What's the best way to tan at sea? Other tanning products

Everyone knows that tanning is very good for health. Under the influence of UV rays, the body produces vitamin D, which strengthens bones and muscles and prevents the development of rickets. It also stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes, improves endocrine activity. Tanning helps cope with various skin lesions: fungus, eczema, acne. However, despite all its benefits, taking sunbathing need to be very careful. How to sunbathe correctly at sea to get only the benefits?

Golden rules for a spectacular tan

A couple of weeks before your trip to the sea, try to prepare your body for an intense tan. Do this with a tanning bed. Five-minute sessions twice a week will create natural protection on the skin from aggressive influences ultraviolet rays.

If you went to the beach for the first time this season, you need to get a tan gradually. Do not stay in the open sun for more than 5 minutes. It is better to gradually increase this time and take sunbathing early in the morning or in the evening (but not during the day, when the likelihood of getting a burn is greatest). Moreover, in the evening and morning hours, the heat from the air and the ground is felt less.

Another important advice– sunbathe 30-40 minutes after your meal. You should not go to the beach on an empty stomach. Try to get enough sleep at home, as falling asleep on the beach can cause you to get sunburned. Lie with your feet facing the sun and change your body position more often (every 5-10 minutes). After sunbathing, stay in the shade for a while, giving your body a chance to cool down. You can also go for a swim or take a cool shower. It is useful to sunbathe by performing various physical movements, participating in competitions and sports games.

To protect your eyes from water glare, too much light and wrinkles, use sunglasses. To prevent heat stroke and hair damage from the scorching sun, cover your head with appropriate headwear. At the same time, it is not advisable to sunbathe in a bathing cap and tie your hair tightly with a scarf.

It is best to sunbathe near water - moist air softens skin covering and doesn't let it dry out. Only in this case does the risk of getting burned increase (drops of liquid in the sun acquire the properties of optical lenses).

What cosmetics can be used

Most harmless way speed up tanning - use creams with special additives. They can be used even on white skin in the first days of the swim season. Tanning stimulator cream activates the production of melanin ( natural pigment, contained in the skin), moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and also protects it from sunburn. As a result, you get a beautiful, even and healthy tan.

Another indispensable assistant on the beach - tanning cream with a “tingle” effect. This cosmetic product increases blood circulation in the skin, accelerates the formation of melanin and provides a more intense tan. However, after applying the product, the skin may turn red. There is also a high risk of developing allergies. Therefore, test the cream on a small area of ​​the body before use. It is better not to apply Tingle cream at all. white skin and especially on the face.

To prevent burns, be sure to use special creams with factor SPF protection. They soften the effect of ultraviolet rays, retain moisture in the skin and prevent it premature aging. SPF index in cosmetic product can vary from 3 to 50, which means it is recommended to select a product according to your skin type. The more sensitive and lighter it is, the higher the SPF should be. During strong solar activity (usually from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.), it is advisable to use sunscreens with an SPF of at least 20-30. For women with dark skin A product with a protection factor of 10 is suitable.

The method of application is very simple - apply the cream to the skin with massage movements, a thin layer, every half hour of exposure to the sun. If you apply the product in a thick layer, you will get the opposite effect: ultraviolet rays will heat the cream, which will damage the skin.

No less useful are natural cosmetic oils. It is convenient to purchase a ready-made product, which includes coconut, wheat and Palm oil, avocado, beta-carotene, antioxidants, vitamins, SPF protection factors. Apply the product to clean skin before going to the beach. Since the oil is washed off after bathing, a new layer must be applied.

Diet for a beautiful tan

A beautiful sea tan largely depends on how you eat. The most powerful natural tanning enhancer is beta-carotene - it improves the production of melanin pigment. Many have noticed that with daily consumption of red and orange fruits (peaches, apricots, carrots), the tan becomes more intense and bright. This substance is also found in watermelon, melon, red pepper, pumpkin, pears and apples.

In the production of melanin big role plays the amino acid tyrosine. Its maximum amount is present in products of animal origin - red meats, liver, fish (cod, tuna). Tyrosine is also found in avocados, almonds, and beans.

Auxiliary substances for the production of melanin are also lycopene, selenium, vitamins C and E. Therefore, if you want to get chocolate shade skin, 2-3 weeks before your trip to the sea, take the appropriate vitamin and mineral complex.

Trying to make the most of useful action sun, you should not get too carried away with tanning. Remember this a lot of stress for the skin and from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays, it ages faster. Also, sunbathing is not advisable when significant amount freckles, birthmarks, after suffering a sunburn and a hereditary predisposition to the development of malignant melanoma. Please pay attention Special attention proper tanning if you have delicate sensitive skin.

To avoid burns and get even tan, you just need to follow a few simple rules behavior on the sea beach.

Beautiful summer, bright sun, endless sea, beautiful sandy beach - how long have we been waiting for this and dreaming about it! And, of course, any vacation on the coast is accompanied by a beautiful golden tan. Ideally. In fact, it often ends in burnt skin, sleepless nights, and sometimes with a temperature that quickly rises due to sunburn. How to sunbathe properly at sea?

Ultraviolet radiation has an extremely Negative influence onto the skin, drying it out. Therefore, you should first prepare for contact with the sun. And moisturizing and nourishing creams will help with this, which you need to use liberally some time before your trip to the sea.

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If you have a lot sensitive skin, It’s better to visit a solarium 2–3 weeks before your vacation. Two or three times for 5 minutes will be enough for the cells to get used to ultraviolet radiation and more easily endure the encounter with the scorching sun. So, by the time you start resting, your body will receive light golden shade – the likelihood of getting sunburned will be significantly reduced, and the tan will apply quickly and evenly. And you will look beautiful from the very first day on the beach.

How to protect yourself from sunburn

At the beginning of your vacation, use a cream with a high content of SPF and/or UVA components. After a few days, it would be correct to change it to a weaker level of protection. The most sensitive places that burn the fastest are the nose, shoulders, chest, they need to be lubricated with special care.

There are 2 types of sunscreens: blocking or screening harmful radiation. Thus, products that shield the rays of the sun, when in contact with the skin, form a special film that absorbs ultraviolet radiation.

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Most types of such cream protect only from 1 type of UV rays: A or B. And the other is passed through. This is their disadvantage. Blocking creams reflect the sun's rays. They are effective for both type A and type B radiation. There are also products with a water-repellent effect - they will protect you even after contact with water.

How to sunbathe on the beach

1. When is the best time to sunbathe at sea? From sunrise until noon at most, then from 4 pm until sunset. At lunchtime, the sun is most aggressive, and staying under it at this time is fraught with rapid burns and sunstroke. No matter how convenient it may be to sunbathe on the beach at this time, resist the temptation.

2. You should start with 5–10 minutes, daily increasing the time spent under the open sun. Spend the rest of the time under an umbrella or in the shade of trees. This way you will get an even, beautiful tan, and your skin will not start to peel off after a few days.

3. You should not use it before sunbathing. eau de toilette, essential oils, creams based on mineral fats.

4. Lie down on the beach so that the sun warms your feet, i.e. its light fell along the entire body. Raise your head a little - this way the light will not hit your eyes, but your neck, on the contrary, will open up and sunbathe.

5. Every 10 minutes, change your position, turning the other side of your body towards the sun.

6. Every 20 minutes, swim in the sea, river, pool or take a shower, depending on the place where you sunbathe.

7. There is an opinion that a wet body gets a tan faster. This is correct, but in order for it to lie evenly, it is necessary to blot the body with a towel so that no large drops of water remain. The drops act as lenses and attract ultraviolet light. Thus, in places where droplets accumulate, the darkening will appear more clearly, and the body will seem to be covered with spots - this can be seen quite clearly against a light background.

8. It is best to sunbathe on the beach 1-2 hours after eating, this is how the body can most easily tolerate the stress of encountering ultraviolet radiation.

9. To avoid sunstroke, be sure to wear a headdress when going to sea: a cap, a hat, a Panama hat, etc.

10. Be careful with sunglasses, do not sunbathe in them, otherwise you will leave unsightly marks on your eyes.

11. You will tan faster on the beach than by the pool. Sea water attracts the sun's rays more strongly.

12. In order to get a beautiful, even and rich tan, you need to spend at least 2 weeks at sea. And people with light shade– up to 1 month.

As already mentioned, ultraviolet radiation dries out the skin, so it is necessary to nourish and moisturize it with creams. In addition, use a scrub a couple of times a week to remove dead skin cells. dead cells. If you have sensitive skin, reduce the use of the scrub to once a week.

How to maintain a tan after the sea for a long time

Getting a beautiful and even tan is only half the battle. After all, literally in a week it will already begin to “climb off.” To extend its life, drink carrot juice and eat yellow and orange fruits. Don't forget to use nourishing cream, moisturize your body. Spray yourself thermal water. Use special cosmetics that help maintain the chocolate shade.

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Knowing how to sunbathe properly at sea, you can quickly get a beautiful tan and significantly reduce the risk of getting sunburned. Gentle and affectionate sun to you! Let your holiday on the beach give you the best impressions!

When going on vacation to sunny countries, everyone dreams of a perfect olive-bronze tan. Getting it is not difficult at all if you follow a few simple rules. Waiting for those who have completed the article below cool advice how to achieve stylish effect sun-bleached hair.

After consulting with several cosmetologists and nutritionists, we have prepared a list of recommendations and life hacks for those who are planning their vacation in southern resorts and want to return home with a magical tan.

5. Protective means - only from the pharmacy

In pharmacies sunscreens and sprays contain more natural ingredients, and their protection from negative impact sun rays more efficient. In the first days of vacation, it is recommended to use products with an index of 30 SPF, and when the tan begins to appear, you can switch to creams and oils from 10 SPF.

4. To the beach - morning and evening

The sun is known to improve immunity, help cope with allergies and viruses, and is a powerful antidepressant. However, it is useful only in the morning before 11:00 and in the evening after 16:00. The time when the sun is at its zenith is best spent walking in the shade, family games or, by at least, - under a wide umbrella to protect your skin.

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3. Face the sun

Position yourself on the beach so that the sun warms your feet - then the rays will fall along your entire body. To avoid blinding your eyes, you can raise your head a little, and be sure to change your body position every 5-10 minutes. Upon returning from the beach, take a cool shower and apply a moisturizing lotion to your body - your skin will glow and your tan will appear more intense.

2. Eat orange vegetables and fruits

Eat peaches, apricots, drink freshly squeezed orange and carrot juices. They contain beta-carotene, which promotes the production of melanin, which is what gives the skin beautiful shade. It is believed that active role The amino acid tyrosine, which is found in red meat, tuna, beans, almonds and avocados, also plays in this process. So don't deny yourself the pleasure at lunch and dinner.

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1. To the hammam - for cleansing and relaxation

If you go to Turkey, be sure to visit the hammam. To ensure an even tan, before going to the beach for the first time, your body must be cleared of dead cells. To do this, go to the famous Turkish bath- hamam. Exfoliate with a Kese mitt, have a soapy massage and get ready for best vacation In my life!

Everyone loves to sunbathe, tanning is business card vacationer

An even dark shade causes the envy of others, awakens sex appeal, strengthens the immune system.

A resort tan can be chocolate (after a holiday in African resorts);

dark coffee color (only in the Maldives you can get a color that makes it immediately clear where you were vacationing);

bronze (after beach holiday at all popular resorts of the Black and Aegean Seas);

golden (the holiday was spent on the soft sands Mediterranean Sea).

and brown-pink (the dream of all vacationers - Egypt, Bahrain and the UAE, this is the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf).

To get a natural, healthy tan of a pleasant color, you must follow the following rules.

Beautiful, even shade

Rule one– you need to take a tan starting from 15 minutes a day and gradually increase the time spent in the sun, otherwise large doses of the sun will cause a burn and the skin will begin to flake, peel, and this is very far from beautiful.

And it’s better to swim in the first days of vacation in a baseball cap from natural materials with long sleeves.

The irresistible temptation to stay in the sun longer must be overcome; beauty is more valuable than pleasure.

Rule two– it is better to sunbathe under an umbrella in the morning, covering your head with a hat or cap, protecting your eyes with glasses, then there will be no overheating and burns.

The most useful time– these are the morning hours before 11 and the pre-sunset hours after 16 hours. During peak solar activity, it is better to stay in the shade.

You need to hide from the rays even more carefully scorching sun on a yacht.

After swimming, it is not advisable to dry off in the breeze, big risk If you get sunburned, it is better to use a towel.

Rule three– food for vacationers should be special. Down with sausages, fried kebabs, chips and carbonated drinks.

The menu should be dominated by vegetables and fruits of red tones; they contain carotene and help tan (mango, carrots, cinnamon, apricots, peaches), as well as nuts, vegetable oils, seafood, fish, eggs (these foods contain antioxidants.

Cheese and fish produce melanin, which will make your tan more even; Watermelon will refresh the skin and strengthen blood vessels.

Melon or watermelon are a great solution

It is necessary to minimize alcohol consumption, as alcohol blocks skin sensitivity.

Curious scientists conducted an experiment - one group was fed a healthy and wholesome cuisine (vegetables, fruits, seafood, juices, without fatty and fried foods), and the second group was engaged in gluttony. Both groups sunbathed on the beach in the same conditions, the result of the first group was amazing - healthy clean skin with a delightfully even shade.

Rule four– the location of the sunbathing is essential; it can be the mountains, the sea or a park near the house.

How cleaner air, the tanning takes place faster and is more stable. A tan obtained at mountain resorts lasts longer and is more saturated in color than a seaside tan.

Rule five– you need to use oils, creams and lotions to protect your skin, and shampoos with ultraviolet filtration for your hair. For dark skinned women – SPF level -20-30; fair ones - SPF level -40, for the tropics - 50, and in Africa - all 80. It is advisable that the sunscreen also contains the abbreviation PPD (prevents skin aging and protects against any unwanted effects of exposure to the sun).

You need to use cream with a “tingle” effect very carefully, as it enhances the effects of sunlight.

Rule six– the body needs to be constantly moisturized with external cosmetics and the right drinks from the inside. It is advisable to apply moisturizers every 4 hours. It's better to quench your thirst fruit juices or dining room mineral water, water with lemon.

Rule seven– peeling (bio, salt, chemical), scrubs, gommages allow you to tan your body more evenly, but you need to treat the body a few days before the trip so that the skin has time to recover.

Also, during a beach holiday, it is better to avoid rough and hard washcloths; just soap foam or a phyto bath is enough.

Rule eight– you can’t sleep or read in the sun, you lose control of time.
Rule nine– you can’t come to the beach immediately after eating, it’s very easy to fall asleep; Do not take drinks that are too cold; it is easy to catch a cold.
Rule ten– it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, swim after drinking alcohol and using cosmetics with a whitening effect, creams based on mineral fats.

Have you tried to get a rejuvenating moon tan? Even in ancient times, beauties sunbathed under the moon, nourished lunar energy and with their charms they blinded those around them. For refined natures, scientists from

Colorado created a special device of 84 mirrors and installed it on a rotating platform inside a 14-meter crater. Have a nice holiday, everyone natural tan, more endorphins!

Inga Mayakovskaya

Reading time: 5 minutes


Summer, hot. It's time to relax and enjoy the sun's rays, take sunbathing. Especially since it's white porcelain skin was considered beautiful earlier, but today tanned skin is considered attractive, especially since tanning helps hide minor skin defects, makes it smoother and reduces the number of acne. Therefore, you can happily devote sunny days spend an hour in the morning or evening in the sun's rays, especially since, as you know, you should not overuse tanning, both natural and solar.

What is the advantage of sun tanning over a solarium?

  • Firstly, you get a tan in the sun for free, you don’t need to buy a subscription, just put on a swimsuit, take a blanket with you and go to the nearest park.
  • Secondly, any tan, like sun tan, requires a temporary dosage of application special cosmetics to avoid unwanted painful burns. But tanning in the sun allows you to simultaneously be somewhere in nature, rather than in a small booth.
  • Thirdly, tanning in the sun is very easy to combine with active activities, especially if you don’t like to lie for a long time and you want to move, you can easily play volleyball or badminton, the adoption process is very well combined sunbathing with swimming. Needless to say, the sunbathing process can also be combined with weeding the beds in the country. So you can completely combine business with pleasure, especially since tanning is much better if you are constantly on the move.

The sun sets differently in different countries

If you still prefer to relax at sea, then you should know that at different latitudes, the tan will lie on your skin differently. A Turkish tan will be significantly different from an Egyptian tan.

So, if you want to get a golden tan, then it would be best to go to the Mediterranean Sea, and these are countries such as France, Spain, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Israel, Syria, Morocco, Turkey.

If you want to receive bronze tan , then it is best for you to prefer the coast of the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. To do this, you should go to Greece, Turkey, Crimea, Abkhazia, Georgia, Romania or Bulgaria. Here, as on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, moderate skin protection will be sufficient and you should sunbathe either in the morning or after 16:00.

If you want to return from a vacation with chocolate tans , then it would be best to go closer to the equator, to Congo, Kenya, Uganda or Somalia, to the islands of Indonesia, to Ecuador. Brazil or Colombia. But here you should remember that you should start sunbathing for short periods, even minutes, and use powerful sunscreens.

And here You can get a dark coffee tan on the shores of the Indian Ocean. To do this, you should go to India or the Maldives. But here, as when traveling to the equator region, you need to limit your time in the sun and use creams with high protection, because if you get burned, the symptoms of the burn will appear more slowly.

And finally you can get a cinnamon-colored tan V Persian Gulf and on the shores of the Red Sea. A tour to Egypt, Israel, Sudan is suitable for this, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Iran, Bahrain. But even here you cannot do without thorough protection.

But before traveling to the south, it is best to sunbathe a little under the local sun's rays so that your skin is not too susceptible to the brighter sun. If you are going on vacation during the cold season, then first go to the solarium a couple of times.

Rules for tanning on the beach

When sunbathing on the beach, you should remember not only about your skin and the fact that it needs protection, but also your eyes and hair, which are no less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. Hide your favorite hair under a Panama hat or hat, and your eyes behind sunglasses.

Also, don’t get too carried away with books and magazines, because after reading an interesting article, you may not notice how time has flown by and burn out, for this reason you shouldn’t sleep on the beach.

Moderation is important in everything, including tanning. Therefore, the tanning time should be gradually increased, gradually adding 10-20 minutes. This will allow you to get a beautiful, even tan.

How to get an even tan?

To get an even and beautiful tan, you should follow these rules:

  • When going to the beach, you should not apply perfume or other products containing alcohol to your skin, as they may leave stains on the skin.
  • It is best to sunbathe not while lying down, but while walking along the beach, in which case it will lie smoothly and beautifully on your skin.
  • After swimming, try to wipe your skin dry; drops of water on the skin increase the activity of the sun's rays and the tan becomes uneven.
  • Sunscreens will be more effective if you keep them in a cool place.
  • Before going to the beach, your skin will benefit light scrub or peeling, it makes the skin smoother and tans better.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables orange color, peaches, apricots, carrots, peppers, they contain vitamin A, which affects the production of melanin, which is responsible for the beautiful shade of your skin.

How to get an even tan - reviews from forums


The first two or three days in Thailand, sunbathe in the morning until 10 o'clock and in the afternoon from 3 o'clock. At this time, the sun is more gentle. Always use sunscreen. Buy cream from well-known European brands with a protection level of at least “40”, and preferably “50”. If you sunbathe close to the water, on islands with light sand and emerald-clear water, apply a thick layer of cream. The fact is that white sand is clean and clear water tend to reflect ultraviolet radiation, and you tan (burn) doubly. Very often, tourists visiting the islands get sunburned. Never skimp on cream.
Upon returning from the beach, in the evening, treat your body with “after-shower lotions” or “...after sunbathing.” Very good to use after sunbathing Coconut oil. There are special coconut oils for massage or after sunbathing. The liquid contains natural coconut oil, skin moisturizer and vitamin E.


You can also have a drink before going out into the sun tomato juice. It contains a substance - lutein, which promotes the production of melanin (in fact, the substance that promotes tanning). My grandmother also recommended always drinking Apple juice to get an even tan, and less regular water.
I have very fair skin that burns quickly in the sun, literally in a couple of hours. Then I can walk all red for 1.5 weeks. So that's what I do last years! For the first 3-4 days I use sunscreen with SPF 35-40, very, very generously. I can stay in the sun all day, except from 14:00 to 16:00. Next days 2 I use protection with SPF 15, and then SPF 8-10 is enough. As a result, during my vacation I get the most even tan, without any hint of burning!


There is also a cool Payot serum for getting even tan. It must be used 10 days before the start of the vacation.

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