How to do deep peeling at home. Deep chemical peeling at home with salicylic acid and calcium chloride

Facial peeling at home differs from professional peeling in lower concentrations of active components, which in case of application errors will not allow you to cause irreparable damage to yourself. Remember that improper peeling can lead to facial skin burns and subsequent appearance of superficial scars, as well as hyper- or hypopigmentation of the skin.

Peels use acids as active components, which reduce the pH of the skin and controllably “burn” the upper layers of the skin. Professional cosmetologists can easily control the depth of skin changes during peeling by choosing the desired acid concentration and the right time for applying peeling to the skin. But at home, managing these processes will be much more difficult.

Face after peeling: Before and After photos

Types of facial peeling –

  • Medium and deep facial peeling
    During medium peeling, the active components penetrate through the epidermis up to the middle layers of the dermis (Fig. 4). This type of peel is usually performed under local anesthesia. Medium facial peeling is effective for treating:
    → significant pigment spots on the skin,
    → actinic keratosis of the skin, photoaging,
    → superficial scars caused by acne,
    → allows you to reduce the depth of fine wrinkles by increasing the amount of newly formed collagen in the skin.

    With the help of deep peeling, which is carried out only under anesthesia or local anesthesia, you can effectively fight scars, scars and wrinkles. The chemical components of this peeling penetrate into the lowest layers of the dermis.

Important: Facial peeling at home should only be superficial, i.e. active ingredients should not penetrate deeper than the surface layer of the skin (epidermis).

Preparations for superficial peeling at home –

Facial peeling at home is best done with products based on alpha or beta hydroxy acids, i.e. designed specifically for superficial peeling, and not for medium or deep. Manufacturers use acids in peeling products obtained from organic sources, such as citrus fruits, sugar cane, and willow bark.

  • Alpha hydroxy acids
    used for superficial peeling. The most commonly used is glycolic acid, but other fruit acids can be used: citric acid, lactic acid, malic acid and tartaric acid (the latter is produced from the skins of grapes).

    It should be noted that facial peeling with glycolic acid can be both superficial (at an acid concentration of 25-40%) and medium (at higher concentrations). Peels with alpha hydroxy acids are mainly indicated for patients with dry and normal facial skin.

  • Beta hydroxy acids
    This type of acid includes, for example, salicylic acid. Beta-hydroxy acids have some advantages over alpha-hydroxy acids because... they have the ability to penetrate deeper into the pores of the skin, which means the ability to use lower concentrations of acid (which reduces the risk of complications)

    In addition, salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory properties, which means it is preferable for use as a peel for people with sensitive skin. In addition, salicylic acid is fat-soluble, and therefore peels based on it are especially recommended for people with oily skin and acne.

Professional brands of superficial chemical peel products containing alpha and beta hydroxy acids: MD Forte, Agera RX, Skin Obsession, Dermaceutic, Jan Marini, LA Peel, ICP, Mene & Moy, Skinceuticals Gel Peels, Mandel, Cosmedix, NeoStrata.

Preparing for home peeling –

  • Select a peeling product
    Taking into account your skin type (dry or oily), the absence or presence of acne, the level of dark skin and the results you want to get, choose a peeling product. You can also prepare your own peeling using products that you always have at home (see recipes below).
  • Prepare your skin for an at-home chemical peel
    using a facial scrub – exfoliate the surface dead skin layer approximately 24 hours before the peeling procedure.
  • Test the drug on a safe area of ​​skin
    If you are using peeling products with a high acid content or allergenic ingredients, you must first test the composition on a small area of ​​skin on the forearm or just below the ear (at the hairline). Leave the test solution for 1 minute.

    After 24 hours, you need to check the condition of the skin area: if the skin looks normal, then you can proceed to peeling the facial skin. If there are signs of an allergic reaction, intense irritation or redness (moderate redness is normal), then try a lower concentration of active ingredients in the peel solution. After that, take another test.

  • Cleansing your face before applying a chemical peel
    Use warm water and be sure to only use a mild cleanser to avoid drying out your skin before you begin.
  • Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows, eyelids, nostrils and lips before exfoliating to prevent chemical burns to these very sensitive tissues.

Home peeling: recipes

Below we present four good recipes for facial peeling at home, the last of which we especially recommend.

1. Recipe for home peeling with alpha hydroxy acids -

2. Recipe for home peeling with beta hydroxy acids -

How to do this peeling at home -

  • Step 1– Clean your face with a mild cleanser.
  • Step 2– wipe the skin with alcohol to degrease.
  • Step 3– prepare a soda solution in a separate container, which you will need to neutralize the peeling.
  • Step 4– Apply Vaseline to your eyebrows, lips and nostrils to protect them from the peeling solution.
  • Step 5– Pour a small amount of glycolic acid into a glass container.
  • Step 6– using a brush or brush, quickly apply the solution to the skin, starting from the forehead, moving down to the nose and chin, and then to the cheeks.
  • Step 7– Apply one layer evenly, avoiding the eye area, lips and neck, and note the time.
  • Step 8– as soon as the time is up, wipe your face with a soft cloth soaked in the neutralizer solution. After 1 minute, wipe your face again. When the solution is washed off, it may sting the skin. After this, rinse your skin with water.

  • What to Expect During a Glycolic Facial Peel –
    1) The skin will tingle - this is a good sign! After 30 seconds, the tingling sensation usually decreases, but this does not mean that the peeling has stopped working.
    2) In no case should it hurt or sting too much, but minor discomfort is possible. If this happens, immediately wash off the solution with a neutralizer.
    3) The skin may become red, this is normal.

    How to behave after facial peeling -

    To avoid side effects and complications, which may include burns, superficial scars, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, carefully follow the following recommendations.

    How to care for your face after a superficial peel –

    • cleanse your face only with mild cleansers,
    • moisturize your facial skin 2 times a day,
    • Do not peel off flaky skin, because... this can lead to skin depigmentation and even small scars,
    • You should not go out in the sun without sunscreen for 4 weeks, otherwise there is a risk of developing hyperpigmentation (brown spots on the face).

    How to care for your face after a medium or deep peel –

    • if necessary, use analgesics (paracetamol or Nurofen),
    • clean your skin with warm water and mild cleansers,
    • Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment (usually included) several times a day to reduce the risk of infection;
    • often during the healing process itching may occur; Antihistamines will help cope with it,
    • 2 days after treatment, go to your doctor for a re-examination,
    • avoid physical activity for several weeks,
    • Avoid scratching the skin to avoid the risk of scarring;
    • avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreen (after the skin has healed) for 6 weeks,
    • You should contact your doctor immediately if you notice signs of infection or pigmentary changes.

    We hope that our article on the topic: Facial peeling at home was useful to you!

With the advent of fashion for natural and organic cosmetics, the word “chemical” began to be associated with something unnatural, alien or even dangerous. But in the case of a procedure such as peeling, this characteristic takes on a completely different meaning. Chemical peeling at home is a simple and effective way to completely transform your skin. If you follow all the recommendations, amazing results will be achieved very quickly.

  1. Chemical peeling is based on the active action of acids on the facial skin. It is indicated for various skin defects.
  2. There is superficial, medium and deep peeling. They differ in the duration of exposure and the compositions used. You cannot perform deep peeling at home.
  3. There are contraindications to the procedure, including chronic diseases and exacerbations of skin diseases.
  4. Before carrying out the procedure at home, it is necessary to prepare the skin to accept the acid solution.
  5. To do peeling correctly, you must strictly follow the instructions.
  6. You can use ready-made products as a peeling composition or prepare them yourself.
  7. Further skin care is very important for successful peeling.
  8. The procedure has pros and cons. Before you do it, you need to read all the information provided.

The essence of the procedure and indications for its implementation

Chemical peeling involves applying various acidic compounds to the skin. When they interact with tissues, they cause a chemical burn. This damage triggers repair processes. As a result, renewed skin is smooth, healthy and free of previous defects.

If in the salon such peelings are carried out using concentrated and potentially dangerous solutions, then at home they are replaced with safer means. For independent use, special masks, solutions of fruit acids, as well as mixtures based on hydrogen peroxide, calcium chloride, salicylic acid and other components are used.

What effects can you expect from home chemical peels?

  1. Deep cleansing of the skin by removing dead cells.
  2. Increasing tone and eliminating age-related changes (expression wrinkles, small folds).
  3. Removing pigmentation and evening out facial tone.
  4. Improvement in acne.

The listed defects are an indication for the procedure.

Types of chemical peels

Acid exposure can occur both on the surface of the skin and at its deep levels. This depends on the characteristics of the drug used and the duration of the procedure. There are superficial, medium and deep chemical peels.

Superficial peeling It involves only the upper layers of the skin and is therefore safe to do on your own at home. In addition to correcting minor pigmentation, acne and the first signs of aging, it can be used for prevention. The developed acid compositions effectively affect the skin without causing complications.

Medium chemical peel acts on the deeper layers of the skin. It was originally developed for use in cosmetology and beauty salons. But provided all precautions are taken, it can be successfully carried out at home. The active substances in this procedure are salicylic and trichloroacetic acids or combinations thereof. They successfully fight severe skin problems, including: “crow’s feet”, medium-depth wrinkles; scars, scars and other manifestations of post-acne; chronic redness; strong pigmentation.

Deep peeling is a radical method that affects all layers of the skin. Its goal is to completely replace problematic skin with young tissue. This procedure can be considered a real plastic surgery, since it is performed under anesthesia in a hospital setting. It is impossible to do deep peeling at home.


In what cases are home chemical peels contraindicated?

  1. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  2. Menstruation.
  3. Cuperosis.
  4. Skin hypersensitivity.
  5. Acne is in the acute stage.
  6. Seasonal allergies.
  7. Fever and viral infections.
  8. Damage to the skin in the area of ​​the procedure (abrasions, wounds, inflammation).
  9. Thyroid diseases.
  10. Individual intolerance to drugs. Before first use, you must perform a simple allergy test. Apply a few drops of the product to your wrist. Monitor your skin condition carefully. If severe redness, itching or pain occurs, do not undergo the procedure.

Some experts prohibit chemical peeling during periods of increased solar activity (from April to October). This is due to the fact that thinned skin loses its protective properties. Coupled with powerful ultraviolet radiation, this can cause extensive pigmentation and serious diseases.

But many dermatologists and cosmetologists allow peelings in spring and summer if certain requirements are met. precautions. They suggest:

In order for the skin to respond well to peeling, it needs preliminary preparation. 2-3 weeks before the planned start of the course, you must introduce into your daily care any product containing 2-4% acids. This could be a tonic, cream or cleanser. It must be used at night. This will thin the top layer of skin, making it more susceptible to the peeling components, and at the same time reduce sensitivity.

Next, you should choose a homemade chemical peel recipe or purchase a ready-made product.

For the procedure you will also need:

  • glass container for mixing components;
  • fan-shaped brush or cotton swabs;
  • petrolatum;
  • clean towel;
  • soothing mask;
  • nutritious cream.

How to carry out the procedure yourself

  1. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap.
  2. Cleanse your skin. Remove makeup and use your regular cleanser. Rinse your face with water and dry with a towel.
  3. Apply Vaseline to the eye area, eyebrows and lips. This will protect delicate areas of the skin from the aggressive effects of acid.
  4. Prepare the composition and apply it with a brush or cotton swab. Start with the nose and chin, then cover the forehead and cheeks. Distribute the product evenly, treating each area only once.
  5. Leave on for 3-12 minutes depending on skin sensitivity and treatment number. If this is your first time doing a chemical peel, keep it to a minimum time. Constantly monitor the condition of your skin and track your own sensations. If you notice that your face is very red, unpleasant itching or painful sensations appear, stop the procedure immediately.
  6. Rinse off the peeling with cool water and rinse your face several times. After this, you need to make a soothing mask. You can use a ready-made mask, or use aloe gel or rich sour cream.


You don’t have to buy a ready-made product intended for chemical peeling at home, but prepare it yourself. Try one of the following recipes.

Chemical peeling with bodyaga. You will need 2 tbsp. dry bodyaga powder and hydrogen peroxide. Bring the mixture to a creamy texture and wait until it stops foaming. This peeling effectively fights pigmentation and expression lines. It's easy to make it yourself at home.

Classic medium peeling. In a glass container, combine 30 ml of glycerin and camphor alcohol. Add 10 ml of ammonia and 10 g of boric acid. Stir until smooth and add 30 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Grate a small piece of baby soap on a fine grater. Using soap shavings, bring the mixture to a creamy state. The finished cream can be placed in a container and stored in the refrigerator throughout the course.

Chemical peeling at homewith calcium chloride. For the first procedures you will need a 5% solution. Clean the skin with a cotton swab and apply cosmetic milk to it. Then use a cotton swab to spread the solution over your face. Let it dry and reapply. For the first time, limit yourself to 4 layers, gradually increasing them to 8. After the last layer has dried, lather your fingers with baby soap and carefully roll the peel off the skin. Wash your face with water.

Salicylic peeling. Grind 3 aspirin tablets and mix them with 1/2 tsp. liquids. This could be water, yogurt, kefir or juice. Leave to sit for 5 minutes.

Further skin care

Chemical peeling at home is not limited to the procedure itself. Its effectiveness and the speed of subsequent skin restoration largely depend on further care.

On the first day after the procedure, it is very important not to touch the skin so as not to injure it. If you exfoliated during the day, avoid evening washing and care. If your face is very shiny, just blot it with a napkin.

If your skin still looks red and sore the next morning, repeat the soothing mask and avoid using makeup. The use of mineral powder is allowed.

Do not forget that throughout the course you need to use sunscreen and avoid prolonged and direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.

For the best result, cosmetologists recommend a series of peelings of 6-10 procedures with an interval of 1-2 weeks. The frequency of peelings and their duration depend on the condition of the skin and its individual characteristics. In the absence of severe redness, inflammation and hypersensitivity, they can be performed more often, gradually increasing the exposure time. Only one course can be taught per year.

Let's sum it up

The advantages of chemical peels at home include:

  • the opportunity to do peeling at home;
  • highly effective in combating many skin imperfections;
  • the permissibility of using both folk recipes and ready-made products.

Many people may think that performing a chemical peel at home is unrealistic. After all, this procedure is done in beauty salons. But in fact, you can do it at home, you just need to get acquainted with the features of this procedure.

Without careful preparation, you should not even resort to such a procedure, otherwise, instead of the long-awaited positive effect, you can harm the thin skin of your face.

Features of home peeling

First you should follow simple steps:

  • determine why you need peeling, what skin problems you want to solve with its help;
  • choose the type of peeling that best suits your needs;
  • take care of pre-peeling preparation, and do not forget about special skin care.

You can perform the procedure at home with the following chemical peeling preparations:

  • natural products containing many active ingredients;
  • professional cosmetics used in salons;
  • pharmaceutical preparations and products for making home cosmetics.

The main components that have the desired exfoliating effect on the skin include acids and enzymes (they are also called enzymes).

Indications for enzyme peeling:

  • young people with problem skin;
  • people with hyperkeratosis;
  • in the presence of age spots and freckles;
  • as preparation of the skin for other skin care procedures.

The easiest way to buy “Enzyme-salicylic peeling Stopproblem” is a special drug that was developed specifically for home care. The risk of developing any side effects is reduced to zero. The product cleanses the skin well and prepares it for the application of caring masks.

How to prepare an enzyme peeling

You can try to prepare your own peeling by purchasing papain at a soap making store and selecting the accompanying ingredients. Of course, the recipe may seem complicated at first, but then you will remember all the steps and will do this peeling quickly. The advantage of such a home procedure is that you select the ingredients for the composition yourself, taking into account the needs of your skin.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Mix 50 g of oatmeal (can be replaced with maltodextrin) with 1.5 g of niacinamide, 4 g of papain, 20 g of green clay.
  2. Add 1.5 g of L-arginine (can be found in sports nutrition), the same amount of pearls and ascorbic acid, as well as two bottles of trypsin 10 mg each. It is better to mix in a blender until it becomes a powder.
  3. Mix a little powder with water or activator to dilute alginates and peels. The rest of the dry powder can be stored for a long time in a tightly closed container.
  4. Apply the mixture onto your face; it should not spread. Hold for ten minutes, then roll the mixture with your hands and wash with warm water.

This recipe is suitable for sensitive and dry skin. If you have rosacea, this method should be abandoned.

You can prepare peeling according to another recipe, which is no less effective:

  1. Mix the juice of one lime with three Papaya enzyme tablets, add 25 g each of pumpkin puree and mango, a teaspoon each of aloe juice and glycerin.
  2. Apply for ten minutes, then rinse with water.

This composition must be used immediately, do not prepare it with a reserve - it cannot even be stored in the refrigerator!

Acid peels

Acids can have different effects on the skin, eliminating all kinds of cosmetic defects. These peels are suitable for the following problems:

  • for oily and dry skin;
  • at the first signs of aging;
  • in the presence of pigmentation and uneven skin color;
  • for lumpy and dense skin;
  • with a large amount of pimples and blackheads.

Acids exfoliate the skin well. But not every acid will give the same result. For example, salicylic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect, while azelaic acid is suitable for sensitive skin that needs to be whitened. Lactic acid moisturizes dry skin. And glycolic and retinoic acids accelerate skin cell renewal.

You can use ready-made formulations with azelaic and retinoic acid, which are sold as ointments in pharmacies. Such products can be used every day, as they have a milder effect, unlike salon products. You don't have to worry about chemical burns. The skin is constantly renewed, acne disappears, and a rejuvenating effect is obtained.

Salon preparations

For a home procedure, you can choose drugs from Arcadia, Mediderma, Gigi. Each of the drugs is sold with detailed instructions, which must be studied before use.

To remove some compounds from the epidermis, you will need a neutralizer, which you can also prepare yourself. It is made from ordinary baking soda. The main difficulty lies in correctly calculating the required alkali concentration. But you can prepare the skin for acid peels using creams that contain retinoic or azelaic acids. They need to be used for several weeks.

Chemical peeling with lactic acid

It must be done correctly so as not to harm the delicate skin of the face. To do this, follow a certain sequence of actions:

The course is no more than ten procedures. But you shouldn’t resort to them often - no more than once every seven days! And always after peeling, cover your skin with a moisturizer; it is selected for your specific skin type.

Restrictions on the procedure

The procedure also has limitations that should not be forgotten. After all, you should not assume that the frequency of the procedures performed will increase their effect.

Remember the following:

Don't rush into this matter. The best effect will be the one you were able to achieve gradually. It is he who will stay with you even after the course of home peelings ends. Pay attention to your skin so that it constantly pleases you with a healthy glow and even tone.

If your facial skin is dull, thin, flabby, wrinkled or covered in rashes, a peeling procedure will improve its condition. Mechanical or chemical, it can be done at home.

Exfoliation. Or why is peeling done?

Peeling - cleansing the skin of dead cells

Peeling is a cosmetic procedure for deep cleansing of the skin, during which the top layer of dead cells is exfoliated.

IMPORTANT: The term “peeling” is derived from the English. the verb peel (“to peel”, “to scrape”). The procedure has another name - exfoliation

The procedure for getting rid of the stratum corneum of the skin is carried out with the aim of:

  • improving oxygen supply to living cells
  • improving blood circulation in subcutaneous vessels
  • acceleration of cellular metabolism
  • accelerating skin cell regeneration
  • preparing the skin for nutritional, moisturizing, rejuvenating procedures using masks

If peeling is carried out regularly, it is possible:

  • get rid of small wrinkles that appear
  • prevent the emergence of new
  • smooth out other uneven skin
  • clean and close pores
  • make skin more elastic
  • improve complexion
  • get rid of acne and other rashes

Peeling can be done in a beauty salon or just at home. Based on what exactly affects the skin, exfoliation is distinguished:

  1. Mechanical— small abrasive particles in the composition of the skin cleanser act on it like sandpaper
  2. Chemical– removal of dead cells using acids and alkalis
  3. Ultrasonic– use of a special device that creates ultrasonic waves. Under their influence, the connections between living and dead epidermal cells are destroyed, as a result of which the latter are separated
  4. Laser– removal of the stratum corneum under the influence of laser beams
  5. Biological— using enzymes (pepsin, papain, bromelain, others) to accelerate the natural processes of cellular renewal

There is a whole arsenal of folk and store-bought remedies that can be used for home peeling for all skin types.

IMPORTANT: The preparation for mechanical peeling is called a scrub or exfoliant

The home peeling procedure has contraindications:

  • open wounds and ulcers
  • acute inflammatory process
  • oncology
  • treatment with ointments with hormones (glucocorticosteroids)

Homemade peeling for dry skin

Those with dry or sensitive skin are wary of peeling, rightly considering it a traumatic procedure. Some people prefer not to do it at all. It is not right!

IMPORTANT: Dry skin needs cleansing no less than other types. It is possible and necessary to exfoliate it at home

But! The scrub should not contain:

  • absorbent substances
  • large abrasive particles
  • too coarse abrasive particles
  • other components damaging thin skin

Substances and products that will effectively and safely cleanse dry and sensitive skin are::

  • fruit acids (grape acid, citric acid, others)
  • semolina
  • oat flour (from crushed oats)
  • strawberry
  • coffee grounds
  • other

When carrying out the exfoliation procedure, owners of thin, dry, sensitive skin must follow several rules:

  1. Do peeling no more than once every 7-10 days
  2. Duration of procedure – 1 minute
  3. When rubbing the scrub into the skin, do not press too hard on it.
  4. It is better to wash off the exfoliant with milk
  5. After exfoliation, it is recommended to make a moisturizing mask

IMPORTANT: Before using any exfoliant for dry skin, you should test it for allergies. An allergy test is done on the inside of the elbow. If after 24 hours no reaction occurs in this area of ​​the skin, the drug is used as directed.

Homemade peeling for oily skin

The choice of peeling products for those with oily skin is much larger. To cleanse the pores of toxins and remove the upper stratum corneum of cells, you can use:

  • milk
  • sugar
  • sea ​​salt
  • cosmetic clays
  • ground rice and bran in a coffee grinder
  • other

Rules for exfoliation for oily skin:

  1. Peeling is done once every 5-7 days
  2. Duration of the procedure – 2-3 minutes
  3. The drug must be washed off with warm water.
  4. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing mask to the skin.

IMPORTANT: Before peeling, oily skin can be steamed, for example, using a towel soaked in chamomile broth or a steam bath with herbs. Then the pores will be cleaned better

Peeling face mask

This product differs from an exfoliant in that it not only cleanses the skin, but nourishes and moisturizes it. The effect of the caring procedure will be double.

IMPORTANT: Mask - peeling is not rubbed into the skin, but acts on it for some time

As a rule, homemade masks with a cleansing effect include:

  • dairy
  • fruits and berries
  • vegetables
  • oils
  • cereals

RECIPE No. 1: Peeling mask for oily skin with oatmeal and lemon juice
This drug cleanses pores, nourishes skin cells with vitamins, tones the skin, and promotes the separation of its stratum corneum.
Prepare a mask - peeling from 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal ground into flour and lemon juice (usually half a fruit is enough) so that it has the consistency of a thick paste. The drug is evenly distributed on the face and left until completely dry. Wash off with warm water or chamomile decoction

Oatmeal is a component of a peeling mask for oily skin.

RECIPE No. 2: Peeling mask for dry skin made from strawberry pulp and rich sour cream
When using this product, the skin is moisturized and cleansed.
Take 2 tbsp. spoons of strawberries crushed into pulp and 1 tbsp. spoon of fat sour cream, mix. Leave the mixture on the face for 10 minutes, then wash with milk diluted with water 1:1

RECIPE No. 3: Rejuvenating Maxa – Peeling
Honey, wheat bran and lemon juice will help improve the condition of aging skin.
Lightly warmed liquid honey (2 tablespoons) is mixed with wheat bran (1 tablespoon) and lemon juice (1 tablespoon). Make the mask for half an hour, then wash it off thoroughly and use an anti-aging cream.

Chemical peeling of the face at home. How to do deep facial peeling at home

Chemical peeling can be done at home using acids:

  • glycolic
  • almond
  • salicylic
  • lemon
  • grape
  • others

An inexpensive and effective method is often used to remove dead skin cells. calcium chloride.

IMPORTANT: A natural reaction to chemical home peeling is facial skin flushing, which persists for 8-18 hours after the procedure. Therefore, it is better to cleanse in the evening before the weekend. IMPORTANT: Tolerable tingling or burning of the skin during chemical exfoliation is normal. But if the discomfort is too severe, the drug should be washed off immediately and consult a dermatologist as soon as possible

Glycolic peeling at home

Glycolic fruit acid very often used for home skin cleansing. The substance is extracted from sugar cane. It is not aggressive, but at the same time it has the ability to penetrate deeply into the epidermis, where:

  • promotes the separation of dead cells
  • improves cellular metabolism, in particular, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin
  • destroys melanin

IMPORTANT: Glycolic peeling evens out the skin and improves its color

The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. A gel or lotion containing 10-15% glycolic acid is applied to previously cleansed facial skin.
  2. The drug is applied with a special brush.
  3. The drug is applied in a circular motion from top to bottom, from forehead to chin.
  4. Do not apply gel or lotion to the area around the eyes
  5. During 15 minutes, while the drug acts on the skin, a light acupressure massage is performed using cotton swabs.
  6. The mask is washed off with running cold water.

Peeling with calcium chloride. Facial peeling with calcium chloride at home

Peeling with calcium chloride The good thing is that it can be done on any skin type. In addition, allergies to the substance are very rare.

IMPORTANT: Calcium chloride and calcium chloride are the same substance

Suitable for cleansing 10% calcium chloride, which is available in ampoules at any pharmacy:

  • ampoule with calcium chloride is opened
  • a cotton pad is soaked in the product
  • The product is applied in several stages to the entire face, except for the upper lip and area around the eyes
  • when the contents of the ampoule are exhausted, the face should be washed with warm water, but not wiped
  • When the moisture is absorbed into the skin, apply moisturizer

VIDEO: Hollywood peeling with calcium chloride

Almond facial peeling at home

Mandelic acid, obtained through glycolysis of almond extracts, as a peeling:

  • eliminates acne and other types of rashes
  • improves skin color by fighting age spots
  • promotes skin regeneration and rejuvenation
  • stimulating the synthesis of elastin and collagen, improves skin texture

IMPORTANT: Light-skinned and dark-skinned girls can use mandelic acid for home peeling

Mandelic acid is used in its pure form as part of multicomponent cleansers.

RECIPE No. 1: Peeling with mandelic acid

On a steamed face cleansed of cosmetics and sebum, first apply 5% tonic with mandelic acid, then pre-peeling with 10% mandelic acid, and lastly the 30% preparation itself. After the procedure, a soothing mask with collagen, kelp and lactic acid is applied to the face for 20 minutes.

RECIPE No. 2: Peeling with almonds

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of ground almonds, 1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal, 1 tbsp. spoon of cream. Mix and apply to face. Exposure time – 15 minutes.

IMPORTANT: For almond peeling to have an effect, it must be done regularly, once every 2 weeks, alternating with a less damaging cleansing procedure

Lemon facial peeling at home

Lemon, zest, citric acid powder - everything is suitable for peeling

For lemon exfoliation you can use:

  • lemon juice
  • lemon pulp
  • lemon zest
  • citric acid

The first three substances, as a rule, are part of masks - exfoliants. Their advantage is that additional components can be selected according to skin type: olive oil and cream for dry skin, honey and clay for oily skin, etc.

Citric acid is used in this way: apply 15% acid to a cleansed and steamed face with a cotton pad or sponge, then wash with warm water and make a nourishing mask.

Salicylic facial peeling at home

For skin hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, seborrhea and acne, salicylic peeling is recommended. At home, you will need ordinary aspirin for this.


Peeling agent with salicylic acid

2 tablets of pharmaceutical aspirin are dissolved in 0.5 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of honey (you can use olive oil instead for dry skin, aloe juice for oily skin). The drug is applied to the prepared face for a quarter of an hour, the residue is removed with a cotton pad and a toning mask is made.

VIDEO: Facial scrub|Peeling aspirin

Fruit facial peeling at home

They refresh the skin, fight wrinkles, rashes and seborrhea, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and other fruit acids, which you can use at home:

  • wine
  • dairy
  • apple

The acid concentration in the exfoliation preparation should not exceed 25%. After using it, the skin must be soothed and moisturized.

The results of using acids for exfoliation at home are obvious. The condition of the skin really changes for the better. But since the procedure is comparable to a thermal burn, you should still consult a dermatologist before performing it so that he can approve it. If there are contraindications, it is better to choose a more gentle method for removing dead skin particles.

VIDEO: Peeling At Home. Chemical Facial Peeling at Home

Currently, beauty salons offer a huge range of cosmetic services that allow women to remain beautiful, attractive and look younger. One of the common methods of skin rejuvenation is chemical peeling.

Unfortunately, not everyone can visit salons, but everyone wants to stay young as long as possible. Therefore, many representatives of the fair sex do chemical peeling at home. The effect of this procedure is weaker than that of peeling performed by a cosmetologist, but nevertheless, after the full course, the result becomes obvious.

Indications for the use of chemical peeling

Home chemical peeling helps get rid of facial skin problems such as:

  • acne (acne);
  • oily seborrhea;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • problematic oily skin;
  • small wrinkles;
  • comedones (“blackheads”).

If you have any imperfections on your skin, then chemical peeling will help get rid of them. Under the influence of active substances, the top layer of keratinized cells “dissolves” and is removed. New smooth skin remains on the face.

Thanks to peeling:

  • the process of cell regeneration is enhanced;
  • the production of collagen and elastin increases;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the skin acquires tone, healthy color and a natural beautiful appearance;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • prevents the appearance of acne and inflammation on the skin.


Before doing homemade facial peeling, you need to consult a cosmetologist. The specialist will advise you on how to perform it correctly and not cause harm to the skin. It must be remembered that such cosmetic procedures are not suitable for everyone. Carrying out chemical peeling at home is unacceptable if:

  • there are inflammations and exacerbations of acne (except for salicylic peeling);
  • there are lesions, wounds, burns on the skin;
  • skin is too thin, dehydrated or irritated;
  • there are infectious, oncological or other diseases or herpes in the active phase;
  • increased temperature due to viral or respiratory diseases.

Contraindications also include cardiovascular and mental diseases, pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as rosacea.

If you have at least one of the above contraindications, then you cannot do chemical peeling.

Enzyme peeling

The use of enzymes is the most gentle of all types of chemical peels. However, before undertaking this cosmetic procedure, you should consult a cosmetologist.

A composition is used that includes enzymes such as bromelain, papain and trypsin and other enzymes, as well as fruit acids in small concentrations. This cosmetic procedure is superficial and is not intended to treat deep wrinkles, scars and scars. But it can help restore skin firmness and elasticity, get rid of fine wrinkles, age spots, acne marks, and freckles. The principle of action is based on the dissolution of the upper layer of keratinized cells. At the same time, the skin of the face becomes smooth, soft, acquires a healthy glow and beauty.

This type of procedure is not used for infectious skin diseases or exacerbations of acne.

Procedure for performing enzyme peeling:

  1. The first step is to cleanse the skin with lotion and apply a pre-peel solution. This type of chemical peeling can be used not only for the face, but also for the neck and décolleté.
  2. The enzyme composition should be applied in a thin layer and left for 10–30 minutes (the time depends on the skin type: how long you need to keep it on, the beauty salon master will advise).
  3. Then you need to wash your face with warm water. You can apply a soothing cream. While the skin is irritated, it is not advisable to touch your face with your hands.

Salicylic peeling

This type of chemical acid peeling is classified as superficial or superficial-medium (depending on the concentration of the solution). It is made on the basis of salicylic acid, obtained from willow bark, as well as shrubs from the rose family. The acid has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect and has been used in cosmetology for quite a long time. Peeling can be used on the face, neck, hands (back of the hands) and décolleté.

For problematic oily skin, treatment of acne and marks left from acne, removal of age spots, a 15% solution of salicylic acid is used. To get rid of wrinkles and age-related changes in the skin - 30%.

Salicylic peeling should not be used when taking hypoglycemic drugs.


  1. At the preparatory stage, 2 weeks before peeling, you should avoid visiting the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, solarium and do not sunbathe in the sun.
  2. Immediately before the procedure, you need to cleanse the skin with cosmetic milk and apply a special product with a disinfecting effect.
  3. Then a solution of salicylic acid is applied to the skin. Avoid contact with the area around the eyes. The active substance is left for 10–15 minutes.
  4. After this, the salicylic acid is washed off with a special neutralizing solution and the skin is moisturized with a soothing regenerating gel based on aloe vera.

After a cosmetic procedure, the skin may become red and slightly flaky. After 5–7 days, the epidermis will be completely restored, the skin will take on a beautiful, smooth, elastic, toned appearance, wrinkles will smooth out, pigmentation will decrease, and acne formation will significantly decrease.

A course of salicylic peeling includes 5–10 procedures at intervals of about 10–14 days. No more than 3 courses can be conducted per year.

Peeling with calcium chloride

Performing a chemical peel at home using calcium chloride is a simple and inexpensive procedure, and the results are excellent. It will help get rid of blackheads, acne marks, freckles and age spots, skin unevenness and make it more delicate, elastic, complexion will become even and beautiful.

You will need calcium chloride - a 5% solution in ampoules, you can buy it at the pharmacy.

Peeling is performed as follows:

  1. You need to wash your face and cleanse your face with lotion or toner.
  2. Using a cotton pad, apply the calcium chloride solution to your face and leave until completely dry. Then you need to apply the next layer in the same way. There should be 4 layers in total (in subsequent sessions you can increase the number of layers, but not more than 8).
  3. Next, you need to soap your fingertips or a cotton pad with baby soap (without any additives). Lather your face with massage movements so that pellets form. The skin underneath becomes smooth and shiny.
  4. Then you need to remove all the pellets and wash with warm water. After the procedure, you can wipe your face with chamomile infusion or make a moisturizing banana mask.

This cosmetic procedure is quite effective and can be successfully used for normal, combination and oily skin. The result is visible after the first use. You can repeat the peeling after 7 days. The course consists of 4–5 sessions; after completing the full course, a break of 1–2 months is required.

Important Notes

  • Before using any chemicals, be sure to do an allergy test. This is a very important point that cannot be ignored. The test is performed on the sensitive skin on the inside of the elbow.
  • Homemade chemical peels can only be done in autumn or winter, when solar activity is not too high. For several days (at least 7) ​​after chemical exposure, you need to use a cream with an ultraviolet filter.
  • In no case should you exceed the procedure time specified in the instructions for the drug, so as not to harm the skin. It is also unacceptable to increase the percentage of active substances if you prepare the peeling solution yourself.
  • When applying the composition to the skin, a slight tingling or burning sensation may occur. But if these sensations are too strong, if the composition causes swelling or sharp redness, then it is necessary to immediately wash it off and neutralize the effect of the chemicals to prevent a burn.

The peels described here have a superficial effect. If you need more in-depth procedures to get rid of scars, scars and deep wrinkles, then they should be performed by a professional cosmetologist in a beauty salon. Only a specialist will be able to select the required concentration of active substances for peeling the deep layers of the epidermis, without causing harm to the skin and preventing burns.

Thus, chemical peeling is a fairly effective remedy that will help you maintain the beauty and youth of your facial skin.

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