Day of the operational worker of the criminal executive system. When is the Day of the Operational Worker of the Penitentiary System celebrated? From darkness to light

On the territory of the Russian Federation, it is customary to celebrate the Day of the Operative Worker of the Penitentiary System on the eighth of May every year. The professional holiday of the penitentiary system was created for people who are involved in ensuring the safety of staff in correctional institutions and prisoners held there. This date is also considered by those who are looking for hiding or escaped bandits, preventing and investigating crimes that were organized in places of detention.

history of the holiday

The date is not fixed at the official level, because May 8 is not included in the list of memorable dates in our country. This holiday is not a day off. The celebration is celebrated exclusively in a professional environment and is informal. The day for this holiday was not chosen spontaneously. The date coincides with the creation of units that perform criminal executive functions. In 1935, the foundation of this system was laid. The memorable event took place on May 8. That is why the holiday was appointed on this date and is celebrated in a professional environment.

The importance of the celebration lies in emphasizing the significance and complexity of the activities of penal system employees. With their help, operational activities involving danger have been successfully carried out for several decades. Representatives of this sphere secretly receive from prisoners important information regarding committed and impending crimes.

An important milestone was the adoption of the law “On the implementation of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation” in December 1996. It became fully operational on July 1, 1997. More from In 1996, when the Russian Federation became a full-fledged Council of Europe, a moratorium on the use of the death penalty began to operate in the country, with life imprisonment becoming an alternative.

May 8 Employees of the operational units of the penal system (penal system) of Russia are celebrating their professional holiday.

This structure dates back to 1925, when the secret department of the United State Political Directorate (OGPU) was entrusted with secret operational work in political detention centers. However, May 8, 1935 is considered the official day of creation of the operational units of the penal system.

The operational workers of the penal system are engaged in the investigation and prevention of crimes in places of serving sentences, as well as in the search for criminals who have escaped or are evading punishment.

1701 - the famous pirate leader Captain William Kidd appeared before the Old Bailey criminal court (that was the name of the street where the court was and still is). The Supreme Court of Justice of the Admiralty sentenced him to hang, and he was executed on May 23.

1794 – a French scientist, the father of modern chemistry, Antoine Lavoisier, was executed on charges of corruption (before his execution, he asked for some time to complete the experiment, but was refused).

1918 - creation of the Soviet courier service.

1918 - the Council of People’s Commissars issued a decree “On Bribery” - the first legal act in Soviet Russia providing for criminal liability for bribery in the form of imprisonment for a term of at least five years. It is curious that the decree equated the attempt to receive or give a bribe to a crime committed. The class approach was not forgotten either: if the bribe-giver belonged to the propertied class, then he was sentenced “to the most difficult and unpleasant forced labor,” and all the property of the convicted person was subject to confiscation.

1939 - during the trial, which lasted 5 minutes, Soviet General A. Gorbatov, commander of the cavalry corps, was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

1952 - the trial of the leaders of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee began in Moscow. This committee, created in August 1941, carried out active work to form world public opinion against the atrocities of fascism. In November 1948 it was dissolved, and a large group of people associated with its work were arrested. Among them: S.A. Lozovsky, I.S. Fefer, I.S. Yuzefovich, L.M. Kvitko, P.D. Markish, D.N. Gofshtein, L.S. Stern. In July 1952, the leaders of the committee were sentenced to capital punishment or long prison terms.

1959 - In the Canadian province of Ontario, flogging is prohibited for prison inmates.

1967 – American boxer Muhammad Ali has been charged with evading service in the US Army.

1984 - Dennis Lautier opened fire in the Canadian Parliament building, killing three and wounding 13 people.

1992 - killer Amin Musostov was killed by several shots on the fifth floor landing of his home in New Jersey. He also ran a racket in Brighton Beach.

1993 - 16-year-old Keron Thomas decided to play carriage driver. Thomas took a train full of passengers (3,000 people) hostage and drove them around New York for 3 hours.

2000 – in Lviv, hooligans beat up the Ukrainian composer Igor Bilozir, who died three weeks later – this caused a wave of persecution of the Russian language in the city.

History of the day

May 8, 1902 There was a devastating eruption of the Montagne Pele volcano on the island of Martinique, 40 times more powerful than the explosion of the atomic bomb over Hiroshima. It is considered the most destructive eruption of the 20th century.

The inhabitants of Martinique did not pay due attention when the peak of Montagne Pelé began to smoke in January 1902. However, the snakes immediately sensed something was wrong. They rushed down and flooded the city of Saint-Pierre. At that time, 50 people, mostly children, died from reptile bites. However, people showed frivolity even after this.

As a result, a volcanic eruption wiped out the 28,000-strong city of Saint-Pierre. Only one person managed to survive - a criminal sentenced to a long term and serving his sentence in a local prison. Louis Auguste Cypress, nicknamed Samson, was known on the island for his troubles with the law and frequent escapes from prison. During the eruption, he was in the chamber and remained there for four days, despite serious burns. He was saved by the strong prison walls: there were no windows in the cell, only a small barred hole in the door. A few days later, rescuers dug him up.

Pardoned by the governor of the island, Cypress joined the Barnum and Bailey circus troupe and, as the “Prisoner of Saint-Pierre,” traveled the world with it, telling his story and showing off his burn scars.

Person of the day

May 8, 1891 Elena Petrovna Blavatsky, who still remains one of the most mysterious women in the world, died in London. She is considered a theosophist, philosopher, writer, traveler, occultist and spiritualist. But some consider her a banal swindler.

Once Blavatsky opened her soul to her friend, the writer Vsevolod Solovyov, and told him:

To own people, you need to deceive them. A long time ago I understood these darling people, and their stupidity sometimes gives me enormous pleasure... The simpler, stupider and cruder the phenomenon, the more surely it succeeds.

Later, Soloviev mercilessly exposed Blavatsky in his book and dubbed her a “catcher of souls.” However, many are still convinced of its sanctity. And now she has thousands of followers all over the world. They specially established White Lotus Day, when they annually commemorate the Great Initiate Helena Blavatsky.

Read more in the article “Messenger of the Mahatmas”

Execution of the day

May 8, 1794 In Paris, by the verdict of the Revolutionary Tribunal, the chief administrator of the National Accounting Office and Commissioner of the Treasury, Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, a famous natural scientist, one of the founders of the modern science of chemistry, was executed for “counter-revolutionary activities,” bribery and misappropriation of state capital.

It should be recognized that Lavoisier’s talents concerned not only chemistry, but also finance. Back in 1768, the young scientist joined the General Taxation - a company of financiers who leased from the French government the right to monopoly trade in salt, tobacco and wine, as well as the right to levy various duties on the transport of goods. For rent, tax farmers contributed 15-20 million livres to the treasury annually. They then collected this amount from the population with interest. Each tax farmer received about 100-150 thousand livres of income annually.

Lavoisier, entering the General Farm, contributed 340 thousand livres in cash as a share and 180 thousand livres in interest-bearing papers - all his personal capital, which he inherited from his father and aunt. But soon he more than recouped all costs. He made a huge fortune, the size of which, according to various sources, ranged from 2 to 5 million livres.

The people hated tax farmers and believed that it was their fault that food prices were rising. Therefore, he accepted with glee the decision of the Convet in 1794 to arrest all tax farmers. Antoine Laurent was also among those arrested.

Lavoisier asked the judges to delay the execution for a few days in order to complete his scientific work. The assistant to the chairman of the tribunal, Coffinal, answered briefly: “The Republic does not need chemists.” The famous mathematician Lagrange had a different opinion. The day after the execution, he said: “The executioner only had a moment to cut off this head, but perhaps a century will not be enough to produce another like it.”

There is a legend that before his execution, Lavoisier asked the executioner, showing the people his severed head, to look into his eyes: if Lavoisier blinked his right (but not his left) eye, a scientific discovery would be made, which should be reported to the academy: the head thinks for at least a few more seconds. But the executioner replied: “Even without experiments, I know what’s what: if they didn’t feel anything, then I wouldn’t have to change the baskets with bitten edges every week where these heads fall.” However, Lavoisier still decided to check. The onlookers gathered at the will of the guillotine were in shock when the eyes on the scientist’s severed head blinked for almost half a minute.

In 1796, Lavoisier was posthumously rehabilitated.

Arrest of the day

Twin brothers Ronald Ronnie Kray and Reginald Reggie Kray were leaders of organized crime in London's East End during the 1950s and 1960s. They were called the criminal leaders of London, the leaders of a gang called "The Firm", and their cruelty was legendary. To this day, the Kray brothers are often mentioned in English films.

Officially, Ronald and Reginald were listed as nightclub owners in the British capital, but unofficially Ronnie and Reggie were involved in racketeering. The police could not catch them in any way, the brothers were distinguished by cruelty and witnesses were afraid to testify against them. For example, on March 9, 1966, Ronnie Kray shot George Cornell in the head with a 9 mm Mauser in a pub, and calmly left the premises. There were a bunch of people in the pub at the time, but no one dared to testify against Ronnie Kray. True, in 1956 there was a daredevil who said that Ronnie Kray had beaten him. After this, Ronnie went to prison for three years, where he “phased” and ended up in a mental hospital.

From the Long Grove mental hospital, Reggie arranged a curious escape for his brother. He came to visit him at the clinic and stayed, but Ronnie walked out the gate and disappeared. Since the brothers were like two peas in a pod, the clinic staff did not apprehend the fugitive. They could not prove Reggie’s guilt; he stated that his brother went to the kitchen to get tea, and he remained waiting for him.

Having become the owners of several nightclubs, the Kray brothers turned into respectable gentlemen who moved in the circle of celebrities. Among their friends were Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, as well as numerous members of both houses of parliament. The twins became characters in gossip columns and were hunted by the paparazzi.

But everything changed when Scotland Yard inspector Leonard Reed took up the case. May 8, 1968 Reggie, Ronnie and 15 gangsters from "The Firm" were arrested. Reed hoped that people would start talking if they saw that the entire gang was behind bars, and he was not mistaken.

The Kray twins were sentenced to life in prison. In prison, they whiled away the time by writing memoirs and painting pictures. They were terrible artists, but they were famous bandits. After the brothers' death, these paintings were put up for auction and sold for 12 thousand pounds sterling.

And now the twin bandits have become the pride of England; At least a dozen films have been made about them, and even more books have been written. And the places associated with them have become London landmarks.

Verdict of the day

May 8, 2009 The court sentenced to imprisonment members of a criminal group that specialized in the theft of expensive cars on the territory of the Urals Federal District of the Russian Federation. And the leader of this group was not just anyone, but the head coach of the Russian karate team, Georgy Khizhnyakov.

It's no secret that in Russia expensive cars cost the same as apartments, but you can't move the apartment, but the car can be stolen. So Khizhnyakov got the idea to get rich by stealing expensive foreign cars, and to implement it he created a criminal group, which included Tyumen residents Komar and Khudoleev, a resident of Yekaterinburg Pitirimov and Merzhoev, who had previously been convicted of stealing vehicles. This group operated from 2002 to 2007.

As a rule, car thefts occurred near shopping centers and cafes - when the owners left their vehicles and went out on business. The attackers, using modern electronic devices, turned off the alarm and, using special devices, masterfully removed the anti-theft devices, after which they disappeared from the scene. Subsequently, the unit numbers of the stolen foreign cars were changed, documents were forged and the cars were sold.

During the investigation, it was established that Khizhnyakov’s group had stolen 17 cars with a total value of 18.5 million rubles. The court sentenced Georgy Khizhnyakov to 8 years in prison, Merzhoev to 9.5 years, and Komar to 6.5 years of captivity. Khudoleev and Pitirimov received suspended prison sentences.

Record of the day

The English executioner Albert Pierrepoint became famous for executing war criminals during the Second World War and after it. In seven years, he sent about 200 war criminals to the next world. A particularly heavy burden fell on him when Albert was sent to post-war Germany. Once he had the chance to hang up 27 people in one day. Among the famous people he sent to his forefathers were, for example, the commandant of the Belsen concentration camp, Joseph Kramer, and the guard Irma Grese, whom the prisoners nicknamed “The Beast and Bestia of Belsen.”

In total, Albert Pierrepoint had the opportunity to work in 9 countries. And everywhere he showed admiration for the signature English method of hanging.

May 8, 1951 he carried out the fastest execution in British history - in 7 seconds he hanged James Inglis, sentenced for the murder of a prostitute.

Speed ​​was ensured by careful preparation. Pierrepoint carefully measured the height and weight of those sentenced to death and, based on this, calculated the length of the rope for each condemned person.

Read more in the article “Family of Hangers”

Curiosity of the day

May 8, 2029 William Leonard Picard, the chemist who produced almost the entire world supply of LSD of his time, could theoretically be released. From 1991 to 2000, he was virtually alone in the world in producing LSD, as part of the Los Angeles Drug Research Program and as a research director at the University of California, Berkeley.

Picard treated LSD with religious reverence and even said prayers every time before starting to produce the next portion of the drug.

The scientist was lured onto a crooked path by a wealthy weed dealer, Gordon Skinner, who had his own old nuclear bunker, purchased for the occasion. Picard moved his laboratory to this bunker, and in the future it was planned to create a kind of “hippie paradise” there. Gordon used the bunker as a refuge from the Apocalypse, and equipped it with an $80,000 sound system and a marble Jacuzzi. And with LSD there is no fear of the end of the world at all.

They burned themselves stupidly. Skinner, while playing in a casino, for some reason tried to impersonate an Interpol agent. He was arrested. The most annoying thing is that he was lucky that day and he constantly won. To save himself, he "invested" Picard. William was arrested with all the laboratory equipment and a supply of chemicals sufficient to produce 15 million doses of the drug. The government proudly announced the seizure and destruction of 90% of the world's supply of LSD. True, after this the price of LSD in the USA on the “black market” immediately jumped from 5 bucks per dose to 20.

William Leonard Picard was given two life sentences, but Gordon Skinner got away with it.

On May 8th, criminal investigation officers have been celebrating their professional holiday for many decades. The symbolic date of the celebration coincides with the day of the creation of operational units of the penal system. This significant event for the country took place on May 8, 1935, but the history of the structure begins even earlier - from 1925.

Day of the Operational Worker of the Penitentiary System brings together employees of internal authorities involved in ensuring the safety of prisoners and correctional facility workers. They celebrate their professional holiday in a tense working environment, ensuring continuous crime prevention in correctional institutions.

For operatives of the penal system
I send my congratulations,
I wish you courage and strength,
Great patience.

The service is harsh and difficult,
There is little positive in it,
The prison wall is strong,
But the punishment is fair.

I wish your hearts
They didn’t grow stale in the service,
There is love and kindness in my soul
You managed to save.

Penitentiary system operatives
Congratulations today,
And good luck on your holiday
I wish you at the service.

Let malice not touch you
Souls will not harden,
Let there be no criminals
Our world is kinder and better.

I want to wish you in life
Love, kindness, peace,
May evil remain forever
Behind a strong wall.

Responsible and objective
He is cunning, like a fox.
Smart, quick-witted, persistent.
This is him, a worker from the penal system.

I wish you perseverance
Patience and determination in business
Happy professional day, I congratulate you!
There are no gifts, so in verse!

As if in the shadow of the curtains,
Both day and night are always on guard,
Penal system operatives
No important speeches are made.

Their task is difficult:
To be punished
People who are unkind and dashing,
Who has no excuse at all.

It's like a secret game
Walking behind the camp fence:
Villains are like children
Under your ever-watchful gaze.

Thank you for your wonderful work -
Protecting our peace.
The criminal will not start a riot
Under your strong hand.

On the Day of the Penitentiary System Worker, which is May 8,
I congratulate you, wishing from the bottom of my heart
Be patient and wise,
Earnings so that they are not meager.

Although the work is not easy,
Let it be, as if from a bush,
Joy and optimism,
And, my friend, patriotism!

You have chosen hard work -
Serve in the monastery of bondage.
Sometimes family won't understand
How, in the midst of cruelty and pain,
You have preserved the light of your soul.
In the official darkness of the bottom,
It's up to you to do your job.
Fairness is so important here.
What do you wish for on this day?
Health, happiness and care,
So that there is less evil in the world,
So that you have less work.

Penitentiary system operatives
We are happy to congratulate you today.
Let them find you guys
All glorious rewards.

Risking your life, you go ahead
You always walk in the dark.
Law, order, kindness
You always bring it to us.

I wish you all good health,
Good luck in your personal life,
Happy days, happy years
And decent bonuses for you.

Your job is not easy
But you always manage
And all the problems and worries
Easily solve, without difficulty!

Let the criminals be afraid
Disturb the chamber peace,
And they will submit to your will,
Just raise your gaze!

This service is both honorable and difficult,
Undoubtedly, everyone needs it.
They are tasked with maintaining order
And maintain stability in the state.

Along with many others
And they have their own special day of the year.
Abbreviated as "opera" we say
And we always thank them for their service.

How much dirt, how many crimes,
In your lifetime you have observed
Many tears and bitter regrets...
You gave half your life to this.

You are strong in both body and soul,
You've been carrying a heavy burden for a long time,
May the Lord open your eyes,
This will save someone.

We want you to be loved

We bore the burdens patiently,
And in the service, to be appreciated,
And they found a reserve for the bonus.

Congratulations: 30 in verse.

Penitentiary system operatives
Today we congratulate you on the holiday,
Hard work and strong character
We will glorify you on a special day.

We wish you well guys
Let the fire glow in your hearts.
May your spirit always be cheerful
And let your palm be strong.

Your work is not at all easy,
Not everyone would be able to deal with the same thing.
No one dreams of working with prisoners,
No matter who they were before.

On your day we wish you willpower,
Character and courage, of course kindness,
More endurance and very strong nerves,
I wish you all to be happy.

The work is dangerous, the service is not easy,
But something keeps you here for years on end!
After all, your work is useful; you can subtly
Solve the crimes of all the devils!

Thank you for your dedication to work,
For the safety that you give us!
You give us justice and happiness,
You are even - a little - like gods.

And we wish you that your work
It brought you joy and gave you peace!
Although for someone like you, a patriot
This can only be a dream...

Penal system employees are congratulated today
Citizens of our country.
They correct those who have broken the law,
Always staying true to honor.

We wish you peaceful everyday life,
And may luck be near you
Decent salary, promotion,
Health, joy, luck in everything.

Happy Penal Insurance Worker's Day!
Hurry up and smile
Forget about the difficult life
On a good, bright, wonderful holiday.

They will honor you
And colleagues and friends,
May you always be healthy
Smart, strong and smart!

You are brave, you are brave,
Daring defenders
Your new day is like a clean slate,
UIIS operatives.
After all, in a new day
Always waiting for you
Things are very important
And therefore for all of us,
You are strong and brave.
And on this day, with all my heart
We send you health, good luck,
We wish you happiness and goodness,
Success and love to boot.

Penitentiary system operatives
We congratulate you on this day,
We wish you cheerfulness and strength,
Let laziness be thrown aside,
Let them succeed soon
Eradicate all crime
They will get their way
Problems can be solved!

All employees of the penal system
I congratulate you warmly.
Gratitude for the work
And the honor to you is endless.

I wish you strength and courage,
Peace, good health,
May heaven protect you
An angel watches at the head of the bed.

In personal life there is only happiness
And let love reign
The path to high achievements
Let it be open to you.

To all employees of the penal system
I wish you strength and courage,
Let life become happier
More awards are coming.

Work will become safe,
Waiting for a promotion in the service
And let the people honor you,
They express admiration!

Where life is different behind the walls -
The order is controlled by you.
So that anyone who has once broken the law
He realized his crime and healed his soul.

We wish you to have patience,
Maybe where leniency is needed,
For awards and new titles,
Exceeded all expectations.

On May 8, employees of the operational units of the penal system (penal system) of Russia celebrate their professional holiday.

This structure dates back to 1925, when the secret department of the United State Political Directorate (OGPU) was entrusted with secret operational work in political detention centers. However, May 8, 1935 is considered the official day of creation of the operational units of the penal system.

The operational workers of the penal system are engaged in the investigation and prevention of crimes in places of serving sentences, as well as in the search for criminals who have escaped or are evading punishment.
In addition, today, as part of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, there is a special unit “operational management”, which is directly responsible for the safety of staff of correctional institutions and prisoners in them, and also investigates all cases of criminal acts committed in prisons, colonies and correctional medical institutions.

To work in the penal system, you must complete military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation or have a special education. It is obtained in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Applicants must undergo training in the profession: have knowledge of the laws and act in accordance with them. You must demonstrate skill in handling weapons.
The work is classified as life-threatening, associated with stress and significant responsibility, on which the lives of people, and sometimes the worker himself, depend.

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