I want to seduce my husband. How to seduce your ex-husband

How to seduce a man in bed? Whoever invented underwear gave a fabulous gift to women. With the help of beautiful and transparent lace, a woman can reduce the sum of even the most collected husband who carefully hides his desires.

There are several effective steps on how to seduce a man younger than yourself, which will help turn a representative of the stronger sex into a weak and defenseless kitten who will unquestioningly fulfill your every desire.

How to seduce your husband

Step one - get interested

This method should be used if your man (or not yet your man, but you really want it) hardly pays attention to you. Or even if a man says that he is damn tired today, and you understand that there will be no sex today. How to seduce a man? So, put on your stockings. On top, put on a skirt, not too short, but one that has a slit in the back. When walking or bending over, a small part of the elastic of the stocking will definitely be visible. Make him notice it, for example, drop something on the floor and turn your back to him, bend down and pick it up. At the sight of this beauty, men immediately begin to feel dizzy, their hearts beat fast, and they also have an uncontrollable desire to quickly see what’s there. But under no circumstances should a woman reveal this secret to him completely! This is very effective advice on how to seduce a man.

Step two - get hot

The time of seduction is better than the sexual act itself. Play with him like a cat and a mouse. When you notice that he has already taken the bait (on your stockings), continue to flirt further. This method of how to properly seduce your husband has been used for 2000 years. In the wardrobe of every self-respecting woman, there is a blouse that is a little transparent - use it to bring a man to, as they say, condition. If she has buttons, unbutton them so that the bra is visible, but not very vulgarly, but as if by chance. You can, for example, say that the room is stuffy and make a corresponding gesture, gently moving your blouse and waving it. But you remember - do it so that not everything is visible, but nevertheless excites him.

Third step - control shot

Situations are different, but we will now consider the option when you know that your man is breathing unevenly from you. For another option, the three-step technique may not work. So, you see that he is already drawn into this interesting game of watching your every gesture, look and breath - move on! Take a control shot - approach him with some question and start telling him with a breath, letting him feel the subtle aroma of your perfume and the delicate smell of your body. Then nature will do everything itself (unless, of course, the person is a complete retard or impotent). To complete what you started, you need to look at the situation. If you are in the office, there is no one nearby and there will be no surprises in the form of various employees - feel free to proceed further: invite you for a cup of coffee, offer to watch an interesting film in the cinema. In general, act according to the situation. You know better than to seduce your husband or man))

How to charm a man? How to be attractive to your lover? How to develop a romantic relationship? Perhaps most modern girls already know the answer to all these questions. And this is by no means from psychology books or online instructions on seduction. Lessons on seduction have nothing to do with it.

The art of temptation is genetically inherent in a woman. Gestures, body movements, facial expressions... Intelligence, character, inaccessibility... A man is used to conquering and achieving. And the woman, in turn, must play along with him. Coquetry, showing interest in your partner’s affairs, the ability to listen and admire are the best things that can “seduce” a man.

The relationship between a woman and a man is a kind of game. However, it ends when everyday life and responsibilities come into life.

In such living conditions, the main thing for a husband and wife is not to completely forget about what they once “hooked” each other with, so that their attraction is not “eaten up” by everyday life.

Remember, even the most enchanting and vibrant feelings sooner or later lose their edge. Habit and everyday life, loss of romanticism and passion can destroy your union very quickly.

I would also like to say that problems in a couple are not only the woman’s fault. So, dear ladies, don’t beat yourself up in advance. A man should also not forget about his “responsibilities”. But now we will look at the topic "How to seduce your partner" from the female side. If you are having problems in your relationship, your spouse may also read something similar to "Five ways to seduce your wife at home". In the meantime, let's talk about women's tricks. Go!

Reasons for a husband's cooling towards his wife

You are a prosperous family, you live separately, the children are growing up... Everything would seem ideal, but you and your husband have not held hands for a long time, he calls back less and less and is more often late at work, you have sex “on schedule” and “for show.” What is this? Problems in the office? Tired of family? Seduced by someone else? If you do not find out the reason for this behavior in time and do not eliminate it, anything can happen!

There are several main factors due to which a husband may lose interest in his legal wife:

  • resentment, disagreement and irritation;
  • habit and monotony in relationships;
  • dissatisfaction with his wife's appearance.

How to get your own husband back?

There is a saying: “A man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears”. One way or another, desires are born in the head. How your marital relationship will develop: spiritual, sexual and everyday, depends solely on your mutual desire, imagination and manifestation of fantasies.

So, in order not to soon seduce, luring back your ex, but still dearly beloved husband, do not waste a minute. Start with yourself, and he, as they say, will “catch up.” Remembering a man’s contemplative communication style, first change your everyday appearance. Remember what you were like when you met, what he paid most attention to.

Start with the “classic” method of resuscitation of sexual relations - by buying erotic lingerie, and then proceed to other effective feminine things to seduce:

  • change your hair color or haircut;
  • go to a cosmetologist or even get a tattoo;
  • exchange a dressing gown or tracksuit for a beautiful dress, and slippers for shoes;
  • update your bedroom decor. For example, change the bed linen to silk and light candles;
  • go out more often with your husband: conversations, holding hands, good music or movies will bring your feelings to life!

Change stereotypes in behavior.

Yes, men love to be listened to, but they also don’t mind listening. You can whisper something flattering or obscene in your ear, you can do something adventurous and reckless together, like in your youth. The main thing is that it encourages both.

Plan outings with your husband. Home is work, work is home. Here is another “pest” of love relationships. Spend more time with each other. Family, children - of course, you shouldn’t forget about them. But find time for each other: just walk, go to the theater and cinema.

Carefully think through your image, which can seduce. With clothes, accessories, makeup and perfume, you can set the appropriate mood for the evening. Your husband will be bursting with pride to have such a beauty next to him. And having returned home, he will certainly, without reminders or coercion, conquer not only your soul, but also your body.

Sometimes a woman also begins to forget that her husband is a man. Notice his sexuality, and not just in bed. Be flirty, touch him more often, send romantic and slightly obscene SMS or emails. And on vacation you can generally get wild: have sex in the sea or in the mountains - no one knows you there early.

But don't overdo it. Sometimes you need to be unapproachable. Your husband must conquer you all the time. Otherwise, your sexual persistence will have the opposite effect: instead of seducing your loved one, you will drive him away from you for a long time.

In order to seduce your own husband, you should learn:

  • speak kindly to your husband;
  • be gentle and feminine;
  • monitor your appearance, gait, posture;
  • behave sexually in bed;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • create comfort in the home, and sometimes a romantic and intimate atmosphere;
  • do not look for “adventures” on the side;
  • Stop quarreling with your husband and sort things out in vain.

And the most important thing. Respect yourself. Be happy and smile more often. To effectively seduce your own husband, you need to become a happy wife.

Constant attention, a sea of ​​compliments, gifts and a crowd of fans at your feet! Almost every girl secretly dreams about this. But for some girls, the ability to drive men crazy is given almost from the cradle, while others need to learn the basics of the art of seduction throughout their lives.

A pickup truck, a modern set of manipulations for seduction, will help you master the secrets of such a complex science.

Rules and goals of female pickup

The male pickup truck has one goal - to get the girl into bed as quickly as possible. Representatives of the fairer sex have more inventive goals: to find - to meet - to charm - to retain.

To achieve them it is necessary adhere to the following rules:

  • Creating the “correct” image. Men love with their eyes. This is why the choice of outfit and accessories is so important.
  • Beautiful make-up. Correct, discreet makeup will highlight your beauty.
  • Eye contact. To capture his attention, you need to hook a man with a gesture, word or look.
  • "Correct" communication. Naturalness, femininity and hidden sexuality are the main rules of successful conquest.
  • "Correct" behavior. It is necessary to show interest in the person, to show interest in his words. And an “accidental” touch will help “ignite a spark.”

How to make a guy fall in love with you?

Do you think a man chooses a woman? You're right, it is. BUT! He does this only after receiving signs that she wishes to be chosen. And wise women can easily use this.

The main feature of a female pickup truck is the ability to create conditions in which a representative of the stronger sex himself should be imbued with a desire to meet.

Its effectiveness lies, first of all, in the ability to advertise oneself in such a way that the man has no doubt that he is the initiator in the relationship.

Pickup rules for correspondence

SMS correspondence is one of the opportunities to test your feminine charm from a distance. Therefore, pickup lessons for beginner girls can start with her.

  1. It’s not at all difficult to seduce a guy via SMS if stick to some rules:
  2. Take a break! Before answering, pause for half an hour and make him wait twice as long for the next message as you did.
  3. Brevity is the soul of wit. Long SMS messages indicate excessive interest in him.
  4. Solid text. Do not use any emoticons or other unnecessary symbols - they speak about emotions.
  5. "The right image." You must be successful and independent.
  6. Emotional heating. From time to time, replace positive SMS with negative ones (you can always make an excuse that you were the wrong recipient).
  7. Keep the intrigue. It generates interest.
  8. Remember your goals. For every man, the information from an SMS is not as important as its purpose. Do not forget about it!

Favorite phrases and questions

An equally important part of successful seduction is the ability to conduct a conversation. First of all, here you should behave naturally and hide your excitement deeply.

Start the conversation with modest questions: “What?”, “Where?”, “How?” or “When?”, “Why?”. Well, give answers that are quite complete and succinct. In addition, any phrases should certainly be accompanied by a direct gaze directed directly into the eyes of the interlocutor.

Conversation techniques

To seduce a man, first of all, you need to unobtrusively attract his attention.

In this case you can use the following feminine techniques:

  • Smile and embarrassment;
  • Slight thoughtfulness;
  • Relaxed posture and sensual movements;
  • Expression of boredom.

But to keep him we must not forget that ideal pick-up girl:

  • first of all, loves and respects himself;
  • does not carry a bad mood;
  • does not show his own complexes;
  • proactive and independent;
  • knows how to listen and accept representatives of the stronger sex as they are;
  • capable of giving pleasure.

Let's summarize and highlight the main thing:

  1. Modesty is the main secret. Do not forget that a man by nature is a breadwinner. Don't deprive him of the opportunity to conquer you.
  2. Unpredictability. Try to constantly introduce newness into your relationship. Fight the routine.
  3. Sexuality is natural. For a man to believe in your sexuality, first of all, believe in it yourself.
  4. Playfulness and laughter. A positive attitude in a relationship is very important.
  5. Magnetism of the gaze. Intrigue your chosen one with the depth of your gaze.
  6. Neckline. A beautifully emphasized chest is always a reliable weapon. She can easily bewitch any representative of the stronger sex.
  7. Seduce him with your feet. Try to constantly emphasize the beauty of your legs.
  8. Passionate whisper. Affectionate words spoken into your loved one’s ear will have a lasting effect.
  9. Caresses with hands. Light touches on the body are a sure way to ignite passion in your chosen one.
  10. Initiative in bed. Receive the caresses of your loved one with joy, be relaxed and from time to time take the initiative into your own hands.

The wind of change
Sometimes, when the situation is not very advanced, it is enough just to show a little imagination and change the usual course of things. Is your husband used to seeing you at home in comfortable sportswear? Meet him in a sexy mini dress and high heels. Do you usually have sex late at night? Set your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier and wake up your loved one with your caresses. Or try, after a working day, not to go home, but to drag your husband to a cafe or. You can even simply move the bed (by the way, Feng Shui experts recommend changing the position of the bed every 40 days) or buy luxurious bedding that you have long dreamed of. In general, it’s not so important what exactly you do, the main thing is to change something in the current scenario of your relationship.

Seductive wardrobe
Of course, your favorite cotton panties are very comfortable. But we want to! Spring is a great time to wear a dress or add a couple of charming lingerie sets to your wardrobe. And don’t forget about stockings - no man will remain indifferent to this detail of a woman’s wardrobe. You can surprise your husband and appear before his eyes in all its glory, or you can take your loved one to the store and together something that will suit both him and you.

By the way, try changing the color of your underwear to the exact opposite. If you usually buy light, plain underwear, this time give preference to black or colored sets. Don't be afraid to experiment with colors and styles! Women's magazine JustLady guarantees: bold cuts, unusual fabrics and bright colors will add variety to your wardrobe and help.

How to seduce your husband? Plan your vacation!
Invite your loved one to go somewhere on a romantic trip (not necessarily abroad, but just together and just a romantic one). A new environment, an unfamiliar environment will invigorate you and make you a little more relaxed. To forget for a while that you are husband and wife, try flirting with each other - adults so often lack mischief. Remember the last time you kissed on the street? Or maybe you should try “illegal sex” - sex in an unusual place or at an unusual time? Choose secluded benches and deserted beaches. Thanks to the atmosphere of secrecy and the mystery that binds you, new sensations are guaranteed.

Second wedding night
Try to repeat your wedding night. Stock up on white lace lingerie, stockings and shoes, take your dress from the mezzanine, let there be champagne, flowers, soft music and candles... Don't have a wedding dress? You can easily do it with just a veil and stockings. You can rent a hotel room for the newlyweds or prepare your own bedroom. Don't forget to send your husband an invitation via email or SMS!

Let's play!
A great way is to play erotic forfeits. You can buy a ready-made game in a sex shop or order it through an online store, or you can make it yourself - it’s even more interesting! Place sheets of paper with written wishes in a cardboard box and invite your husband to draw the forfeit, and then fulfill his wish. Or you can play differently - fulfill each other’s wishes one by one. In any case, you are guaranteed a hot evening.

Another version of the game is a checkbook, you can also buy it or make it yourself. A checkbook will allow you to present love bills for payment. The most important thing is to correctly fill out the fields “Bearer”, “Business obligations” (for example, “I promise to give you an erotic massage” or “Tonight I will perform a belly dance for you”) and “Penalties”. You can leave the completed check at your husband’s bedside in the morning, and put an empty form next to it - let your loved one also join the game and come up with a task for himself. Be sure to indicate the date and expiration date of the check, and come up with a penalty in case of late or non-payment. The female advises: be bolder, don’t be afraid to make the most frank promises to each other and discover a lot of new opportunities for seduction!

How to seduce your husband? According to the script!
As you know, “the whole world is a theater, and the people in it are actors.” Why not try an erotic scenario in which you will play the main role - a maid, a nurse, a secretary, or maybe you can come up with something of your own? The main thing in role-playing games is transformation, when, along with a change of appearance, you can fulfill all your unrealized dreams.

Erotic role-playing games will require some effort on your part to prepare a small theater in your bedroom. Whether to surprise your husband or think through a scenario together depends only on your temperaments and desires. Choose or come up with a game scenario in advance, collect suitable props and set a time - it’s better if it’s a day off. It may well be that in the first minutes of the “production” you will feel constrained, but in order to do so, you should try a little, and very soon you will get involved in the game.

Knowledgeable people say: even after fifteen years of marriage, you can learn a lot of new things about a person and fall in love again. The main thing is, don’t be shy about your desires, experiment and surprise each other!

Olga Trefilina
Women's magazine JustLady

After a working day, you are not capable of anything, and neither is your husband? Not true! Stop falling asleep with the thought that life is not a success, and all men are...
It doesn't take much to seduce your husband.: confidence that you are great, and a series of techniques that are simple and as old as time. And most importantly, they live in each of you from birth!

Here are only those that really work on men.

1. After taking a shower or bath, NEVER wear pajamas or a nightie! Wrap yourself in a robe(preferably without wiping and invitingly “shining” with droplets of water on the skin), but not tightly, but so that the robe swings open when walking, revealing the tasty parts of your body to the man’s gaze!

No matter how familiar it may be to him, everyone likes to peek. Even the most tired of the day.

2. Adjust your “evening” gait towards maximum sexuality. The gait should not just be “free, from the hip”, but also with a slight sway of it with completely relaxed buttocks! It’s also a good idea to watch how fashion models walk along the catwalk: placing their feet straight in front of them. Just like the old expression “walking on a floorboard” describes it. Remember to also keep your body straight, which makes your breasts appear more seductive.

3. Give yourself a nickname. Something like “pussy”, “doll” or “sweetie”. A man does not need to know about her existence. Such a frivolous mental appeal to yourself will certainly put you in a sexual mood and contribute to increased production of pheromones. Strange? So what? But it works!

4. Invest in sexy lingerie. It is advisable not just lace, but even silk. It is absolutely not necessary to show it to your partner, but the very thought that it is so beautiful and tender on you will give you a certain mood. And if you really want to go wild, rummage through HIS panties! Choose from them the most masculine, the most free, the most “boxing”. Now imagine: you take off your robe, and you see this: He’ll just go crazy with passion!

5. Get close to the man. Sami. On their own initiative. This is how they usually do it. Pinch him (who is peacefully passing by in the apartment and unsuspecting) on ​​the buttock. Or accidentally put your hand under your shirt. The ancient way of stroking him with your foot also works: well, including his foot, under the table. Moreover, the more people at that table besides the two of you, the cooler it will be.

6. For a couple of evenings a week, ditch the robe, sweat suit, and flip-flops. Turning, on the contrary, to tight trousers and a top worn on a naked body. What should you casually let your loved one understand: why didn’t I think before that it’s so cool to walk around without underwear!.. Just don’t go too far and sit down to dinner in a silk peignoir: don’t confuse sex with food!

7. Come up with a plan for sudden seduction. There are no men who could remain indifferent to a woman sliding her hand over the most intimate parts of her body at the moment when he unlaces his shoes :)
Just, of course, try not to scare him: if sexual games are not accepted in your relationship at all, it is better to start with something simpler. For example, with a sensual French kiss instead of the usual peck on the cheek :)

8. Remember the last time you looked him straight in the eyes? At least a minute? Meanwhile a direct “shameless” look can be a woman’s terrible weapon. I bet: the man will not leave him without attention. And he will certainly ask: “What?” And then you tell him: “I can imagine how you would do...” You can continue the phrase, guided by your own imagination. The main thing is not to get carried away and ask him to nail a nail or take out the trash.

9. Erotic dancing is good for any woman. And any man. But again, you shouldn’t immediately try to copy Kim Basinger in the movie “9 ½ Weeks.” To begin with, it’s enough to start tinkering in the kitchen, not “quietly,” but as if casually dancing to the music: for this you don’t even have to turn on HIS favorite stereo system in the living room. In order not to arouse unnecessary suspicion, just turn on the radio in the kitchen.

10.Master laziness in your movements. Have you ever noticed how fatal temptresses move in Hollywood movies? A minimum of haste, languid turns of the head, slowly moving around the room from “point A to point B,” lazily taking a tiny sip of wine from a large glass: Such behavior concentrates his attention on you, making him tremble in anticipation. What? And it's up to you to decide:

11. Be a “strict lady”. Especially if you have been in a “passive” role lately. Don't be shy about taking the initiative. And punish his excuses like “wait, it’s not time” with action. In the literal sense of the word. Without thinking about the consequences, throw the man onto the carpet or sofa, saddle him and lightly strangle him. With the most serious expression on his face. Believe: strength and power are an excellent aphrodisiac!

12. Constantly and desperately flirt and flirt. Again, not starting suddenly. We must take care of our neighbor’s nervous system! Little by little, start behaving like you did in the first days of meeting him: purring, giggling at his every word, constantly touching him with your hands, lowering your gaze reverently. Is it really so difficult to remember how IT was? Moreover, the reward will be truly enchanting sex. Same as your first night:

13.Sleep naked. We spend most of our lives dressed. And only by being naked in bed with a man can you feel like a real woman. What, you just bought him warm pajamas for the winter? Start reading this text from the beginning: All in your hands!

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