How to kiss a girl on the neck until she gives you goosebumps. A gentle kiss on the neck

The relationship between a man and a woman is a complex and deep system that has many merging factors and features. When you start to think about how and with whom to build this very “system”, a lot of nuances arise. As a rule, a man takes the first steps in love. He is bolder, and he is the leader in the pair. And the wife is a follower, she needs to be conquered, admired, pampered and appreciated.

A kiss plays an important role in determining the degree of seriousness of a relationship.

Moreover, it is determined according to where and how it is made. Psychologists define about sixty according to this criterion. Based on this, it is noticeable how important this is.

So, the most tender, sensual and most pleasant for women is a kiss on the neck. According to the observations of psychologists, when a girl is kissed on the lips, it does not cause such an influx of sensations and a surge of adrenaline on the neck. At the same time, the woman is thrown into a fever from the storm of emotions experienced. As you know, if a man is just friends with her and wants to maintain such a relationship, kissing her on the neck is not recommended. This will destroy friendly relationships and transform them into closer and more intimate ones.

Just how intimate this type of kiss is is evidenced by the fact that one sixteen-year-old American was given a life sentence for simply kissing a woman on the neck. He really liked her, and he didn’t see anything wrong with it. Meanwhile, this kind of kiss is the first sign of sexual harassment.

A kiss on the neck, the meaning of which you have already understood, causes great excitement in the female sex. Remember that a man says in the language of kisses: “I want you!” According to statistics, women do not kiss the stronger sex on the neck as often as they kiss beautiful ladies. This is due to the fact that only about 10% of men like this kiss. But they willingly kiss women, wanting to please them.

In the neck? To summarize: physical desire and passion. This means that your relationship is far from friendly and is already completely romantic. Moreover, the man is already moving from words to action.

A kiss on the neck has a certain structure. A man cannot immediately pounce on you and start kissing your neck. At first - light, then the gentleman smoothly descends onto the “territory” of your neck. To consolidate the effect, you need to return to the lips again. However, remember that women are different, and some may not like this kind of tenderness. You need to look your partner in the eyes: in them you will see what feelings and emotions your actions aroused in her.

There are expressions that clearly characterize the whole storm of passions that arise in such a situation. A kiss on the neck is something akin to an “electric shock”, just “goosebumps”. A woman, if she is sensual and romantic, experiences exactly these sensations. The neck is an erogenous zone, and for everyone, the points of greatest arousal can be in different places: on the side, behind, in front. It happens that the entire neck area is an erogenous zone. In this case, you can kiss her for hours and give your beloved pleasure!

The greatest tenderness is manifested when a kiss on the neck is accompanied by a light bite. When blue or red marks remain after it, this is called a sign of strong sexual arousal. Therefore, if you want to express a call for intimacy, just kiss your beloved woman on the neck! At the same time, you will see how ready she is for it at the moment.

All women enjoy such a kiss. However, timid and notorious representatives of the fairer sex, as a rule, are cold towards him. Therefore, if your affection is rejected, do not rush to get upset. Try to find out the cause and eliminate it!

How can you use neck kisses to impress your girlfriend and woo her? Choosing a place, technique and art of kissing a pretty girl's neck.

Kissing is one of the most enjoyable parts of a romantic relationship. A neck kiss can be playful, romantic or sensual. Of course, you want the girl to like it. There are a number of techniques through which you can give yourself and your girlfriend a great experience. Don't forget that there are several components involved in intimate relationships. A kiss on the neck is just one of the factors with which you can impress your girlfriend and woo her.

1. Choose the right time and place

1.1 Look for positive signs. The most pleasant kisses are those that give pleasure to both. Watch your girlfriend before you attempt to kiss her on the neck. You need to look for signs of whether this is a good or bad time for such a kiss. Typically, body language and facial expressions can provide important clues.

When touching her, pay attention to the reaction. Whether it's a gentle pat on the arm when handing her a drink or contact while you help her put on her outerwear, pay attention to how she reacts to physical contact at such moments. If she pulls away, she may not be ready for kissing yet. But if she responds to touch, it's a positive sign.

Pay attention to eye contact on her part. Does she keep her gaze on you? This could be a sign that she is open to kissing. If she quickly looks away, this means that she is trying to establish a certain distance between you.

If she blushes in your presence, this is also a good sign. If her cheeks light up when she looks at you, this is a sign that she likes you. Pay attention also to her legs. If her toes are pointed in your direction, it means she is open to attention from you.

Wait for the right moment. Pay attention to what she does and what she says. For example, if she is very emotional telling you about her fight with her best friend, this is most likely not the best time for a kiss on the neck. She may interpret your gesture as a sign that you don't take her seriously.

1.2 Make sure you are in good company. Before you kiss her on the neck, make sure the setting is appropriate for the occasion. Many women are willing to show some degree of physical contact in public, but most are embarrassed if they are shown physical interest in public places. Be attentive to her mood. Is she relaxed and comfortable? Perhaps then this is the right moment for a kiss.

Discern your surroundings. Are your girlfriend's parents extremely conservative? Then it might not be a good idea to give their daughter a sensual kiss on the neck in front of them. Likewise, it won't be appropriate if you spend time with her boss and co-workers.

If you're relaxing in a public place, such as going to a sporting event or concert, a kiss on the neck may be appropriate. The main thing is to make sure that you do not show your relationship in public and do not attract too much attention to yourself as a couple.

1.3 Maintain your hygiene. Women claim that physical chemistry influences the desire to kiss. Women are impressed by both the appearance and smell of people. According to most women, they prefer kisses from men who know how to take care of themselves. If you have a beard and mustache, make sure that they look well-groomed and neat.

Fresh breath also plays an important role. If you're looking forward to kissing, take a moment to freshen your breath. Then kissing will be more enjoyable for both of you.

2. Give the girl a passionate kiss on the neck

2.1 Flirt and play. A playful kiss can be extremely romantic. This is a sign that you are comfortable with your girlfriend and enjoy spending time with her. In addition, this is a sign of your confidence in your desire to care for her.

Slowly move your lips along her neck, only lightly touching the skin. This is a playful and teasing type of kiss. He will make the girl anticipate what will happen next.

Moving up the neck, you can playfully rub the girl's earlobe. The main thing is to do it carefully!

2.2 Approaches from the back. Approach the girl from behind and surprise her with an unexpected kiss on the neck. The element of surprise gives the kiss an aura of romance and spontaneity. Most importantly, do not forget to check the situation and do not scare the girl by approaching too quietly.

If your girl has long hair, gently move your hand to remove it from the neck area. And then cover her neck with quick and passionate kisses.

2.3 Use a “gliding” kiss. Instead of a few quick kisses, try one long and sensual one. Start at the top or bottom of your neck and, without stopping, move your lips along its entire length, up and down.

Since this type of kiss lasts longer than others, it is better to use it at a time when the two of you are alone.

Put your arms around her waist or place your hands on her shoulders. Do what comes naturally to you. If it's a long kiss, you might feel more comfortable pulling her towards you and hugging her.

2.4 Give meaning to your kiss. Kisses convey many emotions. The way you kiss a girl's neck can say a lot about your intentions. For example, through a kiss you can convey sympathy and affection. A brief kiss on the neck can mean, "You know, I'm really glad to be with you."

Kissing can also show that you are trying to excite her and seduce her. If this is your intention, increase the intensity of your kisses. Let them be longer and more persistent.

If you want to make the kiss even more affectionate, try massaging her arms and shoulders. You can also take her hand - this is a sign of special intimacy.

3. Learn the art of kissing

3.1 Understand why this is so important. Kissing is an important element of any relationship, and a kiss on the neck is no exception. By learning to kiss well, you will achieve significant positive effects in your relationship. According to research, chemistry during kissing plays an important role in relationships, especially for women.

If you're worried that you and your girlfriend aren't good kissers, try something new. Show more tenderness or, conversely, more confidence. You can try to talk through your impressions. Try saying something like, “I really like it when we kiss goodbye. And you?" Pay attention to her answer.

3.2 Learn what makes a good kiss. A good kiss is more than just lips to lips. One of the most important elements is confidence and other physical touches. For example, try hugging and stroking each other while kissing. This will increase your level of attraction.

Proper hygiene also plays an important role. Bad breath can be a big barrier to kissing, and so can body odor in general. Before the meeting, don't forget to shower and use deodorant.

3.3 Practice. The most important thing is to remember that kissing is something deeply personal. The only thing that matters here is what makes you and your girlfriend happy. It's also important to remember that your first kiss most likely won't be your last, so you'll still have time to work on your technique! And learning to kiss can be a very enjoyable time for you and your girlfriend.

What is a kiss

The kiss is familiar to everyone from early childhood. But not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. If we take into account the language of movements, these peculiar bodily messages that a person makes involuntarily, being under the influence of overwhelming feelings, then kisses at different points of the body can carry completely different messages. So, for example, a light kiss on the cheek means only a manifestation of friendly sympathy, and a passionate kiss on the lips means not only love, but also trust.

The neck is one of the most sensitive places in our body. Many nerve endings are concentrated on it (there are peculiar nerve “highways” to the head and back), which makes this area densely “populated” with erogenous zones. For those who are not in the know, these are zones, the impact of which brings sexual pleasure up to complete satisfaction. A person may not know about it, but the subconscious pushes him to kiss the neck if he wants intimacy. Although for girls, such a kiss may simply show trust in a man.

How to properly kiss a guy's neck

Any kissing is a real art. It’s not for nothing that teenagers train on tomatoes or soft fruits. Almost every guy in his life, while still very young, went through this under the supervision of more experienced friends. But a kiss on the neck is not at all the usual “hickey”, but rather a gentle touch of the lips to the velvety skin of this area. Moreover, the lips should be soft and completely relaxed. This creates an effect of tenderness, which brings additional pleasure. But this only applies to men.

How to properly kiss a girl's neck

But girls can show their feelings by adding biting or sucking to a simple touch with their lips. And the more furious it is, the more passion she will convey to her chosen one, and the more clearly she will tell him about the feelings filling her, which are about to begin to overflow. It is this kind of passion that becomes the culprit for the bruises that appear from time to time on the necks of representatives of the stronger sex - “hickeys”. But, oddly enough, most men really like such kisses, despite the pain they may experience.

Kiss on the neck. Meaning of sleep

But what about those who happened to experience such a manifestation of passion in a dream? A kiss on the neck given to a girl in a dream means that in a relationship with her you need to beware of rash actions, otherwise it can lead to a breakup. If a kiss on the neck was given to a loved one, then it means honor and respect from relatives and friends, especially if you kiss your mother in a dream. But if a kiss on the neck was given to a dead person, you need to expect misfortune. Which one and where it comes from is unknown. The main thing here is to take caution and remain alert at all times. If a stranger kisses your loved one on the neck, this will mean a loss of self-respect in the near future. As a rule, the meaning of such a dream is almost always negative.

If a woman exposes her neck to you for a kiss, it means she trusts you and believes that you will not bite her. If you are about to bite, please, but keep in mind that someday she will respond in kind, and not necessarily in the neck. Even worse, you might even scare off her languid mood. In general, kiss softly, slowly, from the side.

Move here: Thyroid gland

It sounds medical, but don't think too much about it. While you kiss the side of her neck, very gently touch her throat with your fingertips just below the protrusion of the larynx and stroke there. She'll like it. And then kiss there, because the thyroid gland is not only an important organ, but also an erogenous zone.

Then here: Cavity of the clavicle

Move lower and sideways, your goal is the depression that forms her most beautiful collarbone in the world. This is a very alarming area: the skin here is thin, there is virtually no muscle tissue, so the nerve signal from your touch rushes to the right place without any interference. But don’t linger, move on.

Finish here: Under the lobe

Whether it’s long or short, you’ve already reached the dimple that’s under the ear, below the lobe. This is a real minefield, where so many nerve endings have accumulated that even the back of the head cannot be compared with it. That's it, you completed the quest. You can repeat it, or you can get down to business.

95% women consider kissing to be the most important part of foreplay to sex - these are the results of a large study conducted by sexologist and relationship expert Debbie Herbenick on behalf of Men’s Health. In second place are stroking and kissing the breasts. (86%) , on the third - stimulating the partner with your hands (74%) , on the fourth - cunnilingus (62%) .

How to kiss a girl on the neck correctly

You should start from the side. If a girl believes and trusts you, she will definitely offer her neck to you for a kiss. You can bite her if you know that the lady likes it, otherwise she may answer you in kind. In addition, you can startle with such actions, so start from the side slowly and gently.

Then you need to move on to the thyroid gland. You can continue to kiss the side of the neck, and at the same time touch the throat, in the area slightly below the larynx, and stroke gently. If she liked it, then you can kiss in this place, this will mean that the thyroid gland is her erogenous zone.

After this, you need to move a little lower and reach the depression in the collarbone. There are practically no muscles in this place, and the skin is very thin, so the signal from a touch in this area will make itself felt, so there is no need to linger and continue moving.

Gradually move to the side, now your target is the area under the lobe. There are a large number of nerve endings in this place, even more than on the back of the head.

After that, you can repeat it all over again or move on. Experts say that most women prefer kissing on the neck, the breasts are in second place, the next line in the ranking is occupied by stimulating a girl with her hands, after that comes -

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