Transferring your pension to a Sberbank card - receive payments without leaving your home. What documents are needed to re-register a pension? In which city can a pension be re-registered?

When retiring, citizens think about the most convenient way to receive support from the state. Many people prefer to choose home delivery, avoiding monthly visits to post offices and banks.

The procedure for payment and delivery of pensions to your home

If a citizen decides to receive his pension at home, then on the appointed day the money will be delivered to him by the postman or courier (depending on the chosen organization).

Important: with this method of receiving money, money may be received later than the designated day, but no later than the end date of the payment period.

Pension payment schedule: what is it and why is it needed?

Pensions are accrued according to the established salary payment schedule. Based on Government Order No. dated November 17, 2014, the benefit payment period, within which a specific date of receipt is established for each recipient, begins on the 3rd day of the current month.

Attention: if the delivery date of pension benefits falls on a weekend or holiday, the benefits may be paid earlier. However, payment cannot be made earlier than 3 days before the due date.

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How is the date for receiving a pension set?

The date of payment of the pension is determined individually for each citizen when it is assigned. To clarify this date, the recipient can contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of Russia (Pension Fund of Russia) with an identification document.

  1. The day of receipt is set within the payment period, and does not depend on the wishes of the pensioner. This date is not regulated at the legislative level. It is influenced by several factors:
  2. Number of pensioners;
  3. Administrative specifics of the region;
State of the regional budget.

A change in any factor influencing the determination of the payment day may provoke a change by Pension Fund employees of the date of transfer of allowances. At the same time, they are obliged to notify the recipient of the current situation.

Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own pension payment schedule. In order to study the exact delivery schedule, you must contact the Pension Fund branch or the Department of Social Protection of the Population (OSPP) with your passport. You can also clarify the information you are interested in by calling one of the specified structures.

If the payment occurs through Russian Post, the recipient can familiarize themselves with the schedule at the post office. This information should be posted on the notice board.

Methods for delivering pensions to your home

When assigning pension benefits, a citizen has the right to independently choose the most convenient method for delivering benefits. In 2020, the Pension Fund offers 2 options to choose from:

  1. Post office;
  2. Credit and financial organization (bank).

Each of these methods has its positive and negative aspects. Before you finally decide on the delivery method, you need to consider each of them in detail.

Via Russian Post

If a citizen decides to receive benefits through Russian Post, he can do this independently by going to the post office or ordering delivery of benefits to his home. If you choose the second delivery option, the postman will deliver the benefit to the recipient’s home on the appointed day.

The advantages of this option are:

  1. Reliability - Russian Post is a state organization. It cannot suspend its activities due to bankruptcy or other reasons;
  2. The ability to order home delivery is not always convenient for a pensioner to visit a public health service center. In some cases, it is more convenient for a person to receive the required benefit without leaving home.

The disadvantage of this method is the lack of privileges and additional services offered to bank clients.

Via bank

You can receive your allowance at the cash desk of a financial institution or on a plastic card of a selected organization.

Receiving security through a bank does not allow the recipient to order delivery of benefits to their home.

The main advantage of receiving a pension from a bank is convenience:

  1. If the recipient opens a card account, he will be able to withdraw cash both at the bank’s cash desk and through an ATM;
  2. The recipient does not need to wait at home for the postman on the appointed day or go to the post office. Even if he is in another city, he will receive money into his account;
  3. You can use your money at any time, regardless of the period of receipt;
  4. Most financial institutions offer their clients services on preferential terms: loans at low interest rates, interest on the account balance or increased cash back.

How to re-register a pension with home delivery

As mentioned above, you can receive a pension at home only through Russian Post. To choose this method, you will need to contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence or the nearest MFC branch with your passport.

Application for pension delivery

In order to transfer your allowance to the post office and receive it at home, you will need to write a corresponding application. The form of such an application is not fixed at the legislative level, but the Pension Fund of Russia has compiled a single sample of this document. The application form can be found on the official website of the Pension Fund or at its territorial branches.

The application will require the following information:

  1. Full name of the applicant;
  2. Pension insurance certificate number (SNILS);
  3. Recipient's nationality;
  4. Registration and residence address;
  5. Contact number;
  6. Passport data;
  7. Desired method of receipt. If the pensioner plans to receive benefits via mail, then you will need to indicate the number and name of the branch. If you wish to receive your pension at home, you must indicate the applicant’s current residential address.
On a note! After the application is accepted by Pension Fund employees, the delivery method will be changed from the month following the submission of the application.

How to get a pension for a disabled person

If a pensioner has serious health problems that make it impossible for him to receive his pension independently at a branch of the organization, then it would be advisable for him to receive his pension at home.

Under circumstances that make it difficult to receive this method, it is recommended to issue a notarized power of attorney to pay allowances to someone close to you.

Power of attorney to receive pension benefits

You can issue a power of attorney from a notary or the head of the medical institution where the pensioner is staying. To do this, you will need the passport details of the principal and the authorized representative. The power of attorney lists the actions that the authorized person is allowed to perform.

The document must also reflect the period during which the power of attorney is valid. If this item is missing, then by default the document is valid for 1 year.

Is it possible to change the receiving option at State Services?

In order to change the delivery method, it is not necessary to personally visit the Pension Fund or MFC branches. This can be done online using the government services portal.

Help: to use this method, you must have a verified account with State Services.

Algorithm of actions for changing the method of receiving public services:

If the necessary information about the applicant is available to the Pension Fund, the delivery method will be changed from the date indicated in the application.

Attention: if the Pension Fund does not have the necessary information about the recipient, the applicant will receive a notification about the need to visit the territorial office of the pension fund. The notice will also contain information about the documentation that will need to be provided to Pension Fund employees.

Pension delivery is a convenient service that allows you to receive government support without visiting the organizations making the payment. It is especially relevant for residents of small settlements where the banking structure is underdeveloped. You can change the receiving option at any time convenient for the recipient.

Watch a video about how pensions are delivered

January 29, 2019, 15:02 January 7, 2020 02:06

Even though older people are very skeptical about changing their permanent address, sometimes they do move. In this case, it does not matter at all what the reason for the change in dislocation was associated with. The main thing is that in such situations a lot of new problems and questions related to them arise. One of them: “How to transfer a pension when changing place of residence?” We will tell you more about it in this article.

How and where to contact: a brief action plan

When staying outside your usual abode, you must first figure out where you should go due to your recent move. So, first of all, you need to go to the territorial authority located at the actual place of residence of the pensioner. Here you need to write a statement indicating the reason for the application - “change of residential address.” We will tell you more about the rules for filling out the form below.

Where can I get the application form?

As we have already said, payment of a pension when changing place of residence to a new residence address is possible only when writing an application to request a pension or payment file. This application form can be obtained directly from the Pension Fund representative office or on the official website.

To do this, go to the main page of the government agency, go to the very bottom and follow the link “Life situations”. Next, pay attention to the first column on the left. It's called "Pensions". Scroll down and click on the glowing link “Payment of pensions when changing place of residence” (located at the very end of the column). Then you should do the following:

  • click on the “Where to contact” link that opens in a new window;
  • select “Application form for requesting a pension file”;
  • download the form to your computer;
  • print the form and fill it out.

We will talk further about how the pension is paid when changing place of residence.

What information should I include on the form?

On the form you receive, you must first enter the name of the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The following information is provided below:

  • Full name of the pensioner;
  • citizenship;
  • address of the place of residence;
  • address of place of residence (indicated if there is official registration at the new place of residence);
  • address of actual location (indicated if the place of residence and stay does not coincide);
  • contact phone number;
  • conducting current activities (working, not working);
  • contact information about the guardian or proxy (if any);
  • documents confirming the powers of the guardian or principal (if necessary).

After this, you must indicate the reason for the application (a request for the issuance of a pension file), the address of the previous place of residence (at which the pension was previously paid) and the actual location. Next, select the type of pension, indicate the terms of the previous payment and the method of receipt convenient for you (by courier, by mail). All this must be specified as accurately as possible so as not to violate the entire procedure for transferring pensions when changing place of residence.

Can employers write a statement?

If you are, then employers can write an application to the Pension Fund instead of you. To do this, they need to download a special form and fill it out, adding to it the seals of the enterprise and the signatures of the responsible persons. In a word, this will significantly simplify the entire application procedure.

Further actions and deadlines

After receiving an application from a pensioner, representatives of the government agency will be required to make a corresponding request to the Pension Fund from which he previously received his pension. According to PF employees, the entire procedure for sending the form takes no more than one business day. In turn, the required pension file will be transferred upon request within three days (from the date of receipt of the application).

After receiving the case, the Pension Fund department, as a rule, gives an order to register the pensioner at the new place of residence. According to experts, the entire procedure for registering and making a decision on extending pension payments takes no more than two working days.

Before moving on to your new place of residence, you should pay attention to some details. Firstly, before moving, it makes sense to find out the full name of your previous pension fund (you will need it when writing your application). Secondly, find out the exact address of your moving location, taking into account the post office zip code. This will allow you to avoid possible misunderstandings when filling out the application.

And finally, when applying to the new PF branch, take your passport and pension certificate with you. If you plan to receive your pension through a proxy, you must take care of drawing up a power of attorney in advance. If you do everything correctly, you will receive a timely payment of your pension when you change your place of residence (we described the procedure above).

When can I expect to receive my pension?

According to current legislation, the accrual of pensions at the new place of residence will resume starting from the 1st. In this case, the report will be kept from the date of application. This way you won't lose anything.

How to transfer a pension when traveling abroad?

Don’t know how to transfer your pension when changing your place of residence when traveling abroad? This can be fixed. Let's start with a couple of useful tips. So, before leaving (but no later than a month in advance), you need to come to the fund’s branch, write a corresponding application and submit the following documents:

  • Russian Federation passport;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • original certificate of change of residence indicating the exact address abroad (issued by a consul or embassy);
  • original work certificate (if any).

How to receive a pension while living abroad?

If everything is clear with submitting documents and informing the Pension Fund, then it is not at all clear how to receive a pension when changing place of residence when moving abroad. According to PF employees, the personal presence of the pensioner is not at all necessary to receive a pension.

It is enough to open an account in one of the Russian banks or give the appropriate powers to your authorized representative. However, in such a situation, you should provide the PF with the contact and passport details of a third party in advance. And, of course, he must have a document signed by a notary giving him the right to receive your pension.

If you lived in the territory of another state and returned to Russia?

There are cases when native Russians leave the country for some reason and return after some time. How then is the pension calculated? In this situation, payments are credited after the pension file of the country of the previous place of residence is finally closed. To do this, you also need to write an application and wait for the closed pension file to be transferred to the new destination address. However, to calculate a pension, you must have Russian citizenship or a residence permit confirming the fact that the pensioner lives in the Russian Federation. This is all about how to transfer your pension when changing your place of residence from one country to another.

Is it necessary to submit an application when receiving a pension on the card?

If you previously received your pension on a card, you will still have to look for the nearest Pension Fund branch at your moving address and write an application. This must be done in order to be registered with the new Pension Fund. On the other hand, you or a PF representative may suddenly need the information in your file. For example, this may happen when the amount of accruals is revised.

In what ways can you receive a pension?

Receiving a pension when moving occurs in one of three possible ways. For example, this could be Russian Post. In this case, elderly people can receive money either during a personal visit to the post office or by the postman. Alternatively, pensioners can open a bank account and withdraw pension accruals through an ATM or cash desk of a financial institution. And finally, there are a number of organizations involved in the delivery of pensions, for example, courier services.

Can I change my pension provider?

Once you move, you have the perfect opportunity to change your pension provider (if for some reason you are not happy with it). To do this, you need to go to the branch of your Pension Fund and write an application. It should indicate the reason for switching to another supplier and detail its contacts. If you do not want to make such a statement personally, just go to the Pension Fund website and do this through your personal account (if you have already previously registered).

Now you know how to transfer your pension when changing your place of residence. In short, follow our advice and you will definitely not miss your next pension payments.

23 August 2017 14:43

Natalya Sereda, deputy head of the department for organizing work on the payment, control and delivery of pensions of the OPFR in the city of Sevastopol, talks about the transfer of pensions when changing place of residence.

- What does a pensioner need to do to transfer his pension after changing his residence within the Russian Federation, if, for example, he moved to another city?

After moving, the pensioner needs to apply with his passport to the client service of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at his new place of residence and submit an application to request his payment (pension) file.

It is also necessary to provide documents confirming registration at the new place of residence (passport). If the pensioner has not yet registered at the new place of residence, then the application must indicate the address of actual residence.

- How soon will it be possible to choose or change the method of pension delivery?

You can immediately select the organization through which it will be most convenient for the retired pensioner to receive his pension (post office or credit institution - bank). You can also change the delivery provider at any time. If a pensioner makes such a decision, then it will be most convenient to submit an application for the method of delivery of the pension through the citizen’s Personal Account on the Pension Fund website.

- Is it necessary to request a payment case?

Please note that it is necessary to request a payment file in connection with a move not only if the pensioner received a pension by mail at his previous place of residence, but also if he received it on a bank card account. The fact is that the payment file contains all the necessary information that may be needed both by the pensioner himself and in the event that the Pension Fund of Russia recalculates the amount of the pension.

The territorial body of the Pension Fund at the pensioner’s new place of residence will send an electronic request to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at his old place of residence. After the payment case has been transferred and registered, the pension will begin to be paid to the pensioner at the new place of residence, taking into account the date of termination of pension payment at the previous place of residence.

- Thank you for the conversation.

What retired “travelers” should know

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January 23, 2017 05:52

For most people, with the appointment of a pension, a new stage of life begins. For example, some decide to move to another city, region, or even abroad. Many of them are concerned about the following questions: how will their honestly earned pension be paid, what rules must be followed to receive it uninterrupted? Elena Andrusenko, head of the department for organizing the assignment and payment of pensions of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation branch in the Khabarovsk Territory, will help dispel the doubts of pensioner “travelers”.

Why, when a pensioner moves to a new place of residence, may he not receive a pension?

In accordance with the norms of pension legislation, a citizen receives a pension at his place of residence through the relevant territorial body of the Pension Fund. Consequently, when changing place of residence, payment at the old address stops, so the pensioner may not receive it if he does not take certain measures in a timely manner.

What does a pensioner need to do to ensure that pension payments do not stop when they change their place of residence?

The pensioner must, firstly, contact the Pension Fund and notify about the move. Secondly, after moving, contact the territorial division of the Pension Fund at the new place of residence so that a request for his pension file is sent. Transfer of pension files is carried out only between two territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; they are not issued to citizens. The pensioner’s file will be sent both electronically and in paper form, but registration will be carried out using an electronic file, so if the citizen applies in a timely manner, there will be no interruption in the payment of the pension.

How to notify the Pension Fund?

At the old place of residence this can be done in person or in writing, and at the new place of residence also through the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services.

What to do if you don’t have a registration at your new place of residence: wait for it to be issued or not?

For citizens of the Russian Federation, receiving an insurance pension does not depend on registration. It is enough for a pensioner to provide the address of his actual residence for the Pension Fund to register him and begin transferring money. The sooner this is done, the better.

How long will it take for a pensioner’s payment file to be transferred from his previous territorial office of the Pension Fund to a new address?

A request from the Pension Fund of Russia authority at the new place of residence is sent to the same one at the old place in electronic form no later than the working day following the day of the citizen’s application. From this moment on, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the old place of residence must, within three days, send the payment file in electronic and paper form to the Pension Fund at the new place of residence of the pensioner. Having received the pension file by e-mail, the latter will carry out all the necessary steps for registration without waiting for the paper file.

Is it necessary to transfer the pension file if the pension comes to a bank card?

The pension will be credited to the card regardless of the move, however, in order to receive additional benefits, the pensioner in any case must register at the new place of residence.

Many pensioners are worried that when moving from the “northern” regions they will lose the increased pension amount, so they do not transfer their pension files. Are such fears justified?

Indeed, residents of the northern regions have a number of advantages in pension provision. Firstly, this is an increase in the fixed payment by the regional coefficient for the entire period of residence in the northern region. Secondly, citizens with long northern experience are entitled to an increased fixed payment. If a citizen has worked for at least 15 years in the regions of the Far North, then the fixed payment increases by 50%, and if for at least 20 years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, then by 30%. It is worth noting that not the entire pension increases, but only the fixed payment.

Pensioners are not limited in their choice of place of residence. But when changing your address, you must notify the Pension Fund about this so that problems do not arise later. This article examines the issue of notifying the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about a change of residence, the legal consequences of the move and the assistance of a lawyer in Moscow that a pensioner may need.

Moving within the city

There is a popular belief that if a pensioner decides to move to another apartment or house within the city where he receives his pension, he will have to notify the district department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and the social security department about this. The opinion is only partly correct: when changing place of residence within the city, the pension will continue to be accrued to the pensioner. The citizen will simply be served at the location of the payment case.

Consequently, it is still worth notifying the Foundation’s district office about moving from one district of Moscow to another, but only out of convenience. This way, the pensioner will not have to travel to the other end of the capital for each piece of paper or recalculation.

Moving to another city or another region

A citizen receiving a pension, when changing the city or region of residence and the place of receiving the pension, must notify the Pension Fund about this. This is necessary to forward the payment file, on the basis of which the pension is calculated. Social security authorities will also have to be notified if a citizen is paid a social supplement up to the level of the pensioner’s subsistence level.

The requirement to notify the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about a change of residence was not created out of nowhere. In some cases, pensioners forgot to inform the Fund about their move, receiving a pension on a bank card. But the fact is that along with the pension, various additional payments are often accrued, including the northern ones. And if the Fund becomes aware that a citizen received “extra” money (that is, payments not due after moving), the entire overpaid amount will be charged from his pension. In addition, in some cases, promptly notifying the Pension Fund of a change of city or region will be beneficial.

Anatoly L. was assigned an old-age insurance pension in the amount of 9,850 rubles. in Ivanovo. After moving to Moscow and receiving a residence permit in the capital, the man continued to receive his pension on a card based on the payment file kept in Ivanovo. Having learned about the planned indexation of pensions for 2019, Anatoly went for help and advice from a lawyer with the question of whether the increase would affect him and how his pension could be increased.
The lawyer explained that indexation also applies to Anatoly, since the pensioner does not work. Also, during the conversation, the lawyer found out that Anatoly did not transfer the pension file and therefore does not receive social benefits up to the Moscow subsistence level of a pensioner. The lawyer recommended notifying the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation about the change of residence and applying for the required social security payment.

How to transfer a payment case

In order for the pension at the place of registration to be paid officially, it is necessary:

  • notify the social security authorities and the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the old place of residence about the move in person or in writing;
  • send an application with a request to transfer the payment case to the client branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the new place of residence.

You can contact the Fund branch at your new place of residence either in person or through the MFC or the Internet.

The transfer process takes no more than 4 days: the first day the request is processed, and the next 3 days are needed for document flow within the Fund. The payment case is sent both electronically and in paper form.

Moving to another country

If a pensioner decides to leave the country, then very different developments are possible, since everything depends on both the country of relocation and the date of assignment of the pension.

  • If the move takes place to one of the countries - former republics of the USSR. The pension case in Russia will be closed, and the host state will assign a pension in accordance with its legislation, but taking into account human pension rights.
  • If the move takes place to another country. The pension continues to be calculated in accordance with Russian laws, it will be indexed. However, all social benefits will be automatically cancelled.

The pension at the pensioner’s place of residence outside of Russia will be transferred to a bank account in a credit institution indicated by the pensioner himself. Alternatively, it will be credited to the account of a trusted person remaining in the Russian Federation.

The procedure for transferring a pension and notifying the Pension Fund of the move is quite simple. Several documents will be required.

  • Application for moving outside the Russian Federation.
  • A document confirming your new place of residence, issued by the Russian consulate or embassy
  • Documentary notification about the method of delivery of the pension.

But at the same time, the pensioner should pay attention that the place where the pension is received must take into account the technical possibility of transferring funds. That is, there is no longer any talk about the method of delivery by a specialized organization or Russian Post.

Also, in order to maintain maintenance, a pensioner will have to send a certificate to the Pension Fund once a year stating that he is alive. Such a document is issued by a notary or a person with similar powers in the host country. You can replace the certificate with a personal visit to the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation in your country of residence. Diplomatic mission staff will duly certify that the pension recipient is alive.

Moving and registration

For any citizen of the Russian Federation, a pension is a serious issue. People begin to think about these payments in their youth, when they choose a place of work or start their own business. A lot depends on the employer and his conscientious attitude towards his employees.

As you know, the retirement age in Russia is being pushed back and is planned to be raised to 65 years for both sexes, but at the moment it is 63 years for men and 58 years for women. The average pension amount for 2017 for old age is 13,714 rubles, and for disability – 8,456 rubles. There are situations when, by law, a citizen has the right to increase this amount.

Recalculation is done for various reasons. For example, when a person reaches retirement age, which is not necessarily established by law, since working conditions can affect it (for example, among miners), he often continues to work. In this case, a working pensioner needs to delve into the issue of recalculating payments, i.e. After recalculation, the citizen will receive a different amount. Since contributions to the pension fund continue on his behalf, a person can count on an increase to existing payments. Recalculation can also be done for children. A parent who has been on parental leave for up to 1.5 years can count on this procedure.

Recalculation can be made with or without filing an application. In the first case, a person independently comes to a government agency with a specific question. In the second, the pension fund handles all matters automatically and does not require the presence of a citizen.

There are a number of situations when a pensioner does not have to bring the documents necessary to receive a recalculation, since everything is already in the state institution. Scroll:

  • Pension indexation is a program carried out by the state annually. This program also applies to non-working pensioners.
  • When one type of pension is replaced by another. For example, a citizen had a disability payment, and when the retirement age established by the state arrives, the transition will take place automatically.
  • A recalculation is being carried out for working pensioners. This is done annually on August 1st. In this procedure, the points earned during the previous year are taken into account, and the bonus is calculated accordingly.
  • When changing the disability group. If, after undergoing a medical examination, an improvement or deterioration was noticed, this will lead to a change in the disability group, and therefore a recalculation of payments.

You can learn how to start receiving a pension from our article.

Employed or unemployed citizens submit the application required to recalculate their pension in the following cases:

  • People living and working in the far north are entitled to an additional regional coefficient of 1.15 to 2.
  • Upon the loss of the second breadwinner.
  • When the number of disabled family members supported changes.
  • Caring for a child or children. No more than 3.

What documents are needed to recalculate a pension?

The application is submitted to the Russian Pension Fund. It indicates the reason and is written in a uniform form. By the way, to do this, you don’t need to go to a government agency, just go to the government services website, register, go to your PFR personal account, then go to the “Electronic Services” section, where you can find the required application form.

Features of drawing up an application:

Important! Any application to a government agency must be completed according to certain rules. For this procedure, there is a certified form in which the citizen enters his data. This paper can be obtained from the Russian Pension Fund or downloaded from the Internet.

What information is included in the application?

  • Full name of the citizen requesting the recalculation.
  • Insurance document number.
  • Indicate citizenship.
  • Passport data (series, number, who issued it).
  • The reason why a citizen asks to recalculate his pension.
  • A list of documents attached to the application is indicated.
  • Date of completion of the application and signature of the applicant.

Depending on the life situation that required the pensioner to submit an application, you need to provide different papers:

Recalculating a pension is not a complicated process, but it requires care and understanding of the essence of the issue. It is better to prepare a list of documents in advance and submit an application without nerves and unnecessary fuss.

You can learn more about how pensions are recalculated for non-working pensioners from this video:

What documents are needed to apply for a pension?

Having reached a certain age, unless other conditions are provided, a Russian citizen has every right to receive a pension. This procedure is mandatory for men and women. Not everyone knows what documents are needed to apply for a pension, because the list often changes. The specific package depends on a huge number of factors. Let's take a closer look at the document options for various types of accruals.

How and where to apply for a pension

In fact, as of 2019, old-age pensions are available to women after 55 years of age, and to men after 60 years of age. To take a well-deserved rest over the years of work, they must have an insurance record of more than six calendar years. To apply for an old-age pension, you must appear at the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) at your actual location. This is the only government agency that provides pensions to various types of citizens with minimal work experience.

You will be able to submit an application of the established form to the Pension Fund only the next day after reaching a certain age, but it is better to start collecting documents in advance. It is important to understand that no money will be credited for the missed months, so it is recommended not to put the matter off. If the documents are normal, then the application will be considered for 10 days, but if the Pension Fund needs to carry out additional types of checks and apply to other authorities, then the consideration period increases to a month.

How is accrual done?

To find out what documents are needed to apply for a civil pension, you need to understand the rules for calculating it. In 2019, a new term “annual pension coefficient” was introduced, which is calculated using the formula GPC = SV/SVMZ, where:

  1. SV - insurance premiums that the company deducts from wages every month. Is either 10% or 16%. 6% can be paid by the employee himself if he wants.
  2. SVMZ – the total number of insurance premiums. Their employer deducts from the maximum salary at a rate of 16%.

According to new regulations, these periods are included in the insurance pension. To re-register, you must contact the Pension Fund at your place of residence with the following documents:

  • application for recalculation;
  • children's birth certificates;
  • children's passports.

Passports are required to confirm the upbringing of children under 1.5 years of age. In the event of the death of a child, a death certificate is presented. A supporting document may be a certificate of secondary education.

The video shows how the pension for children is recalculated:

To recalculate a pension after the dismissal of a working pensioner, as well as after retirement, which requires a personal application to the departments of the Pension Fund, you must have supporting documents. This responsibility by law lies with the applicant. In cases where all the necessary data for re-registration is available in the database, it occurs without the participation of the pensioner. He will learn about the increase or decrease when he receives his monthly allowance.

What documents are needed to re-issue a pension certificate after changing your last name?

It's fast and free! back to contents Have you changed your last name? Sometimes citizens have to change their passport data due to the following events:

  • starting a family and acquiring a new surname;
  • divorce and return of the previous surname;
  • own desire to change a dissonant surname or a name that you don’t like.

In all these cases, replacement of many documents is provided, including the insurance certificate - SNILS. An exception is the option when a child under fourteen years of age changes his last name, since he does not yet have an insurance certificate, but only the number itself. Upon reaching this age, he will be issued an updated document.

Change of pension certificate when changing surname. all the rules and nuances

But if a decision was made to visit the MFC or an application to exchange SNILS was sent through the State Services portal, the waiting time increases to 30 days. Sometimes the period varies slightly in one direction or another. Receiving the document Change of pension certificate when changing your last name is almost complete.

How is the SNILS replaced when changing the surname after marriage?

However, even the absence of a passport will not prevent you from replacing the main document of pension insurance. Any paper that can confirm your identity will suit you. These could be, for example:

  1. military ID;
  2. international passport;
  3. driver license;
  4. resident card.

There is no state fee for replacing a pension document.

The certificate will be reissued for you free of charge. back to contents Should you rush to exchange your card? By the way, if you do not change the notorious green card on time, you will not be punished in any way, unlike overstaying, say, for an invalid passport (and it becomes such immediately from the moment your new name appears in the registry office register!). But problems may arise in obtaining municipal services, benefits, or when visiting a clinic.

Replacing SNILS when changing your last name

How to change SNILS when changing your last name and why is it necessary? When it comes to replacing SNILS in connection with a change of name, it is understood that it is necessary to replace the insurance certificate, receiving a new one with changed data. SNILS itself, as your personal account number, remains unchanged, because it is assigned to each person once and for life. Since the insurance certificate is one of the most important documents for citizens of the Russian Federation, if any personal data, including last name, is changed, it must be replaced so that the information entered in it coincides with the passport data.

What documents are needed to change a surname in SNILS

The fact is that the information about the citizen that was listed earlier will still be printed on the new card. What will change? As you might guess, last name. Many are concerned that when SNILS is replaced, the personal account will be replaced.

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