Presenters for February 23 at school. Scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day ★ (February 23)

  1. Competitions on February 23 for schoolchildren.
  2. What to give to schoolchildren on February 23?
  3. School holiday: Defender of the Fatherland Day.
  4. February 23: a brief history of the holiday.

On March 8th, boys traditionally congratulate girls, so on February 23rd, girls respond to them with the same coin. In most schools, February 23 is a reason to respect all men, not only the military, but also those who raise children: male teachers or directors and, of course, the participants themselves. Therefore, the question arises: “How to organize February 23 at school?”

First of all, in order to organize a holiday for an educational institution, it is necessary to think through the scenario for the holiday on February 23 on a school-wide scale, and also think through separate scenes for February 23 for each class, taking into account the age of the students.

The problem of organizing February 23 in the classroom should fall on the initiative class group under the leadership of the class teacher. Most often, the celebration of February 23 in the classroom begins with a class hour on February 23, where students learn about the history of the holiday. Then the holiday for the junior school consists of organizing a sweet table with a variety of entertainment.

Competitions on February 23 for schoolchildren

Competitions must be of a sporting or intellectual nature. Let's consider several options for games for February 23, suitable for elementary, middle and even high schools.

Game for February 23 “Collecting a proverb”

On pieces of paper you need to write words from various proverbs. Students are divided into two teams, and pieces of paper with words are distributed between them. The team that collects the maximum number of proverbs will win.

Sport game

The guys need to be divided into several teams, which will be given equal numbers of envelopes with assignments. The tasks should be of a sporting nature: for example, boys will have to do push-ups, and girls will have to jump rope or twirl a hoop. The teacher or presenter monitors the fairness and speed of completing tasks. The team that completes the package of tasks the fastest will win.

Treasure search

This quest is perfect for kindergarten or primary school. Although, if you organize it correctly and put in a lot of effort, carefully think it through and organize it competently, such a quest can also keep high school kids busy. It is advisable to think about the quest in a group of 4-5 people, however, everything here depends on the scale of the action. Place clues around the school or class that will help teams move on to the next step of the quest. The team that finds the treasure first will win.

Game for February 23 in rhyme

The presenter invites each child to come up with a rhyme for a particular word. More than three hitches and you are out of the game. The most resourceful person wins and receives a prize.

What to give to schoolchildren on February 23?

It is mothers and fathers who most often think about this question at parent-teacher meetings, especially when it comes to younger schoolchildren. You can come up with a variety of gifts for children on Defender of the Fatherland Day. These could be cute cards for February 23 with cheerful wishes, cute trinkets, a notepad and pen, banal socks, because sooner or later boys need to get used to the most common present.

You can also combine business with pleasure. If boys often participate in sports competitions, you can give a good soccer ball to the whole class or arrange a gift - sew a cool soccer uniform. The main thing is that a gift for a schoolchild on February 23 should bring him a good mood and positivity.

School holiday: Defender of the Fatherland Day

How to organize February 23 at the school level? It is best to allocate time in the assembly hall, appoint a responsible group and place the organization of the holiday on its shoulder. The scenario for February 23 at school should include a variety of competitions and funny skits. As an option, you can also invite children to recite poems for February 23 or jokingly congratulate teachers from the stage. The skits can be cartoon scenes based on stories from the life of the school.

Musical breaks will be great scenes. You just need to find a funny song, change the words and sing it in chorus to the audience.

If it is customary at school to celebrate various events on a grand scale, then a hussar ball can be included in the scenario on February 23rd. Set up a room for the ball, set a dress code for children, find classical music and let the children feel like real ladies and gentlemen. You can spice up the hussar ball with various games for February 23 and competitive tasks.

February 23: a brief history of the holiday

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday celebrated in the countries of the former CIS. Previously, the celebration of this day was official in Ukraine, but for a number of reasons the official celebration of February 23 was cancelled. February 23, a brief history of the holiday tells that the holiday was first celebrated in 1922 in the RSFSR and coincided with the Day of the Red Army and Navy. During the war period, namely from 1949 to 1993, this holiday was called the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy.

February 23 has not been celebrated in Ukraine in recent years. In 1999, the country issued a decree that February 23 would henceforth be called Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday differs from the holiday of December 6 - the day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and just like December 6 is not considered a day off. There has long been controversy surrounding the holiday of February 23 in Ukraine. Thus, former President of Ukraine Viktor Andreevich Yushchenko called the real Defender of the Fatherland Day January 29, the day of the Battle of Krutami, and it was also proposed to move the celebration to January 29.

In 2013, a survey was conducted in Ukraine regarding attitudes towards February 23, according to which almost half of those surveyed said that they consider this holiday a pleasant occasion to give gifts to loved ones, another approximately 40% considered this day a holiday for men who have one or another relationship with service in the army. About 10% consider this holiday an echo of the Soviet past, and another 7% consider it the most ordinary day.

Be that as it may, February 23 is still celebrated. Women congratulate their close men: husbands, sons, grandfathers or fathers. This holiday now has almost no militarized character, and is considered something like the “male” March 8th. February 23 in Ukraine is unofficial, but many are unable to cope with the habit of not celebrating this day and traditionally, on the eve of February 23, we notice queues in stores where women buy pleasant surprises for loved ones.

Every year on February 23, all Russian citizens pay tribute of gratitude and respect to those who bravely defended their native lands from enemies, and to everyone who tirelessly serves in peaceful life, maintaining a clear sky above their heads. Along with brave veterans and notorious warriors, on this day we congratulate little boys and young men who have yet to become real defenders of the Fatherland. At the end of winter, themed concerts with songs, dances, poems and funny skits are held in kindergartens and schools. In every work team, women congratulate men, organize a small corporate party, and prepare original gifts. But the most popular among gifts is a funny skit on February 23rd for colleagues.

Short sketches for the holiday of February 23 in kindergarten

The script for the matinee for February 23 in kindergarten is always easy, educational and entertaining. It is difficult for kids to perceive too deep and serious information, so the main part of the event consists of fun and thematic entertainment. Instead of complex poems and sad songs, preschool children in funny camouflage costumes participate in games and competitions, solve riddles and show short skits about the February 23 holiday. In most cases, dramatizations are short and primitive. But even they allow kids to feel like an important part of society, real defenders of the Fatherland.

Funny skits for preschoolers on February 23 consist mainly of a couple of lines and are designed for a small number of characters. You can re-read the most suitable scenes here or watch them on video.

Funny children's scenes for the matinee on February 23

  • Scene "At the command of the captain." The presenter calls little actors who will clearly perform the assigned actions: “They stood up straight, pulled themselves up, palms stretched towards each other. Handles to the sides, forward, then turn right! We squat and stand up, reaching with our hands to the floor. Now we walk on the spot, raising our legs higher! Soldiers, stop! One-two, the game is over!”
  • Scene “Girl ditties”. Girls in the older group learn words in advance so that they can congratulate the boys with funny rhymes at the holiday:

We are little girls who laugh

We live a very fun life

We are ditties about boys

We'll definitely sing.

Oh girls, look

Vanya made a plane,

So he will become a pilot

And it will take flight!

Oh girls, look

Oh, what ships

Sasha made it out of paper,

Not one, but three!

Oh girls, look

Kolya drew a tank,

Your drawing for all the guys

Showed it in our class!

Well, Kolya will become a tank driver,

So so be it,

In our Russian army

Serve the Motherland honestly!

Today we wish

To value friendship since childhood,

Defend our borders

Serve the Motherland honestly!

Funny skits for February 23 from girls for boys

Often at school concerts dedicated to February 23, girls stage funny skits for boys in order to congratulate them in an original way and stroke their pride. But before choosing a specific scenario to learn, you have to make a careful selection:

  • Firstly, the skit for February 23 should not be too long, otherwise the audience will get bored. But at the same time, an overly short production will look stupid and careless;
  • Secondly, a funny skit for demonstration within school walls cannot contain vulgar phrases, ambiguous hints or rude expressions. The vocabulary may be modern, but it must be censored;
  • Thirdly, even if the skit is composed in the format of a funny parody of the boys from the class, it should not be offensive. Too sarcastic humor is unlikely to seem like a successful congratulation to the heroes of the occasion;
  • Fourthly, the average funny scene at a concert by February 23 can involve from 3 to 7 characters. If there are more or less of them, the performance risks failing miserably. Even the director can easily get confused in the abundance of characters, lines, actions and jokes. What can we say about the audience;

Otherwise there are no restrictions. Any funny skit suitable for the theme will be relevant at the holiday on February 23, if it is chosen with soul, learned with desire and shown with pleasure.

Funny scene “Three girls under the window”

Characters: three girls, presenter

Props: cardboard kokoshniks, wigs with braids, long skirts.

Leading: Three girls under the window were daydreaming in the evening...

1stMaiden: I wish I could get married soon, I’m really tired of girls!

2nd Maiden: I wouldn’t marry just anyone!

3rd Maiden: I would follow a businessman like a stone wall! My mother would love a son-in-law, but where can I get one?

1st Maiden: Well, I would probably marry a sailor! And while he was swimming in the sea, I would live without knowing grief!

2nd Maiden: There are no sailors these days, it’s just a rarity! I wish I could marry military men - strong, extraordinary ones! I would be happy with a guy as strong as a rock.

3rd Maiden: We girls were daydreaming... All the guys were crushing, they could lie on the sofa and admire football!

Leading: Oh, these young people, all of you can’t bear to get married! May I get into the conversation? I know where the guys are! Not one, not two, not three...

Girls (in unison): Where is this?! Speak!!!

1st Maiden(runs up to one of the men): Chur, I'll take it!

2nd Maiden(runs up to another): I liked this one!

Zya Maiden(to the third): This one smiled at me!

(Girls together): All the guys are good, it’s a real holiday for the soul!

Leading: Girls, you are almost right - today is a holiday, and this is a holiday of our wonderful men! Strong, brave, persistent and self-confident. Therefore, let's congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts (and the way to the hearts of men is - you know - through their stomachs!)

Military-themed skits for February 23 at school

Cool musical or theatrical skits on a military theme will always come in handy at a school party in honor of February 23rd. They allow guys to feel like part of a large and strong army for a short period of time, and experience the fun of military service firsthand. In addition, with the help of a thematic military scene for February 23, you can carefully bring the school concert to the desired note, this or that number.

Sketch “Army Education”

Characters: captain (C), captain's wife (F), warrant officer (P), sergeant (SR), soldier (S)

The warrant officer enters the barracks and observes the picture: a soldier is doing push-ups, and a sergeant is standing over him and counting.

P: Sergeant, what's going on? Why hazing? How long ago did you become a sergeant? Or I forgot how I did push-ups on the parade ground. Well, take a lying position: one, two, one, two...

The sergeant does push-ups. The captain enters the barracks and observes the picture: the sergeant is doing push-ups, and the ensign is standing over him and counting.

K: Well, stop! What's happening?

P: Comrade captain...

K: Shut up! I know that you will sing to me now. You can compose “War and Peace” on the fly. Now we will reduce your talents. Take a lying position: one, two, one, two...

The ensign is dissatisfied with carrying out the order. A woman enters the barracks and walks decisively towards the captain.

Zh: Oh, that's where he staggers. I’m waiting at home, heating the cutlets for the third time, boiling the kettle, and here he is having fun. So no, to earn money or do something at home! Cooling off.

K: Lucy, this is how I raise soldiers.

Zh: Now I’ll raise you too. Lying emphasis: one, two, one, two...

The captain does push-ups.

Funny improvisational skits for colleagues on February 23

Fairy tales and improvisational scenes for a colleague's party on February 23 are most often designed for a medium or large group of adults. For the most part, they are written for such celebrations, but they are suitable for almost every occasion to have fun with friends. Most scenes like “Cowboy Joe”, “Turnip”, “Minibus Taxi” are considered completely universal, and, despite the lack of any military meaning, are ideal for celebrating February 23rd. Such impromptu skits do not require preliminary preparation or additional rehearsals. They don’t have to be costumed, but some elements and accessories can still add entertainment and boost courage.

Funny scene for February 23 “6 chairs”

Six people are chosen to perform the skit. Everyone is given a card with words. 6 chairs are placed with their backs in a circle, and participants sit on the chairs. Whoever hears the name of their character in the presenter’s text runs a circle around the chairs and pronounces their words. At the word “holiday” all participants run around the chairs together.


  • Woman - Still buy a gift!
  • Man - We deserve it!
  • Work - Yes, I'll wait!
  • Vodka - It's time to pour, pour!
  • Holiday - Hurray, let's relax!
  • February - Oh, how I blow!

Presenter's text:

In our country, everyone loves HOLIDAYS: MEN and WOMEN, especially in good company after WORK, with a cucumber and VODKA. After the New Year's HOLIDAYS comes a series of separately MEN'S and separately WOMEN'S HOLIDAYS.
So, in FEBRUARY, people traditionally celebrate MEN'S HOLIDAY; ​​they begin, as always, at WORK ON FEBRUARY 22: WOMEN congratulate MEN, although, alas, they do not pour VODKA. But it’s FEBRUARY 23rd, MEN have a real HOLIDAY, and you don’t have to go to WORK, and the feast, please, with VODKA, and all the WOMEN around give gifts, beauty. Not life, but a HOLIDAY!
Our dear MEN, we congratulate you on the wonderful MEN'S HOLIDAY on FEBRUARY 23rd, we wish you success in your work and personal life, the WOMEN in the hall, I think they will support me, which would be nice for the health of MEN, and in honor of the HOLIDAY, drink a glass or two of VODKA ! Hooray!!!

Sketches for male colleagues from women on February 23

March 8 and February 23 divide any team into two halves. The women's team is the first to enter the game. Girls, young women and women have to really strain their brains when thinking about the best gift for men. What do they really need? Banal socks with shaving foam or original gift certificates and souvenir sets? Perhaps the most successful gift to male colleagues from women on February 23rd is a cool scene with subtle subtext and sharp humor.

Sketch “Gift for men on February 23”

Characters: female half of the work team

Oh, girls, maybe we should buy them a pair of warm socks?

Nonsense, men wear the same socks until they have holes in both heels. But how do you know, you're not married.

Maybe we can give you an ashtray?

I came up with something else. In the office at last year's corporate party, olives were opened in a tin. This ashtray will last for six months, and then we’ll buy some sprat.

Or maybe a manicure set then?

What other set? Our guys have one manicure tool - their front teeth.

What about a gym membership?

Why deprive our men of the only sign of masculinity and sexuality - a beer belly?

Well, do you need gifts? Let's think about what they really need.

I'm sorry, what! Sneakers, for example. But such that they are equally suitable for both the theater and football. A kitchen knife for preparing culinary masterpieces. I cut off a piece of sausage, threw it on bread, poured mayonnaise on it - and it was done! Hammer. But not ordinary, but accurate. So that it doesn't get on your fingers. And if he does get caught, he’ll swear himself. Handkerchief with self-cleaning function. Or a purebred puppy. But not a simple one, but one the owner is accustomed to bringing slippers and a remote control.

Well, why did you attack so much? Our men are good!

So, let's give them our care and affection. It is always in price and in fashion.

The skit for February 23 is a funny and non-trivial part of the festive scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day. Of course, there is a big difference between adult scenes for men from colleagues and children's scenes for boys in school and kindergarten. But at the same time, each of them is unusual, funny and cheerful in its own way.

Since ancient times, February 23 is considered a men's holiday, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. On this day, all representatives of the stronger sex receive congratulations. Of course, this group also includes schoolchildren, because soon they too will become defenders of the Motherland. Celebrating February 23 at school instills patriotism and unity with their Motherland in children's souls. Thus, this holiday plays a very important role in the development of every boy.

Traditionally, the event is designed and organized by teachers. In addition to various thematic lessons, concerts and competitions are often invented. In addition to the school-wide celebration, you can come up with a separate holiday for your class. This requires the help of the students themselves, as well as their parents.

In order for the holiday to go off with a bang, you need to make sure that the competitions are appropriate for the child’s age, that is, they are not too simple and too complex. You also need to come up with a number of prizes; you can order certificates from a specialized store to award them for 1st, 2nd, 3rd places.

Competitions should be combined with creativity. For example, between competitions you can listen to poems by Russian poets dedicated to heroes, or music by composers about the unity of the people. This will emphasize the importance of the holiday and add a special mood to it.

Scenario “Who will come to us with a sword...”

All participants are divided into 2 teams. It is necessary that each team has players responsible for strength competitions and participants in intellectual competitions. It is also necessary to take care in advance about the musical soundtrack, decorating the hall with balloons and posters, and the availability of attributes for each competition.

Presenter 1:
Good afternoon, dear guests! The bright holiday of February 23 has come! This means that today we are holding a solemn event dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Presenter 2: Who were these defenders before?
Presenter 1: Of course, they used to be heroes who defended Russian land from raids. We should not forget about ordinary soldiers who saved their homeland more than once.
Presenter 2: Many songs and fairy tales were written about such defenders!
Presenter 1: But today we have our own defenders who want to fight and show what they are worth!
Presenter 2: Applause to our teams!

The teams take their places to the song “Our Heroic Strength.”

Presenter 2:
Apparently we are having a military exercise today.

Presenter 1:
So it is, so it is. Let's get to know our warriors! The first team "..." and its commander (name)! And here is the second team “...”, and its commander is (name)!

Presenter 2:
Since we have training, where are we without fair commanders in chief who are able to judge who will be more worthy today!
Presenter 1:
Yes, we have them! (Represented by the jury).

Presenter 2: Now the competition can begin! First, let's listen to the mottos of both teams!

(command view)

Armwrestling competition

Presenter 1: The first competition will show all the strength and power of our commanders!

One representative from each team is needed. They sit opposite each other, elbows should be on the table. On command, each participant tries to place the opponent’s hand on the table. You can have several rounds with different participants.

Competition "To the Bull's Eye!"

Presenter 2: The next competition will reveal the most accurate of our boys!

Participants stand in line and each throws darts at the target 3 times. After everyone has made their attempts, the points are added up and the winning team is revealed.

Presenter 2: While your comrades are hitting targets, I would like to test how intellectually savvy you are!

(intellectual competition)

  1. It flies out of the gun and always hits the target. (Bullet).
  2. It spits cannonballs and will bring fear to everyone (Cannon).
  3. Two heads, six legs, one tail (Horseman).
  4. You can’t fight without it, it will save your head (helmet).
  5. What do soldiers shout when they run into battle? (hooray)
  6. Large combat vehicle for land battle (tank).
  7. You can't shoot without it,
    You'll only waste time!
    A large swarm of ferocious bullets
    He releases it in front of him.
  8. Who was born to be brave
    Keep your homeland safe? (soldier)
  9. Shoots loudly
    Saves a soldier's life. (gun)
  10. Who protects our country from outside penetration? (Border guards)

(Points for both competitions are added together)

Competition "Grenade!"

Presenter 1: Every soldier must be able to accurately throw grenades so as not to hit his own! Let's see how you do it!
Participants stand in line and throw dummies of grenades or balls. The goal is to get to the mat at the other end of the room. Each person has 3 attempts. When hit for the first time, the participant runs to the mat, picks up the “grenades” and returns to the team. If there is no hit, the point is not counted. Those who have more points win.

Competition "Crossing"

Presenter 2: Often soldiers have to wade across the river. Now you will practice!

The first member of each team puts on a hoop and runs with it to the other end of the hall, runs around the cone and returns to the team. There the second participant clings to the hoop, and the two of them run together. Thus, the entire team must pass. The team that completes the task faster wins.

(congratulations from the girls)

Competition “Important Report”

Presenter 1: Often the outcome of a war depends on whether the messenger can deliver a report to headquarters on time. Today you will feel like real messengers.

Each player, with a bag in his hands, crawls along the bench, does a somersault on the mat, runs around the cone, and then returns to the team the same way. All other participants repeat.
When the competition comes to an end, the report is read out.

(The report contains V. Fetisov’s poem “Monument of Glory”)

Competition "Soldier's Friend"

Presenter 2: Of course, every soldier should be able to assemble and disassemble a machine gun!

This competition consists of two phases.
1) the first participant runs to the machine gun and pulls out cartridges from it, then returns to his team. The second participant runs there and puts the horn back together. Then it comes back. Continue this way until all participants complete the competition.
2) Part for captains: you need to disassemble and assemble the machine gun.

(the results of the competitions are added up)

Competition "Tug of War"

Presenter 1: Well, what are the exercises without our favorite tug-of-war? Take your seats, friends!

Team members stand on opposite sides of the rope and begin to pull it when they hear the whistle. The team that pulls the flag fixed in the middle of the rope over the line wins.
(The jury counts points for all competitions)
(Girls dance)

Presenter 1: And now the jury will sum up the results of our exercises today!

(team awards)
Presenter 2:
Our competition dedicated to February 23 has come to an end! During them, we were able to verify the reliability and strength of our boys! Let's lead our men to a military march!
(music sounds, teams leave the hall)

Also watch the video on how well you can congratulate on February 23 at school.

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Scenario for the holiday of February 23 at school

1 Presenter: -
Who do I want to congratulate? -
The men sitting in the hall
All those whose role is special -
We always knew this.

2 ved. Who's strong is his shoulder
For the fragile it substitutes,
All those who protect the Motherland,
And protects us.

1 led. All those who can protect
Sister, friend, mother,
Who can forgive the younger one,
Help the weak in times of misfortune.
2 ved. Our dear boys, men! Congratulations on February 23 - Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! Over the years, may your hearts be filled not only with courage, but also with kindness, love for your neighbors, and compassion for the offended. Let the fire of pride for your Fatherland burn in your souls! 1 Vedas. Soldier of the Fatherland. Warrior of Russia. At all times, the attitude towards him and his military cause was surrounded by an aura of patriotism and glory. 2Ved. How to imagine courage and how? This question once haunted me. Is it aboveground or earthly? What's unusual about his features? I have understood the essence of courage - His character is clear and stern. Where there is courage, there is a real deed And there are no wasted words. Where there is courage, there is life as bright as a flame. Life always boils with a hot spring. The roads are not covered with snow and the water is not covered with ice. It is in impulse, in search, in work... It contains everything earthly, both face and becoming, But without it, it is a sin for a wingless soul to even think about sunny flight! (the song “Cruiser Aurora” plays)1 Ved. Our native land can do anything! Feed them with warm, delicious bread, give them spring water to drink, and surprise them with their beauty. And she just can’t defend herself... Therefore, defending their Motherland is the sacred duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water and admire its open spaces. Staging of the poem “Kostyuchenko, 5th grade. Mikhailov A, 5th grade student) Granddaughter Motherland! What does this grandfather mean? Grandfather- These are the flowers that grow in our region. This is the river that jumps in our mountains, This is the dawn that burns without burning. The homeland is the eyes of your mother, Full of tears or in sparkles of laughter, The homeland is the sunset over the fields, Our dear mountains are a ringing echo. Motherland - I don’t know a more wonderful word! Our fairy tales and glorious ones were in it. Grandfathers' distant sad songs Those that we still haven't forgotten. The Motherland is the land at the doorstep, Where you first learned your name, The Motherland is the high road. The one you will walk along with others. 1Ved. Over the course of many centuries, Russian people have had to defend the freedom of their Motherland more than once. The people remember their legendary heroes-defenders. 2 Vedas. How can I tell about your courage, soldier! How to tell about the thousands, millions of feats that the true sons and daughters of their Motherland accomplished. 1 Vedas. Feats live in people's memory. They are reflected in epics, legends, poems and songs, in books and films, inspiring new generations to courage and bravery in the hour of war.

The poem “Soldier's Song about Sevastopol” is performed by 8th grade students.

1. I’ll sing you a not funny song, brothers,

Not a mighty song of victory,

What did the grandfathers sing in Ochakovo?

2. I will sing to you about

Like from the southern fields

A cloud of dust rose

How countless enemies left the ships

And they came to us and defeated us...

3. And so we won, for a long time afterwards

Don't come to us with a daring question.

And so we won, with a sour face

And they set sail with their broken noses.

4. I will sing how, having left both home and family,

A rich landowner was joining the squad.

Like a man hugging his little woman,

He left the hut as a militiaman.

5. I will sing how the heroic army grew,

Fighters of iron and steel marched,

And how did they know that they were going to die,

And how holy they died!

6. Let not the joyful song that I sing to you,

Yes, no worse than that song of victory,

What the fathers sang in the Battle of Borodino,

What the grandfathers sang in Ochakovo.

Students of grades 1-4 came to congratulate the men. We sincerely want
I would like to congratulate you on the most
Happy men's holiday!
1. With the one who certainly
Nowadays it enters every home...
Begins military
He commanded: “Rise!”
2. And this command sounds,
By the way, for us too...
Five minutes - and we are dressed,
We got up merrily at dawn
Maybe for the first time in a year!
3. And washed without further ado,
We present ourselves in all our glory.
What about Vasya, even Rita, -
As one! In short, that's all!
4. And with smiles on their faces
We tell our families:
- May I address you?
We want to congratulate you!
5. And accept flowers from us,
Tulips are bright in bloom,
Because on defense
You are worth our happiness
You are at a military post!
6. So that we can live peacefully,
We went to school and kindergarten.
We don't need wars at all,
We need peace for all the guys!
7. We know how victory came
In that war that died down,
And of course, what about grandfather
Can't congratulate you and me!
8. Grandfather put on his medals,
They have no number and count...
This is what a holiday is today -
It might not be better!

(Girls perform the song “Maple”.) 1Ved. There are practically no families in Russia in which someone did not fight at the front; there is no family that did not lose a loved one during the Great Patriotic War. 6611 residents of our area did not return from this war. Every tenth died defending the honor and freedom of the Motherland. Seven people in our area became Heroes of the Soviet Union. The verse is “The whole globe is under your feet.” Gulyaev Daniil The whole globe is under my feet. I’m alive. I'm breathing. I sing. But the ones killed in battle are always with me in my memory. Let me not name all the names, There are no blood relatives. Is it not because I live because they died? I might not have lived for a long time, In battle, amidst whistles and howls, I could have fallen in salty Sivash, Or somewhere near Ufa. But my peer fell there... If it weren’t for him, who knows, I would have returned home to hug my old mother... Not me - covered in blood, half-dead, Torn to pieces and undressed, Silent during Koshevoy’s torture At the age of 16. Let me not name all the names, There are no blood relatives. Is it not because I live because they died? What I owe to them - I know, But let it not only be verse, My life will be worthy of their soldier's death. 1Ved. What a pity that we cannot say to all of them together and to each individual that we have not forgotten them, that we remember them. The graves don't hear. They don't see the graves. But the living must hear, see and remember at what cost our freedom was won. (“Alarm” - loudly, then quieter) Ilya and Olesya Reader Quietly...Hear: as if somewhere the heart of our planet is beating... This is the power asserting over everyone, Time walks across the planet. Reader Quietly...Do you hear? These are not thunderstorms, this is life speeding up its run And along the rails, soaring towards the stars, Our new century rumbles. Reader And suddenly: wait, don’t thunder! You see - scarlet granite and flames. Hold on... Give me a moment. This is what I’m telling you, Memory. Reader Well, wait, look at the obelisk, Read the names and dates: It was here that battles took place, A war raged once upon a time. Reader Here once, behind the ranks, Soldiers marched through the years: Forty-first, forty-second, forty-third, fourth, fifth...Reader I know that you are rushing to the stars, I know that you are making the Earth more beautiful. Just descend to this stone from a height, Pause, bow, place flowers... The most modest bouquet of daisies. Reader And taking a moment from eternity, Here, by the stone, in the grass crushed before Memory, the deafening century of the 20th took off its cap. Reader Century 21- y - with powerful hands, everything can destroy and build. Time is powerless if it meets Memory, Holy Memory on its way!

1 Presenter: -
Soldier. He boldly rushed into battle,
Gave for his homeland
He is life with a heroic destiny,
I didn’t chicken out, I didn’t betray.

And at night he saw dreams:
And mom's eyes
They were full of tenderness,
After all, they cannot be forgotten.

And my mother grew older every day,
With prayer in silence,
All thoughts were only about him -
Son at war...

    It's like I'm in an abyss, in the morning fog
I dive in, without stopping for long. Chechnya is burning, Tajikistan is burning, Like the Volga was burning in the 41st volume. And seconds fly into the past, There is no turning back for them. So what if we haven’t lived long, what if we’re 20 years old? ..
    The troubles of life have taken over,
We are going towards the winds. Sometimes we lack experience, We lack tenderness, There are not enough written songs, There are not enough unlived days. And no one yet knows what I will encounter in my life.
    Maybe in a year, in a month,
In a day, in an hour, in a moment I will have to meet my destiny, Assess it, so what have I achieved? To differentiate between what was and what has become. To separate between darkness and light. What does it matter if we have lived a short time, What does it matter if we are 20 years old?
    We are rude sometimes, sorry
Everyone has their own hiding place in their heart. But ask us, you will ask, What are we thinking at this moment? At a moment when we are still trying to survive, Freezing in the bloody snow, And with the last grenade we explode, So that the enemy does not get it alive.
    Silence. Guitar picking.
Isn’t it for this silence that Russian boys are dying, not having learned about the war from songs? Is this possible? Is it possible to? Yes! Maybe! There is no doubt. So what if we didn't live long? So what if we are 20 years old? A minute of silence in memory of all the soldiers who died in battles for their homeland.

1 Vedas May the memory of all the fallen defenders of the Motherland, defenders of mothers and wives, sisters and girlfriends, old people and children be blessed. In our hearts, heroic soldiers will forever remain alive.

2 Vedas Sometimes you have to defend not only your Fatherland, but also fulfill your soldier’s duty in a foreign country.
1 Vedas Soldier's duty - sacred duty -
A short march
The 103rd Regiment went ahead
Just a hair's breadth away from bullets.

And at night there was shelling again
And now there are no three,
And there is only one thought - who wouldn’t want
Stay alive here.

And again the dust and heat of the roads,
You can't relax
The rise and long forced march,
And friends are waiting at home... The verse is performed by 7th grade student V. Tikhomirov. In the certificates, marks are not given for courage, For love of one’s Motherland, Friendship and honor. They had the opportunity to test their courage in battles, and such marks are impossible to take into account. And each of these guys passed the test of loyalty to their beloved Fatherland with honor. Their names are now immortal and proud, Like fighters in a line On an eternal list, they burn. Song "Airborne Battalion" 1 Vedas In the hour of testing, Bow down to the Fatherland in Russian, at the feet And tell her: -Mother, you are my life, You are dearer to me than life, With you - to live, With you - to die. Be true to her. And no matter how long and hard the day of the military torment is, If you are a plowman, Give it everything, like Minin, Be her Suvorov, if you are a warrior. Love her, swear, like our grandfathers, to stand on a mountain for her life and honor, To say in the desired hour of victory: “AND THERE IS A DROP OF MY HONEY HERE!” (quiet lyrical music “Sunset” sounds) 1 Vedas. Peace on earth is good morning, happy day, good night. 2 Ved. The sun is setting at the edge of the earth. The warm blur of the last ray was reflected in the water. Seagulls are screaming in the golden sky... Believe me, you and I have something to protect! Oh, how many exploits there were in the world, They have already faded into legend. Children repeat them from mouth to mouth on all continents of the mainland. But from all that we hear about, And from what we accomplish, so far I consider the Soldier’s feat the highest And the most selfless for centuries. 1 Ved. And no matter what difficult trials our Motherland has to endure, it is invincible as long as millions of simple, courageous sons stand up in its defense, sparing neither blood nor life itself... 2 Ved. Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky and let the trumpet not call you to go on a hike. So that only during exercises the soldier would go forward to attack. Let spring thunder instead of explosions Let nature wake from sleep, And let our children sleep peacefully Today, tomorrow and always.1 Ved. Good health and happiness to all those who defended our world and who protect it today, and who repaid their debt to the Fatherland in full!

    Like a line of soldiers in granite,
Fingers squeeze the butt until it hurts. Warrior, you swore an oath to the Motherland. These words are hot metal!
    You are at your post to protect the peace
Our dear homeland. So that the country will forever forget the roar of explosions and the word “War” 3. The faces of children would shine with happiness Tears would dry in the eyes of mothers Bravely daring, the youth lived You multiply your strength with training 4. Remember this and sacredly preserve the Joy and glory of your native land Remember, soldier and in labor and in battle this sacred oath.
    Severe military service.
But stronger than rocks is male friendship. Shots in the darkness are dangerous. In the name of peace on earth, saving the freedom of the mountains from gangs, Russian troops inscribed an immortal line in their granite, strong for centuries.
    Served with honor
    And they were worthy
    Covered in glory
    Army banners!
    Stronghold of the Fatherland,
    To all the warriors of the world
From the bottom of my heart All: Our deepest bow. Song “June 45”

Presenter: - Our dear men, boys! Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, allow me to say one more wish, the last and most important - may the sky above your head always be peaceful!

For Defender of the Fatherland Day, we offer you a scenario with competitions for holding a holiday in high school.

There is a bench on the stage (or three chairs in a row), three girls are sitting on it, resting their chins on their hands, and sighing heavily. There may be kokoshniks made of painted cardboard on the head, or each girl may have an artificial braid woven in, lying on the shoulder; in this case, it is appropriate to make a blonde, brunette and redhead. If possible, throw Russian scarves over your shoulders. Girls can dress however they want, the main thing is to indicate that they are almost Pushkin’s “three maidens.”

1 Maiden (yawns):

Girls, it's boring...

2 Maiden (sighs):

Very boring…

3 Maiden:

What people say is true

Choosing a future husband

Difficult if there are no guys!

1 Maiden (sarcastically):

You're logical, honey

Amazingly smart

But while we're chatting with you,

If only you could weave canvases!

2 Maiden:

Well, for you, friend

Feast on the mountain then merit!

3 Maiden(jumps up, indignantly):

That is, to put it simply,

Should I give birth to a hero???

No, girls, you are really onto something! Maybe we will first choose suitors, such good fellows, so that they will have blood and milk, and a chamber of intelligence, and a heroic horse to boot...

1 Maiden (sarcastically):

Yes, yes, and half the kingdom, how did you forget!!!

2 Maiden:

Enough with the constant teasing, let’s actually come up with something. February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day, so it’s worth finding out who our best defender is here. I propose to introduce four nominations: “Tsar”, “Tsarevich”, “King”, “Korolevich”..

3 Maiden:

You present it constructively!

1 Maiden:

And now I’ll come up with tasks that even Vasilisa the Wise won’t be able to cope with! Here, for example: let our candidates for defenders write how to properly cook pasta and fry eggs! In the meantime, our kings are trying, he will perform...

While the children are completing tasks, amateur performances can be performed - dance, song, magic tricks. It is advisable that this be a gift from girls to boys.

Competition "Culinary"

Within five minutes, young people must outline on paper the process of preparing pasta and scrambled eggs, and for the correct answer it is worth taking the exact recipe - the boys will probably make a mistake in the technology somewhere, so it can turn out to be quite fun. The presenter girls collect the leaves and read them one by one, commenting. The one with the recipe closest to reality wins.

1 Maiden:


2 Maiden:

Are you starting again? It's normal when a man doesn't know how to cook, the main thing is that he has potential! It's good that they even know what scrambled eggs are!

3 Maiden:

Girls, do you know what else I would check? Thinking! Let's give them puzzles and let them figure them out in five minutes!

Competition "Puzzle"

The next competition requires popular puzzles - it could even be Rubik's cubes or rings with strings that need to be untangled. If all the guys cope with the task, then it is worth assessing the result by time - who completed it faster. By the way, then, after the end of the competition, you can give such puzzles to all the boys as a gift, there are a lot of similar toys at quite affordable prices, so as a small souvenir for the holiday this is not a bad option at all.

1 Maiden:

Well, I must admit, our princes think well. But, of course, I would come up with some other trick.

2 Maiden:

Who would doubt it... But I also feel that something is missing.

3 Maiden:

I know! You’ve heard the expression: “Men love with their eyes, and women with their ears.” We need to give them a task so that they read with expression a poem dedicated to women, and whoever does it best wins!

Competition "Poetic"

You will need to prepare four different poems about love by great poets in advance. Preferably approximately the same size. You can take Shakespeare's sonnets, because they are written in one way of versification. Or vice versa - poetry radically different in style. For example, Mayakovsky has very beautiful lyrics, and they can be read very expressively. It will be enough for the children to read the poem to themselves once or twice and start improvising. Of course, it is very difficult to determine who reads better, but you can ask a literature teacher or class teacher to judge.

1 Maiden:

How fickle they are after all...!!! (turns away, pretends to sob)

2 Maiden:

What are you doing?

3 Maiden:

Don't pay attention, she was the one who was moved. But I’m impartial, so I think it’s time to determine the winner.

Voting in three competitions can be made uniform, or each competition can be judged by one teacher, or by the audience judging by applause, or by the presenters themselves. The main thing is to remember that all competitions are comic, so it’s quite possible to “play the fool.”

For the 1st place “Tsar” you can make a crown, and, if you suddenly succeed, get a fake gray beard. If you don’t have a beard, then it’s quite possible to make one from an ordinary washcloth, to which an elastic band is sewn. These “regalia” should be left as souvenirs to the competition participants.

"King" - 2nd place. The Russian Tsar, as a character, is, of course, more important in Russia. Therefore, the title of king is awarded to the runner-up. You can also put a crown on his head, only narrow and wide, and throw a “royal robe” made from a piece of fabric gathered with an elastic band or ribbon along the neckline over his shoulders.

"Tsarevich" - 3rd place. Here you can play around and present the young man, for example, with a Frog Princess drawn on whatman paper with an arrow in her mouth or paw, and write a funny phrase like: “You’re lucky, I’m yours!” or “The prince did not look for a ford, but wandered into a swamp after an arrow. I was always waiting for you, I was unapproachable!”

“Korolevich” - 4th place. For this young man, you need to prepare a ribbon over the shoulder, with medals sewn to it, and an epaulette - a cardboard oval - trimmed with blue fabric and yellow fringe. You will need to attach it to clothing with double-sided tape, but in any case, this will not last long.

One of the presenters or all three, reading a quatrain, congratulate all the young people on the holiday:

Guys, we are confident in you

Although you are not all tested,

We look at you with confidence,

And we don’t dream of titles.

We are already sure

That you will defend the Motherland,

We look at you with confidence -

Truly, not “seemingly.”

This is how humanity is structured

That anything can happen in the world.

And defending the Fatherland

Remember - you are his children!

After this, the girls can give the young people souvenirs as keepsakes.

Great competitions for boys on February 23

"Italian" weaving

Weaving as a form of folk art appeared in ancient times, because even primitive people realized that all kinds of things or food could be stored in objects woven from twigs. A variety of materials were used for weaving - birch bark, willow twigs, vines, fishing lines, twine, ropes (by the way, we owe the last type of weaving to sailors and sea knots). But so far no one has tried weaving from... spaghetti! Therefore, participants in the competition can be asked to weave all kinds of knots, which are given specific names by weaving masters:

  • eight;
  • tie knot;
  • kalach;
  • Capuchin;
  • Tatting.

Movement at an accelerated pace

Contestants can be asked to depict the simplest movements, but at the same time resort to a trick well-known among filmmakers - how to “scroll” their gestures in accelerated mode. This technique was used by many directors and cameramen shooting comedies - for some reason it always made the audience laugh. Participants need to “speed up” two or even three times, but at the same time show the simplest movements, for example.

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