How to sew a tight T-shirt. How to sew a women's T-shirt: pattern and processing of the product

A T-shirt made by yourself will always look original. In addition, if you sew clothes yourself, you can save a lot of money. For example, this T-shirt required only 80 cm of knitted fabric, a meter of elastic and one spool of thread.
The technology for sewing this women's T-shirt can be used to sew a T-shirt for a girl and even a T-shirt for a doll.

Women's T-shirt pattern

The pattern of this women's T-shirt can be made on the basis of a ready-made T-shirt you have. The details of the T-shirt can be copied onto paper using a needle. The easiest way is to rip open an old T-shirt, iron the seams and transfer the contours of the T-shirt details onto paper. Then check the consistency of the side and shoulder seams and adjust them if necessary. You can look for a ready-made T-shirt pattern on the Internet.
The shoulders of this T-shirt model are dropped, so the sleeve armhole needs to be made as shown in my photo.
The neckline also has a peculiarity; the cutout on the front of the T-shirt is very deep.

If you don’t know how to make patterns, don’t skimp on paper, try it on, cut it out, glue it until you get the paper pattern you need and suits you.
The armhole on the back of the T-shirt is the same as on the front half.

The edging of the neckline and armhole will be made of stripes of the same fabric. Calculate the length and width (3-4cm) yourself by measuring the neckline and armhole circumference.

Sewing technology for women's knitted T-shirts

You need to start sewing a T-shirt by sewing the shoulder seams, so fold the front and back halves of the T-shirt together and pin the shoulder seams together.

To sew knitted fabrics, just one sewing machine is enough - a knitted overlocker. Therefore, the seams do not need to be sewn with a straight stitch, just overcasting is enough.

This is what the neck of the T-shirt will look like after sewing the shoulder seams.

T-shirt neck trim

Before stitching the edging, you need to do some preparatory work, divide the neck circumference into four equal parts and make marks with a fabric pencil or chalk.

The marks must be placed exactly in the middle of the neckline, front and back.

Now fold these marks of the front and back halves of the T-shirt together and make two more marks. As a result, the neck circumference will be divided into four equal segments.

Press the shoulder seams right side down so that the seam allowance is on the back side of the t-shirt.

The length of the strip should be slightly less than the circumference of the neck. In this case, the edging along the neckline will be slightly stretched and will not turn outward.

Connect the edges of the strip together.

Now the strip needs to be folded in half and ironed. After this, divide the edging circle into four parts and place the appropriate marks.

Now all that remains is to overcast this seam with an overlocker and the processing of the neck of the T-shirt will be completed.

Processing the armhole of a T-shirt

Processing the armhole with edging is done in the same way as the neckline, only it is even simpler, since there is no need to make markings and stretch the strip. Simply overlock the folded strip along the armhole.

It is convenient to iron the edging of the neck of a T-shirt on a special block for ironing sleeves.

Iron the armhole edging on an ironing board.

Now all that remains is to join the side seams of the T-shirt and make the hem.

Processing the side seams of a T-shirt

Place the side seams together and pin or baste them. Align the trimmed edges of the armholes as closely as possible.

Overcast the side seams, making sure that the “ribs” of the armhole trim are level.

How to “tie” overlock stitch threads

You cannot cut the overlock stitch threads, otherwise the seam will unravel. Leave long tails of the overlock stitch and insert them directly into the seam using a large eye needle.

It is very convenient to use this device, designed for lifting loops of knitted fabric.

Hemming the bottom of a women's knitted T-shirt

Despite its apparent simplicity, this T-shirt model has a number of original features, including the way the hem is processed.
A regular elastic band will be sewn along the bottom edge of the T-shirt.
Determine the degree of tightening around the hips.

Then connect its edges using a sewing machine and divide the circumference of the hem and elastic into four equal segments. Align the marks and pin these areas together.

Using an overlocker, overlock the bottom of the T-shirt along with the elastic band.

To “hide” the elastic you need to make one last straight stitch on a regular sewing machine.

Another feature of this T-shirt is that the fabric used to make it comes with a coupon.

There is no design on the back of the T-shirt. But you can choose a different fabric without a coupon.

This completes the sewing of a knitted women's T-shirt.

Many of you have encountered the fact that the quality of purchased items does not always correspond to their price. But, with the help of an overlocker and a sewing machine, you can sew many everyday items yourself, the quality will be higher, and the price of the product will be significantly reduced. I suggest sewing a sleeveless T-shirt from knitwear, just for the summer heat.

This T-shirt is universal and will suit both boys and girls.

To create a pattern, take the following measurements:

1. Neck circumference – measurements are taken along the circumference of the neck.

2. Chest circumference - the measuring tape runs parallel to the floor at chest level and under the arms.

3. Length of the product - measured from the point where the neck meets the shoulder, and down to the desired length of the product.

Armhole height - measured along the back, from the end of the shoulder to the armpit level, in the diagram this is the distance from measurement 1 to measurement 2.

Neck depth - from measurement 1 to the desired neck depth, from 5 to 15 cm.

The shoulder width for a T-shirt will be approximately 5-7 cm.

Beginners in design can be advised to make a pattern first on paper, and then check its size with one of the child’s favorite T-shirts.

Fold the fabric into a fold and draw two parallel lines for the top and bottom of the T-shirt. Along the top line, set aside 1/4 of the neck circumference measurement plus 1.5 cm to the left. Place a mark, this will be the starting point of the shoulder. From it to the left, set aside the shoulder width measurement, here it was 5 cm. Lower the perpendicular down by 1-1.5 cm and draw a line from point 1 to point 2.

Lower the perpendicular from point 1 down and mark the armhole height measurement on it.

Along the middle front line, mark the depth of the neckline.

Round off the lines of the armhole and neckline. Cut out the front of the tank from the fabric, adding seam allowances. 0.7 cm (seam width on an overlocker) to the side and shoulder sections, and 2.5 cm to the hem.

Place the front of the shirt on the fabric with right sides facing each other. Draw a line for the neckline of the back, deepening it by 1.5 - 2 cm.

T-shirt assembly sequence:

Set the overlock differential feed setting to a higher value when sewing shoulder seams, so the fabric will gather a little and will not stretch during further wear. When sewing side seams, use the standard differential feed setting.

Measure the length of the neckline using a tape measure. Cut out strips of knitted fabric for edging, 4 cm wide and 3/4 of the length of the armholes and neckline. Sew the short sides of the edging strips.

Pin the ring-stitched edging strips to the neckline and armholes, pulling them evenly. Sew on an overlocker with a three-thread stitch, in a circle.

Attach the finishing stitch foot to the coverstitch machine. Fold the free edge of the edging over and pin it in place. When sewing on a cover machine, use extra scraps of fabric at the beginning and end of the stitch.

This operation can also be performed on a sewing machine by selecting one of the elastic stitches.

Sew the free edge of the edging with a single-needle or two-needle narrow cover stitch.

Also process the neckline; you can combine different types of seams in one product. Hem the bottom of the T-shirt, secure the ends of the threads so that the seam does not unravel. The shirt is ready, good luck with your sewing.

Sewing clothes is a very fun activity and a good way to save on buying things. For example, women's is very easy to construct, the fabric requires a maximum of one and a half meters, the process will only take a couple of hours, and the product will come out several times cheaper than in the store.

Materials and tools

For a T-shirt, well-extensible knitted fabrics, such as stretch, cool, interlock, ribana, oil, jersey, are suitable. Unlike plain weave fabric, knitted fabric does not fray when cut. This makes it possible to sew things without an overlocker, using only the straight stitch of a sewing machine.

For sewing, regular thread No. 40 is suitable. The needle for the machine should be selected according to the fabric. This means it must be for knitwear. The thinner the fabric, the thinner the needle. This will prevent the threads of the fabric from breaking when piercing.

Workpiece base drawing

The most difficult thing about cutting a women's T-shirt is the sleeve and armhole. In order to build them correctly, you need not to be lazy and make a blank paper product. There is nothing complicated in the drawing. The good thing about the women's jersey T-shirt pattern is that it does not have a bust dart. This greatly facilitates the construction of a workpiece drawing.

Measurements are taken: chest, waist, hips, back width. To create a pattern for a women's T-shirt with an adjacent silhouette, you need to immediately subtract 2-3 cm from these measurements and work with the resulting values. You will also need the length of the product and the length of the back to the waist.

A rectangle is built on paper, where one side is the length of the product, and the other is ½ the volume of the chest.

A line is laid at chest height. It will determine the depth of the armhole.

Along the resulting horizontal line, measure ½ the width of the back and put a dot - this is the back area.

Perpendiculars are raised from the two points obtained. Thus, the drawing shows the area of ​​the back, armhole and front.

The armhole is vertically divided in half and a vertical line is drawn through the entire rectangle.

Determine the waist line according to the measurement “back height to waist”. The hip line is located 20 cm below it.

Along the hips and waist lines, measure ¼ of the hip volume and, accordingly, ¼ of the waist volume on both vertical sides of the rectangle.

Next, on the pattern of a women's T-shirt, from the upper corners of the rectangle, draw a neck for the back and for the front. First, determine the points at a distance of ¼ of the neck girth measurement. When the shoulder sections are drawn, the neckline is deepened to the required amount. Here you should take into account the option and, if necessary, leave an allowance for hemming.

Construction of the armhole

Beginners often hesitate when designing a set-in sleeve. And in most cases, it looks overstretched and sewn incorrectly for the simple reason that the armhole and the collar of the sleeve itself were constructed incorrectly. The entire design process begins with the construction of shoulder sections.

From the starting points, the neckline is raised 1.5 cm along the front and 2.5 cm along the back and dotted. Measure the shoulder width vertically and place a point 1 cm below the line. The resulting points are connected to form shoulder sections for the back and front.

On the verticals defining the armhole area, 1/3 of these perpendiculars are measured from the chest line.

A smooth line is used to draw a rounded neckline along the back and front, starting from the extreme point of the shoulder, through 1/3 of the height of the perpendicular to the middle of the armhole area along the chest line.

After all the construction, a ready-made drawing of a women's T-shirt pattern is obtained. For beginners, the same step-by-step guide to constructing a sleeve would be useful. It is best to build it directly on the armhole. Then it will definitely fit well, without flaws.

Construction of the sleeve

For the drawing you will need to measure the volume of the upper arm and the length of the sleeve. All lines are applied on top of the finished drawing of the front and back. Therefore, the parts of the workpiece will need to be copied to obtain three cutting parts.

A segment equal to the width of the arm is placed along the chest line so that the midpoint of the armhole is located in the middle of the segment.

Taking the rounded lower part of the armhole as a basis, build a circle. An okat is drawn along its upper part, raising it 1 cm from the border of the circle.

Next, smoothly draw the entire circle, starting from the left point of the segment of the width of the arm through the point of 1/3 of the height of the perpendicular of the armhole zone and the enlarged upper border of the circle. The line is mirrored along the second side of the sleeve cap.

From the highest point of the edging, measure the length of the sleeve and draw its lower border. Next, mark the middle cut on both sides.

Assembly and processing

Making a pattern for a women's T-shirt with sleeves is half the battle. It is equally important to carefully assemble all the parts. Begin sewing the pieces together at the shoulder seams. Next, the sleeves are sewn in and the side sections are closed. All that remains is to process the neckline and tuck the bottom of the sleeves and fronts. The easiest way to create a beautiful neck is to turn a 1-1.5 cm cut inside out and stitch it. But this option is suitable for highly stretchable fabrics. In other cases, it can be either an elastic band.


First you need to take measurements: length, bust, hips, waist. Draw it on paper. The patterns of the back and front are almost identical. You need a rectangle, where the length of the rectangle is the length of the T-shirt, the width is the volume of the chest. Add 3-4 centimeters for fit

Make appropriate markings on the rectangle - at the waist, draw a smooth concave line inward, as if to “fit” the rectangle. If the volume of the hips is much larger than the volume of the chest, smoothly cut the pattern down a few centimeters. Place the patterns one on top of the other and draw neck lines. For simplicity and accuracy, cut the back and front necklines according to your own. That's it, the patterns are ready.

Before cutting out, the fabric must be folded in half, with the right side facing inward. Place the patterns on the fabric strictly along the knitted columns, using them as split lines. Add 1.5 centimeters to the seams and 4 centimeters to the hem. Carefully pin the patterns to the fabric with sewing pins. Cut out carefully with sharp scissors, trying not to move the patterns from the knitted fabric.

Draw it yourself, cut it out, or choose it on the Internet and print it. Moreover, how many colors are present in the drawing, so many copies need to be made. Then cut out pieces of the same color on each sheet. Thus, you will get several stencils, which you will alternately redraw on your t-shirt.

If you don't want to bother with stencils, apply the image to the fabric using another method. Print the inscription or picture you like on special thermal paper. Moreover, the drawing must be mirrored so that the image looks correct. It is better to select the best quality print in the settings.

White paper, when transferred to fabric, gives a slightly yellowish color. If this is important to you, cut the drawing along the contour.

Attach the picture on thermal paper to and iron it for one to two minutes. Then let your application cool for three to four minutes. Then carefully remove the paper with your fingernails or tweezers. The design will remain on your T-shirt.


  • How to make an exclusive T-shirt with your own hands, 2 ways

A white T-shirt is a unique basic element that must be present in a fashionable girl’s wardrobe. And some have several of the same things. If you're bored with the monotony of a white tank, feel free to decode it. Moreover, now handmade clothes are at the peak of popularity.

Decide on bright embroidery

Bright embroidery on the chest is an ideal decor option for a white T-shirt. The main thing is to choose the right motive and method of needlework so that the work brings true pleasure. There are a lot of possibilities for embroidery today. The first option is to make it satin stitch. To do this, select a suitable pattern and go to the store for floss. If you decide on the second option - cross stitch - you need to purchase not only floss: consult about an overlay canvas, with the help of which you will be able to realize the desired design. The third option for embroidery on a white T-shirt is beads. For work, it is preferable to choose Czech. It is more even, and all the beads are the same size and color. With him you will be confident in the result. Please note that it can be done either along the contour or. Also, in this case, take care to strengthen the fabric on the reverse side, because the decor will turn out heavy.

Sunny bunnies

An interesting way to decorate a T-shirt is to stick a large number of different (possibly multi-colored) rhinestones on it. To do this, use a special glue gun or transparent “Moment”. However, a more shocking option is to use improvised items for decoration on the T-shirt, which will also reflect light. The most accessible material is old CDs. Cut them and place them on glue. Or make long “chains” from the pieces and decorate the T-shirt with such “necklaces”.

Tie knots

Well, not exactly knots. And, for example, an elegant openwork edging. With the help of colored knitted details you can successfully decorate a white T-shirt. Knit a piping that suits your style and taste. It is best to use thin cotton threads for this. For example, bouquets of voluminous knitted flowers, insect representatives (butterflies, ladybugs) or abstract openwork patterns and motifs look great. You can use them to decorate the bottom, neckline, and even the straps of a T-shirt in an original way.

Sew on the buttons!

Incredibly popular today.

It is used to decorate living quarters and clothing. To decorate a white T-shirt, you can use buttons in bright or muted colors. By playing with shades, you will create a unique designer item that will have no analogues.

A girl's wardrobe must have T-shirts and T-shirts. Sometimes they have a unique style and interesting design. However, for the most part, such clothes have the most ordinary, and sometimes downright boring appearance. Try decorating a T-shirt yourself; you can do it at home.

Lace decor

T-shirt decoration with lace. This variation will give the product femininity and romance. This is due to the fact that lace is light and airy. You can sew lace along the edges of the sleeves and neckline. You can also make various patterns from lace, or even flower arrangements. Who has any imagination?

Skeleton T-shirt

Design with scissors. With the help of such a cutting tool, you can transform a T-shirt beyond recognition. Cotton products are most suitable for this design. A popular option for cutting a T-shirt is the T-shirt. On the back side of the product, one vertical incision is made in the area of ​​the spine, and then horizontal incisions are made at intervals of 1.5-2 cm, imitating the ribs. Between the cuts, the fabric will be interestingly wrapped into a tube and will look attractive.

Lightning decoration

An ordinary zipper will help to transform and paint a T-shirt. You can cut the sleeves right up to the neckline and sew zippers there, preferably with sliders on both sides. Or you can simply sew on an unzipped zipper, bending it in an interesting way. It would be better if such lightning were multi-colored.

Rhinestones or sequins

When your T-shirt still looks great, it has an interesting style and current colors, but you are already tired of it, then refresh it with sequins or glue on rhinestones. The number of sparkles depends only on the desire of the owner. These are just some of the ways you can redesign an old jersey. You can also decorate it with embroidery, beads, paint it with felt-tip pens or paints, or make applique.


  • T-shirt decoration

You don't have to have artistic skills to make an original and unusual design on a T-shirt. You just need a little imagination.

You will need

  • -cotton T-shirt
  • -acrylic paint for fabric
  • -cardboard
  • -iron


Take a sheet of cardboard slightly narrower than the width of a T-shirt and make a fold in the middle. Glue double-sided tape to the edges and corners of the cardboard.

We insert the cardboard into the T-shirt so that the fold is exactly in the middle. Apply random paint and fold the T-shirt in half.

Now you need to fix the drawing. Turn the T-shirt inside out, place cardboard and iron thoroughly for at least 5 minutes.


Some manufacturers of acrylic paints recommend first drying the product for 24 hours, and only then ironing it. Follow the instructions strictly.


  • Dana's fashion blog

Many fashionistas believe that plain T-shirts are boring and ordinary. However, it is from such T-shirts that you can make unique and truly exclusive things. One way to transform an everyday monochromatic look is to decorate it with bright scarlet poppies. The design process will not take much of your time, but the result will be amazing!

Lay the T-shirt on a flat surface and make two slits from the collar to the armpits. Using a safety pin attached to one side of the scarf, thread it through the holes. Tie the ends of the scarf with a lush bow and straighten its edges.

Another option for a romantic finish is fabric roses. Choose a knitted fabric in a color that matches the T-shirt. Cut the fabric into narrow strips, gather each one and fold it into the shape of a rose, securing the flower with a few stitches. Make several roses and then attach them at the shoulder with safety pins or sew them on.

A T-shirt with an applique looks very impressive. Choose a fabric with a beautiful print and cut a rectangular motif from it. Baste it to the front of the T-shirt and then machine stitch it. Embroider part of the design with matching sequins. Instead of sequins, you can attach rhinestones using a glue gun.

A simple design option is fringe. Using sharp scissors, carefully cut off the hem at the bottom of the T-shirt and on the sleeves. Then make many parallel cuts. The knit will curl slightly, creating a fringed effect. This finish looks especially beautiful on plain T-shirts in dark and bright colors.

Drawing on T-shirts

Even if you don't know how to draw at all, you can make a creative T-shirt with an original design. Try sprucing up a plain white t-shirt with long or short sleeves. Choose something made of thick knitwear; the pattern on it will look especially impressive.

Prepare fabric paints in black or dark blue. Lay the T-shirt on a table covered with film. Place a piece of cardboard inside the product. This is necessary so that the paint does not saturate the fabric and does not leave prints on the back side.

Load up the paint with a wide brush and flick it onto the fabric with a sharp movement to create chaotic spots. Once you have achieved the desired result, dry the paint and then iron the T-shirt. After this, the item can be washed without fear that the design will fade.

A white T-shirt can be painted with special fabric markers. Use a school ruler with circle holes or cut out a stencil using an upside down glass. Place the stencil on the fabric and draw circles with different colored markers so that they overlap one another. In this way, you can decorate the entire T-shirt or decorate only part - the bottom or neck.

My dear girls, seamstresses and craftswomen). Summer has finally arrived, even though it doesn’t look like it. And this means that the time has come sew a T-shirt. A T-shirt is an absolutely irreplaceable thing, you can’t have too many T-shirts, it’s definitely easier to buy a T-shirt than to sew it. But…..! I can’t pass up this “lot”, so I will definitely make myself a T-shirt and share this process with you today.

The fabric can be either pure cotton or mixed with synthetics, but the most comfortable T-shirts to wear are stretch ones, i.e. from knitwear. But knitwear is a unique material and requires knowledge of small secrets in working with it. And today I will share my thoughts on this matter.

How to sew a T-shirt without a pattern?

If you've read my blog before, you may have noticed that I'm a fan of sewing without patterns. “Why?” you ask.

It just seems to me that at a certain point in her life, any girl or woman finds her own individual style in clothing that suits her best (emphasizes her strengths, hides her flaws, if any).
For example, I love leggings, they are comfortable, practical, they hug my legs beautifully, and the entire “top” of my wardrobe matches them. When my favorite comfortable leggings lose their original appearance a little, what will I do? Right! I want exactly the same ones. Therefore, I select the most suitable fabric, model, and transfer the pattern of old leggings to new fabric. And you can do this with absolutely any item in your wardrobe.

But today we will sew a T-shirt with our own hands without a pattern, which means we need to find a T-shirt model from which we will take the pattern.

Since I will be sewing from knitwear (it can also be stretch cotton), I must first compare the stretchability of the fabric.

How to compare the stretchability of fabric before cutting?

We take the fabric of our favorite T-shirt, measure 10 cm on it, stretch it until the T-shirt is in such a state that the appearance is not deformed yet, remember this value (for example, 16 cm).

Now we do the same with the purchased fabric, measure the threshold at a stretch of 10 cm, and compare both obtained values.

It would be ideal if they match. This whole process is necessary in order not to cut out parts of the product, which will then be too small for you, since if the new fabric has less stretch, and you cut out the details exactly according to your old item, then the new item will be too small. And vice versa. In such cases, you need to make adjustments, add 1-2 cm from each side along the width of the product, etc.

Outline the details of the front and back:

Outline the sleeve detail:

In a previous article, I wrote how to paint a T-shirt yourself. With a picture, your item will be absolutely unique. So we make any drawing with acrylic paints, for me this is the face of a girl:

Then use pins to join the front and back pieces along the side and shoulder seams.


If you do not have an overlocker, when sewing a knitted T-shirt you need to consider the following points:

  • The knitwear under the needle is stretched by a wave (as a rule). To avoid this, we sew the parts together using the machine’s maximum stitch, for me it is 4 (maximum).
  • We definitely use itstretch needle for knitwear.
  • When processing a cut of fabric with a zig-zag, you also need to do this at the maximum stitch, but then the stitching will be sparse, and therefore we make a zig-zag stitch along the cut of the fabric in two layers.
  • Be sure to baste all the parts first, and only then take them to sew them on a machine, otherwise the parts will move and stretch relative to each other - you will have to rip them apart and redo them.
  • Each seam can be ironed, so the product will look like it came from a store.

Now we need to deal with the sleeves. We bend the cut of the sleeve twice, baste it, making sure that there is no movement of the fabric.

Then we sew slowly on a machine using a large stitch. You can make two parallel lines, simulating a double needle.

Now we sew the sleeve parts along the inner side seam, it is small, here it is important to clearly join the part in the double hem area.

We baste the sleeve to the T-shirt, joining the seam on the sleeve with the side seam of the T-shirt:

Carefully sew on a large stitch, make sure that there is no movement of the fabric, help with your hands, trying as much as possible to avoid even the slightest stretching of the fabric in the process.

Now you need to process the cut of the neck with bias tape. To do this, measure the neckline with a centimeter (mine is 60 cm), cut out a strip of fabric 2-2.5 cm wide along the ruler, note that the ruler is located on the fabric obliquely, i.e. at an angle of 45 degrees to the lobar thread. That's why it's called bias tape, because this tape stretches perfectly, performing the function of an elastic band.

Then we need to create tension in the binding on the neckline, for this the binding should be shorter than the circumference of the neckline, I roughly measured the binding, applying it to the neckline, and decided to make it 10 cm shorter. You will get your own value.

Sew the binding into a ring:

Join the seam on the binding with the shoulder seam of the T-shirt. Now you need to evenly distribute the entire length of the binding over the entire length of the neck. To do this, divide the neck circumference into 4 equal distances. We divide the circumference of the binding into 4 equal distances, and connect the points on the binding with the points on the circumference of the neck.

We sew the binding to the neck, joining it face to face:

Now you need to fold the free cut of the tape and wrap the tape on the wrong side of the T-shirt, this turned out to be not easy, the knitwear under the arms “crept, slipped out and turned out”, so I decided to hem this fold of the tape on a machine. Fold the open edge of the binding 0.5 cm onto the wrong side of the T-shirt and stitch it (marked with a pinkish dotted line in the photo):

Now from the front side we sew the binding along the entire circumference, tucking it again:

We sew the bottom of the T-shirt, turning it twice:

We sew the bottom of the T-shirt on a machine, imitating a double needle (two straight lines).

This is such a cute T-shirt))).

Sew with me, don’t be afraid to experiment and ruin the fabric, because there’s nothing more valuable than your experience!

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