How many meters of fabric are required to sew a dress? How much fabric is needed for a dress: simple methods and basic calculation nuances

Calculating the fabric for a dress or trousers is an important step when cutting clothes. Accurate calculation of the fabric for the product will help to correctly position the parts of the product on the fabric and avoid unnecessary costs when more fabric is purchased than required. We will tell you how to correctly calculate the required amount of fabric for outerwear: skirts, dresses, blouses, trousers.

Sewing School of Anastasia Korfiati
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Fabric width is an important indicator

When calculating the fabric for a product, you first need to take into account the width of the fabric. As a rule, the standard fabric width is 145cm. The width of natural fabrics - chiffon or silk can be smaller and range from 90cm to 120cm. Natural lace has the same width. In some cases, the width of the fabric may exceed 145cm, and this must also be taken into account when calculating the fabric for the product.

Rule 1: The width of the fabric is an important value when calculating the required length of fabric for the product.

Calculation of fabric for straight skirts

The main measurement when calculating the length of the fabric is the hip circumference.

Fabric consumption for a dress, skirt or trousers can be calculated using standard standards used in factories for mass tailoring. Well, if you don’t focus on them and don’t calculate your own values ​​for each figure, then you can use the atelier’s method. This technique is very simple and understandable to everyone.

If the figure does not have excessive deviations from the norm, then, for example, for a men's jacket, the length of the sleeve plus allowances for the hem of the bottom are added to its length. The cost of a shirt or blouse is also calculated. For trousers, the length is measured from the floor to the waist, plus 15 - 25 cm for the belt and pockets (valances).

How much fabric do you need for a skirt? Usually a piece of fabric 150cm wide along the length of the skirt, plus the width of the hem, is sufficient.

For a dress, robe or coat, fabrics need to be purchased based on the length of the product plus the length of the sleeve, taking into account the hem at the bottom. If you are wondering how much calico is needed to sew a 2-bed set of bed linen, then you will need about 7 meters of calico, 220cm wide.

All these figures are quite approximate, and in order to accurately determine how much fabric is needed for a particular product, depending on your height, fullness, etc., you will have to make more accurate calculations taking into account all the factors affecting fabric consumption. What are these factors?

Firstly, the fabric consumption for a skirt, dress or trousers increases significantly if the “hip” pattern is not laid out to the same fabric width (150 cm). See below for more details on this.

Secondly, the presence of additional decorative elements, such as folds, frills on the skirt or patch pockets, tabs, etc. also significantly increase fabric consumption. The consumption of fabric is completely different for some models of skirts, for example, a circle skirt. The fabric consumption for such a skirt can reach up to 5 meters. For a half-sun skirt, the consumption is less, but still significant.

Let's take a closer look at how much fabric is needed to sew a particular product, including sewing bed linen.

How much fabric do you need for a skirt, dress, trousers?

Fabric consumption, of course, depends on the width of the fabric. But it also depends on the style of the product, the size of the figure, as well as the build of the woman or man. If narrow fabric (90 - 110 cm) is used for sewing, then, of course, the consumption almost doubles. Modern fabrics are produced mainly in a width of 150 cm, so I will not particularly consider the consumption of “narrow” fabric. Try not to use this width even for sewing bed linen. From my own experience I can say that the most “optimal” layout for bed linen is made from fabric (calico, chintz) 220cm wide.

The style or model of clothing directly affects fabric consumption. The more folds or frills there are on a dress or skirt, the more fabric is needed. A lot of fabric is also spent on sewing the hood (40 - 60 cm). It is possible to accurately calculate the fabric consumption for these parts only after constructing a pattern and preliminary laying out the patterns on the fabric.

Keep in mind that many fabrics allow you to cut pattern details in a mirror image (stripes, checkered patterns), which sometimes significantly saves fabric, especially when cutting skirts and trousers.

When calculating the fabric consumption for clothing, the dimensional characteristics of a person are also taken into account, that is, the circumference of the chest, hips, waist, as well as the person’s height.

This photo collage shows approximate fabric consumption rates for a person of average height and normal build. They will be useful to you in order to quickly calculate how much fabric you need in the store, without asking the seller, and quickly multiply this figure by the cost of 1 meter of fabric.

Fabric consumption for full figures almost doubles

With the same product size, but different person heights, the fabric consumption will be different. Naturally, if you are tall, you need to buy more fabric than if you are medium or short.

Depending on the height of the figure, a person’s height is determined. For example, for a female figure, the approximate division by height will be as follows: 1st height 149 - 154 cm; 2nd height 155 - 160; 3rd growth 161 - 166; 4th height 167 - 172; 5th height 173 - 177.

If you can add 20 - 30 cm for the difference in height, then for fullness you have to almost double the fabric consumption. This is due to the fact that the cut of a skirt or trousers with a hip volume of more than 120 cm does not “fit” into the same width of the fabric. And if the fabric is 150 cm wide, then you can still try, but with a width of 140 cm it won’t work. You will have to buy two lengths of fabric. For example, for a skirt for a full woman, you need two skirt lengths (80+80) and an additional 15 - 20 cm for the waistband, seam allowances along the waistline and hem at the bottom. The same applies to other products: trousers, dress, jacket, etc.

All these calculations will change greatly (increase) if the products have many additional finishing elements.

Fabric consumption for basic types of clothing

Below is the approximate fabric consumption for some main types of products:

Man's jacket. You need to measure the length of the jacket, add the length of the sleeves and make an increase of 15 - 20 cm.

Straight skirt. With a fabric width of 140cm, you need to take one length of the skirt plus 10 centimeters - extra for hemming the bottom, waistband and seam allowances.

Womens Blouse. If the fabric width is 90 - 110 cm, you need to buy two lengths of fabric for the blouse and one length for the sleeves. With a fabric width of 150 cm, one length of the blouse and sleeve plus 10 - 15 cm is enough.

Men's pajamas. With a fabric width of 90 cm, the fabric required is two lengths of trousers, three lengths of a jacket, two lengths of sleeves. Add another 20 - 30 cm to the collar and pockets. Or half as much for a fabric width of 150 cm.

Trousers. With a fabric width of 140 cm, you need to take one length of trousers plus 10-15 cm for children and teenagers. For adults, depending on the fullness of the figure, add 20 - 30 cm.

Children's or teenager's coat. With a fabric width of 140 cm, two coat lengths are needed plus 15-20 cm for the hem of the bottom, since the hem for a child’s coat is 7-10 cm, so that it is possible to lengthen the coat when the child grows up.

Women's nightgown. With a fabric width of 90 cm, you need fabric 2.5 times the length of the shirt.

Dress. For a sleeveless dress, it is enough to buy 130 - 150 cm of fabric. To calculate how much fabric you need for a long sleeve dress, use the length of the dress (plus hems and seam allowances) and sleeve length as a guide. If there is a turn-down collar, add another 20 cm.

Bed sheets. Many people are interested in how much fabric is needed for bed linen. Fabric consumption will be optimal if you buy calico or chintz with a width of 220 cm. For one-and-a-half bed linen (2 pillowcases 70X70) you need 6.2-6.4 meters. For a double set (2 pillowcases 70X70), the fabric will require 6.8 - 7.2 meters. For a family set approximately 10 meters.

Fabric consumption for bed linen primarily depends on the size of the pillowcases and the width of the sheets, as well as the layout. That is, if you cut two 1.5 sleeping sets with two 50X70 pillowcases at once, then the fabric will be used up without any residue.

How to determine exactly how much fabric you need

You can also determine the fabric consumption for a product using the method given below.

Draw up the main drawing of the pattern according to the measurements taken to scale. Usually the scale is 1:4 or 1:5.

A pattern drawing to scale is made as follows: a centimeter is divided into four or five equal parts and each division is taken as a centimeter. If the style requires modeling, then the style lines are drawn on the pattern drawing and the pattern is cut along the intended modeling lines.

Then, on the same scale (1:4 or 1:5), the expected width of the fabric for the product is drawn in conventional centimeters, and the length of the fabric is taken arbitrarily.

It is necessary to draw the full width of the fabric in the case when the cutting is performed “in a spread”, that is, when the fabric is folded along the transverse thread, the edges of the fabric in this case will pass on both sides. But cutting is often done “in the fold”, when the fabric is folded along the grain. In this case, the width of the fabric must be drawn twice as small as its actual width. In this case, the edges will be on one side, and on the other side there will be a fold of the fabric. For example, the width of the fabric is 140 cm, but the width of the fabric is drawn to be 70 cm (on the accepted scale).

Next, the patterns or their details are laid out within the width of the fabric drawn on scale, taking into account the allowance for seams and the requirements for the direction of the thread in the details according to the established style. Laying out the pattern pieces will allow you to find out how much fabric is needed for this product.

When you are going to sew such a complex and large product as a dress, it is important not only to choose a style, pattern and fabric, you also need to calculate its consumption. After all, only an accurate calculation will allow you to buy as many meters as the fabric you need for a dress and not find yourself in a situation where you spent a lot of money and you have a lot of scraps left or, even worse, there is not enough material.

General principles

There are general methods for calculating how many meters of fabric are needed for a dress or other product. Such methods are used in mass production of clothing or in ateliers and, according to them, the consumption is taken as standard for a certain style and parameters of the client.

In this technique, everything is simple - measure the length of the intended product and the length of the sleeve, add centimeters to the hem and the resulting number will be the required amount of material.

This method is simple, but does not take into account either the width of the canvas or your parameters. It is suitable only for a figure and height that fits well into a certain clothing size. But for plump or tall girls, as well as those whose top is one size and bottom is another, this technique will not work. They will have to calculate the number of meters more accurately. It is better to use more scrupulous calculations in cases where you are buying expensive fabric for a dress (no one wants to pay for extra centimeters).

To do this, take into account:

  • fabric width;
  • your volumes and growth;
  • style;
  • the presence of decorative elements;
  • features of the fabric, such as pile or pattern.

Let's take a closer look at calculating the amount of fabric based on these aspects.

Fabric width

Almost all modern textiles for clothing are produced with a width of 145-150 cm.

This is very convenient, because if you fold the fabric in half lengthwise, the pattern will go along the width, and from one cut you can cut out two parts at once (the front and back of the product). But this will not work for overweight ladies with large hips.

There are also fabrics with a smaller width - 90-120 cm. These are often natural and expensive options - silk, chiffon, lace. If, when deciding what fabric to make a summer dress or evening dress from, you choose them, then keep in mind that the consumption for such a width will double.

If the fabric is wider than 150 cm, this will make it possible to cut out small details from the remaining edge - sleeves, pockets, collar, which will result in overall savings in material.


To calculate the fabric consumption for a dress, you need to take measurements of the chest, waist and hips even before creating the pattern. Moreover, for overweight ladies, the consumption will be almost 2 times higher, since with a large volume of hips, the pattern will not fit half the width of the fabric.

For example, with a hip volume of 130 cm, one half of the sheath dress pattern will have a width of 65 cm, add 5 cm for seam allowances and get 75 cm. If we take the standard fabric width of 145 cm, two pattern pieces will not fit on it Accordingly, you will have to buy twice as much material.

Height is also important; the taller the woman, the more material will be spent on the outfit. In the enlarged method of calculating it, there are groups by height:

  • the first group includes women 149-154 cm,
  • in the second 155-160 cm,
  • in the third 161-166 cm,
  • in the fourth 167-172 cm
  • and a fifth from 173 cm.

About 30 additional centimeters are added to each subsequent group for sewing the same model.

How much fabric is needed to sew a dress, depending on its style?

Before choosing fabric for a dress, think about its model in detail. It directly affects the amount of material. So, if you want to sew a sheath with short sleeves, it will take three times less meters than for a floor-length evening dress, not to mention how much longer the fabric should be for a summer dress with a circle skirt.

Let's look at a few basic examples:

  • If you plan to sew a one-piece version with a straight hem, then you will need to measure the length of the future product. Add to it the length of the sleeves and another 5 centimeters at the edges for the shoulder seams and hem and get the required amount of fabric. But let us remind you that this is true if the width of the canvas is at least 145 cm, and your volumes fit into half of this width. If they don't fit, then you need two lengths. From the leftovers you can cut out additional elements - a belt or collar, if provided.
  • But how much fabric is needed for a sheath dress or with a fluffy skirt cut at the waist - the same as for a one-piece dress, but you need to add another 10 cm to it for cuts along the waist line.
  • If the skirt is planned to be pleated, then multiply the hip volume by 3; if it turns out to be larger than the width of the fabric, then you will need at least 3 lengths.
  • If you are deciding how much fabric you need for a floor-length dress with a flared skirt, then keep in mind that the consumption will be large both in width (including folds) and in length - take measurements of the cut-off hem from the waist to the floor, taking into account shoes the finished outfit will be the desired length.
  • Patterns “sun” and “half-sun” require even more footage. So, for the “half-sun” you need to take two lengths of the skirt and two radius parts with a notch for the waist and do not forget to add 10 cm to the seams. In the “sun”, take exactly twice as much material as in the “half-sun”.

Here is approximate information on how much fabric is needed for a knee-length, floor-length or mini dress:

How much fabric is needed for a dress with flounce, frill, pockets or other details

If the pattern involves small or large parts, you need to add 20 to 30 cm to them. From these pieces you can cut out pockets, a turn-down collar, a belt or a decorative flounce. However, if the parts are voluminous, then they may require a larger reserve.

Don’t forget about the lining; you also need to calculate the consumption for it. This is usually the length of the product for one-piece models or the length of the skirt for cut-off models. But if you have a pleated hem, the consumption of the lining will be the same as that of the main fabric. There is no lining on the sleeves or for wide long skirts. You can also think about what fabric to choose for a summer dress in order to do without a lining.

Features of fabrics with patterns and pile

All of the above tips are only good if your fabric is plain or has a small pattern. For a larger pattern or checks and stripes, you will have to take into account its alignment at the seams. And this implies greater consumption.

Usually the planned footage is increased by 30-40 cm. The same is with material with pile - all the details of the pattern must be laid out so that in the finished product the pile is directed in one direction. This means that you may need more loose fabric to cut out small pieces.

But if you want to buy a coupon, this approach may not be suitable. What matters here is how you plan to place the main pattern on the coupon fabric dress. The styles of such outfits often imply a pattern along the hem; in this case, measure the width of the planned skirt and buy exactly that amount of coupon.

It is important that the remaining pattern pieces fit across the remaining fabric. But in this case, pay attention to its properties - not all of them will be able to cut across the grain, especially if you are planning a “sun” - in this case, the edges of the hem will sag.

You always need to prepare for sewing a dress yourself. It all starts with determining the style, taking measurements, preparing the pattern and shopping. Before purchasing materials, calculate how much fabric is needed for the dress. This event helps you spend your money more efficiently.


Let's look at an example: you need to find out how much fabric you need for a sleeveless sheath dress. There is a simple pattern that can even be used for other types of clothing.

Let's say the length of the future product is 1 meter. With average height, it will reach the knee. Add 30 cm for processing and get 130 - this is how much fabric you need to buy if you do not plan to make a collar, pockets or a belt. Often you have to take about 30 cm more material for these elements. If you also sew sleeves, you will have to add their height to the total length of the fabric. For example, +20 cm. Together we get 150 cm.

A common question: what to do if a girl is curvy? Of course, this needs to be taken into account. The standard fabric width (up to 150 cm) simply does not fit all the pattern pieces for obese people, so multiply the length of the product by 2.

Let's consider several other dress styles, besides the straight one:

  1. With a flared skirt - double the length of the product. This is necessary because the bottom edge of the dress will not fit the same width of the fabric.
  2. With a pleated skirt - to calculate how much material you will need, take triple the length of the product. This will increase costs significantly, especially if you are planning a maxi size. But you always have to spend money on good things.
  3. Dress on the bias - the standard for such an outfit is double length. The half sun pattern requires two skirt heights and two radius pieces. Obviously, in the “sun” you need twice as much material.

For pregnant

In her most beautiful period of life, any girl looks wonderful. A stylish outfit will only decorate her, so let’s find out the fabric consumption for a maternity dress so that you can sew it yourself.

Here the main parameter of the pattern is the width. Usually two of its parts are not included in 140-150 cm of fabric, so the length of the product doubles. In addition, clothes (such as sundresses, shirts) for pregnant women are often decorated with pockets, bows and frills, which should also be taken into account when calculating.

For children

To sew a dress for a girl, you don't need a lot of fabric. The method for calculating its length remains the same, but due to the small size of children, you can use material of any width. Even if it is smaller than the standard one (for example, 130 cm), it will suit you.

Required amount of fabric in centimeters: 0

The estimated width of the fabric roll is 180 cm.

How to prepare the canvas for cutting? How many meters of fabric are needed for the product? Beginners in sewing have a lot of questions. Our experts have developed several simple recommendations, as well as a convenient and easy-to-use online calculator for calculating the amount of fabric, for example, for a dress. In fact, this tool will also come in handy for experienced seamstresses. It can easily replace the fabric consumption table, which provides only approximate data.

How to use an online calculator?

  1. Mark for whom you plan to sew the item - for an adult or a child.
  2. Select the product type from the list.
  3. Select the size you need.
  4. Please indicate your height.

As a result, you will receive a calculation of the required amount of fabric in centimeters with a roll width of 180 cm. Knowing the amount of material, you can easily calculate the final cost of the product.

Processing of fabric before cutting

Almost all knitted fabrics may shrink during heat treatment or after washing in hot water, and skew of the grain thread may also occur. To avoid this, the canvas must be prepared in advance. Before cutting, the canvas needs to be processed. Decatification can be done in two ways:

  • using a steam generator - ironing along the grain of the thread from the wrong side;
  • place the knitwear in a container with hot water (50–60 degrees) for 10–15 minutes. Do not wring out textiles using twisting movements! Let the water drain from the fibers on its own, otherwise the filaments will become deformed.

During decating, handle the canvas with care, as there is a high risk of warping the grain thread. After processing, it should cool and dry, so you can avoid the effect of stretched folds, which are noticeable over large footage. Before drying, straighten the material with shaking movements. Before purchasing, keep in mind that knitted fabric may shrink slightly when wet and heat treated, and take 5–10 cm more.

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