Essay by a kindergarten teacher. My pedagogical credo

Childhood exists at all

not to spite the teachers, it is a gift of nature

to man, so that he will forever cognize the immensity.

Sh.A. Amonashvili

There are thousands of professions in the world, all of them necessary and interesting. But every person must choose the one that would please him and bring him pleasure. Choiceprofessions- a very important step in the life of every person. It resembles the starting point in the route of future life; the more successful the choice is made, the more interesting, eventful and successful the path of life will be.

My profession is a kindergarten teacher. This profession makes me forget all my problems, always feel healthy, energetic and always be in the world of fairy-tale childhood.

Working as a teacher, you understand that all children are individual, and you, as a teacher, must find the key to each child. And it is impossible to deceive them. They will always see everything. They will immediately understand how you feel about them: with or without love. And they will answer you the same. For me myprofession- this is an opportunity to constantly be in the world of childhood. You are especially aware of the importanceteacher profession, when you see the children’s eyes wide open, greedily catching my every word, my glance and gesture; eyes ready to take in the whole world. Looking into these children's eyes, you understand that they need you, that you are the whole universe for them, that it is you who lay the sprouts of future characters, support them with your love, and give them the warmth of your heart.

The teacher must work creatively, apply new innovative technologies in his work, be energetic, talented, sociable, young at heart, create coziness, warmth and comfort for each child, and have high patience. Only then will the kindergarten be able to turn into “an island of happy childhood.”

The necessary qualities of a modern educator are patience, kindness, tolerance, well-readness, and erudition, because the educator has to work not only with children, but also with parents.

I try to treat my little charges the way I would like others to treat my children. In my work, I strive to plan the day so that children never get bored. The teacher has to play different roles: he is a teacher for children, who knows everything, teaches everything, and a playmate, and a second mother who will understand everything and help in difficult times.

I try to be a friend to children, to find my own approach to each, to understand the individuality of each, in order not only to give them new knowledge about life, but also to cultivate a positive attitude towards the world around them, towards themselves. And I hope that my students will grow up to be literate, educated and worthy people. After all, parents give children a start in life, but I, the educator, help them take the second step.

When working with children, I use a wide variety of directions and forms in my work. To turn my classes into an exciting creative process and interest the kids, I strive to use a toy more often in my work as a leader, turn on music, ask riddles, arrange a surprise moment, and also motivate children with artistic words. Children perk up and begin to take an active part in direct educational activities. I always try to talk to children politely and kindly and make sure that they communicate with each other in the same way.

I share the opinion of Jan Korczak that “children deserve respect, trust and friendship, I am pleased to be with them, in this clear atmosphere of affectionate feelings, cheerful laughter, first good efforts and surprises, pure, bright and sweet joys.”

And that's why I choseprofession - kindergarten teacher, because I like constant live contact with children, I absolutely love these kids, as well as the ability to be a versatile specialist. The psychological aspect is also very important. It is also necessary to find not only an individual approach to the child, but also to get along with the parents. Every day, meeting in the morning and saying goodbye in the evening, do not allow them to doubt for one second the safety and love of their children.

Finish yoursessay I want in words B. And Sukhomlinsky: “Our most important pedagogical tool is the ability to deeply respect the human personality in our pupil. With this instrument we are called to create a very gentle, subtle thing: the desire to be good, to become better today than yesterday. This desire does not arise on its own; it can only be nurtured.”

Essay “My profession is a teacher”

Time, society and relationships between people change, but the role of the teacher, educator, not only as a person, but also as a person, as a person, remains unchanged. Childhood years flew by quickly... Now school time is behind us...

Each of us was faced with a very important and main question: “What profession should I choose? Whom I want to become?" All roads were open before us, but we still had to choose only one, which would bring joy and become the meaning of our whole life.

Each person determines for himself his place in life, finds that favorite thing that fills him with joy, inspiration and allows him to get pleasure, realize his knowledge, talents, plans and dreams.

If a person loves his job, then with joy and desire he will work successfully, create, multiply, grow professionally and achieve good results and success, and this is the solution to the main issue in choosing a profession.

It's no secret that when you do something you love, your eyes begin to burn, a spark appears, and your soul is filled with bright light.
The meaning of every person’s life is continuous development and self-improvement. To be happy you need to find yourself. How many different professions are there? Doctors, teachers, designers, builders, cooks, artists, sellers, janitors, hairdressers, designers and so on. Has every person chosen a profession to their liking and desire? It’s worth thinking a little... It seems to me that if the chosen task is done with soul, with love, honestly and a person cannot live without it, you want to create, help others, then you have found yourself.
And if it has become a habit, there is no creative potential, no professional growth, and only everything is done for the sake of a career or to earn as much money as possible, then this is just an ordinary and familiar job.

For me personally, the choice of profession was not accepted with lightning speed. I was born in a rural area, in a large family, and very early I learned to be responsible for each of us. Love, kindness, mutual support and mutual assistance reigned in our family. There was no kindergarten in our village, so already in my childhood I helped relatives and neighbors with their small children when their parents were busy at work. What wonderful and amazing times these were! I was just their nanny! I remember how much I liked to play homemade toys with them, hide and seek, and tell fairy tales that I heard from my grandmother. Even as a child, I firmly decided that I would definitely work only with small children. After all, they are such extraordinary and sweet little ones, they look into your eyes so sincerely and expect protection, understanding, sympathy, and help from you.

It all starts with a childhood dream! And everyone’s dreams are different, unusual!

I decided very quickly what profession I should choose and what I should become. And my mother just welcomed me. In her younger years, my mother also entered a pedagogical school, but after getting married, she was unable to finish her studies and her dream did not come true. I couldn’t even imagine that a teacher should be able to do so much, conduct classes, organize various holidays and games. And the main thing, probably, is to unite the children's team. Just think that one teacher has to cope with such noisy and funny children! After all, the groups are overcrowded.

How can you measure the warmth and affection that children give? Kindergarten is the first step in the independent life of every little child.

A prosperous childhood and the future fate of a little person largely depends on the wisdom, enormous patience, caring attention, creativity and professional skills of the teacher. It is very important that near each child there is a teacher who would educate, give knowledge, and create a friendly, homely atmosphere of childhood, friendship and emotional comfort around the child. The teacher must be “from God”, not only with good manners, but also educated, kind, innovator, and professional. Teachers are a little bit Gods and a little bit involved in eternity, just as they do humanity!

The main thing is love for children, we must allow each child to be himself, help him show all his best qualities, teach him to enjoy every day, find himself in life, survive and win. Our life is complex, in which many different events constantly occur, which do not always have a favorable effect on children, so children especially need attention, warmth, love and care from educators. For everyone working in a kindergarten, the kindergarten should become a home and destiny and carry out the main task - raising a successful personality. It is from us that the child learns a lot of new and interesting things. What a great happiness it is to be useful to every child, to learn to understand him and to become a second mother for him while his mother is busy at work and, finally, just a friend. Whatever our little man becomes: an artist, a postman, a writer, a salesman, a builder, a surgeon, a scientist, and so on, we must remember that all children could not realize themselves without their first “assistant” - a teacher. A profession may not be the most important thing, but one must be born a teacher. A teacher with a capital T, certainly with a kind heart and soul, who is ready every day to bring joy and warmth to children and fill children’s hearts with love, and sow only goodness in their souls. Our profession is honorable, bright and kind.

Of course, you need to love and accept the child for who he is, and then the soul and heart of each child will be in front of you, in full view, and all his abilities and talents will be revealed. We must teach the child to respect himself, instill in him confidence, hope and show him how much he is loved. The most important thing is to see something special, something unique in every child. After all, every child is special, a genius. Each of us must remember that the soul and heart of a child are open. I enjoy communicating with my students and parents. I am infinitely happy that I made the right choice, that my profession found me and that I can be useful in educating the younger generation. I would like to say a huge thank you to my kind mother and my mentors, teachers who helped me start my teaching career! I was really lucky, because all the teachers who surrounded me were truly brilliant, creative and taught me to love my work and children sincerely, with all my heart and soul, and there is no other way. Working with preschoolers, I really don't notice my age. Personally, everything that excites, worries and pleases my children is important to me. This means that I am on the right and true path, which has been going on for thirty years and one year. If I had the opportunity to repeat my life all over again, I, without hesitation, chose the profession of a teacher.

This is how you can talk about what a real teacher should be like, with an open soul and a kind heart. The teacher must be attentive and generous, organized and responsible, capable and serious, punctual and truthful, proactive, artistic and active, and talented. I provide every child with a country that teaches them everything that is bright, good and gives vitality to everyone in difficult situations and to make the right choice. Dear educators! Each of us must work creatively, apply new innovative technologies in our work, be energetic, talented, sociable, young at heart, create coziness, warmth and comfort for every child, and have high patience. Only you and I can turn kindergarten “into an island of happy childhood.” Let's open our kind hearts for children and teach our children to love the world, country, people and everything that surrounds them, let's teach them to create and increase the world around them. After all, children are our future! And we all care about how they grow up. Cute baby! Look into my eyes. Smile at me and take my warm hand. Come with me. I'm really looking forward to seeing you!

Title: Essay by a kindergarten teacher “My profession is a teacher”

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region
secondary school No. 21 of the city of Syzran
urban district of Syzran, Samara region,
structural unit implementing general education
preschool education programs "Kindergarten".

Karelina Albina Anatolevna
MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 1 in Kirensk"
Teaching experience - 21 years
I qualification category

Why do we come into this world? This question probably makes many of us think... How to find your one and only place in life and understand whether you made the right choice? What influenced this choice? The answer to this seemingly simple question always remains a mystery. Or maybe it's fate? This happens differently for each of us...

My path to becoming a teacher turned out to be a very long one. Perhaps I just didn’t realize that this was exactly what I needed...

Even when I was a schoolgirl, I loved visiting children in kindergarten - holding various competitions and just playing with them. The older I got, the more I was drawn to children - after kindergarten, I started going to elementary school children, where I also tried to find a common language with them. That's how I became a counselor. I spent a lot of time with the children - we studied together, went for walks, prepared various holidays, went hiking...

I also grew up in a house where there were many children of different ages. I always hung out with kids - adults trusted me to hang out with their children, and with the older ones I organized various concerts for children and their parents. Having made a homemade screen and drawn the characters, we showed entire performances based on our favorite Soviet cartoons.

And I didn’t even suspect then that the teaching profession would become the only one for me...

Kindergarten is a wonderland
Where children's laughter can be heard to the skies!
Kindergarten is a holiday for the soul,
When you see how good your children are!
Kindergarten is the joy of the day,
When you know that children are waiting for you!
Kindergarten is our second home,
In which we live every day.
Kindergarten - I repeat again,
To be a teacher is my destiny!

So what does it mean to be a kindergarten teacher? As it turned out, this is very difficult and difficult work, it is a constant search for something new, it is a creative approach, it is new discoveries. And in order to be necessary and useful to children, you need to constantly improve yourself, you need a desire to grow in the profession, like a teacher who, over time, with experience, only becomes wiser. Now, in connection with the implementation and implementation of FGT in preschool institutions, teachers are provided with greater scope for the development of creative and design capabilities, for self-development. And only with a very strong desire can you achieve the greatest heights.

To be a teacher means to have patience, compassion, and a desire to see children - “your children.” After all, in essence, these are children who are not relatives, but about whom you begin to say “my children”, you rejoice at the achievements of each child, albeit small, but his personal victories.

The teacher must be able to do everything - play, draw, glue, craft, sing, dance, etc... The more the teacher knows and can do, the simpler, easier and more interesting it will be for him to communicate with children.

And the teacher must also be able to work with parents; the closer the contact with parents is, the better it is to work with children, feeling the support of their parents. It is unbearable to hear when parents in the locker room begin to humiliate their children, begin to compare them with others, do not give the children the opportunity to speak out, and simply do not understand them... It is very pleasant when parents respond to the requests of the teacher, listen to his recommendations, understand the importance of joint raising children. After all, only through joint efforts can we raise a person who will respect elders, love parents and will not offend animals.

But the main thing is that the teacher must be able to love children, and all of his children, despite the fact that they are all different - each with their own character and quirks, and evoke different feelings. You need to learn to treat all your students objectively, because behind each character lies a personality that you need to help develop.

To be a teacher means to surround more than twenty children with motherly care, tenderness, affection and attention, and in return receive a storm of emotions and a new charge of positivity. Next to children, you constantly forget about your age, it seems that you just came to work - very young, cheerful and energetic. And it will always be like this...

You see the smiles of children and the happy faces of their parents. And I want to believe that by giving a piece of myself, putting a piece of my soul and my heart into every child, I make this world kinder and better...

Essay- an essay that reveals any problems based on a person’s thoughts and is written in free form.

In the “Essay” section you can find interesting pedagogical reflections and observations that will help novice teachers correctly express their thoughts and decide on the topic of their own written reflection. Parents and experienced teachers will be able to look at the educational process from a different angle.

Examples of essays by teachers and educators of preschool educational institutions

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I am a teacher As Plutarch said in antiquity: “A child is a torch that we light!” But only then does God help with this, When we get down to business with our souls. My son once asked me: “Tell me, mom, what is your job?” After thinking about it, I gave the following answer: “She is in love, attention and...

A person with the profession of teacher is capable of not only educating and teaching the younger generation strictly according to the program and the letter of the law. A great teacher is, first of all, a person with a heightened sense of love and care, who loves children and does not remain indifferent to everything that happens to them in the world around them.

Essays can be divided into two categories: “personal - subjective” and “objective”. In the first category, the author’s personality itself is revealed with elements of biography. In the second category, they think about a specific problem, a personal idea.

Sovetova Natalya Mikhailovna

Essay “I am a teacher”

Sovetova Natalya Mikhailovna

Teacher at Irkutsk Municipal Preschool Educational Institution No. 58, work experience 8 years.

There are many different professions in the world, but there is one that may be most needed. Profession: teaching children. The profession of a teacher is chosen with the heart. To become a true friend of children, you need to give them

all of yourself.

My path to becoming a teacher turned out to be a very long one. Perhaps I just didn’t realize that this was exactly what I needed...

I was born in Irkutsk. After graduating from high school, she entered the lyceum and received a profession as a tailor of women's outerwear. After graduating from the lyceum, she entered the Irkutsk State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Technology and Entrepreneurship.

The world of childhood is joyful and subtle, like the floating sound of a flute.

As long as my child laughs at me, I know that I am not living in vain.

My friends say: “There are quieter fields,” but I won’t back down for anything.

I love these cute kids like my own children...

And every day, as if on a premiere, I enter a quiet kindergarten:

I’m not coming here for a career - every child here is happy to see me,

To be in the midst of joyful events...

And so on over the years -

My destiny, childish souls! There is no better life on earth...

I came to kindergarten thanks to my eldest daughter.

My first group was of different ages. I had to restructure a lot in my work in order to harmoniously and correctly combine the different ages of children.

It is impossible to imagine the life of a teacher without a noisy, trusting and touching childhood, without a huge world of purity and joy. Kindness and mercy should be inherent in any person, and even more so in a teacher, since his authority is determined by his attitude to his work and profession in general. For the educator, “A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a torch that needs to be lit. And the one who burns himself can light it!” So says the ancient wisdom. My task is to fill this fire with kindness, mercy, creativity, so that these igniting sparks bring not only beauty, but are also useful and in demand for our society. I am sure that a profession that determines by its content the past, present and future of a person and all humanity is similar to the profession of an artist. And the main reward for me in my work is the smile on the faces of children and the grateful look of parents.

Love for children, constant creative search, self-education and work on oneself - these are the three main pillars for educators of the past, present and future.

And it is important to remember the eternal commandment: do no harm. After all, the soul of a child is not rocky soil, but a flower that needs to be helped to open up. And, moreover, it is necessary to teach your students to follow the difficult paths of knowledge, not to wait for ready-made solutions, but to seek and find knowledge themselves.

That’s why our task is not just to instill a craving for self-knowledge, butunleash your creative potential.

I like the fact that it is impossible to stop in this profession; here you need to constantly “grow”, just like children who come to kindergarten grow.

When you see how joyfully the kids greet you, how wide their eyes open to something new, how these wonderful little things are interested in everything in the world, you understand what great power and responsibility lies in your hands. But this work must certainly be carried out by passionate, kind and responsible people.

It is impossible to work as a teacher without love for your job, without love for your students. I remember when I came to apply for a job I said: “I have no experience, but I really love children!” After all, experience will come with time, but love in the heart should live permanently!

I direct all my energy to creating an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding around each child, as I am convinced that only this contributes to the development of individuality. I understand that I have a great responsibility: to lay the foundation for the personality of each child, to help them understand the world around them, to teach them to live in society.

I think you need to develop yourself: attend classes of other teachers, participate in competitions, improve your qualifications in order to come to the children and give them something new, something they have not yet experienced.

The most crucial period is the child’s adaptation to the nursery group. This is both a very difficult stage and the most interesting. When a crying toddler does not want to let his mother go to work, you need to gather all your strength and skills, remember the tricks and methods, and be patient in order to make the baby’s stay comfortable and cozy. How nice it is to see what a balm it is for the soul, when after a while the child is already walking into your arms, reaching out as if he were a loved one. It’s already easier to part with my mother. This means he trusts, and the teacher is not a stranger. Satisfaction and awareness of the correctness of my choice appeared when I realized that the children love me and, just like me, they once enjoyed going to our kindergarten. Recognition from my parents and colleagues strengthened my confidence that I was in the right place.

In my work I use new and interesting methods and techniques to interest children and find an individual approach to each child. After all, they are all so different, funny, amazing. I don’t know what the children will become in the future. But I know for sure that my practical task is to show the child that he is a storehouse of possibilities, to help him believe in himself, and to receive joy from his creativity. All children are different, so it is important for me to give everyone the opportunity to express themselves, to feel capable and talented, and most importantly, happy.

I'm interested in working with children. Many people think that the work of a preschool teacher is devoid of creativity - but this is not so. I am deeply convinced that the basis, the basis for all subsequent educational acquisitions and age-related new formations, is the general level of sensory development during the transition from early to preschool age. Therefore, I pay great attention to the development of children's creative abilities and sensory perception using non-traditional art techniques.

I give children the warmth of my soul, my knowledge, and introduce them to co-creation. I try to understand the feelings of each child and see something special, individual in each child.

Even studying at the university made it obvious that modern society places high demands on preschool education. The responsibility of the teacher has always been exceptional, but in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, it increases significantly. John Dewey wrote, “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we will rob our children of tomorrow.” I believe that a modern teacher is a person who combines the features of a mentor, a friend, a psychologist, and an artist, so every day I try to improve my pedagogical skills, work with full dedication, replenish and update my professional qualities.

I see my purpose in the ability to develop in a child that uniqueness that will distinguish him from others, to do everything in my power to help him become a successful citizen who loves his home, his homeland, his profession, everything that surrounds him. It is very important that every child feels a sense of victory and his (even small) personal success. After all, only with success comes the desire to move on, to learn more, to do better.

To be a teacher means to surround a large number of children with care, tenderness, affection and attention like a mother, and in return receive a storm of emotions and a new charge of positivity. And I want to believe that by giving a piece of myself, putting a piece of my soul and my heart into every child, I make this world kinder and better...

I am proud of my profession. I am proud of the trust of children, the achievements of each child, and the opportunity to raise a new generation.

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