Hair is magnetized. Hair gets electrified: a study of a seasonal problem

I'm sure everyone has encountered the problem of electrified hair. But what if it caught you at the most inopportune moment? Hair is magnetized. What to do? How to get rid of magnetic hair? So, stop being nervous and calmly read this article, I’m sure you’ll cope with it in the end!

So, let's get started.

How to get rid of magnetic hair? You will need regular hand/face/nail cream. Rub a little (so that your hair doesn't feel greasy) of the cream in your palms and apply to your hair. In general, I advise you to always carry cream with you in your purse, especially if the problem of electrified hair often accompanies you. And it won’t hurt to moisturize your skin once again.

If you happen to have hairspray on hand, spray a little onto a comb and comb your hair with it. But! Do not use a metal or plastic comb! You can only make it worse.

You can mix (in principle, any will do for an emergency) with plain water and sprinkle it on your hair; if there are no oils, then mineral water or beer may work.

If you have hair foam or wax, apply it to your palms, rub and smooth your hair.

What, the panic just got worse? Do you think that I am mocking you, and that you are unlikely to carry with you all the things that I described above? Yes, hush, hush, I promised that you would get rid of the problem. If suddenly you have nothing with you, well, nothing at all, then this is not a reason to be upset. So, listen.

Take your hands and fold them into a boat, a cup, a trough, whatever you like. Now get ready, bring your folded palms to your mouth, draw your chest full of air and exhale the air into your palms with your mouth. Now quickly, quickly start smoothing your hair. And do this a few more times. Do you think I'm mocking you, taking advantage of my position? Not at all. This way, you will moisturize your hands and then moisturize your hair with them. Try it!

All girls, especially those with long braids, are familiar with the problem of electrified hair. This issue becomes especially acute during the cold season, when ladies complain about especially unruly hair. And what can you do if your hair is magnetized? Let's start from the very beginning and find out the reasons for this phenomenon.

Causes of static electricity

We all remember static electricity from physics class when we rubbed a balloon into our hair and watched it stand on end. The thing is that the same thing happens with our hair under a hat or in favorable contact with other materials.

This is due to static electricity, which is generated for many reasons:

  • due to seasonal temperature changes;
  • dry air in winter and indoors;
  • due to contact with synthetic fibers (all elastic and warm clothes and hats contain them);
  • due to friction under hats and caps during the cold season;
  • Dry and damaged curls suffer especially badly, because the structure of healthy bulbs does not allow creating additional space for static;
  • hair that is not sufficiently moisturized accumulates much more electrical particles;
  • if you use chemicals when caring for your hair, this increases the risk of magnetization (all hairsprays, styling products, shampoos, gels, curls, dyes and styling tonics contain components that contribute to brittleness);
  • the scalp and the vegetation on it are also weakened by a lack of vitamins and incorrectly selected products for caring for your mop;
  • Using a hairdryer can cause electrical problems if you do not use an ionizing model.

Simple remedies to combat unruly curls

Now we know that almost all of our manipulations lead to hair fluffing - from the most natural to indirect. But don’t be discouraged, we will help you figure out what to do to prevent long and weak hair from becoming magnetized.

There is a list of simple and useful hair care rules available at home.

So, what should you do if your hair is constantly magnetized:

  1. A home remedy for the lazy – antistatic. It must be said that it is not painfully effective, but it is accessible and fast. From my own experience I will say that the effect lasts only half an hour and the smell of chemicals is not at all pleasing;
  2. The second lazy way is to spray your comb with styling spray before combing. Again, as with the antistatic agent, the option is not of the best grade;
  3. We solve the problem of dryness. Hair needs more moisture; mineral water or beer will perfectly replenish it. Spray the liquid onto the surface of the head and the problem is solved. The only drawback is that the smell of beer is not always appropriate, for example, at work;
  4. If you have hand cream or body lotion lying around in your cosmetic bag, you need to apply a small amount of it to your hands and lubricate your hair (do not overdo it, so as not to end up with greasy strands instead of unruly ones);
  5. Prepare a hair spray by mixing a few drops of essential oil with purified water. This is a very good, effective, cheap and in all respects pleasant way (tested on myself). Your hair will be easy to comb, shiny and smell nice;
  6. If you are traveling in transport and there is no way to use auxiliary means, just breathe on your hands and smooth your hair, this will relieve you from unpleasant sensations for a short time;
  7. Try not to use a hairdryer; in any case, it dries out the scalp and makes the strands brittle. If you can’t do without a hairdryer, use a model with air ionization;
  8. Choose the right care complex for your hair type, use nourishing masks at least once a week, and don’t forget about conditioners and balms. Try not to wash your hair more often than once every three days in order to naturally restore the water balance of the roots;
  9. Forget about plastic and rubber combs, buy a wooden comb or brush. A more expensive but effective option is an ebonite comb or bone comb;
  10. Don’t give up on a hat, just buy a hat without synthetics, try not to get caught in the snow and rain. If you over-cool your head, it will only get worse;
  11. Carry out health treatments for curls during the summer heat, when ultraviolet radiation especially depletes them and destroys vitamin B;
  12. Try to spend less time in solariums and on the beach; salt water and the sun dry out the roots and ends.

Tips from a cosmetologist on caring for electrified hair

What can be done if your hair is still very magnetic, folk cosmetology will advise us.

Here are some recipes:

  • Mask made from yogurt, mango slices and chicken yolk. Grind the mango, mix and beat all the indicated ingredients, apply to clean, slightly damp curls (preferably after washing, when the scalp absorbs nutrients well). We wrap our heads in plastic and wait half an hour. We wash our hair with running water without shampoo. Use this product once a week and you will forget that your strands were previously magnetic;
  • An alternative to a mango mask is a mixture of yolk, olive mask and honey. You can add wheat sprouts or oats to our mask. Mix everything in proportion, one spoon of each component and apply in the same way as with mango;
  • Rinse the strands in water with vinegar or lemon juice, or in mineral water;
  • Make your own shampoo using egg yolk and gelatin;
  • Rinse your hair in cool, purified water; you can wait for the chlorine to disappear and leave the water in a bowl.

Now you know what you need to do to ensure that your long hair is not magnetized and remains smooth and manageable throughout the day.

Remember the children's entertainment: tear a notebook sheet into small pieces, run a pen or plastic comb intensively through your hair several times... and the pieces of paper themselves will be attracted to the object.

Some adult men and women still use the ability of hair to become electrified in order to surprise gullible children who still do not understand anything: they rub a balloon over the head, and then “glue” it to the ceiling or wall.

Miracles! Only hairs standing on end in a restaurant or at a party are unlikely to please a girl. The hairstyle is ruined and so is the evening. Why is hair magnetic and what to do about it?

Seasonal problem

Typically, hairs become fluffy and electrified in the autumn-winter period. The main reason is the accumulation of static electricity in the hair. What leads to this?

Firstly, constantly wearing a headdress does not create very favorable conditions. Not only does the hair rub against the hat (remember the trick with a pen or ball), but a stuffy and humid atmosphere is created inside, which is not very pleasant for the curls.

Secondly, cold and wind weaken hairs and thin them. That's why they get fluffy.

Thirdly, dry indoor air (after all, the heating radiators are on), frequent blow-drying, and the use of stylers and flat irons harm our curls, drying them out, depriving them of natural moisture. Please note that hairs become electrified, as a rule, on the first day after washing. On the second and subsequent days there may not be such a problem: the sebaceous glands have enveloped each hair in a natural protective layer.

Thus, the main reason is the hair's ability to store electricity. And the trigger for the problem is their dehydration and thinning. This is what we need to fight against.

Eliminating static electricity

Weak hair suffers from contact with a hat and clothing. You take off your sweater and there’s a “dandelion” on your head. You just sit next to a textile item and your hair just clings to it. They get in your face and ruin your appearance and mood. Something needs to be done urgently! What to do when your hair becomes electrified?

1. Treat them as carefully as possible during the difficult autumn-winter period. Try to minimize the impact of hair dryers, straighteners, and stylers. These devices dry out curls, disrupt their structure, and make them brittle and brittle. If you cannot do without a hair dryer, then it is better to purchase a device with ionization and overheat protection functions.

Negatively charged ions give hair shine and smoothness and reduce the generation of electricity. You need to dry yourself holding your head straight, directing the air stream from the roots to the tips downwards.

2. Use combs and brushes made of natural materials: silicone, horn, wood, ebonite, etc. In a specialized store of professional cosmetics and accessories for hairdressers you can find a good comb with an antistatic effect.

3. Use special antistatic cosmetics in autumn and winter. These can be shampoos, sprays, balms and masks that moisturize the hair, protecting it from the negative effects of the environment. The spray, for example, can be applied several times during the day (after wearing a hat, washing).

4. Be sure to use conditioner after shampoo. It will not only relieve your hair from magnetization, but will also make styling easier. Periodically use moisturizing masks with essential oils.

5. For styling, use products without alcohol, which has a drying effect.

6. Normalize hair nutrition both from the inside and outside. Internal nutrition includes vitamin and mineral complexes, external nutrition includes masks, rinses, and balms.

7. When washing clothes, add a fabric softener with an antistatic effect, and additionally spray the hat with antistatic agent.

8. Buy an air humidifier for your home that will reduce the negative impact of heating radiators on hair, skin, and respiratory organs.

If the problem appears regardless of the time of year, a consultation with a trichologist is necessary. Most likely, the reason lies internally and is related to health problems. Only a comprehensive examination and diagnosis will help identify it and rid your hair of electrification.

Has your hair become unruly and magnetic? We find out the reasons and take action!

What to do if your hair becomes magnetic and sticks together?

  1. Hairdressers recommend lightly spraying them with strong-hold varnish. Choose the brand of varnish at your discretion.
  2. Massage your scalp regularly. You guessed it, you can do it yourself so as not to spend money on salon services.
  3. Try to use your iron and hair dryer less and less. Let your hair dry and style naturally. If you absolutely cannot do without a hairdryer, then start drying your hair with air at room temperature.
  4. After applying cream to your hands, run your hands through your hair. The cream will be absorbed, removing all “magnetism”.
  5. Buy a leave-in conditioner. It will not only relieve your hair of charge, but will also give it a pleasant silkiness.
  6. For styling, use wax, as it is a reliable protector against static.
  7. Make a mayonnaise mask. Mix cold olive oil, chicken egg and a little full-fat mayonnaise. Stir until you get a thick mass. Keep the mask covered with thick cling film. After forty minutes, rinse your hair more than twice.

Folk remedies for hair magnetization

Rosemary oil

Apply rosemary oil to your head. Rub it into the roots and rinse with shampoo.


Rinse your hair with beer. First, dilute the alcohol with water so that the curls do not stick together or stick together.


Buy a small pumpkin. The fact is that it has a 100% antistatic effect. Make pumpkin puree. Add one hundred grams of cream and fifty grams of olive oil to it. Carefully distribute the resulting composition over the strands.


Mango is a magical fruit. A product made from it will save your hair from annoying magnetization. Add a teaspoon of full-fat kefir to the mango puree. Apply to hair and wrap in cellophane. Repeat the procedure 2 times a week.

Sour mask

Your hair will stop being magnetic if you try an acidic mask. Strain the lemon juice and grape vinegar. Mix these ingredients. After three minutes, apply to slightly dried hair.

Honey mask

Prepare a honey hair mask more often. Mix honey and lemon juice, apply the mixture and spread over the entire length. Place a plastic bag over your head, securing it with a terry towel. Wait two and a half hours and wash off the mask with warm water. Rinse your hair thoroughly to remove any remaining honey.


Magnetization is quickly removed by a decoction made from nettle and chamomile. Place five tablespoons of dried nettle and four tablespoons of chamomile flowers in a large saucepan. Add one and a half liters of boiling water and stir. Boil for seven minutes over low heat. Wait two and a half hours. Strain the finished broth. Rinse your hair with it immediately after washing.

Damaged hair is especially susceptible to magnetism

Strengthening mask

Mix together two yolks, a few wheat sprouts, a teaspoon of fresh honey and a teaspoon of olive oil. Keep the mask on for thirty-five minutes.

Lemon rinse

Experts consider natural lemon juice to be the best remedy against magnetism. Take the time to prepare it yourself. Heat several liters of still mineral water on the stove. Take a large lemon, squeeze the juice out of it and add to heated water. Rinse your hair with the juice and do not rinse it off.

My hair becomes magnetic after wearing a hat, what should I do?

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Hair is a real decoration of a girl. A neat hairstyle always looks attractive. But magnetic hair often spoils the situation. This occurs due to the accumulation of static electric charge. The problem often occurs with weakened and dry hair. Before doing any procedures, you need to familiarize yourself with why hair is magnetic. You can take care of them at home if you follow professional advice. If the curls are highly magnetic, then you can make masks.


Hair begins to become magnetic in the following cases:

  • With constant use of a hair dryer and curling iron, this leads to a deterioration in the condition of the strands. They become dry and lifeless, causing static electricity to build up quickly. Interaction with the sun has the same effect;
  • Magnetic hair on the head occurs due to the use of synthetic hairpins and combs. The friction of these materials causes the formation of electrical charges. To eliminate this phenomenon, it is necessary to use accessories made from natural materials;
  • Changes in weather also affect changes in curls. Loss of elasticity leads to electrification;
  • Wearing a headdress causes magnetization of the strands.

Prevent magnetization

To eliminate the magnetization of strands, you need to use a hairdryer as little as possible. If this device is necessary to create a hairstyle, then it is better to purchase a device with ionization. This allows you to reduce the negative impact on curls. When drying, you do not need to tilt your head down, as this will make your hair fluffy.

It is necessary to use combs based on natural materials, for example, wood, horn, bristles. Some combs have a special antistatic effect. In order for hair to become neat, it needs to be provided with nutrition. After washing, you should use a conditioner.

Often the reason for the magnetization of strands is hidden in a nutritional disorder. Due to a deficiency of vitamins, curls can become dry and thin. To prevent this, you need to include vegetables and fruits in the menu.

If your hair is magnetic, then mesotherapy is suitable for it. The procedure allows you to make the structure of the strands much better. It also eliminates skin problems.

Using store products

If your hair is very magnetic, you can use store-bought products. For this purpose, antistatic agents are sold in the form of a spray. They need to be applied with a spray. The product does not make curls heavy and sticky. The disadvantages include the short-lasting effect. After a few hours, the strands can become electrified again. Therefore, you will need to use the spray regularly. At home, you can do procedures based on the following store-bought products:

  • “Clean Line” is an effective remedy for eliminating the magnetization of strands. It has excellent antistatic effect. After the procedure, the hair does not become heavier and does not stick together. The sprays contain medicinal herbs, so the curls take on a healthy appearance;
  • Oriflame produces high-quality sprays to eliminate electrification of hair on the head. In addition to the antistatic effect, the product gives the curls a fragrance. Therefore, the spray can be used instead of perfume. It can be used in winter, since the product contains a variety of caring components;
  • Estel company produces sprays with a pleasant aroma. They have a spray bottle for easy application to hair. Compared to other products, the result lasts about 5 hours. After use, the curls become shiny and well-groomed. The hairstyle will become much more voluminous;
  • There is Frizz Control from Moroccanoil. The spray can be used for straight and curly hair. You can do procedures with it in winter and summer. Although the product is not cheap, it is used sparingly. After the procedure, the curls gain shine and thickness;
  • To get rid of magnetization, you can use varnishes, foams and mousses with an antistatic effect. If you need to quickly eliminate static electricity, you can choose special wipes. You just need to run them through your hair.

Preparation of masks

At home, you can make masks with natural ingredients. They are easy to prepare, just like the procedures themselves are performed. They need to be performed regularly to get excellent results.

  • It is useful to make masks based on gelatin (1 tbsp), which should be diluted with water. The product must be heated until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. Then you need to add balm (3 tbsp.). The finished composition should be applied to the strands. Rubbing into the skin should not be done. After this, you need to put on a cap and wrap your head with a towel. The mask should be washed off after 30 minutes. To make the product nutritious, it is necessary to include burdock oil in the composition.
  • You can make a honey mask. You will need natural honey. The product should be applied to the hair and then a cap should be placed on the head. After 7 hours, you can wash your hair with warm water. Such procedures allow you to strengthen your curls, improve their growth and make them shiny.
  • A vitamin mask can be made not only to eliminate electrification, but also to saturate the curls with the necessary substances. For preparation you will need mango (1/2 fruit), yolk, kefir (1 tbsp.). The fruit must be crushed and then mixed with other ingredients. The mask should be applied to clean hair. After 30 minutes you need to wash it off.
  • With the help of honey, the electrification of the strands is eliminated, which acquires a beautiful shine. You will need honey (1 tbsp), vegetable oil (1 tbsp), yolk. You can include wheat germ (1 tsp). The mask should be applied for half an hour and then rinsed off thoroughly. This product will strengthen the strands, improve their growth and appearance.
  • You can rinse with lemon or vinegar essence. Add lemon juice or concentrated vinegar (2 tablespoons) to water (1 liter). Beer used for rinsing has a healing effect. Herbal infusions strengthen hair.
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