Care after permanent makeup in the interlash area. Care after tattooing eyebrows, lips, eyelids and after laser tattoo removal

Permanent eye makeup is very popular. It allows you to give up the daily use of decorative cosmetics and look fresh and stylish. Most often, fashionistas resort to tattooing the eyelids, after which swelling occurs. If the procedure was done correctly, the swelling will be small, but in any case it is worth knowing how to get rid of it.

Why are my eyes swollen after eyelid tattooing?

Eyelid tattooing involves the introduction of dyes under the upper layer of the epidermis. Pigments can remain under the skin from one to 5 years.

In this article

To implement them, devices with a needle nozzle are used. With its help, micro-punctures of the skin are made (1-2 millimeters). Violation of the integrity of skin punctures causes swelling and pain to occur after eyelid tattooing.

The quality of the work depends on the experience of the master, however, eye swelling after tattooing still cannot be avoided even if the procedure is performed by a first-class specialist. How long does swelling last after tattooing? As a rule, swelling of the eyelids goes away quickly - it is impossible to indicate the exact time, it depends on many factors. Usually a couple of days are enough. If swelling of the eyelids lasts for more than a few days and only gets worse over time, you need to take special measures, but first of all you need to go to the doctor.

The causes of severe swelling are:

  • the use of low-quality pigments, their deep introduction under the skin;
  • dry and thin eyelid skin;
  • allergic reaction to dye;
  • inexperience of the specialist;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules after the procedure;
  • individual characteristics of the eyes.

If there is slight swelling of the eyelids after permanent makeup, this is normal. Competent specialists inform about the possibility of swelling and methods of eye care after the procedure, so swelling is not a surprise for a woman. Swelling of the eyelids after makeup should not be accompanied by discomfort in the eye area and pain.

It’s bad when the swelling of the eyelids after permanent makeup lasts a long time, and the eyes are red and inflamed.

How to relieve swelling of the eyelids

Caring for eyelids after permanent makeup involves the following steps:

  • If the eyelids are swollen as a result of anesthesia (ointment or injection), no specific actions need to be performed, you just need to wait until the effect of the painkiller wears off. It is best to use a special gel for anesthesia: it does not cause swelling.
  • Immediately after tattooing, it must be applied to the eyelids.
  • a decongestant, for example, Bepanthen or Hydrocortisone ointment. They help get rid of excess fluid, eliminate inflammation and swelling.
  • You can make dry compresses at home. To do this, make ice from the herbal decoction, wrap it in cloth and keep it on the eyelids for about 15 minutes. Sage and chamomile are well suited for preparing a decoction.

What not to do if your eyelids are swollen after tattooing

After the procedure of applying permanent makeup, you need to reconsider your habits and be more attentive to the condition of your eyelids. You cannot touch them with your hands, rub them, or try to get rid of the crust that has formed. It is worth giving up cosmetics. Also, at first it is better not to visit the sauna and bathhouse.

Usually, after just a day, all the side effects of tattooing disappear, and the eyes become bright and beautiful.

What to do if eyelid swelling does not go away after tattooing

If you still cannot avoid problems and an eye infection occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. It will help eliminate swelling of the eyelids after permanent makeup and identify the cause of inflammatory processes.

As a rule, the treatment regimen for eyelids after tattooing includes:

  • dry compresses made from a frozen herbal decoction wrapped in a cloth: it is important not to overdo it and not get your eyelids cold, otherwise stye may occur;
  • washing the eyes with herbal infusions (sage, chamomile, calendula);
  • use of antihistamines: “Tavegil”, “Suprastina”, “Cetirizine”; It is important that you are not allergic to medications;
  • to remove excess moisture, the doctor may prescribe Furosemide, Prednisolone (special care must be taken with these drugs);
  • the use of hormonal drugs in the form of ointments - hydrocortisone is most often used;
  • instillation of Dexamethasone drops into the eyes: this procedure is usually done every hour.

Some sources may also recommend the use of traditional medicine, such as applying tea bags to the eyes or applying hemorrhoid ointment to the eyelids. Even if these methods are effective and will help relieve swelling after tattooing, they are associated with serious danger in the form of additional complications. Therefore, you should not use them without consulting a doctor.

The doctor's recommendations will depend on the reasons that caused swelling of the eyelids after makeup. To get rid of eyelid swelling that occurs after permanent makeup as quickly as possible, it is recommended to strictly follow these instructions and not neglect the use of ointments and taking tablets. The right approach to treatment will help you quickly get rid of inflammation and restore your eyes after eyelid tattooing.

A competent choice of salons and tattoo artist can serve as a preventive measure. Otherwise, you may become infected and face serious health problems.

How many girls have already fallen for this bait! In joy, I missed the master’s words about healing and you are tormented: “Why can’t I walk with beautiful eyes right away?” We explain why, how much and what to do so that the skin is restored as soon as possible!

Features of eyelid healing

After permanent tattooing, the skin swells and turns red. This is especially noticeable on the eyelids, since the skin is thin and sensitive and is more susceptible to damage. There may be significant side effects in the first few days, so it is best to schedule your session before the weekend. You are unlikely to want to leave the house looking like this.

Expert commentary

Irina Egortseva

It all depends on the depth of the master’s work, the physiological characteristics of the client, and the care he follows or does not follow.

Eyelid tattooing heals differently depending on what technique was used:

  1. Interciliary. The skin recovers the fastest because the specialist treats a small area with pigment. It only covers the empty space between the lashes, making them appear thicker.
  2. Pigmentation of the inner eyelid. It takes a little longer to heal because the mucous membrane is being treated. It is thinner and more sensitive.
  3. Arrows. They come in regular and shading versions. In both cases, the skin recovers equally, several days longer than after interlash tattooing.
  4. Shadows. The master treats most of the eyelid, creating the effect of a light spray of cosmetics. The pigment fills the space not evenly, but pointwise, but still healing will take a long time.

After permanent eye makeup, recovery takes less time than after eyebrow or lip treatment. Not such a large area is pigmented, and even sensitive skin will not have to wait long for recovery.

If there are no concomitant diseases, the redness and swelling will disappear within a few days.

Skin after the procedure

During permanent makeup, the master introduces pigment into the middle layer of the skin with a machine or manual instrument. Punctures and micro-incisions are made to a shallow depth, but the tissue is still damaged and bleeding occurs. After the procedure there will be wounds. It takes time for the cells to regenerate, “covering” the injected pigment.

At first, the tattoo will seem bright and unnatural. The master introduces more pigment than necessary, since it does not take root completely. After the recovery period, the permanent will become as planned. Until this time, you will have to endure too vulgar makeup. It cannot be masked with cosmetics, as there is a risk of slowing down recovery and causing allergies.

The most noticeable swelling will occur on the second day after the procedure. If you leave the salon with a perfect tattoo and no side effects, you shouldn’t rejoice in advance - they are still to come. Recovery time depends on the sensitivity of the skin and its ability to regenerate. You can speed up the process by following the recommendations of a cosmetologist.

Stages of healing

For all clients, the healing of the eyelids after permanent makeup goes through the same stages. The only difference is their duration. Some people fully recover within 2 weeks, others take a month.

Rehabilitation is divided into the following periods:

  1. The first 2-3 days. The skin is red and swollen. For some, it swells so much that they have to look at the world through narrow slits. The condition can be compared to a bee sting - the upper eyelid enlarges and hangs over the eye. At this stage, lymph (ichor) with part of the pigment is released from the wounds, so the eyes are constantly moist.
  2. From 4 to 7 days. Swelling and redness go away, the eyelids stop getting wet. The lymph begins to harden - a dense crust forms, which is very itchy. The permanent becomes even brighter because part of the pigment hardens along with the ichor.
  3. From 7 to 14 days. At first, the crust covers the entire tattoo area. A few days after formation, it begins to peel off. This happens unevenly - the makeup turns out spotty.
  4. From 14 to 28 days. After the crust has completely come off, the skin is completely restored. On average it takes 1-2 weeks. Peeling and slight itching may occur.

Eye tattooing finally heals within 3-4 weeks from the date of the procedure. After this, you need to make an appointment again with the cosmetologist who conducted the session. The specialist will evaluate the result and prescribe a correction.

It is necessary to correct errors that occurred after the crust has come off and to fix the pigment. After correction, you will have to go through the same stages of skin restoration, but they will take less time. On average, after a repeat procedure, all side effects disappear within 1-2 weeks.

How to care

Each stage of recovery has its own care rules. They will speed up healing and prevent complications from developing.

On the first day, it is better not to touch your eyelids unless necessary. The specialist will tell you whether they need to be treated with something, but usually all products begin to be used on the second day. On the day of the session, you should not wash your face and generally allow moisture to get on the tattoo, so it is better to wash your hair in advance.

On the second day, you need to start treating the permanent with an antiseptic - Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. Soak a cotton pad in the product and blot the eyelids with it. When the antiseptic has dried, a healing ointment is applied to the tattoo - Bepanten, D-Panthenol, Rescuer. Procedures must be carried out up to 10 times a day. The resulting ichor is blotted pointwise with a sterile gauze cloth.

When a crust forms, you can reduce the treatment with antiseptic and ointment to 5-6 times a day. You can already wet your eyelids, but you shouldn’t do this on purpose. It is better to wash your face with milk or tonic without alcohol - gently wipe your face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

The crust cannot be scratched or peeled off. Underneath it, cell regeneration occurs, and premature damage can trigger the formation of scars or lightening of the pigment, as its particles again begin to come to the surface along with the ichor.

After the crust comes off and until the skin is completely healed, it is necessary to apply an antiseptic and ointment 1-2 times a day. If peeling occurs, apply any moisturizer without aggressive substances to the eyelids. Regular Vaseline will do.

How to relieve the condition

If swelling of the eyelids causes discomfort, you can try to remove it faster. To alleviate the condition, you can treat your eyelids with Tetracycline ointment once, after consulting with a cosmetologist. The effect of tear-stained eyes is relieved by drops - Visine, Vial, Systane Ultra.

Antihistamines help many people. They block the activity of a substance that causes redness and swelling. You can take Suprastin or Tavegil or a more modern remedy - Cetrin, Claritin, Ketotifen. To relieve swelling, you can take a diuretic - Veroshpiron, Furosemide, Trifas.

You can reduce the severity of side effects with compresses. Decoctions of medicinal plants - chamomile, string, sage - are suitable for this. An alternative option is a weak solution of Furacilin. Soak 2 cotton pads in any product and squeeze them well so that they are slightly damp. Compresses are placed over the eyes so that they do not affect the tattoo itself and drops of water do not drip onto it.

On the second day, to relieve swelling, you can spot-treat the reddened areas with dry ice wrapped in a cloth, or make compresses with it for 15-20 minutes. Cold exposure causes blood vessels to constrict, so side effects are less severe.

What to do if you are prone to allergies

Manufacturers of tattoo pigments try to make them based on natural ingredients, so allergies rarely occur. But if you have a predisposition to it, you need to foresee a possible complication in advance.

At a preliminary consultation with a cosmetologist, it is necessary to conduct a skin test. A little dye is dripped onto the wrists or the area behind the ear. After 15-20 minutes the reaction is assessed. If there is no redness or rashes, then the procedure can be carried out.

Allergies can occur due to antiseptics, healing ointments and other products that the cosmetologist uses during the session. Just in case, after the procedure, take the antihistamine that you usually use.

In order not to provoke a violent reaction of the immune system, it is better to adhere to an anti-allergy diet while the skin is healing. The body is weakened, so even a small amount of allergen can provoke a serious reaction, including from the pigment.

You should exclude citrus fruits, sweets, coffee, and honey from the menu. It is not advisable to eat red fruits and vegetables or drink herbal infusions. It is also better to limit milk and products containing it (baked goods, desserts) until the skin is completely healed.

How to avoid complications

An eyelid tattoo that has healed incorrectly will have to endure for several years until it comes off. You can remove the permanent, but it will take several months. In order not to have to get rid of an unsuccessful result, you must follow all the recommendations of the cosmetologist during the recovery period:

  • do not wet the tattoo for 3 days;
  • do not drink alcohol for 3 days, or better yet, throughout the healing period;
  • do not wear contact lenses for 3 days;
  • do not rub your face with your hands or rough cloth;
  • do not exercise until the crusts come off;
  • do not take antibiotics or blood thinners for 2 weeks;
  • do not use decorative cosmetics until complete healing;
  • do not sunbathe until complete healing;
  • Before going outside in the warm season, apply sunscreen to the area around the eyes and wear dark glasses.

You must choose a specialist who will perform the procedure based on real reviews and photographs of the work. You shouldn’t agree to get a tattoo at a little-known salon just because it offers a discount. Doing permanent makeup at home is also undesirable, since there is a high probability of contracting an infection, since it is difficult to ensure complete sterility.

Eyelid tattooing, or permanent makeup as it is also called, is currently a popular cosmetic procedure. The long-lasting effect of always painted eyes and giving them additional expressiveness captivate many girls who do not have enough free time to apply their favorite or full-fledged makeup.

So, permanent eye makeup is the introduction of a special pigment of the desired shade onto the eyelid in the form of arrows, shadows and similar methods. In simple words, this is a light tattoo that replaces basic eye makeup, ready to serve you for a long time.

Eye tattoo

Permanent eye makeup consists of several stages. At the first preparatory stage, all details of the tattoo are discussed. Together with the master, a makeup template is discussed and drawn with a cosmetic pencil. The master also talks about what he will do and the rules for caring for the finished tattoo.

At the second stage, local anesthesia occurs using special means. For this, special creams are used, not injections. The latter cause swelling and the inability to carry out the procedure.

After the anesthesia takes effect, the artist begins the tattooing stage. To do this, a pigment of the required color (black, brown, gray, blue) is injected under the skin to a depth of 0.5 mm using a special needle. Upon completion of the procedure, the master treats the eyelids with a wound healing agent.

At first, the eyelids will be swollen and the pigment will be very bright. But later the swelling will subside, the crusts will begin to disappear and the brightness of the pigment will become as desired. After a couple of weeks, a correction may be needed to correct imperfections, and also add pigment if it has become too dull.

With the help of a procedure such as eyelid tattooing, you can achieve beautiful, even arrows that you do not need to draw yourself every morning for several years. In addition, eyelid tattooing is not afraid of water and smudging. And different types of tattooing allow you to change the shape and shape of the eyes, visually increase the density of eyelashes on the upper or lower eyelid.

Types of eye tattoo

There are several types of eye tattoos, each of which has its own characteristics and a specific purpose. Based on the area of ​​influence, tattooing of the upper and lower eyelids is distinguished, and according to the method of execution, it can be makeup in the form of arrows, shading, filling the interlash space and applying shadows.

Eye tattoo arrows

The arrows are applied as a solid, clear line just above the eyelash growth line, or with the interlash space drawn to give depth to the look. There are several types of arrows - from thin and barely noticeable to wide and bright.

To give an open look, you can make thin or medium arrows from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner. The arrows from the inner to the outer corner of the eye are the most common and suit almost all girls. In this case, the specialist will help you choose the width and type of the arrow tail depending on the appearance, as well as the purpose of the makeup. Particularly active wide arrows with an elongated and curving tail are not suitable for all girls; they also require voluminous black eyelashes.

If you are planning to get a tattoo in the form of arrows, you need to try several “draft” versions of them to understand which one will be the most harmonious approach to your appearance.

Shading is a rather complex procedure among eyelid tattoos. It requires a lot of experience from the master, because in this case the arrows do not have clear lines. The result should be eyes lined with a soft pencil or shadow with a soft transition from bright color to almost invisible. This type of eyelid tattoo can be performed on both the upper and lower eyelids.

With the help of such a tattoo, you can change the shape of the eye, give expressiveness to the look, and also hide age-related changes in the eyelid. Therefore, this method is suitable for older women.

This method of long-term makeup visually increases the thickness of the eyelashes, and also makes them darker and more noticeable. To do this, the interciliary space is filled with pigment.

A template or draft is not required for such permanent makeup, since the contour is already determined by nature. This makeup looks the most natural, so even on a clean face it does not seem like a bright spot.

In the video below you will see how the artist fills the space between the eyelashes with mascara and makes the eyes more expressive.

Shadow tattoo

The most complex technique is shadow shading, which appeared relatively recently. It involves soft color transitions, similar to makeup with shadows. This method of tattooing is suitable for mature women when they need to hide heavy eyelids, as well as folds and wrinkles on them, due to which it is often impossible to draw a clear arrow.

It is important, with this technique, to maintain naturalness. To ensure that an unpainted face looks harmonious, it is better to choose pigments in natural shades. And then you can visually lift your eyes and deepen your gaze, and not make it heavier. For lovers of bright and evening makeup, a darker and more expressive tattoo may be suitable, but in this case you need to always be on parade.

How to prepare for eyelid tattooing?

Since the result of permanent makeup will not be observed for a couple of hours, but for at least several months, it is necessary to study all the nuances of the procedure.

You can ask your artist about the color palette he will use when tattooing your eyelids. It is better to do this in advance, since the choice with different permanent makeup techniques can be quite large. In addition, you can look at a portfolio of finished works and evaluate how this or that shade looks in the finished version.

Since swelling occurs after tattooing, it is better to plan the time so that after the procedure you have the opportunity to sit at home for several days and not attend any events.

With eyelash extensions, eyelid tattooing is not done, so they must be removed a week before the procedure. And those who like to curl their eyelashes before applying mascara should not do this two days before the procedure.

After the procedure, proper care is necessary to promote rapid healing of the eyelids. To do this, special wound-healing ointments or creams are applied to the eyelids for 5-7 days. This is done until the crust and peeling go away. It is important not to remove them yourself, otherwise you may damage the pigment. Eye cosmetics and makeup removers should not be used for the first few days.

In the first two weeks, you should not steam your face, visit the sauna or swimming pool, or sunbathe in the sun or solarium.

The popularity of the procedure is due to the fact that it has several positive aspects.

  • Firstly, there is no need to draw arrows for yourself every morning. Thus, the time for getting ready is reduced significantly.
  • Secondly, such makeup does not flow, that is, it is not afraid of rain, the sea, a swimming pool, or a sauna.
  • Thirdly, many women stop buying eyeliners or liners to define their eyelids. There is no longer any need for this, since you always have makeup with you.

Permanent eyelid tattooing is suitable for girls with expressionless eyes, as it can be used to correct their shape, change the cut, and also add expressiveness to the look. And in this case, a girl with a tattoo will always look great.

If you make a frivolous and hasty decision to get a tattoo, most often everything ends in failure. An unskilled craftsman can make crooked or ugly arrows that will have to be drawn only with a laser. And considering that eyelid tattooing is an effect that lasts for several months or years, such an outcome of the procedure is extremely undesirable.

If the master does not follow the rules for disinfecting instruments, you can become infected with a number of diseases that are transmitted through blood. Therefore, when you go to the salon, do not hesitate to ask how the instruments are processed. The needles themselves should always be new for each session.

The pigment or painkillers used may also carry certain risks for those who will be doing the makeup. This could be an allergic reaction. If the swelling does not go away within two days, you should consult a specialist, as this may indicate an inflammatory process.

In addition to its wonderful advantages, eyelid tattooing also has disadvantages. For example, pigment may change color over time. It is also worth considering that fashion is fleeting, and it is quite possible that the shape of the arrows that is relevant today will change to a completely different one in a couple of years. The long-term effect can also be a disadvantage, as the face changes, wrinkles and folds appear. Therefore, the tattoo will also slip, which may not look very aesthetically pleasing over time.

Eye tattoo contraindications

Like any other procedure, tattooing has contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstruation and the days before it;
  • high pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • moles on the eyelids;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • infectious diseases;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • tendency to slow wound healing;
  • allergy to anesthetics and pigment.

Eye tattoo price

Good quality eyelid tattooing cannot be cheap. Since this makeup lasts for years, it is better not to save money, but to have it done in salons by top-category masters who have good recommendations.

So, the cost of tattooing the interlash space varies from 3000-5000 to 9000 rubles for artists with ten years of experience. The approximate cost in dollars ranges from 45 to 130.

Drawing arrows of different widths and complexity will cost from 4,000 to 10,000-12,000 rubles ($60-170). At the same time, the cost can be increased if filling of the interlash space is added to the arrows.

The average cost of the shadow effect is 6500-9000 rubles (95-130 dollars). And the work of some craftsmen with more than ten years of experience in this technique is estimated at 12,000-15,000 rubles ($170-220).

The video below gives a lot of advice on choosing a salon where you can get a tattoo, how to care for it and prepare it. And no unpleasant feelings from visiting a real expert in his field.

Care after eyelid tattooing is a necessary condition for obtaining the expected result from the procedure. Permanent makeup is popular; it saves time, freeing a woman from the daily use of cosmetics, and visually changes the shape of the eyes and the thickness of the eyelashes.

Proper care after tattooing ensures wound healing and allows you to get the desired result. If care is neglected, there is a risk of defects and serious problems such as conjunctivitis.

80% of the results from tattooing are care for the eyelids after the procedure. The appearance, speed of regeneration, and durability of makeup depend on it.

The effect will last for several years if you follow the rules of care:

  1. During the care process, you need to wash your face with water at room temperature.
  2. Do not let the skin dry out or crack. If you have dryness, you should use a rich cream or Vaseline.
  3. In summer you need to use creams to protect your eyelids from the sun.
  4. You should not use decorative cosmetics around your eyes for up to two weeks.

It is important to listen to the advice of a tattoo artist, use prescribed products, ointments, creams, and not use healing accelerators with antibiotics, hormones, or corticosteroids.

What to do in the first days

It is necessary to take care of your eyelid tattoo in the first days. After the procedure, a protective gel is applied. The skin should rest for two hours. Later, you need to wash it with cold water and antibacterial soap. As soon as the skin dries, apply a thin layer of moisturizing ointment - “Depanthenol”, “Bepanten”. The first day after tattooing you should use antiseptics.

The ointment is used after the procedure for 7-10 days. It is applied every 2-3 hours for 3-4 days, before which the skin of the eyelids is wiped with an antiseptic. When caring, you should not use products containing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. From the fifth day, the ointment is applied 3-4 times a day.

You should rinse your eyes with cool water in the morning and evening. If swelling occurs after tattooing, apply ice. For mild discomfort, swelling of the eyelids, and redness, use eye drops.

If after tattooing a film appears on the eyelids or a bright layer of the epidermis peels off, do not worry - this is normal.

Care Tips:

  1. After the procedure, you cannot visit baths or saunas. It is prohibited to swim in ponds, pools, or use a solarium. Try not to be in the sun or steam your skin.
  2. Eliminate physical activity that can cause sweating for a couple of weeks. Sweat damages healing areas.
  3. Do not comb or rub the area of ​​skin on which the eyelid tattoo is applied.

Care after crust formation

During tattooing, the needle pierces the skin, causing damage to blood vessels, epidermis, and connective tissue cells. The skin of the eyelids becomes inflamed after manipulation. Plasma emerges from the thinned epidermis and pores. Blood and lymph then form a crust that protects the damaged skin during healing.

For care, the tattoo area is lubricated with a cream, the formula of which does not contain aggressive components that cause irritation and allergic reactions. The eyelid products chosen by the master should be applied in a thin layer to best stimulate the regeneration process. Do not overdry the skin.

Therapeutic ointments have an anti-inflammatory effect and should be used two or three times a day to care for the eyelids. Do not use cotton swabs or pads - apply with your hands.

You cannot touch the crust that appears after tattooing. It will disappear on its own when the area of ​​skin underneath is restored to 100%. If there is no crust, complete regeneration has occurred.

Post-healing care

When caring for your eyelids after tattooing, try not to use cosmetics containing excessively active ingredients. Be careful when removing makeup near the permanent area. Do not use alcohol wipes, choose delicate mousses and gels, and special products for removing eye makeup.

Swelling may appear at the site of the arrows. Along with ice, you can use diuretics. But such drugs destabilize the balance of potassium and magnesium in the body, so you need to take vitamins to restore it.

An allergic reaction and itching may begin in the eyelid area after tattooing. The skin may swell. Take antiallergic medications. The specialist will recommend medicinal hydrocortisone ointment to care for the eyelids; you may need a compress. Be sure to find out about the frequency of use of medications.

Rules for washing and applying makeup after eyelid tattooing

After the procedure, you cannot wash your face. It is strictly forbidden to wet the permanent area. If moisture gets in during cleaning, remove it with a paper towel. You can shower after the eyelid procedure, but you need to make sure that the tattoo area remains dry. The bathroom or visit to the bathhouse should be postponed. Due to the steam, the crusts can become moisturized and come off along with the pigment.

You should not apply cosmetics near the tattoo area for about two weeks. After this period, you should try not to use drugs with strong ingredients. To care for and remove cosmetics, use cotton pads and cotton swabs.

To be sure, decorative eyelid cosmetics should not be used for 2 weeks, or better yet, a month. On average, skin restoration takes 21 days. After this time, you can apply makeup without risk.

What not to do after the procedure

The procedure is performed using a machine with disposable tips that make microscopic punctures. A professional can draw arrows, correct the shape of the eyes, and choose the appropriate color.

Eyelid tattooing can visually correct visual asymmetry of the eyes or face. There are three types of permanent eye makeup:

  1. Classic - pigment fills the space between the eyelashes.
  2. Tattoo “arrow” - using paint, the artist applies a line to the eyelids.
  3. Filling the interlash space with shading - after applying the pigment, the specialist shades it, making the line slightly fuzzy.
  1. Rub the skin with your hands or a towel. You can introduce an infection into the wounds, erase the pigment - the result will turn pale.
  2. Wet the skin with the location of the long-lasting cosmetic product within 24 hours after the procedure. Since the needle penetrates to a small depth, the permanent can be washed away. If water gets on the tattoo area, do not wipe it off, but leave it to dry.
  3. Use cosmetics immediately after the procedure. Avoid products with harsh chemicals.
  4. Try to get rid of the crusts. The crust protects the damaged area of ​​the skin, and healing occurs underneath it. There is no need to touch it for the regeneration process to go faster.
  5. Use lotions and alcohol-containing eye creams for a month after tattooing. Because of them, the color may change shade or fade. There is a risk of increasing the healing time of wounds.
  6. Be exposed to physical activity. Excessive sweating can damage the pigment.
  7. Do not let the crusts dry out too much - apply the cream recommended by the master as care.
  8. Contact skin with dirty hands. There is a risk of infection.
  9. Do not use mascara for at least three days. The skin heals completely only after 21 days.
  10. Wear contact lenses.
  11. Abuse alcohol.

By following the care recommendations, you can get a high-quality and beautiful effect on your eyelids. If you use the services of a professional, take into account his opinion and follow the instructions, there will be no problems after the tattoo procedure, and correction will not be needed soon.

The permanent eyelid makeup procedure will help a woman become irresistible. Despite the painful sensations, tattooing will delight you for a long time. You don’t have to fuss with eye shadow, eyeliner, or eyeliner in the morning. Just tint your eyelashes and the look is ready.

Permanent eye tattooing allows you to forget about the daily use of decorative cosmetics and make your eyes more expressive. Therefore, it is not surprising that many girls want to try this new product in the field of cosmetology. The procedure is similar to lip and eyebrow tattooing, but has its own characteristics. Let's look at how it affects eye health.

What types of eyelid tattoos are there?

Permanent eye tattooing is widely in demand among girls who follow the latest trends in the field of cosmetology. This procedure allows you to make your eyes more expressive, visually increase the thickness of your eyelashes, and, if necessary, correct broken eye symmetry. In addition, it eliminates the need to use decorative cosmetics daily, which is important for girls prone to allergies. Cosmetologists claim that this procedure is quite painless due to the use of local anesthetic and lasts about 40 minutes. The dye is injected under the upper layer of the eyelid epithelium using a thin needle.

Depending on the client’s requirements, the specialist can perform painting of the interlash space, as well as tattooing with shading or arrows. In the first case, the eyes look very natural and harmonious with any makeup. The shading option is more noticeable. It is performed with a needle-brush, which paints the eyelid with pigment and stretches it, giving the line the required thickness. One of the most popular types of permanent makeup are arrows. They can be made in any style: classic, glamorous, rock, etc. This option helps to visually enlarge the eyes and makes the look more expressive. However, it is not always appropriate in everyday life, for example, at work or school.

3 popular types of eyelid tattoo:

  • Painting the interciliary space.
  • Tattoo with shading.
  • Arrows.

Do your eyelids swell after tattooing?

To find out whether your eyes swell after eyelid tattooing, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the procedure for carrying out this procedure. First, the master removes decorative cosmetics and degreases the skin. The next important step is local anesthesia. For this, as a rule, special creams are used, which are applied to the entire surface of the eyelid, starting from the inner corner to the outer. Before starting pain relief, the cosmetologist must conduct a sensitivity test to the drug to eliminate the risk of allergies. Next, the specialist draws the eyelash growth line with a needle, and then shades it using a wide needle-brush, making short upward strokes. The thickness and length of the arrows depends on the client’s wishes.

At the end of the session, the master washes off excess paint protruding from under the skin and treats the pigmented area with antiseptic agents. Some salons additionally apply a protective ointment to prevent the development of an infectious process on inflamed skin. It is worth considering that the eyes after eyelid tattooing become very swollen, especially in the first day. This is a normal reaction of the body to numerous damage to the epidermis. It is impossible to avoid this consequence, but you can relieve the symptoms with the help of a cooling cream.

How long does it take for eyes to heal after the procedure?

Swelling of the eyelid goes away after 2-3 days. The contour heals on average about 14 days. All this time, it is necessary to lubricate the pigmented area with a cream with a regenerating, moisturizing and antibacterial effect. This will prevent the skin from drying out and becoming infected. In the absence of complications, these recommendations should be sufficient for complete healing and recovery.

However, if the pigmentation was carried out by an insufficiently qualified specialist, swelling of the eyelid after tattooing is not the only problem. Bruising may also occur if the needle fails to enter the capillaries. As a result, bruises form that take a long time to disappear. After this, it is not recommended to repeat the procedure for about 6 months.

To maintain eye health, eyelid tattooing should be done in a salon, making sure that the artist is qualified. Unscrupulous handling of instruments, poor-quality materials and lack of hygiene during the pigmentation process can lead to adverse consequences, including infection.

If after the procedure your eyes become watery and swelling persists for several days, you should consult an ophthalmologist. It should also be taken into account that saving on tattooing can cause poor-quality drawing. An illiterate master will simply throw off the symmetry or make a mistake in developing the pigment.

Possible consequences of poor quality of the procedure:

  • Bruising caused by unsuccessful needle penetration into the capillaries, and the appearance of bruises.
  • Infection. In this case, after tattooing the eyelids, the eyes become watery, as well as itching, burning and pain in the eyelid area.
  • Poor quality result (asymmetrical or unevenly saturated pattern).

Eye care after eyelid tattooing

Eye care after eyelid tattooing is quite simple. On the day of the procedure, you must rinse them thoroughly to remove any remaining paint and ichor. Next, a cream with a bacterial, moisturizing and regenerating effect should be applied to the cleaned, pigmented area - this will protect against infection. After three days, a crust will appear at the tattoo site, which is also normal. It must be generously lubricated with a moisturizer until it dries. If the crust has dried but cannot be removed, you should carefully remove it using a cotton swab dipped in rich cream.

Healing of the epidermis lasts about two weeks. During this time, you need to avoid direct contact with water, including swimming in open water, staying in a pool, sauna or jacuzzi. In addition, you should refrain from using decorative cosmetics and washing with soap for 14 days, so as not to remove the pigment ahead of time. As long as you follow the rules of eye care after eyelid tattooing, complications, as a rule, do not arise.

If bruising is observed after tattooing, you should treat the affected area with ointment, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and relieves bruises in the eye area. If you suspect an infection, for example, itching and burning in the eye area, you should contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible to undergo an examination and choose a course of treatment.

Is this procedure dangerous for vision?

Myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and other refractive errors are not a contraindication to the procedure. Some people with poor eyesight want to get an eye tattoo in order to stop using decorative cosmetics, since it is not always convenient. Doctors do not impose restrictions on this matter. With a professional approach, the service is safe for health. However, if an unqualified master gets down to business, complications are possible. For example, accidental contact of an anesthetic with the mucous membrane of the eye can lead to inflammation of the cornea and damage to it. This will negatively affect the clarity of vision. In addition, inept handling of a needle by a technician contributes to the appearance of various damage to the eyelid, which also has an adverse effect on eye health. The swelling that inevitably appears after the procedure can partially reduce the clarity of vision. Under normal conditions, swelling goes away within 1-2 days. During this time, it is recommended to refrain from driving and work associated with increased visual stress. Vision may also decrease if the pigmentation procedure leads to infection of the organs of vision. In this case, you cannot do without medical help.

Contraindications for eyelid tattooing

There are a number of contraindications to this procedure. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them to prevent the risk of adverse consequences.

Contraindications are:

  • Dry eye syndrome;
  • Conjunctivitis;
  • Blood diseases and viral infections;
  • Allergy to tattoo ink;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Hormone therapy;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Problems with blood clotting;
  • Hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy.

Eye tattoo and contact lenses

Permanent eye tattooing opens up new opportunities for bold experiments with appearance. To create a truly original and effective look, we suggest combining it with colored contact correction products.
The range of Glasses.Net includes high-quality optical products from global manufacturers: Alcon, Bausch + Lomb, Carl Zeiss, Johnson & Johnson, etc. Some models allow you to completely or partially change the natural color of the iris. For people with light eyes, tint models, for example, Alcon FreshLook Dimensions, or beauty lenses - 1-Day Acuvue Define “Natural Shine” are suitable.

These contact correction products emphasize the natural beauty of the iris. In turn, to transform dark eyes, it is better to choose decorative optical products with a more saturated color, for example, Alcon Air Optix Colors. Please note that the coloring pigment is located inside the lenses. This completely eliminates accidental staining of the cornea and the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Choose optical products on our website and experiment with images!

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