Can they do it after conception? Is it normal for breasts to leak milk before delivery? Painful sensations in the lower abdomen as a sign of pregnancy

On what day after conception do the first signs of pregnancy appear? This issue is of great concern to women, especially young people. Behind the seemingly solid and correct question lies the desire to reassure yourself and get an answer to the question - on what day after sex can signs of pregnancy appear?

The first difficulty lies in the fact that conception does not occur at the moment of sex, but over a period of 5 to 14 days. It is also worth noting that the hormonal background of the body changes over another 10-12 days. This means that the first tests can show pregnancy no earlier than 15 - 20 days from the moment of sexual intercourse.

However, the female body can send its own signals about whether the fertilization process has completed or not. We will talk about this and other issues related to manifestations in the first days after conception.

It is also worth mentioning here that the process of conception refers to the completion of sexual intercourse. Do not forget that the period of conception can reach several days. Expect the most accurate result no earlier than 4 - 5 weeks from the moment of coitus. Earlier attempts to perform a test may lead to a so-called “false negative” result, when the test shows that there is no pregnancy, but in fact it already exists or will occur in the near future.

When should I take the hCG test?

HCG or the pregnancy hormone provides fairly reliable information about the fact of pregnancy in the first days after conception. This hormone is not produced in the body of a non-pregnant woman. According to the developed program for determining pregnancy using the hCG hormone, an analysis for its presence/absence is taken 15 - 20 days after sexual intercourse, which is considered conception.

Does basal temperature change after conception?

The change in basal temperature in the first days after conception is that it remains elevated. However, there is a “window” in this change when the basal temperature decreases for the period when the embryo is implanted into the uterus. This phenomenon is called “impositional retraction.”

Can conception occur immediately after menstruation?

Yes, in the first days after the end of menstruation, conception is not only possible, but these days are considered favorable for it.

For information, the possibility of conception always exists, that is, on any day, even when you are menstruating. It was written above that the process is not instantaneous and its effectiveness and duration depend on many factors.

Is conception possible after ovulation?

Ovulation itself (the fact that a mature cell leaves the ovary) is necessary for conception. Moreover, without ovulation, conception is impossible.

However, the very first stage - fertilization occurs only on the first day after ovulation. If this does not happen, the egg dies. This fact helps to determine that the highest probability of conception is 1 - 3 days before ovulation, as well as directly on the day of ovulation.

If sexual intercourse occurs 12 to 20 hours after ovulation or later, conception will be unlikely.

Calculation of days favorable for conceiving a child

The main calculation criteria should be the regularity and duration of the menstrual cycle. The most favorable day is the day of ovulation and 1-3 days before it. By calculating which days of the cycle a given period falls on, plan conception.

Determining the due date by the date of conception?

It is worth noting that childbirth can occur earlier or later, even by 2 - 3 weeks, since each woman’s body has its own characteristics. This is not a pathology, only a feature. Many women instinctively feel the first signs of conception and can more accurately determine the date of birth.

Does the date of conception affect the gender of the unborn child?

Every family really wants to give birth to a child of a specific gender, and sometimes two at once. Unfortunately, no modern family planning methods or calculators for calculating the sex of an unborn child work. The female egg carries only YY chromosomes, that is, only female chromosomes. The sperm carries both male and female XY chromosomes. The sex of the unborn child depends on which pair of chromosomes merges in the first days immediately after conception. Man has not yet learned to influence this process.

A huge amount of information presented on the Internet that there are methods that can increase the likelihood of having a child of the desired gender is not true. The probability is 50/50.

The only way to predict the gender of a child is to conceive it in a laboratory through the process of artificial insemination.

What processes occur in the female body in the first days after conception?

The body is actively rebuilding and preparing for pregnancy. Hormonal levels change, the uterus increases in size, its walls become thinner, and the cervix closes. One of the ovaries turns into a hormonal generator; a corpus luteum is formed in it, producing hormones to maintain pregnancy.

How do you feel in the first days after conception?

A large number of processes simultaneously occur in the body that directly or indirectly affect our physical and emotional state. The fact of conception is not felt by a woman, although many do not think so.

Most of the symptoms presented as symptoms of conception (not to be confused with pregnancy), for example, nausea, drowsiness, abdominal pain, mood swings, loss or increase in appetite, and so on, have nothing to do with conception. These manifestations would have appeared in any case, and the woman subconsciously or consciously attributes them to conception. Having studied in detail the process of conception and the first days of embryo development, you will understand that there simply cannot be any changes that could affect the state of the body and manifest themselves externally or internally.

It is also worth noting that women often try to find signs of conception in themselves immediately after intercourse or in the first hours after it. It was written above that the period of conception from the moment sperm enters the vagina until the fact of fertilization and movement of the egg can be several days. Therefore, any sensations associated with signs of conception are far-fetched or imposed from the outside.

The first signs of pregnancy (precisely pregnancy, when the hormonal levels have already changed) appear in most people at 2-3 months, and many feel like expectant mothers when others notice a rounded tummy.

Can abdominal pain be the first sign of conception?

Pain in the abdominal area within one to two weeks from the moment of sexual intercourse has nothing to do with possible conception and, especially, pregnancy.

After two weeks, in the case of conception, when the embryo is in the process of implantation in the uterus, that is, it is looking for a convenient place for itself, some (not even most) women may experience weak, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, reminiscent of pain during menstruation.

Such pain, in a more pronounced manifestation, appearing on one side in the ovarian region during the period 2 - 3 months after conception, may be evidence of an ectopic pregnancy, when the embryo develops in the fallopian tube, or a miscarriage.

What does discharge after conception mean?

Discharge of a bloody nature, brown or pinkish in color, observed immediately or up to 4 days after sexual intercourse, does not have anything to do with conception. In this case, they are harbingers of early menstruation or signs of gynecological diseases of various types.

If such discharge appears after 1 - 2 weeks, when the process of embryo implantation occurs, this is a consequence of this very process. Such discharge does not last long, 1 - 4 hours.

Brown or bloody discharge observed between 3 and 12 weeks from conception is most often a sign of miscarriage. Most women do not pay attention to them, mistaking them for menstruation, because they have no idea about pregnancy.

Bloody or brown discharge that begins after 8 to 12 weeks is most likely a sign of an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. Such discharge may be accompanied by pain in the ovarian region on one side and nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

What do nausea and vomiting mean in the first days after conception?

A fairly large number of women, especially those who do not want pregnancy, experience nausea and sometimes vomiting within 1-8 days after sex. They consider these manifestations to be the result of pregnancy, or rather the toxicosis associated with it.

These manifestations have nothing to do with pregnancy or conception in the period from 10 to 40 days from the moment of sex. Most often these are far-fetched symptoms, sometimes food poisoning. It was described above why symptoms of pregnancy cannot occur in the first weeks after sex.

For reference. Toxicosis of pregnant women appears from at least 8 weeks of pregnancy. Many women may not experience it at all during the entire period; many feel it as a reaction to new foods eaten.

How to behave after conception?

There are some rules that should be followed after conception:

    After 14 days from the moment of sexual intercourse, consult a doctor to examine and determine whether the embryo is correctly attached to the uterus, whether there is an ectopic pregnancy or other pathologies;

    Do not take any medications that have not been discussed with your doctor in advance when planning or confirming your pregnancy;

    If before conception you were undergoing treatment or taking medications for chronic diseases (epilepsy, asthma, arrhythmia), do not stop taking them, but promptly notify your doctor about your pregnancy, and the obstetrician who is taking you over how long ago, what specifically and what doses of medication you take;

    Continue to eat everything you ate before, the main thing is not to overdo it with seasonings and spices;

    Leave your daily routine and sports activities unchanged, the main thing is to avoid overwork.

Should I continue sexual activity after conception?

Yes. Continue sexual activity without restrictions, however, if you have had problems with pregnancy or pregnancy in the past, consult your obstetrician.

Is alcohol harmful after conception?

Definitely, alcohol is harmful. And in ordinary life it is harmful to the body, but in the process of conception and pregnancy, when restructuring and hormonal changes are taking place, it is doubly harmful. Limit all alcohol consumption to zero throughout pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Against this background, many expectant mothers are very worried about drinking at a party or event the day before or on the evening of conception. Such experiences are absolutely in vain, since while the fertilization process is underway and conception, any alcohol will already be removed from the body.

What should smokers do when conceiving?

A lot has been said and written about the dangers of smoking in general, and especially during pregnancy. Nicotine is produced by the body and is used to break down certain amino acids. Smoking provides nicotine from outside and the body stops producing it. Therefore, after quitting cigarettes, discomfort is felt for some time - this is the body restarting the process of producing nicotine.

Pregnant women should definitely quit smoking. If you can’t do this on your own, any pills and anti-smoking patches should be discussed with your obstetrician and therapist before use so as not to harm the baby.

In the first days after conception, smoking will be harmless to the fetus, but you still need to limit the number of cigarettes you smoke. Weakness now can come back to haunt the child many years later.

How do birth control pills affect conception?

All contraceptives approved for sale, including pills (oral contraceptives), provide fairly reliable protection against unwanted conception. Such drugs do not have any effect on the body; they bind hormones involved in the process of conception. At the same time, in the future, when the family decides to conceive a child, refusal of contraceptive drugs will lead to a complete restoration of hormonal balance, which will in no way affect the woman’s reproductive ability.

Each contraceptive drug has its own recovery time. Most often we are talking about several weeks, less often several months.

Bottom line

Early conception does not in any way affect a woman’s physical or emotional health. Almost all “symptoms” and “manifestations” are fictitious or imposed. Soberly assess the situation and determine for yourself options for its development. Do not pay attention to the advice of friends and acquaintances, especially those who have not given birth.
If conception has occurred, do not rush to have an abortion or get upset. Discuss this with your family, having a child is a gift and happiness for a woman.

A woman planning a pregnancy must treat any changes and new sensations in her body with great responsibility. Already in the first days of the intended pregnancy after the fertilization of the egg and its attachment in the uterine cavity, the girl may experience not entirely pleasant sensations, and for some, this period generally becomes the most difficult time during the entire pregnancy, both physically and psychologically.

Doctors distinguish two periods by which pregnancy is calculated. From the first day of the last menstruation, experts count the so-called obstetric period, but it does not coincide with the true period, which begins from the moment the egg is fertilized. Doctors most often use the obstetric term principle to calculate the number of weeks of pregnancy, since in most cases it is impossible to accurately calculate the day of conception. The true date can only be found out if a woman carefully monitors her menstrual cycle and knows on what days she ovulates. Some changes and symptoms that are not typical for a woman’s normal condition can help determine pregnancy at a very early stage - literally in the first days after conception.

What happens in the body after conception

From a scientific point of view, the first few days after fertilization of an egg by a sperm cannot be called a full pregnancy. The fact is that it (the egg) will move for another 7-10 days to the most suitable place in the uterine cavity, where it will attach and begin to develop from an embryo into a fetus. We can talk about pregnancy only from the moment the egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. It should be noted that if consolidation has not occurred, then menstruation will certainly occur and the woman will not even know that conception has occurred.

If the fertilized egg reaches the uterine cavity and reliably penetrates its wall, implantation of the embryo occurs. After the successful completion of this process, the no less important process at the initial stage of the formation of the umbilical cord and placenta will begin, which will provide a connection between the mother and her child throughout the entire pregnancy. During the period of conception of a new life, precisely after the implantation of the embryo into the walls of the uterus, it is important, dangerous and decisive, since at this time the female body perceives the fertilized egg as a foreign body, which means it will try to get rid of it.

If the embryo is successfully implanted in the uterine cavity, first of all, hormonal changes in the body will begin. In this case, a special hormone is responsible for the safety of the fetus - which begins to be produced already in the first stages after fertilization. Therefore, if blood test data show the presence of this hormone in the body, we can confidently state that pregnancy has occurred. As a rule, when confirming pregnancy, specialists trust the blood test for hCG to a greater extent than conventional tests. Despite this, a pregnancy test also reacts to the level of the hCG hormone, therefore it is also one of the most effective methods for diagnosing conception.

Try to pass

How to recognize the first days of pregnancy

The main sign of pregnancy in a healthy woman is a delay in menstruation. If a woman does not monitor her menstrual cycle, she risks finding out about pregnancy only at 2-3 weeks of pregnancy. But if you pay close attention to your own feelings and note any changes in the usual vaginal discharge, then several characteristic signs may indicate the process of embryo implantation in the uterus:

  • Scanty bleeding from the vagina . Approximately 7-12 days after fertilization of the egg, the process of implantation of the embryo into the walls of the uterus will occur, which is accompanied by minor bleeding. In medicine, this discharge is called implantation bleeding and, as a rule, becomes noticeable by several brownish or yellowish spots on underwear. A girl who is not planning a pregnancy, in most cases, will perceive this phenomenon as the beginning of her next menstruation. It is worth noting that the appearance of these discharges after pregnancy has already been diagnosed is a sign of some pathology or threat. Sometimes minor discharge may be absent altogether, since in each specific case everything will depend on the individual characteristics of the body.
  • Increased body temperature and basal temperature. Most often, when planning pregnancy, it is customary to use the method of measuring basal temperature to determine the time of onset of ovulation. After successful fertilization of the egg, the level of basal temperature first drops, and only after some time it increases again. Two factors contribute to a decrease in basal temperature in the first days of pregnancy: first, the temperature is lowered by the release of the hormone estrogen, which occurs during pregnancy; the second is an increase in the intensity of progesterone production, which also affects temperature.
  • Regular mild illness. Often, in the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s health sharply deteriorates: weakness and constant drowsiness appear. Some expectant mothers may even get a cold and complain of a sore throat and a runny nose. In general, such a deterioration in the general condition of the body is, first of all, caused by a decrease in the protective properties of the female immune system, which has directed all its efforts to fight the embryo implanting into the walls of the uterus.
  • Increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. In the first days after conception, a woman’s breasts begin to fill, moreover, painful sensations may appear with any touch. In other words, the sensitivity of the mammary glands increases significantly. Sometimes even the slightest touch can cause severe pain to a woman. For example, if before conception a woman’s breasts filled up and became more sensitive before each period, then after pregnancy the mammary glands may not bother at all. Among other things, it is worth noting that in very early pregnancy, colostrum can often be released when pressing on the areola of the nipple.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area. One of the most noticeable signs of pregnancy in a very early stage is a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic organs. After conception, many women have the ability to feel their own uterus immediately after successful implantation of the embryo into the wall of the organ. Naturally, in each specific case the degree of intensity of these sensations differs, which depends on the individual characteristics of the female body.
  • Regular tingling in the uterus. This symptom is not mandatory for every case of pregnancy, but sometimes it can also tell a woman about successful conception and implantation of the embryo.
  • Unexpected early toxicosis. This kind of malaise is usually accompanied by nausea and vomiting, as well as some other symptoms that are characteristic of pregnancy. In the first days after conception, toxicosis manifests itself in the form of sensitivity to certain smells and tastes. Moreover, a pregnant woman may suddenly develop a persistent aversion to her favorite foods and drinks. Sometimes, on the contrary, a pregnant woman begins to love those foods (see), to which she previously felt disgust. During pregnancy, some feel the desire to eat something completely incompatible, for example, fish with compote or chocolate, sweet fruit with sausage, others are horrified at the sight of such food.

Why is it important to be examined by a gynecologist early in pregnancy?

Many women whose pregnancy has been confirmed may not understand the need to undergo a full examination by a gynecologist. And yet, both parents should be examined at the stage of pregnancy planning in order to eliminate most of the possible risks and complications after conceiving a child. Regular and frequent visits to the gynecologist during pregnancy planning are important for several reasons:

  • The examination allows you to promptly identify any diseases and infections that are sexually transmitted.
  • An examination by a gynecologist will help protect the fetus from the negative effects of many harmful substances. This applies even to those medications and dietary supplements that are usually taken for preventive purposes. An unborn child can be harmed by sleeping pills, sedatives and many vitamins, due to which children are often born with various congenital defects.
  • The gynecologist will explain to the expectant mother that she should, if possible, refuse fluorography, tell her how to register and what scheduled examinations to undergo. For example, a pregnant woman should undergo an ultrasound scan at 12, 20 and 32 weeks of pregnancy, and also be examined by an ophthalmologist, therapist and ENT specialist when registering for a consultation - at 30 weeks of pregnancy. It is necessary to take a urine test every time before visiting a personal gynecologist at the antenatal clinic. Once a month, the expectant mother must undergo a mandatory general blood test.

Feelings in the first days after conception

As practice shows, in the first days of pregnancy, during the normal course of the process of fertilization and implantation of the embryo, a healthy woman will feel practically nothing, and even more so will not notice the beginning of the restructuring of the body to maintain a new state. in the form of regular nausea and the urge to vomit can manifest itself only in a small number of women who do not have good health and immunity. However, the expectant mother may notice slight difficulties with sleep, fatigue, as well as frequent and causeless mood changes.

More attentive women, after conception, will notice an increase in body temperature, an increase in libido levels, as well as a large amount of whitish and clear vaginal discharge. In addition, in expectant mothers, literally from the first days after conception, the mammary glands begin preparing for subsequent feeding of the child after birth, so breast soreness begins to increase and the sensitivity of the nipples increases. Painful sensations in the lower abdomen in the first days of pregnancy are also possible, but they do not pose a threat to the unborn child.

Dangerous symptoms in the early stages

Any disturbance, stress or harmful external influence can lead to pregnancy failure and miscarriage, or provoke fetal death. That is why, literally from the first week after conception, it is important for a woman to be attentive to her health and pay attention to any changes. The main alarming symptom that may indicate this is spotting or bloody discharge from the vagina. In addition to them, sudden and regular spasms in the lower abdomen - in the area of ​​the uterus - will indicate serious problems.

In the case of a frozen pregnancy, the woman does not experience any alarming symptoms. The only thing that can indicate the cessation of fetal development is the sudden cessation of toxicosis. At the same time, the mammary glands again become painful, as before conception, and the gynecologist, during a routine examination, will note that the uterus has stopped enlarging in size, or that it does not correspond to the norm accepted for the current period. If a woman notices such symptoms, she should seek help.

At 5-6 weeks of age, the embryo’s heartbeat should be heard on ultrasound, so if a specialist does not record the contraction of the heart muscles on the device, this confirms the cessation of fetal development. In this state of affairs, the specialist can take a wait-and-see approach until the woman’s body spontaneously gets rid of the frozen embryo, but if this does not happen within a strictly defined period, an abortion operation is prescribed.

False symptoms in the first days of pregnancy

It should be noted that the symptoms characteristic of the first days of pregnancy do not always indicate that the fertilization of the egg has occurred and the embryo has implanted in the uterine cavity. Sometimes signs of pregnancy appear due to problems with intestinal function, or indicate the presence of cervical erosion and other diseases of the genital organs. Pay close attention to symptoms such as bleeding, nausea, and increased urination.

Imaginary pregnancy

In some cases, even if all possible signs of pregnancy were present, conception did not occur. Doctors call this condition in a woman an imaginary pregnancy; it usually occurs in women who have been trying to have a child for a long time. Much less often, but still predisposed to the “false pregnancy” syndrome, are women who fear becoming mothers in the near future.

During a real pregnancy, all characteristic symptoms are caused by serious hormonal changes in the body, but during an imaginary pregnancy, their appearance has completely different reasons. Typically, signs of an imaginary pregnancy appear due to stress, infectious diseases, hormonal imbalance and various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. An important role in the appearance of symptoms is played by poor nutrition, depression and a special psychological attitude.

Features of the physical and psychological health of the expectant mother

In some cases, even a perfectly healthy woman in the first days of pregnancy may experience health problems and feel worse. You should consider several of the most common types of ailments characteristic of the first days after conception, and effective ways to solve problems. In the first days of pregnancy, a woman may develop:

  • cystitis and pyelonephitis - diseases of the bladder and kidneys, which are often found in women in an interesting position. At the first symptoms - pain in the lower back and lower abdomen, as well as elevated temperature, you must immediately contact a urologist and undergo the necessary tests. The fact is that in the first days after conception, the fetus is especially susceptible to any infections, since there is no protective shell yet - the placenta.
  • low blood pressure - accompanied by causeless weakness and constant fatigue, and is especially common in the early stages of pregnancy. In this case, expectant mothers are strictly prohibited from raising their blood pressure with the help of medications, but playing sports in the 1st trimester is also prohibited, so they are advised to spend more time in the fresh air and walk.
  • flatulence and constipation - these unpleasant phenomena are possible due to improper nutrition of a pregnant woman, or due to minor physiological changes in the functioning of the digestive system. During pregnancy, peristalsis slows down a little, which leads to constipation, so expectant mothers are advised to drink more fluids in order to replenish the lack of moisture in the intestines. Folk remedies such as prunes and dried apricots, which can be added to oatmeal or made into a decoction, can help cope with constipation.
  • toxicosis - many representatives of the fair sex, in the first days after conception, may encounter the first ailments, such as nausea and a gag reflex. Toxicosis in mild and moderate form is not dangerous, since a pregnant woman experiences mild discomfort in the stomach every morning. A severe form of toxicosis already requires treatment in a hospital under medical supervision.
  • abdominal pain - sometimes it can cause concern if it becomes regular and quite strong. In the first days of pregnancy, this is a common occurrence that occurs for many reasons, but medications prescribed by a doctor can help cope with them. You can relieve tension in the muscles of the uterus quite easily if you lie on your side for a while.
  • psychological condition - at the beginning of the term it is more than unstable, even if the expectant mother has no idea about her situation. She may be subject to frequent mood swings - depression, increased anxiety. In this case, the pregnant woman is recommended to stop reading books, studying specialized forums about pregnancy, watching films with scary plots, and so on. It is best to surround yourself with positivity and not compare your own state with any negative situations.

Actions of a pregnant woman in the first days

When planning a pregnancy and in the first days of confirming a successful conception, it is important for a woman to immediately change her own lifestyle. Of course, it is best to do this at least six months before pregnancy, but not everyone manages to predict everything and plan correctly. As far as possible - if the expectant mother has a lot of free time, it is better not to lose the opportunity and start studying books about pregnancy early, attend specialized courses, and, in principle, try to learn as much as possible about the period of gestation, childbirth, caring for the baby and raising a child .

The period of the 1st trimester is the most crucial, so it needs to be filled with only positive impressions, and for this it is worth talking frankly with the child’s father about all the upcoming changes and possible difficulties associated with pregnancy. In order not to spoil the mood with constant malaise caused by pain in the lower abdomen, the expectant mother should always have no-shpa or rectal suppositories on hand, since doctors allow these medications to be taken in the first days after conception.

In general, it is especially important for a pregnant woman in the first stages to try not to get sick, since at this time all the internal organs and systems of the fetus are formed. When pregnancy occurs in the autumn-winter period, the expectant mother should protect herself from all kinds of infections - spend less time in crowded places and lubricate the nasal cavity with oxolinic ointment before going outside. When you first suspect an infectious disease, you should immediately consult a doctor and begin treatment. It is better to refuse to use folk remedies, or act very carefully.

Long before last night, you and your sweetheart began to plan: you focused on a healthy lifestyle, eliminated bad habits from your life, and calculated the best day to conceive. And so, just yesterday, you completely surrendered to love with your husband. And today you are expecting after conception.

What are they, what are they, and can they exist at all? Or when the days come in which the first symptoms of fertilization can be noticed.

You will read everything related to conception and information about the very first signs of pregnancy in this article.

To know the exact day of conception, you need to have an organism that works like a clock.

Each woman has an individual character, so the time of her arrival varies.

If a woman’s monthly cycle is systematic, the girl feels her body perfectly and sees all the changes that happen to her every month, we can judge the accuracy of the arrival of ovulation. But this does not mean that she will become pregnant in these same days.

Some factors may influence this:

  • The day when there was sex. Sperm can live in a woman’s body for up to 6 days;
  • How long was the journey for the tadpole to reach the egg? These are: 2 centimeters of the cervix, 5 centimeters of the uterine cavity and 12 centimeters of the uterine tube. This will take about 3 hours.

After the sperm reaches the egg, fertilization occurs. From this moment on, it has a name - a zygote, which immediately begins to divide into cells until it turns into an embryo. During division, the zygote continues on its way to the uterine cavity.

Somewhere on the fifth or sixth day, the embryo reaches its goal, but is looking for a suitable place for attachment. Such free swimming can last for two whole days.

When the location is determined, it begins to sink deep into the walls of the uterus, which can cause a slight swelling, as it touches the blood vessels. It is on these days that a woman may notice slight bleeding from the vagina or see a small spot on her underwear. This type of discharge is called implantation bleeding.

This takes a week in total and may be the first signs of pregnancy after conception.

Signs of pregnancy after conception

As you can see, the process of fertilization is not simple. And it takes a little time to understand that a woman is expecting a child.

There are some ladies who claim that they feel their position the day after the alleged conception. But this relates more to the so-called psychological sensation, and not to the physical one. Their belief in fertilization gives rise to pregnancy, which pregnant women themselves talk about so much.

Dear girls, how many would like to feel pregnant right away, but this is impossible. The earliest signs of pregnancy may appear after a few days.

So, the earliest symptoms that a woman is expecting a child are:

  • Implantation bleeding. We have already talked about it, but this may not be observed in everyone;
  • Increased salivation. Moreover, it occurs not only while contemplating food, but also in addition to this;
  • Cramps in the calf area, especially at night;
  • Dark spots. Some girls notice such spots on their face or notice a darkened line from the navel to the pubis;
  • Metallic taste in the mouth;
  • Intestinal problems. Mainly constipation;
  • Changes in food and taste preferences;
  • Nipple soreness and swelling. Nature has endowed a woman with the ability to lactation. And when a child is born in the body, it begins to actively prepare for feeding. Perhaps it will darken, individual tubercles will swell, and the halo around the nipple will increase. In some situations, colostrum appears - a small yellowish discharge from the nipples;
  • Frequent urination. This is due to the hCG hormone, which supplies the small pelvis with rapid blood supply, which immediately leads to frequent urges. Even if the amount of urine is insignificant;
  • Fatigue and drowsiness. Progesterone in the body of the expectant mother begins to work with a sedative effect, and on top of everything, the load increases, so it does not have enough strength to fully charge the woman;
  • The hormone progesterone can also increase the natural secretion of the vagina;
  • Emotional swings. A lady may be in high spirits and then a minor remark will immediately cause her to drop. It goes from whiny to playful, and then turns to moping. And so on.
  • Dizziness. Due to hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, blood pressure decreases. This is especially true for people with congenital low blood pressure (hypotonics).

When and at what stage can you feel pregnant?

All of the above symptoms may appear immediately after the conception process, or they may not appear at all or may make themselves felt much later.

If we talk about more accurate ones, then this will happen after the second week of fertilization.

Women expecting a baby note the following signs in later stages of pregnancy:

  • Delay of menstruation. One of the most accurate signs of pregnancy, given that the woman is completely healthy.
  • Basal temperature. If the temperature continues to be elevated, above 37 degrees, this may indicate a possible pregnancy. It should be measured in the morning (so that the body is in a state of calm for about 6 hours), without getting out of bed, a regular thermometer is inserted into the rectum (can be in the vagina or mouth) and left there for a few minutes. This temperature should be measured at the same time, use the same thermometer, and do not change the measurement location.
  • Positive pregnancy test. It is done after a delay. Urine is used in the morning (if the delay is insignificant). In a couple of minutes you can see the result. Even the weakest second line on the test can indicate a positive result. It is worth considering what and can show.
  • HCG analysis. It is handed over 3-5 days late. Blood is taken from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach. In situations where blood is donated at other times, you need to come without eating for 4-6 hours. An increased level of hCG indicates that a child is expected and the amount of the level can be used to judge the term of the embryo.
  • Enlarged cervix. When a woman is sure that all her symptoms indicate the imminent birth of a child, then this can be confirmed at an appointment with a doctor. Any gynecologist will see a bluish tint to the cervix and feel an enlarged uterus.
  • Ultrasound control. When there is a delay of several days, you can contact a gynecologist and have an ultrasound done. Already on days 16-18 from the expected conception, a small, not yet child, but definitely an embryo is visible. Also, using an ultrasound, the doctor will rule out an ectopic one.
  • A common symptom is. It appears 30-40 days from conception. Characterized by dizziness and vomiting. We note that toxicosis is an optional companion for a pregnant woman.

A little antiquity in our topic

Everyone knows that in ancient times our ancestors did not have such a rich set of definitions of pregnancy. They, however, like us, always wanted to find out about their child much earlier. I would like to know about conception almost immediately, the very next day.

So our ancestors looked for all sorts of ways to determine pregnancy immediately after ovulation.

So they had their own methods:

  • On such days, Jewish women were forced to walk through tall grass, and if a deep mark remained on it, it meant they were pregnant.
  • Egypt immediately fed its expectant mothers grass and the mother's milk from the mother who gave birth to a boy. If after this the woman felt bad, everything came back, then this was considered a sure sign of pregnancy.
  • Even the ancient Egyptians let girls pee in a container with wheat and barley. As a result, if wheat sprouted - it will, if barley - . In a situation where there were no results, nothing sprouted, it meant no pregnancy. Interesting fact: later, somewhere in the 20th century, studies were carried out, and so, the results claim that the accuracy of this method is 70%. Here's how. Girls, take note, you will be before everyone else.
  • And the Germans used women's urine to water flowers. And if after watering they bloomed, came to life and smelled fragrant, then she is expecting a child soon.
  • The Italians generally mixed wine and urine in a 1:1 ratio. If the liquid became clear, hurray - . In principle, this can be explained scientifically: the reaction of alcohol with protein in the urine.
  • In some ancient civilizations, women collected urine in a container and inserted an ordinary metal key into it. Four hours later he was taken out of there. When they saw the trace of the key at the bottom, they congratulated them on their conception.

There are also completely ridiculous definitions of an interesting situation:

  • In a certain country, two onions were placed in a container of water: one was considered pregnant, the other was not. Whichever one reaches 4 cm first will mean conception or not.
  • The well-known Hippocrates argued that a pregnant woman’s iris changes;
  • Somewhere in one of the countries, the bride wore a necklace at a wedding. Days passed and when the beads began to press on the neck, it meant an imminent addition to the family. Science provides an explanation here too: many expectant mothers suffer from an enlarged thyroid gland.
  • But some scientific luminaries came up with this method: injecting the urine of a possible pregnant woman into experimental animals (mice, rabbits). After 4-5 days, the animal was opened. Enlarged ovaries indicated a positive result. This method of determination was used until the beginning of the 20th century.

Reading these lines, you think how good it is that the civilized world is outside and science has provided us with many accurate methods for determining an interesting situation without suffering to anyone, including women.

When pregnancy is confirmed

Two cherished stripes on the test

Separately, I would like to discuss the issue of how to behave as a pregnant woman.

Days passed and a miracle happened. The woman is 100% sure that she is pregnant. Then she begins a long journey, 9 months long, when she needs to be careful, monitor her health, take care of physical activity and prepare to become a mother. You especially need to monitor your condition.

By adhering to simple rules, a woman will give birth to a healthy and strong child without any problems.

The rules are as follows:

  • Register with the antenatal clinic.
  • Submit everything prescribed by your doctor.
  • Before each visit to the gynecologist, take a urine test;
  • Visit the doctor in the first and second trimester - once a month, in the third - every two weeks.
  • If any abnormalities are detected in the condition of the pregnant woman, inform the observing doctor;
  • Proper nutrition, minimizing stress, and a positive attitude are the keys to a successful pregnancy.

Whatever the signs of pregnancy are in one woman, they can be exactly the opposite in another. Early symptoms are not always present, and sometimes they are absent altogether. And only time will tell whether you will be a mommy or whether you still have everything ahead of you.

The female body is designed in such a way that it is capable of sending signs of pregnancy in the first days after the start of this process. If you listen carefully to your body in the first days, you can accurately understand whether to start preparing for the meeting with your future baby or not.

The fact is that the initially fertilized egg is perceived by the body as a foreign body. Therefore, signs of pregnancy can be felt by a woman as a manifestation of some pathological, abnormal process.

General weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, toxicosis, high or low blood pressure, sudden changes in body temperature, frequent urination - all these symptoms can appear in early pregnancy and signal that fertilization has occurred. Until the body gets used to the hormonal changes occurring in it, it will react to pregnancy like an ordinary virus.

So, they make themselves felt already 5-7 days after conception. Some women will give up and confidently declare that pregnancy can be judged intuitively, long before a missed period and using a test. However, there are common and obvious signs that are considered symptoms of successful conception and appear in most women in the first days after fertilization.

Most pregnancy - toxicosis

Nausea and delayed menstruation

The most common phenomenon in the first stage of pregnancy is nausea, which manifests itself in varying degrees: mild nausea or strong urge to vomit. The medical name is toxicosis in the early stages. Often a woman feels dizzy and headaches. Nausea is most pronounced in the morning. Vomiting may occur after eating certain foods.

You can find out about pregnancy by observing the phenomenon of breast swelling and the appearance of veins in the glands. The sensations described by women as pulling are a clear sign that restructuring is taking place in the body.

The most reliable sign is the absence of menstruation on a certain date. If, due to some deviations associated with the disease, menstruation may be delayed by 2-5 days, then during pregnancy the period is delayed by 9 months of bearing the child and 6 months after birth.

Other signs that are not the most common

All of the above symptoms can occur in every second pregnant woman, but there are certain signs that rarely appear in the early stages:

- vaginal discharge in the form of white flakes;

Changing the perception of various aromas;

One of the main and well-known signs of pregnancy is a delay of menstruation by 3-5 days, taking into account a regular cycle. After conception, tingling in the lower abdomen and nagging pain are observed, the same symptoms as before the onset of menstruation.

More women experience minor pain in the sacral area. This occurs due to the fact that the round muscles of the uterus are stretched due to its too rapid growth.

You don’t have to worry about the frequent urge to urinate - this is a completely natural sign of pregnancy, because the fetus is growing and putting pressure on the organs adjacent to it, including the bladder. In addition, due to increased metabolism and an increase in the amount of fluid in the body, the kidneys begin to work more actively in order to have time to expel harmful substances. In the first trimester of an “interesting situation”, minor swelling may appear in the body due to fluid and salt retention.

Another sign of pregnancy may be increased breast sensitivity, including swelling. This is observed already 7-14 days after conception. The size of the breast changes, fills up and sometimes reacts quite painfully even to the slightest touch to it; at such a moment the woman experiences a feeling of discomfort. The nipples also become extremely sensitive and the skin around them darkens. Veins on the chest appear more strongly. And later colostrum is released from the breast nipples.

Some women may observe the appearance of pigment spots on the face, the skin on the abdomen begins to darken, the line from the navel to the groin area.

Basal temperature

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay are a change in the temperature in the rectum.

This can be observed on the third day after a missed period. It must be measured in the morning, without getting out of bed, immediately after waking up. The thermometer must be inserted into the rectum to a depth of 20 mm for five minutes. If the measured temperature remains above 37°C for several days (and the increase in temperature is not associated with illness), you can confidently talk about pregnancy.

Associated symptoms

Such popular pregnancy symptoms as nausea and vomiting often appear in the morning, although in some cases this can occur throughout the day, starting from the seventh day after conception. Here it is necessary to exclude such reasons as the presence of gastrointestinal diseases or food poisoning. In such cases, vomiting is accompanied by painful weakness and the possibility of an increase in body temperature.

Most women may experience an increase in appetite, changes in taste preferences, and even an aversion to certain types of food (usually fish or meat). They cannot even stand the smell of such food, but they increasingly experience a great desire for spicy, sour or salty foods. Some women even want to use substances that seem unsuitable for the digestive process, for example, clay, plaster, lime or chalk. In addition, a change in the olfactory senses may manifest itself violently, which is expressed in a sudden aversion to favorite or easily tolerated odors (deodorant, perfume, tobacco smoke, even for women who smoke, nail polish remover, men's cologne).

The first signs of pregnancy after a delay may also be associated with changes in the nervous system. Since the level of hormones in a woman’s body increases, this can cause dizziness, headaches, mood swings, which will be accompanied by tearfulness, irritability and even aggressiveness. Very often, a woman “in an interesting position” wants to sleep all the time, she has a feeling of rapid fatigue; she may experience either heat or cold. If before fertilization a woman had low blood pressure, then during pregnancy it can decrease further, which will lead to fainting and weakness. This can happen when you take a hot bath, stand upright for a long time, or stay in a stuffy room.

In the first week of pregnancy after conception, pink discharge may occur in small quantities, which has nothing to do with menstrual flow. This bleeding is called implantation bleeding, it occurs at the moment of copulation of the embryo with the uterus.

The human body is a very delicate and complex system that sends signals about all internal changes; It is very important here to listen sensitively to all his reactions. Pregnancy has an impact on the nervous system from the first days - irritability, rapid and causeless mood swings, and general emotional instability appear. All this manifests itself in the first week of pregnancy.

At 4-6 weeks, physiological signs appear - morning sickness, changes in taste and olfactory sensations, food preferences, drowsiness, general lethargy. Individually, these signs do not mean anything and can be caused by other reasons; however, taken together they clearly indicate pregnancy.

It is worth mentioning separately about morning sickness as a sign of pregnancy. Many consider it as a sure indicator of pregnancy just a few days after the expected conception. In fact, nausea or intoxication associated with pregnancy appears no earlier than a month (rarely 3 weeks) after the expected conception. In all other cases, it has nothing to do with pregnancy.

From approximately 5-6 weeks other physiological signs appear:

Yakunina Natalya - human life begins from the moment of conception

  • frequent urination;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • increase in basal temperature.

At 7-8 weeks (sometimes a little earlier), swelling of the mammary glands occurs, accompanied (not always) by darkening of the halos around the nipples. There is also increased sensitivity of the chest and the whole body as a whole.

Later symptoms are associated with changes in physiology and the general mode and rhythm of the body. These include: abdominal enlargement, obvious enlargement of the mammary glands, increased appetite, fetal activity inside the uterus.

First signs of pregnancy before missed period

As already mentioned at the very beginning of the article, not all described signs of pregnancy may be reliable. The first signs before a missed period are signs that appear no later than 4 weeks after conception; all signs that appear later can already be attributed to those that appear after the delay. Obviously, with such a short period of time, there is no way to talk about the reliability of the signs.

The first signs of pregnancy in the earliest stages, i.e. before a missed period can be divided into two groups:

  • emotional and psychological signs;
  • indications for pregnancy tests and medical examinations.

The state of emotional instability can be caused by a number of other reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with pregnancy. If increased fatigue and irritability, along with sudden and sharp increases in performance, are observed for quite a long time - for a week or more, it is already worth saying that this condition can be caused by pregnancy.

The most accurate means of determining pregnancy at such an early stage is to use a pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests should only be purchased at a pharmacy if you want to be confident in their accuracy and quality. The pregnancy test must be produced by a reputable manufacturer and comply with all medical standards. In order to be 100% confident in the test readings, many women purchase several pregnancy tests from the same or different manufacturers.

Pregnancy tests are trusted by most gynecologists. The principle of their action is the detection of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. To obtain the most accurate readings, the test must be done in the morning; the day before, you should avoid eating spicy foods and alcohol.

Another way to determine early pregnancy is a blood test for hCG. Such a study will be most accurate on days 7-10 of the expected pregnancy. As for ultrasound, many women are quite skeptical about conducting this study at an early stage. Yes, indeed: the more time has passed since the expected conception, the more accurate the ultrasound results will be. It is recommended to conduct this study at 3-4 weeks of expected pregnancy.

The first symptoms and signs of pregnancy after a missed period

A missed period in itself is not a likely sign of pregnancy and can be caused by many other reasons. However, if it is accompanied by a number of signs described in the previous section of the article, we can already talk about a fairly high probability of pregnancy. Let's consider the signs of pregnancy that appear after a missed period and are classified as reliable.

Breast augmentation. If breast enlargement was already observed at an earlier stage, and after a delay in menstruation, the breasts continued to increase, this is a clear sign of an ongoing pregnancy. Early release of colostrum may also be observed - usually this occurs at 5-6 months, but in some cases it can occur at 2-3 months.

Uterine enlargement. Only a gynecologist can most accurately determine the enlargement of the uterus at 2 months, when the stomach has not yet begun to clearly grow. The determination of this sign is a standard gynecological examination.

Ultrasound. Ultrasound examination at 2-3 months of pregnancy shows more reliable results than at 1 month. The data from this study very accurately show the presence of the fertilized egg in the uterus; however, nothing can yet be said about the future health of the fetus.

Presence of the hCG hormone in urine and blood. A pregnancy test detects the presence of a hormone in the urine; a special clinical blood test - its presence in a woman’s blood. The most accurate is, of course, a blood test - to carry it out, you don’t have to wait for a missed period and carry it out 10 days after the expected conception. As for pregnancy tests, when choosing them you should be guided by the simple rules described in the previous section of the article.

Signs of pregnancy in the first days and weeks after conception

In general, these signs are signs that appear before a missed period. If we talk about purely physiological symptoms, then in the early stages they do not appear very actively, and psychological or emotional instability is not a reliable indicator of pregnancy.

The earliest, most likely signs of pregnancy include headaches and pain in the lower abdomen. If there are other suggestive or probable signs, these symptoms can be considered as signals of pregnancy. By themselves, they are also not sufficiently accurate indicators and can be caused by a number of other reasons.

The simplest and most accessible means of determining pregnancy in the very first days and weeks is to use a pregnancy test purchased at a pharmacy. A more accurate method, but at the same time more expensive, is a blood test for hCG. Both of these remedies can be used already in the first 3-5 days after the expected conception.

As you can see, the accuracy of determining pregnancy depends on the period. In the first weeks, and even more so, days, it is sometimes not possible to identify pregnancy based on physiological or psycho-emotional factors alone. The longer the period, the more factors that clearly indicate pregnancy. And, of course, contacting a specialist, conducting laboratory tests, as well as using pregnancy tests are the most reliable means of determining pregnancy in the early stages.

The first signs of pregnancy before the delay and after menstruation

  • 2.75 / 5 5

What signs of pregnancy appear after conception?

How to determine if you are pregnant? Of course, there are no universal signs; we are all different and everyone’s body reacts differently to hormonal changes. Some women experience nausea and a constant feeling of fatigue literally the next day after conception. And the second half of women do not realize their “interesting situation”, right up to the first move.

Therefore, in case of delay of menstruation (especially with a stable cycle), you should urgently do a pharmacy test at home, but best of all, and for an accurate result, donate blood for the hCG hormone. It is this data that will help accurately determine the onset of pregnancy. But it is impossible to consider nausea, breast tenderness, fatigue, irritability and tearfulness as the first signs confirming pregnancy; they can only be a consequence of the second phase of the cycle and PMS.

  • Basal temperature above 37

If you regularly keep a schedule, then such an indicator on the day of your expected period should give you the idea to buy a test. But, other than that, basal temperature is a deceptive and capricious thing. If, for example, you slept little or poorly, changed the thermometer or measured your temperature after 8 am, these numbers will most likely not be indicative.

  • Fatigue, trouble sleeping

Some women, even before the delay, begin to notice that they are tired, fall asleep at work, and in the evening, after work, they simply collapse. Others, on the contrary, cannot fall asleep and feel a surge of vigor. Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine pregnancy using these signs alone.

  • Painful breasts

As a rule, by the 6-7th week of pregnancy, the breasts become painful and seem to swell. But some women, even before the delay, complain about this problem. But here, too, everything is purely individual. Breasts that have slightly increased in volume correspond to the second phase of the female cycle.

  • Nausea

Familiar to all of us from movies, this is a classic sign of pregnancy; it may not appear at all, but can also occur in the early stages of pregnancy. Without any other signs, only nausea cannot be taken as an absolute indicator of the presence of pregnancy after conception. After all, it may also indicate problems with the stomach or pancreas.

  • Frequent urination

This symptom usually appears at 5–6 weeks of pregnancy. But if the pregnancy test and analysis did not show a positive result. I recommend that you consult a urologist, since most likely you have cystitis.

  • Tearfulness or irritability

These two symptoms or some third one. Hormones instantly affect the mood of the expectant mother. But such signs may also indicate fatigue or PMS. However, not all women lose control of themselves when they are pregnant. Therefore, these signs should be considered rather secondary.

  • Constipation or upset stomach

During pregnancy, unfortunately, women often experience problems with bowel movements, and from the very early stages. Due to an upset stomach or increased constipation, “experienced” mothers decide to take a pregnancy test. Again, this sign may also indicate poor nutrition, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, or even stress.

  • Delayed menstruation

If you have a regular cycle and have not had any flights, stress, or illness in a month, most likely the absence of menstruation indicates pregnancy. This sign of pregnancy after conception is quite reliable. But if the hCG level and the test (important!) do not confirm this fact, then you should contact a specialist for help. Delayed menstruation often indicates serious illness.

  • Stripe test

For the expectant mother, a serious reason for tears of joy is two shelves on the dough. If the second line on the test is very weak, it is generally accepted that conception has occurred. Remember also that the test may show false results, since it may be expired, incorrectly used, or the pregnancy is still very young. And therefore, to be 100% sure, you need to get tested for hCG. This analysis can confirm signs of pregnancy after conception, already on the 10th day after intercourse.

  • Intuition

There are also women who realized that they were pregnant immediately after the “night of love.” Science has no reason not to believe them. However, don’t torment yourself with fortune-telling or immediately convince yourself that “this time everything worked out,” just relax and let go of all the problems. Often, relying on a premonition and intuition, women begin to look for the first signs of pregnancy after conception, and what is strange is to find them. And in this case, the onset of menstruation can develop into depression and neurosis. Unfortunately, cases of such “fake pregnancies” often lead to hormonal imbalance and cycle disorders. If you are in the planning stage of pregnancy, your task is to calm down and know that sooner or later you will become a wonderful mother. Stop beating yourself up and just enjoy life.

Folk signs

You should not take such signs seriously, but many are still confident: if you just buy a subscription to a fitness club for a year or a driving course, then in the next couple of months you will definitely get pregnant. This is explained very simply: having switched from her problems, the woman stops cycling, calms down, and that’s where everything happens. There are also less clear signs, the “work” of which can only be explained by the faith of the women themselves. These include:

  1. drinking from the same cup with a pregnant woman (or sitting on a chair afterwards);
  2. buying a ficus tree for the house (it has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the house);
  3. prophetic dreams (dreaming about fish indicates pregnancy).

It should be noted that if you are looking for the slightest signs of pregnancy or believe in omens, then your problem is obvious - you want a child and at the same time you are hindering yourself. If you have no health problems, and you and your lover want children, believe in yourself and calm down. Set a goal for yourself - to let go of problems for three months and just make love and enjoy life.

HCG norms

In an adult man and hCG level 5 mU/ml

In a pregnant woman, the level of hCG begins to increase with each week of pregnancy and starting from two weeks the level is already 25 - 300 mU/ml.

Read also:

The first days of pregnancy: feelings and actions of the expectant mother

May 30, 20140136185 Category: Pregnancy

Those women who plan to become mothers take their feelings in the first days of pregnancy with great responsibility. Observing their body, they strive to see any signs of the birth of a new life.

Experts note that there are two stages of your pregnancy: obstetric term (counted from the first day of menstruation) and true term (counted from the day of conception). In most cases, it is very difficult to determine the exact day of conception, which is why antenatal clinics consider the first day of menstruation as the starting point. Today we will talk about the first signs of pregnancy according to the true term.

The first days of pregnancy after conception: what happens in the body

Turning to science, we note that the first week after conception cannot yet be called pregnancy. The fact is that a fertilized egg moves within 7-10 days to the place where it will be located and develop from an embryo into a fetus. Only after its attachment to the walls of the uterus can we talk about pregnancy. Menstruation occurs if this attachment does not occur, and then the woman does not even suspect that conception has occurred.

If the fertilized egg reaches the uterus, then it is implanted into the walls of the uterus (embryo implantation). After successful implantation, the umbilical cord and placenta begin to form. The first week after conception is very important in the period of conceiving a new life, since the woman’s body perceives the embryo as a foreign body and tries in every possible way to reject it, not allowing it to consolidate properly.

After successful implantation of the embryo, the first thing that happens in the body is hormonal changes . A woman begins to produce a special hormone that is responsible for the safety of the fetus in the female body in the early stages of pregnancy: known as hCG. The presence of this hormone in the blood gives a 100% guarantee of pregnancy. Most doctors and women trust a blood test for hCG more than pregnancy tests in the early days, although the latter also react to the presence of the hormone. Read more about hCG during pregnancy >

The first days of pregnancy: how to recognize

For a healthy woman, the first sign of pregnancy is always a delay. But, if you do not monitor your general condition and do not plan your pregnancy, then the delay is determined when the pregnancy has already lasted 2-3 weeks. Several signs may indicate that in the first days after conception the embryo is implanted into the walls of the uterus.

1. Minor bleeding. On days 7-12 after conception, when the embryo implants into the walls of the uterus, a woman may experience slight bleeding (implantation bleeding). It may appear as several brownish or yellowish spots on underwear or paper. If pregnancy is not planned, then this phenomenon is often perceived as the beginning of menstruation. If such spots appear when pregnancy has already been accurately diagnosed, then this may be a signal of a threat of miscarriage, and requires urgent consultation with a doctor. This sign may be absent in the first days of pregnancy, it all depends on the individuality of the body.

2. Increased body temperature and basal temperature. When planning pregnancy, the method of measuring basal temperature is often used to determine the date of ovulation. When the egg is successfully fertilized, this temperature first drops and then rises. Low basal temperature in the first days of pregnancy is caused by two factors:

  • When pregnancy occurs, estrogen is released, which lowers the temperature;
  • Progesterone begins to be produced more strongly again, which increases the temperature.

Thus, by monitoring your basal temperature, when pregnancy is already confirmed, you can see a “hole” on the graph with a decrease in temperature. This decline lasts only 1 day, then the temperature rises. The norm is a basal temperature of 37 degrees, until the placenta begins to fully function (the first few weeks). If you do not notice a decline, then it is impossible not to notice an increased temperature for 2-3 weeks.

3. Feeling slightly unwell . A woman’s well-being may worsen in the first days of pregnancy. Drowsiness and weakness often appear. Many even become slightly ill, complaining of a sore throat and runny nose. This is all due to a decrease in immunity and the body’s struggle with the implanting embryo.

In the first trimester, body temperature is always elevated, but only slightly. Hence the general weakness. The main condition for the normal course of pregnancy with such ailment is not to be treated with medications that can harm the unborn child. When planning a pregnancy, it is generally better to refuse all medications unless they are absolutely necessary, and resort exclusively to folk remedies that are not contraindicated during pregnancy.

There is a feeling of apathy and fatigue. This is due not only to the general restructuring of the body, but also to the increased production of progesterone. These sensations may stop quickly, or may drag on until the 10th week of pregnancy, when more estrogen begins to be produced.

4. Breast tenderness . In the first days of pregnancy, a woman’s breasts begin to swell, pain appears, that is, its sensitivity increases. Even the slightest touch can be painful.

Sometimes everything happens completely opposite. Previously, a woman experienced painful sensations before each period, but now she is surprised that her breasts do not hurt. Soon after an amazing moment, she learns that she is pregnant. Often, when pressing on the areola, colostrum can be released in early pregnancy.

5. Heaviness in the pelvic area . The manifestation of the first days of pregnancy may be a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic organs. Many women begin to feel the uterus immediately after embryo implantation. The degree of this sensation is individual for each organism.

6. Tingling in the uterus . Also, an individual pregnancy rate can indicate not only successful conception and implantation.

7. Early toxicosis , accompanied by nausea and vomiting, along with others, is a sign of the first days of pregnancy. Toxicosis is also considered a special sensitivity to certain odors and foods. There may be a feeling of disgust for previously favorite foods.

In the early days of pregnancy, you may come to love things you previously hated. Also, the early stages are characterized by strange food combinations: herring with compote, ram with chocolate, pineapple with sausage. Those around them grimace at the sight of such food, and the pregnant woman experiences indescribable bliss.

The first days of pregnancy: false symptoms

Some of the above symptoms may indicate more than just pregnancy. They may indicate intestinal diseases, cervical erosion and other diseases of the female genital organs. Such symptoms include bleeding, nausea, increased urination, and breast swelling can also indicate not only the onset of pregnancy.

The first days of pregnancy: what to do

Any method of determining pregnancy begins to work only with the onset of a missed period. Even knowing the exact day of ovulation, no analysis or test will indicate pregnancy the day after fertilization. An hCG test, a pregnancy test, and an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs are best done in the first week of missed menstruation.

When planning a pregnancy and anticipating its occurrence, you should completely change your lifestyle even six months before conception. If the first symptoms of pregnancy are present, but they do not cause you any particular discomfort, then wait for the delay and the opportunity to do a test. A visit to the gynecologist in the first week after conception will not give any result other than a stack of referrals for tests.

During this period, you can read something useful and pleasant about pregnancy, inquire about upcoming courses for expectant mothers, take care of your body and start doing gymnastics for pregnant women (even if you are not pregnant, physical exercise will never hurt).

Just spend this time with joy and pleasant impressions. Talk to the future dad about a possible miracle. You should go to the doctor after a positive pregnancy test, a 2-week delay in menstruation, or if you have gynecological problems. Read more about what to do if you are convinced that you are pregnant >

If the symptoms manifest themselves very intensely and the malaise intensifies, then the visit to the doctor should be postponed to an earlier date. This is especially true for those who have previously had problems conceiving or carrying a pregnancy.

The first trimester of pregnancy is the most important. At this time, all the vital organs of the baby are formed. The very first days of pregnancy play a huge role in the onset of pregnancy in general.

If you did not plan your pregnancy, then try to predict it (by having unprotected sexual intercourse) and not harm the baby. If pregnancy is planned, then behave as before: maintain proper nutrition, avoid heavy physical activity and do not be nervous, then a miracle will definitely happen.

Whether it is a desired pregnancy or a fear that fertilization has occurred, a woman always wants to know about it as early as possible. And it is right. When an egg is fertilized, there are a number of indirect signs that suggest conception. How to find out that pregnancy has occurred and what sensations women experience. But the symptoms are not objective and 100% accurate.

Planning pregnancy includes knowing when it is most expected and favorable. And this is the ovulatory period. It lasts about 24 hours and occurs on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. Fluctuations can be several days, because these numbers are calculated for a 28-day cycle, and the menstrual cycle can be 21-35 days. Also, various factors can provoke hormonal disorders, which will shift this period. The ovulatory period may be indicated by a change in basal temperature; determination of luteinizing hormone and ultrasound examination of the ovaries and follicles in them will help.

Signs and symptoms of fertilization

If the sexual intercourse occurred during the ovulatory period, then pregnancy may have occurred.

Signs of egg fertilization:

  • Implantation sensations. After intercourse, very observant women who try to find out whether fertilization has occurred or feel a slight tingling or tickling in the lower abdomen. This occurs due to implantation (attachment) of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus. Pain receptors that are located in the endometrium are irritated when the integrity of the mucous membrane is violated and send an impulse to the brain as light tingling sensations.
  • Bloody issues. At the moment of implantation, the zygote (fused egg with sperm) is embedded in the wall of the uterus, which certainly causes slight damage to small vessels. During this process, a few drops of blood are released, which then mix with the cervical mucus and exit through the vagina. This is similar to spotting, which will be perceived as the beginning of a new cycle. But they go away in 1-2 days.
  • Nausea and vomiting. More often these symptoms are observed in the morning. Sometimes they can be caused by food intake or strong odors. Early toxicosis in pregnant women is caused by a restructuring of the hormonal system of a woman who is preparing for gestation and development of the fetus. This moment is also the reason for the change and distortion of a woman’s taste preferences.
  • Digestive disorders. In order for the uterus to grow and not push the fetus out, a large amount of progesterone is needed, which is produced by the overgrown corpus luteum. Under the influence of progesterone, the muscle layer of the uterus (myometrium) does not contract and remains in a relaxed state all the time. Unfortunately, hormones circulate in the blood throughout the body, and not locally, and progesterone affects not only the woman’s genitals. During this period, a pregnant woman may experience symptoms such as decreased appetite, as the digestion of food and the passage of the bolus through the intestines slows down. Constipation or increased bowel movements are also common symptoms. Progesterone affects every body and symptoms differently.
  • Decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate. During pregnancy, one of the first to develop is the circulatory system. And during this period, a woman may notice a slight decrease in blood pressure. After all, now blood circulates through 2 circulatory systems: the mother and the unborn child. And the pulse quickens, since the area of ​​the run has increased, but the volume of blood has remained the same.
  • Decreased immune properties of the body. To avoid rejection of the fertilized egg from the uterine wall, the body makes a deceptive maneuver and reduces resistance to foreign organisms. After all, the unborn baby carries only half of the mother’s set of chromosomes; the second half remains foreign to the body’s immune system. Because of this restructuring, a woman is susceptible and susceptible to other diseases. Often during this period, pregnant women suffer from acute respiratory diseases (colds), which is not dangerous for the fetus.
  • Delayed menstruation is an indirect sign of pregnancy. But, unlike the previous points, every woman will notice the failure that occurs, when the points described above are individual for each. Delayed menstruation can also be caused by other factors (genital tract infections, hormonal imbalances, stress).
  • Breast engorgement and mood changes. Due to the large amount of progesterone, as with PMS, a woman notices frequent mood swings, irritability, and fatigue. The mammary glands prepare for future feeding and increase in volume due to the proliferation of gland tissue.
  • Ultrasonography. Determining pregnancy using this method is a reliable sign of pregnancy. We can see the fertilized egg on an ultrasound after the 2nd week of pregnancy. After the 5th week of pregnancy, you can listen to and see the fetal heartbeat on the ultrasound screen.
  • Determination of human chorionic gonadotropin. This is the earliest reliable sign of fertilization. It helps to find out whether conception has occurred. In a blood test, the level of gonadotropin can determine the onset of pregnancy as early as the 7th day after conception. In the urine, human chorionic gonadotropin increases at week 3, making it possible to determine conception with a pregnancy test. The more sensitive the test, the smaller the amount of hormone in the urine allows you to determine the moment of fertilization, which occurs at an earlier date.

How does fertilization occur?

As described above, the most favorable time for fertilization is the ovulatory period, which lasts 24 hours. Then the egg dies and you need to wait for the next maturation.

During this period, the second-order follicle, which is located in one of the ovaries, bursts under the influence of luteinizing hormone, and the mature egg is released. Within an hour, the egg passes into the oviduct. The anatomical structure of the oviduct is one of the fallopian tubes. If fertilization of the egg has occurred, the fertilized egg will move to the uterus after 4 days. And on the 5-7th days implantation will occur.

Moment of fertilization

It is difficult to call fertilization an instant, since the process lasts up to 12 hours.

After sexual intercourse, the ejaculate contains over 300 million sperm. Cervical mucus, while passing into the uterine cavity through the cervix, retains a larger number of sperm. Those sperm that have overcome the barrier of cervical mucus are fed by the alkaline environment of the uterine cavity and continue their movement to the fallopian tubes, in one of which the egg is hidden and is waiting for time to be fertilized. Until this moment, about 10,000 sperm remain viable.

On the way to achieving the goal, a process of calacitation occurs. It is carried out thanks to the secretion of the female genital tract, which helps to weaken the acrosomal membranes. To do this, all sperm cholesterol is washed out and destroyed. Without this process, fertilization is impossible.

An even smaller amount reaches the egg. And only 1, sometimes 2 male reproductive cells merge with the finished mature egg. To do this, the sperm that has reached the female reproductive cell begins to secrete a special enzyme, hyaluronidase. This occurs after the destruction of the acrosome, the part of the sperm that contains the enzyme. It allows you to destroy the wall of the egg. This process is called penetration. Hyaluronidase destroys the zona pellucida and the cumulus mass - the protective layers.

Interestingly, a sufficient amount of enzyme for penetration can only be achieved by breaking at least 100 acrosomes. That is, the sperm that reach the egg sacrifice themselves for the sake of one leader, who will be the most agile.

After achieving the goal, a chemical process is launched that forms a membrane that prevents other male reproductive cells from penetrating inside.

Zygote formation and further division

When the sperm gets inside during fertilization of the egg, some changes occur to it. It takes time for the exchange and fusion of DNA - genetic information, thanks to which the baby will develop. During this period, the fertilized egg continues its division and enters the second period of meiosis. When it reaches the required size, the nuclei of the male and female germ cells merge and a zygote is formed.

The zygote contains genetic material from both parents. Until attachment to the endometrium, the zygote feeds on amino acids and yolk residues of the egg.

The sex of the child is decided by the sperm. The egg carries only the X chromosome. A sperm can carry an X or a Y chromosome.

After a zygote has formed in the fallopian tube, thanks to cilia and wave-like contractions, it is sent to the uterine cavity for further implantation.

During the progression, the zygote begins to divide and turns into a conglomerate of cells - a morula. Division occurs over 15 hours. When the morula reaches the required number of divisions, it turns into a blastocyst.

Blastula implantation

The blastula produces human chorionic gonadotropin, which stimulates the corpus luteum and prevents it from being rejected. The corpus luteum produces progesterone in large quantities, which helps to relax the uterine sphincter and the unhindered passage of the blastula into the uterine cavity. At this time, the future placenta begins to form.

By the time it is ready to penetrate the wall of the uterus and attach to the endometrium, the blastula develops into a full-fledged fertilized egg. Having attached itself to the site of the nascent placenta, the fertilized egg begins to feed on the substances brought by the mother’s blood. Now they have one circulatory system. From this moment on, pregnancy is considered to have occurred. The placenta grows and becomes a full-fledged gland that produces human chorionic gonadotropin. This is how she announces the birth of a new life.

On the way to attachment, a healthy embryo begins to form villi through which it will receive nutrients and accumulate substances. They will help dissolve the endometrium at the insertion site.

Attachment occurs 4 days after fertilization. The implantation process itself occurs in 3 stages:

  1. Accession. Once in the uterine cavity, the fertilized egg immediately adheres to the endometrium. Reflexively, after fertilization, the uterus is filled with a special secretion, which presses the embryo against the wall, which facilitates implantation.
  2. Adhesion. The adhesion process is characterized by the active interaction of the embryonic villi with the endometrium of the uterus.
  3. Invasion. This period is also called invasion and investment. The embryo splits the endometrium of the uterus at the site of attachment, reaches the vessels and penetrates into them, forming a full-fledged placenta and the mother-placenta-fetus system.

Successful implantation indicates the birth of a new life. Soon the woman will feel the first symptoms of pregnancy and gestation, which will be more pronounced than the signs of fertilization. Often a woman already guesses about her future new life thanks to her developed intuition. In fact, nature thought through this moment too. A dominant focus is formed in the brain, which sends impulses and helps to understand that fertilization has occurred. He directs the woman that bearing a child is the main goal. This is where maternal love for the unborn child is formed, smoothing out stressful situations and other methods of protection for the full and most favorable development and bearing of the child.

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