Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday. Congratulations on the holiday of Forgiveness Sunday, official, comic, funny, funny short in SMS, poetry and prose

In 2018, Maslenitsa will be held from February 12 to 18,
date of celebration of Forgiveness Sunday is February 18, 2018.

On this day, in churches during the liturgy, the Gospel is read with a part from the Sermon on the Mount, which talks about forgiveness of offenses to neighbors, without which we cannot receive forgiveness of sins from the Heavenly Father, about fasting, and about collecting heavenly treasures.

In accordance with this Gospel reading, Christians have the pious custom of asking each other on this day for forgiveness of sins, known and unknown grievances, and to take all measures for reconciliation with those at war.
This is the first step on the path to Lent. Therefore, this Sunday is usually called Forgiveness Sunday.

The last Sunday before the start of Lent is called by the Church Cheese Week, since it is today that the consumption of dairy products ends. The Church reminds us of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise for disobedience and intemperance. On this day, after the evening service, a special rite of forgiveness is performed in churches, when clergy and parishioners mutually ask each other for forgiveness in order to enter Lent with a pure soul, reconciled with all their neighbors. Therefore, this day is known as Forgiveness Sunday.

The expulsion of our forefathers from paradise for disobedience and intemperance, their loss of an innocent, blissful state is worthy of tears and repentance. The disaster into which humanity has been plunged by the passion of selfishness and carnality suggests how important fasting and other acts of self-denial are in the matter of piety and salvation, and how dangerous sensual sinful pleasures are.

Fasting, according to the words of the Gospel spoken by the Church, is the most convenient time for acquiring spiritual treasures, just as there is sometimes a particularly convenient time for collecting and increasing temporary goods - it is a true day for doing good deeds.

In accordance with the words of the Gospel, read on the last day before Great Lent, inspiring to forgive one another’s sins and to be reconciled with everyone, in ancient times the hermits of Egypt gathered on the last day of Cheese Week for corporate prayer and, having asked each other for forgiveness and blessing, dispersed at the end vespers, through the wilds and deserts for solitary exploits in continuation of Lent: the gates of the monastery were closed until the week of Vai, in which the desert ascetics usually returned to the monastery.

And now the pious sons of the Orthodox Church in the last days of Cheese Week, according to ancient pious custom, as a sign of mutual reconciliation and forgiveness, pray for the dead and visit each other during Cheese Week. And on the Sunday of this week, after general forgiveness has been performed in the church at the evening service, as a sign of reconciliation and sanctification, the Church has decreed for believers to kiss the sacred images of God and the saints.
On Forgiveness Sunday, ask your loved ones for forgiveness in verses. Read how to ask for forgiveness in this section - among the heartfelt, warm poems, you will definitely choose the most touching one!

In cruelty, as if in a cave womb,
There is no way to see the road to dawn.
You should not wander around in the darkness of demons and anger.
Try to forgive each other's offenses.
Farewell in everything: both great and small,
And even when there’s no way to forgive!
Farewell and believe that the scarlet star
The Lord will light the way to dawn! ©

Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday

The Lord commanded all people on this day,
Forgive each other's quarrels and griefs!
Think about souls, forgetting about the flesh!
That day is called Forgiveness Sunday!
I will also come to you on this day,
To ask for forgiveness for everything!
I’ll rest my cheek on your palm!
And I will forgive you myself! And God will forgive! ©

Pride, what I call pride,
Doesn't allow me to ask for forgiveness often...
And there is a reason for it, because sometimes I create it myself,
I am something that is dangerous for anyone’s soul.
I ask you (I you) to forgive me now,
Forgiveness on this bright Sunday.
And I forgive myself so that I can love
And cherish every moment in life. ©

The week has just begun
And Sunday is here!
This day is forgiven for us
No wonder everyone calls;
And it's time to tell the world,
What, having loved your neighbors,
I ask everyone to forgive me,
Especially you! ©

Why on the subway in the morning
Are they all asking for forgiveness?
Know that the forgiven has come
Visit Sunday!
Forgive me
And I forgive you everything!
Happy forgiveness day, love
Congratulations! ©

Today the Southern Federal News Agency offers you. In the age of digital technology, short SMS messages, often in verse, are in great demand. Our editors have tried to satisfy all possible requests. Here you will find various options for poems for parents, significant other, friends, colleagues.

Celebrated on the eve of Lent. The date changes every year. Forgiveness Sunday is celebrated on February 26 in 2017.

In the case of Forgiveness Sunday, you should not use the word “congratulations”. Because the person sending the message still asks for forgiveness, and does not congratulate. You must always answer them with one phrase: “God will forgive. And I forgive."

Apologize and forgive!
Have fun, relax!
If you ask for forgiveness,
Your sins will be forgiven
If, suddenly, you didn’t ask,
Sin is still in force!
* * *
This Sunday morning
I ask you for forgiveness - for the insults,
For doubts and misunderstandings!
Happy Forgiveness Sunday to you.

* * *
I want to ask for forgiveness
Forget old grievances
Start over from scratch
And always live with kindness!
I ask - forgive me,
Forgive me all my sins!
Believe me, I'm in debt
I can't stay!!!
On this day it's time for us to go to heaven
Let go of all grievances.
Happy Forgiven Resurrection!
I ask you to forgive me!

Today we need to forgive everyone,
The ancient holiday says so,
We wish everyone only happiness,
Don't hold grudges in your heart!
I’m writing an SMS saying hello
And I ask you to forgive me,
If I offended you,
And once he insulted...
And here's one more for all occasions

Asking for forgiveness on Sunday
This is how it works in Rus'.
Forgive us if we have sinned,
And we forgave you a long time ago.

"To my wife"
God gave me a day - Forgiveness day,
So that I can fix everything,
Please, my love, forgive me,
And let's leave the pain in the past.

To my husband"
My dear husband, today I
I apologize to you!
And let all the problems fade into oblivion
“They will leave with Forgiveness Sunday!

And here’s another SMS congratulations for my husband

My husband, forgive me for the women’s claims,
And that I'm not in the mood,
And for the whims, sometimes very childish,
On this Forgiveness Sunday!

"Dear Mom"
On Forgiveness Sunday, I ask you, mother
I'm sorry that I was often stubborn,
I love you and respect you,
Today I forgive all my loved ones!

"To my beloved girl"
Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
Forgive me for everything.
My dear, dear,
I love you so much!

I ask you to forgive me for everything,
Don't hold a grudge or scold.
After all, being offended is a sin,
Then God will forgive us all.

Happy Forgiveness Sunday to you
I congratulate you today.
I apologize for everything,
Do not be angry at me.

God forgives us, and you forgive me. On Forgiveness Sunday, I wish your soul to be light and your life to be light. And let there be no room in your heart for resentment and grief.

On Forgiveness Sunday
I ask your forgiveness.
Forgive and smile
Let life become kinder!

If something is wrong, sorry
Just don't judge strictly.
We've all made mistakes in life,
After all, no one is perfect.
And on Holy Sunday
The time has come to ask for forgiveness.

On this bright Sunday day
I ask you to forgive me.
And all the grievances that were
I ask you to quickly forget.

Forgive me and I forgive you
May this day bring us happiness.
Congratulations on Forgiveness Sunday.
May you and I always be lucky in everything!

I ask you to forgive me
Let go of all grievances
Cleansing your soul
I sincerely forgive you.
Healing for sinful souls
Will give Forgiveness resurrection.

I want to ask for forgiveness
Forget old grievances
Start over from scratch
And always live with kindness!

I ask everyone for forgiveness
Well, the Lord will forgive you.
We wish you patience,
Let an angel guard your home.

Happy forgiven resurrection
I hasten to congratulate you!
From the bottom of my heart I apologize
I ask you for everything!

Ask you for forgiveness
I hurry without delay.
On a bright day and at this hour
In return, I forgive you!

Beloved, dear, close people,
Forgive me, let's dream of a miracle.
May God protect us and bring us health,
And everyone lives and does not judge the other.

On this day it's time for us to go to heaven
Let go of all grievances.
Happy resurrection of the Forgiven!
I ask you to forgive me!

Please forgive me for everything
And completely forget all the insults!
May every moment bring you happiness,
And God blesses the path of life!

Happy Forgiveness Sunday,
Please forgive me for everything that happened.
And I wish you pure thoughts, goodness and love.
So that the family is always warm and cozy!

On Forgiveness Sunday I ask for forgiveness,
I wish you peace, goodness and luck.
You will quickly remove grudges from your heart,
Live well, carefree and long.

Forgiven Sunday has arrived.
Today we need to forget all the grievances.
I ask everyone I know for forgiveness,
So that you can continue to live with a light heart.

Happy Forgiveness Sunday!
To the soul - goodness, joy,
Universal forgiveness
And thoughts - purification!

I forgive you and you forgive me,
Whatever was bad in your soul - let it go,
Let's forget about the past, let's not remember,
We will continue to love and respect each other.

Today we need to forgive everyone,
The ancient holiday says so.
We wish everyone only happiness,
Don't hold grudges in your heart!

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Happy Forgiveness Sunday
Sadness will fly away from the heart,
The Lord will reward you with luck
And will show life the way.
Give away your smiles
And share the warmth of your soul,
Be generous to strangers and loved ones
And hurry to do good!


On this day, the world outside the window is much brighter,
Even the sun looks at us more cheerfully!
The Lord calls on everyone to forgive on this day,
To make life much warmer for all of us.
Let there be no sadness in your eyes today,
And love triumphs in words and deeds,
Let your soul be full of beautiful light,
Happy Forgiveness Sunday! God bless you!


Forgiven Sunday gives
We hope for peace and love.
The Lord forgives us all mistakes,
Pouring out your grace again.
Let goodness multiply in life,
Let warmth fill your soul,
Let there be no reason for sadness
And everything will always be fine!


There is a chance today to forgive everyone
And continue to live with a pure heart.
It's worth asking for forgiveness
To be forgiven yourself.
Why should we destroy ourselves?
Keep fire in your bosom?
After all, it’s better for everyone to walk in love
And give good light to others!


Don't hold a grudge against me,
Don't harbor any malice in your heart, my friend.
Because of insults we are all ugly,
So why live in captivity of bitter torment?
Forgive all the words that once
It came out of my mouth at random,
After all, we are all guilty before God,
But He is glad to forgive and love us.
So let's not remember the bad things
And give each other smiles.
For the sake of great common happiness
Let's live in peace and harmony!


Forgive both enemies and friends on this day,
May peace fill your heart.
It's more fun to go through life with love,
We shouldn't remember any offense!
May your soul always be pure,
And let the sun shine in life.
May the years be filled with happiness,
It’s such a wonderful thing to live in the world!


Forgive me for everything
And I don’t hold grudges,
Give me your hand
On this calendar day.
Let the years run and fly,
We will always be together.
And may our friendship grow stronger
At all times and days!


Forgiveness is instituted by the Creator
For our good and happiness.
Forgiveness can be difficult, but
Believe me, this is in our power.
Make a decision to forget
Words that are painfully offensive
To love enemies from the heart,
To be in the good will of the Lord.
Don't repay evil with evil,
Don't hurt others in your ardent anger,
Give warmth to your soul,
And happiness will come to your home in abundance!


Forgiving is a decision and a choice,
Forgive others for everything, always.
By forgiving, you will become wise, strong,
Never be offended!
Be friendly and open
Share a smile and kindness.
And you will live your life happy,
And God will always be with you!


There is wise advice in the Bible -
If you want to live for many years,
Forgive offenders, enemies,
Then God will forgive you too.
Love others as you love yourself,
Then God will hear you,
Will save, guide, preserve
And he will bless your days!


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The longest of the multi-day fasts, Great Lent begins with Forgiveness Sunday. This is the first step in Lent, and it is on this day that believers have the custom of asking each other for forgiveness for all visible and invisible offenses and striving to make peace with those at war. This is a great reason to start fasting with a kind, pure soul and focus on spiritual life. In churches on this day, the rite of forgiveness is performed in memory of the ancient tradition of Egyptian monks, who, before the onset of Lent until Easter, dispersed through the desert to completely devote themselves to prayers. And since there were many dangers in the desert, the meeting before fasting could be the last, and the monks asked each other for forgiveness as before death. Over time, this became a tradition among all believers.

Forgiveness is not easy to ask
But still, please forgive me,
For tears, rudeness and sadness,
For what was said casually,
For something done wrong
A serious sin or a trifle...
Please don't hold grudges,
Please forgive me for everything.
Why judge each other?
After all, God taught us to forgive everyone!

I'll ask everyone for forgiveness,
Who could I offend?
Sorry this Sunday
All those who were not helped,
Who did you accidentally offend?
To whom I once lied
Whom I accidentally forgot about
Who didn’t come to the meeting?
I will ask everyone for forgiveness
For everything that is my fault,
And you on Holy Sunday
May God forgive, and I will forgive too.

I sincerely apologize
For all the grievances that sometimes
In everyday life I applied,
Having no evil in my soul.

I sincerely apologize
For all the intentional evil,
For everything that hurt your heart
And it brought grief.

May our souls not suffer
Under the weight of petty grievances.
Forgive me as I forgive
And may the Lord forgive us all.

Forgive me if I have sinned
Perhaps she insulted me with a word -
Understand, I’m not doing this out of malice,
I couldn’t do it on purpose.
Today, this Sunday,
I want to ask for forgiveness.

Today I will ask everyone for forgiveness
For phrases, actions, my behavior.
And if you keep a grudge in your soul,
Please forgive me for this insult!

And may souls be purified on this day,
After all, no one needs litter in this life.
May God forgive us all our sins.
I wish that He would save everyone from troubles!

The bright holiday has arrived!
This Sunday
Before God you have
I'm sorry.

Let's forget all the bad things
And we'll leave behind
Let only bright moments
They are waiting on the path of life!

Let's forgive each other all insults,
Let's leave them in the past, friends!
Forget quarrels, sorrows
Yes, evil, bitter words.
Let's ask our family for forgiveness,
And we will forgive them in return.
Today we will confess to everything,
We don’t hold grudges in our hearts.
Beauty, love, goodness!
Joy, warmth!
Happy holy day!

I apologize to everyone
Who have we crossed paths with in life?
Holding grudges is a sin.
Sorry if you were offended.

Let smiles and love
Hearts and souls inhabit,
And kindness rules the world.
Sorry, I forgive everyone.

Happy Forgiveness Sunday
I congratulate you.
I ask your forgiveness
I'm in this bright hour!

I ask you today
Forgive me for everything
And I'm offended
Let go from the heart!

Please forgive me my mistakes
And phrases thrown in the heat of the moment,
Resentment instead of a friendly smile
And the fact that sometimes I chop from the shoulder.

Forgive unjustified quarrels,
Misunderstanding in difficult times.
For harsh words and our disputes
I want to ask for your forgiveness.

Congratulations: 270 in verse, 110 in prose.

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