How to measure a finger for a ring. How to determine your ring size at home in three ways

When buying a ring, it is important to know the required size, especially if you are buying a ring online, on foreign sites. In different countries, measurement is carried out differently - there are European, Russian, American, English, Japanese and other tables. The international table of ring sizes presented below will help you determine this yourself, and then purchase an accessory that will fit well on your finger.

Jewelry ring sizes - why you need to know

In order not to make a mistake when selecting a ring, it is important to know the width and diameter of the finger circumference. Knowing the size of the jewelry, you will save time spent searching for products in a store or ordering products from the Internet. For example, a ring sold in Germany will be different from a Russian one - the size value varies depending on the units of measurement (centimeters, inches). The jewelry will be suitable if you know exactly the individual dimensions of the ring.

International tables for men's and women's rings

The Russian table of sizes for men's and women's rings is compared with the European one on the basis of a mathematical relationship between size indicators. The value is determined by exact calculation. With European rings the situation is simpler than with American and Japanese ones. In Russia, the size of the ring is determined by the internal diameter, in Europe - by the circumference.

To understand which European ring sizes correspond to Russian ones, you need to measure the internal diameter of the jewelry and multiply it by 3.14 (“pi”). If the reverse comparison is carried out, i.e. If you need to find out the Russian size corresponding to the European one, then the first one must be divided by 3.14.

Formulas for determining numbers that will correspond to foreign indicators:

  • American = (Russian – 11.5):0.83.
  • Japanese = (Russian + 12.67)*3.
  • English = (Russian – 11.5):0.4.

How to determine your size

There is a way to help determine the diameter of a suitable decoration: take a thread, a strip of paper (half a centimeter wide) or a lace, and wrap it around your finger. Make sure that the headband easily passes through the lower phalanx, is removed and put on, but sits tightly, especially at the base. When you are sure that the thread-ring fits well, mark the intersection outline with a marker, then use a ruler to look at the value in millimeters, divide by 3.14 - this is your size.

Watch the video, which clearly shows how to determine the appropriate ring circumference, corresponding to the Russian table:

Another method of determination is trying on in a store. It is more accurate, but there are several nuances, knowing which you will get a reliable result:

  • The readings will be different on the left and right hands because the left hand is slightly smaller. Each finger should be measured separately, as they all have different widths.
  • In hot weather, fingers become thicker than in cold temperatures. So if you buy a ring in the summer, there is a chance that it will fall off in the winter.
  • Whether the accessory is suitable will also depend on the width of the product - if it is eight millimeters or more, it is better to take the jewelry half a size larger; thin rings, on the contrary, should fit firmly.
  • Drinking a large amount of liquid can also affect the change in sizing during fitting, because the body swells a little.
  • Ask the seller to let you try on several pieces of jewelry with the same dimensions, but different widths, this will allow you to understand whether you need to choose another option - larger or smaller (depending on the thickness of the product).
  • The ring should not rub the joint; it is difficult to pass through the lower phalanx.
  • You should not go for a fitting after serious physical activity.
  • The jewelry should fit comfortably, be easy to remove and put back on without any problems. Try taking off and putting on the ring several times to evaluate whether it fits comfortably on your finger.

If you choose a gift - an elegant engagement ring with a diamond for your beloved, then you can determine the circumference of her ring finger by looking at the gloves. Rarely does selection take place according to clothing size: if a girl wears clothes up to “M”, then the size indicator is unlikely to exceed 17.5 mm. There is another way to determine the appropriate circumference of a ring using standard measurements - a finger gauge (look at the photo):

Ring sizes. Correspondence table: China, Russia, USA, Europe

Size chart from Ali Express website

Ali Express is a large online store that supplies products all over the world, including ring accessories. Below is a scale where there is a diameter of the circle - it corresponds to the Russian size.

Determining the exact circumference of your finger will help you determine the appropriate ring size. Based on the tables, you can safely order products online.

Tell us in the comments whether you order foreign products via the Internet and whether jewelry purchased this way is suitable for you.

Anastasia Volkova

Fashion is the most powerful of the arts. This is movement, style and architecture in one.


The ring is a wonderful and appropriate gift for any occasion. Not only a man can present it to his beloved. This is also a wonderful surprise for mom, sister, friend, brother, husband, son. To make your jewelry a pleasant surprise, you need to figure out how to find out your finger size yourself. There is nothing difficult about this, you just need to be smart and use the recommendations described below.

How to determine your finger size (step by step instructions)

Before you learn how to measure your finger size for a ring, there are a few important things to consider:

  1. During the day, the diameter of the finger circumference may change. Due to the water accumulated during the night's sleep, your hands may swell in the morning. The ideal measurement time is noon.
  2. To avoid having to think about how to make the ring smaller or slightly larger, avoid trying on the product in extreme cold or heat. At high temperatures, fingers swell, and at low temperatures they become smaller.
  3. You should not calculate the diameter if you are very excited or upset, have recently played sports, or during your menstrual period.
  4. It is recommended to choose a slightly larger piece of jewelry. This way the product will not squeeze your finger in the heat.
  5. The ring fingers of the left and right hands have different thicknesses, and therefore the wedding ring is chosen strictly according to its diameter. The desired finger is thinner (by 0.5 mm) than the middle and index fingers.
  6. If you buy a ring for the entire finger or a width of more than 8 mm, you need to take into account that the size of the jewelry must be increased by 25%.

Measure ring diameter at home

There are several proven methods for measuring the diameter of a circle yourself. Explore each of them in more detail. For the first method, you will need a smooth thread 50 cm long. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Wrap the thread tightly (not tightly) around the desired finger five times.
  2. Then, without tearing them off the base, cross both ends of the thread and carefully cut them with scissors at the intersection.
  3. Measure the length of the resulting thread with a ruler, tape measure or centimeter. Convert the resulting value to millimeters and divide by 15.7. This will be the required diameter.
  4. Always round measurements up, for example, round 15.2 to the standard size 15.5.

For the second method, to figure out how to determine the ring size at home, a strip (1.5 cm) of ordinary thin paper is suitable. Follow these instructions:

  1. Cut a thin strip of paper and wrap it around your finger.
  2. Draw a mark where the two ends meet with a pencil.
  3. Using a ruler, measure the length of the paper strip to the mark.
  4. Divide the resulting value (convert to millimeters) by 3.14 and calculate the required diameter.

Sizing chart

Today it is popular to purchase jewelry and jewelry not only in jewelry stores in your country, but also in foreign or online catalogues. In addition to the Russian one, there is also an English and American ring measurement scale. The online shopping platform Aliexpress, which has a wide range of costume jewelry and jewelry, has become very popular all over the world. Chinese gold rings are no exception. Sizes on this site are based on US scale. The photo below shows a table of international men's and women's sizes.

How to find out your size secretly

If you need to choose a ring for another person, but so that it is a surprise for him, use the following tips:

  1. Try to discreetly take a ring from your loved one that she wears from time to time. This method is possible if you have access to the girl’s jewelry, from which you can select the desired option.
  2. Take your own measurements. Make sure when your girlfriend takes off (before going to bed, cooking, washing dishes) the ring she wears all the time. Place the product on a piece of white paper and trace it with a pencil or pen along the inner contour, or make an imprint of the decoration in a piece of soap or plasticine.
  3. Try on your beloved woman's ring on your finger. Mark with a marker or pen the level to which it fits.
  4. Use a trick to ask for your ring size. For example, use a compatibility test, first change the questions in it to the ones you need.

Video on how to measure a finger

To order the product you like online and not make a mistake, you need to know how to find out your finger size yourself. If you can’t go to a jewelry store where a specialist will take accurate measurements, use the following video. It clearly shows how to find out your finger size for a ring quickly and easily. It is impossible to calculate the correct indicator down to the millimeter. Remember: almost any piece of jewelry can be later changed to the desired size with the help of a jeweler.

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Most women and men wear wedding rings as a sign of fidelity to each other, simple rings as jewelry. But when faced with a choice for the first time, many do not know the required volume. Any jewelry store will provide you with the service of determining the diameter of your finger, but there are cases when you need to know the size in advance. In this case, the question arises: how to determine the ring size at home?

What is ring size

The ring size refers to its diameter, i.e. the distance between two opposite points on the hole's circumference. Look clearly at the photo below.

To determine the diameter of a piece of jewelry at home, there are a few things to consider:

  • Throughout the day, the size of the fingers changes slightly. Noon is the best time to determine the volume. In the morning, my hands are still swollen due to the water accumulated during the night.
  • Do not measure after playing sports, at high room temperatures, or immediately after a cool street.
  • It is worth considering that independent measurements will not have high accuracy. This will be an approximate/guideline size.

When choosing jewelry for the ring finger of your right hand, be aware that it may not be the right size for your left hand. If you have been given a piece of jewelry that is not the right size, then contact a jeweler and he will roll it out (increase the diameter a little).

How to determine ring size using a table at home

Let's look at two ways to determine the ring size yourself at home using a table. To do this, you will need to prepare a small piece of thick paper, a pen, a ruler, half a meter of thread (knitting thread is ideal in thickness), and scissors. In addition to plain paper, a checkered piece of paper works well. When taking home measurements, keep in mind that the ring should pass freely through the joint (phalanx).

Using a strip of paper

  • First way. Cut a strip from the sheet one to one and a half centimeters wide and up to five centimeters long. Wrap it around the finger you need. Place a mark with a pen where the end of the strip meets. Unfold the paper and use a ruler to measure the distance from the edge to your mark. The length found is the girth; to find the cross section, you need to divide this value by the number 3.14. The size is determined by finding the diameter equal to the table.

  • Second way. This option is perfect for men who want to put such a gift on the finger of their beloved girlfriend, having with them another one that matches the inner contour. Take the ring and attach it to the sheet, trace its outline with a pen and a thin marker inside at the base. Find the diameter from the resulting circle. Typically, the difference between sizes is half a centimeter.

Advice: it is worth rounding the result to a smaller value for narrow rings, to a larger value for wide rings.

Using thread

For this home method, take a thick thread (tape), wrap five turns a little tightly and carefully around the selected finger (the width of the winding should not be more than six millimeters). Don't wrap it too tightly. Cross both ends without tearing them away from the coils, cut them off with scissors at the intersection. Or, with a pen, mark the intersection of the ends of the thread, unwind it, and cut it at the marked places. Measure the resulting piece of thread with a ruler.

And in order to determine your individual size at home, you should divide the value obtained from the measurement by a special number 15.7. The result must be rounded.

International table

Video: How to make a ring size template at home using coins

Some sites offer templates ready for printing on a printer. But when copying or printing the pattern, the image will be slightly distorted. Therefore, it is better to make a template with your own hands at home.

Watch the video to learn how to make a template for the sizes of the required rings yourself at home:

As you can see, the conditions provided at home allow you to determine the right size for your ring. These methods are not only easy to use, but will also take you a small amount of time.

If you know other simple, interesting and effective ways to determine the size of a ring at home, then leave your comments. They will be useful for other readers.

A ring is a very symbolic piece of jewelry. And it is difficult to convey in words the feelings experienced by a person who has become the happy recipient of such a gift. Observing the manifestation of joy is probably pleasant for the one who gives this gift. And it doesn't have to be an engagement ring. After all, anyone can give a ring, for example, to a daughter, sister, mother. But not everyone knows how to determine the ring size.

If you are buying a ring as a gift, then it is very important not to make a mistake with the size.

How to Determine Ring Size

At some point, everyone has to find themselves in a situation where they need to choose the right ring. If this is for yourself, then, perhaps, no special problems are foreseen - I came, tried it on and bought it. But when you need to fit it on the finger of another person who is not yet there, then you start to think about where the ruler is that measures the volume of the finger. After all, what matters here is not the diameter of the finger, as many believe.

Jewelers determine the size of a ring by the length of its circumference from the inside. That is, this size corresponds to the circumference of the finger for which the ring is purchased. Well, it’s not at all difficult to measure it: either with a sewing tape or with a simple thread wrapped once around your finger at the location of the ring. The resulting length of the thread is subsequently measured with an ordinary ruler. But the problem is not only finding a way to measure the circumference of a finger.

Determining ring size using thread

You can use a special measuring tape

The fact is that there are several standards for ring sizes. The most common are Russian, Italian and American. Their relationship to each other is given in many tables of these sizes. They demonstrate how this size numbering differs in different countries. Why does an ordinary buyer need to know this? It’s just that goods imported from abroad have different markings and, accordingly, gradation of sizes. And knowing what the girth of the finger intended for the future ring is, with the help of such tables you can even order a ring without trying it on or buy it while staying abroad.

Different methods and nuances to consider

Of course, it's better to just try on the ring before buying. In this case, it will need to be put on and taken off several times. Moreover, it’s even better to try it on closer to noon, because in the evening and in the morning your fingers often swell, which is why the ring fits tighter than usual to your finger. Air temperature will also play a role, which can also make your fingers thicker. But in a jewelry store there is always a finger gauge, consisting of a set of rings of different diameters, according to which the size of the jewelry is selected. But there are many other ways.

In the Soviet jewelry tradition, the size corresponds to the diameter of the ring in millimeters

You can print such a template and determine the size by applying existing rings to it

If the purchase is made without the person for whom the ring is being selected, then its size, although approximate, can be measured using a glove or knowing the size of clothing. For example, if clothing sizes vary in the S-M range, then most likely the ring size will be in the range of 15.5-17.5. For larger clothing sizes, you should look for a ring larger than 17.5. It is important to remember that jewelers can make a larger ring smaller, but it is not always possible to do the opposite. No less important in this choice is the width of the ring. After all, a wide ring needs free space around the finger, which is not required for a narrow ring. You should not lose sight of the fact that on the left hand the width of the fingers, and therefore the size of the ring, can seriously differ from the same data on the right hand. Therefore, there is no need to take risks, but it is better to carefully measure the circumference of the finger on which the ring will be worn.

It is better to select a ring with a stone that fits, otherwise the stone will dangle and cause discomfort.

Determine finger size for ring possible in several elementary ways. You can wind a simple thread around your finger, making 5 turns, then unfold it, fold it in half, measure the length of this section of thread, and then divide by 15.7. This result will become the estimated size. You can also wrap a piece of thin paper around your finger, but do not bend it at the knuckle to create a circle. Then you should measure the length of the unwound strip and check the result with the table. Or you can use a school ruler, formerly called an officer’s ruler, on which there are circles of different sizes, to select a hole suitable for the finger and thus determine the size of the finger, and therefore the ring. Then, again, the size indicator is determined from the table.

Table of correspondence between finger parameters and ring sizes in different countries

By the way, foreign standards, unlike Russian ones, are a little more convenient, because they have a greater gradation. And when placing an order in an online store, it is better to focus on American ring sizes, which will allow you to more accurately select the jewelry. In this case, you just need to correctly convert inches to centimeters: 1 inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters.

For all types of jewelry there are uniform standards and rules for determining size. And this does not depend on whether they are made of silver or gold, without stones or with them, whether they are thin or large. According to our standards, you can determine the ring size by the diameter inside the product, given in millimeters. But in most European countries, as well as in Canada and the USA, the size of the ring is determined by the length of the circumference of the phalanx of the finger. Compliance is easy to determine. From geometry we all remember that the circumference is equal to the diameter, which is multiplied by Pi (a number equal to 3.14). Or by the formula: L (circumference) equals D (diameter) multiplied by 3.14.

How to easily determine the circumference of a finger without any formulas

We must not forget these important factors:

When measuring the diameter of your finger, you should not forget to make a reserve, otherwise the ring will compress your finger. Therefore, it is better to take it a little “for growth”, because the finger changes thickness under the influence of environmental factors. For example, in very hot weather, the hands swell and increase in size. However, if the supply is too large, then in cold weather the ring will dangle and may even get lost. That is, we must observe the golden mean. And even if an error nevertheless crept into the calculations, then there is no need to worry either. Today's jewelers are quite capable of both increasing and decreasing the diameter of the ring, up to one and a half sizes.

If you take the ring end-to-end, then as your fingers expand, it will press

When determining the size of a man’s ring, one must take into account that their standard bulky rings, more than 8 millimeters wide, should have a larger amount of free space. And thinner ones, accordingly, do not need such a reserve and are suitable for smaller volumes. When choosing the right size for a thin ring (for example, a wedding ring) and the size for a wide ring, be sure to take into account how they will fit on your hand. You also need to take into account that the thickness of, for example, the ring finger on the left hand is always different from the right hand. And this despite their visual similarity. Therefore, you need to measure the finger on which the ring will be put on, and always on the hand that will subsequently be “ringed.”

Despite the rule of indicating the sizes of jewelry differently, there is nothing difficult about this. Standard tables will help with this, and in almost any European country, jewelry store employees will show the ring circumference in millimeters. What will be left for the buyer? Conduct a reconnaissance of the circumference of the finger of the person to whom the surprise will be given, provide the figures to the consultant in the store and rely on his competence. And may the gift please both you and your loved one!


Often, when buying a ring as a gift for a loved one, the question arises of how to guess the diameter of the product so that it fits like a glove on the recipient’s finger. Just like when ordering jewelry for yourself in an online store, the buyer does not have the opportunity to try on the product. Therefore, he is forced to look for another way to determine the size of the ring that will fit.

How to determine from the table at home?

When trying to determine the appropriate size of a piece of jewelry on your own, you should remember that under the influence of certain factors, fingers can temporarily change their volume. For this reason, it is not recommended to rely on measurement results obtained:

  • after playing sports;
  • when exposed to cold or heat;
  • early in the morning or late in the evening;
  • during illness.

The optimal time for measurement is noon. It is best to measure the volume of your finger several times during the day and, by calculating the average value, determine the appropriate decoration.

The easiest way to determine the ring size for a finger is to take another ring that a person is already wearing, attach it to a piece of paper and trace it with a pen or pencil along the inside.

The diameter of the circle obtained in this way will correspond to the value of the jewelry, according to the table below:

Inner circle diameter, mm Ring size
15,3 15,5
16 16
16,5 16,5
16,9 17
17,5 17,5
18,1 18
18,5 18,5
18,9 19
19,4 19,5
19,8 20
20,5 20,5
21,1 21
21,5 21,5
22,2 22

If the number obtained during measurement does not coincide with any value available in the table, then it should be rounded up to the nearest number presented.

However, jewelry that can help solve this problem is not always at hand.

Knowing the volume of clothing a person wears can tell you how to find out their ring size. So, if his clothes have the letters S and M on the tag, then suitable rings will most likely have markings from 15.5 to 17.5.

With a large dimensional grid of things, the diameter of a suitable piece of jewelry increases accordingly. However, this method is not universal, since it is not able to take into account the individual physique characteristics of an individual person.

Using a strip of paper

The method that will allow you to more accurately determine your parameters is extremely simple. To do this, you will need to take a strip of paper approximately 1.5 cm wide, a pencil and a ruler. You need to wrap a strip of paper around your finger and mark the place that is the connection point of the improvised paper decoration.

The resulting ring needs to be unfolded and measured with a ruler the length of the piece of paper required to encircle the finger. Once you know the length of this segment, it will be easy to determine the appropriate ring size from the table:

Finger circumference, mm Ring size
47,6 15,5
50,8 16
52,4 16,5
54 17
56 17,5
59 18
60 18,5
62 19
64 19,5
66 20
67 20,5
70 21
72 21,5
74,5 22

Using thread

A method using ordinary thick thread will help you find out the appropriate diameter of the ring at home. You should take a suitable thread and wrap it around the finger you want to measure 5 times.

After making 5 turns, the excess length of the thread needs to be cut off. Then the thread wrapped around your finger needs to be unrolled, its length measured using a ruler, and the result obtained divided by 15.7. If necessary, the total should be rounded up.

International table

When purchasing a piece of jewelry, you should also take into account the fact that its parameters may be specified according to the standards of different countries. The most common standards are Russian, Italian and American. However, in online stores you can often find markings of British and Japanese sizing charts.

Taking into account the Russian measurement system, you can easily determine your finger size for decoration using the table:

Russia Italy USA Britannia Japan
15,5 8,5 4,5 I8
16 11 5,5 K10
16,5 12 6 L11
17 13,5 6,5 M12
17,5 14,5 7 N13
18 17 8 P16
18,5 19 8,5 Q17
19 20 9 R18
19,5 21 9,5 S19
20 22 10 T20
20,5 22,5 10,5 U1/221
21 23 11,5 W23
21,5 24 12 X24
22 25 13 Y25

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