handmade gifts make a wonderful present. After all, they contain the efforts and love of a person who sincerely wants to congratulate with his individual idea. Moreover, it is not necessary to save a lot of money for this. There are many options that can be used if you show ingenuity and imagination.

For example, you can make a small or large flower vase from salt dough. Then dry it well and decorate it. If desired, use scrap materials to make various artificial flowers that will last for a long period of time and “will not wither.”

The best gifts for grandma

The best gift for your grandmother would be to take care of her health and comfort. After all, older people require special attention. Based on this, you can make a choice from household appliances, for example, a vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, washing machine, microwave oven - all this will certainly make life easier and bring pleasure.

Today, many different massage devices are sold. After all, at this age, older people probably experience discomfort in their health. Knowing about this problem, you can choose the right assistant who will take care of your grandmother’s health and alleviate the condition of the body.

Gifts for grandmother from granddaughter

Beloved granddaughters are always happy to take care of their grandmothers and therefore come up with various kinds of gifts. For example, a photo collage that is selected by the whole family and beautifully designed will always warm the heart of an elderly person.

You can put your photo on a mug for your beloved grandmother, so she will happily drink from it every day. Hand-knitted warm socks, footwear or slippers will warm you up during the cold season, and grandma will know that she is cared for and loved with all her heart.

DIY New Year's gifts from granddaughter

As a gift for your grandmother, you can organize a paper craft, for example, “Lupins” flowers. To work you will need plasticine, corrugated paper, a wooden stick (you can use thick wire), scissors and tape. "Lupins" come in different colors, for example, pink, blue, white. The stem and leaves are made of green paper.


An oval is rolled out of plasticine of any color. For example, purple paper is cut into small squares. Using a wooden stick, squares are “densely” attached along the entire base of the oval - a bud is formed. Next, a stem is made from a wooden stick, wrapped along its entire length with green paper, which is secured with tape. Leaves are cut out and fixed with glue (adhesive tape).

In this way, you can make many multi-colored “Lupins”. Then form a bouquet from them and give it to your grandmother. In addition to this gift, it is easy to make a card. Come up with a postcard shape. For example, draw the shape of a mug. Draw a mug (in cross-section) on a cardboard sheet, cut it out, and then transfer it to colored paper.

You will get one template from cardboard, and the other from colored paper. Glue them on one side, that is, it turns out that the surface of the circle is, for example, red, and the inside is white. Congratulatory words are written on the white side, and on the reverse side a craft is made from colored paper - a decoration.

Craft - decoration

For example, a snowman or a flower. For a snowman, take three circles of different diameters and glue them to the “front” side of the mug. Next, they either draw a nose, mouth, eyes, cap, broom, bucket, hands using felt-tip pens. Or all the details are cut out from colored paper and carefully glued.

For the simplest flower, you need to make templates of four petals from different colors of paper. After that, the cut out stencils are placed on top of each other so that all the leaves are visible and fixed to the surface side of the mug. Cut out the middle - a circle and glue it.

Thus, you get a kind of original postcard that your grandmother will always like. In your congratulations, be sure to wish her a lot of health, long life, and also note how dear and loved she is. Such a present for grandma will always be the most expensive and desired gift!

What else can you give your grandmother for New Year 2019?

What gift will charm your beloved grandmother? Of course, the original kitchen apron and mittens. The originality of these things will lie in the kind words that need to be placed in front.

For example, “The best granny in the world!” Moreover, you can sew the apron yourself, and embroider the letters with colored threads; if you don’t have enough time for this, then you can order a print.

You can make a pillow and embroider warm words on it. For example, “To my beloved grandmother from my granddaughter!” Or decorate it with the symbol of the coming year - Pigs. For such a craft you will need padding polyester and fabric. Select size according to personal preference. Moreover, such a gift does not take much time, and grandma will be pleased that she is so cared for and truly loved, because a gift made with her own hands will always be the best
a present.

Happy New Year!

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