Graduation gift to school. Graduation gift ideas for teachers from parents and students

Graduation day, the first of September or the birthday of your favorite teacher - many holidays require gifts for school. What to give to the school as a souvenir, for the benefit, so that the gift remains for many years and brings joy to everyone? And is it possible to make a worthy gift to the school yourself, with your own hands? Undoubtedly, it is possible, and how! Handmade gifts always bring delight and joy, because they have so much soul!

It is important, when choosing what to give to the school, and what gift you can make with your own hands, not to rush into making a choice. Because this is a responsible matter! You want the gift to evoke the most pleasant emotions, keep the memory for a long time and not remain gathering dust in the far corner, right? Choose the best and keep in mind that manual work will take some time, but it will be worth it. Because only such gifts, made with your own hands, bring maximum pleasure and real joy!

Graduation, the first of September or another important date is an occasion to give your favorite school a good memorable gift with your own hands. There are a lot of ideas, they are all simple to implement - and you don’t need to know anything special to do anything suggested. Try it and you will get beauty!

For students

What gifts to choose for schoolchildren, and what can you make for them with your own hands? A lot of interesting and original things! We will offer ideas for students of different ages, from first-graders to graduates, and all you have to do is choose and do it.

For teachers

What can you do with your own hands for teachers, the director or the entire teaching staff? We have prepared some of the best ideas that you will definitely like and will help you make a great gift!

If you are eager to make a truly original and beautiful gift, then you will definitely succeed! Spend some precious time, effort, and most importantly, do it with your soul. And your gift will be the best of all!

For many, the second half of June is associated with the hot summer season and the sweet anticipation of vacation. But the schoolchildren are facing a joyful and a little sad event - farewell to school. Each graduate will have a chance to study at a university and have a sea of ​​opportunities to make their childhood dreams come true. But first - the prom. A solemn and beautiful event that will become a transitional moment from the country of childhood to adult, independent life.

At the graduation ceremony, graduates are overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. On the one hand, there is joy and pride associated with receiving a certificate, on the other, there is a slight sadness from parting with school friends and strict teachers who managed to become family and love their students like second parents.

And so that everyone has a good memory of the school, there is a wonderful tradition of giving memorable gifts to graduates and their teachers. Gifts can be budget or expensive, but most importantly, they must be pleasant, welcome and given from the heart.

This article contains many interesting ideas that will answer the question: “What to give teachers and schoolchildren for graduation in 11th grade?”

Graduate - friend, comrade and brother

Saying goodbye to school is like saying goodbye to your single life. Not only new opportunities, but also new responsibility awaits graduates at its doorstep. Therefore, many celebrate the last bell not only at the school prom, but also at home, in the company of friends and family. In this case, those invited should prepare an interesting gift for the hero of the occasion.

Even in the era of computers and virtual storage media, a beautiful, educational, richly designed book will be an excellent present that will preserve the memory of school for a long time. You can give fiction and encyclopedias. But the best thing is to present exclusive book about the life of an outstanding historical figure, motivating a graduate to pursue his dream, no matter what.

A useful and unusual souvenir for graduation day - piggy bank in original design. In their new, adult lives, former schoolchildren will have to enter universities and manage their own budgets. Everyone will have to reconsider their attitude towards money and learn to save. This is why the gift will come in handy.

But parties are today, and tomorrow a graduate is a real student. Therefore, you can give him everything that is useful for further studies. This could be a set of good fountain pens or notebook backpack.

A practical and necessary gift will be computer and electronic gadgets, such as portable speakers, flash drives with prom recordings, mice, all kinds of USB accessories. The great advantage of such gifts is that today they can be chosen in the most non-trivial designs, suitable for a specific event.

Would be an excellent budget gift mug with themed inscription or a stylish keychain with engraving. Such souvenirs, despite their low cost, demonstrate the donor’s attention and respect for an important event in the recipient’s life.

Nobody canceled gifts for the soul either. Especially when their practicality does not suffer from this. Stylish accessories in the form of original umbrellas, wallets, iPhone cases will definitely appeal to the graduate.

Presents to graduates from the class teacher

Gifts from school administration are correct and important. But in the life of every graduate there is a special person - the class teacher. For many years, he educated and taught, advised and praised, encouraged and punished, helped his students grow up smart, healthy and happy. And now the time has come to release them into adulthood.

To leave a good memory in the hearts of students, the teacher can also prepare gifts for them - special and touching things, the value of which should not be determined in monetary terms.

A great idea is to present a small notebook to all students. In the books, everyone will write a wish to a classmate, as well as their address and telephone number. Such a gift will be indispensable when the time comes to organize an alumni meeting.

Everyone in the class can be given an inexpensive keepsake, complete with engraving. The inscription must be individual, relating to a specific child. For example, “Distinguished himself at the Olympics,” “The main dreamer of the class,” “The first beauty of 11-B” or “The best athlete.” The basis for such a special gift can be pens or key rings.

A parting speech from the class teacher to his grown-up students will be a touching gift. After all, before his eyes, schoolchildren fell in love and experienced their first disappointment, won competitions and worried about their failures. The teacher gave them wise advice so often that even now he cannot resist wishing the graduates all the best. The farewell speech can be written in a beautiful handmade card and given to each student.

If a teacher is creative and for him work is an inexhaustible source of inspiration, then he can give children his creativity. Let it be a short poem of your own composition about each student. You can order a brochure from the printing house, where all of them will be printed. Many years will pass, but the students will still be pleased to read warm words about themselves and their school friends.

Memorable certificates, in which the teacher described in detail all the merits and skills of each student, will remain for life, reminding them of good school years and first achievements.

Themed souvenirs, such as an owl figurine or a puzzle in the shape of a globe, will also become pleasant gifts from the class teacher to older children.

When a former schoolboy is your favorite child

Graduation is exactly the event that should remain in memory. Therefore, I really want to ask parents not to pay off their child with money, but to give their attention, expressed in a good gift. Moreover, it is much easier for dad and mom to find out what their child dreams of and present him with something that will brighten up the excitement before the entrance exams to a university.

If your child has been raving about a tablet, laptop or new phone, now is the time make his dreams come true. To do this, you don’t need to consult with sellers or scour the Internet in search of information about the latest innovations in the world of electronics. It’s better to take your son or daughter by the hand and lead them to the store. They probably already know the model of the desired gadget and where it is sold. You can choose a stylish accessory for your gift, which will not only enhance the impression of the main gift, but will also help maintain its functionality and visual appeal longer.

Expensive gifts on such a day are more relevant than ever. It is important for girls to give Jewelry, boys - watch, as a symbol of forward movement and constant progress, or luxurious gift sets.

Along with the “start to a new life,” it would be nice to give the graduate a real a trip to the resort so that he could have a good rest before starting his studies at the university. For travel, you will need a brand new suitcase, and kits for comfortable travel.

Gifts for graduates from school

School administration - it just sounds menacing. In fact, directors and their deputies are ordinary teachers who are also sad to part with their students. Therefore, if the school has the opportunity to allocate a small amount of funds for souvenirs for graduates, then the following items would be appropriate:

  • notepads, notebooks and;
  • desktop accessories;
  • pen sets;
  • T-shirts and mugs with themed inscriptions;
  • original stationery.

An interesting gift would be a film about the life of the class or a video with congratulations from all the teachers. A mini-film can be recorded on beautiful gift flash drives and solemnly present them to graduates. And with a cryptex flash drive, you can turn this action into a fascinating quest, having previously installed each individual code according to the pre-prepared hint.

An original table clock with an alarm clock and a photo frame will be a special, caring gift from the school. After all, soon graduates will become students and will get up early to study. A ringing alarm clock will not let them oversleep, and a photo from the prom, inserted into a frame, will not let them forget about the fun time at school.

Graduation gifts for teacher

When graduating from school, graduates want to give a special memorable gift to their class teacher and most beloved teachers. After all, they invested not only their strength, but also their whole soul into their upbringing. Therefore, long before the graduation party, schoolchildren and their parents jointly decide what to give to teachers. Gifts in this case can be completely different, and the choice depends on the teacher’s specialty, his hobbies and character.

1) Classic gifts

  • Flowers in pots were, are and will be an indispensable decoration of school offices, teachers' and principal's offices. Therefore, you can safely give beautiful potted plants to every teacher, head teacher and school director.
  • Stationery- always relevant gifts for teachers. Stylish diaries and prestigious pens in cases will look impressive as a gift for teachers.
  • Panel on the wall with an image of the symbol of knowledge - an owl, will be a good present for the director. In addition, school administration can be given status souvenirs to decorate the office.
  • You can also give teachers original sets of sweets, chocolate souvenirs, fondue sets and gift editions of books.

2) Individual gifts

  • Teacher of Russian language and literature- and elite gift editions.
  • Physics- a set of pens on a magnetic stand.
  • to the historian- desktop souvenir “Perpetual Calendar”.
  • Labor teacher- a hand-made vase, decorated using decoupage technique.
  • Geography teacher An original piggy bank in the shape of a globe or with an image of a world map on the dial is suitable.
  • Physical education teacher you can give a new stopwatch, a pen holder in the form of a sneaker, or a souvenir ball.
  • To the math teacher I will like a good-quality diary, sweet abacus, and a status one in a case.

Don't forget about emotional gifts. The only teachers at school are strict. And after work, they are ordinary people who want to have fun and relax. Therefore, you can pay for a karaoke evening as a gift, or order a buffet at a bowling club or billiard room. A good solution is to give tickets to a theater performance, a concert of a musical group known to them, or a football match.

Expensive gift for the class teacher

Over all the years spent with students and their parents, the class teacher managed to become a good friend and family member to them. And I would like to give the same gift to my dear teacher. Therefore, the decision to choose an expensive present for your favorite teacher would be absolutely appropriate. These things include:

  • Jewelry. A great shared gift from the whole class. For women, it is advisable to choose pendants, brooches, chains or earrings. It is better not to give rings and bracelets, as there is a high risk of not getting the right size. Suitable gifts for a man include watches, clips, and cufflinks.
  • Expensive accessories. A good present would be a high-status leather briefcase, a leather folder for papers, a good-quality glasses case, a branded watch box, or a self-winding watch box.
  • Appliances. The class teacher is not only a good teacher, she is also someone’s mother and wife, who, due to work, has very little time left to spoil her family with goodies. And a multicooker, bread maker or food processor will become her first assistants in this matter. You can give a male teacher a good coffee maker.
  • Sets of dishes. Luxurious sets, tea pairs and sets of dishes made of porcelain or crystal will definitely please the teacher. You can present a man with expensive or exquisite caviar.

Pleasant surprises from parents at the graduation party

The organization of the prom falls entirely on the shoulders of the parents, so it is in their power to make the holiday a success and forever remembered by both students and teachers.

Nice gifts from parents can be:

  • Flower arrangements. Bouquets of wildflowers are more suitable for graduates. Teaching staff can be given classic bouquets of roses, alstroemerias, orchids, gladioli or peonies.
  • Delicious surprises. Nowadays, confectionery shops make a wide variety of custom-made souvenirs that amaze with their originality. These could be chocolate globes, medals or books, sweet cards and bouquets of sweets.

An equally effective solution would be to order a cake for the whole class. Confectioners who masterfully work with mastic and other edible materials create real masterpieces, fulfilling any wishes of their customers.

The cake can be ordered as:

  • stacks of colorful textbooks;
  • an open diary, class journal or primer;
  • school album with photographs;
  • wise owl.

Giving every schoolchild and teacher flower seedlings for the school garden is a new and unusual idea. To do this, a place in the garden or a flower bed in front of the school can be beautifully decorated with ribbons and balls. And then take a photo with the whole class against the backdrop of new flowers as a souvenir.

After the graduation party, parents can organize an interesting excursion for students and the class teacher, a trip to a camp site, a boat trip or a studio photo shoot. Such emotional gifts are remembered for a lifetime and stand out against the backdrop of traditional goodies and flowers.

The selection and purchase of gifts should be done long before the last call, so as not to pay triple the price for urgency and not to “buy back” in a hurry an item “without a soul.” And after the graduation party, you must not forget about your class teacher, strict director and other teachers. After all, any gift will be worthless if in a few years their students pass by indifferently when they meet.

And right now, it’s best to contact the managers of the online store website and learn from them even more secrets about modern graduation gifts!

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Among the most important holidays in life, the first for a child is, of course, school graduation. And all loving parents prepare gifts for their grown-up children for May-June - to the best of their strength, capabilities and imagination. It’s more difficult to please modern children than it was 10-20 years ago, but you still can’t do without a memorable gift - the child deserves it! Here are the most current graduation gifts for boys and girls.

10 Best Gifts for Your Daughter's Graduation

  • Decorations

Most often, parents purchase a gold chain with a cross, a ring, a thin bracelet or earrings. The choice of jewelry today is very wide - you can choose a gift for any budget. The price of a gold chain is about 2500-12000 rubles.

  • Trip to the sea

Well, will a girl refuse to rest after 11 years of harsh school life on the coast? Of course not! Did you deserve it? She deserved it. True, it’s too early to send her off in splendid isolation. It will be better if, for example, her mother or friend goes with her. Cost - from 2000 rubles/day.

  • School album in digital form

That is, a modern digital frame into which parents will carefully upload their daughter’s school photographs - from 1st grade to graduation. A great keepsake that will last for years to come. Average price - 1500-8000 rubles.

  • Certificate for SPA salon

Any young girl will be delighted with this present. A whole range of pleasures in one certificate! , pedicure, massage, body wraps, etc. Based on the wishes of the child (you know better what your daughter needs). The average price is from 1500-2500 rubles and... ad infinitum.

  • Photoshoot

Feeling the center of attention is only half the joy of a gift. After all, all girls, without exception, dream of a professional photo shoot. Give your child joy. Moreover, your wallet will not be too empty from this gift. Costs for 1 photo session will be 1000-1500 per hour. This is if you count it together with printing photos and the work of a makeup artist.

  • Watch

We don’t look at the omen (after all, we can take a pretty penny from our daughter and calm our conscience) - we choose a fashionable and stylish watch. For example, Casio G-Shock. The average price is from 4000-6000 rubles. Or Armani (for wealthy parents). The average price is from 15,000-20,000 rubles. However, you can limit yourself to replicas (exact copies), if funds do not allow.

  • Laptop

Well, where would we be without it in our time, when almost everything is on the Internet today - friends from afar, work, paying bills and even wallets. Moreover, this gift will become simply irreplaceable for future student life. Average price - from 15,000 rubles.

  • Real school album

That is, bound, with real photographs. You can order it from professionals, and choose the photo yourself from your home “folders” on your computer. Many parents can boast of long-forgotten folders on their computer with photographs of their child sitting down at a desk for the first time, taking an exam for the first time, celebrating a birthday with friends, etc. It’s time to pull out these memories and put them in an album. Autographs from classmates, cartoons, funny inscriptions are welcome! The average price of the album itself will not exceed 3,000 rubles (unless you encrust it with precious stones).

  • EBook

Of course, today you can read on both a tablet and a smartphone. But a highly specialized device is more preferable. Firstly, the weight is different. Secondly, there is less strain on the eyes. Thirdly, longer battery life. It is better to choose books with an additional card, the ability to read all text formats and listen to audio formats. The average price of such a reader is from 6,000 rubles.

  • Personal deposit

Why not? Time to grow up! As for what to do with the amount in the account, let the child decide for himself. Should I spend it right away or save up “capital” for the future? The gift is serious and solid.

What to give your son for graduation - 10 original gifts

It's much more difficult with boys. You can’t give them either jewelry or a certificate to the spa.

How can I please my son?

  • GoPro camera

The dream of many boys. And no longer boys. Why, every second person dreams of such a useful thing! One of the most advanced and powerful cameras in the world. You can even take pictures with it underwater! The average cost is from 30,000 rubles.

  • Laptop

Not only girls will need this thing in adulthood. If your son is still spoiling his eyesight near an old desktop PC or “breaking” his dad’s tiny netbook, it’s time to make your child happy with his own high-quality computer. Price - from 15,000 rubles.

  • Automobile!

Of course this is a joke. The child must earn money for the car himself. Only in this case will he become truly desirable and joyful. And not the best moment - buying a car for an 18-year-old boy - in terms of education. But you can help your child get a license. Give him the opportunity to study at a driving school. The cost of training is about 30,000 rubles.

  • Certificate for the purchase of sporting goods

If your son is an athlete, then the gift will be very useful. Perhaps the child has long dreamed of a mountain bike or. Or o - a fan of hiking and dreams of new and complete travel equipment. Give your son a certificate and let him choose for himself. The price of the certificate depends on your wallet - for 3,000, for 10,000 rubles. etc.

  • Gym membership

Not every graduate can boast of their own earnings. But almost all boys go to the gym (or want to go). Therefore, such a gift will definitely not be superfluous. The average price will depend on the region and visiting schedule. The most profitable (and more practical) is an unlimited subscription.

  • Journey

Has your son always wanted to see the pyramids of Egypt? Or go around the Crimean mountains with a backpack? Or go on a tour of Europe? There is a reason for a gift! Based on a week's vacation, the tour will cost from 20,000 rubles. In Crimea it’s cheaper, closer and more interesting, but more dangerous: after all, even a trip through the mountains without parents is not a walk in the park. Even if there are friends nearby. But there is a way out here too - you can purchase a mountain tour in advance. That is, with a guide, food, comfortable overnight stays and compliance with all safety rules. There are enough such guides (wild tourism) in Crimea. There are usually no dissatisfied people. And the prices will be lower than when traveling to Europe.

  • Mobile phone

Here the choice is up to the parents. The capabilities of phones are changing rapidly, and even a phone bought a couple of years ago is already unfashionable and “old”. If you have enough money to please your child with a new product, why not? The average price depends on the model (usually from 20,000 rubles and above).

  • Concert tickets

Your son will be especially pleased if it is a ticket to a concert of his favorite band. If you are good parents, then you can easily determine the group. The main thing is that her concert in your city takes place not in a year, but in the near future. Although you can buy your son a ticket to the city where musicians perform - book a hotel for a couple of days and send the child to enjoy life. How much money is needed depends on the group and the place where it performs.

  • Safe piggy bank

Every growing child has the right to privacy. Let your son have his own safe - after all, he needs somewhere to hide the notes of his beloved girl, his record book and other purely personal things from you. And as starting capital, you can put an envelope with money in the safe. The price of a good safe is from 10,000 rubles.

  • Studying at a university

Who said that parents are required to pay for tuition? Not everyone has this opportunity. And for educational purposes this is completely harmful. The child must strive to enter using his own mind and strength. But if he has a dream - to enter a certain university, and there is an exclusively commercial basis, and you just have the opportunity to make such a gift - then it will be symbolic and generous. Such a gift will devastate you by $1500-6500/year.

The time is coming for school graduation ceremonies and, according to a long-established tradition, as a sign of special respect and gratitude, teachers are given memorable gifts. Children and parents are faced with the pressing question of how to congratulate their beloved teacher in an original, fresh and original way.

During their studies, schoolchildren and their parents several times face questions about organizing graduation parties.

  • In 4th grade, after finishing primary school;
  • at the end of 9th grade;
  • and at the end of 11th grade.

A gift to a teacher is a unique expression of the good attitude of students and parents, a tribute to the teacher for many years of work. Naturally, I want to approach the issue of choosing gifts in an unconventional and creative way.

In order to decide on a present, you should listen to the opinions of both parents and students. On special occasions, you can give 2 gifts at once. One gift will be creative and created by the students, the second gift, more practical, will be appropriate from the parents of the children.

If it is well known about any hobby or hobby of the teacher, it makes sense to choose something taking into account the teacher’s passions. Of course, the material side of the issue is also important. A small budget often does not allow you to buy what you want. This can greatly limit your options for choosing a good gift. In this case, it is advisable to show ingenuity and do something extraordinary with your own hands. After all, an expensive gift is not always synonymous with the best.

Gifts for teachers by subject

What can you give your teacher for graduation?

For teachers teaching classes in certain subjects, gifts come in two options: with a hint of the subject they taught children and general ones, without reference to the teacher’s specialization.

Choosing the same gifts for subject teachers has its advantages - there is no need to painfully search for options for different gifts and teachers will not compare the souvenirs given, so all sorts of grievances will not arise.

You can buy different gifts, but decorate them in the same style or buy the same items:

  • watch,
  • vases,
  • writing sets,
  • or boxes.

By ordering a personalized engraving on them indicating the year the class was issued and good wishes.

In order not only to gift the teacher, but also to focus attention on the subject he taught, you will have to use your imagination:

  • remembering that a teacher of literature and the Russian language will always have a dictionary or a volume of his favorite poet,
  • mathematics will be surprised by an unusual calculator or magnets in the form of numbers,
  • A geographer will certainly be delighted by a sweet globe made of candies,
  • and not a single physical education teacher will refuse a good leather ball.

A unique gift could be an order of personalized diaries or flash cards with images of typical teaching equipment (atlas, chemical flask, stack of dictionaries) of a subject teacher.

Gift for the class teacher

Close contact with children and their parents also means a more significant gift to the teacher who has taken on the concerns of the classroom management. It is best if the parents of the graduates prepare a present separately from the children, entrusting them with preparing their own creative surprise for the teacher.

If funds allow, you can give the class teacher a rather significant and substantial gift.

For example:

  • Household appliances, sets of luxury cosmetics, a subscription to a massage room or spa.
  • These pieces of equipment are ideal for a teacher fisherman, a tourist or an avid hunter. This could be a tent, spinning rod or tourist backpack, as well as a gift certificate for their purchase.
  • Vouchers to a sanatorium for several days, a boat trip, or theater tickets to a famous performance are always appropriate.
  • A win-win option is to choose gift certificates to a jewelry and perfume store, as well as to a fur boutique or beauty salon.

From expensive gifts you can choose:

  • Wristwatch in an expensive classic frame.
  • A high-quality cell phone, tablet or iPhone.
  • Jewelry in the form of cufflinks and tie clips for a male teacher, and a brooch, chain or bracelet for a female teacher.

Tasteful gift for class teacher

A marker of the good taste of parents will also be an exclusive organizer or desk set for writing made of valuable wood, semi-precious stones and genuine leather.

The significance of a gift for a teacher lies not only in its material value, but also in the degree of respect and love demonstrated by the graduates. That is why the most expensive and unforgettable gift can be children’s amateur creativity.

Let it be a specially learned dance, an original flash mob, poetry, wall newspapers, a video about your favorite class teacher, or a collectively created craft. Any creative idea will find a sincere response in the heart of the teacher.

Gift ideas from primary school graduates

Gift from primary school graduates

A gift for a teacher in honor of graduating from primary school is traditionally bought by parents. Together with the children they also come up with and create souvenirs with their own hands.

To the teacher, you can present as a souvenir:

  • A self-made tree with student photographs instead of leaves and flowers.
  • An album with each child's handprints and touching captions.
  • Wall newspaper collage, in the creation of which all students took an active part.

The first teacher, who has been caring for her students for several years, can be touched by a bouquet of soft animal toys (according to the number of children in the class) in personalized shirts, hats or aprons.

And poetic congratulations, self-composed songs and skits will decorate any graduation party.

What to give teachers for graduation? 9th grade

Gift from 9th grade graduates

Graduates of the ninth grade already have their own opinions and are able to make serious decisions.

Teenagers can come up with, learn and show a modern dance or flash mob themselves. Organize incendiary musical battles or stand-up shows that teachers will remember for many years.

  • You can also sculpt the teacher and all your classmates using the “salt dough” technique, creating an interesting custom panel.
  • Order an unusual cake with the names of graduates.
  • Or make albums with photo collages of students and wishes from each.

In addition, such a classic gift as a beautiful designer bouquet still holds its ground and continues to be an ideal addition to the main gift.

What to give teachers for graduation? Grade 11

Gift from 11th grade graduates

11th grade is the time to leave school. An exciting and important stage in the life of any person. The years spent together, all the successes and sorrows of school life experienced, were shared by the student and the teacher. The gift in this case is a symbol of gratitude for the work and care of the teacher.

What can you give to your favorite teacher at your eleventh grade graduation party? Of course, as before, handmade souvenirs are relevant. Self-sewn pillows, cut-out wall compositions or cross-stitched paintings, all of this is carefully kept by teachers for years, reminding them of their beloved students.

  • A specially ordered box of chocolate with images of graduates will not leave any teacher indifferent. And an exclusive watch with the earliest photographs of students can remind you of the time spent together.
  • The original photo album of all students can be presented to the class teacher. Moreover, the background of the album can depict the dreams and plans of each graduate.
  • As a souvenir to any of the teachers, the children can also give decorative plates with the image of the teacher and a themed border.

Do not skimp on sincere and warm words addressed to the teachers and be sure to come up with something unique, bright and creative, something that will show the genuine sincerity and concern of the graduating class students.

Black list of gifts

What not to give to a teacher

And now it’s worth remembering about gifts, which are considered a sign of bad taste.

Also, presenting an envelope with money is only permissible if the teacher himself has hinted about such a reward.

You definitely need to think through the process of giving gifts. Otherwise, negligence during presentation or sloppy, wrinkled packaging can irrevocably ruin the impression of the gift.

But sincerely spoken words, a kind song and a sincere attitude will certainly penetrate and remain in the teacher’s heart for many years.

Touching farewell to the class teacher

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