How to sew a bandana: pattern, choice of material, tips. Children's bandanas for boys Head bandana children's pattern

Hi all! My article today will be useful to mothers of boys. Have you noticed that in the huge variety of summer hats, a very small part is occupied by boy’s hats, and in stores their assortment is disappointing either in color or with too thick material that does not allow the skin to breathe. Today we will try to correct this injustice!

My MK: sewing a bandana for a boy will help you very simply and quickly make a light headdress for your baby with your own hands.

So let's get started!

We will need children's knitwear (not very thick, this is for the summer) or cotton fabric. The fabric consumption is small.

You will need to take only 2 measurements from your playful little girl: Head circumference (Og) and length from ear to ear (UU). In my case, Og=50 cm, VU=34 cm.

We cut

You will need to cut out three parts from the selected fabric.

This part will serve as ties.

Its dimensions are based on the following calculations: Length of the part = 0+30 cm for strings. And the width is taken to be 5-6 cm, but since the part is folded in half, the width doubles, so I get 12 cm. Don’t forget 1-1.5 cm - these are the indents for the seams.

So, let's cut it:

Item 1: width 12 cm

We get the strip:

Item 1: ready

This detail will go from the forehead through the crown to the back of the head.

The width of this part in the center is fixed - 8 cm, towards the edges it needs to be smoothly narrowed to 6 cm. And the length is calculated as follows: VU is the width of the strip of the 1st part, i.e. 34-12=22 cm.

These are two sides that look like a semicircle.

The length along the outer edge is equal to the length of Part 2, for me it is 22 cm.

Radius = (УУ - width of Part 1 - width of Part 2)/2. My calculations are as follows: R = (34-12-8)/2 = 7 cm.

Moreover, pay attention to the fact that we take 8 cm as the width of Part 2.

The diameter length, as you can see, is greater than 2R, i.e. we need to increase it to 19 cm. We get this figure like this: (Og-2*(length of Part 2, which is 6 cm)-2*2R)/2+2R = 19 cm.

To increase the diameter, simply gradually expand the arc.

It will turn out like this:


Now that all the parts are cut out, we begin to sew together Parts 2 and 3:

Part 2 and 3: seams sewn and finished

Part 2 and 3: ready, wrong side

Part 2 and 3: ready, wrong side

Part 2 and 3: ready

Let's start processing Part 1:

Part 1: iron for hem

Part 1: we chop with the finished part so that the edge of the finished part is hidden between the edges of Part 1

We bend and stitch the finished part at the back, where the ends will be tied. Details 1

Sewing Part 1 and the finished part

In the previous master class, I showed how to sew a cap for a baby. Today we will sew another summer headdress for our son - a bandana.

We will need cotton fabric, since the bandana for the baby should be comfortable, absorb moisture well and allow air to pass through. I took a cotton jersey - a cooler.

There will be only one pattern - a barrel.

We cut two parts of the barrel, as well as 2 additional rectangles: the middle part is 33 cm * 10 cm, and the lower part is 85 cm * 8 cm.

Sew the barrels to the middle part. We still have a small tail left. We process the seams on the overlocker and the cuts of the remaining tail.

Now we need to measure the circumference of the bandana. We measure the bottom cut in a circle, with the exception of the width of the tail at the back. I got 53 cm. Now we fold our rectangle - the lower part in half across. We set aside half of our resulting length from the fold. That is, for me it is 53 divided by 2 = 26.5 cm. Let’s note.

Sew on both sides to the mark. You can make ties at the corner. Cut off excess.

Now, before we turn out our ties, we need to notch the seam allowance. To make it more clear, I will show it in a diagram.

The notch must be made very carefully, not reaching 1 mm from the line!

We turn out our ties.

We pin and sew the loose allowance of the bandana and the loose allowance of the ties.

We process the cut with an overlocker. Using a gypsy needle, we hide the tails of the overlocker in the seam. Iron the product.

A bandana is a versatile and fashionable accessory. You can tie it around your head to hold your hair back, show off your deep passion for something, or simply show off your own unique style. In case of emergency, a bandana can be used as a handkerchief, a dust mask or a napkin to remove sweat from the face, it can also be used to protect yourself from the sun or to bandage a wound. And most importantly, a bandana is easy to make yourself from almost any type of fabric. Before you know it, you will have a unique bandana of your own making ready.


Part 1

How to make a bandana

    Take a large piece of fabric. The size of the fabric should be no less than 61x61 cm. You can take any fabric you like, but it is best to use affordable cotton muslin, which is quite resistant to wear. Try to avoid fabrics that may cause itchy skin.

    Draw square on fabric. To do this, you will need something that can be used to draw straight lines, such as a regular stationery ruler or a meter tailor's ruler. On patterned fabric, you can simply follow the straight lines of the pattern. You need to draw a square with a side length of about 61 cm, but this parameter can be slightly increased or decreased to make the bandana fit better.

    Cut out a square of fabric. If you have taken a fabric whose main component is cotton, it will be easiest to make just the initial cut with regular sharp scissors or special fabric scissors. Since cotton fabrics tear quite easily, you may be able to simply rip the fabric in the direction of the weave of the threads along the drawn line.

    • If you do not know the composition of the fabric you have chosen, in order not to accidentally spoil it, it would be better to cut out the entire square with scissors.
    • Sometimes even completely natural cotton fabrics do not allow them to be torn evenly. If you don't have a lot of fabric, it's safer to cut out the bandana with scissors.
  1. Try the cut out bandana on your head. At this point, you can try on the bandana to see how well it fits. If it is too big, you can reduce it. At the same time, remember that the extra 1.3-5 cm from each edge will be spent on hemming the fabric sections.

    Part 2

    How to hem cuts

    Determine the width of the hem allowance. A wider seam allowance will be easier to work with, but will create a wide double fold around the perimeter of the bandana. For a bandana, on average, you can allocate 5 cm from each edge of the square of fabric. This fabric will be folded and stitched twice so that the edges of the product do not fray.

    Iron the hem of the fabric. To get an even hem seam, you need to make sure that the fabric also lies flat before stitching, so you will need to press the double hem on its edges with an iron. To get medium-sized folds, turn the edges of the fabric 1.5 cm for the first time and iron the folds. Then, in the same way, fold in the remaining 3.5 cm of seam allowance a second time and iron it too.

    Secure the hem with tailor's pins. Make sure the folds on all four sides of the bandana are straight and neat. If necessary, adjust the fabric to correct any distortions and iron again. Once everything is straight, secure the folds with tailor's pins to prevent the fabric from shifting while seaming.

    Place a hem seam. The easiest way to do this is with a sewing machine, but if you don’t have one, you can easily use a regular sewing needle and thread. Insert the thread into the needle and pierce all the folded layers of fabric with it so that the knot on the thread is on the wrong side of the bandana and is not visible from the face. Then continue to alternately bring the needle out to the wrong side and then to the front side at regular intervals between the puncture points. If the thread runs out, tie it with a knot on the wrong side.

    Show off your handmade bandana. There are many ways to wear a bandana. Experiment with them to see which style suits you best. A couple of popular ways to wear a bandana are listed below.

    Part 3

    How to decorate a bandana

      Choose the most suitable place to place your decorations. Depending on how you wear the bandana, the exact placement of the embellishments may vary. For example, if you're wearing a triangle bandana around your neck, you'll likely want to embellish the corner of that triangle with the bottom edge of the embellishment design facing that corner.

      • It will be useful to first try on the bandana and look at yourself in the mirror. After this, using a pencil or washable marker, you can mark the most suitable place for placing the jewelry.
    1. Decorate your bandana sewn on or thermal applications. Appliqués are a great way to express your passion for individual bands, games, sports teams, and so on. If you are able to purchase iron-on appliqué, it can be iron-on, whereas regular appliques will need to be sewn on to stay in place.

A light headscarf has always been one of the most popular ways to protect the head from the scorching sun. Nowadays, a bandana is worn even in the cold season, choosing a headdress made of warm material. There are a huge number of options for bandana models in the store, however, making a bandana on your head quickly and easily with your own hands is not difficult even for an inexperienced needlewoman. You just need to turn to the materials in this article for help, having previously chosen the fabric for the headdress and the person for whom it will be intended.

Bandanas are most often worn by women and children, but men can also benefit from sun protection. It is best for a young man to use cotton fabric and protective colors.

Making a head bandana with your own hands in MK

The easiest and most common option for making a bandana. This scarf will provide excellent protection from the sun, and will also become an indispensable addition to a pirate costume (if the color matches).

You will need:

1) Fabric (preferably cotton);

2) Pencil or pen;

3) Scissors;

4) Needle and thread;

Stages of work:

1) Take a fabric whose size is 60×60 cm. Draw a square on it using a felt-tip pen or pen. You can use a ruler to get more precise lines. If the corner of the fabric is square, you should simply fold it over and trace the outline.

2) Cut the material. It is enough to cut the cotton fabric and then tear it exactly along the line.

3) Fold in the raw edges and carefully stitch. You can use an overlocker.

4) We decorate the resulting product at our discretion.

This bandana can be worn in different ways, for example, folded into a triangle to protect your head from the sun, or tied over your mouth. You can also fold it lengthwise and wear it as a headband, making an interesting beach scarf.

A guide to sewing a women's bandana with ties with your own hands. The fabric is selected depending on the time of year in which you plan to wear this accessory. For the summer season it is better to take cotton or linen material, for cold days - fleece, suede or even leather.

You will need:

1) Selected material (minimum size 40×90 cm);

2) Paper;

3) Chalk, pen or felt-tip pen;

4) Scissors;

5) Needle and thread.

Manufacturing stages:

1) First, we make a paper pattern according to the pattern shown in the picture. Then we transfer it to the selected fabric, marking points A and B for stitching. Cut out the details.

2) Combine points A and B, doing this on the visible and mirror sides of the pattern. We sew the seam, moving from point B to A, and then to the mirror image of point B.

3) We process the edges, giving the product a finished look. It is best to overcast them with an overlocker, but you can use a zigzag stitch or a regular stitch.

For such a summer hat, it is best to use light fabric. You can take already multi-colored material, for example, with images of cars. This bandana is perfect for a boy. Or you can decorate the finished product with embroidery or applique - such a hat will be an original accessory for a girl.

You will need:

1) A piece of fabric (at least 40×50 cm in size);

2) Linen elastic (length about 20 cm);

3) Needles, threads, pins;

5) Scissors.


Step-by-step instruction:

1) First, we create an elastic band that will secure the headdress on the child’s head. To do this, we cover it with the same fabric from which the main part of the bandana will be cut. We fix the edges with a regular stitch.

2) We begin to manufacture the main part. To do this, we cut out a large rectangle, not forgetting the seam allowance of 1 cm. We process the edges and iron the part.

3) We assemble the parts of the bandana into one whole. Place the elastic band and the rectangle on top of each other. The strip with an elastic band should go along the long side of the main part, their corners should be aligned. We fix it all with pins.

4) Then we bend the edge of the main part so that the strip with the elastic is between the layers. We place the opposite long edge with the front side on the wrong side of the edge, which is connected to the elastic band. We assemble an “accordion” from the free part of the part; an equal number of folds should be obtained on each side of the elastic band. We sew the layers manually.

5) Turn the elasticated bandana right side out and wear it with pleasure!

Video materials on the topic of the article

This article discussed only a few models of bandanas and the materials from which they can be made. The selection of videos provides step-by-step tutorials on how to knit or crochet a headdress, as well as many ideas for creating your own original accessory.

In the summer, a bandana is considered the most popular and fashionable head accessory. It is popular among both adults and children. Its distinctive feature is its versatility. You can sew or knit a bandana with your own hands, which will make it even more interesting and give the image a unique personality. In our article, we will show how easily and simply you can make children's bandanas for a boy for the summer.

In the first tutorial we will crochet a bandana, in the second we will sew it. The diagrams and descriptions are simple, so even a novice needlewoman can cope with the task.

According to these patterns, a bandana can be crocheted with a visor, or without it. For summer crocheted hats, the following threads are recommended:

  • "Chamomile" Kirovskaya;
  • Coco;
  • "Lily" Semenovskaya;
  • "Begonia" mercerized cotton 100% Türkiye.
  • After selecting the threads, select a hook that will match the thickness of the thread.

What we need for work:

  • “Begonia” mercerized cotton 100% Türkiye - 1 skein (280i/50g);
  • Hook – 1.5 mm.


  • VP – air loop;
  • Runway – air lift loop:
  • Dc – double crochet;
  • СС – connecting column;
  • From* to* - repeat loops.

We will knit according to the pattern:

Description of the cap:

Knitting is done in a circle using the method of adding stitches.

1st row: dial 6VP and close in a ring.

2 rows: we knit 14Dc into the ring.

3 rows: 3RVP, VP, and in the DC of the previous row we knit *1DC, VP, do not skip more than one loop, 2DC in the next loop of the previous row, VP*, continue knitting from* to* until the end of the row, finishing the row by knitting in 3RWY SS.

4 rows: 3VP, VP, CCH into the arch from the chain loop of the previous row, *VP, 2DC into the next arch of the previous row, VP, CCH, VP, CCH* we continue to knit from* to* until the end of the row, we finish the row by knitting in 3RWY SS.

We continue to knit in the round in each row, knitting one more DC. For example, in the fifth row there will already be two, but three DCs in each loop of the previous row.

In this way, knit 11 rows, if the cap has reached the required depth, then knit the last row with a sc and proceed to knitting the ties.

After processing the edge, do not break the thread, but collect as many VPs as needed to tie on one side, then tie on the other side. Knit a chain of VP RLS in rotating rows, leaving 3-4 loops short each time. Knit as many rows as you think necessary. Repeat knitting the tie on the other side.

Visor diagram:

The visor is knitted tightly according to the pattern, in single crochets, in turning rows.

The bandana can be left without a visor, this is at personal discretion. All that remains is to decorate the headdress with applique, the diagrams of which are given below. They are made in a marine theme and are suitable for relaxing on the beach.

Application schemes:

You can decorate your bandana with a boat like the one in the picture.

There are a lot of patterns for an ultra-fashionable headdress; all you need is desire and a little experience, and then your little boy will be the most stylish guy.

We figured out what to do with those who love to knit, what to do for those who don’t know how to knit, but really want to make a bandana with their own hands, then a master class on sewing a summer headdress for a boy is just below.

DIY children's bandana

For mothers with girls, it is much easier to choose a headdress for the summer, but with boys it is more difficult. If you are tired of a cap, but want variety and individuality, then sew a headdress in the form of a scarf. This is how you can achieve your child’s individuality by adding a fashionable head accessory to his wardrobe.

The bandana covers the child's head well from the sun's rays and she does not sweat in it. We will tell you in detail how to sew a bandana in MK. In our case, we are sewing a headdress with a nautical theme.

Let's get started.

To make a headdress we will need:

Cotton fabric – 75x25 cm;

Non-woven linen (for visor) – 8x6 cm;

Elastic underwear – 10 cm;

PVA glue;

Tailor's scissors;

Wide tape – 20 cm;

Sewing machine;

Description of work:

In the headdress pattern diagram, all dimensions are given without seam allowances.

We make an allowance of 1.5 cm for all seams.

On the drawstring – 3 cm.

On the visor – 1.5 cm.

Bandana pattern diagram

First, the pattern must be made on paper, then transferred to fabric.

Pin the pattern onto the fabric and, taking into account seam allowances, cut out the details for the bandana.

We process the edges of the parts with an overlocker; if it is not there, then we make all the seams with a closed cut. A closed cut is a stitched seam with a double folded edge. After each fold, be sure to iron the fabric, then the seam will be even and neat.

To ensure the density and stability of the visor, you need to glue non-woven fabric onto one of its parts (there are two in total). If the non-woven fabric is thin, then you need to make several layers.

After the glue has dried, attach the second part to the visor and stitch from the wrong side. Cut off the excess fabric leaving 0.5 cm from the edge and turn the finished part inside out. Iron properly. To check the evenness of the visor, you need to fold it in half, but do not crease the middle, otherwise there will be a line of creases. If all the edges match, then the part must be stitched again, but on the front side.

Find the middle of the base part of the headdress and combine the two parts together, right sides facing each other. We baste or pin the parts together. Now we attach the visor to the bandana.

Turn the product over and stitch from the front side as shown in the photo.

All that remains is to thread the elastic into the drawstring using a pin, tie a knot, and hide the ends of the elastic in the drawstring and secure with thread.

Well, now that everything is ready, you can safely go for a walk or the beach with your fashionable son.

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