The new shoes are too tight, what should I do? What to do if your shoes pinch or rub your feet? Is it possible to do this? In what cases is this necessary?

If you have such an embarrassment: you bought shoes or boots, but are 1-2 sizes too big, don’t be upset. There are several available ways to save the situation. Our grandmothers and mothers knew what to do if the shoes were too big, since during the years of shortage it was not always possible to find not only the right size, but generally at least some decent shoes. And many pieces of advice have come to us from those very times.

Simple ways to wear big shoes

If the shoes are too big, but you really like them, there are at least 4 options what you can do. The first is to wear thicker socks, perhaps even several pairs. Of course, this is suitable in cases with shoes and boots, but not shoes.

The second option is to stuff the toe of the shoe with tissue or toilet paper, newspaper or cotton wool. This will save you from sinking your foot too deep and causing your heel to “squelch.” It is clear that the toe in such shoes should be closed. This method is not suitable for long walks and sporting events, since with prolonged and intense exercise the filler will begin to cause you discomfort.

The third method is to use an additional insole, full or partial, placed only under the arch of the foot. It will improve your posture and slightly adjust your shoe size. This method works with any shoes, even open-toed ones.

Another option is to use special strips on the heels. Usually they are stuck on when the heel of the shoe rubs our feet, but this will also help solve the problem with large shoes. By the way, you can stick this strip not only on the heel, but in any other place.

More complex ways to solve the big shoe problem

If yours is large, you can try to reduce it with water. To do this, you need to first wet the shoes with a spray bottle or wipe them with a damp cloth, and then dry them in natural conditions without strong heating (this will lead to deformation). This method will help you reduce your shoes or boots by a size or half a size. If the effect is not achieved the first time, you need to repeat the procedure.

You can also use an elastic band that tightens the material. Attach it to the heel of the shoe from the inside using a needle and thread. This can be an ordinary tight elastic band, sewn under tension. When it tightens and returns to its original position, it will slightly reduce the shoe size.

If they are very large and you don’t know how to fit leather shoes or are afraid of ruining them yourself, contact a shoemaker. The shoemaker has all the necessary tools necessary for such manipulations. Of course, his services will cost you a lot, but in the case of expensive luxury shoes it makes sense.

Quite often we are faced with a situation where a brand new pair of shoes fits perfectly on the foot, but after coming home it turns out that the thing we just bought is a little tight.

What to do in such cases, how to break in shoes that pinch your toes?

What is stretching needed for?

In order for the purchased shoes to still fit well on the foot, we will need to stretch them. Although, in fact, there may be several reasons why we need to do this. Most often we need stretching if the shoes:

    I really liked it, but it turned out that it was too small, and the store didn’t have the right size;

    fits well in length and fits well in width;

    The width is a little tight, but the length fits perfectly;

    became tight towards the end of the day;

    It started to get tight after the rain.

To break in the tight shoes you just purchased, use a few simple tips:

    there is no need to immediately put on new shoes and wear them throughout the day; it is better to break them in gradually, putting them on for an hour and a half during the day;

    shoes made of leather stretch quite quickly, so almost all known stretching methods are suitable for them;

    Before putting on a new thing, it is advisable to cover the chafed areas on your feet with a band-aid. This will prevent the occurrence of calluses and also make the shoes much more comfortable;

    so that the back of the shoes rubs your feet less, you need to lubricate them with moistened soap or alcohol;

    the inside of freshly purchased shoes should be wiped with castor oil so that it rubs the foot less;

    You can use one of the special sprays. You can ask the sellers about them; they will probably advise which one is better to choose. Using the spray, you need to spray the rubbing or pinching areas, then put on your shoes and walk for 5-10 minutes.

If none of the above tips helped you, then you should use one of the available means for stretching shoes.

How to break in shoes that pinch your toes: we use improvised means


To use this method, stock up on very thick woolen socks and a hairdryer. Next you need to do the following:

1) we put socks on our feet and try to squeeze into them into tight shoes;

2) in those areas where the legs experience the greatest discomfort, heat with a hairdryer for 25–30 seconds;

3) when the shoes warm up well, leave them on your feet until they completely cool down; if necessary, the procedure should be repeated;

4) when you get the desired result, you need to apply a special conditioner to the skin, which will moisturize it after prolonged drying with a hairdryer.

Important! When heating your shoes, you don't need to be too zealous, as high temperatures can weaken the adhesive joints.

Alcohol (vinegar)

For this method, you will need to stock up on inexpensive vodka or vinegar solution, with which you will need to perform the following actions:

1) thoroughly rub or saturate the inner surface of the shoe with this liquid;

2) put on tighter socks and pull the shoes on your feet;

3) wear shoes around the house for at least an hour, after which we take them off;

4) wash the inside of the shoes with a soap solution to eliminate the unpleasant smell of vodka or vinegar.

Boiling water

You can also break in tight shoes using boiling water, which makes them stretch much better and get the desired shape. But be careful, this method can only be used on natural leather. Faux leather will most likely lose its attractive appearance.

You can break in narrow shoes using boiling water like this:

1) pour boiling water over the inside of the shoes;

2) drain the water and leave for a while so that the boiling water cools down;

3) put on the shoes and wear them until they are completely dry. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.


To safely break in your shoes, you can use regular potatoes. To do this you need:

1) take several larger potatoes and peel them;

2) put them in your shoes so that they feel terribly tight there; if they stick out, it will be even better;

3) leave it like this all night, and take the potatoes out in the morning. Don't forget to also wipe the inside of your shoes with a damp cloth.


Wet newspapers can also help break in tight shoes. To do this you will need:

1) take more newspapers and tear them very finely;

2) pour the resulting mass with water so that it swells and gets wet;

3) pour the resulting slurry onto the shoes more tightly;

4) Finally, leave to dry for 2-3 days. Just don’t place it close to heating devices!


For this method, you need to take any grains or oatmeal that can swell when wet. Next we perform the following actions:

1) fill shoes with grain (flakes);

2) fill with water to the grain level and leave overnight;

3) the grain (flakes) that have swollen overnight will stretch the shoes, and in the morning you will need to remove the mass, wipe it and put it on;

4) to consolidate the effect, you need to wear shoes until they are completely dry.

Each of these methods is very simple and, at the same time, quite effective, but you should not expect any miracles like increasing the size by 3-5 cm. Using these methods, you can expand your shoes more in width and a little in length. Therefore, stretching will be very useful in cases where your shoes are too tight or a little tight in your toes.

How to break in leather shoes that are too tight?

When it comes to leather shoes, the most effective way to stretch them is to use a liquid containing alcohol or vinegar. To do this, you need to soak the inside with liquid, put on thick woolen socks and wear the shoes for at least an hour. To make the skin softer, you need to take glycerin and rub the outer part with it. To remove the unpleasant odor, you can use a soap solution to treat the inside.

Another effective and, at the same time, somewhat extreme method. Pour boiling water inside for 2-3 seconds, then pour it out and wear the shoes until the leather has completely cooled down. Typically this process takes about 20 minutes.

You can also carry out leather shoes that are too tight using special products that can be sold in the form of foam, spray or liquid. For leather goods, liquid is the most suitable option. All we need to do is moisten the desired areas with a small amount of the product, put on cotton socks and wear the shoes for 45–60 minutes. With the spray, as with the foam, you will need to perform exactly the same actions. The only point: if you wear patent leather shoes, using foam is not recommended.

Today on the Internet you can often find a recommendation that you should put a bag of water in leather shoes and place them in the freezer. However, nothing good will come of this, since leather tends to crack when it freezes, so it’s better not to take risks.

In fact, breaking in shoes that are too tight is not that difficult. If you don’t want to stretch it yourself, you can go to a shoe shop, where they can “adjust” it to your size using special equipment.

The problem of uncomfortable shoes is familiar to many, especially women. The wrong size can cause a bad mood and poor health. Don’t rush to get rid of a bad purchase; find out how to remove shoes that are too tight using home remedies. When choosing a method, be sure to consider the type of material - leather, leatherette, suede, nubuck, rubber.

How to stretch new shoes: quick ways

Take these tips into account:

  1. Try not to go outside in new clothes right away; in most cases, calluses on your feet are guaranteed. First, try wearing tight shoes or boots around the house for several hours a day. When your feet feel comfortable, you can confidently go for a walk or to work.
  2. If the first method does not give a positive result so that the shoes do not pinch your fingers, take them to a workshop. The master will stretch them to the desired size in a few minutes.
  3. For quick results, you can use special “stretchers” - sprays and foams. You can buy them at shoe or hardware stores and use them at home. To quickly break in new shoes, apply spray or foam to areas where you feel discomfort.

How to wear shoes made from genuine leather

Use these proven options:

  1. Use alcohol or any alcohol-containing product to treat the inside of the product in places where there is pressure on your legs. Put on thick socks and walk around the apartment for several hours in a row in the shoes you want to increase in size. This home method allows you to noticeably stretch leather shoes not only in length, but also to stretch them in volume so as not to sting your toes.
  2. A simple and affordable remedy is hot steam. Hold your shoes over the kettle spout until steam begins to condense on the surface of your skin. Wear uncomfortable sneakers or shoes for a couple of hours with thick socks on your feet. The method helps to first soften the material a little to make it easier to stretch tight shoes made of genuine leather.
  3. The technology can only be used for products made from high-quality soft leather. It's not just cramped conditions that can cause your feet to suffer. The hardness of the raw material also causes discomfort and causes calluses. Try bending your shoes up and down several times in a row and twisting them in different directions. High-quality material will not leave creases, but it will become much softer.

All people have definitely had a situation related to the purchase of shoes. It also happened that the shoes seemed to be beautiful and looked perfect on the feet, but there was one thing: after a few minutes of wearing, an unpleasant sensation appeared in the toes or in the heel area. It turns out that you purchased shoes that are too tight. There is a danger that it will rub during wear. We will talk about how to wear shoes later.

There are plenty of ways to break in uncomfortable shoes. Before you begin choosing what to do, keep in mind that tight shoes can be stretched if they are made of leather. In other cases, be careful: there are fears that it could simply be ruined.

Before purchasing a new pair of shoes, try to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • if the problem of swelling is acute for you, then try to visit the store in the afternoon;
  • do not rush into buying new shoes; in a hurry, the chances of purchasing narrow shoes increase;
  • When trying on, put on your shoes, walk around the store, make sure that neither the left nor the right shoe is squeezing your foot.

If, however, when you come home with a purchase, you find discomfort, the question arises: how can you solve such a problem?

First of all, think: is this your couple? Maybe it doesn't suit you and you need to take it to the store? Different stores have their own rules on how to properly exchange a pair of shoes, but one thing we can say for sure: you need to keep the receipt and packaging of the goods.

So, how quickly, without harm, in At home, stretch your favorite shoes a little?

  1. New shoes need to be put on and walked around the house in them for as long as possible, for several hours.
  2. The old fashioned method will do - using alcohol or vodka. You need to put on thick socks, then apply a little solution to your shoes and quickly put them on your feet. Why abruptly? Because alcohol tends to evaporate quickly. Attention: alcohol or vodka can only be applied to the inside of the shoe!
  3. Using hot water. Prepare boiling water and pour it inside the shoes. After it has cooled a little, put it on. Thanks to boiling water, the skin steams and stretches.
  4. Using a hairdryer. Put your shoes on with thick socks and heat the folds with a hairdryer.
  5. Use of special means. You can always buy foam or spray for stretching shoes at a shoe store.

How to break in leather shoes

Shoes made from genuine leather are distinguished by their quality, and therefore it is much easier to stretch it. There is more than one way to decide how to wear shoes made of leather that pinch. What can help you in such a situation?

Newspapers. To do this, take an ordinary newspaper, tear it into small pieces and soak it in water. Place the resulting scraps tightly into your shoes, using maximum force. Leave them alone until the paper is dry. It is better not to speed up the process using heat devices, otherwise there is a chance of damaging the surface. Later 1-2 You can enjoy wearing comfortable shoes throughout the day.

Beer. It perfectly softens the skin and makes it more pliable. It should be applied to the inner surface, after which you need to walk around in shoes for several days.

Ice. This one fairly effective way to at home wear tight shoes. Place cellophane bags inside a pair of shoes, fill them with water and tie them well to prevent leakage. After this, place the pair in the freezer. During the freezing process, water tends to increase in volume, so the shoes will increase slightly. It’s a pity, but this method is not suitable for winter shoes, since when the ice expands it will knock off the fur.

Wheat. The next method will definitely appeal to the villagers, judge for yourself. You need to fill your shoes to the brim with regular wheat and moisten it with water. Leave it alone overnight until the grains are completely swollen. In the morning, we pour out the contents, put on plastic bags and put on the shoe that causes inconvenience. Walk until the material is completely dry.

We recommend using the last method only with good quality shoes made of genuine leather. Often suffering is caused not only by tightness, but also by chafing. A callus forms on the damaged area, and this is a problem. Try bending the shoe up and down. This will not spoil a quality pair. After this procedure, your leg will feel much better. Special conditioners for leather shoes will help. Treat the areas where blisters appear.

All these methods are good only for shoes made of leather; other technologies are used for shoes made of leatherette.

How to break in new shoes

There are a large number of ways to break in shoes, all of them are very effective. All of them are aimed at preventing the formation of calluses, blisters, and just rubbing of the feet. These methods only work if the shoes are very small.

Don’t think that once you put some new clothes on your feet, you will be able to walk in them all day without any problems. Wearing out occurs gradually.

An important aspect is the quality from which the shoes are made. After all, the methods of stretching patent leather shoes are absolutely not suitable for a suede pair.

How to break in winter shoes

When it becomes necessary to wear winter shoes, it is worth considering some nuances.

Firstly, never wear new boots for the whole day; the maximum we recommend starting to get used to is an hour. Gradually increase the time, and after a week the shoes that pinch will no longer be so, you will feel better, and the discomfort will gradually disappear. To avoid calluses, it is better to immediately cover problem areas with adhesive tape.

Secondly, it is better to take a pair with a problem to a shoe repair shop. A professional will do everything in the best possible way using special equipment. In this case, nothing will happen even to expensive fur.

If you still decide to act on your own, then it is better to purchase a special spray for these purposes. After wetting particularly problematic areas, put on your boots and walk in them until they dry completely.

How to break in suede shoes

You can easily break in shoes or boots that are tight, made of suede, at home without any special means. It is enough to ask someone you know who is a little larger in size to walk around in your shoes.

Steam treatment, after which you need to wear shoes, will bring good results. The method using water is also effective. To do this, just moisten the inside surface of the shoe with warm water. After that, put on your shoes and walk for about an hour.

How quickly you can wear out the shoes you like depends only on you and your patience.

How to break in artificial shoes

To increase the volume of shoes from artificial leather or the fabric needs the following manipulations:

  1. Pour boiling water over the inside of the boot and quickly drain it. Wait until it cools down a bit and put on a warm sock. Walk around until completely dry.
  2. The newspaper method above will also help. But just be careful not to damage the leatherette or fabric.
  3. Buy a special stretch foam at the market. Just read the instructions carefully.

These methods will help to correct, or rather, adjust shoes or boots.

How to wear patent leather shoes?

Ways to increase the volume of patent leather shoes:

  • take a rich cream, lubricate the inside of the shoe, put on your shoes and dry them with a hairdryer, using only a slightly warm stream of air so as not to spoil the surface;
  • take alcohol, as in the methods above, but treat only the inside;
  • apply diluted vinegar inside;
  • use the steam method, for which it is enough to hold the shoes over the steam, then put them on and walk around in them until they cool completely;
  • soak a terry towel in hot water, wrap it around the shoes that cause discomfort, leave it overnight, and put on your shoes in the morning;
  • purchase a special stretching agent and treat your shoes with it.

After reading this article, we hope you will have one less problem. All of the above methods for distributing shoes have been tried and tested many times. They will definitely help increase the size a little. At the same time, there are disadvantages - such an effect on shoes significantly reduces their service life. There is a high probability that the pair you love will quickly become unusable. In the near future, cracks and creases will appear on the shoes, and the shoes will become wrinkled. Soon the shine and novelty will be lost. All this happens due to a hasty decision in the store. Therefore, before you see a beautiful pair in the window, do not rush to purchase it. Know what to look for before or.

Each of us has repeatedly encountered an unpleasant situation when, after putting on new amazing shoes, just a few hours later terrible dropsy formed on our feet, the shoes stung unbearably and we wanted to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

As a rule, after such executions and moral shocks, it takes some time to repeat this feat again. But such suffering and unpleasant health consequences can be completely avoided if you know some ways to break in tight shoes.

Shoes are tight, why does this happen?

To begin with, you should learn one main rule: always buy shoes only in your size.

To do this, having chosen the pair you like in the store, you need to try it on. And not just one shoe, as many are used to, but two at once. Then get up, stand in them for a while, and then walk around the hall a little. This way you will feel how comfortable and soft the shoes are or, conversely, how narrow and hard they are. Remember that the wrong shoes can not only become deformed and cause discomfort when wearing them, but also cause such unpleasant diseases as flat feet, bunions and others.

As a rule, any new shoes can easily be worn out after just a few outings, without causing any inconvenience. However, there are situations when you simply cannot do without careful stretching. For example, this happens when:

  1. a pair of shoes does not correspond to the required size;
  2. narrow in volume or length;
  3. shrank in size after getting wet (suede);
  4. It squeezes and rubs a lot.

What to do to break in tight shoes?

So, if suddenly such an opportunity happened and you became the “lucky” owner of a pair of tight shoes, then you should resort to some methods of “shock therapy” for it.

However, it should be noted that the effectiveness of the method chosen for breaking in shoes is directly influenced by the material from which it is made.

Genuine leather shoes stretch much faster than any other. And here, both the use of special purchased products and traditional methods are equally effective. For example, you can use 3% vinegar and wipe the entire inside surface of your shoes with it. This will also help avoid the unpleasant burning sensation while wearing it in.

Another surefire way is to resort to sprays and foams special for stretching shoes. This method is quite effective and fast. In addition, it is applicable to all materials except varnished products.

You can also go to a workshop where shoes are stretched with special devices for this purpose, or purchase such a device for your home for independent manipulation.

  • Faux leather or leatherette

Things are completely different with breaking in leatherette shoes. Frankly speaking, this is an almost impossible task. Here you can use only two methods: wet socks and newspaper.

The principle is very simple: put tight shoes on wet thick socks and wear them until they are completely dry. This procedure can take from 20 minutes to several hours. Or shred the newspaper, fill it with water and wait until it swells, and then fill the product with this mass and dry it at natural temperature for about 2 days.

  • Suede

For suede, a freezer option is a good option as a stretcher. This is the most unusual method, but very effective.

It is necessary to place a plastic bag filled with water inside the shoe so that the entire surface from heel to toe is occupied and place it in the freezer overnight. Then remove the product and let the bag thaw a little. You should not take it out immediately to avoid damage to the product from the inside. Repeat if the result is not achieved.

But suede also has its own universal method of breaking in. For this, regular beer is used. The inner surface is generously moistened with this drink, put on thick socks and worn for several hours. In this case, products made of suede and nubuck should be stretched extremely carefully, as the size may turn out to be larger than expected.

To break in patent leather shoes, it is appropriate to use thick socks soaked in vodka, cologne or alcohol diluted with water (1/3 alcohol to 2/3 water). The inside of the shoe should be generously moistened with liquid, put on your feet with socks and walked until the shoes are completely dry. However, here it is necessary to do everything extremely correctly so as not to spoil the thin and sensitive material.

As you can see, there are many “first aid” recipes in the fight against tight shoes. Which one is preferred depends on the material and tightness of the product. However, the best option is still a careful and correct selection of the size and completeness of the shoe model.

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