Easter event in kindergarten. Easter scripts for kindergarten

Together we celebrate Easter,

And with a bow we invite

Everyone who loves to have fun

And laugh and frolic!

1 child:

All the snowstorms have flown away,

The cold has fled

The sun is shining stronger

No snow, no ice,

The birds sing loudly,

Everyone is celebrating the Red Spring!

2nd child:

Drops are dripping loudly,

The distance outside the windows is bright.

The birds sang merrily,

Easter has come to visit us!

Children listen to an Easter song.

Ved: Easter is a holy church holiday, and it is always celebrated on Sunday. On Easter, people always visit: they exchange colored eggs, greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen!” and answer: “He is truly risen!” On this day, bells ring solemnly and festively in churches. This ringing is called the Easter bell.

The Easter chime sounds (phonogram)

Bells are ringing everywhere,

People are pouring out of all the churches,

The dawn is already looking from the sky,

- Christ is risen!

All: Christ is risen.

3rd child:

To the tune of Easter prayers

And to the sound of bells

Spring is flying to us from far away,

From the midday regions.

4th child:

The dormant bell

Woke up the fields

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

The game "Lark" is being played

(Counting: We begin to count: “One-two-three-four-five!” We counted to five! Come on, lark, fly! Children walk in a circle, Lark flies with a tambourine in the opposite direction. “In the sky, the Lark sang, the bell rang " He frolicked in silence, hid the song in the grass. The one who finds the song will be happy for a whole year! " The children crouch down on the floor between the two children. The chosen children run in a circle in different directions. .)

People are having fun -

Easter is at the gates!

Hold hands together

Get into the circle quickly

Let everyone sing merrily

And the round dance will begin!

Children sing the song “We want the birds to sing”

Ved (holding a willow in his hands):

Willow, willow is beautiful!

She has flowers - fluffy lumps,

In spring it blooms,

The Easter holiday is calling to us!

5th child:

It's getting darker every day

Stitches and paths,

And on the willows with silver

The earrings glow.

6th child:

The willow is all fluffy

Spread around

It's fragrant spring again

She blew her wing.

Ved: Willow is one of the first trees to bloom beautifully in spring. It was considered medicinal. People chewed and swallowed willow buds to avoid getting sick. Or they could whip each other - so that there would be more health!

- Wave the twig a little,

Yes, beat someone!

Willow from beyond the sea,

Give me health, willow!

The child takes the willow and touches all the children, and the leader says:

The willow is holy! The willow is holy!

Willow - whip -

Brings me to tears.

I don’t hit, the willow hits.

Be as healthy as water

Be rich as the earth!

Children, be healthy for the whole year! Be as cheerful as spring! Be as rich as the earth! And grow like a willow!

Easter is a bright, good holiday,

A holiday of happiness, beauty,

He brings us all hope

So that we become kinder.

Children read the poem “Easter Morning”, V. Kuzmenkova

7th child:

The sun rose over the forest,

The forest lit up brightly,

All the leaves rustled:

8th child:

The birds are chirping merrily,

They soared to the skies in a flock.

The breeze carried their song:

"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"

9th child:

Red cat on a blanket

He quietly climbed up to me

And purrs in my ear:

"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"

Ved: Guys, let's call Sunny to us!

- Sunshine, sunshine, come out from behind the river, (open your palms)

Let's count the rays: one, two, three... (bend fingers)

The bright rays will not cover the clouds. (Cross your arms in front of you)

Sunshine, sunshine, come out from behind the river, (open your palms)

Sunny, darling, let's sit on the porch, (fold your hands like a shelf)

We have all been waiting for you for a long time, shine your light! (claps hands)

Sunshine, get up and throw some rays. (gradually raise and lower your arms down)

A child comes out - the sun.

Hello, Bell Sun!

Tell me where have you been?

Tell me what you saw?

10th child – Sunny:

I jumped through the Christmas trees,

It walked across the sky for a long time.

Illuminated the forest and meadow,

Everything around was warm.

It fell from the heights of heaven,

It came to you on Easter.

I love your songs

Sing about Red Spring!

Children perform the round dance “Freckles – Spring”

How much light and warmth

Spring gives us red:

The grass in the field rustles,

A bird flies across the sky,

And in the ravine the stream spills,

It fills itself with its sonorous song.

Game "Stream"

(Children stand in columns along streams, clasp each other by the waist, sing the “Stream” chant. When they hear the word “uh,” they jump over the stream. Whoever touches the “water” is eliminated from the game.)

Vedas: On Easter, people bake Easter cakes in their homes, prepare Easter cottage cheese, paint eggs...

And now you will go to the group and try to decorate the white testicles.

Symbolism of painting Easter eggs:

Pine: longevity

Star: moral purity, philanthropy.

Cockscomb: protection from evil spirits.

Oak leaf: harmony.

Sun: symbol of the harvest.

Magpie feet: symbol of the forty saints.

For preschoolers

Easter scenario “People are having fun - Easter holiday at the gates” for children of the senior and preparatory groups of kindergarten

Children enter the hall performing the Kalinka dance to Russian folk music.

1st presenter.

Spring came,

Spring is red,

And she invites everyone to go for a walk!

The sun is rising clear

Everyone is invited to the street!

Children form a circle and the game “Shine, Shine Clear” is played.

2nd presenter.

People are having fun -

Easter is at the gates!

1st presenter. Easter is a holy church holiday, and it appeared immediately after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

2nd presenter. The Easter holiday lasts a whole week. These days people do good deeds to remove sin from human souls. Easter is a holy day of kindness and comfort. People forgive each other's insults, go to the graves of the dead to honor them with a kind word.

The musical director performs “In a difficult moment of life,” music. P. Bulakhov, to the words of M. Lermontov’s poem “Prayer”.

1st presenter. These days people do good for birds and animals. The birds are released from their cages.

2nd presenter. These days people greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen!” And they answer: “He is truly risen!”

Mozart's "Requiem" is playing. A child comes out dressed as an angel.


I am an Angel, a messenger of God,

Came to visit you for the holiday too!

I want to glorify Christ

And happy Easter to everyone!

“Angel” performs a rhythmic composition to the music of D. Last, then gives an Easter wreath.

Bells are ringing.

1st presenter.

Bells are ringing everywhere,

People are pouring out of all the churches!

The dawn is already looking from the heavens.

Christ is risen!

All. Christ is risen!

Organ music sounds. Children recite poems.

1st child.

To the tune of Easter prayers

And to the sound of bells

Spring is flying to us from far away,

From the midday regions!

2nd child.

The dormant bell

Woke up the fields

Smiled at the sun

Sleepy land.

3rd child.

Quiet Valley

Dispels sleep

And beyond the blue forest

The ringing stops!

The children's orchestra performs the song “Evening Ringing” on bells and triangles, a Russian folk melody.

2nd presenter.

The earth is waking up

The fields are getting dressed,

Spring is coming, full of miracles.

Christ is risen!

All. Christ is risen!

The melody of the Ukrainian folk song “Vesnyanka” sounds, the children dance in a circle and sing: “Oh, the water is running like a stream...”.

1st presenter. On Easter days, people dressed up, played Easter games, sang, and went to visit. Where will we go?

1st child. To Uncle Myron!

The hostess and the owner come out and bow.

2nd child.

Mistress, our father,

Meet the uninvited and unknown guests!


In honor of Easter at the gate

Start a round dance!

A group of children performs Vermenich’s round dance song “Spring is Coming.”

2nd presenter. Where else will we go?

3rd child.

To Nikolai's house!

Nikolai, Nikolai,

Don't sit at home

Have fun!

The owner and mistress of Nikolaev's yard come out and bow.


And my little girls are laughing

They will sing funny ditties!

A group of girls perform ditties.

1st presenter. Where else will we go?

Guys. To Ivan's yard!


Please, dear guests,

I've been waiting for you

Let's have a good dance!

The dance "Cossack" is performed by a group of children.

2nd presenter. And where else do you want to go?


Let's go to Lyubashka,

Cheerful and cutie!


We meet you at the gate,

Let's start dancing!

A group of girls performs the “Dance with Handkerchiefs” to the Russian folk music “On the Mountain is Kalina.”

1st presenter.(holds willow branches in his hands).

We meet everyone with willow on Easter,

We cordially invite you to visit!

Come in quickly

Sing more fun!

The song is set to music by R. Glier, lyrics by A. Blok “Verbochki”.

2nd presenter.

Willow, willow is beautiful,

Come spring, the sun is clear!

Bring warmth

Have fun!

Children perform any dance.

1st presenter.

Let's have a good Easter,

Fun and bright:

Cheese, butter and egg,

Yes, a ruddy Easter cake,

A good meal

Songs, dances and fun!

A girl dressed in a Sun costume comes out to Russian music.


The sun laughs tenderly,

Today it's fun to sing

I warm the earth

Happy Easter to everyone!

Children perform R. Pauls' song "Sun".


I bring you painted eggs -

Difficult, golden!

Who will take the egg faster?

That's who will get it!

The game is being played.

2nd presenter. It was also previously believed according to Russian custom: whoever breaks the egg first is the luckiest one! Who will try their luck?

The game is being played.

1st presenter.

And here are three more eggs,

He will win!

The game is being played.

2nd presenter.

That's how much fun we have

At this Easter hour!

Easter cakes and colorful colored eggs are brought out on a tray. They sing to the tune of the song “Let’s go through the viburnum to the garden”:

We're all going to Easter

We're all going, we're all going,

We carry Easter cakes in our hands,

We carry, we carry!


Sweet Easter cakes,

Take it soon

Appetizing, good

Eat more fun!

1st presenter.

Open your mouth wider

Get it one piece at a time!

2nd presenter.

Kolyada caroled,

She ran up under the window,

What did grandma bake?

That’s what I gave to you all!

Don't pinch, don't break,

But in general, come on!

1st presenter.

Ay, tari, tari, tari,

They brought you eggs:

Yellow, red,

Eggs are all different!

You eat eggs

Remember our Easter!

Children are treated to food and Russian folk music is played.

All guests of the holiday - parents, grandparents - are seated at tables located in the assembly hall of the kindergarten. On the tables are Easter, Easter eggs, sweets, tea. The main participants in the Easter scenario in the holiday kindergarten are the children of the preparatory group at this time preparing for the performance.
Light background music is playing. The host of the holiday, the teacher, enters the hall.

TEACHER: Seconds pass, minutes fly by, week after week the winter months fly by. And again the bright holiday of Christ's Resurrection comes - Easter, a time that gives hope for a bright and kind future for us and for our children. She comes again to congratulate everyone on the spring holiday, so that all hearts will open to Christ and be filled with grace.

All living things around rejoice in the spring warmth. The children are also happy, because today is a wonderful day for the pupils of our kindergarten. Our Easter scenario in kindergarten is designed so that children have the opportunity to congratulate their most beloved parents, grandparents, relatives and friends on the holiday. Let's greet them with warm applause!
The music of the “spring waltz” sounds, participants in the Easter scenario in kindergarten - children enter the hall in pairs, dance the waltz.

GIRL 1: We haven’t said goodbye to winter yet,
And it already brings warmth.
And dear Easter holiday -
As always, it came to us in the spring.

BOY 1: He goes, and again
The rain washed the forest in the morning -
With your clouds, moving your eyebrow
He accidentally woke up a rainbow in the sky.

GIRL 2: Today in the bright hall
We brought the Easter eggs.
Poems and songs and smiles
We will dedicate it to our parents.

GIRL: The wish of the mothers of the planet
There is only one thing for everyone:
So that all the children in the world
Goodness and happiness were preserved

BOY 2: With heartfelt words, Happy Easter.
Congratulations to fathers and mothers!
Congratulations on spring,
With a clear fate!

The song “I love Easter is bright, I will give gifts to everyone”

GIRL 3: Easter is bright, pretty, good
Brings warmth and sunshine to us.
– he looks very much like a handsome man
To our kind, sweet mothers.

BOY 3: Congratulations, congratulations
All relatives and dear ones.
Today we all know
Easter is the best day for them.

GIRL 4: We know, when we become adults, time will pass,
And a ray of sunshine will sparkle in the sky
Easter is bright and dear
Both adults and children - he loves and waits for everyone.

Riddles from the Sun

TEACHER: Easter walks with a light gait, enchants everyone with its light. Under the warm spring sun, everything on earth comes to life.

The phonogram “Easter has come to kindergarten” sounds, and a girl dressed in a Sunny costume enters.

SUN: I am the spring sun,
I look out the window.
I warm you with rays,
Happiness and health
I wish you all a happy holiday.

Children-rays run up to the Sun

RAY 1: The main thing is the sun on earth,
RAY 2: We are his perky rays.
RAY 3: If the sun rejoices -
RAY 4: So the rays are dancing
Dance of the "rays". A girl dressed in a Sun costume stands in the center of the hall. She has a wreath of yellow flowers on her head. Yellow ribbons are hidden inside the wreath, they are attached to the wreath. Children - rays take out these ribbons and dance the round dance "Merry rays" .

TEACHER: What great fellows you are, dear rays. And you, Sunny, gave such a radiant mood to all our guests.

SOLNYSHKO: And I also want to play a little with the guys and ask them riddles.

Everything is green all around:
Pastures, and forest, and house
Streams rush to the river,
Swallows are making nests,
And the magpie news, -
She flew around everyone
Notifying that she has arrived... (spring)

RAY 1: Sunny, I also know the spring riddle.

Only yesterday the naughty wind
He brought us news from spring,
And today there are strange flowers
Sprouted through the drifts... (SNOWDrops)

RAY 2: Three brothers walk around the world
From winter to summer,
The first one goes - the ice melts,
The second will pass - everything is blooming everywhere,
The third will pass - and by itself
The earth will be covered with silk grass! (Spring months)

RAY 3: From the green, from the edge,
What May sewed in the spring
White bells are ringing
Guess what their names are... (LILY OF THE LILY)
Inseparable three brothers.
Haven't you met them?

TEACHER: The Sun and the Rays have prepared wonderful riddles for us.

SOLNYSHKO: And also, an interesting fairy tale. My friends, the forest animals, will tell it to us.

Scene "We celebrate Easter"
The phonogram “Dance of the Bunnies” plays. Two boys come out, participants in the Easter scenario in kindergarten, dressed in hare costumes. One catches up with the other, they roll over and play.

BUNNY 1: Oh, I’m tired, I can’t take it anymore!
Bunny 2: Of course, we ran through half the forest - we played hide and seek. Oblique, come on, let's sit down on a stump.
Bunny1: Exactly, it's time to rest. Oh, and I'm tired of frosts and snowstorms.
BUNNY 2: That’s right, I’m tired of this winter - there’s nothing to eat in the forest, it’s cold, the wolves are running around hungry. By the way, isn't it time for us to change our fur coats to gray ones?
BUNNY 1: Exactly, only the bright Easter can change the fur coat for the hares, and we still haven’t met her.
Bunny 2: So, let's meet.
Bunny1: Where can I look for her?
Bunny 2: Oh, let's ask Titmouse!
Together: Si-nich-ka!
The phonogram “Titmouse” sounds.
TITmouse: Hello, hares. Did you call me?
Bunny 1: Titmouse, you fly everywhere, you notice everything.
Bunny 2: Tell me, haven’t you celebrated Easter?
TITmouse: There is still snow in my forest, but the first stream informed me that it was already close.
Bunny 1: So, let's go meet her.
Titmouse: Maybe Tuchka knows where to find her.
Bunny 1: Hey, spring cloud, come quickly, where is Easter bright - tell us all!
Cheerful music is playing. Enter "Tuchka"

TUCHKA: Why are you so noisy, forest dwellers, what do you want from me?
Bunny 1: We want to welcome Spring.
TITmouse: Can't you see her from above?
TUCHKA: I see. Over there, behind the tall oak trees, beyond the blue seas.
BUNNY 1: So why isn’t it coming to us?
TITmouse: Yes, we’ve all been waiting for her!
TUCKA: She can’t come so quickly - she needs to scatter the flowers, plant all the herbs, water them well so that they grow and delight us all.

Magpie flies in.
TITmouse: Oh, look, an old friend. She probably brought some news again.
SOROKA: What about no news? I can't live without news. And in the forest, such, such things are happening - something strange and fabulous.
BUNNY 1: don’t chatter like that, Magpie. Tell me.
SOROKA: So, Bright Easter sent its decree to the forest: all forest plants must wake up
And snowdrops and thick grass,
And forest dandelion, and clear lily of the valley.
To all the flowers of the forest - to rise from their winter sleep,
To delight the forest inhabitants with bright petals.

SOROKA: I’m flying to look at this beauty.
TITmouse: I’ll fly with you too. (fly out)
Bunny 1: Let's jump and we'll take a look.
BUNNY 2: Let's jump! Cloud, are you with us?
TUCHKA: No, I’ll fly to my mother. After all, today is a holiday and I want to congratulate her. (Flies away)

(The bunnies sing a song about friendship and continue to wander. The lights turn off. The bunnies hide behind a stump)
Bunny 1: Oh, how scary it is here, it’s dark. I feel someone is running.
Shapoklyak runs in to the music.

SHAPOKLYAK: Oh, what beautiful children here.
Everyone is meek and welcoming.
They congratulate their mothers as if they were artists performing.
But no one remembered me, Shapoklyak,
No greetings to me, no honor. So, let me be bad again.
I know how to perform various dirty tricks and I will teach you, children.
(draws attention to the bunnies)

SHAPOKLYAK: Oh, what is this? (gets scared)

BUNNY 2: And this is us, bunnies. Why are you shouting like that? We thought it was a wolf and hid

SHAPOKLYAK: Ha. I'm scarier than a wolf. And I’ll tell you right now: Wow (scares the hares)

Bunny 1: ha, if I didn’t know you, I’d think you were some kind of horror story. Better yet, come with us to celebrate Easter.

SHAPOKLYAK: Well, even if I couldn’t scare you, I’ll try to scare mothers and grandmothers. Lariska, go ahead: squeal and squeal at the top of your voice. (Scares) Oh. Lariska, we’ve lived through this - no one is afraid of us anymore. Well, what does this mean? Nobody respects us.

Bunny 2: Your grievances, grandma, are in vain. Here, in our forest, everyone is attentive and polite.

SHAPOKLYAK: Yeah. Everyone is just so polite. I do not believe.
Bunny 2: (takes out a bouquet of flowers)
Grandma Shapoklyak, we congratulate you on the holiday of Easter.

Bunny 1: And we always want to be kind!
Bunny 2: Take a big spring greeting from us -
Snowdrops white bouquet!
BUNNY 1: Let all the grandmothers rejoice at this hour - the forest animals congratulate you all on the holiday!
Several animals run in to the music - a little fox, a bear cub, a wolf cub. Read poems for grandmothers.

FOX: Dear grandmothers, we are your grandchildren,
We are happy to celebrate the holiday with you.
BEAR CUB: Good grandmothers, all children love you; We send greetings to our dear grandmothers.
WOLF CUB: I congratulate my dear grandmother on the great holiday of Holy Easter, I wish you warm spring smiles and long life.

Song "Dear Grandma"

SHAPOKLYAK: That's it, I take back my words. Excuse me.
BUNNY 1: Excuse me? (Children answer).
SHAPOKLYAK: Bunny, what did you tell me? To welcome spring? Okay, I agree. Went.
(they move on. They saw a flower lawn. They approach the flowers)
Bunny 1: Oh, what a good job you did here.
SHAPOKLYAK: The flowers are beautiful: there are both red and blue. If I pick them up and want them, I’ll give them to my sweetheart tomorrow.
FLOWER 1: No, don’t tear us up - we are alive, although the flowers are small.
FLOWER 2: Don’t destroy us, we want to live.
FLOWER 3: Better do this: take out the paints and pencils and stand in front of them. You will draw us, and we will dance.

Dance of the Flowers

Bunny 1: Where is Easter? It should be here.
SHAPOKLYAK: I hear someone coming.

FLOWER 1: She walks with a light gait and enchants everyone with her beauty!

FLOWER 2: Let us celebrate a holy and bright Easter, glorify it all together, greet it with friendly applause.

To the sound of music, the main character of the Easter scenario comes into kindergarten - the beautiful Easter girl, dressed in a folk costume. In her hands is a basket with painted eggs, she distributes them to all the guests of the holiday and to the children participating in the Easter scenario in kindergarten.

HOLY EASTER: Happy Holy Easter, I am glad to greet you!
The sun warmed the earth, the flowers were colorful.
Snowdrops are blooming like a fairy tale - so, forest dwellers rejoice! Today I want to congratulate everyone on the brightest holiday of spring. And I sincerely want to wish you to always be beautiful. And now, I invite everyone to the spring round dance!
Round dance with Easter
Easter addresses the Bunny

EASTER: Why are you sad, Bunny?
And you still haven't had fun?

BUNNY: I don’t know what to do - I want to please my mother.
She has a lot of things, what should she give her for the holiday?

EASTER: Do you want your gift to be nice to your mother?
Well, sing a song to her - congratulate your mother on the holiday!

TEACHER: And the main gift for your parents is for their children to be healthy, cheerful and happy. So that children's laughter can be heard everywhere, so that children grow up in love and peace. Happy holiday to everyone, Christ is Risen! Truly risen!

Closing song “We wish you both happiness and love”

Everyone loves to paint eggs for Easter, especially children, so we share with you an idea:

In mid-April, all Orthodox Christians celebrate the bright holiday of Easter. Easter is also celebrated in kindergartens. Multi-colored eggs and Easter eggs, various contests and competitions, whose history goes back to antiquity - this is not the only thing about Easter in kindergarten. The main task, to convey the importance of the holiday, falls on the shoulders of educators - to tell “what is good and what is bad”, to teach children to be responsible for their actions.

Easter in worldly life requires a long preparation. Already from the beginning of Lent, you can prepare children in kindergarten for the bright holiday and conduct thematic classes.

Easter in kindergarten: preparation

Due to their age, it is difficult for children to understand some things, and there is no need for this. The teacher should not focus on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is better to tell the kids about the miraculous resurrection, emphasizing that good people always get what they deserve.

Easter has its own celebration attributes that are so cute for children - colored eggs. It is important to tell preschoolers that eggs in Rus' from time immemorial have been considered a symbol of life. For example, an egg was always placed in the foundation of a house under construction - for strength. Peasants would rub a testicle along the back of a newborn foal so that the foal would grow healthy and strong. Before sowing, there was a tradition of painting eggs in the furrows - for a good harvest. This custom of our ancestors can also be remembered in kindergarten, when the teacher and children plant the first spring plants on a walk.

The following story is connected with colored eggs for Easter: a disciple of Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene, told the Roman emperor Tiberius that Christ had risen. However, Tiberius did not believe it. Then Mary gave Tiberius an egg with the words “Christ is Risen” and it turned red - the color of the blood that Christ shed for the people.

Children can be asked to bring boiled eggs from home to kindergarten classes and color them. Finger paints are suitable for nursery groups. Instead of real eggs, you can use cardboard templates or plastic eggs from Kinder Surprises.

The good thing about the option with plastic and cardboard is that it can withstand any material: appliqué, modeling, and dyeing.

Classes in kindergarten on decorating eggs can be supplemented with stories about folk traditions. For example, girls will be interested to know that since ancient times it was customary to rub the face with a painted sacred egg in order to be beautiful. Children will also be curious to know that in the West, Easter eggs are brought by rabbits, so next to a colored egg you can always see this animal in the form of a toy or chocolate treat.

Recordings of bell ringing can be included as an accompaniment to classes. If there is a temple not far from the kindergarten, you can arrange an excursion to it, having first asked permission from the parents and agreed with the priest at the temple.

Easter in kindergarten y, preparation for it includes learning Easter poems and songs:

  • A. “Verbochki” block,
  • A. Maykov “Christ is Risen”,
  • K. Fofanov “To the tune of Easter prayers”,
  • S. Yesenin “Easter gospel”.

Immediately before the holiday itself, an exhibition of themed crafts is organized in the kindergarten.

Easter in kindergarten: competitions

Children first of all want to play. Therefore, these are also fun competitions that can be held outside, if the weather permits, or in a group.

Competitions are divided into Easter and folk fun.

Easter competitions

Competition "Who wins"

Children are given colored eggs and told that they must beat their opponent's egg. The kid whose egg remains intact wins.

Puzzle "Rainbow basket"

Children are divided into two teams. In front of each team is placed a base with empty forms and cut out figures. The figurines are parts of eggs. The team's task is to collect a rainbow basket as quickly as possible.

Game "Chasing Two Hares"

Two wooden eggs are placed in front of the children. You need to hit them with the third testicle so that they roll in different directions.

deflating an egg

For this game in kindergarten you will need an empty raw egg with a small hole. It is advisable to pre-color the egg so that it looks real, Easter. Children are divided into two teams. The team that “transfers” the egg to the enemy’s territory wins.

Competition "Find the egg"

All children leave the room where it is being held. At this time, teachers hide eggs in the hall: chocolate, boiled, plastic. Each child is given a basket. Whoever collects the most eggs wins.

Folk games for Easter in kindergarten

Game "Hats"

Each child is given a hat. When all the children turn away, the leader places an egg in one of the hats. Players take turns trying to guess who has the egg. The one who guesses becomes the leader.

Egg relay

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is given a spoon with a boiled egg. Participants need to, holding a spoon with an egg in their mouth, run, for example, to a bucket, go around it and pass the spoon with an egg to the next team member. Whoever completed the task faster won.


The water is selected and turned away. At this time, children hold hands and stand in a circle, trying to get as “confused” as possible. The presenter's task is to untangle them.


For this game in kindergarten you will need two houses - for the geese and for the owner. Between the houses lives a wolf - water. The owner and the geese communicate:

- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ga.
- Do you want something to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes.
- So fly!
- No no no. The gray wolf under the mountain is sharpening its teeth and wants to eat us.

After this, the geese try to run across to the owner, and the wolf tries to catch them. The one who is caught becomes water.

Description: the holiday script is intended for older preschoolers and will be useful for music directors and educators.

Goal: to introduce students to the tradition of celebrating Easter; expand the understanding of folk culture; to attract the attention of modern children to the history and culture of the Russian people; cultivate a love for folk traditions.

Celebration progress:

Presenter - Spring:

(comes in, reads poetry),

Spring fresh forest
Christ is Risen is making noise!
And the sun from heaven
Christ is Risen shines!

And the copper bell
Christ is Risen is buzzing!
There is a bright cross on the temple
Christ is Risen is ringing!

Spring is a time of miracles
Sings Christ is Risen!
There are no happier words
Say Christ is Risen!

Children: "Christ is risen!" (they respond in unison)

Spring: Hello, my good, glorious children. Hello my dears! (children say hello). And, do you guys know what holiday we are celebrating today? (children's answers) Easter has arrived correctly.

What kind of holiday is this – Easter?

Among all Christian holidays, Easter is the greatest, brightest, most solemn. Holy Easter is a celebration of the victory of love and good over evil, life over death, our hope for a future resurrection, because on this day we remember the Resurrection of our Lord - Jesus Christ. Once upon a time, a long time ago, evil people betrayed and killed Jesus, but he defeated death and was resurrected. That's why Easter is also called the Resurrection of Christ.

And now the kids from the older group will tell us poems:

1. How I love Easter!
Get ready for Thursday
Grandma paints eggs
I'll help her too.

On a fragile, thin shell
For people, for beauty
I paint with a brush quietly:
Cross, sun, flowers.

On the bright holiday of Sunday
I'll give it to my friends
By the testicle, with congratulations
And I will say: “I painted it myself!”

2. The sun sparkles in the puddles,
The willow blossomed down,
"Alive, live!" - birds chirp,
And the bells sing

There is a fragrant Easter cake on the table,
A pile of colored eggs,
On this holiday, bright, clean
You won't see gloomy faces.

They say: "Christ is risen!"
“Yes, he is truly risen!”
Tearing apart the veil of darkness,
He came down to people from heaven.

Christ lives and people believe:
If we part with evil,
Life will last. Will be eternal
Peace with love and goodness!

(E. Shalamonova)

3. Drops are dripping loudly
Near our window.
The birds sang cheerfully:
"Easter! Easter!

She came to us!"

4. We found a snowdrop yesterday
On a thawed patch in the forest.
Delicate blue flower
Met Easter and spring.

5. The Feast of Holidays is coming.
The people bring the blessing to the temple.
Eggs, Easter cheese,
Ginger cakes.

Spring: At Easter, Rus' always organized funny children's games, let's play with you too!

"Bowling in Russian" .

Prizes are placed along the perimeter of the table: whistles, gingerbread cookies, sweets, soldiers, nesting dolls, dolls, and kinder surprises. The task of the players is to use their egg to knock out the thing they like. You have to take turns riding. Each player receives the prize that he knocked off the table with his egg. The game continues until all the prizes are won.

Song “We joyfully celebrate Easter”

And now the children from the middle group will read the poems:

6. The gospel is buzzing everywhere,
People are pouring out of all the churches.
The dawn is already looking from the sky...

7. The snow cover has already been removed from the fields,
And my hands are breaking from their shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

8. Now the earth is waking up,
And the fields are dressed,
Spring is coming, full of miracles!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

9. Earth and sun,
Fields and forest -
Everyone praises God:
Christ is risen!

10. In the smile of blue
Living skies
Still the same joy:
Christ is risen!

11. Enmity has disappeared,
And the fear disappeared.
No more anger -
Christ is risen!

12. How wonderful are the sounds
Holy words
In which you can hear:
Christ is risen!

Spring: The poems are good and very joyful! Well done! Let's play again now?.. This game is for two strong boys!

A game-competition is being held: "Take your little sister to the Temple"

Two long-haired girls are called to help the boys.

The boys are given ribbons and handkerchiefs. They are asked to very quickly braid the girls’ hair and tie scarves on them, then take each braided and tied girl to the designated place.

Vesna: Well done to all of you! Everyone is so smart and cheerful! Happy Easter!

Christ is Risen, children! Christ is risen!

Vesna: Well done everyone! We were very pleased with the spring! Christ is Risen, children!

Now let's play again. I need six people, those who can draw, and those four people who can also dance!

The COMPETITION is being held:

Six children are divided into three in each team and draw Spring on their sheet of whatman paper, pulling out notes from their mittens indicating what to draw (hands, nose, braid, crown, etc.) The team that draws the funniest Spring wins.

And at this time, four children are divided into two teams, two children in each, and they are given a marker, a balloon, a shawl, and a handkerchief. They make Spring - they draw a face on a ball with a marker, tie a scarf on the ball, fasten the ends of the shawl with ties sewn in advance to the arms and legs of one of the pair, and the second holds a ball head along the upper edge of the shawl and listens to music (or rhythmic clapping from the audience in the hall) Spring is dancing. The funniest couple wins.

Spring: Well, they made Spring laugh! Well, we made you happy! Christ is Risen, children!

Song “Hello, ray of sunshine!”

Children read poetry:

11. The royal doors are open before us,
Holy fire shines from the candle...
The circle was again placed in the temple
Colored eggs, Easter cakes.

12. It’s still dark, but the sun is shining.
Plays with all the colors of heaven.
And we joyfully repeat to each other:
Christ is risen!

Spring: Well done. The boys played together and did not offend anyone. And now. Sit down and listen to what else I’ll tell you. On the day of Christ's bright resurrection, it was customary to visit hospitals, prisons, poor people and give them gifts. The Lord does not leave anyone without consolation on this day. Without the red egg and Easter cake. And even the most cruel people become kind. Now we will show you a fairy tale. Which is called "Easter bun" , and you listen carefully and remember well.

Fairy tale "Easter bun"

(Children of the older group play)

A hut with a Russian stove. Grandfather and grandmother are sitting at the table


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman,
But they didn’t have any pockmarked chicken.
There was a grandfather and a woman who were very poor -
With a tear they counted the copper pennies.

There was nothing to feed the chicken,
There was nothing to feed the chicken.
The hen didn't lay them eggs -
Don't bake now

Easter cake!

Neither Easter cake, nor bread -
There is nothing to break your fast on Easter!

It is a great sin to be discouraged!
You have to think - brainstorm!
Open the door to the heart,
Call on your mind for help.

Leading: (prompts)
Drink holy water
Pray to God!
God will tell you what to do

How to get flour for bread.
All you need is a little bit - bake a bun!
Grandfather (echoes joyfully)
We'll mark the barns,

Let's scratch the bottom of the barrel.
Woman (nods in agreement)
Our small mouth -
Let's scrape it together!


Kneaded with water
And salted the teardrop.
Thanked God
They put the dough in the oven...

(imitate, leave)

The Lenten bun came out.
I lay down on the window to freeze.
Early in the morning he woke up -
Looked around, stretched

And said…

Kolobok: (runs in and addresses the audience)
… Hello friends!
Oh, how glorious and magnificent I am!
Oh, where am I? (looks around)

You can't hear anyone around...
The house is quiet in the morning.
The birds are not singing yet.
I’ll soon go to the Temple -

I'll sprinkle myself with holy water!
Scene Path in the forest


He climbed down from the windowsill
Yes, and jumped out the window,
But he went the wrong way -
Along the path, straight into the forest...

Looks at the first Christmas tree
Look at him with the eyes of a wolf!
Wolf (growls rudely)
Well, hello, little bun!

I'll bite off the rosy side!


I'm sweeping through the barn,
I'm scraping the bottom of the barrel,
Mixed with water,

Yes, salted with a tear,

But not yet illuminated.

I'm going to the Temple to sanctify,

Wait – and I’m tossing and turning!

Bear: (grumbles dissatisfied)

Wow! How you frightened me!
I almost died, really!
I'll eat you for your offense...
Look, I completely jumped up!


Excuse me, bear!
I'll be more careful in future!
I'm going to the Temple to sanctify,
Wait – and I’m tossing and turning.


The bun runs faster
Without sparing the legs of bread.
Suddenly he meets in the forest
A very cunning fox!

Fox: (sings tenderly)

Hello, dear little bun!
Give me a piece of yourself.
You're not greedy...
Is it true, my sweetie?


I'm afraid to be late, fox -
I'm heading to the Church of God!
By Easter we must be sanctified -
Sprinkle yourself with holy water

Fox: (ingratiatingly)

I can't hear you!
Come closer, my dear...
Kolobok: (louder, but not getting closer)
I'm going to the Temple to sanctify,

Wait – and I’m tossing and turning!

(the bun runs away)

Scene 3 – Church
Our bun rolled into the church
Holy water

Sprinkled well.

And Father asks him...

You were sprinkled with holy water,
Well, where is your red testicle?
Kolobok: (sad)
My poor old people are poor

We are glad to have a rare copper penny.
They couldn’t give me a red egg!
We couldn't bake an Easter cake.
They were the only ones who could bake me.

Forgive me, Father, for my sad speech...

It is a great sin to be discouraged!
We must pray and trust in God!
How the heavenly one sends food to the bird -
So, you see, the Lord will send you an egg.


The rumor reached the parishioners -
They ran home.
And then a basket full of eggs!
Put your back up quickly, little bun!

(hands the bun a basket of eggs)

Scene 4 Path in the forest


Kolobok bowed deeply to everyone
And I rolled back home.
I just started to hurry -
Lo and behold: again a wolf, a bear and a fox!

Fox: Oh, what a rosy side!
Wolf Happy Easter to you, little bun!
Bear: Happy Resurrection of Christ!
You will be a delicious treat for us for the holiday!

Kolobok: (educational)

You foolish animals!
I explained - they don’t believe it!
I am fasting, my friends. –
I can't break my fast!

Animals (in chorus or in turns)
What should we do then?
We ask for forgiveness together!
Where is the food for the holiday?

Will there be a treat for Easter?
Kolobok: (solemnly)
Never be sad -
There will be food for the holiday!

You go to the basket -
Take everything one testicle at a time.
Thank God!
Animals (in chorus or in turns)

God bless! God bless!
We hear the bell ringing!
Kind words for your journey!
We bow to the old people!

Scene 5 Hut


Lo and behold, it’s already home –
The roof is red with a chimney.
Smoke floats upward from the stove.
Now on the porch

Grandma and grandpa can't wait
When will Kolobok return?

Grandfather (strictly)

Where did you go?
I've already searched the whole forest!
Woman (excitedly)
We've been waiting for you, my friend!

I was very worried!


Sorry, dear old people!
But there was no way to wake you up.
I wanted to please you
At least one of the good deeds:

I went to the Temple in the morning -
Sprinkled with holy water,
Yes, Easter is clear
I brought you some red eggs!

Grandfather (surprised)

Who helped you like that?
Who saved the woman from the fox?


Host: And people have a good heart!
Baba: Christ is risen!
All: Truly risen!
Baba: The Lord does not leave someone who cares for their neighbor without consolation!

1 child

Red like a drop of blood on the cross
Without end or edge - round everywhere!
Symbol of eternal life, red egg
Like a flower from paradise bloomed on your hand!

2 child

There is noise and laughter everywhere
Songs. Joy and fun
Congratulations to everyone, everyone, everyone
Happy first spring holiday!

Song "Easter spring has come"

Hostess: Guys, let's thank our artists for such a wonderful performance.

And to you, my dear children, I once again congratulate you on the Happy Easter holiday and I want to give you these Easter eggs. Christ is risen!

The children answer: He is truly risen!

I wish you health, happiness, joy, peace. I wish you to often please your parents with good deeds and do not forget to congratulate your parents, relatives and friends on the holiday! Our holiday has come to an end, but let the Easter joy last all year! Christ is Risen, children!

The children leave the hall to the sound of the bells.

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