What is it called when a balloon is covered with threads? Crafts from threads and glue

If you love everything unusual and exciting, do not rush to buy decorative elements for your apartment. Try to create interesting designer decorations with your own hands, and you will definitely surprise all your guests with your delicate taste, dexterity and skill. And you will certainly receive several orders for such creativity!

Balls made of threads look very original. They can be hung from the ceiling or used as a floor lamp. To create such a thread ball yourself, you will need:
  • small volume inflatable balls (up to 15 cm in diameter);
  • warp thread;
  • Vaseline (ordinary cream or oil will also work);
  • long needle with a wide eye;
  • glue (PVA, colorless stationery).
So, first, inflate the balloon and tie its tail well. The ball can be round or elongated - whichever you prefer. Then coat the ball with Vaseline. This will later help to easily separate the thread ball from the inflatable one. Pierce the glue jar all the way through (preferably closer to the bottom). In principle, you can not spoil the jar, but pour some of the glue into any plastic container and pierce it. If you are working with thick thread, use PVA glue: it will hold the structure better. And for medium-thick threads, regular stationery (colorless) glue is suitable. The diameter of the hole should be quite a bit wider than the thread you prepared to make the ball.

As for the thread, you can use both thick and thin. The latter will yield neat, weightless balls, very tender and airy. But a jute cord can set the character of the interior and emphasize the overall style of the room. It produces textured products.
  • You can make many decorative elements from such thread balls. For example, it can act as a Christmas tree decoration. The unique design of the New Year's beauty is guaranteed to you! In addition, you can build a lamp this way - exclusive and quite inexpensive.
  • To ensure that the process of creating balls of thread gives you only positive emotions, follow these useful recommendations:
  • buy balloons with a reserve so that due to an accidental puncture or failure you do not have to run for a new batch;
  • if you plan to decorate the ball after it is made (decorate it with various elements), the thread may be simpler; and if the product will not be further decorated, take a beautiful colored thread with shimmer or sparkles;
  • count on using approximately one bottle of glue for one medium ball;

As for threads, one ball takes about half a skein;

So that after work you do not have to wash the table for a long time, cover it with ordinary oilcloth before starting work.

Children love making thread balls. This activity will help unite the family, bring parents and their children closer together, and the result will exceed all expectations. After all, not everyone can boast that they decorated their apartment with their own hands, and in such an original way!

Publication date: 03/25/2016 22:43:00

Home decorations that you make with your own hands are always a pleasure. Here you are your own designer who can create one or another exclusive item. Balls of thread are easily decorated with various things, for example, flowers, rhinestones, satin ribbons. Numerous compositions, decorations, Christmas wreaths, lamps, and toys for the Christmas tree are made from such handmade balls. It’s good when the work looks expensive, but besides that it’s also not cheap, that is, it is made from expensive materials and done by hand.

Light balls of thread are made quickly, in just a few minutes, unless, of course, the drying process is affected, which takes about 12 hours. Since this is a very exciting job, both adults and children will enjoy doing it.
a balloon, regular sewing thread, but it doesn’t have to be that. After all, floss, “Iris”, “Snowflake”, and knitting yarn are perfect. They all stick perfectly. You need to make sure that the threads are twisted correctly, otherwise the appearance will deteriorate.

If we talk about color, then everything is elementary: either you have the desired color, or you just take white threads, which can then be easily repainted with a can of spray paint, as required by the situation.

Glue requires special attention when working. It could be PVA, office glue, or maybe regular paste. According to experiments, stationery glue does not hold threads well. The bulk of the material is pure PVA, which becomes transparent after drying. Sometimes this glue is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 (10 g and 50 g) and sugar is added.

If a harder ball is required, the glue is diluted with water and starch is added. These are the main materials needed to create balls of thread.

You will also need a thick cream to help the threads move away from the base better. And also, do not forget that you have to work with glue, and it is difficult to wash off from anywhere. Thus, it is better to cover the work surface and do everything with gloves. The finished product can be decorated with decorative materials such as buboes or beads, beads, sparkles, ribbons, etc.
A considerable number of master classes on the Internet tell you how to make balls of thread with your own hands. Their
can be studied before starting work in order to better understand the manufacturing technology and draw original design ideas. The manufacturing method may differ in some details, but the production technology is the same in any case.

First of all, you need to inflate the balloon to the desired size. A child can easily cope with this task - he can be entrusted with this. The main thing is that the shape of the ball needs to be adjusted so that it is more round, although for some crafts the usual elongated shape is quite suitable. We securely fasten the end of the ball.

To avoid damaging the surface of the ball with glue, lubricate it with oil, Vaseline or greasy cream. If the base needs to be used several times (for example, if you want to make many balls of thread), you can first wrap it in film and apply cream on top.

Then we prepare the glue. Undiluted glue is very easy to apply.

We take a long needle, insert a thread into the eye of the needle and pierce the jar of glue. If you choose a solution of glue and sugar syrup for work, mix all the components in a bowl, then lower the threads there for about 5 minutes. In this case, the thread will have to be “squeezed out” a little to remove excess glue. Here we remember the need for gloves, make sure that we have them and, moreover, are already wearing them. Otherwise, washing off the glue will take a long time and be tedious. We fix the thread on the ball, then wrap it around the entire surface, gradually reducing the distance between them - and so on until the ball resembles a cocoon. Cut the thread and glue the tip to the ball. After this, place the finished ball so that the glue drips a little.

Then it will need to be dried. To do this, it is best to hang the ball by the tip - this way it will dry evenly and not become wrinkled. No matter how much you would like to move on to decorating the ball, you will have to be patient: drying is not a quick process. It will take at least a day for the glue to dry thoroughly. At best, half a day if the work takes place in summer in warm weather.

When the “cocoon” dries, you can pull out the ball. This can be done in different ways. Usually the ball lags well behind the thread shape, but it is better to make sure that it does not stick - press it a little on all sides with a pencil. After this, you can carefully pierce the ball and pull it out through the large holes. Or you can untie the thread at the end of the ball and deflate the air.

Video: making decorative balls from threads

The thread base is ready. Now the ball can be decorated.
Balloons made from threads themselves look original and beautiful. But to use them, they often need to be modified and decorated. To do this, you can use additional materials: pompons (buboes), rhinestones, tassels, beads, etc. Photographs and video master classes will help you find beautiful design ideas. Buboes can be made with your own hands using different technologies.

The simplest one is to cut two rings out of cardboard, put them together and wrap them with thread. Then insert scissors between the rings and carefully cut the thread along the outer edge. After this, we tightly tighten the thread between the disks; The cardboard form can be removed. Bubo can also be woven or crocheted. Thread pompoms can be used to decorate lampshades.

First, we will make the lampshade itself using the standard technique, only changing the size of the ball. Once the base is dry, cut it in half, decorate the edges and sew on the pom-poms. They will give the product an unusual and original look. You can also decorate finished products with tassels. How to make a tassel from threads is described in video master classes.

Making tassels is also easy. As with making a bubo, you will need a cardboard base, but not a round one. The thread is wound around the base so many times to create a lush tassel. Then it is secured on top with a thread of the same color. We wind the thread in several layers around the top knot, although you can replace it with a satin ribbon. A more complex tassel is also suitable for decoration: to make it, you need to make pendants with three buboes of different sizes, then connect one large bubo with a picot. You can also decorate a thread ball using paint, for example, instead of white, make the ball gold or silver. To do this you will need spray paint.

After decorative decorations made from paper and cardboard have already been mastered, I want to try new techniques. And for them it is not at all necessary to choose complex materials that cannot be bought in an ordinary store. Even such a spectacular craft as a ball of thread is made literally from improvised materials. And she looks really bright and unusual. Even a child can make such a ball on his own; it is only important to follow a few simple rules, which we will tell you about.

We weave a three-dimensional ball of thread for home decor

Which threads to choose.

Before making your first ball, many craftswomen have a question: what threads to use. It is best to make a ball from fairly thick cotton threads, as they stick together well. You can also take blended yarn, but choose smooth, not fleecy (that is, without angora or wool content). Small balls can be made even from simple floss threads. The color of the material can be any. If desired, the finished product can be painted with spray paint.

Which glue to choose.

The type of finished craft largely depends on the correct glue. The glue should be quite liquid, transparent and easy to apply with a brush. Typically, regular PVA glue, stationery glue, or self-made starch-based paste are used. Of these options, the best choice would be classic PVA or a mixture of water, a teaspoon of sugar and glue. If it is necessary to give the ball greater hardness, then starch is also added to this mixture.

To make a ball of thread you will need:
  • balloon
  • cotton threads
  • glue (PVA or other)
  • small disposable plate
  • tassel
  • Vaseline (can be replaced with vegetable oil)
  • latex gloves
  • newspaper or film (to cover the table)
How to make a ball of thread:

1) Before the master class starts, we need to prepare the workspace. We carefully cover the table with biscuits or film, and put rubber gloves on our hands, since the glue is difficult to wash off and dries out the skin greatly.

2) Take a balloon and inflate it to the size we want to make the craft. We try to give it a round shape. Tie the hole with thread.

3) Lubricate the ball with Vaseline or oil - this is necessary so that the glue does not stick to the surface. If you want to make many identical crafts, then you can use the same balloon as the basis for them. In this case, before applying Vaseline, it must be wrapped in film.

3) Pour glue (undiluted or a mixture of water and PVA) into a disposable plate.

4) Unwind a small piece of thread (no need to cut it) and immerse it in a plate with glue. Next, we begin to wind this thread around the ball, trying to ensure that the mesh covers its entire surface. If there is too much glue, put the workpiece aside for a while and let it drain.

5) We carry out point No. 4 until the entire surface of the ball is covered with threads.

6) Now is the time to be patient - the ball must be left to dry for 12, or better yet, 24 hours. Take your time, otherwise all the work will go down the drain. To dry, it is better to hang the ball so that it does not touch any objects (note that glue may drip from it, so it is better to lay something underneath).

7) After drying, all that remains is to remove the balloon from the finished craft. It needs to be deflated, and then carefully pulled through some large hole.

8) An unusual ball of thread is ready! Now you can decorate it with beads or ribbons, or make some kind of craft based on it.

How can you use a ball of thread correctly?

Based on a ball of thread, you can make many interesting decorative elements. The simplest option is to hang such balls from the ceiling or on a Christmas tree, as shown in the photo below.

Also, such a ball can be turned into a stylish lampshade. Such a bright detail can give a sophisticated and stylish look to even a simple light bulb hanging from the ceiling on a bare cord. And from small balls you will get a whole New Year's garland!

This ball can also be used as an unusual gift wrapping. Some sweets or small souvenirs are placed inside the craft, and the hole is decorated with a lush bow. If you make a ball with sweets inside oblong and similar to an egg, then it will become an original surprise not only for the New Year, but also for Easter.

Children can try to get creative and make some little animals based on a ball of thread. To do this, you need to glue a muzzle, paws and tail cut out of paper onto a thread base. For such crafts, perfectly spherical blanks are not at all necessary; on the contrary, oval ones will look even better.

Video on the topic of the article

You can see in more detail how to make a ball from colored threads in the following videos. With step-by-step instructions from experienced decorators, it’s easy to understand unclear elements and easily cope with the production of these stylish decorations.

If you want to surprise your guests, make balls of thread with your own hands. This chic decoration is easy to make. But just imagine that such a simple product will appear in a banquet hall or at a wedding!

These thread balloons can be made from simple materials in a short time, but the effect will be amazing. They can easily decorate even a large banquet hall. If the wedding tables are in the yard, string balls can be hung from tree branches.

These are the options for decorating with balls of thread that you can use.

Balls of thread will look great in the interior of an ordinary apartment on weekdays and holidays. They can be used to decorate a holiday table, complementing the composition with candles.

Just imagine New Year's balls made of threads; they don't have to be hung on the Christmas tree. Balloons will replace traditional New Year's garlands.

There are a lot of ideas, we will return to them after a short master class on making balls from threads with our own hands.

What you need to make balls of thread

  • Thick threads (can be wool or Iris threads)
  • Balloons (preferably round)
  • PVA glue
  • Vaseline or oil
  • Starch
  • Oilcloth

Operating procedure

The video clearly shows the entire process of making balls of thread.

How to decorate a ball of thread

Even in their original form, balls of thread look great. But if desired, they can be decorated. There are many different ones. Beads, sequins, paints, glitter glue, tinsel, artificial flowers, fabric and braid... The possibilities for decorating thread balls are limited only by imagination and material.

You can decorate the balls with garlands of light bulbs. Lamps should be chosen that do not heat up.

Let's present a few more original ways to decorate balls of thread.

We glue any appliqués or sequins, ribbon or braid gathered onto a thread onto the finished ball. We hang the finished Christmas ball on a thread or stick in a suspension.

Christmas tree decorations can be made in the shape of a lemon and a strawberry. In order to get an elongated shape, we do not inflate the pharmaceutical fingertip completely. We wrap with yellow and red thread respectively. We cut out the leaves from green paper and glue them on the tops of the cocoons. We plug in the suspension.

We inflate the fingertip harder so that the cocoon turns out oval. We cut out the tail, fins, and crown from foil and glue it with PVA glue. The eye consists of yellow and black parts.

We make the cockerel from two cocoons, which are tied together with threads. Glue the comb, beak, eyes and wings with PVA glue. We tie a silk bow around the neck.
We use the same principle to make matryoshka dolls and parrots. For finishing we use fabric and colored paper.

If you cut the ball in half, you get two candy bowls. To give it stability, press half of the ball onto the table with a round jar and turn it in place several times. To give the bottom some density, glue circles of thick paper to it on both sides. We decorate the edge of the candy bowl with braid or ribbons, sequins or rhinestones.

Using the same principle, you can make a vase in which a bouquet of dried or artificial flowers will look beautiful. Just cut the ball of thread into an asterisk. We trim the cut edges with ribbon, lace or braid. We make a bottom in each half, just like a candy bowl. On one star we bend the petals down more, on the other - quite a bit. We glue both parts together and glue circles of thick paper to the bottom on both sides.

We will need several white balls of three diameters. The smallest ones will remain buds, cut the larger balls into stars, and bend the petals outward. We glue the edges of all petals with white lace or silver braid. For the stems we cover the wire with green paper. Blue or lilac balls will make bells.

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Balls made from threads look very attractive and do not require any special skills or money. Many did similar things at school during labor lessons. Their use is limitless: simply as a decorative element, as a lampshade, and as a festive decoration. From several of these balls you can make all sorts of things: snowmen, birds, fish. In general, everything that is enough for your imagination. In addition, using this technique it is easy to make.

Materials and tools for web balls

  • Balloon (for a smaller volume, you can take finger pads, which are sold at the pharmacy)
  • Threads (any thread is suitable: regular for sewing, floss, iris, wool for knitting)
  • Glue (PVA, silicate, stationery)
  • Kinder surprise egg
  • Needle, scissors
  • Vaseline (you can use thick cream or oil)
  • For decoration: beads, feathers, beads, sparkles, semolina or powdered sugar

Instructions for making a ball of thread

  1. Inflate to the required size.
  2. Lubricate the ball with Vaseline to make it easier to detach it from the glued threads.
  3. We make two holes opposite each other in the Kinder Surprise egg with a hot needle.
  4. Pour glue into the egg.
  5. We thread a thread through the holes using a needle; when pulled through the egg, the thread will be wetted with glue.
  6. We tie the thread to the ball and begin to wind it around the ball like a regular ball. Make sure that the thread is well wetted with glue.
  7. You can wind as much as you want, but not very little. If there is not enough thread, the ball may not hold its shape.
  8. When winding is finished, secure the end of the thread with a knot and hang the ball wrapped in thread to dry. There is no need to rush, it is necessary that the glue dries thoroughly and becomes hard enough. This may take 1-2 days.
  9. When the glue has completely dried and hardened, carefully blow off the ball. The ball can be peeled off using a pencil with an eraser at the end. The ball can simply be pierced with a needle in several places and quietly deflated. Very carefully remove the ball from the inside. If the threads have moved, move them back into place.
  10. You can decorate the resulting web balls using beads, beads, feathers, and ribbons. You can create a snow effect: moisten the ball with glue and dip it in semolina or powdered sugar. You can use threads of different colors, then you get a very beautiful weave.

If you are unable to wind glue-soaked thread onto a ball, you can wind dry thread and then thoroughly soak it in glue using a brush or sponge.

Instead of glue, you can use sugar syrup or starch paste. To prepare the paste, take 3 teaspoons of starch per glass of cold water, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil. Instead of thread, you can take thin copper wire and wind it around the ball in the same way. To avoid getting dirty with glue while making spider web balls, put on an apron and rubber gloves on your hands.

At first it may seem that the process of making balls of thread with your own hands is complicated, but in fact even a child can handle it. Such balls will decorate any interior and will also be a wonderful gift. And as a quality, balls of thread are simply a godsend.

Attention! On December 1, 2011, it starts on our website! We invite you to participate or just admire the original New Year's projects.

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