How long can breast milk be stored in the refrigerator? It is important to know! How long does breast milk last in the refrigerator and at room temperature?

Expressing breast milk is a way to combine breastfeeding and an active lifestyle. How long can breast milk be stored at room temperature and how to store it correctly?

Mother's milk is the healthiest form of nutrition for a newborn baby. In addition to vitamins and microelements, it contains antibodies that protect the baby from diseases. This is why infant formula is less preferable. They contain proteins, fats, carbohydrates, essential microelements, but no anti-infective substances. The World Health Organization recommends that mothers continue breastfeeding for up to 2 years. Pediatricians and mammologists talk about the need to breastfeed for up to a year.

What if a mother needs to go to work, but wants to continue breastfeeding? Expressed breast milk will come to the rescue. Mothers who try to lead an active lifestyle even after giving birth often resort to pumping. Any family member looking after the child in the absence of the mother will be able to feed the baby.

How to store expressed breast milk

It can be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. It is more convenient to leave in small containers up to 200 ml. There are special bags for storing breast milk in the freezer. Their advantage is that they are compact. They are convenient to arrange, especially if you make large stocks. The bags are sterile and do not require additional disinfection. The disadvantage is that they are disposable. Sold in sets of 20-25 pieces, the price starts from 450 rubles per pack. Usually bags are available in 100 ml, 150 ml and 180 ml volumes.

You can purchase containers to store expressed milk. They can be used many times, but they take up a lot of space. The advantage of expressed breast milk containers is that they are compatible with breast pumps. This is very convenient for the mother: you express directly into a storage container and then simply close it with a lid. There is no need to overfill or sterilize additional containers. The volume of such containers is usually:

  • 180 ml
  • 200 ml
  • 150 ml.

Additionally, they can be used to heat meat or vegetables when introducing complementary foods.

Be sure to label each storage container with the pumping date and freezing date. It’s more convenient to do this on bags: write with a regular marker or felt-tip pen. But this is not always possible on containers: sometimes the felt-tip pens do not write on them. If you bought a container on which you can write the date with a felt-tip pen, there is always a risk that you won’t be able to erase it later. And you won't be able to use it again. Therefore, it is better to tape a small sheet of paper indicating the dates onto the container.

Shelf life of breast milk

It is impossible to answer the question of how long breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator. This period depends on the temperature conditions in which it is stored. If you prefer to store breast milk in the refrigerator, the period will be up to 8 days. Make sure that the temperature in the refrigerator is positive, not higher than 4 °C.

The shelf life of breast milk in the freezer varies greatly, ranging from 14 days to 1 year. If the temperature in your freezer is -20 °C, then you can safely make supplies for a year. There are refrigerators that have a freezer compartment with a common door. In this case, milk can be stored for up to 2 weeks. In a freezer with a separate door, the shelf life will be up to 6 months.

The temperature there should not be higher than -5 °C.

There are times when mom needs to go away for a while. Is it possible not to freeze milk, but to leave it at room temperature? How long will it stay fresh? If the room is not higher than 15 °C, then it can be stored for about a day. If not above 25°C, then up to 6 hours.

Even if you strictly follow all storage rules, always check the freshness of the milk before feeding. How can you tell if it has gone bad? The smell will be unpleasant and the taste will be sour or bitter. If it is fresh, it will be sweet. If you see a thick layer at the top of the jar, don't worry. It hasn't spoiled, the fat has just separated. This is normal. Many family members may point out to the mother that the milk is translucent or has a bluish tint. Don't worry, it's fresh but low in fat. Check with your pediatrician to see if your diet needs to be adjusted. If something worries you, it is better to pour out the product so as not to harm the child.

It is important to ensure the correct conditions not only for storage, but also for pumping. If you express with your hands, wash them thoroughly before doing so. Using a breast pump is preferable. With this method, there is less risk of microbes getting into the container. It is necessary to express into pre-sterilized containers. Do not use household cans or bottles, buy special containers. They should be marked that they do not contain bisphenol A. If you prefer to store expressed milk in special bags, additional sterilization is not required. After expressing, immediately put the container in the refrigerator or freezer. You should express as many times as you need. If the baby does not eat enough or is not gaining weight well, then do this after each feeding and between them. If there are no problems with the child’s weight, then only when the breasts are very swollen.

Try to pour into the container the amount of milk that your baby needs for one feeding. For infants the norm is:

  • 1–2 weeks – 80–90 ml;
  • 1 month - 110 ml;
  • 2 months - 150 ml.

A child aged 3–4 months can drink from 150 to 180 ml per feeding. For children from six months to one year, the norm is 210–240 ml. Keep in mind that these numbers are arbitrary, because each child is individual. Thawed milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days.

Warmed food should not be re-frozen, and unused food should be thrown away.

How to properly use expressed breast milk? If you stored it in the freezer, first move the container to the refrigerator until completely defrosted. After this, you can warm it up and feed the baby. The most convenient way to warm up milk is to place it in a baby food warmer. Then you will need this device to heat meat and vegetable purees. You can simply place the container of milk in a bowl of hot water. It is also recommended to heat breast milk in a water bath or in a microwave. This should not be done, as it is difficult to control the temperature. And heating in a water bath will also take a lot of time. The temperature of milk for feeding the baby should be 37 °C.

Do not boil breast milk! This way its beneficial properties will disappear.

Each mother decides for herself which way to store breast milk is more convenient. The main thing is that now there are enough opportunities to maintain natural feeding.

Breast milk can be stored for a long time. But for how long, and will it be useful for the baby after that? On the one hand, they talk a lot about this, on the other hand, they want to know everything specifically. Take note of the advice of experienced mothers and follow the recommendations below.

Can breast milk be stored?

Fresh milk for a baby is an invaluable product, but there are reasons why a mother herself cannot breastfeed her baby (she is forced to work, go to the hospital, leave urgently, etc.). In such cases, the milk is expressed and sent for storage. It is important not to lose its taste and beneficial qualities.

How to express milk for storage

Separation from your child is not a reason to interrupt natural feeding. Save food for a short period of time, or create a milk supply. There are manual and mechanical expression.

Manual expression

At home, the mammary glands are expressed manually. Breast milk is sterile, but in any liquid environment there is a danger of pathogenic microorganisms multiplying, which is extremely dangerous for the baby. Therefore, during the pumping process, it is important to strictly follow the rules of hygiene. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap, and just wash your chest with water to avoid cracks. Sterilize containers for collecting milk.

Breast pump

Make sure that expressing using a breast pump is painless and comfortable for you. First of all:

  • take a warm shower and get another “flush” in your chest;
  • drink hot tea with milk;
  • relax, stroke your breasts, mentally directing the milk to its center;
  • put on the suction and monitor its intensity level;
  • Express the milk into a glass bottle or special container;
  • select a storage method.

To make the device last longer, after use, rinse all parts with running water and dry.

What to store in

The utensils used must meet all applicable standards and requirements. Pharmacies offer glass bottles and sterile polypropylene containers of a special composition that are safe for children.

Glass bottles

The most environmentally friendly option is to use glass bottles. At the same time, you will also save on used bottles with caps and jars of baby food. All the disadvantages of glassware are more than compensated for by its positive properties:

  • it washes off perfectly;
  • withstands all types of sterilization, incl. steam treatment;
  • used repeatedly;
  • non-toxic when heated.
  • Do not risk freezing the product in a glass container. Glass will not withstand low temperatures in the freezer for long;
  • glass may crack due to a sharp temperature change during heating;
  • Store glass milk bottles on the refrigerator shelf. When frozen, the container may burst under the strong pressure of the increasing liquid.

Plastic bottles

You can also store breast milk in plastic bottles.

Bottles from Medela, Philips Avent, Canpol Babies are compatible with breast pumps, which allows you to express milk directly into the container. Bottles are available in different volumes - from 150 to 250 ml, with a scale for measuring the amount of expressed milk.

Special containers

Plastic containers for storing baby food have become widespread. They are not cheap (from 300 rubles and above), but they have advantages: the containers are durable, they can be used many times, they do not crack, you just need to wash them and pour boiling water over them. Manufacturers guarantee reliable tightness and safety, citing mainly the absence of besfinol A in the composition.

Attention! Bisphenol-A is a synthetic estrogen, synthesized in 1891 by the Russian chemist A. Dianin. It is used as an inexpensive hardener in the processing of plastics; it can be contained in baby bottles and plastic dishes. The substance has a negative effect on the brain, causing tumors of various origins, diabetes, obesity, and autism. Dangerous when heating or storing food or liquid for a long time.

In Russia, the production of baby bottles has begun by companies that have abandoned the use of this chemical compound. The “BPA-free” icon indicates the absence of this substance in the packaging.

Special packages

Plastic bags are sterile, easy to use, but expensive (average price: $10). Packages from Medela (from 800 rubles) and Avent (from 450 rubles) are popular among mothers. The package contains 25 bags of 150-180 ml:

  • consist of two-layer polypropylene;
  • the seams are additionally reinforced;
  • The hole for pouring milk is wide;
  • the base is stable;
  • double protection clip;
  • They are attached directly to the breast pump using adhesive tape.

After expressing, the bag is sealed and placed in the refrigerator. The bags have a graduated ruler and a place to write the date and time of pumping.

Advice. Before adding the product, squeeze out excess air from the bag and only then close it with the latch.

In a thermos

A real test for mothers is walking to the doctor or traveling long distances. A trip to the doctor takes time, during which the child has time to get hungry. A bottle of milk wrapped in a mitten quickly becomes cold in winter and sour in summer. Special thermoses help to store breast milk, maintaining its optimal temperature:

  • thermos container;
  • thermal bag;
  • thermos refrigerator.

A thermos container is a simple, leak-proof container with a lid. The outside is lined with plastic, the inside is a thermal insulation layer (foam rubber or polystyrene). Porous materials conduct heat poorly, so a bottle placed inside will remain warm for 3 hours.

The thermal bag is convenient during walks. Externally it looks like a bag, inside there is a cavity for installing a bottle (or two). There are models with pockets for children's small items and diapers. Retains heat for 2-3 hours.

A thermos refrigerator will be a good help when traveling with a child over long distances. It is powered from the mains, and when using cold batteries, it can work for 15 hours, like a portable refrigerator. Without batteries, it “holds” the cold for up to 9 hours at an air temperature of +32 degrees. The durable fabric surface reflects the sun's rays well, and the walls are airtight. The thermos is compact and easily fits in the trunk of a car.

How to prepare a storage container

Prepare a clean, tightly sealed container for expressing. Make sure the container is heat treatable (glass bottles, jars, plastic containers). Polypropylene bags specially designed for this purpose do not require preparation.

Advice. Do not choose disposable tableware for this purpose! Below is a table of the suitability of plastic containers for freezing and heating milk.

Designation (marking)


Suitability of the container for storing milk


Safe to use, can withstand temperatures from -42° to +132°C.

Safe for storing, heating, freezing the product.


Disposable tableware. chemically unstable, contains styrene - a carcinogen that penetrates into the product when heated.

Not suitable for storing expressed milk.

Polyvinyl chloride

A toxic and dangerous type of plastic, it contains phthalates, bisphenol A, heavy metals (lead, cadmium, chromium, formaldehyde.

Not allowed for use.

Rules for storing breast milk

Breast milk is sterile. It has an ideal temperature regime for infants, a balanced composition and properties - antimicrobial, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory. Milk retains its valuable qualities for 4 hours after it was collected (at 28° C). Long-term storage requires low temperatures.

In a refrigerator

If you plan to store breast milk for a week, place the bottles in the refrigerator and follow these guidelines:

  • Sterilize a regular container, otherwise the milk will quickly turn sour;
  • Date the dishes with the time of pumping.
  • Place the bottles closer to the back wall of the refrigerator, where temperature fluctuations are less (unlike the door).

The separation of milk into two parts (a fatty film at the top and a watery part at the bottom) is a common phenomenon that has nothing to do with the quality of the milk. Shake, the product will become homogeneous again.

Advice. If the milk takes on a soapy smell, discard this type of storage. This sometimes happens in self-defrosting units.

In the freezer

The storage period of a dairy product depends on the power of the freezer, the frequency of its use and the location of the containers. Remember simple rules:

  • freeze the product quickly, defrost slowly! Begin freezing by placing the bags in the top compartment of the freezer. The temperature is the lowest there. After complete freezing, place the bags lower (this applies to a separate freezer);
  • Always freeze. Do not throw away breast milk, even if your baby refuses it. Later it will become an excellent addition to porridges, vegetable and meat purees, and desserts;
  • Place in the freezer portions for one feeding (120-160 ml), otherwise the remaining defrosted milk will have to be thrown out.

At room temperature

Thanks to its bactericidal properties, milk remains fresh:

  • at 15 °C – the whole day;
  • at 22 °C – 10 hours;
  • at 25 °C – 6 hours.

If you are leaving your baby for less than a day, you will not need a refrigerator. You can place the products in the basement, on the veranda, balcony, where it is cool (10-15°C). Rest assured that it will not spoil within 24 hours.

If there is a need to leave, cover the top of the milk with a “breathable” material - several layers of gauze or a linen napkin ironed on both sides. This will protect the milk from the sun, provide a small amount of oxygen, and prevent anything foreign from getting into it. You should not leave the bottle in the sun if you do not plan to quickly obtain the curdled product.

How long can breast milk be stored?

Breast milk can be stored for a long time. Canned, it can be stored for six months or more. It depends on your planning and execution of the program "maximum" or "minimum". In accordance with this, the following is created:

  1. long-term milk “bank” (when the surplus is frozen, the mother needs to leave for a long time, etc.)
  2. short-term supply (from several days to a week).

Important: If you are going to store milk for a long time, keep it at a low temperature. When deep frozen, milk is able to retain its unique properties throughout the year.

Having decided on the program, you select the means: a thermal bag, a refrigerator, a freezer compartment or a separate chamber with low temperatures. Then the containers: glass containers - for short-term waiting (on the countertop, in the refrigerator); containers and sterile bags - for a long time (in freezers).

Preserving colostrum

Use an unusual type of milk container - a medical syringe. It is ideally suited for preserving colostrum. It is possible to express and store the first milk not only after childbirth, but also during pregnancy.

Advice. Do this strictly with your doctor's permission! Excessive stimulation of the breast threatens premature birth.

While waiting for the baby, the following is done:

  • colostrum is collected in a sterilized spoon, then in a syringe (5, 10 cc) and placed on the refrigerator shelf.
  • the contents of 3-4 syringes collected per day are poured into a special sealed bag with a zipper, the storage start date is signed
  • The package is sent to the freezer before delivery.

The table shows the shelf life of expressed milk and colostrum for a healthy baby:

Shelf life of thawed breast milk

Proper thawing is extremely important for breast milk. One wrong step, and it will lose most of its nutrients, primarily enzymes and vitamins. Follow the basic rule: defrost slowly. Rapid defrosting will render the product useless.

How to defrost correctly

Containers and bags of the required volume from the freezer are placed on the middle shelf of the refrigerator until completely defrosted. After 6-8 hours, place the containers on the countertop, leave for another 2 hours at room temperature and reheat.

If you need to defrost milk faster, reduce the time it remains in the refrigerator and heat it longer in warm water. As a last resort, defrost it at room temperature. If a frozen product is placed in boiling water, then immediately after heating you can safely pour it out, due to the lack of anything useful in it.

Is it possible to store warmed expressed milk?

The optimal temperature of breast milk for feeding a baby is 36-37 degrees. Overheating is extremely undesirable. The heating temperature is no higher than 40° C. At high temperatures, the same thing happens as during rapid defrosting - useful microelements and vitamins are destroyed.

There are different ways to heat frozen baby food:

  • under running warm water, periodically shaking the contents;
  • in water heated to a boil. Boil water in a bowl. Switch off. Place a bottle of milk in it and, shaking, wait for it to heat up. You can use an infrared meter.
  • in a baby bottle warmer. It maintains the optimal temperature for heating at 37° C and eliminates overheating.

Advice! Heat thawed breast milk once and store it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Do not refreeze milk that has already been heated! Firstly, the quality will suffer, and this is unsafe for the child. During initial heating, air access opens to the product and various kinds of microorganisms penetrate there (in non-hazardous quantities). Unsterilized milk is again sent for preservation along with them. Microbes will “overwinter” well and, upon reheating, will dangerously multiply in the environment they most desire - warm liquid.

How to store breast milk while walking or traveling

When walking with your baby, it is convenient to use thermal bags. Their main function is to preserve cold. Inside there is a foil layer that helps maintain the temperature for 3 hours.

Cold storage batteries are included with the bag. These are sealed containers with a salt solution or special gel inside. They are frozen before use, then placed in a bag where the melting gel releases the cold. The shelf life of the product increases to 10-12 hours.

When traveling for a long time with a baby on a train or by car, it is convenient to use a car refrigerator. It connects to a power outlet or car cigarette lighter and cools the containers.

Is it possible to combine several portions together?

The bactericidal properties of the product allow mixing milk doses throughout the day. Cold milk is added to frozen milk in an amount of 1:3. The main thing here is not to defrost the main frozen mass. Food stored in the refrigerator is mixed in any proportions within 24 hours.

How to keep it longer

If, for a number of reasons, you do not plan to breastfeed your baby until he is 1.5-2 years old, then there is a need to preserve your milk longer. You will receive a fresh, healthy, vitamin-rich dairy product if you listen to the recommendations:

  • containers must be clean and well closed;
  • It is advisable to exclude contact with air and sun;
  • freeze milk at different temperatures, including low.
  • the container should be convenient and small in volume;
  • use special containers, they are sterile and have a measuring scale.

What not to do

  • secondary freezing is an open gate for pathogenic microorganisms. You can't freeze it twice!
  • A microwave oven is a destroyer of enzymes and vitamins and heats unevenly. Not recommended.
  • Reheating the same defrosted portion is prohibited!
  • Open fire for rapid heating and sterilization are unacceptable!

Listen to the advice, take it into account and feed your baby with breast milk. Storing breast milk means giving him a well-preserved, unique product for a long time, and the mother continuing to lead an active lifestyle.

Breast milk remains the healthiest and most recommended food for babies to this day. But sometimes a situation arises that the mother needs to leave the baby for a certain, sometimes even quite a long time. Then you have to express the milk so that the remaining adults with the baby feed it from a bottle. The question is where and in what to store such a valuable product. How long will it remain suitable for baby feeding? Any young mother should know about the rules for storing expressed breast milk.

In order for your baby to receive familiar, healthy and safe food in your absence, you need to follow important rules for storing breast milk

How to store expressed breast milk

Many women are interested in the question of how long milk expressed from the breast is stored at room temperature, in the refrigerator or freezer. The answer to all these questions will depend only on how correctly it is stored. Compliance with certain rules will extend its life not only by several days, but even weeks.

  1. Any container in which expressed breast milk will be stored must be as sterile as possible.
  2. It must be signed: the date and exact time (down to minutes) of pumping must be indicated on the containers with the product - this is very important for determining the shelf life of the milk in the future.
  3. You cannot mix milk expressed at different times. One pumping - one container.
  4. If you need to freeze valuable liquid for a long time in the freezer, you need to know how to do it. After expressing, it must be sealed in the selected container and placed first in the refrigerator (preferably even on the bottom shelf). After 5-6 hours, breast milk cooled in this way can finally be sent to the freezer. It is strictly forbidden to immediately freeze a product that is warm or at room temperature.
  5. Thawed breast milk can be stored at room temperature for no more than an hour, in the refrigerator for about 10 hours.
  6. This product cannot be re-frozen for further storage.
  7. Due to these features of storing expressed breast milk, it is recommended to freeze individual portions: 100–150 ml for main feeding, a certain amount required by the baby for complementary feeding.
  8. You can warm frozen or chilled valuable liquid under running hot water. The second heating method is to place the bottle in a cup of warm (or even hot) water. Be careful that the container does not burst due to temperature changes. Microwave oven and gas (electric) stove are excluded.
  9. You can only raise the temperature of milk heated in this way to 37°C, but not higher, otherwise it will lose all its healing and beneficial properties. If it is difficult for an adult to navigate the temperature regime of liquids (for example, for some men who are left to babysit a baby in the absence of their wife, this is simply unrealistic), it would be advisable to purchase special store-bought bottle warmers. They will facilitate the process of defrosting and heating the expressed breast milk left by the mother.
  10. The defrosting process should be gradual. If this condition is violated, the entire long freezing path that the milk has gone through can be erased. The container from the freezer must first be kept in the refrigerator for some time (about 3-4 hours), then left for an hour at room temperature, and only then run under running hot water.
  11. Don’t be afraid if defrosted milk suddenly changes its color (becomes yellowish or grayish) and smell (it stops smelling like “mommy,” that is, a woman’s body, which is not surprising). This is normal.
  12. Still, it is necessary to check the defrosted product for spoilage. There can be no mistakes here: sour milk has a pungent odor. All that remains is to pour it out. If there is any doubt about the freshness of defrosted milk, it is better not to give it to your child.
  13. Before feeding the baby, the bottle with the expressed product must be shaken thoroughly several times: the liquid should be homogeneous.

If you strictly follow all these recommendations, expressed breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time without worrying about the preservation of its beneficial properties. There are several ways to do this: there is a special container that allows you to preserve its freshness and benefits as much as possible.

You can store expressed breast milk in special bags - this is a fairly practical way

Where to store expressed breast milk

A very important question is where and in what to store expressed breast milk so that it does not turn sour. There are little secrets here that will help maintain the value of this product for many days. Breast milk expressed by the mother can be stored in the following containers:

  • glass containers are the best option among all others;
  • hard transparent plastic;
  • plastic opaque vessels;
  • special bags for freezing and storing breast milk, produced by many breast pump manufacturers: their advantages are ease of use.

But freezing and storing this product in plastic bags is strictly prohibited. This will negatively affect its beneficial properties. Now is the time to decide where exactly you can store your expressed breast milk:

  • at room temperature it will quickly turn sour in any container;
  • can last quite a long time in the refrigerator;
  • Properly frozen milk can be stored in the freezer for a very long time. However, this method of storing this product is very often criticized. Indeed, when frozen, the liquid still loses some of its beneficial properties, but there is no escape from this. And we emphasize: this is only a part. Milk will still be healthy and valuable for the baby.

In what container and where exactly to store expressed breast milk should be decided by the young mother herself and those adults who remain with the baby during the absence of the wet nurse. If this is a short-term absence, there is no point in freezing valuable liquid in the freezer: it will be enough to leave it in the refrigerator. If the baby is left without a mother for quite a long time, it is worth considering this storage option.

Milk does not keep for long at room temperature, so if necessary, it is better to put it in the refrigerator

How long does breast milk last in the refrigerator?

Expressed breast milk is unique because it can be stored for a long time without losing its beneficial properties for the baby. Even if it sits in the refrigerator for six months, it will be much more valuable than any of the freshest factory-made baby formula. But this is only under one condition: subject to all the rules for storing breast milk expressed by the mother. How long it will retain its freshness will depend on its location and temperature:

  • at room temperature 25 °C: no more than 6 hours;
  • at room temperature 15 °C: no more than 24 hours;
  • in the refrigerator at a temperature of about 4 ° C: no more than 8 days;
  • in the freezer: with frequent opening of the door - no more than 2 weeks, with rare opening of the door and a temperature not higher than -5 ° C - no more than 6 months, at a temperature of -20 ° C - up to 1 year.

Any young mother who breastfeeds her baby should know where, how and how long to properly store expressed milk so that it remains fresh and healthy for the maximum amount of time. Different situations may arise. It often happens that mom needs to go away for an indefinite amount of time (due to illness, work, or to solve some other problems). You shouldn't give up breastfeeding for this. Remember: no artificial formula can replace mother's milk. By expressing it and leaving it in the refrigerator, the woman can be calm in her absence: the baby will receive adequate nutrition and will look forward to her return.

Convenience is one of the many benefits of breastfeeding: in most cases, milk goes directly from the “producer” to the “consumer”, and there is no need to worry about collection, storage, preparation and freshness of the “product”.

However, for one reason or another, many mothers express and store milk for their babies: some occasionally, others every day. This article contains useful information about what expressed milk looks like and how to store it. All of the following recommendations apply to storing milk for healthy full-term babies. . If your baby is in the hospital, or if you are interested in how to properly store donor milk, the list of recommendations may be different.

What does expressed milk look like?

Those who have never pumped before may be surprised to see that expressed breast milk looks very different from the usual milk from a bag. Unlike homogenized commercial cow's milk, breast milk separates into layers when allowed to sit. The fattier part floats to the top and forms the top layer. This does not mean that the milk has spoiled: if you shake the bottle slightly, it will become homogeneous again.

Milk expressed at different times may also look different, as many factors affect its content and even color. The fat content of milk can vary from day to day, as well as during one pumping session. Milk expressed at the beginning of a feeding may appear “low-fat” compared to milk expressed towards the end of a feeding, when the milk ejection reflex causes fattier milk to flow to the nipple.

The color of human milk can also vary. Colostrum is most often yellow or yellowish-orange. The process of transition of colostrum into “mature” milk can last about two weeks. During this period, the color gradually changes and becomes bluish-white. Even the color of “mature” milk can change depending on what the mother eats and whether she takes any medications. If the mother's diet contains carbonated or fruit drinks, dessert jellies, then food coloring additives can change the color of the milk to pink or pinkish-orange. Greenish milk may mean that mom drank drinks with green dyes, ate seaweed or green vegetables in large quantities. Frozen milk may be yellowish in color.

Pinkish milk may also mean that blood has leaked into it. Cracked nipples are often the cause of pink milk, but blood may appear in the milk even if there are no cracks. If it seems to you that there is blood in the milk, cracks in the nipples need to be healed. Blood in milk will not harm the baby and you can continue to feed. If there is still blood in the milk two weeks after birth, the mother should consult a doctor.

The smell of expressed milk

Typically, fresh breast milk has a delicate, slightly sweet smell. Occasionally, defrosted milk may taste like soap, and the child does not want to drink it. In Breastfeeding: A Guide for Health Care Providers, Dr. Ruth Lawrence states that if milk is stored in the freezers of refrigerators that do not require defrosting ("self-defrosting" freezers), the fat composition of the milk may change due to the freezing and thawing cycles that constantly alternate in such freezers.

Some mothers report that their milk begins to smell like soap as soon as it is refrigerated, regardless of whether it has been frozen or not. Dr. Lawrence writes: “When mothers heated their milk very hot (but not boiling) and then quickly cooled and froze it, the soapy smell was less noticeable, and children agreed to drink the heated milk treated in this way. The above process killed the lipase (an enzyme that breaks down fat) and stopped the process of fat breakdown.”

However, heating milk to such high temperatures can negatively affect levels of nutrients, one of which is ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

If, judging by the smell, the milk is sour, heating will not affect the taste or smell. If the smell seems to you that the milk has spoiled, most likely it has, and such milk should be thrown out.

How to choose a convenient container for storing milk

Milk must be expressed into a clean vessel. The container for long-term storage of milk must be tightly closed. The container can be either glass or plastic - there is disagreement as to what material the container for storing milk should be made of so that the beneficial substances and immune factors contained in it are preserved in the best possible way. According to the results of recent research, milk can be stored in both plastic and glass containers without compromising its quality composition. The Breastfeeding Answer Book recommends the following procedure for selecting containers for storing breast milk.

In the first place are vessels made of glass, in second place are vessels made of transparent hard plastic (polycarbonate), and in third place are opaque plastic (polypropylene) vessels. If the baby only occasionally drinks expressed milk, the material from which the milk storage container is made does not matter so much, since in this case, even if the type of container has a negative effect on the composition of the milk, in total it is negligible.

Ease of use is one of the important factors when choosing a container for storing expressed milk. Plastic bags, for example, take up little space and attach directly to some breast pumps. Bags intended directly for storing milk are made of dense material. They are easily sealed and are sold already sterilized. These bags usually have a special place where you can write the date of pumping and the name of the child. It is not recommended to use disposable plastic liners in bottles - they are not suitable for storing milk. The seams on these bags may burst when frozen, and the contents of the bag may leak when defrosted. If you must use these bags, pour the milk into two bags, inserting one inside the other to form a double layer of plastic for strength. Long-term storage of milk in disposable plastic bags is not recommended.

Chilled milk can be combined with another portion of cold or frozen milk, provided that the volume of milk added is small enough not to defrost the previously frozen portion. It is better to freeze small volumes (from 2 to 4 ounces - from 60 to 120 ml) so that you do not have to throw away unused defrosted milk - it is a pity to waste such a valuable product.

If your milk will be stored in the refrigerator or freezer along with milk for other children, you must label the container: indicate the date of pumping and the baby's name.

If you don't have a refrigerator at hand

If a nursing mother goes to work and wants to continue breastfeeding, even if there is no refrigerator at work, there are ways to preserve the milk expressed during the day. Research has shown that human milk has an amazing ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria, and can remain intact at room temperature for up to 10 hours after expression.

One notable study on this topic was published in 1987 in the International Journal of Childbirth Education. Mature milk was expressed into clean, but not sterile, vessels. The milk was divided into two portions: one portion was left at room temperature (19-22 C, or 66-72 F), and the other was placed in the refrigerator for 10 hours. After 10 hours, bacterial analysis was carried out on both portions. There was no statistically significant difference in bacterial levels in milk from different portions stored at different temperatures.

If you don't have an electric refrigerator nearby, you can get out of the situation by using small cooler bags with freezing elements (there are even refrigerators designed specifically for storing expressed milk) or regular thermoses. You can fill the thermos with ice before leaving the house to cool the inner chamber, and then empty the ice immediately before pouring the expressed milk into the thermos. (Translator's note: If you do not use tap water as drinking water, consider using boiled water to make ice for safety reasons).

How long can expressed breast milk be stored? The table “Recommendations for storing breast milk”, which is given at the end of the article, is compiled based on the latest research on this topic. If not you yourself, but someone else will feed your baby with your expressed milk, it makes sense to familiarize this person with this table.

It is better to store milk that you are going to give to your baby within 8 days after pumping in the refrigerator rather than in the freezer. Firstly, it does not have to be defrosted, and secondly, the immune factors contained in milk are better preserved when chilled rather than frozen. If milk will have to be stored longer than 8 days, it is better to freeze it.

Remember that the composition of breast milk is ideally suited to the needs of the baby and its stage of development at the time the milk was expressed, and try to use the freshest portion possible.

Storing milk outside the home

A nursing mother should have the right to store milk outside the home, for example, at work, or in the refrigerator of a child in a nursery. There is no need to take any special precautions typically associated with storing bodily fluids in public areas. In an article published in 1997 in The Journal of Human Lactation, Lori Nommsen-Rivers advises that if employees complain about storing breast milk in a shared refrigerator, you can avoid unnecessary discussion by placing the container of expressed milk in an additional opaque container.

Information on storing breast milk:

Whose children were born full term
- who will feed expressed milk at home and not in the hospital
- who wash their hands before pumping
- who wash vessels and containers with hot soapy water and then rinse them thoroughly

Containers of breast milk intended for long-term storage must be marked with the date of expression.

Colostrum (expressed within 6 days after birth):

  • 12 hours at room temperature 27-32 C (80.6-89.6 F)

Mature milk:

  • at 15 C (59-60F) - 24 hours
  • at 19-22 C (66-72 F) - 10 hours
  • at 25 C (79 F) - 4-6 hours
  • refrigerated at 0-4 C (32-39 F) - 8 days

Frozen milk:

  • Freezer shelf inside the refrigerator, without a separate door - 2 weeks
  • Freezer compartment with separate door - 3-4 months (temperature varies due to frequent door opening)
  • Stationary (separate) deep freezer with a constant temperature of -19 C (0 F) - 6 months or longer.

In what container to store breast milk:

  • in dense plastic or glass containers
  • in special bags for storing frozen milk
  • It is not recommended to freeze milk in disposable bottle bags
  • Before adding a new portion to already frozen milk, it must be cooled

How to heat milk

In order to defrost or heat milk, you need to place the container under a warm stream of tap water. Do not heat the milk until it boils; shake the container before determining the temperature of the heated milk; Never heat breast milk in the microwave.

Thawed milk

Frozen milk that has been heated can be left in the refrigerator for 24 hours. This milk cannot be re-frozen.

The most valuable and beneficial thing for your baby, of course, is breast milk. And not one alternative food can compare with. Almost every mother knows about its benefits, but not everyone knows how to store expressed breast milk correctly in different conditions. During lactation, a young mother may face various problems and situations, for example:

  • need to go to work;
  • the child bit through the breast;
  • the baby suddenly refuses to take the breast;
  • need to leave urgently;
  • any other life circumstances when the child has to be left at home with a nanny, grandmother, or relatives.
Proper storage of breast milk

And during these periods, in order to solve problems as carefully as possible, mothers try to express and leave the milk so as not to disturb the child’s diet (). And a logical question arises: what should breast milk be stored in and how long can it be stored without losing its beneficial properties?

Important! There is no need to sterilize expressed breast milk! Do not use milk after the expiration date!

Containers for storing expressed breast milk

There are several types of storage containers: glass, plastic and plastic. These can be bags and various containers, cups, bottles.

Video instructions for using milk storage bags

The main criteria they must meet:

  • sterility;
  • closure density;
  • ease of use;
  • It is desirable to have a measuring scale.

Before purchasing a container, you should decide for what purpose it will be intended.

If for freezing, it is better to buy special disposable plastic bags. Their advantage is that they are hermetically and easily sealed, sterile, made of very dense polyethylene and ready for use. They also have a measuring scale already applied to them and there is a place to write the date and time. Such packages are sold at any pharmacy.

expressed breast milk storage bag

Some mothers use disposable plastic bottle liners for freezing, but this is not reliable. They are not suitable for storage and the seams may burst when frozen. When defrosting, all the contents will simply flow out. But if you still have to use them, then to be safe, pour the milk into a double bag. And don't store it for a long time.

Among solid containers, glass is the most popular, followed by plastic in second place, and plastic in third place. But scientists have proven that milk can be stored in both plastic and glass without compromising quality.

For convenience, choose a container that will only contain a dose sufficient for one feeding. Be sure to indicate the date and time of pumping on the container.

How to store breast milk while out and about

Young mothers may face another problem - how to store expressed milk while out and about. For these purposes, there are several options for thermal bags on the market, as well as special thermoses for bottles. This is quite convenient, especially if you are on vacation for a long time and you can stock up on several servings of food.

Where to store breast milk

In between feedings and pumping, certain conditions must be followed for proper storage of breast milk.

  1. If you plan to store milk for a long time, the best way is to freeze it. Only freeze freshly expressed milk, but be sure to leave it in the refrigerator for 1.5 to 2 hours before freezing. And don't forget to write the date and time. A frozen product, of course, loses a number of its beneficial properties, but it is definitely better than artificial mixtures.
  2. If the expressed portion of milk will be used within several days, it is better to store it in the refrigerator. Refrigerated milk will retain almost all the beneficial substances. The main rule is not to store on the door.
  3. If fresh milk will be drunk during the day, it is better to store it in the room in a sterile container and tightly closed.

Rules for defrosting and heating milk

To defrost a portion of milk, first place it in the refrigerator so that there is no sudden temperature change. Then pour the portion into a feeding bottle and heat it in a water bath. For the convenience of heating milk, you can purchase a bottle warmer.

Never heat milk for feeding in a microwave oven, heat it in saucepans, or boil it - it will lose all its beneficial properties.

Never refreeze breast milk that has already been thawed. In this case, too, all properties are lost.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

How long to store breast milk

When storing breast milk reserves, you need to know where, for how long and at what temperature it can be stored.

In a refrigerator:

In the refrigerator, expressed milk can be stored for up to 24 hours at a temperature of +4 + 6 degrees. In this case, you need to place it as deep as possible. Fresh milk must be cooled before storing in the refrigerator.

In the freezer:

In the freezer, expressed milk can be stored at temperatures from -13 to -18 degrees for a month or even up to three months, and at temperatures from -18 to -20 degrees for no more than a year. Before freezing, cool the milk in the refrigerator.

At room temperature:

At room temperature (from +19 to +22 degrees) fresh product can be stored for no more than 10 hours. At a temperature not higher than +25°, milk can be stored for no more than 6 hours (4-6 hours). More than 25° - up to 3 hours. Scientists have studied that the substances that make up breast milk can counteract the proliferation of various microbes, so the milk does not spoil.

Shelf life of breast milk (visual table)

Storing expressed breast milk is a great solution to many of your baby's feeding problems. Even if you are forced to be absent for some period of time, your baby will not stop receiving your love, protection and all the useful vitamins. The most important thing, of course, is to know the rules and conditions for storing this essential food for your baby.

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