What date is Declaration of Love Day? Declaration of Love Day and Alien Abduction Day

Today there are several important holidays. First of all, let's note. After all, admit it, you also sometimes thought that we cannot be alone in the universe.

By the way, in the 19th century everyone believed in aliens. A prize was even established for the first person to make contact with any extraterrestrial civilization other than Mars. What the Martians did not like is unknown. And the first encryption sent to aliens contained only three words “Peace. Lenin. THE USSR".

If you are stagnant in your work, creativity or personal life, then this is just for you.

Take the example of your ancestors. The ancient Greeks approached the issue of muses with intelligence and subtle calculation. There were nine muses in total, and each cause had its own patroness and inspirer. So today at least one of them should reach you.

Still today. If you have long wanted to confess your feelings to someone, then boldly act. Some write messages on the asphalt, others arrange romantic dates. Use your imagination and go ahead!

And if there is no one to confess yet, then you can act selfishly and confess your love to yourself. It's a holiday after all.

As if by chance today, in addition to the UFO, . Just fly more carefully, in case there are aliens!

Only the truth and nothing but the truth!

“Raisa Ivanovna, I couldn’t prepare for the lesson,” said Ruslan Savchenko, with some difficulty pulling his large body out from behind the children’s desk in class 3 “B”, where the ninth grade was placed due to an error in the schedule. While the third graders were frolicking in physical education, 9th “A” was forced to huddle on small chairs.

– And for what reason, Savchenko, were you unable to prepare this time? – the Russian language teacher and at the same time the class teacher of their ninth grade asked him, sighing somehow hopelessly.

- So... grandma felt bad... They called an ambulance...

Raisa Ivanovna rose from the teacher’s table, which in this office was also somehow too small and uncomfortable, and, crossing her arms over her chest, said:

- You, Ruslan, at least took pity on your grandmother! I've already called an ambulance for her several times this month!

“What, you want me not to call her?”

– I would like you to finally stop lying!

– What makes you think that I’m lying?! – Savchenko was very naturally indignant.

- In what sense does this mean?!

“Your relatives are very sick!”

At these words, Fyodor laughed throughout the class, and meanwhile he continued:

“Your mother is always in the hospital, you endlessly accompany your father to the sanatorium, and you take your younger sister to the local doctor almost every day. It’s clear that you have absolutely no time to study, since you’re the only healthy one in the whole family!

-What are you hinting at? – asked Savchenko, whose face was slowly filling with color.

– I don’t have to hint. I’ll tell you straight: you’ve already annoyed everyone with your nursery lies, it’s straight up hurting their cheekbones.

Ruslan was silent for a while, wondering how to get out of it, but he couldn’t come up with anything, so he decided to give up:

- You might think that you have never lied!

- For such an insignificant reason - never! – Fedor declared proudly and looked at Savchenko with a contemptuous look.

- Come on! – Ruslan was loudly indignant, somewhat cheering up. – And who was telling the chemist last week that she didn’t warn us about the test?!

- So this is for the common good, and not to excuse yourself!

– Do you think there is a difference?

- I think so!

- So! Enough! – Raisa Ivanovna finally interrupted the squabble between her classmates. – Let’s better study the Russian language. If you, Kudryavtsev, unlike Savchenko, have done your homework, then be so kind as to draw up diagrams of the first two sentences from the exercise on the board.

- Easily! - Fyodor agreed and, taking out a notebook from the textbook, went to the blackboard.

– Did they still give me a “couple”? – Ruslan asked gloomily.

“Of course,” the teacher waved him off, watching what Kudryavtsev was carefully drawing on the board.

Ruslan Savchenko sat silently for a while, staring at the table, and then turned to the class to call everyone present in the lesson as witnesses:

- No, did you see it?! Now, if it weren’t for Fedka, maybe I would have been carried away! Is this what friends do?!

“Come on, Ruslik,” said Sonya Chebotareva, without looking at Savchenko, because she was checking her sentence diagrams with those that Kudryavtsev had compiled on the board. - Fedor has nothing to do with it. You have no imagination, you can’t even tell an original lie. Not only Kudryavtsev will be amused by your excuses.

– So, lying only without imagination is bad, but if with imagination, then it’s normal?! – Ruslan could not calm down.

“It’s better not to lie at all,” Sonya muttered and began to correct her diagram in her notebook.

– Maybe you can tell me, Chebotareva, that you never lie?!

- Trying…

– But it doesn’t work out, does it? Tell me honestly!

– Ruslan, stop the discussion immediately! - demanded the indignant Raisa Ivanovna, which allowed Sonya not to answer Savchenko’s question. – If you bring me today’s homework tomorrow along with the one I will assign at the end of the lesson, I will correct the deuce for what you deserve. Does this option suit you?

- Come on! – now Ruslan waved his hand hopelessly. – One pair more, one pair less... I was interested in another question. Tell me, Raisa Ivanovna, you never lie... well... that is, you don’t deceive?

The teacher shook her head thoughtfully, and then answered:

– Perhaps, like Sonya... I try not to lie...

- And you succeed? – Ruslan did not lag behind.

- Not always…

- Here!! – Savchenko loudly slammed both palms on his knees. – Which is what needed to be proven! Everyone lies!!! And I'm the only one to take the rap!!

– Listen! - Kira Mukhina, nicknamed Mushka, who sometimes transformed into Fly, suddenly shouted, stretching out the “u” greatly. - Let's swear not to lie!

- Wow! – Philip Doronin entered the conversation. - How are you going to live on your own?

– You might think that I lie all the time! - Mushka was indignant.

- Guys! Enough! – Raisa Ivanovna interrupted the conversation in a tone in which metallic notes were already clearly heard. – If you want to talk about this topic, do it during recess. Well... or I’m ready to discuss this subject with you in class, which is our sixth lesson today. By the way, don't forget about him!

Doronin, noticing how Kira’s face stretched out, burst out laughing and shouted to her:

- And you, Mukha, tell me that you need to go to music school right after the fifth lesson! Why live without lies, if with lies it is much easier! “Then, in response to the stern look of the class teacher, Philip raised his hands up and, still smiling, promised: “That’s it, from now on I’m silent as a fish and I’m even ready to go to the blackboard!” Somehow I have accumulated a lot of triples!

During the class hour, when the main issues about which they had gathered were discussed - school duty, medical examination and preparation for the school New Year's disco - Mushka jumped up from her seat and screamed, as always, deafeningly and loudly:

– And yet I want to return to... lies! Yes! Yes! Yes! Here you are, Phil, trying to catch me that I’m hiding behind the music, but I’m not really hiding behind! I don’t have classes today, but I do tomorrow – and right after the fifth period. So, if we are assigned anything for tomorrow’s sixth lesson, you should know that I have solfeggio! And I’ll take it anyway, because next week I have a test for the first half of the year, and I don’t want to fail it!

- But you’re making it up, Mushka! - Fedor responded. “Last Friday, Nikanor assigned us extra drawing for tomorrow’s sixth lesson, because it seemed to him that we had disrupted his last lesson. And you, Muhisha, just don’t want to go to him!

- Not Nikanor, but Vladimir Nikanorovich! – the class teacher corrected Kudryavtseva.

- So I don’t mind! – Kudryavtsev agreed. - Vladimir is Vladimir! But our Fly composes no more skillfully than Ruslik, and therefore it is completely unclear why she called for a refusal to lie.

– I said the same thing in Russian! – Phil interrupted.

Poor Mushka was covered in red spots with indignation and was clearly about to object very temperamentally, as usual, but Sonya suddenly took the floor:

– I thought about Mushka’s proposal all day today, and in the end I liked it! Should we try not to lie for at least one day? I wonder what will come of this! Let's... play on a day without lies!

- How will you check? – Phil asked, lounging on his chair. - Do you have a lie detector?

– Why do we need a detector if everyone accepts the terms of the game!

– And if, for example, I don’t want to participate in this, then what?

“Of course, for the purity of the experiment, I would like everyone to take part,” Sonya responded. - Are you, Doronin, such a desperate liar that you cannot survive without this for one day?

“It’s easy for me,” he answered, “but some others will never hold out!”

– Is this a pebble in my garden again? – Ruslan soared.

- Not only.

- Guys! Calm down! – Raisa Ivanovna even hit the table with the cool magazine she was holding in her hands. – You shouldn’t get personal, because everyone has had to deceive in their life. In general... personally, I accept the offer of Kira and Sonya. I am ready to speak only the truth.

– One day is nonsense! Let's have at least a week then! – Kudryavtsev spoke up.

- No! – the teacher dismissed his proposal. – Let’s start with one day, and then we’ll see. I suggest scheduling next Monday as a day without lies, so that everyone has time to prepare mentally and do their homework in full.

“You would almost think that we are going to go without eating or drinking all day!” – Valya Andreeva said, grinning. – Just think, don’t lie for one day! What nonsense! I rarely lie, so I’m ready!

- Well... then I’m in favor too! – Kudryavtsev raised his hand.

Phil raised his hand behind him, and then one by one the rest of his classmates raised their hands in agreement. Almost all. No one seemed to notice that one hand was not raised.

- So, so! I offer the following game conditions! – Sonya got up from her seat and went to the board. – Next Monday, December fifteenth, a day without lies begins at seven o’clock in the morning and ends at twelve at night.

- Why so late? – Ruslan was amazed.

“Ah... let it be... You never know... Suddenly you’ll have to write off on the Internet closer to the night...” Sonya responded. - In general, on this day no one should lie, deceive, invent, fantasize... and so on. You also cannot answer a question with your own question or remain silent. Expressions will be prohibited: “What do you think?”, “Don’t you guess?”, “None of your business!”, “Wouldn’t you rather go...” and the like. In general, only the truth, once again the truth and nothing but the truth! Do you accept?

- We accept! – Phil was the first to respond, but then shook his head doubtfully and said: “But in fact, we may never know if someone, literally speaking, is lying!”

“In any game, violations of the rules are possible,” added Kudryavtsev. “Perhaps we need to come up with fines for those whom we still catch in lies.”

- What do you offer? – Chebotareva asked in a businesslike tone.

– Right now nothing smart comes to mind, except for one thing: whoever we catch will be forbidden to come to the New Year’s disco... How? Is it good?

- Who agrees"? – Sonya turned to her classmates.

Everyone voted almost unanimously. Some thought that the punishment was not so terrible, if suddenly something happened... it’s quite possible to go dancing at the Magnit teen club. Others decided that they could easily survive just one day without lying, since they rarely resort to deception in general, so the disco is already in their pocket. Still others were sure that no one would ever expose them if they still needed to lie. For some reason, the fourth did not like this idea at all, and they even got scared, but they could not help but vote “for”, so as not to attract unnecessary attention to themselves. One person still did not raise his hand, but again, no one seemed to notice.

Current page: 1 (book has 7 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]

Svetlana Lubenets
Love Declaration Day

Only the truth and nothing but the truth!

“Raisa Ivanovna, I couldn’t prepare for the lesson,” said Ruslan Savchenko, with some difficulty pulling his large body out from behind the children’s desk in class 3 “B”, where the ninth grade was placed due to an error in the schedule. While the third graders were frolicking in physical education, 9th “A” was forced to huddle on small chairs.

– And for what reason, Savchenko, were you unable to prepare this time? – the Russian language teacher and at the same time the class teacher of their ninth grade asked him, sighing somehow hopelessly.

- So... grandma felt bad... They called an ambulance...

Raisa Ivanovna rose from the teacher’s table, which in this office was also somehow too small and uncomfortable, and, crossing her arms over her chest, said:

- You, Ruslan, at least took pity on your grandmother! I've already called an ambulance for her several times this month!

“What, you want me not to call her?”

– I would like you to finally stop lying!

– What makes you think that I’m lying?! – Savchenko was very naturally indignant.

- In what sense does this mean?!

“Your relatives are very sick!”

At these words, Fyodor laughed throughout the class, and meanwhile he continued:

“Your mother is always in the hospital, you endlessly accompany your father to the sanatorium, and you take your younger sister to the local doctor almost every day. It’s clear that you have absolutely no time to study, since you’re the only healthy one in the whole family!

-What are you hinting at? – asked Savchenko, whose face was slowly filling with color.

– I don’t have to hint. I’ll tell you straight: you’ve already annoyed everyone with your nursery lies, it’s straight up hurting their cheekbones.

Ruslan was silent for a while, wondering how to get out of it, but he couldn’t come up with anything, so he decided to give up:

- You might think that you have never lied!

- For such an insignificant reason - never! – Fedor declared proudly and looked at Savchenko with a contemptuous look.

- Come on! – Ruslan was loudly indignant, somewhat cheering up. – And who was telling the chemist last week that she didn’t warn us about the test?!

- So this is for the common good, and not to excuse yourself!

– Do you think there is a difference?

- I think so!

- So! Enough! – Raisa Ivanovna finally interrupted the squabble between her classmates. – Let’s better study the Russian language. If you, Kudryavtsev, unlike Savchenko, have done your homework, then be so kind as to draw up diagrams of the first two sentences from the exercise on the board.

- Easily! - Fyodor agreed and, taking out a notebook from the textbook, went to the blackboard.

– Did they still give me a “couple”? – Ruslan asked gloomily.

“Of course,” the teacher waved him off, watching what Kudryavtsev was carefully drawing on the board.

Ruslan Savchenko sat silently for a while, staring at the table, and then turned to the class to call everyone present in the lesson as witnesses:

- No, did you see it?! Now, if it weren’t for Fedka, maybe I would have been carried away! Is this what friends do?!

“Come on, Ruslik,” said Sonya Chebotareva, without looking at Savchenko, because she was checking her sentence diagrams with those that Kudryavtsev had compiled on the board. - Fedor has nothing to do with it. You have no imagination, you can’t even tell an original lie. Not only Kudryavtsev will be amused by your excuses.

– So, lying only without imagination is bad, but if with imagination, then it’s normal?! – Ruslan could not calm down.

“It’s better not to lie at all,” Sonya muttered and began to correct her diagram in her notebook.

– Maybe you can tell me, Chebotareva, that you never lie?!

- Trying…

– But it doesn’t work out, does it? Tell me honestly!

– Ruslan, stop the discussion immediately! - demanded the indignant Raisa Ivanovna, which allowed Sonya not to answer Savchenko’s question. – If you bring me today’s homework tomorrow along with the one I will assign at the end of the lesson, I will correct the deuce for what you deserve. Does this option suit you?

- Come on! – now Ruslan waved his hand hopelessly. – One pair more, one pair less... I was interested in another question. Tell me, Raisa Ivanovna, you never lie... well... that is, you don’t deceive?

The teacher shook her head thoughtfully, and then answered:

– Perhaps, like Sonya... I try not to lie...

- And you succeed? – Ruslan did not lag behind.

- Not always…

- Here!! – Savchenko loudly slammed both palms on his knees. – Which is what needed to be proven! Everyone lies!!! And I'm the only one to take the rap!!

– Listen! - Kira Mukhina, nicknamed Mushka, who sometimes transformed into Fly, suddenly shouted, stretching out the “u” greatly. - Let's swear not to lie!

- Wow! – Philip Doronin entered the conversation. - How are you going to live on your own?

– You might think that I lie all the time! - Mushka was indignant.

- Guys! Enough! – Raisa Ivanovna interrupted the conversation in a tone in which metallic notes were already clearly heard. – If you want to talk about this topic, do it during recess. Well... or I’m ready to discuss this subject with you in class, which is our sixth lesson today. By the way, don't forget about him!

Doronin, noticing how Kira’s face stretched out, burst out laughing and shouted to her:

- And you, Mukha, tell me that you need to go to music school right after the fifth lesson! Why live without lies, if with lies it is much easier! “Then, in response to the stern look of the class teacher, Philip raised his hands up and, still smiling, promised: “That’s it, from now on I’m silent as a fish and I’m even ready to go to the blackboard!” Somehow I have accumulated a lot of triples!

During the class hour, when the main issues about which they had gathered were discussed - school duty, medical examination and preparation for the school New Year's disco - Mushka jumped up from her seat and screamed, as always, deafeningly and loudly:

– And yet I want to return to... lies! Yes! Yes! Yes! Here you are, Phil, trying to catch me that I’m hiding behind the music, but I’m not really hiding behind! I don’t have classes today, but I do tomorrow – and right after the fifth period. So, if we are assigned anything for tomorrow’s sixth lesson, you should know that I have solfeggio! And I’ll take it anyway, because next week I have a test for the first half of the year, and I don’t want to fail it!

- But you’re making it up, Mushka! - Fedor responded. “Last Friday, Nikanor assigned us extra drawing for tomorrow’s sixth lesson, because it seemed to him that we had disrupted his last lesson. And you, Muhisha, just don’t want to go to him!

- Not Nikanor, but Vladimir Nikanorovich! – the class teacher corrected Kudryavtseva.

- So I don’t mind! – Kudryavtsev agreed. - Vladimir is Vladimir! But our Fly composes no more skillfully than Ruslik, and therefore it is completely unclear why she called for a refusal to lie.

– I said the same thing in Russian! – Phil interrupted.

Poor Mushka was covered in red spots with indignation and was clearly about to object very temperamentally, as usual, but Sonya suddenly took the floor:

– I thought about Mushka’s proposal all day today, and in the end I liked it! Should we try not to lie for at least one day? I wonder what will come of this! Let's... play on a day without lies!

- How will you check? – Phil asked, lounging on his chair. - Do you have a lie detector?

– Why do we need a detector if everyone accepts the terms of the game!

– And if, for example, I don’t want to participate in this, then what?

“Of course, for the purity of the experiment, I would like everyone to take part,” Sonya responded. - Are you, Doronin, such a desperate liar that you cannot survive without this for one day?

“It’s easy for me,” he answered, “but some others will never hold out!”

– Is this a pebble in my garden again? – Ruslan soared.

- Not only.

- Guys! Calm down! – Raisa Ivanovna even hit the table with the cool magazine she was holding in her hands. – You shouldn’t get personal, because everyone has had to deceive in their life. In general... personally, I accept the offer of Kira and Sonya. I am ready to speak only the truth.

– One day is nonsense! Let's have at least a week then! – Kudryavtsev spoke up.

- No! – the teacher dismissed his proposal. – Let’s start with one day, and then we’ll see. I suggest scheduling next Monday as a day without lies, so that everyone has time to prepare mentally and do their homework in full.

“You would almost think that we are going to go without eating or drinking all day!” – Valya Andreeva said, grinning. – Just think, don’t lie for one day! What nonsense! I rarely lie, so I’m ready!

- Well... then I’m in favor too! – Kudryavtsev raised his hand.

Phil raised his hand behind him, and then one by one the rest of his classmates raised their hands in agreement. Almost all. No one seemed to notice that one hand was not raised.

- So, so! I offer the following game conditions! – Sonya got up from her seat and went to the board. – Next Monday, December fifteenth, a day without lies begins at seven o’clock in the morning and ends at twelve at night.

- Why so late? – Ruslan was amazed.

“Ah... let it be... You never know... Suddenly you’ll have to write off on the Internet closer to the night...” Sonya responded. - In general, on this day no one should lie, deceive, invent, fantasize... and so on. You also cannot answer a question with your own question or remain silent. Expressions will be prohibited: “What do you think?”, “Don’t you guess?”, “None of your business!”, “Wouldn’t you rather go...” and the like. In general, only the truth, once again the truth and nothing but the truth! Do you accept?

- We accept! – Phil was the first to respond, but then shook his head doubtfully and said: “But in fact, we may never know if someone, literally speaking, is lying!”

“In any game, violations of the rules are possible,” added Kudryavtsev. “Perhaps we need to come up with fines for those whom we still catch in lies.”

- What do you offer? – Chebotareva asked in a businesslike tone.

– Right now nothing smart comes to mind, except for one thing: whoever we catch will be forbidden to come to the New Year’s disco... How? Is it good?

- Who agrees"? – Sonya turned to her classmates.

Everyone voted almost unanimously. Some thought that the punishment was not so terrible, if suddenly something happened... it’s quite possible to go dancing at the Magnit teen club. Others decided that they could easily survive just one day without lying, since they rarely resort to deception in general, so the disco is already in their pocket. Still others were sure that no one would ever expose them if they still needed to lie. For some reason, the fourth did not like this idea at all, and they even got scared, but they could not help but vote “for”, so as not to attract unnecessary attention to themselves. One person still did not raise his hand, but again, no one seemed to notice.

Chronicle of a day without lies

About 7.30. Front sight

- Kiryusha! Get up! “The mother pulled the blanket off her daughter’s head, kissed her temple and whispered in her ear: “You’re my little Scops Owl, you’ll be late for school.” It's already half past seven.

- Ma-a-am... Couldn't you wake me up earlier? How can I manage everything in half an hour?

- Hurry up! - Mom answered from the threshold of the room, and then shouted from the corridor: “Kirushka, did you pay for the music?” Did you give money for the sheet music? She promised!

- I gave it away! - Mushka answered mechanically and stopped short. This is the first lie of the day, which needs to be spent crystal honestly. Of course, no one will know that she deceived her mother at seven thirty-five minutes, but it’s still somehow unpleasant. However, at the moment, lying was much better than telling the truth. Better for mom. If she had found out that the money had not been given, she would have been very upset and, perhaps, would have paid for it herself today, for which she would have had to take time off from work. And so she, Kira, will do everything right today, and no one will feel bad from her morning lies. Yesterday she just stupidly forgot about her mother’s request. But the money hasn’t gone anywhere, it lies quietly and calmly in a new purse of deep crimson color. However, there is no time for that now. Now we need to quickly get ready for school, because their first lesson is geometry, and the math teacher Lyubov Georgievna does not tolerate being late. It’s more expensive to quarrel with her!

Flying out of the entrance, Mushka saw Doronin ahead, who was walking rather lazily and for some reason was not in too much of a hurry to go to school, despite the fact that there were seven minutes left before the bell for the first lesson. As always, when she saw this classmate, the girl’s chest fluttered so much that she wanted to cry. She liked Doronin. I really liked it. Mushka could not understand why. Outwardly, he was absolutely not her type. Kira always looked at tall brunettes, and Phil had reddish and curly hair and a very average height. His entire face was covered in brown freckles, and his eyes were surrounded by eyelashes that were too light and ridiculously fluffy. Sometimes Mushka thought that it was these touching eyelashes that struck her on the spot when she finally deigned to notice them. She studied with Phil from the very first grade, but she only liked him last year. The whole trouble was that Doronin did not notice her, Mushka, at all. Kira was very surprised when he suddenly spoke about her studies at a music school. She was sure that he did not remember anything about her. And why remember about it? She is completely unattractive: small, thin, very dark, black-haired - a real Fly. Who likes flies? No one!

Kira wanted to turn the corner so she wouldn’t have to overtake Doronin, and then suddenly realized that here was his chance. Today is a day without lies. Phil voted for him himself, so now he must answer her question honestly. Afraid of changing her mind, the girl quickened her pace and very soon caught up with her classmate.

- Hello! - she began. - Why aren’t you in a hurry? Call soon. We'll be late, Lyubasha will give us a hard time!

“We’ll have time,” Doronin responded lazily.

– What will you say if you don’t have time? Today is a day without lies! - Mushka reminded him, once again admiring the thick eyelashes that Phil fluttered as lazily as he spoke and walked.

- How is it - what? - The guy laughed. - I’ll tell the truth.

- Well... you can’t say that you were in a hurry, but still didn’t have time. I saw that you were in no hurry. Well, you just say: “I walked one leg at a time in order to be late,” right?

Philip looked at her with a strange look and asked:

- What, Mukha, are you going to rat me out?

“No...” The girl shook her head desperately. - I just asked... We all agreed as a class - not to lie...

“But we didn’t agree to set each other up!” It's none of your business whether I want to be late or not! I walked without touching anyone! Why are you picking on me?

Mushka was embarrassed and even wanted to proudly leave, but she immediately realized that another chance to ask him a direct question might not come again, and so she answered:

– Actually, I don’t care whether you’re late for school or not. And I also don’t care what you say to Lyubasha if you’re late. I need to ask you one question... and I'll ask it, okay?

- Well?! - Doronin growled and even stopped in the middle of the sidewalk.

Mushka really wanted to run away or sneak into the gazebo on the playground, near which they were right now, but she overpowered herself and, with difficulty restraining herself from closing her eyes, asked:

- Who do you like?

- In what sense is this? – he asked in response.

– Today it is forbidden to answer a question with a question, especially when you understand exactly what is being said. But if you suddenly really don’t understand, I’ll clarify... please... Which of the girls in our class do you like? - Having said this, Kira became completely confused and added with difficulty: - You, Phil... don’t worry... I won’t tell anyone... I just need to know myself...

Since Mushka lowered her eyes, she did not see what a storm of feelings was reflected on Doronin’s face. She just heard:

- Wouldn’t you go...

“This is also a forbidden answer,” the girl whispered.

Phil didn’t have time to say anything about this, because the bell rang in the school building, which was about twenty steps away from them. Classmates gasped in unison and, at the same time starting from their seats, rushed to the school at full speed.

- Why are we late? – as always, Lyubov Georgievna asked sternly when Mushka and Phil appeared on the threshold of her office, of course, after the bell rang.

Kira opened her mouth in order to, despite all the agreements, shield not so much herself as Doronin, but the teacher did not allow her to say a word.

- Come on, both of you to the board! – she ordered and thrust a card with examples into their hands, while she continued to check the class’s homework.

Mushka looked at her card and saw nothing. She thought that it was in vain that she herself had made a mess of a day without lies. And who pulled her tongue then? It’s not for nothing that her mother always tells her to think first and only then speak, but her words still come out first, and then she can only regret what she said. But she... it’s understandable... she’s so emotional, unbalanced... she can be forgiven... Why did Sonya suddenly agree to her idiotic proposal? She, this Chebotareva, is so correct, rational... Or do they never lie at all, and living a day without lying is nothing to them? This is probably true... But for some reason she, Kira, cannot live honestly. In the morning I deceived my mother, then I wanted a math lesson... I somehow need to pull myself together and - not another word of lies! It’s a pity that we weren’t able to get an answer from Doronin... Or is it not a pity? What if he said that he likes Sonya? Would it be pleasant for her, Kira?! However, Chebotareva is too boring... But Phil may well like Irochka Razuvaeva, a dazzling blonde. Many people like her. Even the stern historian Albert Mikhailovich never finds fault with Irochka, and physical education teacher Sashok allows her not to take the rope climbing test, because, they say...

Mushka shuddered and finally woke up from her thoughts.

“I... I’ll decide now...” the girl stammered, and Doronin suddenly said something strange:

- She has a headache. She told me this just on the way to school... We were late because we went to the medical office... and it was still closed...

The mathematician, with a nervous gesture, adjusted her glasses with thin, smart frames and reluctantly said:

- Well... then sit down, Mukhina... However, wait...

Kira froze at the board, unable to move, and Lyubov Georgievna, rummaging in her bag, took out pills and, tearing one off the package, handed it to the girl with the words:

- Go to the dining room, they’ll give you something to drink... It’s analgin... And come back, Kira, please, quickly, otherwise they’ll see you in the corridor - I’ll get hit...

Mushka took the pill with a trembling hand and flew out of the class. She, of course, did not go to the dining room, but immediately ducked into the girls’ toilet, which was located not far from the mathematics classroom, flushed analgin down the toilet, sat down on the windowsill and thought. Yes-ah... Here's a day without lies... Just lies... Doronin is good too! And why did you come up with a headache? Well... just think, she would have gotten a pair... What does he care about that? Or was this his way of answering her question about who he liked? No! He can't like her! Nobody likes her at all... Although... last year the same Ruslik Savchenko wrote her all sorts of notes and sent her valentines on Valentine's Day. But who needs him, this Savchenko? Fool is a fool! This year, of course, he became a lot prettier, somehow matured, but his intelligence didn’t improve at all. Now, if he had not started again in Russian about his grandmother and the ambulance, she, Kira, would not have come out with an appeal not to lie and a day without lying would not have been appointed. And now it’s a complete disgrace: she suggested not to lie, but that’s all she does. Doronin was also involved. Eh...

Having decided that it was time to go back to mathematics, Mushka jumped off the windowsill and ran out into the corridor. When she walked past the doors leading to the stairs, Yegor Kartashov from 9th “B” flew out of them and collided with her, almost knocking her down.

- Why aren’t you sitting? – Mushka asked in response.

- It’s none of your business! - Yegor answered and walked forward towards the English classroom, then suddenly stopped and, looking strangely at Kira, asked: - Listen, Mukha, maybe you can cover for me?

- In what sense?

- And in this... come with me to English and tell Manyuna that you were chasing me for a shift, that’s why I was late.

“Why on earth would I chase you for a shift?” – Mushka was surprised.

- To be honest, I wouldn’t give a damn about your persecution, but today I overslept, you know... And Manyunya warned me: as soon as I’m late again, she’ll drag me to the director, because with my appearance, you see, I’m disrupting a carefully prepared lesson ...

- What do I have to do with it? – Kira was even more surprised.

- And you say that you are the school duty officer!

- So I’m not on duty...

- How does she know?

- Or maybe he knows!

Maria Rostislavovna Kovyazina, an English teacher, was truly out of this world. She loved only the English language, English literature and English cinema. Despite her endless stories about how carefully she prepares for classes, during the lesson it was easy to lead her away, for example, from verb tenses to a discussion of a new English film. In addition, she had very poor eyesight and, as a result, had several pairs of glasses for different needs. When Maria Rostislavovna needed to peer into the faces of her students, she put on large glasses with strict dark frames. When I wrote in the magazine, I wore others - almost no frames at all, with thin gilded temples. She also had third ones, as she said, for distance, but in the classroom the teacher never used them, since her office was tiny, everything in it was located close.

Mushka was about to make up her mind to help Yegor, but she remembered that one of the groups in their class would have an open English lesson today, and decided not to get involved. She studied in a different group, with a different teacher, but she didn’t want to let her friends down.

- No, Kartashov! Do not even ask! What if Manyunya somehow finds out that I’m not on duty at all and gets angry, but our guys have an open lesson today. It wasn’t enough for her to take it out on them in front of the director and the head teacher!

- Eh! What kind of people are you all!! You only think about yourself! – Yegor said offendedly, waved his hand in complete hopelessness and disappeared behind the door of the English classroom.

Kira was already getting ready to go to mathematics, when suddenly she was pinned to the floor by the thought that she had almost lied again. And I would certainly have done this if not for the upcoming open lesson. What is this? Does she really lie shamelessly every day about any reason and doesn’t even notice it? Well, this can't happen!! She's a normal person, not a pathological liar! Perhaps you should take care of yourself and stop lying altogether. Not just today. You should never lie! Will it work?

Mushka sighed heavily and trudged into the classroom.

Sometimes a holiday happens on its own if you just create the mood and do something nice for your loved one. It is even more pleasant to celebrate this very World Love Day. If you decide to look for any specific date for International Love Day, you will come across several at once. The fact is that besides our beloved February 14, there are a couple more reasons to remind a loved one about your feelings.

International day of love

If love for you primarily means family and loyalty, be sure to hug and congratulate your loved one 8 . The basis of the holiday was the Day of Peter and Fevronia. These two spouses are the patrons of Christian marriage, their relics are in the Church of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery. This date quite claims to be the International Day of Love.

There is also World Love and Kissing Day, which falls on July 6th. It is celebrated in many countries, although it originated in the prim and slightly secretive Great Britain. This day is celebrated with all sorts of competitions for the best kiss, the longest kiss, even just an original declaration of love. In short, this is a day of tenderness and another opportunity to set your personal record for the duration of a kiss.

World Love Day is celebrated every first Sunday of May. Well, how can you miss the chance to tell your loved one about your feelings? By the way, if Valentine’s Day has become almost familiar to you, why not remember the 19th, the so-called Tu B’Av. This is a kind of World Day of Declaration of Love in the Jewish way. It is not officially recognized, but this does not stop young people from celebrating it. Oddly enough, many people really perceive all these dates as holidays. And it doesn’t matter in which country they first appeared, it is always pleasant to celebrate them, regardless of faith and country of residence.

Svetlana Lubenets

Love Declaration Day

Only the truth and nothing but the truth!

“Raisa Ivanovna, I couldn’t prepare for the lesson,” said Ruslan Savchenko, with some difficulty pulling his large body out from behind the children’s desk in class 3 “B”, where the ninth grade was placed due to an error in the schedule. While the third graders were frolicking in physical education, 9th “A” was forced to huddle on small chairs.

– And for what reason, Savchenko, were you unable to prepare this time? – the Russian language teacher and at the same time the class teacher of their ninth grade asked him, sighing somehow hopelessly.

- So... grandma felt bad... They called an ambulance...

Raisa Ivanovna rose from the teacher’s table, which in this office was also somehow too small and uncomfortable, and, crossing her arms over her chest, said:

- You, Ruslan, at least took pity on your grandmother! I've already called an ambulance for her several times this month!

“What, you want me not to call her?”

– I would like you to finally stop lying!

– What makes you think that I’m lying?! – Savchenko was very naturally indignant.

- In what sense does this mean?!

“Your relatives are very sick!”

At these words, Fyodor laughed throughout the class, and meanwhile he continued:

“Your mother is always in the hospital, you endlessly accompany your father to the sanatorium, and you take your younger sister to the local doctor almost every day. It’s clear that you have absolutely no time to study, since you’re the only healthy one in the whole family!

-What are you hinting at? – asked Savchenko, whose face was slowly filling with color.

– I don’t have to hint. I’ll tell you straight: you’ve already annoyed everyone with your nursery lies, it’s straight up hurting their cheekbones.

Ruslan was silent for a while, wondering how to get out of it, but he couldn’t come up with anything, so he decided to give up:

- You might think that you have never lied!

- For such an insignificant reason - never! – Fedor declared proudly and looked at Savchenko with a contemptuous look.

- Come on! – Ruslan was loudly indignant, somewhat cheering up. – And who was telling the chemist last week that she didn’t warn us about the test?!

- So this is for the common good, and not to excuse yourself!

– Do you think there is a difference?

- I think so!

- So! Enough! – Raisa Ivanovna finally interrupted the squabble between her classmates. – Let’s better study the Russian language. If you, Kudryavtsev, unlike Savchenko, have done your homework, then be so kind as to draw up diagrams of the first two sentences from the exercise on the board.

- Easily! - Fyodor agreed and, taking out a notebook from the textbook, went to the blackboard.

– Did they still give me a “couple”? – Ruslan asked gloomily.

“Of course,” the teacher waved him off, watching what Kudryavtsev was carefully drawing on the board.

Ruslan Savchenko sat silently for a while, staring at the table, and then turned to the class to call everyone present in the lesson as witnesses:

- No, did you see it?! Now, if it weren’t for Fedka, maybe I would have been carried away! Is this what friends do?!

“Come on, Ruslik,” said Sonya Chebotareva, without looking at Savchenko, because she was checking her sentence diagrams with those that Kudryavtsev had compiled on the board. - Fedor has nothing to do with it. You have no imagination, you can’t even tell an original lie. Not only Kudryavtsev will be amused by your excuses.

– So, lying only without imagination is bad, but if with imagination, then it’s normal?! – Ruslan could not calm down.

“It’s better not to lie at all,” Sonya muttered and began to correct her diagram in her notebook.

– Maybe you can tell me, Chebotareva, that you never lie?!

- Trying…

– But it doesn’t work out, does it? Tell me honestly!

– Ruslan, stop the discussion immediately! - demanded the indignant Raisa Ivanovna, which allowed Sonya not to answer Savchenko’s question. – If you bring me today’s homework tomorrow along with the one I will assign at the end of the lesson, I will correct the deuce for what you deserve. Does this option suit you?

- Come on! – now Ruslan waved his hand hopelessly. – One pair more, one pair less... I was interested in another question. Tell me, Raisa Ivanovna, you never lie... well... that is, you don’t deceive?

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