Interview questions for children in kindergarten. Annual interview with a child or how to capture childhood

In the competition “Moscow Teacher of the Year - 2015”, Natalya Sorokina from gymnasium No. 1573 was recognized as the best teacher. During the interview, we learned that she rides a motorcycle, scuba dives, and helps homeless animals. Needless to say, regularly visiting exhibitions and traveling to distant cities and towns. And this is not counting professional qualities. This is probably how it should be! Only a person with such vital energy and desire for everything new can and should be educator No. 1.

Tell us how you got into the profession and why you decided to become a teacher.

At the age of 15, I decided to enter a pedagogical college. She probably didn’t understand then that she had made the most important choice in her life. This was not a conscious decision, but simply a desire to work with children, to bring them kindness and knowledge...

Over the years of study and practice at pedagogical college, I felt inner confidence that this was my business, that I would succeed. Therefore, without hesitation I chose a pedagogical university. Probably, it was then that I realized that teaching was my calling!

It happens that it is difficult for parents to cope with one child. And you are managing a whole group. What's the secret?

There's no secret here. A child spends an average of nine hours a day in preschool, which is significantly more than at home. In kindergarten, children's lives are organized in such a way that every minute is occupied with some interesting activities, joint and independent games, learning new things, communicating with peers and teachers. There is no time for boredom or idle time when the child does not know what to do with himself.

Adhering to a daily routine also plays an important role. I believe that if you learn to organize the time of one child, then the number of children does not matter.

Today we do not strive to transfer knowledge, skills, and abilities to the child. Our task is to support children's initiative, stimulate creativity, fantasy, and imagination. See and develop the talent in every child. In modern education, what is important is the personality of the child himself and the changes that occur to him in the process of learning and upbringing, and not the sum of knowledge accumulated during his stay in kindergarten. Indeed, none of us can say what specific skills and knowledge our students will need in a rapidly changing world ten years from now.

Looking at my students, I understand that modern children are not the same as their peers were just a few decades ago. For them, now owning a tablet, mobile phone and computer is a common, everyday thing. They are so different, interesting in their own way, often unpredictable, but at the same time completely different from each other: each has its own character, interests and hobbies.

I am glad that modern parents have begun to devote much more time to their children, attaching great importance to this. But at the same time, they often get information about the development of their children from the Internet, sometimes trusting dubious and contradictory sources.

Following the fashion for early development, many parents try to justify their expectations, depriving the child of the opportunity to fully live and play out the period of preschool childhood.

And my task as a teacher is to guide parents in the right educational direction, help them find effective ways to develop their children, teach them to understand the world of childhood and their own child.

Modern parents spend a lot of time at work, but want to be aware of what is happening in kindergarten. Internet resources help me make the educational process more open and accessible to parents.

What do you like about working in the garden?

This is a unique opportunity to return to childhood every day, to be surprised and explore the world together with a child, full drive to feel a sea of ​​​​creative potential within yourself, to hear children's laughter, children's speech, to love children's spontaneity - for me this is a pleasure! Is it possible to deny yourself pleasure?

What are your plans for the future?

Konstantin Simonov said: “An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete.” I plan to improve my level of education. Moreover, winning the competition provided me with the opportunity to undergo advanced training in any educational organization in the capital.

How do you like to relax?

I love active recreation with my family and friends. I love nature and relaxing outside the city. I love cultural leisure: theaters, museums, exhibitions.

What are your hobbies?

Motorcycle trips in Russia and European countries, bicycle tourism, helping homeless animals. And also a healthy lifestyle and winter swimming.

Today, teachers of preschool institutions face the difficult task of choosing those methods and forms of organizing work with children that best correspond to the goal of personal development. Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education should be aimed at implementing state standards for preschool education, and also focused on the individual characteristics of each child.

In my opinion, person-oriented technologies that best meet these requirements focus on the child’s unique personality, which is open to new experiences and capable of making informed choices in a variety of life situations.

An example of person-oriented technologies is the pedagogy of cooperation, where the child is the subject of activity. Therefore, two subjects of the same process, the teacher and the child, must act together, be comrades, partners, form an alliance of the older and more experienced with the less experienced; neither of them should stand above the other.

Interactive technologies help make the educational process interesting, varied, and more effective. At the same time, children learn to communicate, interact with each other and other people, think critically, and solve various problems based on the analysis of the information received.

The project method is also effective.

Working with children is always something new. You never know what to expect. Have there been any funny incidents while working in the garden?

Children are openness, spontaneity, word creativity...

I can remember a lot of funny episodes from the “Children Speak” series. For example, on a walk, Dima, five years old, found a button on the ground and said to me: “Oh, look, the button came off!” Or Alyosha, six years old, during a conversation about professions, in response to my question “What do you want to become when you grow up?” replied: “But dad hasn’t told me yet!”

Tell us about your project activities.

The project method, so relevant today, turned out to be a successful find as a means of including the family in the life of the kindergarten. And it has already proven its effectiveness in practice.

The peculiarity of the parent-child project is that by participating in its implementation, parents are not only sources of information, real help and support for the child and teacher in working on the project, but also become direct participants in the educational process, enrich their teaching experience, and experience a feeling of ownership and satisfaction from their successes and the child’s achievements.

The topics of our family projects were varied. Her choice depended on the interests, age and individual characteristics of the children, based on program objectives, as well as taking into account the season and phenomena of social life.

We have such joint parent-child projects as “Coat of Arms of the Bunnies Group”, “Happy Day Off”, “Snow Creatures”, “Endless Star World”, “Preschoolers in the World of Professions”, “Bow for All Ailments” and a lot others.

Each project is unique in its own way and provides the parent with the opportunity to show their knowledge, intuition, imagination, passion and originality in practice. The projects helped all participants feel like a single team.

Our parents moved from observers to participants and creators. They began to show sincere interest in the life of the group and expressed a desire to continue to participate in the lives of children in kindergarten.

Is gardening more of a way of life and way of thinking? After all, even if the teacher has a day off, he still prepares for classes...

There is an expression: “If, while at work, you feel the urge to go home, but at home you want to go to work, then you are a happy person.” It's about me.

Many teachers are scared by Federal State Educational Standards. What is the most important thing educators should take away from the new rules?

It is gratifying that preschool education is becoming the first compulsory level of the education system, which means that the state guarantees not only the accessibility, but also the quality of education at this level. Quality of conditions, equipment, programs, personnel.

The Preschool Education Standard formulates requirements for teachers: increasing their professional competence has become a necessary condition. Therefore, teachers will need to take advanced training courses, participate in the work of creative groups - in a word, constantly develop and improve themselves.

The knowledge of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is not assessed. The results of mastering the educational program are presented in the form of targets that describe the integrative qualities that a child CAN acquire. The educational program according to the Federal State Educational Standard is defined not as a guarantee of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, but rather as a program of psychological and pedagogical support, individualization and socialization of the child. The standard prioritizes an individual approach to the child and play, where the intrinsic value of preschool childhood is preserved and where the very nature of the preschooler is preserved. The fact that the role of play as a leading activity for preschoolers is increasing and they are moving away from school-type activities is certainly positive.

The implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education will also affect parents of students. Family education is recognized as a priority. Therefore, it is necessary to look for new, more effective forms of relations between the kindergarten and the family, designed to make parents active participants in the pedagogical process, and to give teachers the opportunity to more effectively provide qualified support to parents.

Gadgets are firmly entrenched in our lives. Are there more benefits from a smartphone and tablet for a child than harm?

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without the daily use of electronic technology. I'm not against gadgets, progress cannot be stopped. I am against all this technology replacing ordinary human communication, especially communication between a child and his parents.

Gadgets should become assistants in a child’s development, not a panacea. Modern teachers use ICT (editor's note - information and communication technologies) at work. If it is in moderation, then it is even welcomed as a means that can make GCD (editor's note - directly educational activities) more productive.

But children themselves do not need gadgets in the garden. There are enough of them at home. The most important thing is not to prohibit your child from using gadgets, but to determine the dosage over time and choose educational games and puzzles. Why not invite children to complete some task on their gadgets at home, which has something in common with the material learned in kindergarten? Let the time spent using your gadget at home be useful.

The modern preschooler has no time to rest. Kindergarten, clubs. How can a child relieve stress after a hard day at work?

There is a misconception that only adults are susceptible to stress. In fact, preschoolers have no less reasons for stress.

True, children overcome it much faster and easier. To relieve stress, playing with loose and sticky materials - such as sand, semolina, peas, rice, millet, clay, salt dough - is quite suitable for a child. Drawing is also one of the best ways to combat stress. Playing with water will also be an indispensable tool here.

But the most important thing, in my opinion, for a child to deal with stress is the attention, care, love and warmth of family. No psychotherapy session can replace an evening dedicated to confidential communication with your child, joint games, and intimate conversation with him.

Also important factors here are adherence to a daily routine, proper nutrition and physical activity.

What is a modern educator like?

A teacher of the 21st century cannot be a static figure, working according to rules once determined for himself. He must be able to easily switch to something new, work on himself, constantly improve his skills, master innovative technologies, and unconventional methods. Only then will he be able to “speak the same language” with children, be understood, and correspond to the spirit of the times.

Today you will not surprise anyone with the ability to master information and communication technologies and various gadgets - they have firmly entered our lives and the educational process. But a modern educator must expand the range of his professional capabilities.

All children are different, including those with disabilities, developmental disabilities, gifted and talented children. A modern teacher, in addition to mastering pedagogy and methods of preschool education, must have the knowledge of a psychologist, defectologist, and speech therapist. This is the requirement of our time.

A teacher of the 21st century is a creative, original, educated, intelligent, independent and proactive teacher who knows how to predict and evaluate his results, rationally manage his time and emotions, and leads a healthy lifestyle.

What would you like to wish to parents?

We thank Natalya for an interesting story about herself and her work, for reminding the truths that we, parents, periodically forget, for an example of how you can combine work with an active lifestyle. We would like to wish you not to stop there, but to always find opportunities to realize your creative plans and conquer new horizons!

Photos from the personal archive of Natalia Sorokina.

Natalya Mrinskaya
Scenario for the graduation party “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”

(calm music sounds, the leading teachers of the preschool group enter, and begin their words against the background of music.)

1 Presenter: For some reason the hall became silent,

There is delight and a little sadness in the eyes.

Let the audience remember now their:

Flirty and mischievous

A little daring and stubborn

The most playful of children,

Unique, dear,

And everyone is loved in their own way, and equally dear.

Meet them! Meet them!

2 ved. -"Attention! You are invited to the hall graduates of 2011.

(children enter in pairs, the leader calls them, children to the music "Polonaise" walk around the hall and stand in a checkerboard pattern)

1 Ved. - The hall today cannot accommodate all the guests gathered.

Today we see off our dear children!

1 child - And mothers look with excitement

For yesterday's preschoolers.

And dad’s gaze warms,

And my brother winks.

Even grandma stealthily

She brought a handkerchief to her eyes.

From now on her dear grandson will be a schoolboy!

2 reb. - We ourselves are out of excitement

Forgot all the poems.

We were just preschool children,

And now – students!

3 children - “Preschool child, preschool child!”-

I can hear it almost from the cradle,

Only from tomorrow

Don't call me that:

4 children -I'll get up early, early tomorrow-

And in the morning "schoolboy" I will!

Our beloved, our beautiful,

Our wonderful kindergarten!

5 reb. -You are on your way happy today

You're seeing off preschoolers.

Goodbye to our fairy tales,

Our merry round dance,

Our games, songs, dances!

Goodbye! School is waiting!

6 children - Our favorite kindergarten,

You will be remembered forever!

We will send you from school from excellent students...

All. Hello!

(To the music, an adult correspondent runs in, hung with cameras, video cameras with a microphone and a newspaper in his hand.)

Correspondent. - Are you really late? How so! While I was reporting in the government about a meeting on overcoming the economic crisis, I missed high school graduation holiday in your kindergarten!

Leading: Don’t worry, dear correspondent, our holiday is just beginning.

Look at our graduates! To happy parents! (The correspondent clicks the camera in different directions.)

Correspondent - Well, everything is in order!

I am a cheerful correspondent,

I want to take you to school!

I'll connect my microphone,

I'll interview you! Questions will be answered Graduates.

(interview questions: 1. What do you want to become?

2. What do you wish for your teachers?

3. Would you like to work in a kindergarten as an adult?

4. What do you wish for your friends?

5 What good will you do when you grow up?

6. Would you like your children to go to this kindergarten?

7. What do you think you will remember in 10 years from the life of kindergarten?

8. What would you like to say goodbye)

7 children - With gentle sadness "Goodbye!"

Let's tell the group we are dear.

We never parted with her,

Only on the weekend!

8 children -There were builders here

Doctors and tailors.

In our bedroom hundreds of times

We rested during a quiet time.

9 children - We set the table for dinner,

Studying etiquette

And they drew in albums

House, trees and sunrise!

10 reb. -And more than once during leisure hours,

Sitting quietly on the carpet,

We visited with the book

In a good fairyland.

11 children - In September other children

A new one will come to the group,

Well, we'll close the doors:

Great things await us!

Correspondent: I continue the interview. What do you like to do?-

12 children - Dance!

Correspondent - Can you even show me?

13 children -We can also show

And we're moving great!

We learned to dance

And it's so wonderful!

(children get up in pairs while singing a song "Goodbye, kindergarten" dancing a waltz.)

Waltz. (sit down.)

Correspondent: Thank you for the most interesting interview (shakes hands) Now just a moment! A photo for memory! Smile! I'm filming! I'll quickly print a photo and give you a surprise! Have fun! I'll stop by again! (runs away)

(An adult Fairy and small fairies, senior group, enter the hall to the music of the minuet, go around the hall, stand in a semicircle while the Fairy walks comments: “Please pay attention, don’t turn your head, keep your back, keep your step steady! Real fairies, even small ones, only walk like this.)

Fairy- (when we stood in a semicircle)- I'll lose my nerves! Don't sigh! Don't spin!

No! No! No! This is no good!

Look better how my best, beloved ones dance graduates!

Girls dance (circle)

Fairy - Divine! Wonderful!

And now, I ask you to stand in pairs

And show me my favorite dance, the polka!

Polka (children from the pre-school group stand in pairs with children from the senior group)

Fairy - Wonderful, lovely!

Now sing the song.

Song (performed by all children)

Fairy (to the fairies from the century.)-Well, we remember everything. (rep.)

Will you try just as hard and study diligently? (rep.)

I came to you for the last time,

I brought a magic flower.

If its petal is torn off

And say the magic words...

And the words are very simple, here such: “Fly, fly petal,

Through the west, to the east, through the north, through the south

Come back after making a circle.

As soon as you touch the ground,

To be, in my opinion, they were leading...”

Magic music begins and the wish comes true...

Today, tear off the petals and fulfill the wishes of the guests and fulfill your own.

(The fairy and fairies leave to the music.)

Ved. -How unusual flower! Only I can’t remember its name and the words are somehow familiar... Where did I hear them, guys? (resp. children and parents) Do you think this is it, this one? seven-flowered flower? Let's check. (count petals) Exactly him! This means you can make a wish and it will come true. I'm worried, even to be honest, I'm a little scared. Let's suggest that the manager tear off the first sheet, she probably has desires and she is not afraid of anything, even GORONO. (the head takes off the piece of paper. He pronounces the words and says that he wants to hear a song about kindergarten)

Song “It’s good in our garden”.

Ved. - Well, that’s great! And now I want to offer to tear off a leaf to our muses. to the leader N.V. (Tears off a piece of paper. He pronounces the words and says that he wants the children from the circle to teach all the children and guests in the hall to dance a fun dance called "Tira-tam")

Dance "Tira-tam".

Ved. - Great! Amazing! And the next petal, I see, our sports teacher Lyudmila Nikolaevna can’t wait to tear off.. (Tears off the leaf. She pronounces the words and says that she wants the children to play a fun game with her (at her choice - I have words for the children of former graduates current brothers and sisters graduates. You can take them and they will play at L.N.’s request.

1. Today in this hall, like many years ago,

Smiles began to shine, the kindergarten was excited.

2. You were kids, now you're grown up

And classes, desks and school bells are waiting for you.

3. And we were like that: elegant, beautiful

The same little ones, just as happy.

4. We came to congratulate you. We would like to wish you

So that everyone in their school only gets five grades.

5. So that you may be friends for a long time, do not forget your garden

And they came to visit the teachers more often.

6. We are very happy for you, we wish prosper,

Now we suggest you play a little.

(These are the words)

Ved. - Great! Children, do you have any wishes! (children's answer) Of course, we won’t be able to do all of them. only one flower. Whose wish should we fulfill? Let's choose a counting rhyme! (they count and choose a child prepared in advance, who tears off a petal. He pronounces the words and says that he wants a living dragon to appear in the hall. Drakosha enters to the music and walks around the hall).

Ved. - Oh, yes, this is our dragon, and I was already scared, I thought that this high school graduation will be the last one in my life! Hello dragon! (shakes the dragon's paw) We are glad to see you at our holiday, you probably want to listen to your favorite song (nods head)

Song "Dragon". (You can then walk around the hall like a snake, holding the dragon’s tail; the dragon leaves, waving goodbye to the children.)

Ved. - Oh, what’s wrong with our parents? Somehow they became suspiciously quiet! Aren't you bored? And I know that they probably also have desires that they want to fulfill. (parents' response) The parent who will tear off the piece of paper can also be selected using a counting rhyme; he tears off the piece of paper and reads the wish on its back)

Parent - We saw like a dragon,

They shook very much.

Let the cheerful song sound

And it will make us all laugh!

The song is wonderful.

Ved. - And now I propose to tear off the petal of our psychologist O.S. She will probably come up with something unusual. (Tears off the piece of paper. He pronounces the words and says that he wants the correspondent to appear in the hall again) (The Correspondent runs into the hall again to the music.)

Correspondent: I'm not late? Are you still here? An amazing thing, I was already sitting at a meeting of the City Duma and suddenly remembered that I needed to interview my parents. Don't worry, I will help you. After my question, you will take the note and read what is written on it.

Soon your child will start studying, school life is coming for you.

It will bring you new worries and troubles, it will force you to rebuild your whole life.

And we will now tell fortunes in front of everyone what will happen in the families, today we will find out...

(Interview questions for parents: 1. Who will set the alarm clock in the evening?

2. Who is responsible for keeping track of the first-grader’s uniform?

3. Who will get up at 6 am?

4. Who will eat breakfast first?

5. Who will have to collect the briefcase?

7. Who will cry, left without strength?

8. Who is to blame if a child gets a bad grade?

9. Who will attend the meetings?

10. Who should take a first-grader to school?

(On notes: mom, dad, child, cat Murzik, neighbor, neighbor, the whole family, grandfather, grandmother.)

Correspondent: Well, you could say that the responsibilities have been distributed.

I, a cheerful correspondent, managed to take you to school.

I’ll turn off my microphone and do an interview at school! Ciao! (Leaves.)

Psychologist - And now the last blitz test,

We give a quick answer,

We only answer yes or no.

I ask you to answer me,

What will we take to school?

We put notebooks in the briefcase - Yes, yes, yes

We also need slingshots - No, no, no

Album to draw - Yes, yes, yes

Matches - set the school on fire - No, no, no

Notebooks to write - Yes, yes, yes

Let's take outfits for the dolls, - No, no, no

Felt pens and paints are necessary - Yes, yes, yes

Call your mom's cell phone - Yes, yes, yes

Plasticine for sculpting - Yes, yes, yes

Let's take the kitten to school - No, no, no

We put the gun in the briefcase - No, no, no

Pills for treatment - No, no, no

The textbook will definitely come in handy? Yes Yes Yes!

The Psychologist Test was passed excellently, everyone received the maximum score.

Ved. - Well, it seems like you’ve said all your wishes, but there’s still one more piece of paper left. Who else could make a wish (I think ours graduates will guess that it should be a teacher)

(N. A tears off a petal. He pronounces the words and says that he wants the children to congratulate the kindergarten staff)

(the children come out, stand up as in the beginning in a checkerboard pattern and read farewell poems. There are eleven of them, the parents have already distributed them to the children, they want it to be a surprise.)

Song "A trickle."

Dance with balls. (or waltz)

(Word to the manager, parents, distribution of gifts)

I want to diversify video filming of a children's party or a film about one day in the life of a kindergarten? Take note of the video story “Interview in kindergarten.” Children are wonderful actors, they don’t act, but do everything from the heart and speak from the heart too. The camera is a little shy, but it turns out touching and funny. And it’s a little sad, because the kids will soon grow up, learn to speak intelligently, stop mangling words, and we won’t hear: “I loved being friends with my friends because they were friendly.”

See also:

In the meantime, these are our foolish children, they love “all lunches in kindergarten, except cheese and butter” and “a little want to go to school, and a little not.” The operators of the “Success” video studio know how to find an approach to all children, they know how to turn the task of filming, which is difficult for children, into an exciting game. When the video camera turns on, the kids become serious, because giving an interview is an important matter for adults. We help them get used to the new role, and they quickly stop being camera shy, line up, and want to be filmed again and again.

How to film an interview with children

For an interview with kindergarten graduates, a quiet, calm place is chosen, the kids come one at a time and answer questions. Moreover, educators are strictly prohibited from entering the video recording area, because openness and honesty of answers are so important! There is a standard set questions asked to children during interviews: first and last name, what you like and don’t like in the garden, do you want to go to school, what do you want to become and why. In order for a child to relax and begin to speak in a non-clichéd way, on his own, you often just have to have a conversation, ask leading questions, and turn the interview into a fun conversation. For example, about friends in the group, favorite games and toys, what brothers and sisters do, favorite dishes for lunch or breakfast, what is expected from school, what is the most cherished dream, and so on. In a video film, this conversation will not interfere - the interviewer’s voice will be cut out during editing, leaving only the child’s story.

Today he will share with us his experience of video filming interviews in kindergarten a real wizard - children's photographer and videographer from Krasnodar Igor Khlopunov.“What is its magic?” you ask. Today Igor creates high-quality videos about the life of children in kindergarten. But after many years, these films will become a wonderful door through which you can look into the past - THE UNIQUE WORLD OF CHILDHOOD! With what pleasure the already matured, and maybe even aged, heroes of these films can not only look at their little selves, but also listen to their thoughts on various topics! The value of this story will increase every year, because parents usually do not see what happens in kindergarten, and children will quickly forget. Next, I give the floor to Igor Khlopunov:

Typically, the child’s interview is filmed during his last year in kindergarten and is included in a film about the graduating group. As a rule, these are 2 discs: “One day in the life of a group” and a graduation matinee. Showing the life of a child in kindergarten and his graduation is, of course, necessary, but talking with the child is an equally interesting and important moment. This is not a “slide show” of children’s short answers to a few common questions, but a full-fledged interview. Moreover, I believe that this is the most important thing in the film.

In my opinion, a REAL child interview is a 15-30 minute conversation with a child, and sometimes more. Why such a spread in time? Because no two children are the same. I try to ensure that every child answers all the questions, but here they are:



Do you like it in kindergarten?

Favorite activity in kindergarten?

Who are your friends in kindergarten?

What's your favorite toy?

What holiday do you like best?

When you grow up, what do you want to become?

What do you want to wish to the kindergarten, teachers, friends?

What would you wish for if you had a Magic Wand?

Wishes to parents.

It may seem that such a number of questions is not enough for a 30-minute interview. But that's just the basis, from which I start. For example, after a child answers questions about his favorite activity, favorite toy or future profession, I will definitely ask: “Why?” And so on almost all points.

In addition to the basic questions which I indicated above, parents learn from the interview: what the child likes to eat, what toys and games he prefers to play in a group, and which ones on the street. After asking about friends, I always ask: who loves whom, who is whose fiancé and bride and why. For an adult this may seem funny, but children, smiling, nevertheless talk about it seriously. As a rule, their love is if a boy gives a girl toys, treats her with candy, does not fight, etc. Children also tell me about first kisses (on the cheek), but there is also first (“true”) love. Children often call themselves the bride and groom. Next, I find out: how many children they want in the future, whether they have siblings, and I always add: “those who live with you.” Without this clause, they will definitely name all cousins, second cousins, and so on, plus they will list uncles, aunts, grandparents. Therefore, a reservation is required. Although it doesn’t always save you from your pedigree))

Children also tell me about what they do at home and how they help their parents. Someone wipes the dust, washes the dishes, plays with their little brother, and someone helps dad watch TV. They also tell me about their pets, favorite cartoons, games, sing songs, tell counting rhymes, and share their successes. They meow, bark, squeak, croak, etc., depicting different animals. I always end the interview with a wish for parents.

I think it’s now clear why my interview is taking so long.

From filming experience, the most difficult question for children - No. 8: “What do you want to wish to the kindergarten, teachers, friends?” They often confuse a wish with a gift. In this case, you can simply tell the children what you want to hear from them, ask the teacher to work on this point in the group, or do it yourself before filming. But only this question. Answers to others - there is no need to prepare in advance and it is even harmful!

The ideal age for an interview is 6-7 years.

How does the process of filming an interview work?

About a week before the shoot, I call the teacher and agree on a date. An important point is to take a printed list of children from the teachers. Teachers usually warn parents through an announcement in the group about when the video shooting will take place. 100% attendance on this day is not important because... It’s still not possible to photograph all the children. The day before filming, I make sure to make a follow-up call. In kindergartens there are various inspections, commissions, quarantines, etc., which the teacher cannot know about in advance.

The best place to shoot an interview There will be a separate room, for example, a psychologist’s office or an additional office. education. But here it is very important to have a good relationship with the management of the kindergarten. If you can’t find such a room, then a bedroom will do, although you’ll have to choose the most favorable place based on the light and background.

I rent two children at a time - this is the best option. I seat them on chairs at the table, like students at school. It is very important to make sure that the chairs do not creak, otherwise it will be heard on the recording. In front of the table, I put the camera on a tripod and connect two loopholes: one on the table - for the children, the other on the camera - for me. I don’t put microphones on children, otherwise there will be interference in the recording, because Children do not sit still, like announcers on TV, and they also love to twirl wires in their hands, and children’s clothes do not always allow for a good placement of the buttonhole.

Because Usually there is not enough space, so I shoot at focal lengths of 20 mm (crop 2). Aperture 2.8-3.5. Focus in manual mode. A high bitrate is not required for such filming. I shoot in HD or FullHD mode with a bitrate of 17Mbit/s.

Very important when shooting remember which questions the children have already answered, because Often the sequence of the previously mentioned questions is broken. As a last resort, you can ask the children whether they answered this or that question, and then cut out this moment during editing. At the end of the interview, I take portraits, which I then use to design custom covers.

I conduct filming from 8-9 o’clock until quiet time, so it takes 2 days for a group of 25-30 children.

Let me note a few important points that I pay attention to when filming interviews with children:

I rarely stop a child, even if he has already answered the question and explained why. Exceptions are when children are very interested in answering one question or both need to be given the opportunity to speak equally.

The interview should be conducted by a person unfamiliar or unfamiliar to your child, but with experience in such filming.

Parents may immediately ask:“How is it that an unfamiliar cameraman will come and immediately start filming the interview. Children can simply withdraw..."

Firstly, it is not necessary to film an interview right away on the first day; you can start with classes, games, walks, i.e. make an extension for children.

Thirdly, a loved one (mother, father) will not be able to talk so fully with their child, because they already know almost everything about him. If you don't believe me, you can try it. I have cases during interviews when a child tells something in secret from his parents.

This brings up the following important point:

I NEVER specifically ask children about their parents.– Who do they work for? What are they saying? and so on. Sometimes a child, answering the question “What do you want to become?”, says: “I want to work like mom or like dad.” Then I will clarify who exactly, but I won’t ask specifically. Moreover. Even if the child says something unpleasant for the parents, I will definitely cut out this moment in the editing.

Yes, some of you, or even many (at least this is how things are on video forums) will say:“This is too long for an interview”, “Who will watch this?”, “No one is interested in watching other people’s children”, “No one will pay for this”, etc. I answer: “Yes, this is additional time, as I wrote above: 2 days for a group of 25-30 children.” Parents with children will watch, but the most “relish” from this video will be in 20, 30, 40... years, when today’s graduates already have their own children or grandchildren. Regarding other people’s children, I absolutely disagree. Firstly, there is a menu on the disk to quickly find your child, even if it is a file - also nothing complicated. Secondly, every year one of the parents calls and asks: “Why aren’t all the children on the disk? We wanted to see everyone." Although I warn parents at the meeting that their child and other children will be on the disk, but not all.

These are purely technical limitations. A DVD can contain up to two hours of video with interviews. Important!!! Where there is a lot of movement, for example, “One day in the life of a group”, it is better not to record more than 1 hour. Therefore, I divide 5-6 hours of video interviews with children of the entire group into 3 discs.

To the account “they won’t pay” - a counter question? Have you tried it? It is not to offer, but to show the finished result. Since last year (due to the fall of the ruble), parents began to save on the graduation video. To reduce the cost, I began to offer separately graduation, “One Day in the Life” and interviews, i.e. The package was divided into three parts. Not a single group refused an interview; the refusals were from “One Day”.

I would also like to add that in children’s video filming, as in children’s photography, the methods of establishing psychological contact with the child, described in Igor’s articles, are very helpful.

For example, here are a couple of ready-made interviews, without abbreviations. For those who feel like they are very long, just imagine yourself in the place of the children and honestly answer the question “Would you like to remember what you thought and dreamed about when you were just as little?”

Dear parents! You have a unique opportunity to capture on video the most interesting moment in an interview with your child - the formation of a child's thought, charming in its spontaneity. You will NEVER have this opportunity again!!!

The idea of ​​recording such a film came to me last year. My daughter was 1 year old at that time and she was not suitable as a model for the film. The plan was realized this year while on vacation in Anapa. I had a conversation with my niece. This is how the sketch turned out.

How to interview a child

The main thing you need is the child’s consent and desire to answer questions. If the child is reluctant to cooperate, it may be these tricks will help(apply depending on the age of the child):

  • ask questions not from yourself, but on behalf of your favorite toy
  • play TV. It's like your kid is a show star and you're interviewing him.
  • First show a video interview with other kids. “I want it too” might work
  • catch the right mood for the child. This is easy to do, because almost every mobile phone has a video camera
  • if the child categorically does not want to play your “game” - put off the idea for a couple of months

What equipment is needed

Use a video camera, camera or mobile phone. I I prefer a mobile phone for filming children– he is always with you and you can easily catch the right moment. My video with Evelina was recorded on an iPhone 6.

Video editing of a film can be done both on a computer and on a modern mobile phone.

Where to film the interview

Choose picturesque nature, quiet squares and parks. A quiet, cozy cafe also looks great. Your task is to follow the light and sound. No blinding sun or twilight. Make a test recording first and listen to see if the child’s voice is audible. Ideally, use a microphone if available.

Questions for children to interview

You can come up with interesting questions on different topics. Look what I offer.

Classic interview questions:

  • Favorite activities at school (kindergarten)
  • Favorite activities outside of school (kindergarten)
  • What do you want to become (this is perhaps the most exciting question)
  • What are you dreaming about
  • Favorite cartoons, books, films, games

Philosophical questions

Questions with reflections on various topics, in addition to creating a story, will help your child develop their speech. You can arrange such interviews more often and you will notice how it becomes easier and easier for your child to express his thoughts.

  • What do you think friendship is?
  • …What is love?
  • ...why do you need to go to school?
  • ...what is the most needed profession in the world?
  • ...why do you need to listen to adults?

Cool idea - Record the interview every year and ask the child the same questions. It is convenient to coincide such a conversation with a birthday. In the future, you will be able to compile the answers over several years into one film. It’s so cool to watch how children’s thoughts change and develop every year.

How to decorate a film

In addition to answering questions film the child’s active activities – running, games, pampering, creative activities. Your child may want to recite a poem or show off newly learned dance moves. Take pictures of drawings, crafts, and a school diary. Use existing photo and video archives. But don’t get too carried away – the optimal length of the film is 3–5 minutes.

How to edit a film

Upload the footage to your computer. Make captions with questions so that your voice does not distract. Let the film will focus on your child's world.Choose suitable music.Open the video editor andstart the creative process.

Friends, if you don’t have time to edit the video - you can order the film from me personally. Making interesting films is my passion. All details on this page -

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