Malysheva interview. Elena Malysheva: “I am alive only because I am a doctor by profession

Photo: Mark Steinbock

“Do you think why among the Nobel laureates there are almost only men? Do you think why women, if they become great, do so only after 45-50 years? From this age we can already calmly analyze reality, engage in politics, or some kind of intellectual activity. It used to be extremely difficult!” - Elena Malysheva stunned Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya...

Ekaterina: Len, lately you have such sensational stories on television... This is necessary! Blow up a watermelon to illustrate what happens in a man’s head during intimacy!

Elena: We tell very simply about very complex things.

For example, you can talk for a long time and rather boringly about the fact that, according to physiology, men immediately fall asleep after sex. A lot of women are offended by them for this. But this is a natural physiological mechanism, the understanding of which will make life clearer and simpler. A man does not have the strength to talk because he has a colossal release of hormones. Few people will listen to all these arguments. That’s why we blew up a watermelon: it’s funny, understandable and makes you think: look, this is how men’s heads get torn off!..

Ekaterina: What to do then? Teach.


Elena: Women also release hormones in huge quantities, but they force us to care and pay attention. The advice is simple. Go into the children's bedroom, kiss them, straighten the blanket. Let your husband sleep.

Ekaterina: Step on the throat of your own song?

Elena: Definitely.

Ekaterina: People still can’t forget your wonderful story about circumcision...

Elena: We had a series called “Storerooms of the Wisdom of Ancient Medicine.” There was “Medicine of Ancient Greece”, “Medicine of Judaism” and so on. But the principle is the same everywhere. In order to force people to comply with at least some sanitary standards, they were given religious status.


Therefore, circumcision was adopted among nomadic peoples: Muslims and Jews. Honestly, I didn’t expect that the plot about circumcision would shock the audience so much. We had 120 spectators sitting in the hall, not to mention 50-70 stage managers, cameramen, directors, video engineers, sound engineers, and so on... A huge number of people were present, and no one thought that anything out of the ordinary was happening. And when real passions flared up on the Internet because of this, I was amazed. I think that 90 percent of the people who watched this program learned for the first time that nothing significant was cut off! Only the foreskin is the main source of infection. Circumcision protects newborn boys from severe diseases - phimosis and paraphimosis. Deadly diseases!

When I brought him my first scientific article, he crossed it all out and said: “A scientific article should be written like a brochure from a soldier’s and sailor’s library. So that everyone does not understand, but understands.” So we do the transfer according to this principle.

Ekaterina: Simple and clear, like a watermelon! Listen, how do you come up with this? Here's to watermelon, for example...

Elena: Come on, it’s not me, it’s the creative producer Yuri Malyshev who came up with it. My son. In general, 90 percent of the stories for the program “Live Healthy!” It is he and four other wonderful girl editors who come up with it. All with excellent knowledge of English. It would be difficult for me to look at the world that way. I grew up in a family with very strict ideas about what you can talk about and what you can’t talk about.

But they studied in America, traveled and travel around the world and therefore perceive many things completely differently. Another generation.

Ekaterina: So it turns out Yura is making this up! Then it’s clear... Did he himself want to go to America to study?

Elena: Well, we need to talk about this from afar. After all, I have formulated a real manifesto about proper upbringing. Clear and concise.

Ekaterina: Then lay out, as best you can, what kind of manifesto it is.

Elena: It consists of three points. First: parents must teach their children to set high goals. Without this, a person, not only to others, is not needed to himself.

Let's say you are. I came up with the “Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya Project”. In principle, could you live without it?

Ekaterina: I could, of course.

Elena: Of course! Your husband is able to pay for any of your wishes. But you take photographs, make dresses, and now you also head a magazine... Parents should teach their children this ability to set high goals from an early age. Oops, it seems I went into detailed explanations. And the manifesto should not contain any explanations. Only short, succinct formulas, like “Workers of all countries, unite!” So, first, as I said, parents must teach their children to set high goals. Second: teach children to work. Third… Ekaterina: No, go ahead and explain.

Photo: Photo from family album

Otherwise it’s not clear: what kind of work do you mean?

Elena: I mean low-paid physical work. Until children have received an education, they can only work in this type of work.

Ekaterina: From what age?

Elena: Since I was fourteen. I remember around this age, Yura’s eldest son asked us for money for a cafe. And we asked: “Can you imagine what a thousand rubles are? Do you know what pension your grandmother receives?” To which the youngest son Vasya was very surprised: “I just don’t understand, Yurka tells you about the cafe, and you tell him about his grandmother’s pension. But he’s asking you about something completely different!” These things will remain unrelated to each other for children until they themselves understand how money is made.

By the way, my own parents reasoned in exactly the same way. When my brother and I (we are twins, he is only half an hour older than me) graduated from 7th grade, our mother said: “Even the children of millionaires work. So you will work every summer.” And my brother got a job as a janitor, and I got a job as a nurse in a hospital.

Ekaterina: Well, yes, after all, your parents are doctors... You probably didn’t have a choice about which institute to enter...

Elena: Don't distract me from the manifesto! About the institute and the profession of a doctor - later. So, I went to work as a nurse. My working day began at eight in the morning and ended at noon, because the law prohibited minors from working more than four hours. And if not for this, our parents would have calmly sent us to work full time.

Mom is a pediatrician, she always said: “Children are adaptive, they can withstand any load.” So I also sent my eldest son to work as an orderly after the 7th grade.

Ekaterina: So you took it out on your own children? (Laughs.)

Elena: What are you talking about, I really think this is necessary. Yurash worked for Leonid Mikhailovich Roshal. Moreover, I took him to work by car, because I was afraid to send him on the subway alone. And Leonid Mikhailovich laughed: “We have an orderly, like a professor, the driver brings him to work.” When my son quit, he said that he wanted to give a cake and flowers to two elderly nurses with whom he worked.

I said: “Of course, son, I’ll now order a luxurious bouquet, I’ll stop by a good pastry shop for a cake...” And he: “No, mom, don’t. This will offend them. They don’t get paid much for their hard work.” And he bought the cake and flowers with his own money. By the way, he earned 700 rubles... I remember he asked me: “Mom, how do people live on that kind of money?” That’s how grandma’s pension and the cafe bill came together in his head... By the way, our children still don’t spend money on nonsense. They know how they get them.

Ekaterina: What does your husband think about such harsh educational measures?

Elena: Thank God, I married Igor Malyshev, whose last name I have been carrying for almost 25 years (on September 11, Igor and I will have a silver wedding), and I think that I am decorating it very much.

Photo: Photo from family album

(Laughs.) My husband not only does not consider my system harsh, he himself is much more radical in matters of education. Igor was simply panicky that his sons might not grow up to be real men. Because of this, for example, the question of vacationing at sea was removed once and for all.

Ekaterina: How can the sea spoil a growing man?!!

Elena: I mean relaxing on the beach. So he is excluded for us. The husband is a sporty man and in every possible way introduced his sons to an active lifestyle. But I, to put it mildly, that is, to put it mildly, am far from sports. Once, however, she accomplished a feat: she did gymnastics using the American discus for six months. (Laughs.) And on vacation we were always going up the mountains and going down them on mountain bikes.

The second option for permitted recreation is educational excursions until five o’clock in the evening. With obligatory quiz during lunch. We, cunning parents, were on one team, and the children were on the other. And they asked each other questions about the topic of the excursion. Thus, through cunning and deception, we enlightened the children. Even when my youngest son broke his leg, we went on excursions with him. We have photographs of children on so-called vacation. The youngest is on two crutches! And everyone is in a great mood.

Ekaterina: So you didn’t allow your children to rest at all?

Elena: If a child has time to rest, he will grow up to be a lazy person! That's what my parents thought.

And so I think.

Ekaterina: Well, okay... What is principle number three?

Elena: It goes like this: parents have a responsibility to give their children the best education of all the options available to them. That's how much money a family has - that's how much needs to be spent on education. This concludes my manifesto. All. Nothing more to add. By the way, because of the third point of the manifesto, I don’t have a dacha. But we taught children in America.

Ekaterina: So the youngest also studied in America?

Elena: Yes, both graduated from a university in the USA, and now the older one is completing his studies at the Moscow Medical Institute, he has two years left, and the younger one is studying both here and in America at the same time.

In Moscow - at the Law Academy, and there - at the law school to become a lawyer.

Ekaterina: That is, they chose different professions after all...

Elena: They are generally very different! It is incomprehensible to the mind how this happens. These are indeed the very games of nature that make you believe in God! There is one very sweet story connected with faith in God in our family. My youngest son Vasya was six years old at the time, and I came to kiss him goodnight. He lies in his crib with a thoughtful look and asks: “Mom, do you believe in God?” I say: “Well, in general, I think so.” - “How did you believe in God?” “I believed it when Yurasha was born, and then you. This is completely inexplicable: how does the connection of two cells result in such different people, each with their own life program?

Photo: Mark Steinbock

Scientists have seen how cells connect under a microscope, everyone knows the physiology of the issue, but it’s still a mystery why we get such different little people like you and Yuralka.” My son answered me surprisingly: “I also believed in God. When I saw a SIM card from a mobile phone. Everything also seems to be clear, but how the sounds are transmitted is not clear.” (Laugh.)

Ekaterina: Len, you and I were going to talk about your medical practice...

Elena: I graduated from the institute as a therapist, and I specialize in emergency cardiology.

Ekaterina: Mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration?

Elena: And that too. There is one director who always tells me: “I need artificial respiration.”

Ekaterina: Well, how did you transform from a doctor to a showwoman?

Elena: Yes, there was no transformation. I work in medicine, I talk about medicine. I don't look like a showbiz woman. If someone contacts me, they only ask me about medicine; no one asks me who I spent that night with. Maybe it’s because it’s common knowledge that I spent it with my husband. There's nothing even to brag about. (Laugh.)

Ekaterina: I just don’t understand why he’s never seen next to you?

Elena: My husband is my complete opposite.

His world is a scientific laboratory and office where he writes his scientific articles. I love this world very much. This is how eternity is created. I say this without irony. Because any scientific work is always for future generations. He very rarely goes anywhere with me. The exception is family holidays. That's where we are always together. If we talk about other events, sometimes it gets ridiculous. Many years ago, Sasha Rosenbaum’s producer Bella Kupsina sat next to me and said in a kind, kind voice: “I’m lazy, you always say that you’re married, but we all understand: there’s no husband. Let's introduce you to a nice guy. Many people are interested in you." At home I told Igor about this. He laughed. And I invited Bella to visit us. Showed off my husband. And I also introduced him to Alexander Rosenbaum.

So I was completely rehabilitated. But all our friends know that Igor is a very silent person. Once upon a time we were filmed by the program “While Everyone is Home.” Timur Kizyakov was able to get Igor to talk so much that my husband told the story of his father’s childhood in the orphanage. So after this program, Tanya Ustinova, who has known both me and Igor for a long time, called me. She was amazed: “Malyshev, it turns out, is talking! Wow!!!" Yes, he talks! But little and only to the point. As befits a man.

Ekaterina: Still, I want to understand how you started running the program. While studying at the institute, did you dream of working on television?

Elena: I never dreamed of working on television. It’s the same as if you suddenly found yourself as an astronaut and they asked you: did you dream about this?

Photo: Photo from family album

I calmly worked as a doctor until Vasya was born and immediately began to get sick. At 10 months he had to be operated on, after which I decided to temporarily take him from Moscow to Kemerovo, to my mother, since she is a pediatrician. I didn’t work there, I just looked after the child. And one day I saw my old friend Kostya Kreknin on the TV screen. He worked as press secretary for the then head of the Kemerovo administration. We phoned and agreed to meet on Kemerovo television. Then, due to the miners' strikes, he conducted continuous programs about what was happening. I arrived and we talked. I complained: “Bone, why do they only talk about bad things on television? No, to make some positive program.

For example, about medicine. We have such a heroic profession, there are a lot of real, good human deeds in it.” And he immediately responded: “Can you make such a program yourself?” I answer: “Me? Certainly!" This is generally typical for me - to agree to any job as if nothing is impossible for me...

Ekaterina: I’m the same! Even if, for example, I am offered to design a bridge, I will first agree, and then I will begin to think: I don’t know how to design bridges, I’m not an engineer! (Laugh.)

Elena: And so I began to host a 30-minute program. I learned everything on the go. It turned out to be terribly interesting! I earned good money and bought my eldest son a Baltic sheepskin coat. Do you remember those ones, sewn from brown pieces with white fur?

It cost 70 rubles! I felt like some kind of celestial being and oligarch. And at that moment my husband arrived and said that we had to return to Moscow. I was against it! But my husband, as already mentioned, says little, and yet all his words remain in memory for the rest of his life: “If you stay, you will never forgive yourself for this.” We packed up and returned to Moscow. But even here I found a place on television, combining it with work at the medical institute. This was the golden age of Russian television. New channels appeared constantly. And what bright, incredible people worked for them! I was taken to the Northern Crown channel. As a newbie, I was not given daytime editing shifts. Only at night. True, during the day I myself was busy at the department at the institute. I remember my dad wondering: “What are you doing on these nightly montages?

Photo: Elena Sukhova

Why can't we take a break for the night? They don’t bring you sick people by ambulance!” He has a favorite word: auras. Dad called all sorts of stupid charlatan nonsense that way. So he said: “Daughter, television is auras! The main thing is medicine!”

Ekaterina: How did your husband feel about this?

Elena: My husband took everything calmly. Moreover, there was one moment when I came home very late, completely exhausted, and I said: “Igorechek, just tell me that it’s time to quit this television. That I need to be with the children more, they are very tiny! I agree with you right away.” But the husband replied: “What are you talking about! I'm your fan. I know you will succeed, you always succeed!”

At the beginning of the journey there were different moments. Very often, getting ready to go on TV, I cried. And my husband just put me in the car and said: “This is life. Fight. You will succeed." My fate is the merit of Igor. He doesn't believe it. I am convinced that Shabunin’s genes decided everything. But I know for sure that no genes will help if there is no such person nearby. In general, I have been lucky in life with real men. Dad, brother, husband, friends... It’s thanks to my brother that I can be friends with men. You could say that friendship with men is an integral part of my life, starting from the prenatal period, which we spent together as twins.

Ekaterina: Your brother is a doctor. What does he think about your program?

Elena: Well, there are situations when he is ready to grind me into powder. I remember I did a program about a gynecologist who could not diagnose an ectopic pregnancy. True, the woman was saved, but in another hospital. And so I told about it. Lesha said simply and fearfully: “How dare you! You yourself are in this profession, you know how difficult it is to make a diagnosis.” And this is actually true. Therefore, I will never go against my own people, against doctors. This is the law.

Ekaterina: But you talked about friendship between a man and a woman... So, do you really think that this is possible?

Elena: Of course.

Ekaterina: But what about the struggle of the sexes, which you talked about in program?

Elena: “Battle of the Sexes” is about something else.

About the difference in physiology, the difference in perception of the world. Women and men are different in everything. The male brain does not experience hormonal surges: testosterone (this is the main male sex hormone) is produced equally in men, starting from puberty. Therefore, the brain does not depend on hormonal surges. A man’s brain calmly analyzes reality, makes decisions, and makes discoveries. It's different for women. Firstly, there are many female sex hormones, and they are all different and act differently. In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, estrogens are produced: the woman is beautiful, her mood is excellent, her eyes sparkle! After two weeks, everything changes - progesterone is produced. Depressed mood, no strength, depression.

Photo: Ekaterina Rozhdestvenskaya

Then rise, then fall. A woman's brain is just a toy in the hands of female sex hormones! Many researchers believe that women make decisions depending not on the essence of the problem, but on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Ekaterina: Is that what you say? Aren `t you ashamed? You're smart yourself!

Elena: Yes, but I deal with health, that is, a purely female topic. After all, we take care of our loved ones a thousand times better than men. All our hormones are aimed precisely at this. Evolution got it right, freeing our brains from analytical tasks and allowing us to deal with the health and lives of loved ones! Therefore, I would give all girls a medical education. If only there were unity of hormonal prerequisites and work! At the same time, I can honestly say that both my husband and my sons are analytically smarter than me.

Much research has been conducted on this topic. Why do women, if they become great, do so only after 45-50 years, when hormonal levels sharply decline? Because the brain is freed from hormonal peaks and valleys. It turns out that a woman’s brain is switched off for half her life.

Ekaterina: Stop it!

Elena: Alas!

Ekaterina: Actually, I always thought that there are smart people and stupid people, regardless of gender. And now you want to convince me that women, by definition, are fools...

Elena: No, not so primitive. Of course, there are specific women who are much smarter than specific men.

There are unique women who show great abilities earlier in life. But most of us should use our youth for our family and children. This is the law of nature! Oh, I’m saying this now and thinking: thank God that we are not in America, otherwise I would have been accused of all mortal sins... There women have achieved enormous success in the fight for their rights. And even thoughts do not admit that they are somehow inferior to men. But in general, the difference in intelligence is in favor of men - definitely! But we are strong in other things. We hear intonations very well, while men analyze only words. For example, if you say to a man: “I love you,” he will not doubt that it is so. And if you and I are told such words, the first thing we will do is evaluate the intonation with which it was said. And perhaps we will come to the conclusion that they really hate us.

Photo: Mark Steinbock

We hear the melody of speech very well, and it conveys information much better than words. Nature has endowed us with this quality because we need to communicate with small children who cannot speak. And this ability of ours can greatly help my husband understand, for example, relationships with business partners. We can tell by tone whether a person is lying or not. That is, women and men are different, and that’s the beauty of it.

Ekaterina: I agree that the beauty is that we are different. Still, I don’t think we are that stupid.

Elena: Katyusha, well, if we are not able to do mathematical analysis, but we are able to tell our husband who is his friend and who is his enemy, we are able to live in the interests of our loved ones, what’s wrong with that?

On the contrary, I feel downright sad for women who say: “No, it’s us, we’re smarter!” I look at them and think: just admit that you are not smarter, and then the men will help you. For example, even in everyday matters I am completely unable to think like my husband. Here's an example: in one restaurant I always take the same salad with salmon. There are these small round pieces of fish with skin on all sides. I always thought that some special small salmon were cut across the carcass and fried. Until my husband dispelled my misconception: “Salmon is a large fish, there are no small salmon. In addition, we do not see a trace of the spine. Therefore, you have chopped pieces of fillet in your salad. And what you take for skin is seaweed in which each piece is wrapped.” I was simply shocked.

A small detail, but even here everything is analyzed. I'm not talking about science.

Ekaterina: To listen to you, women are not able to think of anything on their own... It feels like we are puppets in the hands of men. But you can’t say that either, can you?

Elena: No. We are not toys, we are treasures! You and I had wonderful fathers. We are very lucky with our husbands.

Ekaterina: It's true. And do you think this is the key to success?

Elena: I think so. My dad, for example, shaped my attitude towards myself. I was a homely schoolgirl with a fig on my head and scary glasses... And dad believed that I was beautiful.

Ekaterina: How? You are a beauty...

Elena: I’ll show you a childhood photograph, there was no smell of beauty there at all... Mom believed that for every holiday my sister and I (I also have an older sister) had to sew a new dress. The holidays were mainly party ones. And mom, for example, told dad: “November 7 is coming soon, and the girls have nothing to wear!” And we went to the studio to order dresses. And when we put on our new dresses, we went to show ourselves to dad. And he told us almost the same thing: “Daughter, I look at you critically...” He paused and: “Well, beautiful!” I lived my life with the feeling that I was beautiful. I still cry that dad is no more... And I miss his words so much.

By the way, Len, why do they live less than us?

Elena: Male physiology, it’s complex...

Ekaterina: But you say that they have the same hormonal levels all their lives. What's so complicated about it?

Elena: Firstly, they have a colossal metabolic rate. As soon as they are born, they actually begin to burn out. Secondly, testosterone blocks pain. Men do not feel many diseases. And when we already run to the doctor, they don’t even suspect that they feel very bad. Third, men have fewer connections between the part of the brain that experiences emotions and the part that processes language. They cannot express their feelings. And unexpressed pain and anxiety are always the cause of fatal illnesses.

Do you remember Yevtushenko:

“Unspokenness, unspokenness is terrible,
when fragments sting under your skin,
and they cannot be scratched or picked out,
It’s impossible to reason with me at all.”

It's hard to be a man. So should you envy them for being smarter?

Ekaterina: You again... (Laughs.)

Elena: Okay, Katyusha... I'll calm you down. You and I belong to the category of smart women. And smart, successful, working women - they are, in principle, great. When we were in China on a business trip, the Chinese told us the same thing. They didn’t know any other Russian words: “You’re smart! You are beautiful!" So you are smart, you are beautiful!!!

Well, is it easier?

Ekaterina: But this is not uncommon - a smart working woman...

Elena: There are a lot of smart and hard-working people. A rarity - smart, working and loving her husband and children. So you and I are triple lucky...

Ekaterina: Yes, exactly! It seems like what more could you dream of! Here you are, Malysheva, what else do you dream about?

Elena: I dream that in ten years I will become a grandmother. I have already made a written commitment from my sons that they will let me raise my grandchildren! This is how I see myself - with my grandchildren and being fat, because I eat whatever I want... I’ll probably never be fat, but a dream is a dream. I’m just now releasing the book “Elena Malysheva’s Diet.” This is a very short book. Just a real construction kit for those who are desperate and can’t pull themselves together.

And from this construction set, every woman will create an ideal and beautiful self. Everything about weight loss is short and clear, so that everyone “not understands, but understands”!

// Photo: Starface

 – Elena Vasilievna, are you doing yourself any favors?

- Certainly! For example, I can’t get used to doing physical education. I trained at home for six months according to a special program, an hour a day - and everyone was happy for me. I was so proud of myself that it was breathtaking. Now I don’t do anything - there’s a lot of work, I don’t have time... Although this is laziness and excuses. This is my gravest sin!
One day, Vladimir Putin arrived for a meeting with the hosts of Channel One at half past one in the morning - he was still working. We asked him: where does he even get the energy for such work? "Only sport!" - he answered. I confirm this as a doctor. Sport really changes the biochemistry of the brain; it accumulates substances that give us joy and enormous vital energy. In addition, sport creates “factories” for burning fat. And this is just great! I really hope that I can overcome my own laziness and start studying again.
As for other indulgences, sometimes I eat a crispy bun. Then I pull myself together and start diligently losing weight - this happens. But I don’t cause global harm to the body. For example, I don’t smoke, but not by gritting my teeth from effort, but simply because I don’t want to. As a cardiologist, I have seen the consequences of smoking a thousand times - strokes and paralyzed people. It's enough.
The second medical commandment is to avoid casual relationships. Well, I'm generally on top here. And finally, wash your hands before eating! Imagine, I do this all the time. People just think that it is difficult to live without killing yourself. In fact, only one thing is difficult: not to overeat and lose weight endlessly. Everything else is nonsense.

– Do you have to lose weight?

– I’ve been on television for 15 years – and all these years I’ve been struggling with excess weight. My co-host Dmitry Nikolaevich Shubin recently told an amazing thing. He came to visit, and there was a gorgeous cake. I sat down at the table and realized with horror that I didn’t want sweets at all! After a year and a half of work in the program “Live Healthy!” he completely changed the food system. I was even jealous! When will I get there
to the point where I don’t want cake? Although it’s easier with a cake - I can refuse it, but I passionately love puff pastry buns.

– Are you prone to being overweight?

- I think yes. In medicine this is called hyperinsulinism. Without going into details, I will say that its main symptom is increased appetite. In principle, this is a harbinger of diabetes. You have to look after yourself.

Fried food causes cancer

– On air you give advice on how to “live healthy.” Do you use them yourself?

– As soon as I started running the “Live Healthy!” program, everything changed for me, and radically. And not only from me, but also from three doctors - my fellow transferees. If only you knew how we eat lunch... It's just perfect food! And very filling. We always have fish and salads - with peppers, tomatoes, herbs. Lunch is prepared for us by chef Ivan Zhikharev, who during the program makes dishes on a given theme. He always adds an amazing sauce to his salad: low-fat kefir with lemon juice and chopped herbs. Salt - not a gram! When I first tried it, I was shocked at how tasty and good the sauce was.
In addition, we have completely eliminated plastic bags and wooden cutting boards from use - fungi and bacteria live in them. And all plastic containers were replaced with glass and ceramic ones.

– Is plastic so dangerous?

– Disposable plastic utensils can only be used once. But the vast majority of residents of our country wash it 200 times! At the same time, it loses its safe coverage and becomes a threat to life. Plastic is a petroleum product and contains carcinogens that cause cancer. Why take the risk?
Here’s what’s interesting: when a person is diagnosed with cancer, he asks himself: “Why did this happen to me?” We don’t even think about the fact that, for example, fried food causes cancer. When frying, oil releases the heaviest carcinogenic substances, and the crust is generally a terrible thing!
We also changed all the dishes to ceramic ones in the program. We do not fry on traditional non-stick pans. We simply don't have them. I’ll explain why: ceramics are clay and water. No matter how you heat it, nothing harmful will come out. Personally, I fry without a drop of oil - and this is only possible on ceramic coatings.
We also decided to assign the quality mark “Live Healthy!” to everything that is good for health! – with emphasis on the second “O”. And the first such badge was earned by frying pans with ceramic coating.

– What else have you changed in your everyday life? In the program you said that carpets are dangerous to health. Did you take them in your house?

– I didn’t have them anyway – I’m allergic. In general, carpets are the most unhealthy part of the interior. Even pillows made of natural materials - feather, down - are the worst option for an allergy sufferer. The best materials are special hypoallergenic synthetics.
The doctors and I replaced the vacuum cleaners in our homes and bought ones with hepa filters. In medical school they don’t teach you how to furnish a home, so we ourselves were interested in learning new things.

-You have two sons. When you raised them, did you forbid something that was inherently harmful? For example, eat fast food or smoke?

– Unlike many people, I don’t have a bad attitude towards fast food. Just don't eat it three times a day. If you allow yourself once a year, nothing bad will happen to you. The main thing is not to reach the point of fanaticism... But neither this nor the smoking bans I had to persistently instill in Yura and Vasya. The children grew up in a family of doctors, and both understand that smoking is the same as cutting yourself into pieces and then dying from cancer... Their generation generally smokes little. Although everyone tried it in their teens. Parents just need to get through this difficult period. My husband and I understood this, soberly assessed the situation, so we did not put pressure on our sons, but explained everything kindly.

- So you are a wise mother?

- Yes, I’m actually a charmer, not a person!

Watch “Live Healthy!” on Channel One on weekday mornings, as well as the Health program on Sunday mornings.

I want to say right away that judging by the way you work, you don’t know how to work. So, how should a journalist work if he wants to achieve something? The journalist must have a laptop with him and must type everything at once. Archaic trips with notepads and voice recorders are a thing of the century before last. In our program it is forbidden to write with your hands or record anything on a dictaphone, because we are doing a daily program. If we had to write something, and then rewrite it, and then listen to it, and then decipher it, then we wouldn’t even release a single program. We record everything directly into the computer. When there is a meeting, anyone can log into the Internet via Google and make any changes to our documents. I hate these interviews, when I talk to you for an hour, then you write your verses, and I still have to read. It's just the end of the world. I want you to come with a computer and read the interview to me at the end of the meeting.

I don't understand what device you are recording me on. You must be ashamed! I have a friend, she is 80 years old, she is a correspondent for Rossiyskaya Gazeta, a grandmother, she travels with a computer and at the end of the meeting reads your interview to you. And you young girls seem to be from the 19th century. You will send me your texts, I will have to think about it, read, correct, retype. A colossal waste of time.

BG: Your program is famous for its clarity.

Malysheva: Yes, we are proud of it. We have completely unique layouts: hearts, snoring, erections, depression, sperm. Our huge heart is made of construction foam. Our artists use cling film, cocktail tubes to represent blood vessels and nerve endings, LED strips, and balloons. We have a lot of inflatable things, depression and erection look the same for us. When fellow doctors come to the program, they are breathtaking: “I wish we could show students like this!” We would like to make an exhibition of our models, but so far there is no producer who would take on this.

BG: How do you come up with topics?

Malysheva: We have a large team, but it’s the editors who come up with ideas, of course. Chief editor Evgenia Loginova, creative producer and my son Yuri Malyshev and an editorial team of two people. In total, four people are creators. We dedicate all our meetings to decorative artists, chemists and magicians. We say what we would like to see, and they say what they can do. This is a very difficult question. We always want things to move, and that's difficult. But the editor should not just come up with an idea for a layout, like, I want the heart to beat, everything to spin, etc. He must say: I want the heart to contract, this is what I found on the Internet, this is what I found in programs in other countries of the world, this suits us, this does not suit, etc. That is, when we talk to artists to approve layouts, we offer concrete, not abstract ideas. They offer a lot themselves.

“When “Konstantin Ernst” lights up on my phone, I get up.”

BG: What if the topic is impossible to visualize?

Malysheva: If a topic cannot be presented clearly, we definitely reject it. Our goal is maximum simplicity and clarity. So that every fool doesn't O nyal, but pon I l. These words belong to my supervisor, Professor Meerson. He said this about scientific articles: “A scientific article should be written like a brochure from the library of a soldier and sailor. So that everyone doesn't O nyal, but pon I l".

BG: Are there Western programs that you focus on?

Malysheva: Not anymore. This is largely due to the level of Channel One. Many people think that our television is weak. This is not so, at least this does not apply to Channel One. This year we met Mehmet Oz, he is a cardiologist, professor at Columbia University, and hosts the best American program “Doctor Oz”. We were in grief and sadness, because he had practically no models. We watch all English-language programs and do not find anything similar to our level.

BG: And when some layouts cause mixed reactions from viewers?

Malysheva: Which one is this, for example?

Evgenia Loginova, editor-in-chief of the “Live Healthy” program: We never have any mixed reactions in our hall! Only journalists have an ambiguous reaction; for some reason you have it.

BG: Maybe this reaction says something about the audience, what do you think? Let's talk about this.

Loginova: We have a hundred people sitting in our hall, we don’t see any mixed reactions! No one here felt insulted, no one expressed dissatisfaction.

Malysheva: If you are interested in my opinion, then doctors have no taboo topics. If you come to the doctor and say that your chest hurts, and he says: “No, no, not a word about that, you have humiliated my human dignity,” you will understand that he means hello. You are unlikely to think that maybe he really had such a noble upbringing. That's why we are all good doctors, we talk about everything that interests people. Whether this causes a reaction, who has something to do with it, these are the problems of people who “somehow” relate to it. We answer the questions that are asked to us. If they ask us about breasts, we talk about breasts. If we are asked about the penis, we will talk about the penis and will not call it a jade rod. For us, this is an ordinary organ of the human body.

BG: Who is your main critic and main fan in the professional community?

Malysheva: If we talk about television, our main viewer is Konstantin Ernst. When “Konstantin Ernst” flashes on my phone, I stand up because this is a person I trust unconditionally, and his criticism is always fair, constructive and never offensive.

BG: I meant the medical community.

Malysheva: We are making the “Best Doctors of Russia” award; doctors are our best friends, and we have a common cause with them.

“I work 50 times more than ordinary people, and manage 100 times more. I forbid myself this: “Oh, how tired I am.”

BG: What, in your opinion, are the main health problems among Russians?

Malysheva: Blatant illiteracy beyond the bounds of reason! Have you gotten your flu shot? No? And we talked about 10 people who died from the flu. That's the difference between us and you. We are all vaccinated, it is our law. Those who don't want to can leave the program. If you don't believe in what you are doing, don't do it. And if you do, then behave as the doctors advise.

BG: In your many years in television, what are you most proud of?

Malysheva: That I got married and gave birth to two beautiful children. I'm incredibly proud.

BG: Is this more important to you than your professional activities?

Malysheva: You will be shocked, but yes, I love my family. She is most important to me, as well as the life and health of my loved ones. What is more important to you: the note you write?

BG: Of course, family.

Malysheva: Well, why are you asking obvious questions?

BG: How did it happen that your son started working with you?

Malysheva: My son will be a doctor. He received an excellent education. It turned out by chance that he came up with topics like an avalanche that I couldn’t even dream of. He's younger than me, it's noticeable. He was educated in another country. He talks about many topics that don't even occur to me. I can say one thing: if he were not my son, I would pay him three times more. But I was lucky: he worked for free for a year.

BG: You radiate cheerfulness and energy. Do you ever feel like you give up or don't want to get up in the morning?

Malysheva: No, I've never had anything like this. This is due to the presence of certain biochemicals in the body. I still have enough of these substances to get up. And those who have these substances remain to work in this program. Stress-resistant people work here. This means that when I scream in a bad voice (and that’s basically all I do), people take it calmly - television selects people who are mentally and physically resilient. It's genetics. Moreover, I am a doctor by profession, the essence of this profession is action. Not in baby talk, but in action.

BG: What gives you strength?

Malysheva: The internal structure of my body, I tell you again. This is determined by genetics. I don't have a radiator that I plug into in the evenings and charge in the morning. I just sleep like normal people. But I work 50 times more than ordinary people, and manage 100 times more. It was just luck. I forbid myself this: “Oh, how tired I am.” Moreover, I feel sorry for people who feel sorry for themselves and thus complicate their lives. Zhenya Loginova and I are very similar in this. You probably already understood from the fierce expression on her face that it is not easy to work with her, but there is no better editor-in-chief than her. Now there are 12 filming cycles in a row. To say that this is a lot is to say nothing. But we know that July 10th will come and we will go on vacation. She and I are waiting for July 10th and we know that there will be happiness on July 10th. This means that until it comes, you can wait for it and work. A lot of other people die along the way.

BG: What is optimal rest for you?

Malysheva: When I'm lying around at home, I eat and watch TV. Everything that is shown there. I rarely have rest days, but when I do, it's an absolutely mind-numbing use of time.

BG: Do you spend a lot of effort to stay fit and look good?

Malysheva: If I spent a lot of effort or a lot of time on something, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to do six hour-long broadcasts a week. Therefore, everything I do, I do quickly, intelligently and using all the latest advances in medicine. I never work like you. This is shame. If I recorded, then listened, then wrote, then rewrote... Therefore, I can say: great achievements in life are not waiting for you, you are already late. You take three times longer to do something that can be done six times shorter.

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March 09, 2016

The country's chief TV doctor told TV Program how easy it is to be a grandmother and mother-in-law, about the mental state of vegetarians and how often she drinks

The country's chief TV doctor told TV Program how easy it is to be a grandmother and mother-in-law, about the mental state of vegetarians and how often she drinks.

Photo: Anatoly LOMOHOV/

March 13 is the birthday of the country's chief television doctor. And just recently it was a whole year since Elena Vasilyevna became a grandmother. All these are more than incredible facts, if we remember how young and beautiful we see her every day on our TV screens.

- Elena Vasilievna, how did you congratulate your grandson?

We gave our Igor a children's train with circular rails. It is intended for children from one and a half to 5 years old - as the child grows, he can ride in a circle or ride on his own along the track. The locomotive did not please the grandson, but frightened him. We hope that when he grows up, he will appreciate such an interesting gift.

- How did you feel when you first saw the baby?

We were all in the maternity hospital when our Karishka gave birth. As soon as our grandson was born, we were allowed to enter the room. You did not suffer during childbirth, but simply saw a miracle. This is completely uncomplicated happiness! But my husband has even more feelings. Because our grandson is his full namesake: Igor Yuryevich Malyshev.

Recently, the grandson of the TV presenter Igor Malyshev turned one year old. Photo: Personal archive

- Has your husband changed since becoming a grandfather?

It seems to me that he has become a very gentle and obedient person in everything that concerns his grandson. Previously, it never occurred to me to ask him to do household chores - he was always busy. Now it’s enough just to mention that you need to stay with your grandson and help him change his clothes. And my husband does it with such joy, as if he had only dreamed of it. He often says that life develops in a spiral. And little Igor Malyshev is a new stage of life, in which his grandson and full namesake will live his bright and wonderful life.

- Admit it: did you want to give your daughter-in-law and son useful parenting advice?

You know, it turned out that the son’s family is a completely separate unit of society, with its own traditions and way of life. I have twice had episodes where I had to decide whether to intervene or show tact and respect. My husband and I bought our grandson a silver spoon. But our Karina told me: “American pediatricians do not recommend using metal spoons for children under one year old, as they can injure the child’s gums. I replied: “Come on, Karish, we raised some handsome guys! No one is injured!” And then I thought: “Lord, what if I really scratch Igorechka’s gums?!” I realized that all the pain of the experience would not fall on me, but on the boy’s mom and dad. Let them feed from their modern plastic spoons!

And the second case was last summer. At the peak of the heat, I announced that it was necessary to give the child so that he would not become dehydrated. To which I received the following response from my son: “The American Association of Pediatrics recommends adding additional breastfeeding in hot weather, but not giving water. Since when using water in children under one year of age, the risk of intestinal infections increases.” I started arguing and said that the European Association of Pediatrics, on the contrary, recommends water. But then I thought: boiled water is not a sterile product, no matter how hard you try. And breast milk is sterile, beautiful, with protective antibodies! What if this damn water gives our baby diarrhea? I just can’t live! And I retreated again.

“The lot of the sick”

Elena Malysheva with her eldest son Yuri and daughter-in-law Karina. Photo: Valery LEVITIN/RIA Novosti

You have said more than once that you have a wonderful relationship with Karina. What's the secret? Should the daughter-in-law give in on time, but should the mother-in-law not put pressure?

We are very lucky with Karina. She grew up in a complete family in which her mother was very seriously ill. And all these difficulties fell on Karishka and her amazing dad. When she came to our house for the first time, and it was on New Year’s Day, she made the first toast to her parents. She spoke about them with such respect and warmth that my heart sank. I then thought that a very good girl had come to us. She is very bright, cheerful, cheerful. And with what respect she treats our son! I understand: her parents raised her that way. But sometimes I tell her: “I have the impression that you grew up in our home.” Everything coincides so much - outlook on life, ability to work, huge responsibility for the family...

I think this is the only correct decision.

-Have you experienced even the faintest hint of jealousy towards your son?

Jealousy is the lot of mentally ill people. I don't have any jealousy. On the contrary, I feel proud that our son met and appreciated an intelligent, proud, very educated and serious girl. Many would have been scared, but he appreciated it.

“Alexey Pimanov helped raise the children”

Next year, Elena and Igor Malyshev will celebrate their pearl wedding - 30 years together. Photo:

- How did you combine work and family? Did you write your dissertation at night?

No career that involves children as a victim is admirable. If you are a star, and your child is an alcoholic or drug addict, what is the point in this stardom? For me, family has always been the most important thing in life. My husband and I did everything together - we both worked a lot, but always helped each other and the children. I was also very lucky with the producer - Alexey Pimanov. You know him as the host of the “Man and the Law” program, but Lesha is also the producer of many super-popular programs, an excellent film director, and now the general director of the Zvezda media holding. When my children were in school, Lesha allowed me to have a “Mother’s Day”. Once a week I could not come to work, but solve all my family matters. It was Thursday. So many years have passed, the children have grown up, and I still believe that Lesha helped me.

If your spouse once said: “Tomorrow you quit your job and sit at home, cook borscht...” - what would you do?

If my husband asked me not to work, I wouldn't work. My dad taught me this choice. Family is most important, but I am very lucky with my husband. He is my main supporter in life. He doesn't envy my successes, he's proud of them. Maybe because he himself was an established professional and scientist. Even when I said: “We have small children, maybe I shouldn’t work?” - he always answered that I should work, because I’m great at it.

You are a prominent promoter of a healthy lifestyle. How do you feel when you see a person eating, say, fried chicken? The desire to take it away and throw it away?

I treat everything that concerns my health and that of my loved ones calmly and responsibly. If fried food causes cancer, then I don't understand why you should eat it. If you eat fried, that's your choice. After all, it’s you who will die from cancer, not me, so I won’t rip anything out. I am sure that people must be responsible for themselves. I use ceramic-coated dishes: they are inert and safe, and I try not to eat salty foods. Of course, sometimes there are deviations. I also treat them calmly. First of all, because I am mentally healthy. This is also important.

- You also often say that in the most minute quantities.

Unfortunately, it’s not me who says this, but science has proven it. If I drink in company, then a glass of wine is very rare. And then.

- What is your attitude towards vegetarians and raw foodists?

Especially for pregnant women, the elderly and children. This is due to the fact that hemoglobin and iron in plant foods are either completely absent or not absorbed. And hemoglobin is the main protein of red blood cells that carries oxygen; it is impossible to live without it. It is found in red meat and liver. Draw your own conclusions. As a rule, people who adhere to some kind of hellish restrictions or prohibitions have borderline mental disorders. In general, they are healthy, but there are still some obsessive states: “I won’t eat meat! I won’t trample the grass!”

September 11, 1987. Candidate of Medical Sciences Elena Shabunina has just become Elena Malysheva. Photo: Personal archive

“Appreciate your naked bodies!”

Nowadays there are a lot of “bullshit” drugs in pharmacies - drugs that have no evidence of effectiveness. What should we do, not doctors? Mastering medical literature?

Today, world standards of treatment are available to anyone, even those who do not know English. And everyone, having learned about their illness, should type the word guidelines in any search engine, and then the name of your illness and the current year. For example, the protocol for the treatment of breast cancer for 2016 can be found like this: guidelines breast cancer 2016. And the Internet will provide you with all the protocols for treating the disease in recent years. If you don’t know the language, then use electronic translators. And then check with your doctor. Then you are not afraid of anything!

- You often travel abroad. Where are people healthier - in America or in Russia?

People are healthier where there is financial responsibility for health. Where it is not, there is nothing good. In the USA, working people do not have free healthcare. They are required to buy insurance. Price - from 300 to 1000 dollars per month! Involuntarily, you will begin to think whether to smoke or not. Because all bad habits lead to higher insurance costs. There is a massive passion for a healthy lifestyle, a lot of healthy food. We have a lot to learn. In Germany, healthcare is free for people, but every person is required to go to a preventive appointment with a dentist and therapist once a year. Did not come? Next year it's all about money. And we have free medicine. The patient is not responsible for anything, but we, doctors, are responsible for everything. Just today I spoke with a family where the girl has a whole mixture of illnesses. They were in all hospitals, examined from head to toe using the most modern methods, all treatment was prescribed. but they don't accept anything. The girl is in pain. I ask her and my mother: “What do you want?” They answer: “We don’t want to take anything, but so that there is no pain!” It’s just like in the fairy tale about the Golden Fish: “And I also want to be a noble noblewoman...” Let me remind you that there the heroine is left with nothing.

- How can we all live, as you say, “healthy and healthy”, in a nutshell?

Respect yourself and your loved ones calmly and without fanaticism. And appreciate the naked beautiful bodies God has given us. Appreciate, cherish and cherish!

Hyperbolization is Malysheva’s creative method. But everything is immediately visible. Photo: Sergey VOLKOV

Private bussiness

Born on March 13 in Kemerovo into a family of doctors. She graduated from Kemerovo Medical Institute and graduate school in Moscow. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, author of dozens of scientific publications. He has been presenting health programs on Channel One since October 1997 (then ORT). Husband - Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, specialist in molecular biology Igor Malyshev. The couple has two sons. The eldest Yuri is a surgeon and creative producer of the program “Live Healthy!”, married in 2014, his chosen one Karina is a graduate of the Plekhanov Academy, and in February 2015 the couple had a son, Igor. The younger Vasily is a lawyer.

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Weekdays/9.50, First

Sundays/8.55, First

It's said!

Famous for his bright, figurative speech. Here are just a few funny quotes (and catch the rest on air daily!).

✔ “German Shaich, come here! Now you and I will perform in vitro conception!”

✔ “The liver is the only organ in the world that can regenerate.”

✔ “Unfortunately, when you get out of bed, you have no control over yourself.”

✔ “How many times a week should you wash the TV remote control? Let's go without fanaticism. At least one."

✔ “This program is done so that at least something good happens in your life.”

- ELENA Vasilyevna, judging by the fact that you still wear glasses, the vote was not in favor of “Malysheva without glasses.”

The audience voted almost equally; the margin of victory was minimal. And I went to consult with the management of Channel One, where they very clearly told me: “Stay, dear, with glasses.” The fact is that without glasses I am a completely different person - too feminine, too sexy. I'm a doctor with glasses, period. And this image is important for conveying.

- This year, in the “Health” program, many people remembered the episode with your colleague Arina Sharapova. She promised to lose weight in front of the whole country. And she kept her word, losing 12 kg. Now in all interviews she thanks Elena Malysheva: they say, you called her almost every day at 10 pm, making sure that, God forbid, she didn’t eat too much at night.

Since I myself am constantly losing weight, I know how difficult it is not to give in to temptation in the evening and not eat. There is only one way out - you have to go to bed, just so as not to reach for the refrigerator for food.

- You can find hundreds and thousands of weight loss diets in various magazines. But not all of them are harmless to health. What would you advise as a doctor to those who want to get rid of extra pounds?

First and most importantly, you should not starve.

If you decide to fight excess weight, remember: you should have five meals a day. Three main meals. And two in between. You definitely need to chew and eat. You need to tell your body: “I am feeding you, please eat.”

And now - what exactly should you feed your body? It is necessary to exclude all visible fats: butter, vegetable oil, meat with visible layers of fat, in general all products where fat is visible. By the way, there is a misconception that vegetable oil is low in calories. In fact, it has more calories than animals. The salad can be topped with lemon juice. Even vegetables should be stewed without oil.

It is necessary to separate the intake of fats and carbohydrates, which increase fat absorption. What kind of carbohydrates are these: everything flour, everything sweet, potatoes, rice, beets, alcohol, carrots. It is better to completely exclude these products from the diet for the first few months. Then, even when you start using them again, you should not take them with foods that may contain fat. That is, with any dairy products, meat. They should be eaten so that before and after there is two to three hours of time without any fat. If these principles become your daily diet, you are guaranteed to lose weight. I say this with confidence, because I myself use this scheme.

- Could you illustrate this nutritional pattern using your daily diet as an example?

In the morning I take oatmeal and pour boiling water over it. I just pour it, not cook it. You can grate an apple there and add some berries. You can also eat low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese in the morning. This breakfast is at 8 am. The next main meal is at 12 o'clock. For lunch you definitely need protein - meat or fish with any greens. For dinner it’s good to eat some kind of vegetable salad. You can wash it down with low-fat kefir. You can eat an egg. Dinner must take place no later than seven in the evening. Between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, in the middle, so that there are two hours left and right, you can eat two apples, two tangerines, and other fruits.

- But sometimes, perhaps, you can afford some weaknesses.

Of course, I’m a living person, and not some kind of block of stone. So it happens - bam, and there’s cake. (Laughs.)

- Does your family share your views on nutrition?

No, my husband always strives to eat some kind of pizza. He believes that it would be better to run for 8 hours in the gym and allow himself pizza, than not to eat it and then, apparently, suffer for the rest of his life because of it.

- With such a busy work schedule that exists on television, are you able to devote enough time to your family?

In her program, Malysheva films real operations

If you ask what is more important to me, my children or my highest achievements at work, of course my children are a thousand times more important to me. Of course, I work a lot, but I also spend a lot of time with the children. And if I need to go somewhere with my sons, then a week before that I just live in Ostankino.

During the school year, I accompany my youngest son on all the trips he goes on with the class. As a rule, there are several of them. There are five of us in total - seven mothers. And I'm the only one who works.

I am a very active person by nature. Sometimes I even think that my children are lucky that I work. I am interested in their lives, I am endlessly present in this, that, the fifth, the tenth. And if I hadn’t worked yet, they would have simply gone crazy about me.

I'm lucky. For children, even when I am focused on work for a long time, I still remain a mother. I cannot be replaced in this capacity. As for my husband, my employment is a much bigger problem for him than for the children. And the fact that he respects me and my work is luck. Therefore, I was simply inhumanly lucky with my husband. There's nothing more to say.

- Before getting married, did you look closely at each other for a long time?

Igor and I studied together in graduate school (Igor Malyshev is a famous scientist, doctor of medical sciences, professor. - Author's note). True, at first they weren’t even particularly friendly. And then they started dating and got married five months later. Igor offered to become a mother to his two sons. I didn’t sleep all night then, I thought that he already had sons... It turned out that he was talking about the future. And how he looked into the water.

By and large, the most difficult period for all spouses begins from 40 to 50 years. When children grow up. In a year, the youngest is going to go to America to study. If earlier I knew for sure that I had to go on five trips, to do one thing and another, now no one especially calls me. It's really hard. So the trials in our family are just beginning. Will we be able to survive them? God grant that they can.

- Now they are threatening to give 250 thousand rubles for the second child, they say, women do not give birth due to lack of money, apartments - the list goes on. What were your conditions when you gave birth to your second child?

At that time we lived in the dormitory of the Mining Institute. But I loved my husband and still do. And we wanted to have children. The fact is that children and family have nothing to do with living conditions at all. If people say that we don’t need children because there is nowhere to live, then the period comes after the words “we don’t need children.” Everything else doesn't count.

- Are you planning to spend your vacation this year with the whole family?

We are going to America. The youngest son will take English courses. After school he plans to study to become a lawyer. I believe that this is a second profession that you can give to your children. The first is a doctor. You must have a craft in your hands that will save you under any circumstances. True, the doctor is still better. And I’m glad that my eldest son chose the medical path; this year he graduated from the first year of a medical institute in Moscow. During our trip to America, he will work in one of the largest hospitals in the United States and gain practical experience. If I’m there for more than two weeks, I’m also going to take English courses. I always do this in New York. So as not to kill the day just like that.

- And this is what you call vacation?

I have never rested so much that I just did nothing. I can’t imagine wasting time for myself. And the children are raised the same way. In our family it is not customary to idle. The eldest son worked as a hospital orderly every summer since the 7th grade.

- Somehow you didn’t mention the maritime theme at all.

I never sunbathe. First of all, it's boring. Secondly, as doctors all over the world have already proven, it is harmful. Thanks to the fashion for a tanned body, the incidence of skin cancer has sharply increased in the world. And if you are going to the sea, under no circumstances are you in the sun from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Most often I relax by accompanying my husband to some convention. While he is in session, I have time to see all the local attractions. And in winter I like to relax in the mountains. True, I can’t get up to ski after a serious injury, but I enjoy breathing the mountain air.

- And if you don’t travel outside of Moscow, what is your ideal vacation?

I'm at home, lying down watching TV. At this time, my husband is working in his office, my sons are in their rooms, and our Airedale terrier dog is snoring next to me. This is the picture of ideal family happiness and relaxation.

- Is it a pattern or an accident that you ended up on television?

Absolute randomness. In my hometown of Kemerovo, I went to see a friend on local television, who suggested that I, a young doctor and graduate of graduate school, host a program about health. The transfer went on successfully for several months. Then my family and I returned to Moscow. I started working on Russian television, where they told me: “You must raise the banner of Yulia Belyanchikova.” And for the last nine years I have been working on Channel One.

I am aware that there are millions of people who are better than me, smarter, more interesting. But I got the chance. And I am grateful to fate for this.

Dr. Elena Malysheva
Galina 2009-01-26 17:20:17

Dear Elena, hello! I really like your program, its good pace, positive attitude and your professional qualities - excellent delivery of the text, confidence and charm - are simply irresistible! In the last broadcast, January 24, 2009, you so charmingly took off your shoe - this did not spoil the impression at all, it was so feminine and humanly understandable: it is not easy to stand in front of the camera in pumps. I still need to clarify one point: several years ago I learned that the world's leading surgeons observe the strictest silence during operations, because... in an unconscious state, the human mind is able to perceive and record everything that happens around - noise, sounds, words, etc. Subsequently, these recordings can be restimulated and cause undesirable conditions or even lead to exacerbation. That is why strict silence is observed in operating rooms, instruments are placed on soft napkins, the surgeon gives commands with gestures, and words are resorted to in case of emergency. Let alone discuss the patient or the possible outcome of his surgery. I would like to ask you, dear Doctor Elena, how you feel about this practice? With deep respect, Galina Georgivna, teacher

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