How to shave your legs without irritation at home. Learning to shave your legs without irritation

The easiest and cheapest way to get rid of unwanted hair is shaving. This simple and painless procedure has only one drawback: it has to be repeated after a short time. In this article we will tell you how to shave your legs correctly.

At what age can the procedure be performed?

It is quite difficult to name a specific age for starting such a procedure; each girl decides this issue individually. Let us only note that most representatives of the fair sex begin to remove unwanted hair on their legs from about 12-13 years of age. It is during adolescence that girls are very concerned about their appearance; they want to look attractive in the eyes of their peers, because boys at this age also begin to show interest in the opposite sex.

How to shave your legs correctly

Razor selection

To ensure that your skin is smooth and velvety after shaving, without damage or irritation, it is very important to choose a good tool. The razor can be disposable or reusable, the main thing is that it is sharp. If this is your first time removing hair, use only new blades.

Skin preparation

To achieve a good result, you need to carefully prepare your legs for shaving. It is best to depilate after taking a warm bath, when the skin is quite soft and steamed. The legs can be additionally treated with a body scrub to get rid of the layer of dead cells.

Choosing a shaving product

It is worth noting here that using soap for such a procedure is extremely contraindicated, since it greatly dries out the skin. The most suitable product is shaving gel or foam. Apply a small amount of the composition to the skin, spread over the entire surface to be treated and wait half a minute. After this, you can begin the process of hair removal.

Shaving process

Many girls remove unwanted hair by running the machine against hair growth. This method seems more effective, but it is considered incorrect because it severely injures the skin. It is best to shave the hair along its growth. If the machine is sharp enough and of high quality, you should not have any problems in the form of remaining bristles. Try not to press too hard on the blade, take your time or make sudden movements. You need to be extremely careful when treating the area of ​​your ankles and knees - it is very easy to cut yourself in these places. To avoid injuring the skin around the ankle, relax the ankle joint. When shaving your knee, your leg needs to be straightened.

Skin treatment after the procedure

When the hair removal is complete, rinse off any remaining product and wipe your feet dry. After this, you can apply moisturizer or baby oil to your skin.

Most common mistakes

Many girls make some mistakes when shaving their legs:

  1. They shave their legs quickly. This procedure cannot be rushed; the main thing is accuracy.
  2. Remove hair from inflamed or irritated skin. This should not be done, since depilation can aggravate existing problems.
  3. They use an old machine with dull blades. As mentioned earlier, the instrument must be sharp, otherwise you risk injuring the epidermis and causing some kind of infection.
  4. Carry out the procedure before visiting the beach. After shaving, the skin should recover a little, within about 12 hours, otherwise the sun's rays and sea salt will negatively affect the epidermis.
  5. They shave their legs without using water or special products. Under no circumstances should you carry out the procedure “dry”, otherwise you risk developing inflammation of the skin.

In this article, we told you in detail about how to properly shave your legs. This information will be especially useful for those who are planning to undergo hair removal for the first time in their lives. We wish you success in this matter.

Replace the blade at the first sign of dullness or discomfort (usually blades are replaced after 5-10 uses).

What kind of razor do you need?

First, buy a good razor. If it is a razor with replaceable blades, immediately buy additional ones to avoid abrasions and cuts; the razor should always be new and sharp. Replace the blade at the first sign of dullness or discomfort (usually blades are replaced after 5-10 uses).

It is best to use special machines with a gel pad, which moisturizes the skin and softens the hairs. For example, the Venus & Olay razor.

How to prepare the skin?

First, spend 2-3 minutes in the shower or bath to make your skin and hair softer. And don't forget about peeling! It will remove excess dead skin cells for an even smoother shave.

To shave your legs properly, apply shaving gel evenly to the skin. It is enough to squeeze just a little onto your palm. The composition of the gel will not only make the razor glide easier, but will also take care of your skin - it will nourish and protect it. For example, Venus Satin Care is ideal for sensitive skin.

Under no circumstances should you shave your legs on dry skin! This will lead to severe irritation and the appearance of ulcers. In addition, the gel will help you keep track of which areas you have already walked through so as not to miss a single place.

If your mom won't let you shave your legs, watch a video about how to start a conversation with your mom about shaving.

How to shave your legs correctly?

Start just above your ankle and run the razor in the direction of hair growth. Don't press the razor too hard - it should just glide lightly over the surface of the skin. After each such movement, rinse the razor. Move lightly and smoothly, first in the direction of hair growth to shorten it, and then in the opposite direction to achieve greater smoothness. Go at a slower speed in areas where bones protrude more, including the knees, shins and ankles.

To achieve better glide and light pressure, always use a new blade and plenty of shaving gel.

Remember, the less force you use when shaving, the better. To achieve better glide and light pressure, always use a new blade and plenty of shaving gel. If you need to go over the area a second time, reapply the gel.

After each use, the razor should be rinsed to remove any remaining gel and hair and dried. Water oxidizes the metal blades of the razor and dulls it.

How to care for your skin after shaving?

Rinse off the gel and remaining hair with lukewarm water, or preferably cold. Cold water will close your pores and your skin will be less vulnerable to infections!

After this, dry your feet with a clean towel, but do not rub the skin, but only lightly blot it. This will prevent irritation. Then apply unscented body milk to prevent irritation. If irritation still appears on the skin, lubricate it with baby diaper rash cream.

Electric shavers

If shaving with a regular razor causes severe irritation, or you simply don’t want to shave your legs often, ask your parents to buy you an electric razor. This razor costs much more than a regular razor, but will serve you for a very long time.

Today there are a huge number of different cool epilators. For example, the fastest and most accurate epilator from Braun - Silk-epil 9 Wet&Dry removes even the shortest hairs that cannot be removed with wax.

Your skin will remain smooth for up to 4 weeks, just like after visiting a beauty salon. In addition, the kit includes a special brush for deep peeling, with which this procedure will be 6 times more effective than manual cleansing, and the number of ingrown hairs will be reduced.

Remember that you shouldn't shave your hair every day. Your skin needs rest and time to recover. In addition, the more often you shave your hair, the more actively it grows.

What made you start shaving?

Modern girls and women try to carefully monitor their appearance and spend a lot of time taking care of their face and body. In addition, much attention is paid to removing unwanted hair, particularly on the legs. For the procedure, you can use methods such as hair removal and depilation.

The difference between these manipulations is that during epilation the hairs are removed from the root, while depilation involves removing only the top part of the hair.

As a rule, girls much more often use shaving their legs as depilation, since such a procedure can easily be carried out on their own.

Shaving is the easiest way to remove unwanted hair

Preparation for the procedure

In order to shave your legs, you do not need any special knowledge or skills. But still, some rules should be followed during the procedure to avoid irritation after shaving. The most important thing in the depilation process is the preparation of tools and means for the procedure:

  1. The razor is the main thing you need to pay attention to. Machines can be either disposable or reusable; it all depends on the woman’s preferences. The blades in them must be undamaged and very sharp. If you have the opportunity to choose between a conventional razor and an electric razor, then it is recommended to choose the electric option, which will help avoid redness of your legs after shaving.
  2. Hair depilatory product is the second important factor during the procedure. You should not use plain soap for this, as it dries out the skin. In cases where there are no special products in the form of lotion or gel, you should use men's shaving foam.

Before you begin your hair removal session, you need to learn how to properly shave your legs to avoid irritation.

It is better to start shaving after a hot shower or bath.

Depilation methods

How to shave your legs safely? Shaving can be done in two ways:

  • against hair growth or from below;
  • in the direction of hair growth or from above.

Despite the fact that the first method is much more effective, cosmetologists advise removing unnecessary hair in the direction of hair growth on the legs, and not vice versa. In the first case, when the machine moves from below, it is rarely possible to avoid ingrown hairs and irritation after shaving.

Rules for depilation

Most women who use the machine to shave their legs have encountered the problem of skin irritation after the session. To avoid such a nuisance, you should carefully listen to the advice of cosmetologists who will recommend how to shave your legs without irritation:

  • Before the session you need to take a shower and steam your skin;
  • It is imperative to use a special shaving product and it is better if it contains chamomile or aloe extract, which have a soothing effect;
  • after shaving your legs, you need to rinse the skin and treat the still wet surface with a special lotion, cream, or smear the treated area with any moisturizer to soothe irritation;

If your razor doesn't remove hairs with its two or three blades the first time, then it's time to replace the cartridge.
  • there is no need to rush during the procedure, as there is a high probability of injury and poor results;
  • Depilation should not be performed if the skin is inflamed or damaged;
  • It is better to remove hair in the morning, since it is at this time of day that the skin is quite elastic and the razor glides over it much easier;
  • Before going to the beach, you will have to take care of the smoothness of your feet in advance. In this case, depilation should be carried out at least 10-12 hours before going out into the sun.

How to relieve symptoms of irritation

After removing unwanted hair, the skin becomes covered with red spots. How to avoid irritation after a session or reduce its manifestation? The thing is that during the session, the upper part of the skin is removed, and the resulting redness is the body’s reaction to damage to the surface of the tissue. It is quite difficult to get rid of such a nuisance, since the process is constantly repeated and this contributes to injury to the epidermis.

Shaving is rightfully considered the simplest and most affordable way to remove excess hair. The positive aspects of the procedure include ease of use, because you can take the device with you on vacation. Hair removal is also painless. The downside is the fact that “stumps” appear the very next day after shaving. The variety of devices is impressive; you can find a machine with two, three or even four blades. At the same time, it will include a moisturizing strip that ensures smooth glide.

  1. Many girls have small bumps on the skin of their legs that appear due to subcutaneous acne. In such situations, it is recommended to take a course of anti-acne complex or use appropriate ointments. Otherwise, you will cut the skin, which will lead to inflammation and burning.
  2. As a rule, after shaving, irritation appears in the treated areas. To avoid the consequences, purchase hydrocortisone-based ointment at the pharmacy. It is important to remember that the drug has a strong effect, so it must be used strictly according to the instructions.
  3. Regardless of whether you choose a reusable or disposable machine, you need to change the blades after every fourth procedure. Pay attention to the moisturizing strip: if it has worn off, use a new device. Don't wait until the blade becomes dull.
  4. Shaving is carried out exclusively after steaming and moisturizing the epidermis. You cannot drive the machine over dry skin, otherwise you will cause cuts and peeling. After shaving, do not go to the solarium or sunbathe for 12 hours.
  5. It is not recommended to use cold water for shaving, even if the procedure is carried out in the summer. Goosebumps will appear on your skin and you will cut off the top edge of the bumps with a sharp blade. Such a move will lead to the appearance of wounds.
  6. To shave your legs without subsequent dryness and irritation, avoid using toilet soap (even in combination with moisturizing ingredients like Dove). Such cosmetics tighten the skin, causing cracking and severe damage.
  7. Don't neglect shaving products designed with the female epidermis in mind. If you have sensitive skin, choose products based on aloe vera or chamomile. Choose the consistency of the composition at your discretion (gel, foam, etc.).
  8. Do not run the razor 2-3 times over the same area. If there is a need to remove stubborn hairs, reapply shaving cream, only then repeat the previous manipulations. Otherwise, a cut or irritation will appear on the skin.
  9. Choose a high-quality machine with three blades; do not allow hairs to accumulate between the cutting elements. To ensure the blades perform their function, rinse them after each pass over the treated area.
  10. Take care in advance of care products that slow down hair growth after depilation and eliminate irritation. Pay attention to products marked “double hydration” and “nutrition”.

This stage is the most important. Careful preparation helps bring ingrown hairs to the surface, smoothes the skin and removes dead scales stuck between the blades.

To begin, take a hot shower or bath with the addition of a medicinal decoction based on chamomile, sage, geranium or other herbs. Rub the skin well with a washcloth, then exfoliate, preparing the scrub according to the chosen recipe.

  1. Sour cream and granulated sugar. Mix full-fat sour cream at room temperature with brown sugar to make a thick scrub. Grate the hard apple along with the peel on a coarse grater and add to the previous mixture. Exfoliate your legs for a quarter of an hour, then rinse and start shaving.
  2. Walnut and oatmeal. Take 10 g. chopped cinnamon (about 2 sticks), mix it with medium-ground oatmeal. Pour heated milk into the mixture and mix the paste. Peel the walnuts; you need 2 handfuls of kernels. Grind the nuts in a blender to obtain crumbs. Combine the two compositions into one, add sour cream. Rub your feet with the prepared scrub for 10 minutes, rinse off with warm water only.
    Oil and sea salt. Leave the butter (80 g) at room temperature for 1 hour. When it melts, add 30 g. fine sea salt and 25 gr. granulated sugar. Rub your feet with the mixture for 5 minutes, no longer. Rinse off with slightly warm water and shower gel.
  3. Coffee grounds. To prepare the scrub, you will need to take fresh used coffee grounds and mix them with liquid cream soap. The end result should be a thick paste that will not run all over your legs. Apply the scrub to the skin and begin to rub it in with massaging movements. Carry out manipulations until the mixture begins to roll. Rinse with warm water and begin depilation.
  4. Olive oil and almonds. Grind 100 g in a blender. roasted almonds, pour in 45 ml. olive oil. Rub the skin of your feet for 10-15 minutes until it becomes soft. In most cases, almonds are used on dry and combination skin.
  5. Coconut and cottage cheese. Grate the coconut pulp using a fine grater and partially dry it in the oven to roughen the mixture a little. Combine the shavings with rich country cottage cheese, pour in 20 ml. vegetable oil and 10 gr. vodka/cognac. Exfoliate the skin of your feet and rinse with warm water. If you have dry skin, replace the alcoholic drink with aloe vera juice.
  6. Citrus zest and honey. Take the peel of one orange, lemon or grapefruit. Dry it in the sun or in the oven. Grind with a blender/coffee grinder, mix with heavily candied honey. If desired, add fruit pulp or juice, olive oil. Carry out the scrubbing procedure for 10 minutes, then rinse well and begin depilation.
  7. Pharmacy vitamins (A, E). The pharmacy sells vitamins in 10 ml ampoules. You need groups A and E (2 pieces each). Mix them with granulated sugar so that you get a paste-like mixture. If desired, pour in 15 ml. natural oil (vegetable, olive or corn). Rub the mixture onto your skin for 10 minutes.
  8. Soda and apple. Grind the apple into porridge using a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add 30 gr. potato starch, 20 gr. sugar and 15 gr. baking soda. Add a handful of any abrasive composition (chopped almonds, walnuts, crushed oatmeal, coffee grounds, etc.). Exfoliate your feet for 7 minutes, then rinse with warm (closer to cold) water.

  1. After preparing the skin, you can begin depilation. As mentioned earlier, it is important to use mousse or gel rather than toilet soap. If possible, purchase a product designed specifically for women (Vit, etc.). If this is not possible, use men's shaving gel. To begin, distribute the composition over the skin of your legs up to the knees (inclusive), wait 3 minutes.
  2. After this, take a razor and scald it with boiling water or very hot water. This move will kill existing bacteria (if the machine is not new), and also make the blades more flexible. Start moving the razor from the ankle to the knee, do not make sudden movements. Move the machine slowly and smoothly against hair growth.
  3. Do not forget that you cannot treat the same place several times. If there is an urgent need for this, reapply the gel/foam and wait 3 minutes. Only then repeat shaving. Once the lower leg is done, move directly to the kneecap.
  4. Rinse the machine again with boiling water, spread the cream (a generous layer) over the depilation area. Gently run the razor over all sides of your knee. Be very careful not to cut the skin near the bone. Repeat with the second leg and proceed to the next step.
  5. Rinse your legs (starting from the thighs) with warm (closer to hot) water. Apply shaving foam to your thighs and wait 3 minutes. Continue depilating your legs from the kneecap to the hips (from bottom to top). As in the previous case, if the hairs are not completely removed, shave them off after reapplying the mousse.
  6. After depilation, rinse off the mousse thoroughly; do not use shower gel or soap for this purpose. If you want to treat your skin, carry out the procedure using cream-gel for intimate hygiene. Finish shaving by applying a special lotion that prevents ingrown hairs. The composition is distributed over slightly damp skin.
  7. If you find severe inflammation, lubricate your feet with olive oil or any regenerating ointment (Bepanten, Depanthenol, Panthenol, Dexpanthenol, Boro-plus, etc.). You can use a cream with a moisturizing effect, but the result will not be sufficient.

Shaving legs: common mistakes

  1. When the girls are in a hurry, they rush to the bathroom and quickly start shaving their legs. The machine cannot cope with such a volume, so irritation appears on the skin. Avoid such manipulations; move the razor over the skin slowly and without sudden movements.
  2. It is considered a huge mistake to perform depilation on irritated and inflamed skin. This epidermis does not have a lipid (protective) layer. Swiping with a razor only makes the situation worse. Eventually, wounds form that leave behind blue spots.
  3. If there are cracks, abrasions or purulent pimples on the skin, depilation should not be performed. Refrain from the procedure and temporarily wear trousers rather than skirts. Apply regenerating agents throughout the treatment.
  4. As mentioned earlier, you should not tan in the sun or in a tanning bed for 12 hours after shaving. The same applies to very hot baths and showers; avoid exposure to high temperatures. It is also not recommended to visit fresh sources (river, reservoir, etc.).
  5. Another mistake is performing depilation in the evening. It is important to remember forever that the procedure is best done in the morning. After waking up, the skin is smoother and more elastic, this aspect makes it easier for the razor to glide.

Using the razor is not particularly difficult. First, take a hot bath or shower and scrub your skin with a washcloth. Choose your favorite scrub recipe and exfoliate. Apply shaving foam, leave it on for 3 minutes, then begin depilation. Move from ankles to hips, finishing with aftershave cream.

Video: at what age can girls shave their legs?

  • 1. Pros and cons of shaving
  • 2. How to choose a razor
  • 3. Additional shaving aids
  • 4. Shave your legs without irritation
  • 4.1. Preparation for the procedure
  • 4.2. Step by step shaving
  • 4.3. Skin care
  • 5. If you still have a burning or itching after shaving, how to get rid of it
  • 6. Additional recommendations, common mistakes
  • 7. How to shave your legs without a razor
  • 8. Frequently asked questions and their answers
  • 8.1. When did women first use razors?
  • 8.2. How often should you shave your legs?
  • 8.3. What to do if your legs itch after shaving?
  • 8.4. What should I do if I have an allergy after shaving?
  • 8.5. What is the correct way to shave your legs with an epilator or razor?
  • 8.6. I have small red dots after shaving, what could it be?
  • 8.7. How can I relieve irritation after shaving if I don’t have the opportunity to go to the pharmacy and buy the necessary ointments?
  • 8.8. Is it possible to shave the hair on your feet?

Pros and cons of shaving

Any cosmetic procedure has advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of shaving:

  • painlessness;
  • ease of use;
  • speed of the process;
  • low price;
  • perfect smoothness of the skin after depilation.
  • danger of injury (there is a risk of cutting yourself with a razor);
  • possible redness of the skin;
  • hair begins to grow within a couple of days, and the legs lose their smoothness.

Before you start depilating with a machine, you should take these nuances into account.

How to choose a razor

There are two types of women's razors:

  1. Regular.
  2. Electrical.

Electric shavers are the safest. The blades have protective functions and do not injure the skin. There are grid and rotary devices. Some models are equipped with different attachments. Operates on batteries or mains.

Depilation of legs with an electric razor is comfortable, easy and quick.

Conventional razors are disposable, reusable or with replaceable blades. Well-known manufacturers of women's razors: Gillette, BIC, Schick.

Reusable shaving products with replaceable heads are practical.

Some ladies prefer to use an epilator. But this is a completely different depilation technique that removes hair from the root. Shaving with an epilator has its own rules and features.

Additional shaving aids

To shave your legs without consequences for the epidermis, it is recommended to use shaving auxiliary cosmetics, such as foam, gel, cream or mousse.

Such products are mainly positioned as men's. It's simple - men shave more often, so there are more products from this category for them. Women can easily use men's shaving products; there are no contraindications to this.

The following brands produce excellent caring creams, foams or various gels to facilitate depilation with a razor: Arko, Nivea, Gillette, Muehle, Schick, Cliven.

The products not only make the process more comfortable, but also help get rid of severe itching and rashes. After using auxiliary products, the legs remain soft and smooth.

Shaving your legs without irritation

Learning how to properly shave your legs with a razor is not difficult. You just need to follow the recommendations below.

Preparation for the procedure

Neglecting preparation for the procedure is the key to redness and rashes on the skin after shaving your legs.

Preparation stages:

  1. 2-3 days before the session, it is recommended to treat the skin after a shower with cosmetic oil (almond, olive, peach or any other). This will increase skin elasticity and minimize the risks of unpleasant consequences.
  2. The day before the process, it is advisable to scrub the skin to remove keratinized particles of the epithelium.
  3. Before you start shaving, you need to take a shower and lightly steam your legs in hot water.

Step by step shaving

It is better to perform depilation right in the bathroom, it is convenient and hygienic. We make sure in advance that all the necessary funds are at hand. You will need: a razor, shaving gel (cream, foam, mousse), antiseptic.

Instructions on how to properly shave your legs:

  1. We treat the blade with an antiseptic.
  2. We wet the skin on the legs under warm water (you cannot shave dry).
  3. Apply shaving aid to the entire area to be depilated (if using foam, spread it in a thin layer).
  4. It is better to start shaving from top to bottom, and not vice versa, as many people do.
  5. We take the razor in our working hand and, with a smooth, light movement, shave off the hairs along their growth. Pressure on the skin should be minimal. We rinse the machine and repeat the movements until all excess hair is removed. Many people make the mistake of shaving their hair against their growth. It is not right. It is this shaving technique that then causes itching and burning of the skin.
  6. In this way, we get rid of all unwanted hair, first on one leg, then on the other.
  7. At the end, rinse your feet with warm water and dry.

Skin care

It is important not only to shave your legs correctly, but also to take care of your skin.

Immediately after shaving, apply a light cosmetic oil or baby cream to the skin. It is advisable to constantly moisturize your skin, especially if it is prone to dryness. You cannot use products containing alcohol.

The first day after the procedure, you should not sunbathe, visit swimming pools, open reservoirs, or saunas.

If you do experience burning or itching after shaving, how to get rid of it?

If shaving leaves unpleasant symptoms, creams with panthenol (a substance that promotes rapid tissue regeneration) will help quickly relieve them.

It happens that the blade scratches the skin, dirt gets into the wound, and inflammation begins. In this case, it is necessary to use antibiotic ointments (Levomekol, Sinthomycin ointment, Baneocin, Miramistin).

When the skin itches, rubbing with a decoction of the string will relieve the itching. This same infusion perfectly relieves inflammation. The string can be brewed with chamomile or calendula (1 teaspoon of herbs is poured into 300 ml of boiling water, left for 3 hours). Rubbing is done with a tampon 3-5 times a day until no symptoms remain.

Simple baby talc will help relieve mild itching after shaving: powder the skin with it several times a day.

A razor is a personal hygiene item. It cannot be used by another person. You should never shave “on the run”; haste often leads to injury. The lighting must be very good.

After the procedure, the machine (if it is reusable) must be thoroughly rinsed and dried. It is advisable to store such items in a case.

Many people shave before important events. But it’s better to do this in advance so that the skin has time to calm down.

Common shaving mistakes:

  1. Too much pressure is applied to the skin, causing it to scratch.
  2. The process is carried out dry.
  3. Hairs are shaved against growth.
  4. Lots of movement in the same area.
  5. The blade is dull.
  6. The skin was initially irritated (after tanning or other cosmetic procedures).
  7. Immediately after depilation, apply soap or scrub.
  8. Hygiene rules are not followed.

How to shave your legs without a razor

You can shave your legs without a machine using an epilator, thread, or cream. Although all these methods are more often referred to as depilation rather than shaving.

Frequently asked questions and answers

When did women first use razors?

There is information that at the beginning of the 20th century, when the fashion for clothes that exposed calves began.

How often should you shave your legs?

Each lady can decide this for herself, depending on the speed of hair growth, lifestyle, and preferences. You can do this every 2-3 days or less.

What to do if your legs itch after shaving?

What should I do if I have an allergy after shaving?

It is worth using antiallergic ointment (Sinaflan, Lorinden, Bepanten, Epidel) or changing the depilation method.

What is the correct way to shave your legs with an epilator or razor?

The techniques are significantly different; it is impossible to give a definite answer here.

I have small red dots after shaving, what could it be?

Most likely it is a skin inflammation or allergy. It is necessary to take measures to relieve symptoms of irritation.

How can I relieve irritation after shaving if I don’t have the opportunity to go to the pharmacy and buy the necessary ointments?

Shaving products will help: cosmetic oils, rubbing with herbal infusions (chamomile, string, sage, calendula), rubbing the skin with aloe juice, baby cream, baby powder.

Is it possible to shave the hair on your feet?

Yes, if you shave, you can remove hair with a machine on any part of your legs.

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