The guy doesn't care about my opinion or my desires. What to do and what to do when a guy has grown cold When a man doesn’t care

No, we’re not talking about that very “first step” - it doesn’t matter at all which of you takes it if your feelings are mutual. We are talking about a situation in which a man behaves according to the principle “I want something, but I don’t know what,” and you push him towards a relationship. When we were little girls and talked to each other openly, but very cruelly, it was called "You're running after him." Now we say, “You initiate the relationship.” But the essence, in fact, does not change: offering a man a relationship and insisting on it are two very different things. And if you insisted, if you “sought” his love, then this is a sure sign that he is with you out of boredom.

The main thing in your relationship is sex

That is, you don’t have meetings without sex at all. Your man will refuse to spend time with you unless the date ends in bed. He will not go to the cinema with you on Sunday morning, only to part ways immediately after the screening until the next meeting. He will not go with you to a party, after which you will need to go home. But he won’t refuse to come to your home - if you explicitly invite him for the night.

But in bed he thinks only of himself

If there is a lot of sex in your life, but you don’t get pleasure, then most likely you got into a relationship with a guy who doesn’t care about you. And it is important to understand from the very beginning that the problem is not with you, but with him. The way he treats you. A loving man may be a completely inept lover, but he cannot be inattentive. That is, if this guy actually loved you, he would notice that something was wrong. If you see that a one-goal game is being played in bed, things are bad.

He doesn't care about you

However, if sexual difficulties can still be attributed to a mismatch of temperaments, a man’s inexperience, or even to your own intimate difficulties, then this number will not work with care: you only need to find yourself in a difficult situation once to understand why this man stays with you . And we are not talking about any tragedies: just catching a cold is enough. He calls and asks how are you feeling? He wonders if you need medication? After work, does he come to you and bring you ready-made food and some cute movie? If yes, congratulations: he loves you. If not, alas: he doesn’t have any feelings for you, he’s just killing time with you.


He never says "we"

Speech is what gives men away in the first place. They know how to lie, they are able to come up with a legend and never make a mistake on the discrepancy of small details, but it is ordinary, everyday conversations that give them away. He, of course, will use the pronoun “we”, because you can’t do without it, but it will always be said about the near future: “Are we going to the cinema tomorrow, or what?” But not: “When we go to the sea, we...” There is no “we” in connection with “when.” Because never. He knows you'll never get anything serious, so why say "we" about a future that won't become the present?

He doesn't introduce you to his loved ones

With friends - this is welcome. It may very well be that literally after the second date he invited you to his best friend’s birthday. You shouldn’t delude yourself: some men still perceive a woman as a trophy and are not averse to showing her off to their friends. The main indicator is family: if you know nothing about his loved ones and he is not going to introduce them to them, this is not a relationship, but their appearance.

He controls the time you spend together

You rarely call him because you know that if he doesn’t want to, he won’t pick up the phone. And he won't answer the message either. He calls you when he feels like it and makes an appointment when it’s convenient for him. And he easily cancels it because “that’s what he wanted.” Then you can find out that his “wanted” usually means that he was having fun with friends somewhere.

He doesn't care what happens to you

Not the slightest hint of “pro-life” talk: he is not interested in your family, your hobbies, your friends and your experiences. He only talks about what is happening at the moment with both of you. He may discuss with you the movie you just watched, but he will never ask you who your favorite director is and why. If you yourself start a conversation about something that bothers you, he will change the topic or listen to you silently without reacting in any way. The worst thing is that at this moment you may feel guilty: why, they say, burden a man with your petty problems? In fact, there is only one person to blame here, and that is him. Basically, he's messing with your head, you know?

And he's not ready to help you

No way. It is useless to complain to him that your laptop is broken, the faucet is leaking, or you are sent on a business trip, and you have absolutely no one to leave your cat with. Your man will come up with any excuse, but will not help you. At the same time, any methods of influencing him will not help you: if you insist, “the kitty will be offended,” yes. And he will ignore you until your problem is solved.

Why do men hide their feelings and feign complete indifference? Why do they always pretend to be tough guys and try to seem tougher than they really are?

It turned out that they behave this way because they feel that they have to do it, especially when dealing with women.

Women often wonder why men take so long to call. For example, a guy takes a girl’s phone number and only calls six days later. Then he asks her out and doesn’t call her for another five days. Meanwhile, the unfortunate girl scratches her head and asks herself: “What does this mean?”

Women often suppress men, so they use defensive tactics of waiting. At the beginning of a relationship, he calculates everything. A man wants to be rational, not emotional, because it is obvious to him that emotionality is a sign of weakness. On Tuesday he says to himself, "I think I'll call her on Thursday." Most men don't even realize that women would rather hear them call on Tuesday.

Why do men do this? They behave this way to “save face” and create the impression that they are in control of the situation. A nice guy named Steven amazed me with his wisdom. He said, “As long as you act calmly around a woman, as if you don’t care much about her, everything is fine. But as soon as you show that a woman is important to you, she immediately senses it and begins to treat you completely differently.” That's why men wait and don't call. They feel that women do not respect men who show weakness or vulnerability.

You should not take this behavior personally. Let the man not call for a day or two. Very often, when it seems to you that he does not care about you, in fact the man is giving you an implicit compliment: he wants you so much that he does not want to show it. Other times, men pull back on purpose to see your reaction. They want to know how important they are to you. If you don't believe me, read on. This is what these cunning devils came up with:

1. "Men want women to think they have a ton of girlfriends, when in fact this may not be the case at all. Men exaggerate. They think it will make them more attractive to women."

2. “Yes, men often pretend to be cool. They think that this will make them more attractive to women. I know some guys who date less than beautiful women just to make their real girlfriends nervous.”

3. “Men don’t want to admit that a woman controls them. It hurts them to think that a woman means so much to them. We don’t want to lose control over ourselves.”

Attractiveness principle:

At the beginning of a relationship, you should only pay attention to how often a man communicates with you, since he can hide his emotions for quite a long time.

4. “At the beginning of a relationship, I may not call a girl for quite a long time because I don’t want to seem too in love.”

5. "Men are just as emotional as women. They just don't show their feelings because society doesn't encourage them to do so. A man should always control himself."

6. “When a woman acts independent and calm, it scares a man. Women can crush men without even knowing it. What if she just walks away? It scares the living daylights out of a man.”

7. “If a man is really in love with a woman, he will do his best to pretend that he is indifferent to her. It’s rare that a man will fall to his knees in front of a woman and start crying.”

8. “Of course, men pretend to be cool... They want women to be more interested in them. We want to please women and don’t want to seem weak and in love with them. If you show a woman that you’re in love with her, she will immediately want to drive you under your thumb."

9. “Sometimes at the beginning of a relationship, a man pretends that a woman is indifferent to me. He doesn’t call for a long time to maintain her interest. No guy wants to seem madly in love.”

10. “A man is much more dependent sexually. A woman can control her sexual desires, but men have complete control over them.”

11. "Men behave in ways to attract women. Most men believe that women prefer tough, rude, 'bad' guys."

12. “If you show weakness, you will immediately take advantage of it. Some men believe that as soon as they open up, women will immediately use the information received against them.”

13. “If you let a woman know that you haven’t had a girlfriend in your life for a long time, she will get the impression that you are already desperate and ready to date anyone.”

14. “Women are in control of relationships because they can control their sexual desires. Women actually have much more power than they think. Many men feel like they are under the thumb of women.”

15. "When a man plays tough, he wants to impress a woman with his strength and energy. He's just trying to play by the rules. No man wants to be seen as a mama's boy and a weakling."

Attractiveness principle:

A man treats a woman in the same way as he treats other men. He plays the tough guy because he doesn't want to appear weak or desperate.

During the period of falling in love, women often do not notice the dismissive and consumerist attitude, and when they take off their “rose-colored glasses,” they become disappointed. To understand whether a girl will receive deception and betrayal in exchange for sincere feelings and loyalty, she should take a close look at the behavior of her chosen one. Special methods of psychologists will help you understand whether a man needs a girl or is he just using her.

There are a number of signs that indicate a man is not ready for a serious relationship. These include the following behavioral features:

  1. 1. He sets the place and time of the meeting himself, when it is convenient for him. The partner’s girlfriend’s opinions and wishes are not of concern. The rest of the time he doesn’t pick up the phone, abruptly ends the conversation and refers to his workload. No matter how busy a man is, if he needs a person, he will always listen to his opinion.
  2. 2. At any time, he can change the girl’s plans without having good reasons for this. He prefers to hold meetings in the dark on neutral territory. Men only allow themselves to treat their mistresses this way.
  3. 3. The partner tells practically nothing about his life and does not introduce him to relatives, friends and colleagues. He does not want to start communicating with the environment of his new passion and her parents.
  4. 4. A man is constantly dissatisfied with the girl’s behavior and expresses all his comments out loud. He may not be satisfied with the appearance, hobbies and preferences of his beloved, but he does not want to break up. A person’s goal is to lower a woman’s self-esteem.
  5. 5. He can make a scandal and, without asking for forgiveness, not get in touch for several days so that the girl feels guilty.

If a man doesn't need a woman, he doesn't watch his speech. Compliments are reminiscent of a performance in a cheap theater. The partner does not need to choose words to address his interlocutor - the guy does not value her and does not consider it necessary to waste time on such “trifles”. If the girl is completely indifferent, the partner allows himself to insult her and use obscene words in his vocabulary.

When a man needs only one thing - an intimate relationship, he completely changes and surrounds the girl with feigned attention and care.

You need to understand that men have a more urgent need for physical intimacy and, during periods of its lack, are ready to put on performances. If a man reacts rudely and inadequately to a refusal, then the best option for developing the relationship is to break it off.

If a man doesn’t need a girl, he won’t use the pronoun “we” in a conversation. A person can lie, inventing various legends, thinking through all the details, but he does not consider this union as a couple that has prospects for the development of relations. A man can associate the pronoun “we” with immediate events, for example, “Are we going to the cinema tomorrow? ”, but he will not say phrases such as “When are we going to go on vacation at the seaside? ” or “When will we plan to have a baby? " He knows that the answer to these questions is “never” and sees no point in asking them.

If there is no interest in a girl, a man will not get acquainted with her hobbies, family and friends. The experiences of his “beloved” are not important to him, and all conversations are related only to what is happening at the moment. A guy can discuss a movie, but he will never ask who her favorite director or actor is. If a woman starts a conversation herself, he will listen without reacting in any way, or change the topic. In such a situation, girls begin to blame themselves, believing that they are overloading the man with their minor problems, but this is not so. The chosen one deceives and takes advantage of the woman.

How to understand that a man needs a woman?

If the chosen one needs a girl, she will feel it and the need to ask herself questions will disappear. She will be surrounded by attention and care, and no busy work schedule will become an obstacle to spending time together. A man will not behave suspiciously and secretly. Already at the beginning of the relationship, he will introduce his beloved to his parents and friends. The partner will not hide his personal life and will talk about hobbies and interests. The following signs indicate sincere feelings in a man:

  1. 1. He listens to the woman's opinion. If he does not agree with the girl, then he does as she asked.
  2. 2. The presence of gifts indicates that the man is trying to win his chosen one, and she has won his heart.
  3. 3. He began to change for the better - he got rid of bad habits, found a well-paid job or bought a new car.
  4. 4. The guy gives compliments because he notices all the little things and details of the girl’s appearance. He behaves politely and gallantly.
  5. 5. A man is gentle and affectionate towards a woman.

Falling in love makes a guy jealous. To do this, he does not have to make loud scandals and constantly find out with whom the girl spends time. When a woman interacts with young people, the man will hug her and show her other signs of attention to demonstrate that she is in a couple. Some people cannot restrain their emotions in a fit of jealousy, which often leads to scandals and quarrels. This behavior is unlikely to change.

A man who values ​​a woman will not spare her money, time and mental strength. The person tries to help her when any problems arise. And he will never allow himself to offend a woman. If he did this, he will definitely ask for forgiveness. In such a relationship, the girl feels desired and can rely on her chosen one at any time.

Many people believe that a man needs time to understand whether he needs a woman, and this justifies his coldness. In fact, it is impossible to hide sincere interest, and if the feelings are mutual, the girl will definitely notice it. A woman needs a family, children and stability, and if a man does not understand this, then it is better to end such an affair immediately.

Is there love at a distance?

When, while talking on the phone, a girl wonders whether a guy really needs her, she needs to realistically assess the situation and draw the right conclusions. If the acquaintance occurred during a vacation in another country or visiting an entertainment establishment, the chances of creating a real long-term relationship are very small.

Lovers may be separated by circumstances such as a business trip, study or service. If a man really needs a girl, he will not call and write less often, but will constantly share his thoughts and experiences. He will find any way to contact his beloved, at least for a minute, and will not make empty promises.

A woman needs to determine who initiates communication. If a man doesn’t write or call first, then the girl’s life doesn’t interest him. He may not respond to SMS and phone calls, constantly refer to how busy he is, and will come up with a lot of excuses to keep communication to a minimum.

How to check feelings?

If a woman doubts her partner, then it’s easy enough to check whether he has feelings. To do this, you need to take the following steps:

  1. 1. Stop being interested in his life and affairs. All conversations about how the man spent his time, where he was and why he didn’t call should be excluded. If a guy has feelings for a girl, he will notice such changes and start asking counter questions.
  2. 2. Change for the better. You can do a different hairstyle, buy new underwear or high-heeled shoes. He will definitely notice such changes and will begin to wonder for whose sake the woman started the transformation.
  3. 3. Cause feelings of jealousy. To do this, you need to ask a work colleague or friend for a ride home. During a conversation with your loved one, casually mention this without specifying details - you need to give the man the opportunity to come up with the ending of the story himself. You can also arouse feelings of jealousy with calls and SMS that will constantly arrive on a woman’s phone.
  4. 4. Imaginary pregnancy. You need to tell the guy about the pregnancy and monitor his reaction. If he was scared, then there can be no talk of any sincere feelings.

There is no need to fight for relationships that are far from ideal. You shouldn’t be content with little when you can find a loving and caring man. All people are different, and in the modern world the “consumer” attitude is becoming more common. Some women are satisfied with this state of affairs, and they are ready to spend the best years of their lives on a person who is completely indifferent. Successful and purposeful people immediately abandon such connections and create happy marriages.

After the breakup

Some girls want to get back into a relationship after breaking up with their ex-boyfriend. Before starting active actions, you should make sure that he has feelings. This can be done using the following criteria:

  1. 1. Communication. If a man continues to communicate with his ex-girlfriend, she is dear to him at least as an interlocutor. If he texts and calls at least once a week, he definitely cares and needs the company of a girl.
  2. 2. Meetings. After the end of a relationship, men prefer to cut off all contacts with their beloved. If a guy offers friendship and tries to see each other as often as possible, then he probably still loves the girl.
  3. 3. Statuses and music. On social networks, in the period after a breakup, on the page of a former lover who still has feelings for the girl, you can notice sad statuses and music.
  4. 4. Active lifestyle. Trying to forget their chosen one, many guys suddenly begin to lead an overly active lifestyle. This indicates a strong emotional shock that was caused by the breakup.
  5. 5. Lifestyle. If a person led a measured lifestyle, and after separation he went into all sorts of troubles, then he worries and cares.

Before resuming a relationship with your ex-boyfriend, it is worth remembering the reasons that provoked the breakup. Mental wounds do not heal for a long time, and perhaps the ex-boyfriend will not be against the relationship, but it is worth thinking about its feasibility.

Features of the zodiac signs

To find out about the sincerity of a man’s feelings, you can consult a horoscope. Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics and shows feelings differently:

  1. 1. Aries. They are impatient and do not know how to wait. They want to get everything at once and talk about their passions without hesitation. Aries persistently achieve what they want, but this in no way speaks of love. This is how they treat all the women they like. In the absence of reciprocity, they will not suffer or worry, but will find a new object. If there are serious feelings, Aries does not rush things, but tries to create an atmosphere of silence and comfort. A man will conquer his chosen one with stories about how successful and strong he is.
  2. 2. Taurus. If a representative of a given person likes a woman, he will immediately let you know about it. The man will constantly call and text. Seeing his beloved on the street, he will definitely call out to her and embrace her. Taurus loves and knows how to care for women. Such a man will invite the girl to various social events, give flowers and sweets. The more money he spends on a girl, the more important she is to him, but due to his indecision, the “bouquet and candy” period may drag on.
  3. 3. Gemini. They love flirting and are distinguished by their ingenuity in courtship and unpredictability. With these men, such a feeling as boredom will be unfamiliar. They love to make fun of the girl and play pranks on her. But Geminis tend to idealize their partners. After getting to know each other better, they may become disappointed in the girl and start looking for new perfection. If he has serious feelings, a man will not ridicule a person’s shortcomings and will treat weaknesses with tenderness.
  4. 4. Cancer. This is a practical homebody whose priorities are family values. Before he starts dating a girl, he will find out her attitude towards home and housekeeping. The representative of this sign evaluates women by their readiness to fulfill his requirements. If a man’s feelings are serious, he, on the contrary, will fulfill all the wishes of his beloved. It is very important for Cancer to have a devoted and faithful partner who can strengthen his inner world.
  5. 5. Leo This is an ambitious man who does not like to hint, but speaks directly. He immediately lets the girl know about his feelings. During the period of courtship, he prefers to go to expensive restaurants and surprise his chosen one with noble deeds, but this does not indicate the sincerity of feelings. If Leo really needs a girl, then he will stop talking about his merits and will show a keen interest in her.
  6. 6. Virgo. You can rely on men of this sign in everything. They love to analyze the situation and give worthwhile advice. Virgos are difficult to provoke into a frank conversation, and they express their sympathy with hints. They will take a long time to decide whether the girl is suitable for a serious relationship. If such a man is really passionate about a woman, he will immediately propose marriage. Having heard a refusal, Virgo will continue to try to get her partner’s attention for a long time.
  7. 7. Libra. These men have changeable moods and do not like quarrels and conflicts. They charge everyone around them with their optimism. Libra men like to look after a girl, and they are in no hurry to move to the next level of the relationship. These guys are afraid of responsibility and commitment. If the partner is seriously interested, he will begin to take decisive steps - he will introduce him to his parents and friends, and make an offer.
  8. 8. Scorpio. Men of this sign have a special magnetism that attracts women to them. He is akin to a good psychologist who knows how to speak words that hit the target. He can surround a woman with attention and care, and his compliments cannot be forgotten, but this will in no way indicate the sincerity of his intentions. Scorpio really needs sex, and to get it, a man will do anything. If he is committed to a serious relationship, he will notify everyone that he is in a couple. Scorpio will begin to behave as if the girl completely belongs to him and will be very jealous.
  9. 9. Sagittarius. Men love adventure, independence, and intimate relationships are important to them. Feelings are expressed by buying expensive gifts or going to restaurants. The chosen one must be ready for various adventures that attract Sagittarius so much. If he likes a girl and is in the mood for a serious romance, then he will try to be next to her all his free time. Sagittarius will constantly tell interesting stories, amaze you with his intelligence and erudition.
  10. 10. Capricorn. This man is very distrustful of others and constantly strives to double-check everything. He falls in love hard and, afraid to show his feelings, demonstrates complete indifference to the object of his love. It is important for Capricorn to understand that he can completely trust the girl. If he has serious intentions, he will begin to consult with his partner and show other signs of loyalty.
  11. 11. Aquarius. They are smart and charming, but prefer to demonstrate feelings not through actions, but through words. They like to talk a lot and give the girl compliments. It is easier for Aquarius to first make his beloved his best friend, and then move on to a more serious level of relationship.
  12. 12. Pisces. These are very sensual natures that are difficult to decipher. If they fall in love, then for real. There will be violent quarrels and passionate reconciliations in the relationship. They are very touchy and, in the absence of their partner’s feelings, do not forgive and immediately leave. If Pisces has serious intentions, he will be able to forgive almost everything, but his trust should not be abused.

Women are accustomed to looking for excuses for men’s “missteps.” Don't blame yourself if your partner is cold and completely indifferent. It is better to start looking for a person who will appreciate the girl at her true worth and will not give her a reason to think about the feasibility of the union.

There are a number of obvious signals that clearly say that the chosen one of your heart does not love you. Perhaps he values ​​your friendships, or is he just flattered by your interest in him? Perhaps he keeps you as an “alternate airfield”, but does not consider that he has any obligations towards you?

Well, here are ten of the most striking signs that the man you fell in love with does not have any “we” plans with your participation. Read carefully, and if there are more than two coincidences with your love story, then, believe me, these are no longer coincidences!

Calls in monologue mode

Which of you dials each other's phone number more often? If there is an obvious imbalance on the face, this is not a good sign. In our gadgetized age, these simple things are very indicative: who calls whom first and sends SMS messages, writes letters and hangs funny cats on the wall. Even if your man is glad to hear your calls, but at the same time he has no need to dial your number himself - just like that or for an insignificant matter - something is wrong here! Well, and the obvious “telephone rule”: if you didn’t answer the call, and he didn’t ask why, know: he put a big, thick “nothing” on you. Exactly what he feels for you.


Do you feel like your relationship is not moving or developing? You met on the Internet, you have dates on Skype every evening, but you still haven’t received an invitation to go for a walk to at least the notorious Van Gogh exhibition in a couple of months? Bad sign! If you are work colleagues and go to a business lunch together every day, but on weekends he always has things to do and plans in which you do not participate, you can, to clear your conscience, go on the attack and take the initiative. But be prepared for the fact that he has a hockey match with an amateur team, and it is unknown at which stadium, so “he-can’t-invite-you-sorry.” Good advice: find yourself another comrade to eat borscht and cutlets together on a working afternoon!


Who is there?

The topics that a person raises in a conversation say a lot both about what he breathes and about his attitude towards the interlocutor. You should be wary if a man doesn’t ask you about your favorite music and films, doesn’t ask what flowers you like, what you were interested in as a child, what you do at work, how you spend your free time. If you both have active profiles on social networks, agree, it’s a little strange if he doesn’t like or comment on your posts. It’s also significant when he knows that you are a vegetarian, but takes you to a restaurant where you literally have nothing to eat. And after his stories about his ex-girlfriends - and no matter in what way he speaks about them - all doubts about his true feelings for you can be considered dispelled! He doesn’t hear you, doesn’t feel you, doesn’t understand you, doesn’t respect you and, of course, doesn’t love you.

Peacock instinct

Narcissistic and selfish people are not capable of deep feelings. But if a man does not try to show himself as handsome in front of the woman he is interested in, does not try to “fluff his feathers”, to convey to her the idea that he has many virtues and rare spiritual qualities - this is also very strange. It’s even worse if he allows himself to let loose in your presence and regularly complains about fate and bad people who supposedly constantly create problems for him. Acting on pity in order to evoke a desire to save is somewhat different than showing oneself worthy of love and respect. Believe me, he is not driven by love! Perhaps this is a desire to find grateful ears into which he will pour out his resentment towards this cruel world. In general, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Secret behind seven seals

You only go on dates and only the two of you. He avoids the possibility of being in the company of your friends and is not eager to introduce you to the circle of people close to him. There is no talk of meeting the parents. As a result, you go to your own sister’s wedding alone, because he is “shy,” “doesn’t know anyone there,” and in general, “hates weddings.” A fairly typical situation: someone calls him on the phone, and the man sitting opposite you, when asked where he is and with whom, answers casually: “Yes, with no one.” If you don’t want to be a “nobody” in another person’s life, it’s time to end this story here and now. There will be no happy ending.

Weird humor

It also happens that you seem to be together, but at the same time in the company you feel like a loner. Your lover actively flirts with other young ladies, does not court you, and if he lost sight of you at a party, he does not look for you, is not interested in what you are doing, and whether you are bored. Things get even worse if he doesn’t take your side in public disputes, and if you’re outright wrong, he doesn’t try to smooth things over. He watches with interest as you sit in a puddle. If someone rudely attacks you or makes fun of you, he does not give any sharp reaction, and even he himself does not mind making an offensive joke at your expense. This is no good! A man in love cannot be indifferent to the feelings and experiences of his chosen one.


Maybe in some countries it is considered normal for both couples to have separate wallets, but in our culture it is still accepted that the man pays, at a minimum, for your coffee at Shokoladnitsa. Of course, the strength of feeling is not measured by the amount of money a lover spends, but a man’s psychology is simple: he readily invests in what truly interests him. Believe me, a normal man has a need to invest in a woman whom he wants to conquer, or whom he already considers his! The exception is pathological greed, but you can figure them out literally right away. A greedy man is not sexy. He must be abandoned mercilessly. A man with whom it makes sense to build a relationship is generous and ready to throw the whole world at the feet of his beloved, even if he is not rich. Honestly, he will find an opportunity to give you gifts and pleasant surprises! He will offer his help and try to predict your desires. If this does not happen, everything is sad.


It is clear that people have different needs and opportunities for sex. But a developing relationship is the very case when desire looks for opportunity, and indifference looks for excuses. So if “your” man avoids intimacy in every possible way, he has a thousand urgent matters, he is constantly either tired or not in the mood - something is wrong here! This does not mean at all that he has another one. He just doesn't care about you as a woman. Another case is if a man is gentle and affectionate before sex and immediately loses interest in you after. If at the same time you notice that he, in principle, has begun to touch you less often - he doesn’t try to hug you, take your hand, his kisses give off a chill, and your attempts to caress are ignored - get ready for parting! It’s sad, but it’s unlikely that anything will help here, and it’s not about you or your “technique”. There is practically no chance to rekindle a faded passion, no matter how numerous “geisha trainings” convince you otherwise. And lighting a fire that doesn’t ignite right away is a hopelessness not worth your time. You don't want to be in the friend zone, do you?

The patient is more dead than alive

Everything was fine with you, as you thought. And suddenly he began to avoid meetings, forget about your requests, and instead of a clear reason for his forgetfulness, he presents some helpless stories from the “walked, fell, woke up, cast” series. A man who is preparing to “leave” a relationship suddenly experiences a deterioration in his health: he regularly sprains his legs, gets a sore throat, and eats potatoes at McDonald’s. Terrible diseases befall his grandmothers, aunts, friends and aquarium fish: he needs to accompany or take them to hospitals, wait for the ambulance to arrive, wander all over the city in search of a rare medicine. Catch him in incoherent fiction? This is not a royal matter! It's just time to say goodbye. No matter how sad it is.

Whoever calls names is called that himself!

When everything is smooth in a relationship, and you communicate nicely, it may seem to you that “everything is going according to plan.” Whether this is really so - the first quarrel will show. Just don’t deliberately provoke conflict! Sooner or later, a situation occurs in any couple when each of the two considers himself right, and the other is wrong. How you will survive an acute situation, how reconciliation will take place, what words you will choose in order to dot all the “E”s, will show your man’s true attitude towards you, and will also tell a lot about his character. If it is important for him that his word be the last, if in the heat of the moment he allows himself to insult you, getting personal, if he goes into deep resentment and forces you to humiliate himself, blackmails you with a breakup, sets some conditions for reconciliation - just turn around and leave. Still, one should expect condescension towards women’s weaknesses and whims from a strong man. In the same situation, there is not a word about love for anyone other than himself - a wonderful alpha male who needs to be served and please in everything. Such a man is either a notorious bastard or a weakling. In any case, it is not suitable for building long and lasting relationships.

So, the sad truth has become obvious to you. He doesn't love you. And it’s not so important how long you’ve been together, how far your relationship has gone. Alas, this happens. Not every union between a man and a woman ends in a fairy tale where the heroes live happily ever after. Remember the ancient Indian proverb: “The horse is dead - get off!” Then you have two options.

The first is to suffer properly, get over the disease, perk up and again plunge into a vibrant life in which there will be wonderful adventures, interesting acquaintances and new relationships. And they will be - don’t even dare doubt it!

The second is the path in accordance with the eternal female mistake: to realize oneself only through the man who is nearby. But if you are sure that you have just lost the love of the man of your dreams, start an operation code-named “Make him fall in love with you again.” There are no guarantees that everything will work out, and it is unknown how long it will take. But you will do deep work on your mistakes and work on yourself. Because you are valuable in yourself. There is no relationship in which you could invest - invest doubly in yourself. And now, the task for the next five years has already changed constructively! - become a superwoman, the best version of yourself. And then you’ll see who you need next to you. Maybe Superman? For harmony.

I’ll tell you exactly what you should never do:

do not humiliate yourself,
don't make a complaint
do not scream
don't cry in front of him.

How could that help if he doesn't care about you?

There is also no need to bring him into a “frank conversation”: why find out from him that everything is over between you if you yourself understood it?
Don't pester him with calls and SMS. You will only raise the level of irritation with your person and convince the person of your inadequacy.
There is no need to go to great lengths to knock out a wedge with a wedge - it’s been tested: it doesn’t help.
Don't go to fortune tellers! This is no comment at all.

Very often you can find articles that list signs that a guy is showing sympathy for you. However, in this article I would like to touch on the opposite: signs that indicate that a guy does not love you and perhaps you should break up. If you encounter any of the following signs in your relationship, you may need to think about ending the relationship. After all, if there is no sympathy and people are indifferent to each other, then there is no point in continuing a relationship that has no future.

If you increasingly find yourself thinking, “My boyfriend doesn't love me...”, take a look at these signs. They will help you figure out whether he really likes you.

Signs that a guy doesn't like you

1. He is not “attracted” to you.. Perhaps one of the important signs. It is he who determines whether this is your young man. If you have not kindled the fire of love in his heart and the guy is indifferent, if he does not feel attraction, then you will not build a happy relationship. You can make as much effort as you like to please him, you can do the most incredible things, but if you are not in his heart, then you shouldn’t torture yourself. As you know, you can’t be nice by force. And here feelings play the main role. Listen to your heart, it will never deceive. Just thinking about him should make your heart respond with a storm of positive emotions. You must literally become one with him.

2. He is “dry” when communicating with you.. If he has no interest in you, then you are unlikely to have any interest in communicating with you. However, do not confuse lack of interest with temporary difficulties: perhaps your boyfriend is simply afraid to take the first step or thinks for a long time before answering you. Let's say after a quarrel there is no call or message from him. So, did he stop liking you? Or maybe he's just afraid? Lack of interest manifests itself over a long period of time. You need to see in general whether he has the time and opportunity to write, call, and how exactly he manages this opportunity or simply ignores it. Another indicator here is the fact that he is constantly trying to end your conversation, finding constant reasons to end it. And no matter how much you strive to maintain communication, you do not see his own initiative.

3. He talks to you the same way he talks to his friends.. It's actually quite easy to determine. If he always speaks to you in a casual tone, similar to how he interacts with his friends, then he is probably not your match. When a guy is interested, there is always at least a slight change in the way he conducts the conversation with you; a change that proves that communicating with you is pleasant for him. This could be a special voice, the use of words with diminutive suffixes, a special intonation - or anything, except monotony and indifference. The best thing you can do in this situation is to observe his behavior and his speech with other people. This will allow you to judge whether the way he acts with you is different from what you saw, and if so, how different.

4. He freely tells you about the girls he likes.. Another alarm bell may be the fact that a guy without hesitation tells you about past relationships, about girls whom he considers ideal, and so on. However, this should not be confused with when it was just slipped in to keep the conversation going (all guys do this from time to time, and it's really not a big deal) or you asked him to talk about the ending relationship. However, if you are talking to a guy and he has no problem talking about all the girls he loves or has loved, and all this happens with enviable regularity, then you can take this as a clear sign that your chosen one is not the one. who do you need.

5. Body language never lies.. If a guy avoids eye contact, sits far away from you, does not try to establish physical contact (hold your hand, support you on the steps), his conversation occurs without any gestures, or he keeps his distance from you, then you can regard all these as signs that he is not interested and does not want to have any relationship with you.

6. He doesn't want to find free time for meetings.. You rarely meet, he constantly has excuses to reschedule the meeting. And this happens more than once or twice. This began to happen systematically. You need to remember that the one who really wants to meet with you will do everything possible and impossible to make this meeting take place. And neither the time of day, nor distances, nor employment will matter to him. As you know, those who want are looking for an opportunity, those who don’t want are looking for a reason...

7. He doesn't just flirt with you.. As noted above, by a guy’s behavior with other people you can judge the importance of you in his life. Take a closer look at how he behaves in female society: whether he goes beyond what is permitted, what his speech and gestures are, whether he flirts, or tries to show himself in a more favorable light. Having discovered this, it’s worth thinking about. Of course, we can assume that he is just a friendly, social, outgoing guy. However, if he behaves the same way with other girls as he does with you, then he is not particularly interested in your company.

8. He hides his emotions and feelings.. If a guy feels something for you, he will certainly communicate his feelings sooner or later. And it's not even a matter of words. This will be visible from himself (actions, gaze, speech). If the guy isn't showing any emotion, the best thing you can do is give him some space and freedom. Just to make sure you don't waste your time on it. Let the initiative in the relationship pass completely into his hands. If you don’t see any significant changes, then you’re unlikely to see a continuation of this same relationship...

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