Witch dress styles for the New Year. Witch costume: DIY

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I am glad to welcome you to a new article! It's not difficult to make a cool DIY witch costume for Halloween. The main thing is to choose the right image of a witch and start preparing at least a few days in advance to get everything done. I will tell you about the most striking images and help you bring interesting and unusual bold ideas to life. Go!

Choosing the image of a witch for girls

Classics are always beyond competition. Don't like experiments, stick to proven solutions? Choose a costume for an ordinary witch in the best traditions of this image. This is a must-have black long dress, a robe or long cape, a broom and a hat. Such a witch will not surprise, but it will definitely attract attention.

  1. If you are determined to try on the character for Halloween scary witch like Baba Yaga from a fairy tale, then you will have to forget about beautiful makeup and black lace. Everything should be as natural as possible: gray hair, rags, a hooked nose and warts, a predatory, evil look and a broom.
  2. Image evil witch Create from a fairy tale using old clothes from “grandmother’s chest.” A long skirt, vest and knitted sweater, moth-eaten in places, will do. If this is a forest witch, add some “forest” accessories, for example, dry branches, berries, leaves. The image of the evil swamp witch should be complemented by mud, frogs, snakes, leeches and other “amenities”. The props are sold in themed stores; it’s easy to make some elements yourself.
  3. For a girl prone to romance, the ideal image is gothic witch. A long narrow black dress, beautiful above-the-elbow gloves made of black lace, a pale face under a veil, folds of a robe and a luxurious dark satin collar - in this outfit you will become a gothic party queen!
  4. Fashionable perky witch. The image is suitable for both a child and an adult girl. A cheerful and not at all evil witch can be in a bright short dress, with colorful combinations of colors, and a magic wand instead of a broom. Such a witch will not scare, but rather will cheer up those around her.

You can also surprise the audience on Halloween in the form of a zombie witch, a witch who miraculously escaped from the scaffold, where she was going to be hanged or burned at the stake, a seductress witch, etc. Choose what is closest to you and act!

What is included in a witch costume: base and accessories

To make a beautiful and unusual witch costume with your own hands, you need to know which parts you will have to work on. Regardless of the image, the outfit is based on 4 components:

  • top;
  • mantle;
  • hat.

The corset and skirt for the outfit can be combined into a dress. The details of the costume will look equally impressive separately. Instructions for making individual costume elements are below.

How to make a hat easily

Witches have different hats. A classic of the genre - pointed with a large buckle in the middle. This is easy to make yourself from cardboard or thick, easy-to-use felt. The second option is more practical and convenient for decorating with different decorations.

Master class on making a cardboard hat:

  1. Cut a circle from a sheet of white cardboard with a hole in the center. Need I say that the diameter is equal to the circumference of the head?
  2. Transfer the circle onto a piece of brown cardstock. Cut along the contours without touching the hole.
  3. Make triangular slits along the diameter of the hole and bend them. The cuts are needed to secure the cone.
  4. Cut a cone out of brown cardboard so that the diameter of its base matches the inner circumference of the brim.
  5. Secure the cone to the prepared triangles with glue.

That's all! The witch's hat is ready. All that remains is to decorate it. Use satin ribbons in dark colors, as well as decorative elements of your choice: rhinestones, fake cobwebs, mesh, lace, spiders and plastic mice. Another variation:

The hat can be any size. If this is a children's costume, then the hat can be made very tiny in the form of a hairpin or headband. Hats with a high pointed top look impressive on older girls.

You can replace the hat with unusual and stylish accessories, especially suitable for the image of a modern witch. Hoops with bats on a wire look great. Yes, and making them is simpler. Cut out mouse silhouettes from black cardboard or felt. Secure the mice to the wire and then to the hoop. The length of the wire rods should be different to create the impression of natural mice fluttering over the witch's head.

How to make a dress top

The corset beautifully emphasizes the curves of the female body, lifts the breasts, and makes the waist thin and graceful. Girls have no need for such an item of clothing, but ladies, for whom it is important to remain attractive and desirable even in a black witch costume, will find a corset very useful for the holiday.

You can sew a corset with your own hands (you need some skills and experience), remake a ready-made one, or replace it with a slimming bodysuit or a black swimsuit. Rhinestones, beads, foil stars, and attributes of the “dark world”, for example, a black cat or a raven (use suitable children’s toys), are suitable for decorating the top. There are a lot of options, use your imagination and create something special!

Witch skirt: what it could be

A full-length skirt looks more impressive, and both a narrow one with slits and a full one look equally great. If desired, maxi can be replaced with mini. The main thing is that it should be a dark-colored skirt made of fabric that matches the suit.

The easiest option is to make a skirt with your own hands from a piece of black fabric. Simply cut out a rectangle with a circumference twice as wide as your hips, gather it into folds, fasten it with thread and tie it around your waist with a wide ribbon. That's all, the spectacular Halloween witch skirt is ready!

Using the same principle, you can make a skirt for a child. Remember that a witch for a child can be creepy in moderation; rather, the finished image should turn out cute and a little funny. That is why it is better to make a children's version of a skirt from tulle. Buy different colors of tulle and tie it in strips onto a wide ribbon for a belt. You will get a beautiful, funny skirt that you can build on when adding accessories to your costume.

Cape or robe for a witch

This item of clothing is also very easy to make. Any materials you can find at home will do. The ideal cape is made of velvet or satin, but even tulle or organza will do.

Cut out a rectangle, gather it at the top with a lace, as you did with the skirt, and the cape is ready. This is the simplest option, there are others. For example, a web mantle. Make it from an unnecessary black item: an old scarf, raincoat, T-shirt, skirt, etc. The size of the future web will depend on the length of the material. Remember how you cut out snowflakes from paper as a child. The web mantle is made according to the same principle:

  1. Fold the material in half twice.
  2. Make a pattern from the edge of the fold.
  3. Measure the circumference of your head and divide this number by 2.
  4. Add 2 cm to the resulting number and place a mark on the fabric (set aside from the edge).
  5. Make a similar mark on the other side.
  6. Connect the marks in a semicircle.
  7. Mark the length of the cape horizontally from the starting point of the folded edge.
  8. Ideally, the length of the mantle should be about 70 cm in each direction.
  9. From the point where you cut the hole for the head, start measuring.
  10. Cut out a semicircle.

If everything was done correctly, you should end up with a pattern similar to a circle skirt. You can initially use it as a model, replacing the waist circumference with the head circumference.

If desired, sew a hood to the mantle. To do this, prepare two semicircles. Sew them into the cape in a straight line along the entire neckline.

Next comes the most interesting part – the web. Using chalk or a piece of soap, draw vertical stripes on the fabric from the neck to the bottom. They are needed to keep track of proportions. Give the bottom a curly shape. Draw the cobweb with chalk, to make the design symmetrical, cut along the fold of the fabric. Line the robe with contrasting fabric if desired.

Quick Witch Costume

When there is absolutely no time for sewing and other manipulations to create an original witch costume for the holiday, the main thing is not to abandon the idea, but to take a simpler route. First, make a light costume that will take no more than 10 minutes, and then, as far as possible, improve it with accessories.

So, for a quick and easy witch costume, you will need any black clothes and decor. Choose gloomy clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time, maybe your grandmother’s from an old closet at the dacha. The decor is a variety of props based on the theme, from cobwebs to insects, mice, crows and other evil spirits.

Glue or sew everything that you can find or have time to make from the decor to your black base. That's all, nothing more is needed. All that remains is to arm yourself with the attributes of a witch: a broom from the yard or something like a magic wand, an old umbrella or a cane and go ahead and scare honest people!

Oh yes, and the makeup should be on point here. Use theatrical makeup whenever possible, draw silicone wrinkles, cover your face with gray, white or even green paint. Glue on long eyelashes, insert scary red or white lenses, and highlight your lips.

Don't forget about manicure and hairstyle. A witch's nails, if her hands are not wearing gloves, should be long, sharp, dark and terrifying. Hair, if this is not the image of a witch-coquette and fashionista, with gray hair, tousled, flowing long dirty strands with insects and moss lost in them.

Don't underestimate the power of accessories. When there is no time, desire and opportunity to “conjure” a costume for too long, they will become a real salvation. What this will be depends on the desired effect.

So, if the goal is to create a fashionable and playful image of a witch, for example, when you need a costume for a child, you should choose cool striped socks or stockings as mandatory accessories. They go great with a pointed hat and shoes with turned-up toes. You can also make these with your own hands from used shoes in about half an hour!

  1. Simply create a pointed “toe” on your shoes using masking tape, foil, or plaster bandages.
  2. Attach them to the surface of the shoe, cover it with newspapers (toilet paper) and carefully prime it with paint.
  3. The final layer is colored paint and glitter, if you really want a layer of glue after the paint has dried.

As you can see, nothing is impossible if you want to dress up as a witch for Halloween. Look at pictures of finished images and get inspired by interesting ideas that have already been implemented somewhere on the other side of the world. Be sure to share this article with useful tips with your friends! On the eve of the most terrible holiday, it will be useful for many of them to learn how to make a witch costume for themselves and for a child simply and cheaply with their own hands. Goodbye!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Witch costume- an ideal solution for a little girl or a teenage girl who is preparing for a festive masquerade on the occasion of the New Year or Halloween. You can buy it in a specialized store or make it yourself. When it comes to a costume, we mean not only a dress, but also additional accessories: jewelry, a headdress, a magic staff or ball.

You will definitely be able to do it DIY witch costume, if you carefully follow our master classes. Today we invite you to consider an image that is gaining momentum in popularity thanks to the release of a new Hollywood fairy tale - Maleficent.

The appearance of this witch is bright and memorable, despite the fact that exclusively black color is used to create it.

If you want to create one like this DIY Halloween witch costume, then you have to make a magic staff, a headdress with horns, large black wings and the dress itself with a black cape.

Witch costume

At first you may think that making the image of Maleficent is very difficult, because you need to make many individual accessories that are included in witch costume, photo which can be viewed on the global web. And in order to get a dose of inspiration before the creative process, you can turn on the film itself, so you will accurately evaluate what an outfit should look like, as close as possible to the original.

Of course, the best costumers and designers worked on creating the image of Angelina Jolie, but we are confident that even an inexperienced seamstress who has little experience in creating accessories with her own hands can cope with this task, because before you probably made simple ones, but now you are faced with a more difficult one task.

Let's start the outfit with the most important accessory, the calling card of our witch - her headdress with horns. You will be surprised, but in order to make such horns, you only need foil and no complicated tools.

The entire base will be made of foil, which will then need to be reinforced with mounting tape and decorated with black glossy material.

In addition to a roll of foil, we also need a black rim, a roll of masking tape and regular wide transparent tape, a hot glue gun, scissors and a piece of black leatherette.

At the first stage, place your workspace in front of a large mirror, now you only need foil, it can first be cut into pieces of 30-40 cm. Since the headdress should fit tightly to the head, we will make the workpiece by laying the foil directly on the top of the head. To do this, you need to make your hair smooth, pulling your hair into a tight low ponytail or braid.

Now we take pieces of foil and apply them to the head: you should get a “swimming cap” that would slightly cover the ears and go along the hairline in front. If you look at the photographs, you will see that in the center of the forehead on the headdress there is a triangle that goes down the middle from the hairline and falls onto the forehead. When you lay out the base on your head in several layers, you need to carefully compact the layers with your hands, and then secure the result with transparent tape, tearing it off in small pieces.

Now the finished workpiece can be removed from the head, after which it can be strengthened from the outside and inside with mounting tape. Thus, you have a base where the horns will then be attached. To decorate it with black fabric (leatherette) you will need a heat gun. When you glue the fabric, try to smooth it out so that convex folds do not form on the surface, although even folds cannot spoil such a bright headdress, because all the attention of the guests will be focused on the horns.

DIY witch costume

how to make a witch costume for halloween: we will make horns. Again, we will need foil: we will twist it into a long cone, at first it is not necessary to twist it tightly, and when it is ready for the cone, we need to compact the material along the entire length with our hands and give the horns the necessary shape. You can give it a shape like the original character or come up with your own version, which will add originality to the outfit.

Foil blanks also need to be strengthened first with regular tape, wrapping them in a circle, and then using mounting tape. At the end we will decorate the blank with black leatherette. The material must be cut into strips and wrapped around the horns, securing them with hot glue.

The three components of our headdress are ready, and now we can assemble a solid accessory, the main decoration of our future costume. First, you need to glue a black rim to the inside of the base; it is thanks to it that the “cap” will not fly off. And then glue the horns on the sides and you can enjoy the result.

How to make a witch costume

Now you can move on to the next step, how to make a witch costume: this time we will make another essential accessory for every real witch - her magic staff, because it is with its help that she brings her secret spells to life.

For the magic staff, we will need a long stick (its length, of course, depends on your height; it is advisable that the stick reaches somewhere to the chest). For decoration we will need black electrical tape, black spray paint, thick black material. The main element of our staff will be a sparkling green ball, you can buy such a children's toy, or buy a small piece of shimmering dark fabric and cover it with a foam ball-shaped base.

A similar staff will complement others, for example, if your son decided to dress up as the wizard Gandalf for a New Year's party. The idea will definitely come in handy if you choose a simpler one halloween witch costume.

The shimmering ball must be glued to a measuring cup, which will be its base, and it is with the help of the cup that we can securely fix the ball on the stick.

Separately, we need to cut out three black “petals” from dense material that will envelop our ball. If you don’t have dense material on hand that would hold its shape, you can use a trick and cut out two parts of the appropriate shape from leatherette for each “petal,” leaving allowances for the seams. We will also need an old plastic folder for papers, from which we should cut out three shapes of the required size. Now all that remains is to sew the leatherette blanks, turn them inside out and place the plastic mold inside. Our petals are ready, we need to surround the ball with them and wrap the base with electrical tape.

To make the magic staff as close to the original as possible, it must be rewound with twine. The rope should run loosely, forming patterned weaves, then paint everything with spray paint and leave it undisturbed until dry. With such a staff witch costume for girl It will turn out incredibly beautiful, original, and you will have photographs from this wonderful holiday as a keepsake.

If you don’t want your child to appear at the New Year’s party in such a gloomy outfit, then follow this.

Witch Halloween Costume

If you look closely at Halloween witch costume photo, then you’ll immediately guess what accessory we will make next. Of course, huge black wings, in which the main strength of our fairy-tale beauty was hidden, who hid a kind, loving heart behind her dark appearance.

In the store where you find witch costume, buy wings are also possible, but we will not look for the easy way and will also make them with our own hands from available and available materials.

There is a very simple way to make wings: for this you need a roll of wire that is flexible but strong enough to hold its shape. On a sheet of whatman paper you need to draw the outline of the wing and lay out the wire along it, and bend the ends a little with pliers. Make the second wing in the same way. We will decorate each wing separately, and then fasten them together and sew on straps that would fit on the shoulders.

Creating wings is one of the important points how to make a witch costume with your own hands, and this may not be the image of Maleficent at all, but a black swan or an angel of death. If you already have your wings ready, then before bringing the following images to life, you only need to make a full skirt using tulle.

By the way, tulle is an irreplaceable material if you need to quickly make an outfit for a themed holiday, for example, you can make it with a light green or yellow fluffy skirt, complement it with artificial flowers from the material.

Witch costume for girls

Tulle will also be useful to us for creating wings: the wire frame must be covered with black tulle, and then decorated with feathers. If you use single decorative feathers, it will take you a lot of time to make the wings, and you won’t have time make your own witch halloween costume, because each feather must be fixed separately. But you can use a trick and buy a boa, which will fill the surface of the wing quickly enough.

Halloween Witch Costume for Girls almost ready, at least we have prepared all the accessories, and all that remains is to find a suitable black dress in the closet. It must be long, to the floor. And you can also complement the look with a black cape.

DIY witch costume for a girl must be complemented by appropriate makeup. It is advisable to whiten the face, apply a little dark shadow on the cheeks so that they appear sunken, and apply dark shadow around the eyes. For a child, makeup should be discreet, but adult girls can use dark colors and paint their lips bright red.

Now your image of Maleficent is completely ready, and you can get ready for the holiday, but do not forget to prepare souvenirs for your friends. For example, themed cookies in the shape of a pumpkin, covered with orange glaze, will be an excellent treat, because they are an irreplaceable symbol and the main decoration of the holiday.

When Halloween or any other dress-up event is approaching, there is always the question of finding a costume. You can spend money and buy it ready-made in the store, but it will be better and more interesting to make it yourself. Usually girls prefer to dress up as beautiful fairies, but there are also lovers of witches.

If a little girl wants to dress up for Halloween in a bright and colorful image that is filled with mysticism and mystery, then the image of a witch is just right. But even older girls are able to amaze everyone with the image of a witch. This look is universal and will suit everyone. It is also quite a popular and classic character that always attracts a lot of attention at any Halloween party. What, let's figure out how to create a witch costume.

Before you start putting together a costume and shredding your wardrobe in the hope of creating a good image of a witch, you need to carefully consider the type of future image and its details. There are different images of witches. To choose the right option, you need to listen to your imagination and your preferences. If a costume is being made for your daughter or a girl you know, then it is better to discuss the upcoming look with her, rather than create it yourself.

So, what are the different types of witches? Here Some of the most popular options:

  • elegant dark witch;
  • old witch;
  • sweet young witch;
  • fairy-tale witch.

Each type of witch presented has its own distinctive characteristics. To understand how they differ and how to create this image, you just need to read this article.

Gallery: DIY witch costume (25 photos)

Elegant dark witch

This image is best applied to those people who prefer very sophisticated suits. Such a character is not suitable for a young girl, because such a witch is more of a seductress. Therefore, it is advisable to use this option for girls who are closer to adulthood.

To create this look, you need to find a beautiful dress that will hug your figure. The dress should preferably be evening. A short skirt in combination with a corset is also suitable. A large neckline will not be superfluous in this image. To complement the look, you can choose shoes or boots that have high heels. You can draw inspiration from such famous movie characters as Maleficent, the witch from the film “Dark Shadows” and “Snow White and the Huntsman”. By the way, the image from the movie “Viy” is also perfect for imitation. Such an image will be very impressive and all the eyes of others will fall only on such a beautiful witch.

Old witch

This image will very scary old witch. Tremble Halloween guests! Such a character will remind everyone of the famous Baba Yaga. You need to prepare for a disheveled hairstyle, as well as a hooked nose, which you can attach if desired. You will also need to work with the skin. It is not necessary to imitate the image of Baba Yaga. You can also use a foreign analogue. This is an old witch who has green skin, a hooked nose, and ugly warts on her skin.

The image will be extremely different from the previous version. You don’t have to look for beautiful dark dresses that will fit your figure perfectly. An old saggy dress or even a robe will do. The broom will also fit very organically with the character. Such clothes can be specially cut or frayed a little to create a greater effect.

Cute witch

Not all sorceresses are evil. Sometimes you meet people who are quite kind and cheerful. The most a prime example is Sabrina the Teenage Witch from the series of the same name. You don't need to work hard on it this way, since it resembles a person more than an evil spirit. But you still need to add some mystical charm to make the image complete. The advantage will be that such a character will not require much mockery of his appearance by applying a large amount of makeup. However, you will have to sweat a little, because beautiful body art on the face or long false eyelashes will add some mysticism to the image.

Witch from a fairy tale

The name speaks for itself; this image literally came off the pages of the most famous fairy tales. This image represents a witch in a long mesh skirt, holding a broom in her hand, and a scarf tied on her head. But it is not necessary to follow such a classic image; it is quite possible to update the character. How? It’s very simple: make the character look like a fairy and an elf from a fantasy world. A little girl can also try on this image. The outfit of such a witch may consist of a long dress, a tiara, a spectacular cloak and a broom.

Making a costume

So, when the image is chosen, you can start making the outfit itself. For the first option of an elegant dark sorceress, a black dress that fits the figure perfectly is suitable. It is advisable that the dress be long, since its lower part will not need to be neatly cut into small ribbons. The length of the ribbons should be approximately 15 cm. The more carelessly these scraps of fabric are made, the more interesting the dress will look. You also need to go shopping and look for small insect figurines.

This will be a great addition to your look. Rubber insect figures can be found in almost any children's store. If there are only color options, then you can purchase them, but you will also need a black marker with which you will need to paint the figures. When the rubber insects are ready, you need to carefully sew a small amount of them onto the dress. You can choose the location yourself, but a few spiders on the shoulders and chest will look most impressive.


To complement this outfit, you can make unique horns with your own hands, much like Maleficent’s. It's not very difficult to do this. All you need is: soft wire, paper, glue, long thin rope, black paint. A headband is made from wire in the shape of the head. The required horn shape is made from another piece. Now these parts are connected together. The base for the horns has been created. It is necessary to cover the wire with paper so that it is not visible. When the operation is completed, you need to take a rope and carefully wrap it around the entire surface of the horns. Very interesting and textured. Now you just need to paint the entire product with black paint. The image is ready.

Old Witch

To create the old witch look, it will take approximately 10-15 minutes to make the dress. Absolutely any black clothing will come in handy, and you can’t do without paraphernalia such as rubber insects. All rubber figures must first be painted black using a marker. As for the dress, you need to attach a black rag to it, which was cut into a web-like shape. Now the dress and the “web” are connected. The rag can be large, then it will serve as a cape on the dress. Now you can take insects and, as in the first option, sew them to any part of the costume.

Artificial nose

You can also make an artificial crooked nose with your own hands. But you will have to work hard with this. You will need:

  • silicone;
  • gypsum;
  • special glue for the face;
  • makeup.

To begin with, you need to sculpt a nose of the required shape from plaster. Now a thin layer of silicone is poured onto it; just a little bit is needed. Now you need to wait until it dries and hardens, then carefully remove it from the plaster mold. Now the base is ready. You just need to glue this piece of silicone onto your face using special glue. Regular glue should never be used.

Next, makeup is applied with powder, which will hide the differences between silicone and skin. All that remains is to ruffle your hair and the look is ready. You can use green makeup, then you get the classic image of an American witch. By the way, instead of silicone, you can use wet sheets of newspaper; this is a more economical option. When they harden, the nose will become quite hard. But in this case, any ingress of moisture can subsequently ruin everything. In addition to the image, you can make your own broom.


To make a spectacular broom you will need:

  • any crooked stick that can be easily found on the street;
  • high grass;
  • sandpaper;
  • a small piece of any fabric;
  • rope;
  • black paint.

After the stick is found, it is necessary to sand it a little with sandpaper, so as not to prick or cut yourself on uneven surfaces, and also to avoid splinters on your hands. Now you will need a bush of tall grass, which must be cut at the root. When the grass is cut, you need to take a stick and place it on the grass. The bush is carefully and evenly laid out around the piece of wood, and then everything is tied with a rope (duct tape or tape will also work). The broom is almost ready. It is only necessary to disguise the rope or whatever was used to secure the grass with a piece of fabric. Now you can move on to painting. Spray paint would be ideal. It is not necessary to use black paint; this is at the discretion of the future witch.

Making a hat and the image of a little witch

The witch hat is suitable for both the previous image and the image of a cute little witch. You can choose the sizes yourself, depending on the size of your head. Such attributes will fit perfectly into the Halloween atmosphere.

You will need:

  • whatman;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • black paint.

To begin with, a regular circle is cut. Sizes are selected individually. The remaining part of the paper is rolled into a kind of sharp dome. Now these two parts are glued together. You need to turn the hat over with the inside and carefully cut out the inner circle so that your head can fit through it. Now all that remains is to paint the hat black and decorate it with a bow or veil. The hat is ready to use.

The hat is perfect for the image of a small and cute witch. To complete the look, you need to find a black dress. This image does not imply excesses. Look at Sabrina the Teenage Witch. To create a similar look, you will need regular black clothes and a hat. You can just add a little makeup to your face and the image of the little witch is ready.

Fairytale witch

The image of a fairy-tale witch for Halloween, as mentioned above, can be slightly modernized and modernized. Intricate patterns must be applied to the face. We have already figured out how to make a hat. You can also use it in this image, but it should no longer be black, but brighter.

The dress here can also be in brighter colors. For the complete look of a fairy-tale witch I need to create an interesting cape. Any fabric is suitable for this. You can use an old bedspread or buy new material in the store. The edges of the fabric need to be hemmed, and now it can be tied around the neck. To make the raincoat look more beautiful, you can attach light tulle or any other translucent material to it.

Shoes with curved toes are also suitable for the image of a fairy-tale witch. To make them you will need:

  • old shoes;
  • masking tape;
  • newspapers;
  • glitter;
  • spray paint;
  • PVA glue;
  • foil.

You need to attach a piece of foil to old shoes and then make the necessary curved extension from it on the front of the shoe. Then all this must be carefully secured with tape. Next, you need to completely cover the shoes with pieces of newspaper, and then, when the glue has dried, cover the product with the chosen paint. After an hour, you need to cover the shoes with a layer of PVA and until it dries, cover everything with glitter. After drying, it doesn’t hurt to coat the shoes with varnish to ensure reliability. That's it. Everything is ready. Fairytale witch is ready for Halloween.

On the eve of All Saints' Day, or Halloween, it's time to think about choosing a suitable costume.

If you prefer bright and colorful images filled with mysticism and mystery, a witch outfit will suit you. This classic character has long become a regular at fashionable masquerade parties, carnivals and youth gatherings.

And the image of a fairy-tale witch, enchanting and funny, was especially loved by children and teenagers.

So, let's get started?

Step 1. Choose the appropriate type of image!

Before you start going through your wardrobe in search of a “witch” outfit, you need to think about the type of your character, the details of his appearance and costume.

Which image of a witch you should choose depends on your imagination and preferences. The most popular options are:

  • Elegant dark sorceress;
  • Old Witch;
  • Dear witch;
  • Fairytale witch.

Each type of this image has its own characteristics.

We will explain below exactly how they differ and how to create the basis for them.

Elegant dark sorceress

This look is perfect for those who prefer sophisticated outfits. A seductive witch can wear a beautiful tight-fitting dress (preferably evening) or a short skirt and corset. A deep neckline in a suit is especially welcome.

High-heeled shoes or boots will serve as a unique addition.

The prototypes for your image can be characters from famous films: “Maleficent”, “Dark Shadows”, “Viy”, “Snow White and the Huntsman” (in the first photo), “American Horror Story: Coven” or “Snow White and the Huntsman”, “Grim” shadows", "Salem".

You can see them in the photo below.

Effective, isn't it? This look will be the brightest and most eye-catching at any costume party.

Old Witch

If you already transform, then thoroughly.

If these words are about you, then choose the image of a scary old witch.

Such a character will resemble the well-known Baba Yaga, with her unkempt shaggy hair, hooked nose and dark, lean skin.

In addition to the classic appearance of the Russian Yaga, you can opt for its foreign version: an old witch with bright green skin, a hooked nose and warts on the skin.

The outfit of such a witch does not at all resemble clothes from an expensive boutique - on the contrary, for a costume you will need the oldest and most unusable dress (or robe), which can be specially cut or frayed for greater effect.

Cute witch

Not all witches are evil. Among them there are also kind, cheerful characters.

Let us remember, for example, Sabrina from the series of the same name or the heroine Cassie Nightingale from the series “The Good Witch”. Such witches resemble people more than evil spirits, but a certain mystical charm and element of mystery are not alien to their image.

The advantage of such a witch's costume is that it does not require a lot of makeup, although you can spice up the appearance with the help of elaborate body art on the face or false eyelashes with rhinestones.

Fairytale witch

This image came straight from the pages of well-known fairy tales.

A typical witch in a long mesh skirt, with a broom and an old scarf on her head, tied with a bow in the style of Solokha from the famous “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka.”

However, you can modernize this image by making it look like characters from the fantasy world - fairies and elves.

The costume of such an enchanting witch will suit both children and adults. It may consist of a long dress, a beautiful tiara and a cloak.

And to make the witch look even more like a fairy, you can attach wings to her back (they can be made from wire and colored mesh or light fabric).

Step 2. Apply spectacular witch makeup

To create a bright image of a good sorceress or an evil witch, you need to find the most colorful cosmetics in your arsenal (perhaps even the most unusual colors for you). Makeup should cover not only the face, but also open areas of the body - neck, décolleté, arms.

Let's consider the traditional version of the “witch” make-up:

If you want to apply makeup rather than makeup, the following video will be useful to you. It shows how you can visually change the shape of your face and its features, creating the image of an evil witch.

Children's witch makeup is created in a similar way: after applying the base, the face is painted in the desired color using blush, powder or foundation.

Since children's skin is delicate, you should check its reaction to cosmetics (to do this, apply the cosmetic product to the skin of the child's hands).

You can also use special children's hypoallergenic cosmetics.

One of the makeup options for the image of a witch for a girl with elements of body art is shown in the pictures:

For an older girl, you can do simple, elegant makeup with a light hazy effect, shading the cheeks and highlighting the eyes.

One of the most spectacular images for a party is considered to be a cat one. We'll tell you how to choose a costume and create an original one.
And if your partner chose the brutal image of Dracula, we’ll advise you on the costume and apply the makeup yourself.

Step 3. Witch hairstyle

There can be several hair styling options to create the image of a dark sorceress. Most of them will require you to let your hair down and make it full.

A slight carelessness of the hairstyle is even welcome.

However, if you choose the image of an elegant witch, you need to style your hair neatly and stylishly. They can be straightened, giving the strands perfect evenness, or curled, adding volume to the hairstyle.

You can also do a bouffant in the style of Elvira (a kind of “hello” from the eighties).

It is ideal for medium length hair and those with bangs. (pictured left)

The hairstyle of a fashionable witch can be complemented with colored or gray (pictured on the right) strands. To do this, you can use special artificial curls or paint cans for temporary hair coloring.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your hairstyle! Try to create a real “witch” styling with an asymmetry effect, using the strongest hold varnish.

Another hairstyle option is the popular Crow's Nest. To do this style, you need to twist the strands in the form of a nest and secure them with 10 bobby pins.

Step 4. Do a Halloween manicure

When creating the image of a witch, you need to pay attention to details, in particular, manicure. There may be several options:

  1. Solid coloring of nails (black, red, burgundy, brown, purple).
  2. Elements of simple ornaments.
  3. Special stickers for nails.
  4. Professional manicure with a pattern.
  5. Overhead tips.

For a manicure It’s better to choose bright varnishes and pattern colors for nails, because the shockingness of your image will depend on this detail.

STEP 5. Where to get a witch costume for Halloween?

A witch's outfit consists of several traditional elements that are integral attributes of any witch.

So, the wardrobe of a dark sorceress includes the following:

Children's costumes can be made from similar elements. They will have one distinctive feature - the color scheme. Colorful outfits are perfect for girls, which can be decorated with flowers and bows.

Step 6 – Finally, let's select accessories

As we complete our preparations for the Halloween party, let’s pay attention to the accessories for the witch look.

It can be:

  • unusual handbags a la Shapoklyak;
  • brooms;
  • magic wands with stars at the ends;
  • toy spiders;
  • lizards, snakes or bats;
  • ribbons, silk bows;
  • antique pendants, large earrings;
  • talismans, tarot cards and other attributes of a true witch.

Follow the tips above and your witch outfit will stand out at any costume party!

In conclusion, a few more photos of witch Halloween costumes for girls and women that may inspire you. Choose a suitable image of a witch, and be sure: your guests will be enchanted and bewitched by your costume!

On the eve of Halloween, many people are thinking about creating a costume. One of the most popular characters of this holiday is the witch. This image does not go out of fashion, since it allows for a diverse approach to its creation. A witch can be either old and scary or young and very sweet. Depending on the image you have in mind, you should create a witch costume for Halloween.

Main details

Photos of various options for witch images will make sure that this character can look varied, however, we can highlight the main details of the carnival costume, these are:

  • dark dress;
  • hat or other original headdress;
  • shoes with upturned toes;
  • accessories - broom, magic staff, poisoned apple, etc.


To make a witch costume for Halloween, you should start by choosing a dress. This piece of clothing can be, in principle, anything, the main requirement for color. The dress should be black or purple, you can use a combination of these two colors.

You can make a suit from ordinary clothes, because the dress can be long or short, fitted or have a straight silhouette. A lot depends on the chosen image. So, an old scary witch may have tattered, worn and not particularly clean clothes. If you are creating the image of an elegant witch, then you should choose a fitted A-line dress with a floor-length skirt.

If the costume is created for girls with an ideal figure, a short, tight-fitting dress or, conversely, a long one, but with a high slit in the skirt, is perfect.

You can decorate the dress with lace or mesh by sewing details from these fabrics on the skirt or sleeves. You can decorate an outfit with a “web”; it can be easily made from gray woolen threads.

If you are sewing a suit for girls, then it is better to choose the option with a fluffy skirt. If you don’t have a suitable dress in your wardrobe, you can easily make a suit at home. To do this, you need to take a wide elastic band and, after taking measurements, make a belt. Sew onto this belt in several layers pieces of colored organza, tulle or, in extreme cases, gauze, starched and tinted in the desired colors. Don't have any suitable fabric or gauze in your house? No problem, this costume can be easily made from improvised materials by sewing triangles cut from plastic bags of suitable colors onto an elastic belt.

All that remains is to put a dark T-shirt and leggings on the girl, and a prepared skirt on top, and the children's witch costume for Halloween is ready.


Most often, a witch's headdress is a pointed hat with a brim. You can make such a headdress with your own hands from cardboard. You need to cut out two parts - the cone and the brim of the future hat. To connect the parts together, the cone is bent outward along the wide edge and cuts are made on the bent part at intervals of 1 cm. The parts should be glued together and, after the glue has dried, painted black or purple.

All that remains is to decorate our hat. You can paint stars on the cap with gold or silver paint, and “plant” spiders on the margins, of course, not real ones, but plastic ones. You can decorate the brim of your hat with a wreath of autumn leaves by weaving small plastic pumpkins into it.

If you plan to have a beautiful hairstyle, then, of course, you shouldn’t hide your hair under such a hat. In this case, you can make a very small hat and glue it to a hairpin or hairpin. Such an accessory will only decorate your hairstyle.

If you want to be original, then instead of a hat, you can make a headdress with horns, like Maleficent. The base of the figured horns can be made of cardboard or foil, which will need to be tightly wrapped with black electrical tape. It is convenient to glue the horns to a wide hairband.


Shoes must be selected in accordance with the chosen image. So, if you are creating an attractive sexy character, then you can wear any suitable high-heeled shoes. But shoes with sharp, upturned toes will look more interesting. Any old pumps that you no longer plan to wear are suitable for making them.

The original toe of the shoes can be made from foil or papier-mâché. It is glued to the front of the shoes. And then the entire surface of the shoe is covered with paper (you can even use newspapers).

It's backwards to just paint the shoes and decorate them. You can use glitter, make large shaped buckles from foil or cardboard, or put plastic spiders or mice on the surface of the shoes.

Stockings for a witch costume can be striped or black, fishnet. If a scary image is created, then the stockings can be deliberately torn, and instead of beautiful shoes, wear old slippers.


When creating a costume, accessories play a big role. If the image of an elegant witch is created, then the costume should be complemented with jewelry - multi-tiered beads, bracelets, massive rings. You can make these decorations yourself using Halloween themes (pumpkins, spiders, skulls, rats, etc.)

A decent witch does not leave the house without a means of transportation - a broom. This “vehicle” can be made from an ordinary broom and a mop shaft. It's very easy to make. You need to attach the broom to the shaft with a wire, and then put a cardboard “cap” on the broom to hide the attachment point.

Instead of a broom, you can make a “magic staff” as an accessory. To do this, a piece of a mop shaft can be wrapped with satin ribbons, strips of fabric or colored paper. You can decorate the accessory to your own taste.

If you don’t want to carry a rather massive staff or broom with you, then instead of these items, you can make a “magic” wand. You can hang it on a ribbon from your belt to keep your hands free.

So, creating a witch costume yourself is not at all difficult. You can do without buying expensive fabrics and accessories, and make do with what you found in the pantry. A little imagination - and junk items can turn into an excellent carnival costume.

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