Christian stories for children for Easter exb. Christian poems about Easter and congratulations for the holiday

The children are preparing for this bright day in their own way. Therefore, the editors of I WANT have prepared children's poems for Easter, which you can learn with your heirs.

It's no secret that children associate the bright holiday of Easter with a house full of guests. Already at a young age, many tell children what folk means. Therefore, in order to create a certain festive atmosphere, children learn Christian poems for Easter.

Poems about Easter

For Easter

The sun sparkles in the puddles,
The willow blossomed down,
"Alive, live!" - birds chirp
And the bells sing.

There is a fragrant Easter cake on the table,
A pile of colored eggs.
This holiday is bright, clean
You won't see gloomy faces.

They say: “Christ is risen!”
“Yes, he is truly risen!”
Tearing apart the veil of darkness,
He came down to people from heaven.

Christ lives and people believe:
If we part with evil,
Life will last. Will be eternal
Peace with love and goodness!

Easter announcement

The dormant bell

Woke up the fields
Smiled at the sun
Sleepy land.

The blows came
To the blue skies
It rings loudly
Voice through the forests.

Hidden behind the river
White moon,
She ran loudly
Frisky wave.

Quiet Valley
Drives away sleep
Somewhere down the road
The ringing stops.

Easter Egg

Look what a miracle
Did mom put it in the dish?
There is an egg, but not a simple one:
Golden painted,

Like a bright toy!
There are stripes, curls,
Lots of little rings
Stars, circles and hearts.

What are all these colors for?
Like in a good old fairy tale?
Mom gave everyone the answers:
- - the brightest holiday!

And the egg, I know,
Symbol of life on earth!

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
Everyone praises God:
Christ is risen!

In the blue smile
Living skies
Still the same joy:
Christ is risen!

The enmity has disappeared
And the fear disappeared.
No more anger -
Christ is risen!

How wonderful are the sounds
Holy words
In which you can hear:
Christ is risen!

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
Everyone praises God:
Christ is risen!

Poems for Easter. Willows

Boys and girls
Candles and willows
They took it home.
The lights are warm,
Passers-by cross themselves
And it smells like spring.
The breeze is distant,
Rain, little rain,
Don't blow out the fire.
Palm Sunday
Tomorrow I'll be the first to get up
For the holy day.

Poems about Easter for children

The stonefly led us to the colo,
The Red Sun leads everyone by the hand.
І kvitki, aka strings, nakolo
The sounds of the people are squelching.
I earth - the sky is light -
Kolyorova, it’s fun today.
In the church, people are holy greeters.
We are resurrecting on the Great Day.

Christ is risen! Everything is happy,
The sunshine is laughing from heaven,
Prozora river lelie -
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
Violets are fading in the grass
And the scrolls will tremble all over,
The blossoming apple is already sitting -
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!
Birds jingle near the field, in the fox;
And the bell sings to the heavens,
Where the white clouds spread -
Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! Rejoice, children,
Run by the field, by the garden,
Take your zollyachka and kviti,
Place a wreath on God's cross.
Stop shaving and smelling the fruit,
Let me smell God's paradise,
How children on earth bring joy
And bring joy to the native land.
Look at you, Mother of God,
Radiuschi, from the holy heavens...
Come on, children, let's go to sleep:
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

The sun is shining in a clear cloud,
Let's exchange the warmth for the whole world.
I open my heart for joy:
Know, people, that Christ is Risen!
Little birds are blooming outside -
Then they sing honor to God!
Forget to think about that grief,
For Christ is Truly Risen!

In the evening Matusya enchants us,
I paint Easter eggs for display.
The visk is scooped from the saucer with a squeak,
Mom’s eyes smile happily.
Mom's eyes shine with love:
Flowers on the writing of the mirror,
And on the other - pivniki and bjoli,
We haven't seen anyone like that before.

And on the third writing - grains,
Below them are the golden firebirds.
On the fourth - deer and sarnies,
And on the fifth - a burnt towel.
In the evening Matusya enchants us,
I paint Easter eggs for display.
Marvel and be silent swearing:
I’ve got a liking for her little ones.

Today Easter has come,
And joy pours down to us from heaven.
All around people praise God
And they say: “Christ is Risen.”

What does Easter smell like?
Easter cakes and fresh air of spring.
All people should become kinder
It’s not in vain that the covenants were given to us!

Today we will paint eggs
And congratulate each other!
And this sacred holiday
Meet with an open soul.

The sun is squinting from the sky,
Lights up the earth
This holiday is for everyone
Happiness portends.

Like a miracle of miracles,
Like in a wonderful fairy tale,
It has finally arrived
Golden Easter!

Congratulations on the Resurrection,
I send my Easter greetings.
I wish everyone health,
Strong faith for many years.

May the Lord protect
From sadness and misfortune.
I wish you all great blessings,
Let your dreams come true.

Easter holiday has arrived
Gave us fun
We know that Christ is Risen,
This means that the world is now full of miracles!

Congratulations to everyone around,
Let the circle of success grow,
Joy is in the air,
Kindness reigns in hearts!

Bright Easter has come.
Joy brought to all
Straight from holy heaven:
“Rejoice! Christ is risen!"

Easter is the most important holiday,
Easter cakes light up,
They paint eggs and wish
Only peace and kindness.

Painted eggs in a basket,
The fragrant Easter cake is on the table.
Easter Day, as if in the old fashioned way,
We are celebrating with a big family.

And I want my loved ones
I wish you good health.
May the Lord give everyone a miracle
And life will be filled with grace!

A bright holiday is coming,
The sun is shining from the sky,
You can hear the cracking of testicles everywhere,
Good luck to you! Christ is risen!

The most glorious day of the year
I'm waiting for him with love,
To hear in the middle of heaven:
- There is a miracle - Christ is Risen!

I woke up and saw -
Testicles on the table
Quirky, bright...
Are you sure I'm not in a dream?

A bird is knocking on the window,
Like an angel
And the sky is very clear,
Like a new leaf.

Hurray, today is Easter!
Hurray, Christ is Risen!
I wish everyone happiness
Health and miracles.

Easter holiday has arrived
He gave us all joy,
The bells will ring
It's time to consecrate Easter cakes.

Let's gather around the table
And let's share the goodness.
After all, Jesus Christ has risen,
He looks at us from heaven.

I woke up early in the morning
And Christ is Risen said.
And he came down to me in the rays
Joyful angel from heaven.

The house smells like Easter cakes,
Treats on the table
Because the news is good
Scattered across the ground!

Easter holiday is coming to us
Gives us love.
After all, Jesus is risen today
We speak again.

He gave us hope
Taught us to live.
Kindness, care, tenderness
Keep it in your souls.

" Christ is risen!" - let's tell each other
And we will show our kindness,
Happy Easter to everyone
And together we will glorify the Lord!

May this holiday make everyone friends,
Will gently spin you around in joy,
All dreams will come true,
While we are eating Easter cake and eggs!

The sun is shining bright
In the blue sky
We are together today
Let's go to the Holy Temple...

People smile
Hearing a ringing from heaven:
- Believe in miracles, miracles,
After all, Christ is Risen!

This is God's holy morning! Life is pouring out of our hearts. Blessed from heaven is this world, For now sin is over! Here it’s almost foolproof, Christ is risen Christ is risen! Let's go into the little skin, The greatest miracle of miracles! And the skin trembles heartily, Because overcoming is already a sin! Who else knows...

What does “resurrection” mean to me?

What does “Sunday” mean to me? This is the memory of Love from above, Who gave insight to the blind soul, This is the heart that said “forgiveness.” At the price of a new life, begin with God, I rejoice above all with goodness, This is the high road to the heavenly distance, Along which we walk together with Christ. What does “Sunday” mean to me? It's flowing...

Mary Magdalene

“Under the cross of Jesus stood His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene.” Єв. John 19:25 That would be the most important day and the last, If Jesus was dissected by the soldiers. Well, how could the grief be greater?! Mary stood in pain.

Holy Magnificent

Today I send you to the Great Saint, We live the Great Day of our arrival in Ukraine and our souls are lost. And rises above the Earth, the Most Pure and Living Sick Earth will greet you with the Day of the Great. It is a joy to shave in the skin of a saint, in the skin of a saint. Our dear Christ, we thank you for...


This is a bright morning... The sun has awakened, Its clear thoughts have begun to shine... Nature has suddenly awakened, come to life, And the joyful moons of sleep were mooning everywhere. Wonderful morning. Everything is so wonderful! Why do I need to sum up this day? And the women go to the grave with a passion: Jesus is not with them, there is no crucifixion now. And pain, and grief...

Christ is risen

"Christ is risen!" - all nature sings, “Christ is risen!” - the anthem moons in the sky. So glorify the Lord, all peoples, Who is worthy of honor and psalms. Jesus, I praise You, for You have risen, rising from the dead for me. Risen for my happiness and justification, I...


CHRIST IS RISEN! Christ is risen! My soul is welcomed by my Savior, Hope and Life, trampling on death, having conquered the power of hell, turning my soul full into Life. About those who He is Risen, forever joyful to Me in His Life, having created immortality I live with Him, I hope in Him I will not glorify Him yet...

Christ is risen.

What kind of people were they, the founders of the world’s religions? Brahma, Mohammed and Buddha died, and even Christ, one among the living. And yet, if His hands were outstretched, Jesus spread out at the ends of the cross, The triumph of death was short-lived, The joy of the enemy soon ceased. Before Christ said:...


A buzzing and stinging beehive of aspens, riotous, multifaceted, screamingly colorful, through the narrow streets of Jerusalem the crowd drove to the crucifixion of Christ. Through their sweaty backs, pressed against each other, a pair of loving eyes watched Him. Let her feet be trampled, her dress torn... But can she really think about that now?! Here he is...

About the Resurrection

Golgotha ​​is completely enveloped in darkness. Sobs are heard all around, And fear hovers over the crowd, And people are suddenly afraid. They descended, beating their chests. Bitterness and anxiety awoke in their hearts. And the Roman centurion standing at the cross, “Behold the Righteous One,” said, glorifying God. Women and Mother stood in tears at the cross...

Our Easter is Christ (1 Cor. 5:7)

To Golgotha ​​with a cross over his shoulders, Under the sobs of his female friends, The exhausted Savior of people was escorted by the executioners. He walks up the mountain for you, stumbles, gets up again... Like a villain... Like a thief... He goes to suffer for you. Nails, ropes, hammer and other props have been prepared. The executioners are...


Oh, Golgotha, I’m not bachita for you, but will I bachiti if? You are melodiously, even today you cry for Christ, who was crucified. I am on my way as ambassadors to you. From sin we enter into two, I perceive in my soul the need to bow low to you. Perhaps, here, the falling heights, Children will drive the winds with the winds, I feel tired:...

History of the Resurrection.

The earth is filled with Easter light, He illuminated the tomb many years ago, He brought down the guard of soldiers; The night of Christ's Easter was brighter than the day. Yesterday an order was given to the Temple guards To guard the resting place of a liar, a villain, an impostor And not to close their eyes day or night, To guard the crucified stubborn man. How...

Easter -2012

I will slowly walk along Dolarosa and climb the Calvary hill. Here the vanity of the world and the darkness of vices Jesus defeated in mortal combat. He died painfully and for a long time. He is God's Lamb, Truth, and Light. Among the spiritual, crazy orgies, the Testament of Salvation was written to us. From the lacerated wounds of the divine Body to the earthly...


The predawn haze was creeping through the mountains and valleys.

And in some yard a rooster crowed timidly.

You can’t hear the birds... The ancient cedars and olive trees were dozing.

The ray of hope, the last sparkling one, nevertheless went out.

The city was asleep, immersed in terrible, heavy thoughts.

The one who gave them bread, lepers, the sick...

Christ is risen!

Christ is risen! Rejoice, all nations. Hell has been dissolved and death has been defeated. Christ has risen! The firmaments are broadcasting He is alive! And this gives us joy!

Christ is risen! My Soul's Joy, My Savior, My Hope, My Life!

He trampled death, broke the bonds of hell, and took prisoners to the heavenly lands!

I always rejoice that He has risen!

He has clothed my whole life with His Life!

I live with Him and in Him I only triumph, I glorify Him, a song to Him...


Trial, ridicule, cross and public death... The groaning of the earth. “It is finished” - a quiet exclamation... This - one without greatness has become the King and Lord of the great!
This is the One Whose breast of love was mercilessly pierced with the spear of unbelief.
It was He who made the last first, and He likened the great to dust.
They spat on Him with...
Website “Mom can do anything!” collected 18 of the best poems about Easter for children. They will help the child get acquainted with the traditions accepted for this holiday: dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, going to church.
Poems about Easter will create a special atmosphere for this holiday. Learn them by heart with your child and delight your guests. In the article you will find both very short works, suitable for memorizing with children, and longer ones, which will be more interesting for schoolchildren.

Easter holiday
Like a bright coloring
Easter has come to our home.
She brought it in her basket,
Eggs, buns, flatbreads,
Pies, pancakes and tea.
Have a fun Easter!
All faces are shining with joy,

Hearts are free from passions...

They have such a miraculous effect

Holy words on people!..
Christ is risen!..
Oh sacred moment!..
O miracle, above all miracles,
What were there in the universe!..
(P. Potekhin)
Easter. Festive all around.
The house sparkles with cleanliness.


Willows on the table and Easter...
So light and so beautiful!
Dyed eggs everywhere
And the Easter cake is on the platter...
Mom in a chintz apron
Invites everyone to sit down
And taste the treat
Christ is risen! Starlings sing
And, awakening, the steppes rejoice.
In the snow, murmuring streams run

And with a ringing laugh they quickly tear
Chained in winter.
The dark forest is still thoughtful,
Not believing the happiness of waking up.
Wake up! Sing the song of Sunday -

Christ is risen!

(V. Ladyzhensky)
Light of salvation! Christ is risen!
For the glory of life the Creator gave
Holy grace happen,

Easter announcement

The dormant bell
So that he descends from heaven into every home
Light of salvation! Christ is risen!
Christ's Sunday

The blows came
On Bright Sunday of Christ
Let your soul be clean and light!
It will be a hospitable treat,

The sun gives joy and warmth!
Woke up the fields
Smiled at the sun
Sleepy land.

Quiet Valley
To the blue skies
It rings loudly
Voice through the forests.

Hidden behind the river

Pale moon
The shadow of the long night is thinning,
Again lit up above the ground
A new day for a new life.
The thickets of the forest are still turning black;
Still in its damp shadow,
Lakes stand like mirrors
And breathe the freshness of the night;
Still in the blue valleys
The fogs are floating... But look:
Already burning on mountain ice floes
The fiery rays of dawn!
They are still shining on high.
Unattainable like a dream
Where the voices of the earth fall silent
And beauty is immaculate.
But, getting closer every hour
Because of the reddening peaks,
They will sparkle, flaring up,
And into the darkness of the forests, and into the depths of the valleys;
They will rise in the desired beauty
And they will announce from the heights of heaven,
That the promised day has come,
That God has truly risen!
(I. Bunin)


Boys and girls
Candles and willows
They took it home.
The lights are glowing,
Passers-by cross themselves
And it smells like spring.
The breeze is distant,
Rain, little rain,
Don't blow out the fire.
Palm Sunday
Tomorrow I'll be the first to get up
For the holy day.
(A. Blok)

For Easter

The sun sparkles in the puddles,
The willow blossomed down,
"Alive, live!" - birds chirp
And the bells sing.

There is a fragrant Easter cake on the table,
A pile of colored eggs.
This holiday is bright, clean
You won't see gloomy faces.

They say: “Christ is risen!”
“Yes, he is truly risen!”
Tearing apart the veil of darkness,
He came down to people from heaven.

Christ lives and people believe:
If we part with evil,
Life will last. Will be eternal
Peace with love and kindness!

Trial, ridicule, cross and public death... The groaning of the earth. “It is finished” - a quiet exclamation... This - one without greatness has become the King and Lord of the great!
Easter has come to our home.
It was He who made the last first, and He likened the great to dust.
They spat on Him with...
Website “Mom can do anything!” collected 18 of the best poems about Easter for children. They will help the child get acquainted with the traditions accepted for this holiday: dyeing eggs, making Easter cakes, cottage cheese Easter, going to church.
Poems about Easter will create a special atmosphere for this holiday. Learn them by heart with your child and delight your guests. In the article you will find both very short works, suitable for memorizing with children, and longer ones, which will be more interesting for schoolchildren.
(I. Evdokimova)

Holy Easter

The bells are ringing and singing!
Spring warms everyone with its rays.
The whole sky is blue like the sea,
And the willow is all dressed in white.

Spring has put on decorations,
And in honor of Holy Sunday.
The whole forest is filled with the singing of birds,

Spring has come with the warmth of its rays,
I brought Easter cake and Easter.
I painted the eggs beautifully,
And she glorified God with us!

And people rejoice at Easter!
The children's eyes sparkle with happiness.
Spring is blooming, full of miracles,
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

How I love Easter!
Get ready for Thursday -
Grandma paints eggs
I'll help her too.
On a fragile, thin shell
For people, for beauty
I paint with a brush quietly
Cross, sun, flowers.
On the bright holiday of Sunday
I'll give it to my friends
By the testicle, with congratulations
And I’ll say: “I painted it myself!”
(E. Shalamanova)

Easter Egg

Look what a miracle
Did mom put it in the dish?
There is an egg, but not a simple one:
Golden painted,

Like a bright toy!
There are stripes, curls,
Lots of little rings
Stars, circles and hearts.

What are all these colors for?
Like in a good old fairy tale?
Mom gave everyone the answers:
— Easter is the brightest holiday!

And the egg, I know,
Symbol of life on earth!

Holy words on people!..
Christ is risen!..
Oh sacred moment!..
O miracle, above all miracles,
What were there in the universe!..
(P. Potekhin)
Easter. Festive all around.
The house sparkles with cleanliness.
In honor of Christ's resurrection.
(G. Antipina)

For Easter

The bright holiday of Easter comes to earth,
More magical than any fairy tale,
More wonderful than any earthly miracles:
Christ is risen!
Truly risen!
Easter ringing, and eggs with Easter cakes.
The birch trees stood up like white candles.
And the good news spreads over the earth:
Christ is risen!
Truly risen!
And willow in honor of the Holy Resurrection
I put on my spring jewelry...
And like a temple, the forest is filled with singing:
Christ is risen!
Truly risen!


Easter holiday - bright, clean,
The day when Christ rose...
Joy of the radiant sun
Smiles from heaven.
(I. Darnina)

Christ is risen!
Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,
People are pouring out of all the churches.
The dawn is already looking from the sky...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The snow cover has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers break from their shackles,
And the nearby forest is greener...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields are dressed,
Spring is coming, full of miracles!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

We present to your attention poems for Easter that will help decorate this Christian holiday!

"Who built this house?"
E. Queen

Children read one at a time, positioned around the globe.

What a wonderful house!
There are many neighbors in it.
But who built it?
Who put order in it?

Who sowed moss and flowers?
Who gave the trees leaves?

Who poured water into the rivers?
Who put the fish in them?

Did he send summer to us for spring?
Who, who came up with this?
Who could arrange everything like this?
Well, of course it's God.

It is impossible to see God.
You can only see things
The ones that do for us
Every day He, every hour.

Here's what and why
We are grateful to Him.

So as not to upset Him,
The soul must be sanctified
Do no harm to anyone
And be obedient to Him.

From the land of distant swallows fly,
They chirp merrily and tell people:
"People, wake up! Spring is coming to you,
And with spring, Easter brings you joy.
Joy that our Savior has risen from the grave!
He gave deliverance to children and adults!"
“He has risen from the dead!” the whole earth sings.
And soon He will come to earth again."
Sing, people: “Our Christ is risen!”
There is salvation for people, and there is hope!

POEM "Easter Good News"
S. Yesenina

The dormant bell woke up the fields,
The sleepy earth smiled at the sun.
The blows flew towards the blue skies,
A voice rings loudly through the forests.
The white moon disappeared behind the river,
A frisky wave ran loudly. T
their valley drives away sleep,
Somewhere along the road the ringing fades away.

POEM "Bells"
V. Shamonina

Good on the bell tower
Ring the bells
To make the holiday more relaxing,
So that the soul can sing.
Like an angel singing
This wonderful chime
Bright hymn of Sunday
Sounded from all sides.

Wake up, mountains, valleys, rivers!
Praise the Lord from heaven!
Death is conquered by Him forever,
Wake up, you too, green forest.
Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,
Violet, bloom again
And send up a fragrant hymn
To the One Whose commandment is love!

The grass is green, the sun is shining,
A swallow flies towards us with spring in the canopy.
With her the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter,
Shout out hello to us from the road quickly!

POEM "The Resurrection of Christ"
Prince N. Gorchakov

I woke up and heard -
Spring is knocking on the window!
Drops are rushing from the roof,
It's light everywhere!
And it seems - not birds,
And the Angels are flying.
That Easter is coming soon,
They tell us.

In Rus', as the snow melts,
And in nature there is silence,
The willow is the first to come to life,
Artless and tender.
Before Easter, on Sunday,
They go to church with a pussy willow,
After the blessing of water
They bring it to sprinkle it.
And songs of praise,
With a shrine in hands
Pray for blessings
With repentance in our hearts.

Willow, willow, our palm -
You look completely simple!
But we meet you
The coming Christ to us.
That's why we give
Every year, in the spring, again
Our tenderness to the white willow,
Our affection and love.

Boys and girls
They took the candles and willows home.
The lights are shining
passersby cross themselves, it smells like spring.
A distant breeze, rain,
little rain, don't blow out the fire!
On Palm Sunday, tomorrow
I will be the first to rise for the Holy Day!

For Easter
Bell ringing.
Souls - wide open!
It smells like triumph
Happy Easter.
The altar is open
Until the end of the week -
The Heavenly King Himself
He shares his joy with us.
I'll pray in the temple
And I will go, comforted.
It flows into my chest
Morning freshness.
Young ice
The puddles have filled in.
It's easy at heart
From Easter service!
Alexey Korovin

I know for sure - He has risen!
And I know firsthand.
I read it in one wonderful book,
In which there are many miracles.
But it's a miracle, I tell you,
God alone can do it.
After all, only God Jesus Christ
He suffered for us and suffered death.
But having shown love the teaching,
Christ is risen! And Sunday -
This is a miracle of miracles.
I know for sure, He has risen!
Tikhonin Sergey

Listen, all people
One story
O Sunday of God.
Praise be to him forever!
After all, He rose from the dead
And He is always with us.
Will no longer be crucified
He never again.
Our great God has risen,
He rose from the grave,
Sunday hope
He gave it to us all.

Tikhonin Sergey

Christ is risen! Saint again
Easter has arrived. And golden
The head of the capital beamed
And my soul became sweeter:
The sun is shining brighter today,
The wind beats stronger at the window,
And the cry reaches the skies:
Christ is truly Risen!
Zhanna Kosinova

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
Everyone praises God:
Christ is risen!

In the blue smile
Living skies
Still the same joy:
Christ is risen!

The enmity has disappeared
And the fear disappeared.
No more anger -
Christ is risen!

How wonderful are the sounds
Holy words
In which you can hear:
Christ is risen!

Earth and sun
Fields and forest -
Everyone praises God:
Christ is risen!
L. Charskaya

The fields are black and flat,
Once again I am God's and no one's!
Tomorrow is Easter, the smell of wax,
The smell of warm Easter cakes.

Before my life flowed like this
Bright change of exact days,
And now there's one leftover
Somehow more joyfully painful.

After all, winter, spring and summer,
Easter, Lent and Christmas,
If you can get into it,
In a small drop there is Divinity.

Even if it’s petty, even if it’s stupid,
Let us be proud of our will,
But in a sip of mushroom soup -
The joy of the same series.

What I remember with my dear heart,
Don't be a shame with oblivion.
Sweeter for us with a sad post
Sweet poison of spring dawns.

They will be trembling and vigilant
Couples running through the dew
And on Red, Red Hill
They get married like everyone else.

Name day pies,
Children, sun... live peacefully,
To the boards of domino
The body is cute to fold.

In this life, God's kindness
It's like embroidery is visible
And now you, Easter, Easter,
There's only one left for us.

You won't forget her,
No matter how smart you are.
You will cool a warm heart -
The bell ringers will warm up.

And they sing, bright, not strict:
Dili-bom, dili-bom bom!
You're lost on the road
So return to your home.
M. Kuzmin

This morning I got up early,
I came to church with my grandmother.
Because the holiday is in the church,
And I feel good too.
The pastor hurries to congratulate everyone,
The brothers want to sing songs.
Everyone rejoices and shines,
And I feel good too.
To make it clear to everyone,
Why did you gather here?
So let's say it in rhyme:
Tikhonin Sergey

In the morning at dawn.

In the morning at dawn
Jesus has resurrected,
Praise, children,
Lord of heaven!
There is no Christ in the tomb,
The seal is broken
And the birds chirp, -
How can we remain silent?!
Conqueror of Death
He brought us joy.
Praise God, children,
Jesus Christ is alive!

I love this spring day
Wonderful April day.
Christ Jesus resurrection
I'm not too lazy to celebrate.
After all, he, having destroyed all barriers,
Risen for me too!
I will be forever happy with Jesus,
And my whole family.

Tikhonin Sergey


Predawn haze
The sun is about to rise,
And in the chilled dewdrop
The sky is reflected.

The blood runs cold with grief,
Who will lighten the burden?
Heart of God's Son
The third day there is no knock.

The world is shrouded in sadness
From the faded Dawn.
Weighted stone with a seal
The entrance to the Messiah was closed.

Suddenly with a radiant shine
The coffin and the garden are illuminated,
And lit up with amethyst
There is dew on the leaves.

And the Savior's caress
Enveloping the whole world again...
There are no colors in poetry
Describe this moment.

Let the words be angular
And I stand confused
But the story of the Crucified One,
How can I hide in my soul?

Through the hills and valleys,
Remembering the will of heaven,
I'll hurry with Magdalene
Proclaim: “He is risen!”
What a joyful miracle
My brother tells me.
Maybe they'll buy me a gift?
Maybe they'll give you something?
This miracle is not simple,
Impossible to touch.
But, about this miracle you can
Tell us in our church.
Early in the morning at dawn
Jesus Christ is Risen!
Praise, adults and children
Praise, angels from heaven!
Glory, all fields and mountains,
Oceans and seas!
Everyone is celebrating today
Resurrection of the Tsar!

Tikhonin Sergey

A miracle of miracles happened, a prophecy from heaven -

And the ringing of the bells brings good news:
Christ is risen, Christ is risen, truly risen!
The people rejoice and sing, and it can be heard to heaven:
"Christ is risen, Christ is risen, truly risen!"
Polina Dovzhenko

“Happy holiday!” - heard in birdsong,
And in the vastness of the universe they rush
Hymns of the saved about God's greatness,
Hymns about the glorious victory of Jesus!

Bright angels flew into the garden
On spring morning with the Easter message:
"Alive!" - and in the holy assembly in Galilee
There was no place for funeral speeches.

"Peace to you!" - Christ says, as in the past,
Affirming faith in hearts and love,
Meeting the living Jesus is possible
Easter invites you to a meeting with Christ.

The cross and betrayal - all this happened,
He walked to the resurrection through Golgotha,
To rise victoriously from the grave,
Open the way for us to the tree of life!


Fields, hills, gardens and forests -
Everything was announced around
A beautiful song of rejoicing.
Acquittal realized
All sinners, no more tears:
Christ rose from the tomb this morning!
He conquered all the forces of decay
On your wonderful Sunday
May the entire human race rise up:

Christ is Truly Risen!

Lugovskaya N.N.


Easter morning, wonderful morning,
Victory morning, Sunday morning.
Now our Savior has risen from the grave
Sing this song again and again
And tell it to everyone today
How great is this mercy of the Lord!

Lugovskaya N.N.


An angel appeared to the wives in the morning:
“There is no Jesus, only a veil
We stayed here, but He rose up!” —
So the Angel said joyfully.
He rose from the dead forever.
Death is not terrible for a person.
He conquered decay with Himself.
He gave us all heaven in return.
And the Angels sing from heaven;
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Lugovskaya N.N.


The sun has risen
In the fields beyond the river.
The morning has come
Already blue.
The birds are chirping
In one rapture
Glorify Christ
For His Resurrection!
Children, you too
Praise Jesus.
That morning He dissolved
Mortal bonds!

Lugovskaya N.N.


It's dark all around -
A cluster of clouds.
A beam came through my window.
And I sing:
Christ is risen.
In holy paradise
I have a place.
I came alive in Him
He is my Shepherd.
I'm on a bright day
I am going home.


Happy Easter
And we sing: “Christ is risen!”
We all answer in unison:
"He is truly risen!"
Years go by
Under the azure sky.
And the peoples sing everywhere:
"He is truly risen!"
There is joy and embrace everywhere:
"Brother, sister, Christ is risen!
Hell is destroyed, there is no damnation:
He is truly risen!"

V. Kuzmenkov


To us through Blagovestiv
The distant era is near:
Maria and I hear together
Easter greeting.

The time for crying has passed,
It's time to sing
- Pledge of justification
The Resurrection serves us!

Life without Christ is confusion
On noisy roads.
Easter day - confidence
In the promises of God.

Outside of God there is no salvation,
Only darkness and eternal torment.
Christ's resurrection
- The hope of humanity!

A rainbow shines in the clouds...
So, even in times of disaster,
It invigorates and makes us happy
Easter greetings!


Easter Day - the appearance of the Living Jesus
- Not only Mary in the garden among the olive trees
- To all who thirst for truth and seek God,
Living at different latitudes of the earth.

Easter Day brings wonderful news.
In the Easter greeting there is a cry of joy.
The Savior has risen! And gives opportunity
For mortal creatures to achieve immortality.

And even if we mourn the loss,
Saying goodbye, we stand at the grave fences,
That Easter is like the word of the Savior to Martha,
Gives birth to hope: “Your brother will rise again!”

Rejecting the vice of leaven as filth,
Having opened my lips to Easter melodies,
We will solemnly celebrate
Easter, Revealing the Living Christ before the world!

Everything blooms, lives, smells fragrant,
Grass roots break the pavement
The buds on the trees are swelling,
Light steam curls over the fields.

Birds are already talking about spring,
The water in the stream sings about spring...
And again I remembered the tomb,
That it remained empty forever.

I remembered the stone that was rolled away for me,
A bright angel with a fiery face
And the words “He is Risen!”, which for centuries
Were a connection with a loving Father.

He is risen! Christ lives today!
Death has been defeated forever by Christ!
The Power of the Lord's Resurrection
Given to all believers forever.

The birds were singing about spring today.
My soul sings about spring.
The earth came to life again in April,
I came to life with Christ forever.

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