There is such a profession: a wedding planner is the most romantic calling. Wedding planner: who is he and how can he help? What does a wedding planner do?

When starting to work with a professional, be it an organizer, photographer or decorator, it is important to understand what he does, what exactly is included in his responsibilities, and how his work is structured.

Today we will talk about the 10 main facts of our work and relationships with clients.
A wedding planner is a faithful assistant to the bride and groom. He is responsible for working out all the details of the wedding day, working with contractors and suppliers, developing timing and all documentation. The main task is to collect all the details into a single picture of the wedding celebration.
All organizing work begins with a dialogue between you and the organizer. At this point, you can discuss style and color scheme preferences, budget, and project scope.
Your specialist can create wedding inspiration boards, think through concept ideas, select the ideal place for the wedding, book transport and hotel rooms for you and your guests, select all the necessary contractors and arrange a meeting, prepare timing and develop the logistics of the day, help with the image of the bride and groom, consult on your favorite issues.

1. The main thing is communication.
If you think that hiring an organizer will be the last decision you will be allowed to make during the process, you are wrong. A good specialist will make the preparation process much easier and more comfortable, but this is about your wedding, and your personal contribution is always necessary. The best ideas for the concept or content of a wedding appear when there are no obstacles to communication between the organizer and the client. It is very important for us to discuss openly and freely what you like and what you don’t. And we will become your indispensable assistants in the process of preparing your wedding.

2. The concept of a wedding is much more than choosing a restaurant and color palette. Your wedding should reflect the personality of your couple - your relationship history, hobbies, passions, lifestyle, etc. We first learn about these details and integrate all these features into the wedding concept. A wedding planner is, if you will, a part-time psychoanalyst, because part of his job is to get to know his clients, to understand their desires and ideas, likes and dislikes. The wedding concept is an ideal picture, thought out to the smallest detail. This is the right place for a banquet and ceremony, development of style, selection of a color palette. As well as a well-thought-out show program for the evening, which will look harmonious within the chosen wedding style. And it is very important to take into account the photography of the bride’s morning and the subsequent photo session. This is also part of the wedding concept. And here you can show a flight of fancy!

3. Your budget will be treated with respect. Many people mistakenly believe that by contacting a wedding agency, they can say goodbye to their budget. This is fundamentally wrong. You just need to be honest with your organizer in everything regarding the finances that you are willing to spend on the project. The organizer will work with the budget you set for them and will try to get the most out of it, but the budget must be realistic and meet your goals.

4. Organizers do a large amount of “unglamorous” work, which often remains behind the scenes. You may think that the job of a wedding planner is easy and fun, and most planners would even agree with that, but not everything they do is that enjoyable. Yes, there are many interesting moments in this work, such as searching and selecting a beautiful place, communicating with clients and contractors, thinking through ideas and concepts, but there is also the other side of the coin - the need to remember a lot of details of the wedding and the characteristics of the couple, to solve various forces - major situations and be prepared for anything. However, if the specialist has done a really good job of preparing and the results are noticeable, it’s worth it.

5. Most of the work is under stress. Even if preparation for the event takes years, all major decisions are still approved a month before the wedding day. You must be able to solve any force majeure situations and anticipate possible problems. Therefore, we always have two wedding timings - ideal and “realistic”. Guests are late, the newlyweds want to spend more time at the photo shoot and are delayed for the outdoor ceremony, it may rain, etc. Something has been forgotten, something has been done incorrectly. We are always ready for this and do everything so that the newlyweds and their guests do not notice if something does not go as planned.

6. The organizer always keeps a complete picture of the project in his mind. One of the reasons you'll want to hire a planner is their ability to see how your decisions and ideas will impact the overall concept of the wedding. The planner selects every detail with care and responsibility, his decisions based on ideas about scale, color, location, price and how these can all fit into balance with the other elements of the wedding. The interaction of all these elements is a key condition for a good concept and content of the wedding day.

7. The organizer works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Unlike other specialists who stop thinking about work when the working day ends, the organizer is in touch with you all the time. It is very important to us that you feel comfortable working with us. And we are constantly thinking of new ideas for your wedding.

8. Tell the organizer your ideas - and let him work on them. If you know exactly what you like, don't be afraid to say what you think. If you've hired a professional, remember that you're doing it for a reason - so once you're sure the planner knows what you want, give them the creative freedom to turn your ideas into something amazing. When a client trusts a specialist's judgment, not only does the wedding planner's job become incredibly interesting, but the process of such collaboration is even more exciting than its result!

9. Creative work takes a lot of time. Creating an original, creative wedding design is an incredibly time-consuming and sometimes unpredictable process. Understanding the details, presenting the whole picture, bringing every small element to life is work that requires not only great physical, but also creative effort, and this takes a lot of time.

10. A wedding planner does a lot of work beyond the hourly rate. The work of an organizer includes much that remains unpaid. Our work begins with finding interesting and non-standard solutions for your wedding and ends with the transfer of photographs and film after the celebration. We work significantly more than the standard 40 hours a week. This is not a job where you arrive at 9am and leave at 5pm, it lasts much longer and is never limited to certain hours.

A wedding is perhaps the most important event in a person's life. However, preparation for this event sometimes negates all the joy from the future celebration.

  • Where can I find a photographer and presenter?
  • How to issue invitations?
  • How to entertain and what to feed guests?
  • Where to buy a dress and order a motorcade?
  • Which flowers to choose?

The list of such questions can be continued endlessly. It was precisely because of the huge list of problems and questions that such a profession as a wedding planner appeared. This person will become the closest friend to the bride and groom during the preparation and holding of the wedding.

Such a specialist will take care of all the issues, discuss the details of the future wedding and prepare everything at the highest level in a matter of days. In the meantime, the groom will be able to calmly watch football, and the bride will lovingly write down her husband’s last name in a notebook (figuratively speaking).

How to become a wedding planner?

A wedding planner is a full-fledged profession, which, although difficult, is possible to master. Many people think that becoming an organizer is quite simple - just a few read articles is enough. However, it is not.

To begin with, a person will need innate communication skills, a sharp mind, creativity, as well as the ability to find a solution to any problem in the shortest possible time.

Wedding planner courses

If a person decides that he can organize weddings, then he will need to complete preparatory courses - they are not difficult to find.

Almost every wedding agency, after several years of successful work, opens its own courses for organizers, photographers, presenters, etc.

The big advantage is that the lecturers are real professionals - specialists who will pass on not only knowledge, but also experience to attentive students.

Upon completion of the courses, the agency invites the most capable students to a permanent position. After completing the preparation, a very important stage follows - the practice of holding wedding events.

Wedding planner - training

Wedding planners are trained in the form of lectures and trainings. Most often, groups of up to 10 people gather; it is in this number that each participant will feel part of the discussion, and this is important.

The lecturers are professional organizers who decided to pass on their experience to the younger generation.

Organizer's first events

Practice in wedding planning is of great importance and is the first priority for a beginner. There are several important points worth noting in the “practical exercises”:

  • Firstly, you should never chase the price. In the early stages, you need to fill out your portfolio, and this will be quite difficult. Even if they offer to organize a wedding for a pittance, an inexperienced organizer should not refuse.
  • It’s worth contacting your friends - maybe they just need an organizer? Any person would be happy to hire a friend or at least a good acquaintance for this position. For the newlyweds, this option will be very comfortable, and for the organizer himself it will be a new experience.
  • You need to do your work with high quality, with soul, and in no case should you cut corners! After all, people turn to friends and acquaintances in search of a wedding planner, and only then open the Internet. How well a person does his job directly determines whether former clients will want to recommend him to their friends.
  • You should definitely save photos and videos from previous events - this will be an excellent addition to your portfolio.
  • Learning additional skills will be a big plus. If the organizer knows how to take photographs, shoot high-quality videos, choose flowers or interest the public at a glance, then in addition to organizational activities, it is worth taking on the services of a photographer, florist and presenter, respectively.

Responsibilities of a wedding planner

The wedding organizer is obliged to help the newlyweds in solving many issues:

  • Provides advice on all issues related to preparation;
  • Help you create a wedding preparation schedule;
  • He will find an approach to any couple - he will select a solution that will suit both the bride and groom;
  • It will remind you of all the important little things that only at first glance seem insignificant, but if absent, can greatly spoil the wedding experience;
  • It will help you select specialists for the wedding - a competent organizer must be personally acquainted with photographers, designers, stylists and presenters who will be able to provide the wedding with everything necessary, while fitting into the budget of the newlyweds. Once selected, he will personally discuss with them the time and location of the event.;
  • Will help you choose the best wedding salons, a good cafe, restaurant, advise you on how to arrange a motorcade and what cars should be ordered;
  • He will draw up a list of prices, and will be able to take into account even the smallest details, which at a crucial moment can hit your wallet. Sometimes it will even help you save money - so much so that the cost of hiring the organizer himself will pay off;
  • Will help you choose a room for registering a marriage, or will resolve the issue of on-site registration;
  • Will think over the text of invitations, seat guests in places;
  • The most important thing is that at the wedding itself, he will take charge of the work of all specialists, organize and seat guests, and resolve any force majeure.

A competent organizer should provide young people with an unforgettable holiday, and not distract them with solving various problems.

Wedding planners - prices

The cost of hiring a wedding planner depends on many factors - the wedding budget, the professionalism of the organizer, the amount of work.

has been known on the market for more than 12 years. How they got into the wedding business, how they work and what is most important to them in life - Elena Shirshova and Evgeny Grigoriev told in a special interview with the editor-in-chief of Wedding magazine Lika Dlugach.

Lika: What were you doing before the events? What was the impetus for you to suddenly go there?

Elena Shirshova: At first we were engaged in club life. It was the beginning of the 2000s: 1999, 2000 and until 2005. Zhenya and I met there. It was the art club “Zapasnik”, also known as Art Garbage, a very fashionable place. It was located on the territory of the Union of Artists, in the premises of old stables. We decorated it very successfully, and it turned out to be a very nice club, where mostly architects and artists went.

Evgeny Grigoriev: At some point we realized that we had outgrown the Reserve and had exhausted ourselves. And we went almost nowhere.

L: How did you sit down and figure out what you would do next?

E.Sh.: In the last year of work at Zapasnik, we became involved in creating a wedding for an oligarch. For us it was a colossal experience, a most difficult undertaking, even by today’s standards - we built 9 sites in Tsaritsyno, and it was very difficult.

E.G. : The set designer was theater designer Dima Muchnik, filmed by Vlad Loktev.

E.Sh.: When we did that wedding, we realized that we liked it.

E.G. : We called one company with which we had previously worked and offered our services literally for free in order to earn a reputation in this new event market for us.

E.Sh.: An interesting, very complex image event for the company. Bashmet and Renata Litvinova were there. We were assessed and then allowed to do all the activities for several years in a row. They developed us very much, because every time we had to jump above our heads in order to be better than everyone else on the market in general. We were one of the very first to use mapping and introduce new technologies. At the same time, we worked with Norilsk Nickel, Metalloinvest, and MTS, so, of course, we developed very quickly.

L: Were weddings on the sidelines?

E.Sh.: We did weddings at the same time, because all the company owners had children getting married, and they naturally turned to us, because there were no wedding agencies then.

L: Now in the opposite direction. You do weddings, then it touches on christenings, anniversaries, anniversaries.

E.Sh.: And events for companies.

L: I really love your title because it's about people.

E.G. : The task was to have the word wedding. We decided that everyone needs a wedding. It took us a long time to come up with it, probably a year or two. And somehow “Wedding People” was born. I remember we made a website, and the first customer from it called. It was so new and amazing!

L: What happened next?

E.Sh.: Then there was Preston Bailey. We were itching to do something big. We saw how people work abroad, how open they are. Preston says: ask questions, I’ll tell you everything, as it is, in spirit, I’ll help. He then told me a very valuable thing, which later helped me. I always do a lot of things. Then I was simultaneously involved in a women’s club, organizing a club for museum lovers at the Pushkin Museum, and something else. I told him about this. He says: no, don’t do that, make sure your agency is the best in Russia, that’s your goal, forget everything else, just do this. I then thought: probably, yes, I won’t spread myself thin, I’ll work in this narrow direction. This is an American theme: you have to do one thing, but do it better than everyone else.

Preston Bailey is one of the best decorators in the world

L:Who else influenced you?

E.Sh.: Probably the Dubai people, DesignLab Experience. Everyone was inspired by them.

L: I’m not necessarily asking about people now. About anything: people, events, works of art, travel - everything.

E.G. : The most important thing in the last year or two, maybe three, was when Wedding magazine connected us on our first trip with agencies, and we all started communicating. It is clear that we are not going to discuss corporate news every Friday. But in general, this is an influence, because you communicate with people, speak with like-minded people in the same language. The market is no longer a solo business.

L. What does a wedding mean to you?

E.Sh.: This is a responsibility to two people and all those invited. You give them the opportunity to feel that happiness and feeling of the moment, which will then warm them all their lives, you give them memories that will go to the archive and will fill the genealogies that we lost in our time. The process of creating a wedding dinner, wedding, ceremony - it requires a lot of human investment: emotional, psychological, temporary, and physical.

E.G. : It's actually adrenaline. This doesn’t always happen, to be honest. There are projects - challenges for yourself.

L:Is this always a challenge?

E.G. : Almost always. You always want to jump over something previous, you want to prove something to yourself, do something new.

L: To achieve new things, new people are needed. How often do you experiment with new decorators and presenters?

E.Sh.: There is such a recent example. A couple who asked for their host, whom they know, who hosted the girl’s 18th birthday, and they saw him at some other event, and they really liked him. He is from Voronezh, although at the wedding there will be only Muscovites, very high-status invited guests, friends of his parents. Of course, as always, I doubted it. I say: I need a meeting, I can’t just take a pig in a poke. He came specially, his parents and a couple came. I immediately laid out all my cards to him, that we rarely do this, that I have a lot of questions for him. Within an hour he completely disarmed me. He said exactly what I expect from presenters, what they need to do on the evening. He and I were absolutely in agreement. He turned out to be a talented presenter. By the way, the winner of the Wedding Awards Chernozemye, Evgeny Denisov.

E.G. : So far (pah-pah-pah) things are working out with the decorators. Still, there are fewer nuances here, because we have seen them somewhere. It’s also easier with photographers.

E.Sh.: With photographers - yes, you already see their work, you can get your bearings. Still, it’s more visual; it’s always more difficult with presenters.

L.Tell us about an American wedding.

E.Sh.: It was such an unusual story for us! From the very beginning, 90 Americans from more than 20 countries and only 12 Russians came to welcome. These are people who know how to have fun right away and get involved. Their mood did not depend either on the pathos of the venue or on the officialdom that is typical for weddings at the beginning of the evening. No! It was as if they were used to weddings in this format, although for Nihon it was completely new.

E.G. : In fact, we probably broke their idea, and they broke ours a little. This story, the interpenetration of cultures before your eyes - it was so cool! At first, when the host Alexander Belov came out, who, by the way, conducted the entire wedding in English, they were very surprised by his active presence... “Who are you, why do you talk like that a lot?” The format that Sasha created is Russian, to which we are accustomed, and we consciously filled it with what is now called interactive, but was previously called competitions (we will call it by its proper name). They turned out fantastic!

E.Sh.: They were ready to do anything at once. These people are over 40 years old. They jumped up on chairs, they shouted “I am”, they wanted to compete somewhere all the time, guess the melodies, dance, sing.

E.G.: The whole hall was dancing, no one was sitting. The music started playing - that's it, the whole hall was dancing. They dance like that! Free, cheerful, open, ready for anything. They said: none of them had ever been to such a luxurious wedding.

L: The season is not over yet, but it is already clear that there were more weddings this season. Was there perhaps the most interesting thing that moved you forward, what gave you the impetus?

E.Sh.: The wedding we had on April 29 in Deauville was a challenge for us in every sense. It was filled with numbers from parents, from guests, from the newlyweds themselves, from brothers, sisters, friends; it was built like a performance with different dance and theater numbers.

E.G. : Deauville, beautiful weather, warm, nice, beautiful view and so on. At weddings people always go out to smoke and look at nature. Here people ran out, smoked and quickly returned, because it was impossible to miss anything!

E.Sh.: There wasn’t a second, we put together the program so closely.

E.G. : We surprised them all the time: this number, that number, we’ll show this, we’ll do this - and it’s all incredibly emotional: we cry, we laugh, we dance.

E.Sh.: Everyone there cried, everyone danced at once. The bride stood with her fingers crossed to remember every minute. Everyone gave their all: both friends and parents. They made such touching numbers and recorded them. This was a very serious challenge for us - it was important for us to show their internal connection with each other, including all the guests, and to do it in a very non-trivial way. We also had complex decorations there. We had to build everything in one night. After us, everyone is now building new walls, floors, and ceilings, in the best traditions of film pavilions.

L: We make some discoveries all the time - in ourselves, in business. This year, this season, what are the most important discoveries for you?

E.G. : Team. A project is not done by one person, it is done by a team, people. Of course, our core is the most important thing. When you can rely on everyone, plus, of course, contractors. Some dropped out, others, on the contrary, were added.

E.Sh.: Another thing for me is understanding my place in the industry. For some reason, this year I felt that the most important thing is your energy and your love for people and what you do. If you don’t have energy, if you don’t have this important component, if you don’t believe in yourself, if you’re not ignited, then you won’t succeed. I appreciated that this was given to us, that everything coincided, and this business came our way, where we managed to get so happily, and it is so mutual that you get a lot of happiness in what you do.

E.G. : Lena asked me the day before yesterday: what century would you like to live in? I immediately said: in 300 years. I wonder what will happen. And Lena said: it’s just wonderful in the present.

E.Sh.: The times we live in are ambiguous and significant. I wouldn't want to live in any other time. I would not want to live during the war, or during the revolution. I think we've got it. Everything is so interesting so far. You have so many possibilities that you can change yourself, the world, and everything in the world. You are like a creator and moderator of everything that is given to you. This is what I probably appreciated this year.

L: What you are talking about, it seems to me, is called the prime of life. The moment when you have a lot of strength, a lot of experience, and you understand that your possibilities are almost limitless.

Almost every second bride, after her wedding, begins to feel sad about the past celebration, which occupied her thoughts for two to three months, and sometimes a whole year. It is not surprising that many girls do not want to part with the wedding world that has already become so dear to them and dream of staying there forever.

And then many people think about getting the profession of WEDDING COORDINATOR, WEDDING DIRECTOR, WEDDING ORGANIZER or WEDDING ART DIRECTOR.

It would seem that it could be easier for a former bride to now realize the dreams of other brides. But everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Wedding agency The Wedding Stars will tell you where you should start.

  • First of all, now you work at weddings, rather than preparing your own wedding for your own pleasure.
  • Secondly, now you implement strangers dreams and desires.
  • Thirdly, you are faced with shortage basic knowledge. After all, it’s one thing not to know something and to do it for your wedding. And it’s quite another to speak with this ignorance as an “expert” at someone else’s celebration.

This is where you will need WEDDING COURSES or WEDDING SCHOOL.

Wedding schools teaching professions "Wedding coordinator", "Wedding planner", "Wedding planner" there's plenty now. Almost every wedding agency that has existed on the market for 2-3 seasons opens its own training programs. In most cases, all these programs are proprietary, based on the personal developments of each agency.

The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing to study at a Wedding School.

1. Extensiveness of the program.

The training program for a wedding planner should not be short and include several sections. It must be comprehensive, from theory to actual practice.

2. Personality of the lecturer.

Check on the website or by phone who will teach the course. This is extremely important, since the person should be pleasant to you. If possible, meet the lecturer in person.

3. Number of listeners in the group.

Ideally, there should be no more than 10 people so that the lecturer can pay attention to everyone and answer any questions that arise.

4. Practice at real weddings.

The course must include practical part at real weddings. After completing the theoretical part of the course, you will be invited to a real wedding, which will be organized by the agency and will be shown the inside out.

5. Employment of the best after completing the course.

This is not a mandatory item, but desirable. If a wedding agency provides such an opportunity, then you need to take advantage of it and make a choice in favor of such an agency.

6. Personal consultation with the lecturer.

You may still have questions that you would like to discuss personally with the lecturer without third parties. Therefore, check before starting the course whether it will be possible to organize such a personal consultation with the lecturer.

But the most important thing is wedding agency Where you are going to study wedding professions, you should simply do the kind of weddings that you personally like. The aesthetics and conceptualization of these weddings must match your vision, otherwise the learning outcome will not have the impact you expect.

However, you should know the main thing - no wedding school will teach you the main qualities of a wedding planner:

  • composure,
  • openness and sociability,
  • energy,
  • stress resistance,
  • hard work,
  • ability to manage people and find a common language with them.

These are the qualities that you should have a priori! Otherwise you will be disappointed.

Among the wide variety of professions, the wedding coordinator occupies a special place. After all, he is not just a master of his craft, but a friend of the newlyweds, their right hand and confidant. The main thing rests on his shoulders - peace, comfort and a carefree holiday for the bride and groom. If you have been eyeing representatives of this profession for a long time and dream of joining their friendly team, EventHeads, together with Anastasia Kalgina, head of the Teplo wedding agency, invite you to briefly familiarize yourself with the features of their difficult but extremely interesting work.

Who is a wedding coordinator? Defined with terminology.

Wedding planner or wedding coordinator. Today, when the wedding services market is replete with a large number of offers, it is very difficult to navigate this diversity and clearly distinguish between the functions of these two specialists. So, for example, the bride thinks that we are talking about the same person. In fact, the organizer and coordinator solve different problems, although they are links in the same chain.

Ideally, the task of the wedding planner is to develop the concept of the wedding, as well as launch all the mechanisms to implement the plan. He assumes his powers long before the key event. And then the wedding coordinator takes over the baton. His duty is to ensure timely and high-quality execution of the program developed by the organizer, thereby allowing the bride and groom to fully immerse themselves in their new role - the role of happy newlyweds!

Professional wedding coordinator. What qualities does he have?

In order to become a wedding coordinator, on the one hand, you do not need to receive any special education. It is enough to take a week-long course. But this is just the beginning, a theory. There is also practice. Therefore, on the other hand, not everyone is able to work 18 hours a day and creatively find a way out of force majeure situations that simply cannot help but arise at a wedding, where the organizational chain is too complex.

But anything can happen: it’s raining outside and threatens to ruin the bride’s hair; the wedding cake is delayed in transit; a button on the groom's jacket came off; several invited guests are still stuck in traffic, and registration will begin in a matter of minutes. Finding a way out of these and other situations is the coordinator’s task. If you want the best, get ready to give it your all! This is the principle of a professional. Not a pessimist, but a realist, having conducted dozens of weddings, the coordinator understands this like no one else.

Well, if one of the guests wants to sprinkle the newlyweds with rice in the old fashioned way (so that they can live richly), and all this is not included in the event program, then the wedding coordinator will have to show several more important qualities: sociability and sensitivity. After all, without belittling the importance of traditions and without offending the invitee, he will have to explain that on this day the event scenario does not provide for such a manifestation of initiative. And in the other - as much as your heart desires!

But, perhaps, the main requirement, without which there is simply nothing to do in the honorable cohort of wedding coordinators, is responsibility. Surely many will say that it’s not that difficult. Maybe yes! But it’s one thing when you are responsible for being late for a meeting with friends, and quite another when it comes to one of the main events in the life of your future family! And here there simply cannot and should not be any overlap. The organizational chain is too complex. The newlyweds and their parents have too many expectations and worries about the upcoming event. In the end, the memories of the wedding will remain with the couple for life!

The work of a wedding coordinator before the wedding.

Despite the fact that the key task of the coordinator is to control the timeliness and quality of execution of the program directly on the day of the event, preparation begins long before the key event and is divided into several areas: working with the newlyweds, contractors and guests.

At the initial stage, the bride and groom will become the link between the coordinator on the one hand, contractors and guests on the other. As the newlyweds' confidant, the coordinator will coordinate all wedding logistics with them.

Having received the contact information of the contractors, the coordinator needs to get to know them in order to understand what time the hairdresser plans to arrive, when the wedding cake will be delivered, and how the florist will decorate the ceremony and banquet venue. This will allow you to draw up a key document for the coordinator - timing. In it, he will describe in detail the logistics of the wedding day in order to synchronize the work of all participants in the event, including guests. The coordinator must also have their names and telephone numbers.

About three days before the start of the celebration, the invitees must be informed about the time and place of registration, explain to those who are accustomed to being late that this is not advisable, otherwise all the most interesting things will pass without them, and to those who like to improvise, arrange surprises, and plans to deviate from the given program, reminding once again that initiative is punishable. The punishment in this case may be the spoiled mood of the bride. And who needs it?

Wedding day.

Only the coordinator wakes up before the bride (if she, of course, slept at all) on this important and fateful day. But if the newlyweds can’t sleep because of excitement and anticipation of the long-awaited event, then the coordinator can’t sleep because of the need to once again coordinate and double-check everything. He starts his morning with a strong cup of coffee, and, of course, calling contractors, guests and personally checking all the event venues. It is important to make sure once again that everyone is completing their work on time. The hairdresser is already on the way and is about to begin to conjure the image of the bride; florists and decorators decorate the hall, turning it into a fairyland, as the newlyweds wanted; and guests, of course, remember that they need to leave on time, and... no improvisation.

Let’s make it clear right away that the wedding coordinator is not responsible for three-day-old snacks, a broken wedding procession or unsuccessful bride’s makeup. Problems of this nature are the responsibility of the service providers. The coordinator only needs to remind the contractors of the need to complete the work on time, and without ceasing to control their movements until, for example, the cake that the couple ordered from the pastry shop they liked is on the wedding table in a timely manner. And if this does not happen, the coordinator will have to do everything possible to ensure that the overlays remain invisible to the newlyweds and guests. In such a situation, the banquet host can come to the rescue.

Throughout the festive evening, he often becomes a real friend of the coordinator. After all, who else but the host will divert the attention of the newlyweds and guests from unplanned force majeure circumstances. However, in order for the presenter to recognize the coordinator as one of his own, it does not hurt to get to know him in advance. This will allow us to understand each other more correctly and work faster in an emergency situation.

After the banquet.

As a rule, the banquet is the final part of the wedding day. But it’s not time for the coordinator to relax yet. Most often, newlyweds leave the celebration site earlier than others. This means that the coordinator will have to make sure that at the end of the banquet, none of the guests accidentally spend the night in the restaurant. It’s good if the newlyweds took care of this in advance and ordered a transfer that will take everyone to the entrance. In this case, the coordinator only needs to make sure that everyone takes their seats on the bus and wave his hand after them with relief. Well, if such a service is not provided for guests, it is necessary to help guests find a taxi.

Magic suitcase for a wedding coordinator.

The concept of a “magic suitcase” is quite arbitrary. This could include everything from a safety pin to a snow shovel, in case the wedding party's wheels get stuck in the snowdrifts and the scheduled registration is put in jeopardy. Just a joke, of course. There is no need to carry a shovel with you. Still, the coordinator is not God, and he simply cannot and is not obliged to foresee the vagaries of the weather. However, if we are talking about a pin and other useful little things, then (pun intended) everything is serious.

It would be a good idea to put some thread and a needle in your suitcase in case the groom, or, even worse, the bride, has a seam on an expensive wedding dress. Scissors, as a multifunctional tool, are not discussed at all. They just have to be! You should also not forget about the first aid kit. The newlyweds and parents got nervous, the guests overate, in general, there’s no need to explain. Tape, napkins, and other useful little things should also always be at hand! In general, the contents of the “magic suitcase” directly depend on the wedding coordinator and his professional practice.

First steps. Where to start to become a wedding coordinator.

If you are tired of sitting in a stuffy office and you are determined to change the rhythm of your life and try your hand at being a wedding coordinator, the following tips will help you. To begin with, we recommend watching how professionals do their work: going to a wedding with them to discover the secrets of their craft and study the whole “kitchen” from the inside. Well, if your close friend does not have enough money to order a professional wedding coordinator, you can try offering her your services. Free, of course! Like a friend. But in no case, do not overestimate your capabilities, and especially do not demand money for your work. To do this, hold at least 10 weddings!

It won't hurt to take special courses. Today, many large wedding agencies offer this service. But it’s best to try yourself in a specialized company, where a full-fledged team of professionals works. Firstly, it will be easier for you to find a common language with the organizers, photographers and presenters working here. Still, belonging to one agency does its job. Secondly, teamwork itself will teach you to listen and understand the needs of others.

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