Medium peeling: features, types, results. Medium salicylic peeling

Why do we grow old? This question sooner or later faces the vast majority of people. Without going into details and specific anatomical details, the processes of skin aging can be explained by a slowdown in cell renewal and collagen production, compaction of the stratum corneum, disruption of metabolic processes and lymph flow due to a number of external factors. It is quite possible to stop age-related changes using a procedure such as medium peeling. A unique cosmetic procedure can be carried out in several ways at once, each of which is characterized by certain features.

General definition of peeling

Getting acquainted with the technique should begin with its general definition. Thus, the Russian term peeling comes from the English verb of the same name “to peel”, which literally translates as to cleanse, peel off. Such a free translation best characterizes the very principle of operation of this procedure. As a result of the use of external irritants, the specialist cleanses your skin, which, after a short peeling, appears in a truly renewed form.

The procedure is truly multifaceted and has several independent directions, however, the general classification of peelings is carried out according to the depth of their impact. Thus, it is customary to distinguish the following categories:

  • Superficial peeling. A cosmetic procedure, the purpose of which is to affect the surface layer of the epidermis. It is carried out for easy correction and prevention, usually does not cause serious complications and is characterized by a minimal recovery period.
  • Medium peeling. The procedure also belongs to the category of cosmetic rather than medical, but its effect is more pronounced and powerful, making it possible to solve severe aesthetic problems and rejuvenate the skin. The effect of its implementation extends not only to the surface layer of the epidermis, but also affects all its components, reaching almost to the beginning of the dermis.
  • Deep peeling. It is a type of medical procedure and is a rather unsafe event. This technique is practiced in special centers not by cosmetologists, but by doctors. The recovery period after such peeling may involve hospital stay.

Main types of medium peeling

Indications, contraindications, side effects and stages of the procedure are determined by the specific type of manipulation performed. Of course, a doctor should select a rejuvenation technique for each patient, but it would be very useful to get to know such techniques in a little more detail. So, it is customary to highlight:

  • Medium chemical peeling. It is carried out on the basis of various acids that have the ability to penetrate deeply through pores;
  • Medium hardware peeling. It is carried out on the basis of special devices that allow for a fairly intense effect on the epidermis.

Features of medium chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is most often performed in cosmetology. Reviews indicate that such a technique is more affordable, which means it is automatically in great demand. To carry out such manipulations, in most cases the following types of acids are used:

  • Retinoic.
  • Trichloroacetic.
  • Vinegar.
  • Salicylic.

Subspecies and indications

Depending on their concentration and frequency of application, two more subgroups of medium chemical peeling can be distinguished. So, these include manipulations:

  • Mid-superficial. They provide a positive effect on mild or moderately expressed wrinkles and can be used to treat acne, acne, and increased pigmentation.
  • Mid-depth. Characterized by increased concentration. Their use is aimed at eliminating scars, hyperpigmentation and deep expression lines.

Acid TCA peeling


This kind of technique has quite a lot of contraindications. Thus, the procedure is prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, viral diseases and exacerbations of chronic ailments, high blood pressure and allergies to the components of the composition used. In addition, manipulation is categorically not recommended for pathologies of the circulatory and vascular systems, or mental disorders.


Medium facial peeling using various acids is almost always carried out according to the same algorithm. First of all, the client independently carries out preliminary preparation at home. To do this, it is recommended to use skin care creams based on acids used in the main procedure, but in minimal concentration.

The main stage, which takes place in a cosmetologist’s office, usually takes about 40 minutes. During this period of time, the specialist manages to cleanse and degrease the skin. Then, using a special brush, similar to a face mask, the selected acid is evenly distributed over the problem area. Neutralization of the composition is carried out after the applied substance has noticeably turned white. Finally, it is customary to use a special mask, the main task of which is to consolidate the effect obtained and reduce possible complications.

Side effects

Unfortunately, a possible negative reaction of the body to intervention during such a procedure cannot be avoided. Side effects begin to appear almost immediately, about a few hours after acid exposure. For the first time the most characteristic:

  • swelling;
  • increased pain;
  • redness of the skin.

After about 72 hours (sometimes more, sometimes less), active peeling of the skin begins. It looks very unaesthetic and often puts yesterday’s patients into real shock. In this case, pain is minimized and disappears, and a feeling of severe skin tightness appears, which can lead to serious discomfort when talking or eating.

Complications after medium acid peeling

Usually, all complications disappear by the end of the first week, however, this does not mean that the rehabilitation period is completely completed. Some reviews indicate that even after 7–10 days, local pink spots may be observed on the skin, as well as minor peeling. In general, the full effect of the renewal is formed in approximately 3 – 4 weeks.

To consolidate the positive results and minimize the side effects listed above, you must strictly follow the specialist’s recommendations regarding the rehabilitation period. In most cases, professional advice boils down to:

  • Purpose of restrictions(do not visit the solarium and sauna, do not go outside in extreme heat or frost, be sure to use sunscreen cosmetics, do not try to remove peeling yourself).
  • Recommendations for special complex cosmetics for the care of affected skin. Such funds are certainly the best solution, however, they are quite expensive and not everyone can afford them.

It is for this reason that most patients adhere to their own recovery period. Having studied the reviews, we can conclude that to carry out basic manipulations you will need to purchase Miramistin, thermal water and Panthenol cream at the pharmacy (other analogues with similar properties are also suitable: healing, moisturizing and nutrition). It is recommended to use Miramistin once or twice a day to disinfect and prevent the development of infections, use thermal water for moisturizing as needed, apply the selected cream as a mask and do not wash it off approximately once every 4 hours.

Features of hardware medium peeling

As we have already found out above, medium peeling can be not only chemical, but also hardware. Moreover, the latter is beginning to enjoy more and more success, as it is based on the use of modern technical devices that create a fairly quick and pronounced positive effect.

Depending on the means used, all manipulations are usually divided into two large subgroups. These include:

  • Laser (can be either fractional or classical).
  • A device with a mechanical attachment (for example, for diamond dermabrasion).


Most experts claim that the future belongs to fractional laser: this technique is quite effective and gentle, and only partially exposes the skin to radiation. During radiation, only certain areas of damaged cells, fractions, are destroyed; the remaining zones provide enhanced recovery, activation of regeneration function, stimulate the production of fibroblasts, and therefore collagen, which increases skin elasticity and helps smooth out wrinkles.

Due to selective influence, the rehabilitation period can be significantly reduced, possible complications manifest themselves in a less severe form.

As for the classic laser for medium peeling, most often the principle of its operation is based on powerful heating of the skin and the destruction of dead cells. Powerful CO 2 laser radiation promotes active collagen production and rejuvenation of problem areas.

Diamond peeling or dermabrasion is a rather painful procedure for deep skin resurfacing. To carry out the procedure, a special device is used, equipped with a nozzle coated with small particles of diamond chips. It is with its help that dead cells are scraped off (all removed particles are immediately removed by vacuum), as well as internal regenerative processes are activated. All manipulations are performed under anesthesia and last about 30 minutes. The positive effect is not formed in one session; to achieve the desired results, a course consisting of at least 5 – 7 procedures may be required.

Indications and contraindications

The indication for hardware procedures is the need for general skin rejuvenation (the first signs of ptosis, wrinkles), as well as the presence of skin defects (scars, pigmentation, acne). Medium peeling is not indicated for preventive measures; its purpose is to eliminate a specific problem.

In addition to the indications, there are also restrictions on the procedure. They are fairly standard and involve the following diseases or conditions:

  • Diabetes, oncology and other complex ailments.
  • Psychical deviations.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Acute infections.
  • Hypersensitivity of the skin and a tendency to scar formation.

There is no unified classification of peelings in cosmetology. As a rule, medium peels include procedures that affect not only the epidermis, but also the papillary layer of the dermis. Hardware (laser resurfacing, diamond dermabrasion) and chemical peels have a similar effect. In practice, medium peeling is more often called chemical peeling with acids, and this publication is dedicated to it.

Medium facial peeling: preparations

Medium facial peeling is carried out with solutions of glycolic, salicylic, retinoic or trichloroacetic acid. It is important to understand that the depth of the therapeutic effect (in other words, the type of peeling) depends on the concentration of the active substance and the exposure time. The procedure can be mid-superficial or mid-deep, but in practice such a distinction does not make much sense.

For example, peeling with salicylic acid can be either exclusively superficial or medium. In the first case, a 10-15% acid solution is applied to the skin, in the second - 25-30%. Trichloroacetic acid at dilutions below 10% has a superficial effect, while a 20-30% solution is a classic tool for medium TCA peels.

Combinations of organic acids may be used during the procedure. An example is Jessner's solution, which is a mixture of a 14% alcohol solution of resorcinol, lactic and salicylic acid. In some cases, Jessner's solution is used together with trichloroacetic acid.

So, the depth and effectiveness of medium peeling, as well as the duration of recovery after the procedure, are influenced by the following factors:

  • Composition of the drug
  • Active ingredient concentration
  • Exposure duration (procedure time)

Next, we will dwell in more detail on the possibilities of medium facial peeling, but first we would like to once again emphasize that the result largely depends on the correct choice of the combination of the factors listed above. In other words, it depends on the experience and qualifications of the cosmetologist who will perform this procedure.

Medium chemical peeling is a serious therapeutic procedure, followed by a difficult recovery period. We do not recommend experimenting with this technique - you cannot peel with concentrated acids “for fun.” The main indications for it are listed below:

  • Fine wrinkles caused by photoaging processes or genetic characteristics. The procedure is ineffective against expression lines and deep folds.
  • Hyperpigmentation, freckles, chloasma. The technique gives excellent results when the goal is skin whitening.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis, oily skin.
  • Hyperkeratosis.
  • Comedones.
  • Acne. It is difficult to completely cure acne with peeling, but it is effective in complex therapeutic courses.
  • Withering of the skin, deterioration of color and loss of elasticity. Skin rejuvenation is one of the main effects of medium peeling.

Medium TCA peeling is used mainly in the face, décolleté, and neck areas. However, it can be used to eliminate cosmetic defects in other anatomical areas - hands, anterior abdominal wall, areas of local hyperkeratosis.

Medium TCA peel: procedure

Let's look at the procedure using the example of peeling with trichloroacetic acid. Medium TCA peeling is carried out after preliminary preparation. It is preceded by hygienic cleansing of the skin 1.5-2 weeks before the procedure. After cleaning, the doctor selects a cosmetic product with glycolic acid (low concentration) for the patient for daily care. The purpose of preparation is to carefully soften the stratum corneum and remove dead epidermal cells.

Immediately before peeling, the doctor cleanses the skin with special products and applies protective lotion to delicate areas (skin around the eyes, lips). After this, several layers of trichloroacetic acid are applied to the face. The application of acids continues until a thin film resembling frost appears on the skin. This phenomenon is called frost, or frosting.

After frosting appears, peeling stops. The acid is removed using a special neutralizing solution. A mask is applied to the skin, which has a cooling, neutralizing, moisturizing and nourishing effect. At the final stage, the skin is treated with a special cream.

Other types of medium peeling fit into the scheme described above, but each procedure has its own characteristics. You can get detailed answers to your questions during a consultation with a cosmetologist at the Moscow SOHO CLINIC.

After medium peeling

You should be prepared for discomfort after a mid-peel. The main cause of discomfort will not be pain, but a feeling of skin tightness and severe peeling. You can fight the symptoms with thermal water or special means, but they will not always give the desired result. In a word, you will have to be patient, limit the activity of facial muscles and wait until the peeling goes away.

The duration and degree of discomfort depend on the depth of exposure, but, as a rule, the discomfort goes away within 5-7 days. During this time, several rules should be followed: you should not use scrubs, aggressive cleansers and alcohol-based tonics. For care, you need to choose the most gentle products with a neutral pH. You should not use oily creams - they delay the process of cleansing the skin of dead elements.

You can use decorative cosmetics from the second day after the procedure, but you cannot sunbathe in a solarium for 2-4 weeks. Also, you should not visit the sauna or swimming pool. You will receive the most detailed information with individual recommendations from the cosmetologist who will perform this procedure.

Medium facial peeling is a godsend for those over 30: it is too early to undergo plastic surgery, but prevention of age-related changes is already necessary. The procedure will help relieve the burden of dead cells and improve the penetration of beneficial substances from creams and serums by 80%.

Most often, such measures are thought about in order to preserve youth and to eliminate traces of advanced acne. The specificity of the method requires mandatory consultation and supervision of a dermatologist, that is predominantly salon-based.

To understand what a midfacial peel is and how to choose the best exfoliation method, you first need to understand the structure of the skin.

SKIN is the largest organ of the human body .

It protects against harmful environmental influences and helps retain nutrients.

The skin consists of 3 main layers:

  • Epidermis- surface cover of 5 layers (outer - horny, the bottom one - basal). This layer is responsible for the shade that changes under the influence of the sun.
  • Dermis- consists of only 2 layers: papillary And mesh. This is where they are blood vessels, hair roots, nerve fibers And collagen and elastin proteins, determining the youth of their owner.
  • Hypodermis- and in this subcutaneous fat layer heat exchange is adjusted And food supplied.

Median exfoliation exfoliates tissues up to the basal septum of the epidermis.

As a result, defects such as post-acne, stretch marks, wrinkles and scars are eliminated.



As a result of an attack on living cells, the body reacts by activating restoration processes and literally “grows” new young tissues in place of old ones.

An entire army led by collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans rushes to “patch” tissue, improving its protective and moisture-retaining properties.

The resulting effect lasts for 6-24 months.


In the same time, Such methods also have disadvantages:

  • PAINFULNESS (for example, acids cause a burning sensation).
  • RECOVERY for at least 7 days.
  • PEELING. After the session, the skin may peel and come off in large flaps (except for some types of laser treatment).

Indications and contraindications


So, what can a medium chemical peel for the face and body handle:

  • Fuzzy oval face;
  • Freckles, post-acne;
  • Bio- and photoaging;


The session cannot be held if there is contraindications:

  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Damages of the cardiovascular system.
  • Acute infections.
  • Predisposition to the development of keloids.
  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Neuropsychiatric disorders.
  • Oncology.
  • Diabetes.
  • Open dermatological lesions.


Median exposure methods come in several varieties.


Basically, we are talking about acids here, but sometimes alkalis are involved in the preparations. Medium chemical peeling for the face can be either mono-acid or multi-acid.

The most popular acid methods are:

Varies depending on molecular weight depth of penetration of acids into the skin. Subtypes of medium chemical peeling are associated with this:


In hardware technologies, it is also possible to influence defects in the living layer of the epidermis using a laser.

In light of the latest trends in aesthetic medicine, for this purpose they are resorting to, which allows one to act on human tissue in depth, while maintaining the surface untouched at first glance.

The technology uses “grid” type irradiation mini rays. Those. vaporizes tissue through multiple micro-explosions and involves rapid regeneration. The cells seem to “suck in” the rays, and then fragmentary damage forms the basis for careful restoration.

At the moment, laser methods are considered one of the most advanced. During regeneration, collagen, elastin and fibroblasts are intensively produced, as a result the skin becomes fresher and younger.

In the process of such mechanical peeling, the face is treated with a special attachment of a cosmetic device with diamond coating.

GEZATON, 150 € Pristine, 6.999 € Kendal Dimond Peel, 135 €

Different types of brushes allow you to get rid of acne, scars, spots and wrinkles.

The method is based on the beneficial properties of the hardest mineral on Earth: diamond. It is successfully used in medicine and dermatology to treat inflammatory processes.

Physical peeling

Another option for medium facial peels is physical peeling. In another way, such exfoliation is called “ ”: within the framework of this technology, aesthetic imperfections are eliminated using liquid nitrogen, which creates a feeling of “freezing” the integument.

Portable cryodestructor "Krioton-3" CryoMini device


Procedure protocol

Medium facial peeling is carried out as follows:

  1. First, we choose a method and make sure there are no contraindications.
  2. 2 days before the session The use of fatty creams is limited; cleansing and degreasing with tonic is allowed.
  3. On the day of the session The treatment area must be prepared in a special way: cleaned of dirt, grease and makeup.
  4. At the next stage, the composition itself is applied, strictly according to the procedure protocol.
  5. After the frost effect occurs(a white coating representing denaturation of cellular protein) is applied peeling mixture neutralizer.
  6. Finally, a moisturizing and protective mask is applied.

Post-session care

Care after a mid-peel (for example) is especially significant, since any mistake during the rehabilitation period can negate all the benefits. The face may become red and swollen at this time, this is normal.


After the session, the skin peels off for 7 to 14 days. At this time, a crust forms on the damaged tissues, which should come off on its own. Under no circumstances should you tear it off, otherwise scars may form.

Scrubs After a medium facial peeling, use is strictly prohibited!

You can’t wash your face with water for the first 2 days.. Starting from the 3rd day, once daily washing with boiled water at a pleasant temperature is allowed. with mild acidity pH 5-6 (regular soap is prohibited).

Simultaneously with washing, you can use pharmaceutical skincare products like Panthenol.

Peeling gives the skin softness and silky tenderness - a procedure known since time immemorial. Even in ancient Egypt, women removed superficial, dead skin cells to give their face and body a radiant shine and freshness. The term “peeling” has a modern origin, from the English verb “peel”, which can be translated as “to scrape off”. In cosmetology, types of procedures vary in depth of impact. Medium peeling is designed to remove dead particles not only on the surface, but also in the deeper layer of the epidermis. It is important to understand that this procedure is a rather serious invasion, so it is performed not out of choice, but out of necessity.

What is a mid peel?

The bottom line is that with the help of devices, chemical compounds or mechanical devices, skin cells are actively “attacked”. Water is evaporated from them, keratinized particles are removed, and the surface layer is peeled off. Cellular tissue is purposefully damaged and destroyed.

As a result of such aggressive influence, the epidermis actively begins its restoration work. Very fast regeneration occurs, collagen is actively produced, which fills a new layer of skin.

How does medium peeling affect the skin?

  • The surface coverings tighten, become more elastic and smooth.
  • Scars disappear and depressions are smoothed out.
  • Pigment spots become discolored and completely disappear.
  • Pores and sebaceous ducts narrow.
  • Traces of age-related changes disappear or are significantly reduced.
  • Expression wrinkles, acne marks and blackheads are smoothed out.
  • The skin looks well-groomed, young and fresh.

Medical or cosmetic prerequisites must exist for the procedure to be performed.

Indications for medium peeling

  • Presence of scars
  • Warts and papillomas
  • Stretch marks
  • Mimic and age-related skin changes - hyperpigmentation, wrinkles
  • Development of depressions or scars in place of healed acne and blackheads
  • Hyperkeratosis is an increased process of epidermal cell division with impaired separation and desquamation function.

Contraindications for medium peeling

  • Inflammatory processes of the epidermis, including purulent ones
  • Acute course of infectious diseases - any, not just skin
  • Cardiovascular diseases, especially in the acute stage
  • Blood diseases, including those associated with bleeding disorders
  • Oncological diseases and diabetes mellitus
  • All types of nervous and mental disorders
  • The location of the epidermis to root formation of scar tissue

There are several technologies for medium peeling - hardware, chemical, mechanical. Let's take a closer look at them.

Hardware medium peeling

It is produced using lasers and other technological devices, which is why it is called a hardware procedure.

  • Laser fractional. It has many additional names - laser grating, partial thermolysis. The essence of the method is that the deep layers of the skin are treated with the finest laser beams. When projected, they form a grid pattern rather than a continuous curtain, hence the name. Individual areas of the skin are affected. This allows you to actively stimulate the regenerative function, minimizing possible complications. The recovery period after laser treatment is reduced, the skin quickly acquires a healthy and fresh appearance. In the offers of various clinics, you can see that the procedure is offered to be carried out with different types of lasers. Experts agree that there are no absolute advantages for any one. It doesn’t really matter what type of peeling laser you choose – neodymium or erbium. A much more significant factor is the qualifications of the doctor.
  • Laser resurfacing. It is produced by the directed action of a laser beam over the entire surface of the epidermis. Cells are literally bombarded with high-energy pulses. The membranes are destroyed, and the cellular fluid evaporates. As a result of the microdamages caused, an accelerated regeneration process is launched, and the layers of the epidermis are actively renewed.

Chemical medium peeling

The fundamental difference from the previous one is the use of various chemical compounds as active substances, namely acids. The following types are most often used in cosmetology:

  • Salicylic. It can be in the form of an aqueous solution or paste, but for medium peeling only a solution with a concentration of at least 30% is used.
  • Fruit and lactic acids.
  • Ascorbic, retinol and glycolic.
  • Trichloroacetic.

All active substances are only of organic origin. Cosmetologists can use one type or a mixture of substances for the procedure.

Under the influence of acids, epidermal cells are destroyed, and the process of active recovery begins. Chemical peeling has a number of additional effects.

  • Cleansing and exfoliating surface. The outer part of the skin is whitened and the stratum corneum is removed, which creates a complex effect of the procedure.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect. Pathogenic flora is eliminated, which improves not only the external condition, but also the health of the skin.
  • Narrowing of pores. The active agent helps to reduce fatty pores, this makes the skin even out, the sebaceous glands do not work as actively, which helps reduce inflammation and acne.

Manipulation has a complex effect. There are mid-superficial and mid-deep procedures. The first has proven itself well in getting rid of scars, skin unevenness, the effects of acne, and other defects of the external integument. Mid-depth helps perfectly in solving age-related problems - strengthening turgor, smoothing wrinkles, pigmentation. It is also used for polishing scars from operations or minor injuries.

An allergic reaction to organic acid is also added to the general list of contraindications for chemical peeling. Those who suffer from various types of food allergies need to be especially careful. If there is a reaction to grapes or almonds, then an allergy to the corresponding acids is likely.

Some types of agents are strictly contraindicated in pregnant and breastfeeding women, for example, salicylic and triacetic acid.

Mechanical medium peeling

The second, more common name for the procedure is grinding. As a result of this procedure, wrinkles, pits, and scars are smoothed out. The skin looks even, smooth, silky.

  • Under high pressure, tiny particles are sprayed, which act with great force on the epidermal cells. We can say that the keratinized particles are cut off by microcrystals flying at great speed.
  • Particles of aluminum, salt, and even diamonds are used as active agents.
  • The degree and strength of the effect are varied by the cosmetologist, depending on the goals of the procedure.

Mechanical medium peeling has its advantages. In particular, it does not bring discomfort or pain, and the recovery period after it is quick.

Features of the procedure

Peeling is preceded by an initial examination, identification of the problem and existing contraindications.

  • Before the treatment, you should not use nourishing creams, take vitamin preparations of the retinol group, or use scrubs at home, at least 48 hours before the peeling time.
  • The procedure is preceded by cleansing of the skin; it is performed by the same doctor who will perform the main treatment.

It should be remembered that after completion of the manipulations it will take some time to recover. The skin undergoes a number of changes.

  • In the first few hours, the skin turns red due to the fact that the protein structures of the cells thicken and fold. This process is called protein coagulation.
  • Then swelling and foci of inflammation occur. This is also a natural process - after all, the cells have been subjected to destructive effects to which they simply cannot help but react. The outer covering becomes dense, some use the term "tanned leather".
  • Exfoliation begins. It can last up to 2 weeks, depending on the technology used and the individual reaction of the epidermis to the procedure.
  • Then active regeneration begins, a new layer of skin appears. It is much more even, smooth, with neat pores. A silky shine and a healthy, fresh appearance of the surface epidermis appears. This is the cosmetic effect of the procedure.

Care and regimen during the recovery period

Upon completion of the work, the cosmetologist will definitely give recommendations that will help cope with the consequences of the intervention and facilitate cell restoration. It is necessary to remember the main rules.

  • Using comprehensive facial care with anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant content.
  • In the first 5 days, it is better to use gels and foams for care; you can start rubbing the cream after this period has expired.
  • The first days you need to do without makeup, even the lightest.
  • Scrubs should not be used until the skin layer is completely restored.
  • Limit the amount of touching your face. We will have to control ourselves, since we perform most of these actions unconsciously.
  • Do not visit the solarium and limit your exposure to ultraviolet radiation on your skin as much as possible. Include in your daily care a cream with an index of at least 35 UV in winter and at least 60 in summer.

After the procedure, the doctor gives a list of care products and basic recommendations that should be followed in full if you want the result to be as favorable as possible.

Compare several photos before and after the procedure. Pay special attention to the initial defects and how just one manipulation can deal with them. The positive effects of peeling are clearly visible

  • when eliminating facial wrinkles,
  • signs of skin aging,
  • unevenness of the cover
  • other minor defects of the epidermis.

The transience of female beauty will help you stop mid-peeling at home. This procedure is a real lifesaver for women over 35 years old. At this age, even skillfully done makeup does not hide the aesthetic imperfections of the facial skin. For example, the folds of facial wrinkles, pigmentation or lumpy skin after acne. You can solve these problems without leaving your home using a medium peeling composition. The main thing is to choose the right drug and strictly follow the instructions.

Is medium peeling possible at home?

The uniform principle of action of all medium peels is based on the complete destruction of the cells of the upper dead layer of the epidermis, which results in serious cleansing and rejuvenation of the facial skin. The concept of “medium peeling” is multifaceted: it combines physical and chemical methods of exfoliating the skin. The depth of artificial trauma to the skin does not exceed 0.5 millimeters: the active substances come into contact with the keratinized layer of the dermis, but do not affect the basement membrane of the epithelium.

If superficial facial peeling, being the most gentle method, can correct only minor cosmetic defects, then medium-impact peeling helps a woman not only beautify her face, but also visually lose a couple of years. Unlike radical deep peeling, which requires anesthesia and hospital conditions, superficial and medium cleansing can be done at home. But safe superficial exfoliation is the choice of cosmetologists for young skin with the first expression lines or slight pigmentation, and medium exfoliation is a proven remedy for eliminating obvious signs of photoaging, age, acne scars and extensive age spots.

Initially, the medium peeling technique was developed only for aesthetic medicine clinics and multidisciplinary beauty salons. Later, cosmeceutical companies launched products on the market for self-performing the median exfoliation procedure. The concentrations of active ingredients in them are significantly lower than in professional formulations. If all points of the instructions are followed, their home use has an effect comparable to that in the salon.

According to the method of influence on the skin, medium peeling is divided into physical and chemical. The first category includes hardware techniques such as microcrystalline dermabrasion and laser peeling. Microdermabrasion involves painless treatment of the skin with a special diamond tip or diamond-coated brush. Laser peeling starts the process of soft tissue regeneration under the influence of laser beams with a certain short wavelength. It is impossible to use hardware techniques at home. But you can turn to another category of medium peels - chemical exfoliation.

Medium chemical procedures are based on facial treatment with low-percentage acidic compounds. Upon contact with skin, the acidic agent causes a slight chemical burn to the top layer. Cells of damaged tissues, striving for regeneration, begin to actively produce anti-inflammatory elements, collagen and elastin fibers. New skin grows, thickens and tightens, hiding past defects. Ready-made peeling kits can be purchased at the pharmacy, or you can mix the product yourself.

The effect of a properly performed medium peel at home can meet any expectations. The result of a course of 3-5 procedures will be:

  • professional removal of the skin from a long-term layer of keratinized scales;
  • correction of age-related changes in facial skin, including deep expression wrinkles;
  • increased turgor (elasticity) of the skin;
  • lightening of bright pigment spots, evening out skin tone;
  • elimination of “earthy” and dull complexion;
  • prevention of photoaging;
  • reduction of comedones and acne manifestations;
  • reduction of the network of enlarged pores;
  • smoothing out skin roughness after acne, scars, scars after injuries.

Contraindications to the home procedure

Despite the fact that facial peeling at home is carried out with mildly aggressive compounds and is unable to significantly injure the skin, the procedure has several contraindications. Before applying medial exfoliation products to your face yourself, make sure that you do not have the following risk factors in your life.

  • rosacea of ​​the facial skin - a pronounced network of capillaries;
  • exacerbation of acne;
  • inflammatory processes on the face: pustules, redness, boils;
  • eczema and other dermatological diseases;
  • pregnancy or lactation period;
  • tendency of the skin to be allergic to acid solutions;
  • elevated body temperature due to current infection;
  • skin injuries in the area affected by the drug: scratches, abrasions, cracks;
  • chronic diseases of the body's endocrine system;
  • herpes rashes on the lips;
  • hormonal disbalance.

In addition to biological ones, there are also seasonal contraindications for mid-cleansing of the skin with chemical agents. Cosmetologists advise to refrain from performing procedures in late spring and summer. At this time, the sun is especially active and can burn delicate skin after peeling. The effect of the sessions will disappear, and difficult-to-remove pigmentation will remain on the face. Please take this into account when planning your course.

Getting ready for the mid-peeling

It doesn’t matter where you will perform the medium peeling procedure: at home or in a beauty salon, you need to prepare for it correctly. Advance preparation will soften the skin and help it better perceive the effects of aqueous acid solutions. You need to start preparing for medium peeling at least 14 days before the first intended session:

  • To the stages of daily care we add the application of cream, the use of a gel for washing or tonic, which contains fruit or salicylic acid in 3-4% concentration;
  • We use the preparatory product once a day, in the evening before bed;
  • Every day we apply sunscreen with a minimal ultraviolet filter (SPF 15 marking) to the skin of the face;
  • 2 days before peeling, stop using fatty nourishing cream;
  • We select a soothing mask according to your skin type: it will come in handy immediately after completing the peeling procedure.

Pre-peeling preparation will make the top layer of the epidermis much thinner and reduce its sensitivity.

General rules for home procedures

Whatever the medium peel, there is a general procedure protocol that must be followed. Especially for beginners.

  • thoroughly wipe your hands with a disinfectant solution or alcohol wipes for injections;
  • wash off your makeup, pat your face dry with a soft towel;
  • lubricate the area around the eyes and lips with Vaseline - this oily barrier will protect thin skin from contact with acid;
  • mix the peeling composition and spread it over the skin with a wide brush, first on the nose, then on the chin, gradually moving up to the cheeks and forehead;
  • do not remove the composition for 4-10 minutes. For the first session, the time interval should be minimal;
  • at the first sign of concern, remove the peeling mixture;
  • home remedy for acid peeling must be removed with a neutralizer or distilled water;
  • moisturize and soothe your skin with a special serum or mask, for example, with aloe vera extract.

Preparing the peeling composition at home

It is not at all necessary to purchase a factory-made peeling product from pharmacy chains. Buy only its components and mix the composition for medium exfoliation at home.

Calcium chloride peeling

  • 1 ampoule of 5% calcium chloride solution;
  • 1 tsp cosmetic milk.
  1. apply a thin layer of milk on the face;
  2. wait until the product is completely absorbed, remove excess with a cotton pad or sponge;
  3. Apply calcium chloride to the face with a cotton swab, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips;
  4. wait for the first layer to dry for 3-5 minutes;
  5. apply the second - fourth layer of solution, also waiting for each previous one to dry;
  6. for the first session, 4 layers of calcium chloride will be enough, gradually applying the solution can be increased to a maximum of 8 times;
  7. lather your fingertips with baby wash and gently apply it to your face;
  8. roll up dried layers of calcium chloride along with soap and particles of keratinized epidermis;
  9. wash with warm water.

Peeling with camphor and glycerin

  • 30-35 ml. camphor alcohol;
  • 30-35 ml. glycerin solution;
  • 10-15 ml. 10% ammonia;
  • 10-15 ml. boric alcohol;
  • 30-35 ml. hydrogen peroxide;
  • 1 small baby soap;
  • 1 ampoule of 10% calcium chloride.
  1. in one bowl, camphor alcohol, glycerin, ammonia and boric alcohol, and a solution of hydrogen peroxide are mixed successively until a homogeneous consistency;
  2. rub a small piece of any baby soap into another bowl on a fine grater;
  3. The alcohol mixture is gradually added to the soap shavings and brought to the consistency of thick sour cream;
  4. the finished peeling product is applied to the face for 15 minutes;
  5. the dried composition is neutralized with a solution of calcium chloride;
  6. then you need to wash your face with warm water and pat dry with a soft towel.

Peeling with bodyaga and hydrogen peroxide

  • 4 tsp dry bodyaga powder;
  • 1 bottle of hydrogen peroxide.
  1. slowly add hydrogen peroxide to the bodyagi powder, constantly stirring the composition until foam forms;
  2. bring the mixture to the texture of cream and wait for the end of the chemical reaction;
  3. apply Vaseline to your eyebrows to avoid bleaching your hair;
  4. put on rubber gloves and apply peeling to your face;
  5. rinse with water after 20 minutes.

Facial skin rehabilitation

Medium facial peeling does not end with cleansing procedures alone. Its result is significantly influenced by subsequent skin care. The more attentive you are to skin damaged by acid compounds, the faster they will restore their attractiveness.

  • On the day of peeling, try not to touch your face, wash your face or wipe it with a towel. Remove disturbing oily sheen with a soft napkin or rice paper;
  • the next day, repeat the application of the soothing or moisturizing mask;
  • During the first couple of days after the procedure, refrain from wearing makeup. From the third day after the mid-peeling, you can apply mineral powder;
  • when going outside, do not forget to apply sunscreens and lotions with an SPF of at least 35;
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun; avoid tanning in a solarium.

A home course of medium peeling can consist of 5-8 procedures with a break between each of at least 14 days. Only 1 course of treatment can be carried out per year.

Household chemicals: pros and cons

Among women who regularly take care of themselves, there are many brave fans of home treatments. Even such as chemical peeling of medium impact. In their own way, they are right, because any skin renewal, done correctly and independently, has a whole list of advantages:

  • the ability to perform the procedure at any convenient time;
  • saving money on cosmetologist services;
  • own control over the peeling process;
  • obtaining an effect that is not inferior to the salon one;
  • the possibility of using both ready-made pharmaceutical preparations and self-prepared formulations based on natural ingredients.

At the same time, the other half of women prefer not to prescribe peelings without professional medical advice, fearing:

  • unpredictable skin reactions: irritation, redness, severe burns;
  • contraindications to the procedure;
  • improper execution of pre-peeling preparation;
  • low-quality finished compounds.

Medium peeling is one of those cosmetic procedures that can be performed at home. And don’t let its chemical component scare you. In this case, chemistry works for the benefit of beauty, and not against it. Do not exceed the permissible concentration of active ingredients, prepare the skin for exfoliation in advance and follow the procedure according to the instructions for the drug. Here are three simple rules that, if followed, will make the procedure safe and effective.

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