Cedar oil: use for cosmetic purposes. Cedar oil properties and applications

Cedar is considered to be a symbol of power and longevity. And pine nuts are not only tasty, but also very healthy treat. In addition, a very valuable product is obtained from nut kernels - cedar oil. Siberians have long used pine nut oil to get rid of various ailments. In addition, it can also be used in home cosmetology using cedar oil against wrinkles, you can achieve very good results.

Oil obtained from pine nut kernels is a unique product. It has a rather thick consistency, a beautiful amber color and a distinct pine smell.

The composition of the oil has no analogues; it contains valuable amino acids, minerals and vitamins. In particular:

  • The product is superior in tocopherol content to olive oil, and this vitamin is necessary to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin. It is a pronounced antioxidant, as it actively protects cells from the destructive activity of free radicals. In addition, it strengthens and tones the walls of blood vessels, helping to improve blood circulation and, accordingly, improve tissue nutrition;
  • there is a lot of vitamin F in oil. Thanks to this substance, it is normalized lipid metabolism, toxins are removed from cells, it protects cells from negative environmental influences;
  • vitamins Group B are presented in pine nut oil in almost their entire composition. Thanks to these substances, the cells maintain optimal water balance, accelerate metabolic processes, the skin acquires an even and healthy color;
  • fatty acid (stearic, palmitic, linoleic, etc.) slow down the aging process, tone and protect the skin;
  • microelements(magnesium, zinc, iodine, manganese, etc.) provide extra food cells, soften, provide an antiseptic effect.

Who is it suitable for and what effect does it have?

Girls can use pine nut oil of different ages, this product is able to solve various cosmetic problems. Product action:

  • Actively nourishes and moisturizes. Therefore, the oil is recommended for caring for dehydrated and tired skin. After a course of procedures, you will notice that the skin has become much softer, redness has disappeared, and the feeling of tightness has disappeared.
  • Rejuvenates. This oil– an active assistant in the fight to preserve youthful skin. It should be included in your home cosmetic “arsenal” by a lady aged 40+. With regular use, the skin will acquire a healthy tone, tighten, become healthy and even color. The oil prevents the formation and deepening of wrinkles, and also smoothes out existing wrinkles.
  • Relieves irritation. The product is excellent for caring for overly sensitive skin, which for any negative impacts reacts with the appearance of redness.
  • Heals. The product has a pronounced antiseptic effect, it fights inflammation and promotes better fast healing wound.

Terms of use

To achieve good results, you need to learn how to use oil correctly. Basic Rules:

  • You only need to choose natural product without additives. Before purchasing, pay attention to the shelf life of the oil.
  • The oil will work better if it is at body temperature. To heat the oil, just rub it a little in your hands (wash your hands thoroughly before doing this!).

  • Apply oil or formulations containing oil to well-cleansed skin. Additionally, it is recommended to lightly steam and moisturize your face.
  • When applying, the principle “the more, the more effective” does not work! There is no need to generously lubricate your face with oil; just a few drops will be enough. By the way, this approach will allow you to rationally use the product, since natural oil cedar is not a cheap product.
  • It is recommended to combine the application of oil undiluted with light massage. If it is a cosmetic mask, then it is simply applied in a fairly dense layer.
  • When applying masks, you should avoid applying the compositions to the lips and skin of the eyelids. You can and should use undiluted cedar oil for wrinkles around the eyes. Only in this area you need to act very delicately, without stretching the skin.
  • It is recommended to perform the procedures in the evening, but under no circumstances leave the oil on the skin overnight. Half an hour after application, everything that has not been absorbed must be carefully removed with a napkin.
  • It is not recommended to use this product too often. It will be enough to carry out the procedures two or three times a week. After two months of use, you will need to take a break for at least three months.

Precautionary measures

Cedar oil has no contraindications for external use. The only exception is the individual negative reaction of the body. A simple skin sensitivity test performed before using the oil for the first time will help avoid problems.

Methods of application

You can use oil obtained from pine nuts different ways. It can be applied without diluting anything, or added to various formulations - factory-made or homemade.

Instead of cream

Use the product a couple of times a week instead of your usual night cream. As usual, you need to remove your makeup and cleanse your skin well. Then rub a few drops of oil in your hands and apply it to your face, including the skin of your eyelids. Then start tapping the skin with your fingertips, moving in the direction of the massage lines.

In the corners of the eyes and other places where wrinkles are located, tapping should be a little more intense. After half an hour, remove everything that has not yet been absorbed into the skin with a napkin. If you had to remove a lot of excess, then next time use less oil.

You don’t have to apply the oil to your skin, but add it to ready cream. In this case, you should set aside a portion of the cream, add one ounce of oil to it and mix well. Apply as described above.

Pine nut oil protects the skin well, both from frost and wind, and from ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, you can apply a very thin layer of the product before going outside. To do this, drop a couple of drops of oil onto a cotton pad and wipe your skin with it about half an hour before leaving the house. After some time, you can powder your face.


This procedure is effective slows down the aging process. You can apply a compress to the entire face or to problem areas. In the first case, you need to cook from white cotton fabric or gauze folded in half, fabric mask. Just take a piece of cloth that is large enough to cover your face. And cut three holes on it - for the lips and eyes.

To apply to problem areas (under the eyes, on the nasolabial folds, on the forehead), cut out pieces of gauze of the required size or use cotton pads.

Gauze is soaked in warm cedar oil and applied to the face or individual areas. The duration of the procedure is no more than a quarter of an hour. After removing the compress, remove any remaining oil with napkins.

For compresses, cedar oil can be mixed with other products. The following compositions effectively smooth out wrinkles:

  • 5 ml each of olive and rosehip oils, 10 drops of cedar oil;
  • 10 ml of wheat germ oil and 15 drops of cedar oil;
  • 5 ml each of avocado and shea oils, 10 drops of cedar oil, three drops of rosemary oil.


It is no less useful to add pine nut oil to the composition. cosmetic masks. Basic rules for carrying out procedures:

  • for the preparation of compositions, use only high-quality ones, fresh food. If you choose ingredients based on the principle of “what is cheaper” or use products that have expired, there will be no benefit;
  • All ingredients must be mixed very well so that the mass is completely homogeneous. To make it easier to mix cedar oil with other ingredients, it needs to be slightly heated. But do not overheat, otherwise the vitamins will be destroyed;
  • Apply the compositions to cleansed skin with a brush, fingers or a cosmetic spatula;
  • After application, it is advisable to lie down and relax your facial muscles. It is not recommended to talk or use facial expressions;
  • You need to remove the compounds after twenty minutes using warm water and a cotton swab;
  • It is enough to carry out procedures once or twice a week

Mask recipes

Here are a few proven recipes. When choosing an option, consider your skin type. So, if the epidermis is prone to dryness, choose a composition that contains cream, sour cream, and yolk. If sebaceous glands work more intensively than necessary, then the composition includes lemon juice, alcohol and other drying ingredients.

  • With cream. Heat fresh heavy cream (about two tablespoons) slightly, add 7 drops of pine nut oil to it. Apply the composition using a cotton swab. After the first applied layer has dried, apply the next one. This composition softens well and relieves flaking.
  • With cognac. This composition is suitable for eliminating greasy shine and rejuvenation. We take all the ingredients listed below in about a tablespoon (except for cedar oil). It is necessary to heat the honey, mix it with cognac and kefir. Pour sea ​​salt the finest grind. Stir. Then add 10 drops of oil.
  • With oatmeal. This composition is universal, it can be used regardless of skin type. You will need oatmeal, which you can prepare yourself from oatmeal using a coffee grinder. Pour two full spoons of flour a small amount liquid until you get a paste, leave some time for swelling. If the epidermis is dry, then pour better milk. For toning oily skin It is recommended to use green tea infusion. Add 5 ml of oil to the composition and pine nuts and stir thoroughly.
  • With herbs. This option is recommended for sensitive skin prone to irritation. You will need crushed dry grass pharmaceutical chamomile and nettle (a full tablespoon). The dry raw materials need to be mixed and poured with a small amount of boiling water so that a semi-liquid slurry is obtained. Then, wrap the bowl with the herb in a towel and leave to infuse for one hour. Add 5 ml of pine nut oil to the warm herbal paste. Ready composition Slide onto a fabric mask cut out of gauze and apply to your face.

  • With avocado. This composition rejuvenates and moisturizes. Prepare a smooth puree from half a ripe avocado. Mix the resulting mass with a spoonful of thick sour cream and 5 ml of pine nut oil.
  • With starch. This option masks are recommended for loose skin. First you need to cook the paste from a spoon potato starch. Starch should be diluted in a small amount of water and the suspension should be poured into 100 ml of boiling water. Stir quickly and remove from heat. Add 5 ml of pine nut oil and three drops of lemon balm ether to the cooled paste. Whisk everything. Apply with a brush in several layers.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Experts advise using cedar oil against wrinkles on the face, as this product really helps maintain youthful skin. If used correctly, you can achieve good results: the skin will become much fresher and more elastic. But, of course, you shouldn’t expect a miracle. The effectiveness of using oil cannot be compared with the capabilities of hardware cosmetology.

Women's opinion

Excellent reviews from women who are already using cedar oil - this best advertising product.

Irina, 43 years old:

After 40 years, wrinkles suddenly began to appear, especially near the eyes. Tried to use different creams, including quite expensive ones, but I was not satisfied with the results. But I really liked cedar oil! It really effectively refreshes and tightens.

Olga, 34 years old:

I use cedar oil in winter. I have dry skin, and in cold weather it dries out even more and begins to peel. To resolve I use different oils, including cedar oil. I really like it because it has a pleasant consistency and smell. After applying the oil, the skin becomes smoother, completely disappeared fine wrinkles under the eyes.

Cedar oil is one of the vegetable oils, providing a unique beneficial effect on the skin. It is used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. We will talk about the beneficial properties of oil in cosmetology in this article.

Composition and properties

Essential cedar oil is obtained from nuts by cold pressing. With this method, the final product retains a maximum useful substances. Thanks to them, the oil is used for general strengthening of the body. The product has an amber color and a pleasant nutty aroma. It should not be confused with cedar, which is obtained from wood.

The oil contains a large number of protein (especially arginine), fatty acids. Among the variety of vitamins, we can distinguish groups A, B, E, D, F, oleic, stearic, linoleic, palmitic, omega and many other fatty acids, minerals and the most important chemical elements. Vitamin E is responsible for youthful skin - its content in cedar oil is several times higher than in vitamin E.

The product is one of the leaders in vitamin F content (unsaturated fatty acids) - there is more of it in cedar oil than in fish oil. It is unsaturated fatty acids that promote active renewal of skin cells, which slows down and the dermis becomes dry and flabby and ages faster.

The oil is obtained from pine nuts.

The B vitamins contained in the oil are responsible for good condition and skin health. Nutritional value vegetable fats and proteins in the composition of cedar oil exceed those of similar substances of animal origin. Cedar oil is suitable for any skin type and has no contraindications for use. And if in cosmetology it is used exclusively externally, then in medicine it is also acceptable to use it internally - this oil is produced in capsules.

Effect on skin

Due to its rich composition, cedar oil can replace any of the oils plant origin, which are used in cosmetology. At the same time, there are no analogues of cedar. Using this product helps restore the skin's natural moisture balance, good nutrition. The invaluable properties of the oil will be especially useful for thin and dry skin.

Due to its softening properties, the oil effectively relieves skin from flaking. It can be added to hand creams and applied to the skin during the cold season. Besides, astringent property oil helps get rid of excessive oily facial skin, so it is effective when applied to sebaceous epidermis. Due to its antibacterial properties, cedar nut oil is capable of as soon as possible and prevent the occurrence of skin diseases.

Oil is a source of vitamins for aging skin. It increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, accelerates cell regeneration, smoothes out fine wrinkles and, thanks to intensive nutrition, prevents the rapid appearance of new ones. The product is hypoallergenic, therefore suitable even for sensitive skin, relieves irritation and redness, and is used to treat skin diseases.

Cedar oil is good for hair. It promotes hair growth, combats dry scalp, and restores hair natural shine and well-groomed, healthy looking. There are ways to get rid of dandruff. The oil makes hair darker, so it is not recommended for blondes.

Homemade cosmetics

You will find recipes for masks with cedar oil in other articles on our website. Before applying them, make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to the product - first lubricate the bend of your elbow with the mixture and observe the skin reaction.

Without false modesty, cedar nut oil can be called one of the most essential and unique vegetable oils. Its healing and beneficial properties were known to ancient healers, who widely used this remedy in folk medicine for the treatment of various ailments and illnesses.

Now this oil product has earned its recognition in many areas of medicine, in Food Industry, and it also became popular cosmetic use in facial skin care, which, in fact, will be discussed further.

Cedar oil is obtained from the kernels of the nut of the same name by cold pressing. Do not confuse it with cedar essential oil, which is produced from wood. The oil obtained from Siberian cedar nuts is considered to be of the highest quality.

No other vegetable oil can compare with cedar oil in its composition. For example, vitamin E essential for skin, which is responsible for its youth, it contains several times more than in coconut or even olive oil.

And by quantity vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acids) the remedy surpasses even one of its most basic sources - fish fat. But this vitamin is no less important for our facial skin. Unsaturated fatty acids serve as a kind of building material for epidermal cells and their deficiency, the process of cell renewal slows down significantly. All this often leads to thinning, dryness, flaking and roughness. skin, loss of firmness and elasticity, formation of wrinkles and the appearance of a yellowish (senile) complexion.

Others useful elements components of pine nut oil are:

vitamins A, group B (B1, B2, B3) and D, which are also responsible for the good condition and health of the skin;

vegetable fats and proteins, exceeding in their nutritional value similar substances of animal origin;

macro and microelements, such as phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese and others.

What are the benefits of cedar oil for facial skin?

The product described does not have any restrictions in the cosmetic field and is perfect for any skin type. Besides, cedar can replace any of base oils used in cosmetology, but its analogs do not exist in nature.

Using cedar oil on the face first of all, of course, helps to fully nourish the epidermis and restore its natural moisture balance. That's why thin, dry and dehydrated skin especially needs it.

And thanks to its remarkable emollient properties, this oily substance is one of the main means emergency assistance with excessive peeling of the skin or its roughening.

No less effectively regular use cedar oil in the care of already aging skin. It helps to increase the firmness and elasticity of the epidermis, accelerates the regeneration of skin cells, helps in the fight against wrinkles, preventing their appearance and smoothing out existing grooves and folds, and generally prolongs the youth and beauty of the face as much as possible.

Cedar oil is also recommended to soothe overly sensitive skin. Not being allergenic, it helps to quickly relieve irritation, reduce inflammation, and eliminate itching and redness.

In addition, many dermatologists recommend the external use of cedar oil in home treatment most skin diseases.

Methods of using cedar oil in cosmetology

Like most natural vegetable oils, cedar in pure form you can safely apply to face instead of daily cream or add any amount of it to various cosmetic products (creams, masks, lotions, tonics, etc.).

As for cleansing the skin, here too you can replace milk or makeup remover with pine nut oil. To do this, you need to warm it up slightly, spread it over a cotton pad and wipe your face thoroughly. The substance copes with its task perfectly, gently cleansing the skin of impurities. In addition, it can also be used to remove eye makeup.

In particular, it is recommended to lubricate your face and exposed areas of the body with a small amount of cedar oil before going outside in hot sunny weather or immediately before tanning, because The product is also an excellent natural ultraviolet filter that protects the skin from harmful effects sun rays.

To prevent dryness and aging of the epidermis It is good to use cedar oil in the form of warm compresses. You need to moisten a gauze cloth in a slightly warmed solution, squeeze it out lightly and apply it to a relaxed face and neck (preferably doing this in a lying position) for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards the procedure can be repeated, i.e. moisten the cloth back in the oil and apply it again to the face for the same time.

In home cosmetology, cedar nut oil is often used as a basic basis at self-cooking face creams. And, of course, it is possible add to any composition of homemade masks(at least 1 tsp), especially those that are intended to nourish, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin.

Use the menu on our website, choose for yourself (based on your type and condition of the epidermis) a suitable recipe and simply add 1 tsp to the specified composition. cedar oils Including, as already written above, it can replace any of the vegetable oils found in mask recipes.

Cedar oil has been used for the face and in cosmetology in general for quite a long time. This is a unique product that can help solve many skin problems. This remedy is obtained from the fruits of the cedar tree. It contains a lot useful components and at correct use can give great results.

Cedar oil is an indispensable product in cosmetology. It is included in many creams, masks, and lotions. The use of this product can significantly rejuvenate the skin and long time maintain the therapeutic effect.

The ether of Siberian cedar has no analogues in its composition. Beneficial features The product is due to its high content of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other valuable components.

Different parts of the cedar tree are used to prepare various products:

  • oil is prepared from nut kernels;
  • A lot of essential oil is obtained from wood;
  • From the resin in combination with ether you can get useful balms.

Cedar products are indispensable in cosmetology. It contains a large number of components that provide tissue regeneration, skin restoration at the cellular level, nutrition and facial rejuvenation.

In addition to vitamins and microelements, cedar essential oil for the face contains linoleic, linolenic, and oleic acids. As part of this natural product There is:

  1. Vitamins A, D and group B.
  2. Microelements such as phosphorus, calcium, manganese.

Cedar oil is used for psoriasis, dermatitis, and treats acne, scratches, and inflammation. The antibacterial properties of the product help with this.

Cedar products can also be used in aromatherapy. The smell of resin and essential oils promotes recovery emotional background, strengthens the nervous system, calms, relieves tension.

How does the product affect the skin?

The use of cedar oil in cosmetology is suitable for women of any age and with any skin type. You can prepare this product at home various masks and other means that:

  • activate regeneration processes;
  • promote healing of cracks and wounds;
  • nourish and saturate the skin required quantity moisture;
  • eliminate symptoms of allergies, redness, pimples and acne;
  • removes makeup residues.

It is very important to monitor the use quality product. If storage conditions are violated, the product is prepared incorrectly, or an expired product is used, the structure of the oil changes, which can cause serious harm to the skin of the face.

In addition, this product has some contraindications. It is not recommended for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers, if infectious diseases, as well as in case of individual intolerance individual components facilities.

How to use

Pine nut oil in cosmetology helps to cope with a large number of problems. It must be applied differently in each case. Depending on the expected effect, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. The product should be applied to a specific place on the face for minor dermal problems. Cedar extracts can be added to daily creams.
  2. Against psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis and other dermatological diseases need to be prepared special mixture. To do this, a few drops of cedar extract are mixed with wheat germ oil. Apply to the face three times a day for a week. This recipe can eliminate any rash.
  3. You can saturate your skin with beneficial substances by adding three drops of oil to the product. daily care behind the face.
  4. A massage with cedar oil will help cleanse and protect your face from bacteria. The product needs to be heated a little, applied to cotton wool and rubbed into the skin with massage movements. It is advisable to do this before bedtime.
  5. Eliminate age-related changes Cedar nut oil will help your skin. This product is suitable for removing shallow facial wrinkles. It is applied to the area around the eyes and others problem areas and leave for about an hour.
  6. You can protect your skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation thanks to cedar extract. The product is applied to the face and body before going to the beach. This method will protect against sunburn and spots.
  7. Prevent occurrence fine wrinkles Warm compresses help make the skin more elastic and normalize its condition. They need to be kept for forty minutes. In order to achieve good effect, it is advisable to carry out the procedure three times a week.

How pronounced the therapeutic effect will be depends on how regularly the woman carries out these procedures. You can preserve the beauty of your skin for a long time with cedar oil. But if you use it once a week or two, there will be no result.

The product is also used for hair and nail care. To strengthen nail plate, a drop of oil is rubbed into the nails every day, and after a week you can notice that they have stopped peeling and are growing faster.

Many experts say that to enhance care for the face, body and hair, the oil must be taken internally. It will saturate the body with vitamins, microelements and will monitor the beauty of the body from the inside.

Recipes with cedar oil

A face mask with cedar oil will significantly improve the condition of the skin and solve cosmetic imperfections. There are a large number of recipes that any woman can use.


You can prepare masks to restore the skin after damage. This recipe will also help prevent rashes.

Ten grams of blue clay powder should be mixed with 5 g of dry chamomile, add 25 drops of cedar oil and crush two tablets activated carbon. It is necessary to bring the mask to a paste and apply it to the face for half an hour. After this, you need to wash your face with a decoction of plantain with a few drops of grapefruit essential oil.

Nourishing mask

Masks with cedar oil as one of the ingredients perfectly nourish the skin. Such products are especially suitable for use in winter time of the year. You need to make masks at least three times a week.

Need to mix:

  • 17 drops of oil;
  • 4 grams of glycerin;
  • baked potato pulp;
  • one egg yolk.

Before applying the mask, you need to steam your face. To do this, you can prepare chamomile baths. The composition must be applied to the surface of the skin and left for forty minutes.


To stimulate regeneration processes and saturate the skin with oxygen, the following recipe is suitable:

  • a few drops of cedar oil;
  • 15 g rice flour;
  • 3 grams of shea butter;
  • two quail eggs.

Thanks to the fact that the mask has such natural composition, it helps get rid of uneven pigmentation and photo wrinkles. All ingredients must be mixed well. After cleansing the skin, apply the composition to the face and after half an hour, rinse with rosehip decoction.

Cedar tree oil for pediculosis

Many people are interested in whether cedar oil helps against lice. As practice shows, this is unique natural remedy helps to cope with pediculosis. This is a disease in which insects appear on the hair.

To eliminate this problem, 20 drops of Siberian tree oil are mixed with a few drops of clove oil and a glass of mineral water.

Every day the mixture should be rubbed into your hair. This will help you quickly get rid of unpleasant problem. Just remember that this product lightens the hair.

With the help of nature's gifts you can effectively maintain your beauty. You just need to know how to use them correctly and do it regularly.

Cedar is the pride of our taiga and Siberian places. The resinous, smoky aroma of cedar oil transports us to mysterious, centuries-old forests. Since ancient times, the smell of cedar symbolized longevity, abundance, and prosperity. Our ancestors built their sanctuaries and first temples from aromatic cedar wood.

Lord of the taiga - the great cedar

For its unique, inimitable properties, oleoresin is often called balm. The composition of this balm is nothing more than resin dissolved in essential oil. Pure essential cedar oil for the face is obtained by cold pressing from the most valuable cedar wood. Even in ancient times, it was famous for its exceptional, miraculous properties.

The secret of cedar oil

This is a unique product, which simply has no analogues. Environmentally friendly, cedar oil has absorbed the entire palette of valuable components and the extraordinary energy of the cedar itself.

Experts say that what north of the region where the cedar plant grows, the more effective medicinal properties his oils.

Cedar oil for face contains almost the entire range necessary for a person vitamins, 15 amino acids, 20 essential microelements. The amber oily liquid contains up to 10% nitrogenous substances, most of which (up to 90%) are amino acids, almost all of which are essential:

  • linoleic acid – 57% of the total content;
  • linolenic – about 20%;
  • oleic – within 13%.

Essential oil cedar for the face has a powerful rejuvenating effect. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, the extract eliminates all inflammatory reactions on the skin (rashes, spots, pimples). It works most effectively for (eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, allergies).

Its aroma is very beneficial for the nervous system. Cedar relieves any tension and stress. This is a gift from ancient healers, source eternal youth and updates.

A gift to your skin

The most important thing that cedar extract will give as a gift is deep, absolute nutrition to all skin cells. It will completely restore the water balance and give a second life to dry, dehydrated skin. With its help, you will forget what peeling, inflammation, irritation, itching, and wrinkles are. The regeneration of the skin will accelerate many times, turgor and elasticity will increase. Cedar essential oil is ideal for all skin types.

  • Spot application

Cedar extract can be used in its pure form instead of regular cream. During treatment skin problems Apply a few drops of oil to the affected area.

  • Treatment

To remove inflammatory processes(eczema, dermatitis, rashes) make a mixture of cedar etherol (4 drops) and cosmetic (10 ml). Lubricate problem areas 2-3 times daily. The course lasts 10 days.

  • Enrichment

Also, cedar extract will significantly enrich and add a lot of useful substances to any cosmetic product(tonic, cream, milk, lotion). Add 5 drops of extract per 10 ml of base product.

  • Cleansing

Warm up the essential oil a little, apply to the skin using cotton pad. Use gentle massage movements to remove makeup from your face. Besides deep cleaning, the epidermis will receive additional nutrition. Cedar oil can also be used to care for the eye area.

  • Smoothing

To remove ugly " crow's feet» Apply a thin layer of cedar etherol around the eyes and leave on for 40-45 minutes.

  • Protection

If it’s hot outside, if you want to get a good tan without burns, cedar substrate is to your aid. Lubricate the surface of the skin before solar treatments and you will receive even tan without dangerous consequences.

  • Prevention

Warm compresses from cedar oil will perfectly prevent the onset of age-related changes. Soak gauze with heated cedar etherol and apply to face. Keep it for a quarter of an hour. You can periodically re-wet the gauze. Do compresses 2-3 times a week.

  • Nutrition

Mix cedar substrate (10 drops) with crushed oatmeal(10 g). We add to them natural honey(7 ml). After thorough stirring, the mask can be applied to the face. The procedure lasts a quarter of an hour.

Be careful!

The oil is contraindicated for people with excitable nervous system, epilepsy and kidney problems. Also use it carefully and with caution for hypertension and hypersensitive skin.

After a month of continuous use of cedar substrate, you need to take a break. By the way, this extract is incompatible with alcohol. Be aware of this. Very rarely, cedar ether can cause and.

Store essential oils in tightly closed dark glass bottles. Keep away from direct sun exposure and use strictly following recipes. And then your skin will become truly beautiful.

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