First date with a 40-year-old man. How to behave on a date with a man: conversations, appearance, boundaries of what is permitted

The first date is an important event in a relationship, because it is on this date that the guy and the girl form their initial opinion about each other.

Don’t know how to behave when meeting a guy for the first time? And you should, because this information will definitely be useful to you.

The first impression decides, if not everything, then a lot

The first thing that is required of you in order to behave the way you need to on a first date is to be calm and confident. IN you have already been invited on a date, which means that the person likes you, but so that information about you is preserved good opinion, your behavior at the first meeting should be appropriate. As already mentioned, be confident in yourself, which will allow you to look calm and natural. It is so It's important to be yourself, both before and after a date with a guy, and not try to be like someone you're not.

Dress to be comfortable

Of course, you want to look 100%, but If you dress up for a date with a man, but you feel uncomfortable, the feeling of discomfort will be very distracting. There is no need to dress too flashy, you are not going to high society. You meet a guy and decide to have a picnic, but don’t go to it in an evening dress. And here if you wear a nice T-shirt and jeans, it will be best option, and not just for a picnic. If the date is in winter, wear a jacket middle length and, again, jeans.

A smile is your main weapon

Smile at your guy more often, because this is one of the signs that you like him. So do you like him? Be sure to show it off with a sweet, natural smile.

Men don't like very smart women

Of course, if your intelligence is well above average, that's great. But you shouldn’t show it, you shouldn’t focus on your intelligence, so that the self-esteem of the man who invited you on the first date doesn’t suffer.

Listen carefully

When a guy speaks, look him in the eyes while listening carefully. Admire him and his intelligence - guys love that very much. If your interlocutor also constantly looks into your eyes when you speak, this means that he has warm feelings for you.

Don't talk

From the very first date with a guy, don’t create the image of a chatterbox who will give you a reason to gossip. You must get close to a man, winning him with your modesty, beauty, charm, and if you talk a lot, you will only scare him away. Even if you have some shortcomings, don’t try to be completely honest by talking about all your shortcomings. If a guy loves you, he will want a serious relationship with you, despite your shortcomings.

Having met the man of her dreams, a woman really wants to produce pleasant impression to your chosen one. When going on a first date, it is important to understand how to behave correctly with a man in order to ensure the further development of the relationship. To do this, you need to adhere to a number of rules that will help you show your best side and arouse a man’s sincere interest in you.

Maximum natural behavior

A woman’s excitement at the first meeting may be appropriate, but this should not affect her behavior, cause excessive constraint or, on the contrary, swagger. To ensure that this meeting does not become the last, you must act confidently and naturally. In any situation, it is better to remain yourself, do not try to immediately demonstrate all your best sides and character traits.

To look natural, you need to try to relax as much as possible, otherwise your excitement will break through and manifest itself in fussy movements, excessive silence or an uncontrollable flow of speech. When preparing for a meeting, you need to tune in to a positive outcome of the date and repeat out loud several times mantras like: “I am the most charming and attractive.”

Before important event You can mentally imagine a successful meeting scenario, think about what you will talk about, how you will look. By following the main rules on how to behave on a first date, your chosen one will definitely like you and receive an invitation to the next meeting.

The right clothes

No matter how trivial it may sound, the first impression of a woman is formed by her ability to dress stylishly. Tastelessly selected clothes, shoes and accessories can cause great disappointment in a man and forever kill his desire for further communication. Clothing should be appropriate for the location of the date. For example, to go on a yacht it is not necessary to wear clothes Evening Dress and stiletto heels, and when going to the theater it is better to avoid trendy ripped jeans.

You should go on a date in clothes that make you feel comfortable and comfortable. She should not be too frank in order to provide a man with food for imagination and fantasy. Too much deep neckline or Short skirt on the first date they will demonstrate the woman’s frivolity and bad taste. Such a meeting can only end light affair and will not develop into a long-term serious relationship. This does not mean that you need to dress in strict business suit and wear glasses to look respectable. Clothes can be sexy without clearly demonstrating all feminine charms.

Choosing a scent for a first date

A good, subtle perfume acts on a man’s subconscious like an aphrodisiac. The general impression of a woman is formed not only by her appearance, but also by her smell, timbre of voice, manners and gestures. It is very important to choose light unobtrusive an aroma that can only be felt very close. Not every man likes an overly sweet, cloying smell that can be heard within a radius of several meters; it can cause a headache and a desire to end the meeting quickly.

Do not touch on taboo topics

On the first date it is very important to choose the right topic for conversation. You shouldn’t immediately burden a man with a million of your problems, health complaints, criticism from your boss, girlfriend or work colleagues. Men are especially irritated by tedious conversations about ex-boyfriends. It’s better not to touch on the topic of your personal life, about how you have no luck in finding a future life partner, and how any relationship ends in complete fiasco.

Even with very desire getting married in the very near future, you should not tell this stunning news to a man at the very first meeting. On the first date, you shouldn’t focus on yourself, it’s better to talk neutral topics that will help you find common interests and learn about each other's hobbies. A cheerful, casual conversation, lots of laughter and jokes will make you want to spend time together again.

The ability to listen to a man

During the conversation, it is advisable to show your interest in the man’s story. Ask him questions, voice your point of view on the topic of conversation and actively support the ensuing conversation. Every time you ask questions, address him by name, this will help establish an invisible connection with the interlocutor. Laugh at his jokes, be sincerely surprised by his knowledge in any field and rejoice at his achievements.

If a man sees a lack of interest in his judgments, he may withdraw and want to leave his interlocutor. A man should see a woman’s desire to get to know him better, to appreciate his richness inner world, sharp mind and determination. Men don't fewer women love compliments and admiring glances of the opposite sex. At the end of the meeting, be sure to praise him for a great time and demonstrate your desire to see him again.

Allow a man to take care of you

In our age of emancipated women, we are accustomed to solving any problems independently without the participation of men. Despite this, there is no need to show your independence and feminist positions on the first date. Allow your partner to court you and show gallantry to feel like a real knight. It is very important to let your chosen one know that you need his care and attention and gratefully accept his every noble gesture.

Rules of conduct on a first date

First romantic meeting with your chosen one is an important exam, which is the only chance for further development relationships. Wrong behavior women can only cut off feelings that are beginning to emerge at the very root. A woman should be tactful and restrained, not get too deep into the soul and give the man the right to lead the parade.

A girl who allows herself to swear, laugh too loudly, or make vulgar jokes on the first date makes a very bad impression. Be careful with alcohol. At the first meeting there is no need to take too much strong alcohol, it is better to limit yourself to two glasses of wine. Nothing turns a man off more than a drunk, out of control woman.

You shouldn't get too intimate on the first date. A man by nature is a hunter and he quickly loses interest in easy prey. An accidental touch on his hand, an intriguing look and a calm, sexy timbre of his voice will have a much greater effect and will make a man look forward to each new meeting.

Don't make big plans

All of the above tips on how to behave on a first date will help you make a lasting impression on your date. However, this is not a reason to decisive action to building your own happiness. Let the relationship develop calmly in the right direction, don’t rush things and don’t make grandiose plans.

A man will be very surprised by your desire to introduce him to your mother and numerous other relatives on the second date. For a serious relationship, you need to get to know each other better, and for this a certain period of time must pass. Even the best first impression does not guarantee a long and happy life. life together. In order for the relationship not to cool down and develop into something more, both partners need to make every effort.

How to get a guy to like you on the first date? Any girl can confidently answer this question, but when it comes to practice, especially if you feel sympathy for a man, something strange begins to happen. You don’t know what dress to wear, what makeup to choose, what to talk about and more. That’s just how women are, they always worry before an important event, especially when they want to make an effect.

At the first meeting, it is important to intrigue, but not shock. After all, whether there will be a second date and further relationships depends on how the conversation goes. Many women and inexperienced girls make the mistake of starting to show themselves as something they really are not. Having misled the guy, they subsequently arise unpleasant situations- He is unlikely to like deception. It’s better to be real and consistent, in which case both will remember the date.

Choosing a meeting place

Of course, the man should invite you on a date, but if the proposed place is located in an unfamiliar area or is far from home, you can offer to meet on “your territory.” It is important to choose a quiet, cozy place that is familiar to you, because in such conditions it will be much safer, after all, the man is still a stranger. Also, familiar streets and houses will create a feeling of calm, which means that communication will be much easier.

You can be the first to ask a man out on a date, there is nothing shameful in that. Brave girls take the solution to many problems and tasks into their own hands, why not take the first step yourself? In this case, the choice of place falls even more heavily on fragile shoulders, and it is better to meet in your favorite cafe, restaurant or park.

How to look

The first date with a man obliges the girl to make a good impression - he must see in front of him a charming person with whom it is interesting to talk. Wherein appearance should also bring pleasure without alienating the guy. The impression you get depends on the outfit. young man. The chosen wardrobe should be comfortable and appropriate. Shoes on high heels It’s better not to wear it - firstly, it’s not comfortable, and secondly, a girl in this form may turn out to be taller than a guy, giving him a certain complex.

Under no circumstances should you dress vulgarly, wear too much makeup, or overdo it. eau de toilette- on a date with a guy, both should feel comfortable. In addition, a girl in this form is unlikely to interest a young man. At the same time, grooming in appearance should be visible from the tips of the hair to the nails - hairstyle, natural makeup, classic manicure and a moderate outfit will definitely make an impression.


Regardless of whether you are dating married man or with free guy, you should behave as naturally as possible. The opposite sex is attracted to girls who can easily carry on a conversation, do not overdo it with their upbringing manners, and are not mired in complexes and embarrassment. Questions should be answered easily and naturally, but you shouldn’t talk too much or go into unnecessary details, otherwise the guy will think that a talker or a bore is sitting in front of him.

How to behave correctly with a man on a date? Smile more often, but only sincerely - real ones positive emotions suggest a pleasant conversation and the emergence mutual feelings. If he is telling a sad, tragic or serious story, support him with facial expressions. Looking at one point without expressing emotion, he is unlikely to understand that the girl really empathizes with him. However, there is no need to grimace either, everything should be in moderation.

What to talk about?

How to please a man on the first date? Learn to listen to him - the male sex loves when attention is paid to their speeches. When asking questions, give him the opportunity to fully express his thoughts. If you interrupt, you will get the feeling that you are not interested in what he is saying.

What to talk about at the first meeting? What topics can be off-putting, and what should you definitely find out about a person who might propose marriage in the future? You need to ask relevant questions and be consistent. You can ask about:

  • Hobbies - let him tell you what he does in his free time from work or study.
  • Achievements - suddenly, he achieved some heights in the area that he managed to talk about. Let him brag, men love to do this too.
  • Vacations - find out if he likes to travel to other cities and countries or if he spends his holidays in hometown. Does he visit entertainment venues, what interesting things did he see while traveling or playing? Is it possible to travel in the near future?
  • Future - no need to ask how many children he wants. Let him talk about what he plans to achieve.

It’s better to talk to a man casually; if he feels comfortable, he’ll tell you more. Don't turn a date into an interrogation, especially finding out how much he gets paid. He may turn out to be a wealthy guy, or maybe he took out a loan for a date. It’s better to let him calmly talk about himself so that, based on the information received, he can later compare what he said. If he is a deceiver, then inaccuracies and discrepancies will slip into the conversation.

You shouldn't discuss his family with a married man - that's not why he came on a date. Also, don’t complain and compare him with your ex, guys don’t like that either.

First meeting rules

How to interest a man so that he wants to meet again and organize unforgettable evening? The rules of 1 date that must be followed will help you achieve your goal:

  • Excessive effort in trying to produce positive impression unnecessary, otherwise he will notice the game and unnaturalness, which will immediately push him away.
  • At the first meeting, we ask questions, try to get him to talk, giving him an advantage in the conversation. At the same time, you cannot sit silently or simply giggle at what you hear.
  • Even if you see that a guy likes you, restrain yourself in reciprocity. There must be a mystery left so that he is tormented in thought. For this reason, there is no need to tell everything about yourself, otherwise he will have nothing to unravel.
  • Keep the conversation light, ask questions that will help you understand the person. In this case, there is no need to arrange a question-answer game.
  • Praise him by expressing a positive opinion about the chosen establishment where the date is taking place. Just sing his praises, wanting to please him, you should be careful. Otherwise, he will become arrogant or suspect pretense.
  • Attract revealing outfits It won’t work, except for a short relationship. It is better to impress with spiritual qualities and moderate manners.
  • If you really liked the young man, or the meeting was with a married man, you can take further initiative into your own hands. But there is no need to impose yourself - if he is not interested, telephone terror will only worsen the situation.

How to end a date

It’s not enough to have a perfect meeting; it’s also important to end it with dignity in order to receive invitations to further dates. The girl must do this, and without waiting until too late. As soon as the young man spends, it is important to thank him, expressing how interesting it is, but how quickly time has flown by. There is no need to ask when you will see each other again - if a man wants, he will invite himself.

Sometimes a guy shows with all his appearance that the meeting went well, but then doesn’t call. The times when girls with their heads held high awaiting the call, while suffering and crying in despair, are gone. You can call yourself and ask how he is doing. After all, you met, communicate, which means you are friends. Ask how your friend is doing? Just don’t ask about a date, if he is silent, it means he didn’t like you or is having temporary difficulties.

Common Mistakes

What not to do on a first date:

  • Deliberately deceive and be a hypocrite - the girl you like will then be ashamed that she went to meet a guy for greedy or other reasons.
  • Talk about serious relationship and the prospect of starting a family - a man will immediately feel that they are trying to saddle him with responsibilities. This will scare him away, because first he must get to know the woman better in order to want to create a social unit with her.
  • Dressing and behaving vulgarly means he will think that his companion is a frivolous and approachable person.
  • Boasting about the number of suitors - even if the girl really arouses the guys' interest, you shouldn't be proud of it.
  • Hiding his gaze - the guy will think that his companion is not interested in talking to him, and she does not know how to end the meeting.

Is it possible to interest a young man at the first meeting? And how! Be natural, don’t abuse alcohol, greedily consume ordered food, show off bad habits. Be restrained in everything, and he will definitely appreciate the time spent with you, and after one day, and sometimes even an hour, he will understand that he wants to see you again.

The rules for first dates with a married man are similar - by following them, no one guarantees a quick wedding. However, you will be protected from most mistakes, which means you will be able to make a good impression.

Margins around the form

Any woman is nervous before her first date with the man she likes. And this is natural, since the first date is not only the most romantic, but also a very important moment in a relationship.
Psychologists say that the first impression is very important, because on its basis a person usually creates a strong opinion about another person, which he is subsequently reluctant to change. Therefore, the more a man and a woman like each other on the first date, the greater the chances for further favorable development of their relationship. To make a lasting impression on a man, women usually use their entire arsenal: beauty, intelligence, erudition, excellent manners and ability to behave in society. But alas, even despite this, very often the first date turns out to be the last, and the relationship does not continue. In such cases, the woman is perplexed: What did I do wrong? The tips below can help you avoid common mistakes and “not lose face” on a first date.
There is a very common belief that a woman should be late for dates in order to make a man a little worried. On the one hand, this sometimes works. And yet, it is advisable to arrive on time for the first date, since the relationship is still at the very beginning, when every little thing can have an impact. crucial. If a woman is more than 5 minutes late for a date, a man may decide that she is too frivolous, unreliable and unnecessary, and therefore incapable of a serious relationship.

Strong excitement before an upcoming date can do a very bad job, under the influence of which women often begin to behave inappropriately: answer inappropriately, remain silent all the time or, conversely, talk too much, giggle endlessly, mince, etc. Subsequently, women, remembering their behavior, they are very worried, not understanding how they could behave this way. Hence the conclusion: before the upcoming date, you need to try to relax and think about what natural behavior and self-confidence always help to impress your interlocutor best impression. And in no case should you try to relax with a few glasses of champagne, since a drunk woman in the eyes of a man looks much worse than just shy or unsure of herself.

In order not to feel awkward on a first date with a man you don’t know very well, you should try to find suitable topic For interesting conversation. But to do this, you first need to find out what a man’s interests and hobbies are. If a woman starts talking incessantly on a topic that is completely uninteresting for a man, the dialogue can turn into an endless monologue, after listening to which the man will decide that this is not a very smart and not very well-mannered lady with whom it is very unpleasant to communicate. A good topic to start a conversation could be a movie being watched (if the first date takes place in a cinema) or the interior of a restaurant (if a man invited a woman to a restaurant). But such a discussion should always be only positive, that is, the woman must show that she likes what she sees. If a woman says something like: “Ugh, what an uninteresting movie! I’m just dying of boredom!” or “What kind of disgusting eatery is this where the food is so tasteless!” - the man will feel not only guilty, but also very offended. He will decide that the woman is capricious, too demanding and tactless, after which, as you understand, the continuation of the relationship is unlikely to follow.

The statement that men love only stupid women and are afraid of smart ones was most likely invented stupid women who don’t understand why men don’t want to communicate with them. In fact, a man (unless, of course, he is far from stupid) is always doubly pleased to deal with a woman who, in addition to beauty, is also gifted with intelligence. Almost every man dreams of seeing in his woman not only a lover, but also a friend with whom he will never be bored. But this does not mean at all that on the first date a woman should try to amaze a man with her erudition and show him her mental superiority over him. A man will definitely run away from such a woman without looking back! To seem like an interesting conversationalist, a woman should choose topics for discussion that are interesting and familiar to both her and the man, and also treat the man’s opinion with emphatic respect, even if it contradicts her own. This does not mean that you should be afraid to express your opinion and hypocritically agree with everything you hear. Such a woman can quickly become uninteresting to a man. Respect for your interlocutor does not at all exclude having your own opinion on any issue. You just need to try to express this opinion gently and correctly. Show sincere interest in the man's affairs, show that you sympathize with his problems and admire his personal qualities.

Of course, a woman can talk about herself. Moreover, any well-mannered man on the first date, he will definitely show interest in the woman as a person, he will want to know more about her work, family, interests, interests, hobbies, etc. But still, you should not indulge in excessive frankness and tell your entire autobiography, from birth to the present moment. And you certainly shouldn’t describe your relationship with your “ex” in detail and complain about things that haven’t worked out so far. personal life. Such conversations are best left for friends. In a woman, in order for her to be truly interesting to a man, there must always be some kind of secret and understatement. Although a woman can still make it clear to a man (if he asks) that this moment she is free. This must be done at least so that the man dismisses suspicions about possible presence in the life of a woman of another man and was not afraid to invite her on the next date. A woman, in turn, can safely ask whether a man is free from any obligations to other women. Why waste time on someone who is married or has a steady girlfriend?

When communicating with a man, you should never forget that any representative of the stronger sex wants to protect and protect his woman, and most importantly, to be a “real” man in her eyes. Therefore, most men are drawn to weak and defenseless women, who, it seems to them, really need their strength and ability to protect them from any problems. If a woman directly demonstrates to a man her self-sufficiency and independence, then he understands this clearly: this woman does not need him, which means there is no point in continuing the relationship. So you shouldn’t mock a man if he offers a woman to carry her purse and asks if she has broken furniture or a leaking faucet at home that he could fix.

The most sore spot almost any man - the degree of his success in life. Many men are very afraid of appearing like losers in front of a woman, even if there is no reason for such fear. A clear indication of such fear is a man’s habit of boasting about his achievements and excitedly talking about various successes in his professional field. A woman should treat such stories from a man with interest (at least outwardly) and be sure to praise the man for his undoubted merits and outstanding achievements, which he will so eloquently describe. Only the praise must be sincere and justified, so that the man in no way suspects that the woman is laughing at him.
If a man is seriously interested in a woman and she is not against further continuation of the relationship, he must make this clear. But of course, not in direct text. Possibilities nonverbal communication wide enough to express your sympathy to a person without saying a word. A woman can casually touch a man’s hand, look meaningfully into his eyes, and smile shyly. The main thing is that the man understands that he likes him and is not afraid to take on the role of initiator of further relationships.

At the end of the date, a well-mannered man should certainly accompany the woman to the entrance (especially if it is already late) and if he liked her, set up the next date or at least promise to call in the near future. If a man remains silent and does not say anything about his plans to meet with a woman again, she should show pride and resist the temptation to be the first to talk about this topic. If a man likes a woman, he will definitely make himself known soon. If not... This means that this is not the man that this woman needs, and it is completely pointless to impose herself on him, losing the remnants of her own dignity. But it is not recommended to refuse a date in order to “torment” and “tease” a man a little if he starts scheduling one. Having received a refusal, a man may decide that either the woman did not like him, or that she has someone else, and not call again. Of course, a woman should behave with dignity and not show a man too much of her interest in him, but still, you need to feel moderation in everything.

And yet, it is necessary to dwell on such an issue as sex on the first date. No one encourages women, in accordance with the canons of morality of the 19th century, to postpone sex until marriage, but one thing can be said with confidence: sex on the first date not only does not contribute to the strength of future relationships, but also casts great doubt on whether the relationship will continue at all. No man wants to see an easily accessible woman as his life partner. The only reason why you should have sex is your desire. But even in this case, you don’t have to go ahead, seduce, flirt, but restrain yourself last moment, let the man understand that you need to be pursued.

On the first date, a girl can make a man fall in love with her or forever discourage him from continuing to meet. To avoid disappointing the person who invited you to the meeting, use the advice of a psychologist. You can find them in our article today. You will learn how to overcome fear, where you can go on a date, how best to dress, what to say, how to please. In addition, we will tell you why the guy doesn’t call after the first meeting, and what mistakes you might have made.

Excitement is a natural reaction on a first date. You don’t yet know each other’s habits and character traits, but you are already ready to communicate.

To overcome fear, you need to increase your self-esteem. Wash your hair and apply conditioner, tidy up your hands, buy new underwear. Tune in to the positive - watch your favorite movie or listen to romantic music. Choose an outfit that makes you feel comfortable.

where to go

If a young man offers to find a meeting place, give preference to crowded establishments - a cafe, park, cinema, museum. This way you won’t be left alone with the guy, be afraid of his pestering, you can easily choose topics for conversation and fill out awkward pauses, for example, a comment about a painting or the interior of an establishment.

The date clearly didn't work out

When making an appointment, consider the time of year. Don't freeze in winter park, if you can sit in a cozy cafe with a cup of aromatic coffee. In summer there is no need to swelter in the heat at an exhibition sand figures outside when you can visit the water park.

So that you can do right choice, we have prepared for you.

What to wear

Choose clothes based on the meeting place, weather conditions and time of year. Avoid revealing necklines and cutouts. Stylish and neat things attract more attention than vulgar miniskirts and T-shirts.

Even clothes that are not new, but well-groomed and fit your figure will look amazing with a minimum number of accents. Read more about it here. You can choose the top, bottom, accessories.

How to please

Be an attentive interlocutor, do not interrupt. Tell us about yourself, but don’t go into details and turn the date into a one-man show. Relax, don't ask direct questions, smile.

A man is also nervous on a first date; natural behavior will help overcome awkwardness.

There is a separate article on the site about. It contains practical advice by behavior.

What to talk about

Start with common topics and interests, gradually get to know each other, talk about hobbies and interests. Avoid talking about your problems and previous relationships, critics. Maintain neutrality in the conversation to avoid awkward situations, don't complain about life.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You'll get step by step plan 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Why doesn't he call after

The date went, as you think, wonderfully, but the young man does not call. The reason is not always you. If a guy wants to develop a relationship, he will definitely call you back or send a message with an invitation to the next meeting. Take your time, wait a few days, perhaps something really serious has happened and there is no reason to worry.

You can call or send a message to the first one, find out his impressions of the meeting and invite him to the next date. But you only have to do this once. All the details are in another article on the site. In it. You will find out: how long to wait for a call, whether it is possible to make it first, what may prevent him from contacting you.

Mistakes girls make on their first date with a guy

On the first date, psychologists advise, it is important to create the prerequisites for future relationships. Here are some tips on what not to do:

  • Criticize men. They are much more sensitive to criticism than women.
  • Constantly talk about yourself to your loved one. Narcissistic, selfish women do not attract men.
  • Arrange an interrogation. Your task is to very carefully and veiledly ask suggestive questions rather than conducting a survey.
  • Arrive on a date casually or too revealingly dressed and with dirty hair. Dirty and vulgarly dressed ladies cause unpleasant feelings not only among men.
  • Make a date plan in advance and anticipate its results. Don't overthink anything. Your thoughts may have nothing to do with the real picture.
  • Seize the initiative. To a shy man You can tactfully help or suggest, but do not make a decision for him, just push him a little.
  • Find out the man's income level. Ask this question - the right way not being asked out on a second date.

In this video, the psychologist gives advice to girls who will not let their first date fail:

Prepare thoroughly for your first meeting so that it does not become your last!

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