California American highlighting. American highlighting: features and technique

Why is this coloring called “American Blonde” - firstly, because it blond, secondly, because this coloring was invented in America, no matter how banal it may sound. Sunny California, sea, tan, beautiful people, gorgeous blond hair. In principle, all trends in coloring come to us from the USA (and often from California, no matter how surprising it may be) and this makes us very happy, because Americans know a lot about beauty, coloring and especially in blonde, and our girls always want to be beautiful and pay a lot of attention to their hair. And we, in turn, provide you with such an opportunity, with the best masters in the world and making you beautiful, making all your dreams come true!

What is American blonde coloring and how is it done?

“American Blonde” is a super-painstaking work of a hair coloring specialist, and in our studio it is a four-handed job at the same time. The point is that each strand is literally dyed hair by hair, the lightening is very gentle, using the smallest percentages of oxides (1.5% and 3%). Lightening occurs using an oil-based lightening paste. When dyeing, there are from 250 to 400 strands of foil on the head. When performing this coloring, it may seem to some that this is a simple hair highlighting, but this is not so. This is a complex technique of collecting strands completely over the entire head (like a veil). Due to the very small set, we end up with tiny, neat strands that appear out of nowhere and make the hair as light as possible, and the transitions imperceptible and smooth. The American Blonde technique takes 4 to 8 hours to complete, but it's worth it! For American Blonde coloring, Griva Studio uses dyes from the Italian manufacturer FarmaVita. Perfect color, perfect hair. The blonde technique is completely transferred from us first-hand; this coloring is performed one-on-one, like the American masters. The American Blonde technique is so ideal and beautiful that there is no need to reinvent the wheel.

What hair is suitable for American blonde dyeing?

“American Blonde” is performed on hair starting from level 6 (light brown) and lighter. By doing “American Blonde” on light brown undyed hair, you can get the perfect blonde in one go and this coloring is “long-lasting”, you can safely wear it for 6-8 months, only tinting your hair once every 2-3 months to get rid of yellowness. On darker and dyed hair, you can also achieve a very light shade at one time, but you don’t need to expect miracles, of course this color will be darker than if you dye it on natural hair. But there is great news if you do “American Blonde” on dark hair and repeat it after 4-5 months coloring- you will get a wonderful, light blonde. A photo will definitely be attached;) Someone will ask why it’s so expensive? But because it is painstaking, long and the result is simply incredible! With American Blonde coloring you can wear it for more than six months, which is actually quite a lot.

How much does American Blonde coloring cost at Mane Studio?

The cost of coloring “American blonde” at the Mane Studio is from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles. and I repeat, two craftsmen perform the work simultaneously with four hands from 4 to 9 hours. Coloring is the trend of today and, in our opinion, the dream of every blonde, and what’s more, the dream of many girls :)

And we make your dreams come true with our professionalism, ability to work well, love for your hair and great love for blonde!
We will be happy to make you gorgeous blondes;)

Photo of "American Blonde"

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Highlighting has long gained popularity among women of different ages. This coloring procedure involves updating some of the strands, resulting in a natural flow of the strands. Highlighting is considered a classic coloring. It is used to eliminate gray hair. A wide variety of shades allows you to enhance natural hair. Compared to standard coloring, it is not as harmful to health. Previously, it was used only on dark hair, but now it is used on light hair, for example, red, red hair. One of the best options for the procedure is American highlighting.

Features of the procedure

American highlighting includes several methods of coloring. Each type produces a special version of the image of color highlights. Natural curls have a heterogeneous structure and color. The shade is dark at the roots and light at the ends. The shade of the strands may vary in the sun. This coloring option can create a natural tone using several tones.

Highlighting is one of the gentlest procedures. When coloring, only part of the hair is processed. Hairstyle updates may be rare compared to standard coloring. After completing it, the image will become noticeably fresher. American highlighting looks great on different curls. Highlights look great with long strands, and light and shadow tints with wavy ones. A short hairstyle will become more playful with it. With the procedure, light and dark hair will become brighter, more voluminous and shiny. Women of all ages can perform this coloring. For middle-aged ladies, it is better to use natural tones, while girls can choose original shades to achieve an extraordinary look.

Types of procedures

American highlighting can be performed on light and dark hair. Depending on the methods of execution and the shades used, the procedure is divided into several types.

  • American Color. In this case, 2-4 tones are used. Thanks to the variety of shades, the hair acquires a rich color. The dye should be chosen based on the natural hair color or at least in its semblance. The paint must be harmonious in color. This will make the curls look voluminous. The procedure is carried out using colored foil for ease of distinguishing shades. This coloring is suitable for light and dark hair, and this look will be natural.
  • Californian. This type of coloring is classified as American highlighting. The method is necessary to obtain bleached hair. The hairstyle will have dark roots and light ends. The hair must be divided into strands in a checkerboard pattern. They are painted without using foil. The procedure will require a bleaching agent or dye. To prevent cosmetics from dripping, you need to add a thickener to it. When working, you must follow the rule: only the surface of the curl is treated with the composition. Dyed strands can come into contact with other curls, thereby renewing their color. The result is a natural transition of shades. In California coloring, light colors are used more, as they allow you to create smooth transitions of shades. The roots of the curls are almost not affected.
  • Red. In this case, the hair is dyed in brown tones, as well as other dark ones. The technique is also called “wildlife paint”. There are two ways to do the work: first, the curls are highlighted in the usual way, highlighting is done based on different shutter speeds, and then coloring is done using one color; The strands need to be dyed in several tones. It is recommended to choose a bright color.
  • Crazy Colors. This coloring option is designed to create an unusual look. First, the strands are lightened, and then dyed in bright colors: blue, green, purple. Coloring is done with tinting gel. The result lasts about 3 weeks.
  • For blonde hair. Renewing light curls is best done using the Californian technique. Other options may look untidy. It is advisable to choose soft tones that highlight the advantages of natural beauty. Colors for color highlighting should be chosen three shades darker than the main one.
  • On light red and blond. Red curls can also be updated. This shade itself looks beautiful, but it lacks natural shimmer. For highlighting, it is recommended to choose chestnut and nut tones.
  • For dark hair. You can update the image of brunettes and brown-haired women with the help of American highlighting. Any type of technique is suitable for dark hair, and it is not affected by hairstyle or age. The palette is much richer than for light colors. Caramel tones are used for highlighting. If you choose rich colors, then you need to pay attention to your skin tone. You can choose a warm woody palette or an update in plum and blueberry tones.

You need to choose paint taking into account the compatibility of shades with each other. It is advisable that there be no more than three tones between them. To obtain American highlights, you need to be careful, choose colors wisely, and determine the size of the strands. The procedure can be performed at home. If you are interested in quality, then it is better to entrust the staining to a specialist. The master will choose the appropriate shades.

Before painting, it is necessary to take into account small nuances.

  • The procedure should not be performed if the strands have been dyed with henna or bright colors. The result may not be quite the expected one.
  • Weakened curls need to be cured. For this purpose, professional cosmetics and folk remedies are used. Only when the strands look healthy and shiny can they be dyed.
  • You should not highlight your hair if it has recently been permed.
  • If the strands are dark, then to obtain highlights you need to lighten them. And this negatively affects hair health.

You can get the desired result using professional cosmetics and an experienced technician. The procedure can be gentle if you choose high-quality products.

Although highlighting does not cause much damage to the hair, it will still require special care. To do this, you need to choose the right products to make your curls look healthy. You need to choose a shampoo for colored hair. You will also need a balm, lotion, and mask.

With the help of American highlighting, excellent hair renewal occurs. They will take on a refreshed look and natural shine. And the desired result can only be achieved using the appropriate coloring technique.

Californian (American) highlighting

American highlighting until recently was called dyeing individual strands exclusively in red shades. The main colors in this case were red, burgundy, copper, brown, orange and red. Usually the master uses from 2 to 5 different shades of paint.

In contact with

Modern versions of this type of highlighting also allow the use of such unexpected colors as yellow, lilac, green, and violet.

Both very contrasting highlighting and soft coloring with highlights, which has a smooth play of shades, can be created. This coloring technology is used mainly on the hair of brunettes and brown-haired women, giving their image newness and brightness.

Features of American highlighting: essence and application technology

American highlighting is the use of several tones of paint. In some cases, the master can simultaneously work with more than 5 shades.

Depending on the color palette used for coloring, highlighting can be divided into 4 types:

  1. California highlighting;
  2. American Colors staining;
  3. red highlighting;
  4. Crazy Colors coloring.

The main feature of all types of American highlighting is the creation of beautiful color transitions and highlights on the hair. With their help, you can visually increase the volume of your hair and revive it.

The more shades dark hair is dyed in, the more impressive the haircut will look. Various styling methods can further transform a girl’s appearance.

The above types of American highlighting differ in the range of shades and the tasks assigned to them.

California highlighting

By dyeing dark hair with shades that match California highlights, you can see stunning results. A professional hairdresser is able to create the effect of beautifully burnt hair in this way, that is, even in winter, the hairstyle will be reminiscent of warm summer and bright sun. This option can be used even by blondes.

American Colors and red highlights

These types of coloring look very natural, but at the same time make the hair brighter and richer. Both options are usually chosen by those who do not want to radically change their image and hair color.

This American highlighting is suitable for extravagant girls who are not afraid to change and experiment with their hair. It denies naturalness, since in this case only eccentric and truly “crazy” colors are used.

All types of American highlighting, except for the Californian technique, are used only on dark short and long hair. American Colors, Crazy Colors and red highlights can look messy and even vulgar on light-colored hair.

When applying the dye, foil is always present, and usually the master uses this material in various shades. This is very convenient, since you can clearly see in what sequence different strands of hair were dyed.

When choosing American highlighting, it is best to go to a professional salon. Only a specialist can choose the right range of colors and apply them correctly to the hair. When highlighting yourself, it is almost impossible to get a spectacular result.

American highlighting technique: step-by-step instructions

The technique for creating this type of highlighting depends not only on the effect to be obtained, but also on the technological techniques of the master. That is why there can be many options for performing highlighting in the American style.

For example, the Californian technique is necessarily performed with the so-called color stretching, because naturally bleached hair at the roots always looks darker than at the ends.

Watch a video of how it's done two-tone American highlighting for blonde hair:

To perform highlighting in American Colors style you will need:

  • gloves,
  • foil in the form of strips (it must be taken in several colors - one tone per shade of paint that will be applied to the curls in the process),
  • plastic container,
  • brush,
  • comb
  • blanket on the shoulders.

American highlighting step by step:

After the effect of the paint is over, you need to properly rinse it off. The foil must be removed sequentially: first from the most saturated colors (dark strands), then move on to light shades. This will help avoid mixing colors, and the highlights will turn out clean and beautiful.

After completely removing the dyes, it is advisable to apply a special color protection product to freshly dyed dark hair.

Thanks to American highlighting, dark curls take on a completely different look: the hairstyle becomes voluminous and lively. If you don’t want to dye your hair a color that is very different from your native shade, you can choose this type of highlighting. It will pleasantly update the image, and dark hair will shine with new interesting shades.


Many people consider the main advantage of American highlighting to be that this technique is used on dark hair. As a rule, until recently, black-haired girls did not have a large selection of colors to change their image. Traditional highlighting with light strands is not suitable for everyone; hair bleached at home sometimes looks unnatural. There were only four ways out:

Take risks and achieve beautiful blonde curls. At the same time, the curls often became like yellowish straw and were damaged by the aggressive effects of oxidizing agents. The girls stopped experimenting again;
The second remedy is traditional highlighting. It has been known for a long time, but not everyone is interested in it;
Going to a stylist who will do everything correctly and beautifully, but not everyone can afford it;
Or dye your hair in colors that are closest to your natural hair color.

The choice is small, and ladies changed their image using these means. However, the revolutionary American highlighting made it possible for dark-haired beauties to see themselves from a completely different side.

American classic highlighting is the dyeing of hair strands in shades of predominantly red. To create an image, the master uses from two to five colors. A successful combination is achieved between the following colors:


In addition, red color of different shades is often used.

Today, masters are increasingly using other color options for American highlighting:

Fuchsia color, etc.

There are many options for this type of hair coloring. You can make several strands of a different color, finely highlight the entire hair with several shades, create large clear or blurry strands. Everything depends only on the professionalism of the master and the imagination of the client. As a rule, this technique is used to add newness and brightness to brunette hairstyles.

American highlighting: characteristics and types

As already mentioned, several paint colors are used for American highlighting. However, professional stylists can work with a wide range of colors.

The color palette used in this highlighting is typical for such types of coloring as “California highlighting”, “Red highlighting”. This also includes dyeing in different colors, called “Crazy Colors”.

All types and subtypes of American highlighting are designed to create a combination of colors that will allow the curls to look shiny and vibrant, giving additional volume to the hairstyle.

California highlighting.

Dyeing dark hair strands in colors that are closest in tone to the bulk of the curls. In this way, stylists create the effect of sun-burnt hair. This gives the hair volume and saturates it with the warmth of a sunny summer day. This type of highlighting is done even on light curls.

Red highlighting.

Option for brunettes. The stylist will complement the look with reddish-colored strands so that they look absolutely natural, without causing contradictions. At the same time, the hairstyle looks surprisingly stylish and bright.

Coloring with contrasting colors Crazy Colors.

Creative, bright and confident girls should definitely try this type of highlighting on themselves. The name of the species contains the word “crazy”. A truly crazy, unexpected and surprising combination of colors will create a bright and unique style.

American highlighting of any type is perfect for all hair types of any length. However, it is worth noting that strands of blond hair dyed in bright colors look unkempt. Therefore, it is better to consult a stylist.

To work, the master definitely needs special foil of different colors. This is done in order to see the sequence of use of each of the colors of the selected range.

In essence, American-style highlighting is coloring. In addition to this technique, tinting and coloring are also used.

Even if you have mastered the technique at home, this type of hair coloring is very difficult. It is best to contact a salon for help.

American highlighting: technique

In American highlighting, it is not so much the combination of colors and the length of the curls that is important, but the skill of the stylist and his experience. There are a lot of options for American highlighting. California highlighting is characterized by soft color transitions with darkening to the ends of the strands. The thing is that hair naturally fades at the top of the head, retaining its true color towards the ends.

Before starting work, prepare the following components and tools:

Latex or cellophane gloves;
Special foil for highlighting, which is sold in cosmetics stores. It is advisable to buy colored foil;
Glass or porcelain bowl. Do not use metal containers;
Brush for applying dye;
Comb with fine teeth and a sharp edge;
Cellophane or a towel to cover your shoulders during the procedure.

The sequence of actions for American highlighting is as follows:

Divide the hair around the circumference of the head into three equal parts;
Secure the upper part with a clip on the top of the head;
Pinch the middle part so that it does not interfere with the coloring;
Take curls from the lower occipital part, place foil under each curl, and dye it in the color that will be considered the main one;
Cover with foil of the color you choose;
Dye the strands on the sides in the same (primary) color and wrap them in the same foil;
Apply each of the selected colors to the remaining strands in turn, wrapping them in foil of a certain color. Don't forget about the base color;

Place the foil on the strands at an angle (from the temple to the back of the head);
Transfer the curls in foil to the side of those that are already colored;
Carry out a similar procedure on the remaining curls (side);
Divide the top part of your hair into a middle parting. Secure one side with a hairpin;
Along the bottom part, dye your hair the main color. The rest are in order of alternating the main color with others;
Place the foil obliquely from the forehead to the back of the head. Repeat the procedure in the same sequence for the rest of the hair.

Leave the paint for the time indicated in the instructions. Now first release the strands that are colored in dark colors. Only after this move on to light shades.

Thus, the colors will not mix, and the highlighting will turn out clear and bright.

Caring for American highlights

After the rinsing procedure, be sure to treat your hair with conditioner or apply. Thanks to this, the strands will shine and take on a lively and fresh look. It is advisable to use such highlighting in several tones in the light or dark direction from the main one. Dark strands will shine with renewed vigor, and light strands will add sophistication to the look.

April 22, 2014, 11:34

American highlighting involves the use of 3 to 6 contrasting or harmonizing shades, which are applied to vertical strands.

In the photo below you can see how beautifully American highlighting saturates the hair and makes the hairstyle bright and unique.


Who is suitable for American highlighting?

Advantages of American highlighting

  • Saturates hair with color
  • Makes hair look voluminous
  • Emphasizes the structure of the haircut
  • The combination of light and dark strands refreshes and youthful the face

American highlighting options

Bright red-red American highlighting looks great on hair and... Vertical strands create contrast and saturate the hair with color, as in the photo.

Muted American highlighting involves the use of the same and, but only in a more modest design. This coloring will decorate your hair no worse than its bright relative.

Colored American highlighting suggests using bright neon colors. Here the hairstyle will sparkle with blue, purple, pink and crimson tones. This option is good for brave and extravagant ladies.

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