What to carry with you in the city. Things we carry with us

The talisman brings good luck to its owner and has a certain miraculous power. The Arabs, for example, believe that a talisman is an image with signs that must be performed with a certain arrangement of constellations and planets....

The talisman brings good luck to its owner and has a certain miraculous power. The Arabs, for example, believe that a talisman is an image with signs that must be performed in a certain location of constellations and planets.

IN modern world Talismans have several purposes, so there are talismans of good luck, talismans of love, and many others.

One of the varieties of talismans are zodiac talismans, which can strengthen and regulate the qualities of a person associated with his belonging to a particular sign.

These are things that will be extremely useful to one person and greatly harm another, and therefore it is not recommended to even try on a talisman created under a different zodiac sign.

You can buy yourself one of the Zodiac talismans via the Internet - these will be gold or silver signs of the Zodiac in the form factor of coins, pendants or pendants, with precious stones or without them.

All high-quality gold products, including talismans, must be tested with the participation of specialists from the State Assay Inspectorate, which must be indicated in the product description.

a lion- the sign of the Sun and Fire, respectively, its talisman must support the existing one energy level at least at the same height. Zodiac talismans for Leo are preferably valuable or antique - an order, an old coin, a ring, jewelry with a dimensional stone, a cane. Preferred colors are royal purple, shades of red and yellow, gold and black, while white and cool colors are best avoided.

Scales They really love all beautiful things, so any object that they like is quite suitable for the role of a talisman. Their colors are pastel blue, green, azure.

Scorpios, like Leos, it is common to choose a weapon or some other item associated with battle as a talisman - a shield, helmet, armor. Scorpio's color is red.

Sagittarius brings good luck to everything that is in one way or another connected with horses - harnesses, horseshoes, horse figurines.

Symbol Capricorn- a staircase leading to the top. It is she who best claims to be the talisman for this zodiac sign. Antique items such as figurines, medallions, coins and jewelry are also suitable.

Aquarius is a sign of calm air, and its talisman can be anything related to air, such as airplanes, birds, wings and the like. Calm shades of green, blue and purple suit Aquarius.

Mascot Pisces- This is water. This means that jellyfish, corals and images of fish will come in handy. Pisces colors are marine shades of green, blue, purple.

Mascot Aries designed to strengthen the spirit of its owner. It can be an object made of gold or a fiery color - yellow, red, orange. Gold itself, in the form of a ring, keychain, coin, or even just a small piece, will do an excellent job as a talisman for Aries.

Element Taurus- Earth. It is important for Taurus to maintain status in society, in which any object depicting a bull can help them. However, you should still avoid products made from ivory. Copper is suitable for Taurus and red is not suitable.

Talisman for Gemini selected based on considerations related to fast movement, as well as the availability of information - for example, money, a book, a pen or a flash drive. Their colors are cool shades of purple, gray, and blue.

Rakov a round moon or crescent moon, playing utensils, silverware, beads and various trinkets will protect. Silver, white, pale blue and blue colors, characteristic of water and the moon.

No one can claim that Zodiac talismans will necessarily bring good luck and improve the health of their owners, but if you start wearing a medallion with your Zodiac sign around your neck, then in any case you will become a little happier than before!

Eating at a cafe 5 times a week is not a cheap pleasure. Not even to mention the fact that it’s easier to be tempted to eat a higher-calorie or unhealthy dish. But here the question arises: how to take home-cooked food with you to work in a convenient and reliable way? We will answer this today.

What should I bring for food?

If you bring lunches to work irregularly and make do sandwiches, the problem is solved quite simply: the sandwich can be wrapped in foil or cling film so that it does not fall apart, and later put in plastic or paper bag for reliability. An excellent solution in this case would be thick ziplock bags, originally intended for storage in the freezer.

If your sandwich rarely remains appetizing until lunch, try the following:

  • Wrap the bread separately from the filling. Alternatively, store the bread at work and only take the filling with you.
  • If you use sauces, take them with you in small containers or bottles and add them just before eating.
  • Place your sandwich in a plastic container so it doesn't get crushed in your bag on the way to work.

IN Soviet time people took them to work soup V glass jar. The idea is clear, but not the most convenient: it’s heavy, fragile and still not perfectly sealed. Now there is good alternative- plastic containers. To prevent the soup from spilling, you can use a container with a screw-on lid - it will ensure maximum tightness. But it still wouldn’t hurt to be on the safe side: don’t turn the container or bag with it on its side for too long and don’t forget about plastic bag. I have an inexpensive Bytplast container (pictured below): I don’t carry soups in it, but dishes with sauces don’t leak.

Another way to achieve a seal is to use a rubber layer between the container and the lid, which can be found in many lunchboxes. However, such a layer can become unreliable with constant use, and the tightness also depends on the quality of the fasteners that press the lid to the container.

You can even take lunch with you in a separate bag specially designed for these purposes. There are several advantages here:

  • load redistribution, beneficial for the back;
  • easy to clean if food spills inside;
  • easy to save desired temperature food;
  • The size of the bag will not limit the portion you would like to eat for lunch, and vice versa.

To get hired full lunch, there's nothing better than a special lunchbox. In Japan, lunches are often packed in oblong containers called bento, which became the ancestor of all lunchboxes. Classic bento is suitable exclusively for dry food (for example, sushi and vegetables) and is used mainly by schoolchildren. The Japanese have made a real art out of bento filling.

Lunchboxes - European version bento - have a different number of levels and compartments, so you can always choose suitable option among many models. Two levels are convenient because you can heat only one, and leave the second one - with a salad or snack - cold. One or more compartments must be sealed in order to carry, if not soups, then meat and gravy. Another one important characteristic- the ability to use in the microwave - the vast majority of lunchboxes have it (but not all plastic containers). If you don’t have a microwave at work, a thermal lunchbox can help out by keeping food warm for a long time.

Lunchboxes are more expensive than regular containers, but high price, unfortunately, is not always a guarantee of their quality. Sharing own experience: we bought my husband a plastic two-tier lunchbox with a bunch of compartments for work (it’s pictured below). I dabbled in putting a variety of food into containers for only three days, then the plastic fastener cracked - the lid no longer holds and does not hold all the levels together. You won't be able to carry food in it to work anymore.

In this regard, I can advise you to choose only high-quality plastic, or even better metal: it can be used to make either the entire lunchbox or individual parts of the structure that bear the load. Special attention to the material is also necessary because many types of plastic emit harmful substances, which should not be in our food. Lunch boxes usually have labels indicating that the plastic is safe. If you're health conscious, simply transfer the dish to a plate before reheating, or invest in a ceramic lunchbox.

It is useful for the lunchbox to “work” with different amounts parts: for example, today you took with you two dishes on two levels, and tomorrow you want to take only a salad - it’s very convenient to take only one compartment so as not to take up extra space in your bag. For example, the lunchbox in the photo below can do this.


About food:

  • Organize a supply at your workplace consisting of bread, honey, nuts and dried fruits - these products last a long time, are healthy and can save you if you are late at work or did not have time to take lunch.
  • Sandwich bread can also be stored at work so it doesn't get soggy along the way.
  • Buy a bag of apples, tangerines or other similar fruits at least once a week for work: this way you won’t have to carry them with you every day, which is quite difficult, and a healthier alternative to chocolate will always be at hand.
  • Always keep your salad dressing or sauce in a separate container/bag to add before eating. A small bottle with olive oil and vinegar can also be stored at work.
  • Ideal if you have a refrigerator at work. If you don’t have one, and food cannot be stored for a long time without it, you can put a bottle of frozen water in the same bag with your lunchbox.

The collection of items that he carries with him every day, and how and why he should properly organize and maintain this set in his backpack.

As it says folk proverb- “Prepare the sleigh in the summer and the cart in the winter.” Long winter holidays The good thing is that you can do a lot of things that you don’t have time to do in the ordinary bustle of everyday life. For example, finally assemble your EDC.

The idea to write about my EDC set (English: Every day carry) came to me not so long ago, when another (probably the fifteenth) acquaintance grabbed it and began to examine it, asking what and why. On this moment it has the following composition:

All this fits into the Maxpedition pouch:

My love for such sets originates in hiking trips. My father, who devoted several years of his life to searching for Bigfoot in the Pamir Mountains, was preparing for the next expedition very carefully. I loved watching him lay out all sorts of gear for his three-week wilderness trek on a large blanket and consider whether he really needed this or that item.

The backpack is not unlimited, and you will have to carry everything on yourself, and the routes are several tens of kilometers up and down the mountains. Therefore, every extra 100 grams will be felt very noticeably. Ideally, each item should be compact, multifunctional, lightweight and at the same time strong enough to withstand a backpack falling from a height of several tens of meters (this has happened).

Now, in urban conditions, these requirements seem excessive. After all, if necessary, there is always the opportunity to go to the nearest hardware store and buy any the right thing. However, even in urban environments there are situations in which EDC set it will be very useful.


Many of you probably remember the old cartoon, beloved by all Soviet children - “80 days around the world”.

Phileas Fogg, main character cartoon, knew how to predict his day, and every morning he collected the contents of his bag in such a way that during the day he could find in it everything that could be useful on the trip. And since the machinations of Mr. Fix (the negative hero) were very cunning, the child’s consciousness was delighted with the next useful thing, extracted from the bag and adapted to overcome the problem that has arisen.

All EDC sets are assembled approximately according to this principle, only the probability tree of events that can happen to you is drawn by you yourself, based on life experience and what you are going to do today (or within a week).

I set out to put together a universal kit that I could simply throw in my bag every time I leave the house and not have to think about what I might need this time. All items in the diagram are divided into groups to make it easier to navigate:

First aid kit

It’s probably worth starting with her. Despite the fact that we live in the city, it is not a fact that if something happens there will be a pharmacy nearby, and sometimes it is vital to have the most important medicines on hand. I know a couple of allergy sufferers who are aware of their allergies, but did not bother to have a couple of suprastin tablets on hand in case of a sudden “attack” of a purring cat or peanut butter found in California rolls in a station cafe.

Trying new dishes at a Chinese restaurant will be much more relaxing if you know your EDC contains Immodium. Validol and citramon tablets also do not take up much space, but can greatly help in case of stress (especially if there is a stressful situation turned out to be old man) or a headache that inappropriately arose before an important meeting or speech.

I use it as an antiseptic wet wipes and an alcohol spray in a housing much like a pen.

Earplugs will also come in handy (especially if you are flying with the idea of ​​sleeping on the plane, but you are unlucky with your fellow travelers).

For ease of transportation, I adapted a box sold in fishing stores - it is durable and has many closing compartments that allow you to sort the contents.

Minor repairs

It happens that you throw your bag into the overhead bin on a plane and tear your sleeve. run around unfamiliar city looking for a new jacket means spending an hour, or even more, extra time, which is already very little on your two-day business trip. Therefore, play it safe - put a needle and thread in the EDC different colors(you've probably seen such sets in hotel rooms). During the flight, you can just remember your labor lessons and patch up your sleeve. And at the same time, impress the pretty girl sitting next to you with your thriftiness. Perhaps she, looking at your sloppy stitches, will not stand it and will undertake to help you...

Pins and paper clips also take up little space, but can sometimes save time and frustration. For example, on the set of a corporate film for one of our clients, main character A button on a shirt came off. We were “in the fields”, the nearest store was 30 kilometers away, and the shooting day risked turning into a shooting night, because the girl was noticeably nervous and was forced to cover her shirt with her hand, which is why the freedom necessary in the frame was completely absent. When I took the pin out of my set, the entire crew breathed a sigh of relief.

Zip ties are convenient because they take up little space and are very functional: tighten the wires so they don’t dangle under your feet, press the GoPro camera holder to the pipe, attach a broken reflector to the spokes of a bicycle, and so on. There are a lot of applications. Many intelligence agencies use wide and long zip ties even as disposable handcuffs. True, they will take up a lot of space.


Perhaps the most important item from this section in urban environments is a spare phone. Modern smartphones run out of charge very quickly, and you shouldn’t worry your loved ones by making them wonder if something bad happened to you or if you just forgot to charge your phone. Your mobile phone can get stolen, it can get drowned in the toilet, and you can end up forgetting it at work.

Nowadays you can find cell phones the size of a credit card that can sit charged in an EDC kit for months. To do this, they have a special switch that opens the electrical circuit, so the battery discharges extremely slowly.

In such a phone you need to put a SIM card of a different operator, not the one in your main phone - in case you get into the zone bad reception, in which, for example, MTS does not receive, but Beeline does (by the way, keep in mind that Yota uses the infrastructure of the Megafon network). And don’t forget to choose a prepaid plan with no monthly fee. Put 500 rubles on your phone so that it’s enough for a couple of calls home, even from roaming. Write down in its memory the numbers of all your loved ones and work colleagues who may be needed if you find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

It is advisable to “name” the recipients of your phone book without full name, impersonal: “wife”, “father”, “boss”, in case you are not able to call yourself and you have to do this strangers who happen to be nearby (for example, ambulance or police personnel).

A notepad and pen will help in a situation where you need to leave a note (yes, there is such a method of communication, forgotten in the era of SMS and Email), or your phone is dead and you need to write down the address of the nearest 24-hour pharmacy. My wife and I love to play “Bulls and Cows” on vacation and when traveling, so my notebook never sits idle.

I recommend recording scans of your documents (packed in a password-protected archive) on a flash drive in case your passport or license is suddenly stolen. When I fly abroad, I put on this flash drive scans of hotel vouchers, insurance, a tourist guide with phone numbers of the Russian embassy, ​​and other documents that may be needed along the way. I also upload copies of all these scans to the cloud (what if the flash drive gets stolen?).


Everyone forms this section in their own way. Some people may have this dice, cards or cards with words (if you, for example, teach foreign language). I limited myself to spare headphones, because if I forget at home or break the “main” headphones, then I will no longer be able to listen to music, audiobooks or watch movies on the road, and I will have to “enjoy” the sounds of the city and the conversations of strangers.


I highly recommend putting a small amount of money in your EDC kit in case your wallet is stolen. Or if you simply forget him in his jacket, and the jacket is in the wardrobe, and the cloakroom attendant has already left because you stayed up until eleven in the evening. I have repeatedly seen fairly decently dressed people who found themselves in such (or a similar) stupid situation and were forced to ask passers-by for passage home. Late evenings Not the most people gather near the metro, bus stations and other transport “hubs” nice people who can notice you and turn this your minor nuisance with a shortage of some hundred rubles for a train ride home in quite serious problem(unless you're Chuck Norris, of course).

I also recommend bringing a credit (or debit) card. It can be blocked if your EDC is stolen. But if something happens, you can go to the nearest ATM and withdraw cash. When traveling abroad, I put a card linked to a dollar account so as not to lose money on currency conversion.


The most frequently used item in my EDC is the “multi-tool” - a folding knife with additional functions. Through many years of testing different models I chose the Leatherman Skeletool. Excellent ergonomics - it is very comfortable to hold in your hand, two main tools - a knife and pliers - have proven themselves well in practice. However, there are so many multitools now that I recommend choosing a tool that you feel like “native” and that you will be very pleased to use.

I also looked for a long time for a convenient screwdriver with attachments, and finally found it great option in OBI: the handle holds 12 different bits, including Torx, with which you can disassemble the iPhone and dry it if you suddenly dropped it into the aquarium of an Italian restaurant while trying to catch a lobster ( real case from the life of one of my friends who drank more grappa than he should).

Tweezers do not take up much space, but are indispensable in cases where it is necessary to remove a splinter. And even if you do not work at a sawmill, but in a class A business center, wooden surfaces there is enough around that they can leave a little “greetings from Pinocchio” in your body. One of my friends, trying to pull out an annoying splinter, picked the wound with an unsterile pin and caused an infection. Everything ended well, the hand remained with him, but he could not use it for a couple of weeks. Tweezers will also be useful for other cases, for example, if you need to get a device that fell into the keyboard (also, as you understand, not a made-up story), or pull a fish bone out of a cat’s teeth (he stole a herring and then struggled for two days, four of us held it while they were pulling it out).

Thanks to the advent of LEDs, compact-sized headlights can now be more powerful than the headlights of grandfather's Zhiguli. I settled on the Eagtac D25LC2 model, this flashlight has different modes brightness to save battery, as well as the “SOS” function - makes three long, three short and again three long flashes. This may be useful if, for example, you are lost in the forest and you no longer have the strength to scream. Then you can hang the lantern on a tree and turn on the SOS mode so that the rescuers from LizaAlert do not pass by within five steps while you are sleeping.

In addition, a lantern is more fun when you are stuck in an elevator (especially for people suffering from claustrophobia), or when someone breaks or unscrews a light bulb in the entrance (perhaps in order to stage a robbery). Blinding an attacker with a light beam of 350 lumens is not difficult.

I don't smoke, so my lighter is not in an easily accessible place, but hidden in the EDC. Start a fire in the forest, melt the end of a synthetic cord so that it does not fluff, light candles if the lights are turned off - the lighter has many uses. I chose the Japanese lighter Windmill AWL-10. It is convenient because it closes hermetically and the flame is strong enough, like a small gas burner.

EDC kit maintenance

As soon as you “try out” your kit and start using it regularly, you will inevitably encounter a situation where all the citramone tablets suddenly ran out, the batteries in the flashlight (batteries in the phone) were discharged, and the stash with the cache “disappeared” during the last drinking session with friends (which, of course, you don’t remember, like many other things). And now you are standing late at night at a dark bus stop, with a headache, a discharged smartphone and without a penny in your pocket.


This publication should not be taken as step by step instructions. If you simply collect your kit according to the list and throw it in your bag, then you risk following in the footsteps of motorists who bought a first aid kit for an MOT and forgot about it that same day (simple test: if you have a car, remember without Google whether you have is there citramon in your medicine cabinet?).

It is best to sequentially assemble your set, carefully selecting each element for yourself, testing each new item in “field” conditions. Then the EDC will truly be yours, and you can feel pleasure (and even a little pride) when you take it out of your bag when solving your next problem.

There is a certain pleasure in this - trying to predict different variants developments of the situation and try to prepare for them in advance.

You've probably read more than once in your life advice about what every self-respecting girl should have in her purse. Basically, of course, we're talking about about your favorite perfume, powder compact, comb, lipstick and mirror. Often such lists are supplemented completely practical things, such as paper handkerchiefs, personal hygiene products and even medicines. The most important condition: all these things must fit even in a small handbag, so that you do not have to wear huge trunks to the detriment of your image (this is an important factor).

However, each individual girl has things from her personal list in her bag must have, sometimes very unexpected, but at the same time practical and useful in all respects. The list I'm sharing with you in today's post is just that: I hope they can take their place of honor on your personal list of things to always have with you.

1. Vaseline

Vaseline is a gift from heaven to humanity. Not only does it hydrate and soften your skin in an instant, you can also use it on your lips instead of lipstick. Additionally, it can be used on the fronts of your teeth to prevent lipstick from imprinting on your teeth. This product is sold in miniature bottles, so it can easily fit into a small purse.

2. Spare napkins

Spare napkins may come with you long haul, and come in handy in different unpleasant situations: a sudden allergy attack, a spilled drink at the bar, or even an unbearably hot day when you have to sweat. Alternatively, you can try baby wipes for particularly hot days or stubborn stains.

3. Lipstick (Or two)

Certainly, common sense suggests that you should always have your most iconic (aka your favorite that suits you best) shade of lipstick in your purse, but sometimes it's hard to know when you might need to change up your look quickly. The easiest way to do this is with a completely different shade of lipstick.

4. Tiny perfume bottle

Roll-on, ampoule, mini spray: whichever option you prefer, always leave a small trail of your iconic scent as scents fade throughout the day.

5. Band-Aids

Any woman who has put on new, unworn shoes at least once in her life is familiar with this terrible agony from a fresh callus and damaged skin on the foot. Why not become a victim similar situation, it is worth carrying a supply of adhesive plaster with you in packages of one, different sizes. In general, there is no reason to refuse the patch - anything can happen in life.

6. Cash withdrawn from the card in advance if you are going with friends

In today's digital world, it is very easy to fall prey to the idea that you can buy everything with just a plastic card. While this is largely true, it is still best to be prepared for any situation. Nobody wants to be that girl in the group who doesn't have cash when everyone else does.

7. Toothpicks (and chewing gum)

Most of us eat three (or more) times a day, so it's a good idea to always have a toothpick or even some dental floss with you for extra use. if you don't have the opportunity to brush your teeth. Carry a small case with a few toothpicks in your purse, or a small spool of dental floss, and use them first. than going outside. And it's not just for aesthetic reasons: studies have proven that using oral hygiene products will help keep your teeth healthy.

8. Your insurance policy

Sexual? No. Useful? Yes! If (God forbid) something happens to you, even if it’s just accidental fall from high heels and a sprained ankle - you will definitely have to see a doctor, and in this situation, without an insurance policy - nowhere.

9. Knipser (nail clippers)

It's hard to predict when a telltale hangnail may appear next to your nail, which is one of the most annoying and unattractive things in the world. Carry a small one in your purse manicure set with a knife to immediately get rid of the unpleasant guest. Also, in some force majeure situations, a knipser can replace scissors.

10. Phone charger

I would call this one of the must haves in your purse modern girl, because the batteries of modern smartphones do not always withstand active use of the device even until the end of the day, so if you have plans after work, you will not have to be left without communication if you have a Nokia phone charger with you

What is the most essential thing for you that you always carry with you?

Perhaps many of us have our own “gentleman’s set” of what we take with us when we leave home. This set of items will likely change depending on how far away you are going. If this is a trip to the store for kefir, then you can do without a phone, but if you are going on a visit or to work, then you probably take with you a bag that contains everything you need, from money and documents to pepper spray and some kind of deodorant.

There will almost certainly be something in your bag that you can read, and also a lot of some unnecessary junk with an eye on the end of the world. However, with all the abundance of things, it is quite rare in men’s or women's bag you can find one of the oldest Paleolithic artifacts - a knife that can serve as both a tool and a weapon.

The dagger is good for those who have it, and bad for those who do not have it at the right time.

Abdullah, film " White sun desert"

One warm September day during the dashing 90s, my brother and I went to the grocery store. On the way back, right at the exit from the underground passage, we were “met” by two small third-graders. And even though I was in the seventh grade, which means I was bigger and stronger, and besides, I had been going to hand-to-hand combat for two weeks already, the shine of the blade in the hand of one of the young bandits somehow immediately shackled me. Paralyzed by fear, my brother and I, of course, gave the punks all the remaining money and trudged home in tears.

Since then, except for one time when, to protect myself from my unruly classmates, I brought a “butterfly” to school, I forgot about knives, and in my pocket I carried a modest yawara - a wooden lifesaver, something like a legal brass knuckles. I must say that I was quite afraid of the possibility of being reported to the police somewhere, because I knew that if they wanted, they could even cling to a piece of wood.

This is how I would live in my limited world, if only new job I didn’t meet a colleague who was into knives. I was surprised to find that he always had a knife with him. An even bigger surprise for me was that our project manager - a smart girl, a vegan and a yogi all in one - also walks around with a folding knife. I decided to join their knife club and bought myself a quality Chinese model, although at first carrying a knife every day gave me conflicting feelings. However, over time, I got so used to my knife that I practically stopped going outside without it. It turned out that a knife is a very useful tool at hand, which you quickly get used to, like all good things.

How can a knife be useful?

  1. The knife is cutlery . You come to a restaurant, and there are table knives with which you need to cut this pathetic piece of hard meat for half an hour. Or even worse - disposable plastic knives. To use such devices is to disrespect yourself. In such cases, your personal sharpened knife will come in very handy.
  2. The knife is opener. When you have a knife at hand, you are able to open any can/bottle/box in a matter of seconds.
  3. The knife is scissors. Of course, you are unlikely to be able to cut your favorite dog's hair with a knife, but cutting paper, fabric, or cutting off a piece of electrical tape is easy.
  4. The knife is screwdriver. Of course, the only thing better than a screwdriver is a good screwdriver. But if you are pressed by need, and there is nothing nearby, your solution is a knife, which, with proper luck, can unscrew both a slotted and cross-head screw.
  5. The knife is sharpener. No, this is even better than a sharpener, because with a knife you can sharpen a pencil at your discretion, whereas a regular sharpener gives the same results straight cut on wood, but suffers from the dull edge of the stylus.
  6. The knife is carpentry tool. You can even turn a knife into a new knife! True, made of wood.
  7. The knife is razor. It happens that in the morning, after hastily shaving and arriving at the office, you find a telltale hair sticking out somewhere on your cheek. Who takes a razor with them to work? And if you have a sharp knife at hand, then shaving is not a problem.
  8. The knife is a spear. By tying a knife to the end of a stick, you can make a spear, with which Rambo, sitting on a horse, hunted wild boars when he was a partisan in the forest near the city of Hope.
  9. The knife is emergency hammer. The one that for some reason is never at hand when you need to break the glass in a burning or sinking bus. The mass of the knife and its hard handle have excellent qualities emergency hammer. Some knife models even have a pre-installed glass breaker at the end of the handle, which allows you to break glass with minimal effort.
  10. The knife is nuclear weapon. Not in the literal sense, of course. But as a weapon of “containment” - very much so. If everyone carried knives, there would be much more mutual respect, courtesy and harmony in society.
  11. The knife is brass knuckles. Even when folded, the knife can play decisive role in a street confrontation. A folded knife placed in a fist not only adds weight to the blow, but also, like the yawara, allows the back and front of the handle to be used for thrusting and crushing blows.
  12. The knife is steel arms. If you learn knife fighting and have the necessary psychological preparation, your chances in street fights increase dramatically. Even just the visible presence of a knife in your pocket will help potential bandits make the correct conclusion that it is better not to mess with you. What if you are a knife maker?

Of course, unlike lipstick or deodorant, it is advisable to position the knife so that it can be reached as quickly as possible - this is important for any type of extreme situations, be it a fight or the need to cut someone's scarf, which began to be sucked into the escalator in the subway. Therefore, it may be that you have to sacrifice a “major” place in one of your trouser pockets in order to place your knife there. For example, in order to carry a knife in my right pocket, I had to relearn how to carry my phone in my left pocket and get used to working with the phone with my left hand. But now the knife is always at hand!

It would be interesting to know if you carry a knife or other weapon and how you feel about it.

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