November 5th is a day off. How Assange made new enemies

Military Intelligence Day- a professional holiday of Russian military personnel, whose service is, in one way or another, connected with military intelligence - is celebrated in our country annually on November 5th. It was established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006.

The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1918, as part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army in Petrograd, the Registration Directorate was created to coordinate the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army, which later turned into the famous Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the central authority for managing military intelligence in our country. country.

Although, of course, the intelligence profession dates back to more ancient times. Even in Kievan Rus, intelligence was a matter of national importance, and the first intelligence body - the Order of Secret Affairs (the prototype of the intelligence department of that time) - was founded in 1654 under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Peter I, in his Military Regulations of 1716, provided a legislative and legal basis for intelligence work.

In 1810, already under Alexander I, the Secret Affairs Expedition was created under the Ministry of War; two years later it was renamed the Special Chancellery under the Minister of War. It became the first central body of the Military Ministry of the Russian Empire, which was engaged in organizing intelligence of the armed forces of foreign states. Its tasks included conducting strategic intelligence (collecting strategically important secret information abroad), operational-tactical intelligence (collecting data about enemy troops on the borders of Russia) and counterintelligence (identifying and neutralizing enemy agents).

And military intelligence traces its modern history back to 1918, when on November 1, the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic approved the staff of the Field Headquarters (FS) of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic. And on November 5, 1918, the state was introduced by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic No. 197/27.

As part of the Field Headquarters of the Red Army, by order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, the Registration Directorate (Registrupr) was formed to coordinate the efforts of all intelligence agencies of the army: the Military-Strategic Department of the Operations Directorate of the All-Russian General Staff, the Intelligence Department of the Operations Department of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs, the Intelligence Department of the Operations Directorate of the Supreme Military Council.

From this day on, the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is the direct successor of the Register, traces its history. That is why November 5 is considered the Day of Soviet Military Intelligence, which from the very beginning, in addition to conducting strategic and operational intelligence, was charged with obtaining military-technical information and information about scientific achievements in the military field.

Over the years of its existence, the military intelligence service has repeatedly changed its official name and became subordinate to various state departments and people's commissariats. In 1950, the GRU special forces were created.

Currently, military intelligence is part of the structure of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia and bears the official name of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Intelligence is the “eyes and ears” of the armed forces, the main means of obtaining information.

The Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GU GS) - the foreign intelligence agency of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the central intelligence agency of the Armed Forces of Russia - solves a number of problems of a military-political, military-technical, actually military, military-economic and environmental nature, has the ability conduct space reconnaissance and has a fairly wide agent network on the territory of foreign countries.

The GU special forces are capable of conducting special operations on enemy territory and in combat areas. The number and structure of this service are a state secret, and the importance of military intelligence for the armed forces is difficult to overestimate.

For the courage and heroism shown in carrying out special tasks to ensure national security, more than 700 military intelligence officers were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of the Russian Federation.

By the way, in the history of the Soviet Union, the activities of counterintelligence structures occupied an important place. Thus, in April 1943, the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence “Smersh” was organized, which was entrusted with the tasks of combating espionage, sabotage, and terrorist activities of foreign intelligence services, combating betrayal and treason in units and institutions of the Red Army, desertion and self-mutilation at the fronts.

World Tsunami Awareness Day

Tsunamis are considered one of the most dangerous and deadly natural disasters World Tsunami Awareness Day(World Tsunami Awareness Day) was established by a resolution of the UN General Assembly (A/RES/70/203) in December 2015 at the initiative of representatives of Japan. This country, located in an earthquake-prone region, has accumulated significant experience in preventing and eliminating the consequences of tsunamis.

By establishing such a day, the UN pursued several goals. One is to increase the awareness of citizens and government officials about the features of a natural disaster such as a tsunami. The other is the development of practical steps to prevent possible destructive and disastrous consequences from this natural disaster. This area, associated with an agreement on disaster risk reduction, began to actively develop at the UN in 2005 after the terrible 2004 tsunami.

The date of the Day – November 5 – was also chosen at the initiative of the Japanese delegation. This choice is related to the story "Inamura-no-hi" about a peasant who sacrificed his property on November 5, 1854 to save the people of his village. He set fire to his crop, warning the villagers about the danger, thanks to which they were saved. After the tsunami, he took an active part in the restoration of the village.

Man has always lived with water, because he cannot live without it. She can be quiet and smooth, giving joy and peace, but her meekness can suddenly give way to anger, and then she is capable of sowing horror in hearts. She can give, but she can also take. She always makes us remember that she is an element, and woe to those who forget about it or neglect it. Floods, mudflows, and storms are the most common water-related natural disasters that humans have to face.

There is another natural disaster associated with water - a tsunami - a series of marine gravity waves formed as a result of large-scale disturbance in the sea water column. The word "tsunami" comes from two Japanese words - "tsu" (harbour, port) and "nami" (wave).

Unlike storm waves, this wave affects not only the surface layers of water, but also includes the water mass in the ocean. The length of the tsunami is hundreds of kilometers. The speed of this wave in the ocean is over 700 km/h, exceeding the speed of the wind.

Wave height is not always the determining factor for a tsunami. Sometimes the height of a tsunami in the coastal zone reaches several tens of meters, increasing its already destructive power, but sometimes this natural disaster looks like a series of strong ebbs and flows, during which large coastal areas are also flooded.

Destruction on the coast of Indonesia as a result of the 2004 tsunami
The main reason that generates a tsunami is underwater earthquakes with high magnitude (usually over 7 points). Not all of them cause the birth of a giant wave. However, the stronger the earthquake, the higher the likelihood of a tsunami. In addition to earthquakes, which cause tsunamis in more than 80% of cases, waves can be caused by strong landslides, glaciers, volcanic eruptions, and meteorites falling into the ocean.

And although this natural disaster occurs less frequently than others and has a relatively short duration in time, this in no way detracts from its character. And the nature of the manifestation of a tsunami is suddenness and swiftness, multiplied by the colossal force of the water mass, formed in the form of a huge wave and falling on the coastal areas of the land.

It is not for nothing that tsunamis are considered one of the most dangerous and deadly natural disasters. This is confirmed by statistical data. The past 20th century was marked by many destructive tsunamis: 1906, 1923, 1938, 1952, 1957, 1960, 1964, 1965, 1971, 1992. In total, over the last century there were 58 of them. In the coming 21st century, the elements reminded themselves of the most powerful of all known tsunamis in the history of mankind. It occurred in 2004 as a result of a strong undersea earthquake of about 9.0 magnitude in the Sumatra region in the Indian Ocean. The resulting waves captured not only the Indian, but also the Pacific Ocean. 14 countries suffered colossal material losses from the destruction, and the most of the rest were Indonesia, Thailand, India and Sri Lanka. The number of human victims was about 260 thousand people. The exact numbers have not yet been announced due to the fact that many of the dead were carried into the ocean.

Some scientists note a reduction in the intervals between tsunamis over the last century, that is, we are talking about an increase in the incidence of this natural disaster. In 2006, 2007, 2009, tsunamis occurred again. In 2011, an earthquake in Japan caused another tsunami, the victims of which were over 15 thousand people, and among the most severe consequences was the accident at the nuclear power plant in Fukushima.

Logo of the Day

Knowing that the main sources of underwater earthquakes that cause tsunamis are located in the Pacific and Indian oceans, a warning system was created through interstate efforts. It includes seismographic stations whose task is to provide timely tsunami warnings.

Also important are the activities of states located in areas exposed to disasters aimed at creating a warning system in coastal areas. Its extensive and centralized network should make it possible to warn people in time about the approach of a natural disaster and organize their movement to safe places. And, of course, educating the population of tsunami-prone regions about the signs of an impending natural disaster and actions in such a situation should also help reduce the number of victims of the disaster.

The General Assembly invited all Member States, UN organizations, other international and regional organizations, and civil society to observe the Day in an appropriate manner and in accordance with national priorities to raise public awareness of the dangers of tsunamis and reduce loss of life.

Puno Day in Peru

The festival in honor of the city is a very colorful and vibrant event. Every year at the beginning of November in Peru on the shores of Lake Titicaca (Lake Titicaca) is celebrated "Puno Day"(Puno Day), dedicated to the founding of the ancient Inca Empire.

According to Indian legend, the ancestors of the Incas - Manco Capac and his sister and wife Mama Occlo - came out of Lake Titicaca and created the world, stars, the first people and built the ancient city of Puno. They were looking for the place where Manco Capac's golden staff would enter the ground. Having found it, they founded the city of the Incas.

Manco Capac, according to the oral Inca tradition, the first Inca, the son of the Sun and the Moon, was sent by the Sun to Earth to save people from barbarism and mutual destruction, teach agriculture and crafts and establish the cult of the “true” gods: the Sun, the Moon and the “creator of the world” - Pachacamac.

Today, Puno is the capital of the province of Puno and is located on the commercial route from Bolivia through Lake Titicaca.

Traditionally, the festival in honor of the city is a very colorful and vibrant event. During the Puno Days - November 4 and 5 - a magnificent procession and costume dances take place in honor of the birth of the Inca Empire. Place de Armas becomes the center of military parades, music and other festive events. There are also food and craft fairs, music and dance performances.

Jacob's Day

People believed that birds could calm the earth with their chirping...

Old style date: October 23

On this day, the memory of one of the seventy apostles is celebrated - James the Younger, nicknamed “the brother of the Lord.” There are different versions of the origin of this nickname. The most common is the one that calls James the cousin of Jesus Christ. According to another version, he is the son of Joseph, born before his betrothal to the Virgin Mary.

According to legend, during Christ’s earthly life, Jacob did not recognize him as the Savior, but converted to faith after the death and resurrection of Jesus. He is called the first bishop of Jerusalem. Around the year 63, Jacob suffered martyrdom: the Jews threw him from the porch of the temple and stoned him.

In Rus' on this day it was customary to play so-called bee games - imitate the buzzing of bees and eat honey. They said that the more honey the owner ate and the louder the buzz, the better the bees would swarm in the spring, and the more honey could be collected the following summer.

On Yakov (Jacob) they tried to finish preparing firewood for the winter. It was believed that if you manage to do this on time, the house will always be warm. Jacob was also considered the patron saint of any male work that needed to be done on this day. So, the peasants made tugs from rawhide and checked horse harnesses.

There was a custom to “feed” the earth: they broke yesterday’s cake, left over from the feast of the Kazan Icon, and scattered the pieces across the field, feeding the birds. People believed that the birds, with their chirping, could calm the earth and beg it to produce a good harvest next year.

Yakov celebrated the last autumn - farewell to autumn. As our ancestors noted, the second snow fell on this day. If it was abundant and did not melt, then the winter promised to be mild and the summer to be fruitful. “If it blows snow, the bread will arrive”, - people said. If fine, hard snow fell - “groats” - then winter was expected from Matryona’s Day.

There were some very strange signs for this day. For example, this: if a boy on this day prepares debts for an educational institution, then for half a century he will not find a good wife.

Who celebrates name day on November 5th 2018?

Name days on November 5th are celebrated by such people as: Afanasy, Emelyan, Ivan, Vladimir, Maxim, Alexander, Nikolai, Ignatius, Peter and Yakov.

What happened on November 5, 2018 in andstories?

  • 1854 - the Battle of Inkerman took place - one of the key ones in the Crimean War. It was from 1853 to 1856.
  • 1917 - Lenin demanded practical preparations for the uprising.
  • 1929 - the first planetarium in the USSR opened in Moscow.
  • 1940 - Franklin Delano Roosevelt was able to win the third presidential race.
  • 1957 - a monument to Soviet liberator soldiers called Alyosha was opened in Bulgaria.
  • 1967 is the birthday of the Ostankino TV tower.

Who were the celebrities born on November 5, 2018?

  • Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin 1878 is a Russian painter and symbolist, as well as a graphic artist and art theorist.
  • Varvara Stepanova 1894 – Soviet painter, set designer, artist of applied art.
  • Svyatoslav Roerich 1904 - Russian artist, philosopher and cultural critic.
  • Vivien Leigh 1913 – English actress and winner of two Oscars.
  • Kira Muratova 1934 – Soviet and Ukrainian screenwriter and director.
  • Joe Dassin 1938 – French singer and composer of American origin.
  • Bryan Adams 1959 – Canadian rock musician and songwriter and performer

Russians have been waiting for the last month of autumn for so long, because it is in the first months of autumn, after a long break, that the production calendar officially allows for a break from everyday work. We are all looking forward to the weekend in November 2018 in Russia, to go to the main square in a large, friendly company and take part in a public rally.

The occasion for this every year is National Unity Day, celebrated on November 4th. What should working citizens expect in terms of weekends, and what other holidays will be on – read in this material.

November 5, 2018 - working day or day off

Every year the country celebrates National Unity Day in November. And each time we are given only one day to take a break from work and go to a rally dedicated to the holiday. But 2018 brought us even more time to relax.

The thing is that November 4, which is when the country celebrates National Unity Day, falls on a Sunday. Since this is already a non-working day, the legal day off is moved to Monday – November 5th. As a result, all enterprises and offices that practice a 5-day work week receive a mini-vacation, for which you can already make plans.


Weekends in November 2018 in Russia for six-day workers are slightly shorter. They are only 2 days, but November 3 will be considered a shortened working day.

In 2018, on National Unity Day, you can safely go to rallies and participate in public festivities, since the country is officially closed from November 3 to 5. These dates can be called holiday weekends in November 2018, when the whole country has the opportunity to unite and pay tribute to their ancestors.

Citizens often confuse it with October Revolution Day, which was celebrated on November 7. Meanwhile, National Unity Day is dedicated to completely different events that happened back in 1612. At this time, Rus' was going through hard times - Moscow was dominated by Polish invaders who planned to gain a foothold in the ruling elite during the Time of Troubles. But the Russian people managed to defend the capital of the Russian state and drive out the invaders from their land.

It is known from history that the first to go against the ill-wisher was the zemstvo elder from Nizhny Novgorod, Kuzma Minin. He gathered the first supporters of the future militia, who, like him, were worried about their country. The Novgorod prince Dmitry Pozharsky was chosen as governor, who, together with Minin, led the people to the walls of the Moscow Kremlin.

What was the reason for the seizure of the Russian throne by representatives of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth? With the death of the last representative of the Rurik dynasty, who ruled Rus' for many centuries, there were several contenders for the throne. The Poles took advantage of this, who with all their might wanted to gain a foothold in the ruling elite of the Moscow kingdom.

And it was thanks to the people’s militia that it was possible to restore order in the country and drive impostors out of its borders. The result of the campaign was the election of the first ruler from the Romanov family, Mikhail, to the throne. He became the founder of a new branch of Russian monarchs, who were destined to retain power in their hands until the 20th century.

This was a turning point in the life of the state, which occurred thanks to the patriotic upsurge of the people, because the militia included representatives of all classes. Historical sources describe this event in some detail. The zemstvo militia took Kitai-Gorod by storm, carrying in front of them the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

By the way, despite the fact that November 4 has been celebrated in Russia not so long ago, this idea is not at all new. Before the events now known as the October Revolution, this day was called the Day of Gratitude to the Blessed Virgin Mary for her help in liberating Russia from the Poles.


Since the holiday was approved by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the son of the first monarch Romanov, this is what gives the right to claim that National Unity Day has a 400-year history.

In modern Russia, November 4, as a red day of the calendar, has been celebrated since 2005. In the memory of citizens, memories of another event that was revered in its time - the Day of the October Revolution - have not yet subsided. But gradually people stop connecting these two events. According to established tradition, patriotic actions and demonstrations are held in the main squares of many Russian cities, accompanied by fun and folk festivities.

Nizhny Novgorod becomes the center of the fun, from which the militia set out to take Moscow by storm. A monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected there, to which caring citizens lay flowers every year. National Unity Day is one of the youngest holidays in Russia.

Holidays in November 2018 in Russia

There are also unofficial holidays in Russia, which the production calendar does not consider as days off, but, nevertheless, people celebrate them with pleasure. Orthodox Christians have not forgotten the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and November 4 is revered as the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

It was with her that in the distant 17th century the people’s militia approached the walls of Kitay-Gorod. On the first Saturday of November, the country also celebrates World Men's Day, approved by the last president of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev.


Few people know that November 19 is International Men's Day. This date was intended to draw attention to the injustice faced by the entire male sex, maintaining their health and the importance of their role in raising children.

In addition to public holidays, many citizens also celebrate professional dates. There are a huge number of holidays in November, such as the Day of the Bailiff of the Russian Federation, or the Day of the Military Intelligence Officer. There are also dates in this list dedicated to medical workers - ophthalmologist, speech therapist, psychologist. A complete list of professional holidays can always be found in the public domain.

These are the kind of weekends and holidays in November 2018 in Russia that the calendar promises us. There is very little time left to make your plans for the coming days.

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On October 12, 2000, Military Intelligence Day was established by order of the Minister of Defense. The first intelligence agency in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. And on November 1, 1918, the staff was approved by the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic, by order of which its staff was introduced on November 5.

By order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic on November 5, the Registration Directorate of all intelligence agencies of the army was included in the Field Headquarters of the Red Army. From this day began the history of the successor to the Register - the GRU (Main Intelligence Directorate) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and November 5 became the Day of Soviet Military Intelligence. In addition to conducting operational and strategic reconnaissance, military intelligence carries out work to obtain various military-technical information and information about scientific achievements in the military field. In 1950, special forces were created. Currently, military intelligence is the main means of obtaining information about the enemy, which belongs to the organizational structure of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

GRU GSH (Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff) is the central military intelligence department that, in addition to military tasks, solves problems of a military-political, military-technical and military-economic nature.

The GRU General Staff has a wide agent network in different countries and can conduct space reconnaissance, and GRU special forces can conduct various special operations in combat areas and enemy territories. The structure of this service and its number are a state secret of the country. The activities of counterintelligence structures occupied an important place in the history of the Soviet Union during the war years. In 1943, “Smersh” was organized - the Main Directorate of Counterintelligence, the main task of which was to combat the espionage activities of foreign intelligence services and the fight against treason and betrayal in parts of the Red Army.


The formation of an intelligence unit in the Armed Forces of Armenia began during Armenia's independence in September 1991. In 1992, on November 5, this formation was completed, this date became the Day of the Intelligence Forces of Armenia.

One of the many tasks of the Armenian reconnaissance forces is to obtain information about the enemy and identify his groups.

The reconnaissance troops are one of the strongest components of the Armenian Armed Forces, distinguished by high patriotic spirit and professionalism, combat and physical training and the ability to make the right decisions with lightning speed in any difficult conditions.

On this day, various ceremonial awards are held in Armenia with medals, badges and certificates to distinguished soldiers of the reconnaissance troops, congratulating all the country's intelligence officers and veterans of the reconnaissance troops.



Today you won’t surprise anyone with vanilla girls. Their popularity peaked in 2015. Then the majority began to follow this fashion. And that’s why a certain unofficial holiday was created, which falls on November 5th.

How to become a vanilla girl

In principle, this image is not very repulsive. So he may well be a role model. Vanilla is always dressed with great taste in clothes of pastel and delicate colors. She can also skillfully select accessories, handbags and jewelry. In addition, such girls are used to keeping themselves in shape and playing sports. Some even go on diets. A real vanilla girl should have a hobby in which she expresses herself and finds an outlet.

What does a girl like this do?

If you think that vanillas do not shine with intelligence, then this is a big misconception. Truly typical vanillas read a lot. Usually, modern prose or authors who write about difficult relationships between people.

A fairly popular author among these girls is Paulo Coelho. Although, every day more and more similar authors appear. Vanilla girls love cute photo shoots. Besides, they are not homebodies at all. Very often, beauties go to cafes and restaurants, visit fashionable clubs and spend time with friends.

How to celebrate the day

In principle, nothing complicated or grandiose is being done here. Most likely, the girls get together and plan their evening time. You can go to the cinema, take a walk around the city, if the weather permits. Or give each other small souvenirs. It all depends on your imagination. The main thing to remember is that you don’t have to force yourself to choose a style if it’s in fashion. Always listen to your heart. And only then will you answer all your questions yourself.

On this day you can also celebrate:
- Day to increase your mental strength
- A day to tease a parrot
- Essential Worker Day
- National Storytelling Day



On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of one of the most famous apostles - James the Younger, who was nicknamed “the brother of the Lord.”

Jacob, according to one version, was the cousin of Jesus Christ. According to another version, Jacob was the son of Joseph, who was born before his betrothal to the Virgin Mary.

James did not recognize Christ as the Savior, but after the resurrection of Jesus he converted to the Christian faith. James was one of the first bishops of Jerusalem. At the age of 63, he suffered martyrdom - he was thrown from the porch of the temple and stoned.

Since ancient times in Rus', on this day, peasants played bee games - they imitated bees - they buzzed and ate honey. Believing that the more the owner buzzes and eats honey, the more honey he will collect next year and the better the bees will swarm in the spring of next year.

On Iakov (Yakov) they finished the winter preparation of firewood. It was believed that if firewood was prepared on this day, the house would be warm all winter.

Saint James is the patron saint of all men's work. On this day, the people had a tradition of “feeding” the land so that it would produce a good harvest next year. Yesterday's pie, which was left over from the holiday of the Kazan Icon, was broken into pieces and scattered throughout the field, feeding the birds. Farewells to autumn were organized for Yakov - the last autumn.

The second snow usually fell on this day. According to popular belief, if the second snow is heavy and does not melt, then the winter will be mild, and the next summer will be fruitful. If the second snow fell fine and hard in the form of “grains”, then winter will come only from November 22 - Matryona’s Day.

Orthodox holidays November 5, 2018

The following memorial dates have been established:

  • Memorial Day of the Apostle James, brother of the Lord according to the flesh;
  • Transfer of the relics of the righteous Jacob Borovichsky, Novgorod wonderworker;
  • Memorial Day of St. Ignatius, Patriarch of Constantinople;
  • Memorial Day of St. Elisha Lavrishevsky;
  • Day of Remembrance of Hieromartyrs Nikolai Agafonikov, Vladimir Ambartsumov, Alexander Solovyov, Nikolai Arkhangelsky, Emilian Goncharov, Sozont Reshetilov, presbyters;
  • Memorial Day of the Venerable Martyr Euphrosyne Timothyeva, novice.

Name day November 5 from: Alexander, Athanasius, Vladimir, Euphrosyne, Emelyan, Ivan, Ignatius, Maxim, Nikolai, Peter, Yakov


1854 - During the Crimean War (1853–1856), one of the key battles took place - the Battle of Inkerman.
1917 - Lenin begins preparations for the uprising at a secret meeting of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b)
1929 - In the USSR, the world's first planetarium opened in Moscow.
1957 - The famous monument “Alyosha”, dedicated to Soviet liberating soldiers, was opened in Bulgaria.
1967 - Birthday of the Ostankino TV tower.

It's a long weekend for Russian citizens. What kind of holiday are we celebrating, why will Monday, November 5, 2018, be a day off, the Ministry of Labor explains.

At the end of 2017, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted a resolution on the working calendar for 2018, according to which November 5, 2018 is an official holiday. Russians who go to work 5 days a week, as is known, rest on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as on holidays. The legislation also establishes that if a holiday falls on a weekend, then the first working day following it is a non-working day.

Days of rest on National Unity Day

National Unity Day is celebrated on November 4th. In 2018, this date falls on a Sunday, so Monday automatically becomes a non-working day. Russians thus have a mini-vacation of three days - from November 3 to 5, the work week will begin on Tuesday. Employees working a six-day workday will also have a rest on November 5, and on the 3rd they should have a shortened working day (by 1 hour).

How many days of rest are there in November 2018?

Russians working a 5-day week have 9 days off in November 2018: 3-5, 10-11, 17-18 and 24-25. Citizens working a six-day week have four days off: November 4-5, 18 and 25.

National Unity Day - what kind of holiday?

Russians have been celebrating National Unity Day since 2005. The holiday was established in honor of the events of 1612, when militias led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky liberated Russia from Polish invaders. Representatives of all segments of the population joined the militia - from peasants to princes, which is why the holiday is considered the Day of National Unity.

For Russians, the relevant question is how to relax in November 2018, because there have been no holidays since the summer, and this year you can expect an additional day off.

Every year in November a national holiday is celebrated - National Unity Day. It is celebrated in honor of the victory over the invaders from Poland. In addition to the national day, this day is considered the Day of Military Glory. All military personnel regard this day with trepidation.

According to tradition, the holiday is celebrated on November 4th. For many Russians, the question of how everyone relaxes still remains unclear for many residents. This year the holiday falls on a weekend. But there is no need to worry, because the holiday will be postponed to the next day.

It turns out that there will be three days off in Russia, starting from November 3 to November 5, 2018. Despite the postponement of the holiday, all events will take place on the 4th of this year. Therefore, you need to plan your plans for this day in advance.

Official holidays according to the calendar in November 2018

Judging by the calendar for 2018, there will be 9 days off in November. The first weekend will begin from November 3 to 5 of this year, when Russians will celebrate a national holiday. It is the first after July and the last before the New Year holidays.

After these days, Russians will rest according to their work schedule; no further postponements are expected. It turns out that those who work 5 days a week, in addition to the specified days, workers will rest:

For those who work 6 days a week, a different shift of days off is established. For them, November 5, 2018 will also be a day off. They will also rest on the following days:

For these workers, November 3, 2018 is considered a pre-holiday day, so the working day for them should be shortened by one hour. For another category of citizens, Saturday will not be considered a holiday, so the working day on Friday will not be shortened. However, most entrepreneurs make such decisions on their own.

How does a day off affect your salary?

The holiday will not in any way affect the salaries of those citizens who work 40 hours a week and receive a fixed salary. For those who are paid on a time basis, this day will not be paid at the worked out rate, it will be calculated at the average rate.

We can conclude that no one will lose wages due to an additional day off. For those going on vacation, the day off will not be taken into account.

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