The bridesmaid's toast to a friend's wedding is funny. Wedding toasts from a witness: from a friend with love...

For parents Beautiful New Cool From friends From a friend From a friend Good Wedding From a witness

Wedding toasts from a witness in prose and verse:

Today we have witnessed how two hearts entered into an alliance to beat inseparably and faithfully, as one, for the rest of their lives. They met a long time ago and exchanged declarations of love and vows long ago, and from today they began to belong to each other. So let fate, which helped them meet, which was favorable to their feelings, continue to be their good companion, weaving only roses into their thread of life.
For the newlyweds a happy future, I propose to raise our glasses. Bitterly!

When our son was five years old, we went to see the film “Fantômas”. The film, as we later became convinced, is not intended for children's perception. Therefore, he caused both the child and us a lot of unnecessary worry!.. The first time Fantômas’s stocking-clad head appeared on the screen, our son screamed loudly and in fear:
- Mother! Who is this?!
There is silence in the hall. And in this silence everyone clearly heard the voice of the wise girl:
- This is uncle!
I asked everyone who was this handsome young man who was sitting next to the groom. They tell me: witness. I know that myself! It's the same as saying: it's uncle! Please state your name... I propose to drink to the witness, Mr. N.!

At a film festival, one actor approached an American movie star:
- Hello! Don't you recognize me?
“No,” she answers.
- Well, of course! Exactly five years ago I proposed to you!
- Oh, how interesting! - the star perked up. - Remind me, please, what happened next?.. We got married?!
I think we can safely testify that the newlyweds got married! For the young!

The south wind brings with it warmth, softness, and calm. The north wind brings courage and determination. The western wind brings hard work and efficiency. The east wind brings wisdom. And then one day, in the place where the lovely child was born, the winds converged and gave him all their wonderful qualities. Over time, the child grew up and turned into a beautiful girl who is getting married today. So, friends, let's drink to the bride!

How beautiful our young lady is today!
Young beauty in wonderful snow-white,
pure, like love itself, outfit
- recently a bride, and now a wife.
Look how happy she is today
with what happiness her gaze glows,
addressed to a loved one!
And if we could look into her heart,
then we would notice that it is to the brim
overflowing with love and happiness,
and there are no words to express the fullness of these feelings.
And I propose to raise our glasses to
May this happiness be endless!

Dear guests! How did it happen that you and I are walking today at this fun, noisy wedding? The origins of this solemn event go back to the not very distant past. Then our groom had just met his bride and was not thinking about any wedding. They walked under the moon and talked, talked, talked. About nature, about the weather, about youth fashion, about the moon, about the stars... And suddenly he felt that there were no more words left - and proposed to her! So let's drink to those men who, unable to find the right words, propose!

Dear bride and groom! We sincerely congratulate you on your legal marriage. Today, on your wedding day, the Sun gave you a piece of itself, and this piece is the family hearth. The sun is the source of life on earth, the family hearth is the source of life for the family. Keep this precious gift for the rest of your life. No matter how cold the wind blows, the flame of the hearth should burn, giving light and warmth to your family. I raise my glass to the unquenchable light and warmth of your family hearth!

Real life consists of many little things, empty words, disputes, life situations. Life is a garland of colorful - bright and cloudy days. And the peace and well-being of your life, dear newlyweds, depends on your prudence and consent! So let everyday trifles not spoil the main thing in your life - happiness and joy. For your happiness, newlyweds!

On a day so happy for you,
My wishes are countless.
Don't regret what happened
Take care, store what you have.
Health, wealth, good luck,
Good and loyal friends.
And most importantly (how could it be otherwise) -
Have children soon.
For you, young people, to the bottom
I'm drinking a glass of sparkling wine

Has your friend who is getting married asked you to be a witness at her wedding? In the pre-holiday efforts, do not forget that you will have to congratulate the newlyweds and make a wedding toast from the witness at the table.

It can sound in poetry and prose. From the bottom of your heart, wish the newlyweds a strong and friendly family, great happiness and unquenchable love, prosperity in the home and prosperity. Choose the appropriate words for your bridesmaid toast at the wedding - and raise a glass to the bride and groom at the festive table!

Toast of the witness in verse

Let's raise our glasses full
At our wedding table!
And, as expected, first
Let's make a toast in honor of the couple.
We wish them with all our hearts,
As they did for a long time,
So that their love is strong,
What a good wine this is!
So that life is their full cup,
From which happiness cannot be lost,
So that our bride and groom
Live together in love for a hundred years!

At a noisy wedding table,
Like a beacon of friendship, kindness,
You two lit it today
Star of hope and dreams.
So let this wedding light
It shines brightly for you without end,
So that endlessly many years
Two rings woven together!

On such a happy day for you
You can't count the wishes.
Don't regret what happened
Take care, store what you have!
Health, wealth, good luck,
Good and loyal friends!
And most importantly (how could it be otherwise) –
Have children soon.
For you, young people, to the bottom
I'll have a glass of wine!

Witness's toast at a wedding

What should be the wedding toast from the witness, what should you wish the newlyweds? Your speech can be serious or not very serious, romantic or playful, but in any case it should not take much time, because at the wedding there are many wishes from other guests.

It's best if everyone speaks for a few minutes, so think carefully about your words. Sincerity, brevity and brightness - these are the components of a beautiful and memorable wedding toast from the lips of the witness.

Congratulations on your wedding,
I wish you peace and love!
May your long journey be illuminated
Good luck and warm lights.

Let children's laughter ring in the apartment,
Let the house be a full cup,
Well, love, warmth and happiness
They will live in it forever!

For the wedding, for love, for joy,
For your future children,
For dreams to come true,
So that there is no sadness, gray days!
For your life to work out,
So that love always lives,
So that they don’t know quarrels and troubles,
I'll drink to the bottom for this!

I wish our newlyweds,
So that every day is successful,
So that the bride becomes more and more beautiful every day,
And their house was just a full cup!
I drink wine to the young!
Much success to them in life!

Toast of the witness in her own words in prose

At a crucial moment there is always a risk of getting excited and confused. To make a wedding toast on behalf of the witness sound perfect, it is better to learn it by heart. Practice your congratulations, preferably in front of a mirror, and then your performance as a witness at a wedding will be remembered for a long time by the newlyweds and guests.

Dear bride! You and I have always believed in fairy tales and waited for real princes to come for us. Looks like you've waited for your hero! I want to wish that your fairy tale never ends, because you create it together! Let there be no place in it for evil sorceresses, spells and separations! May harmony and harmony reign in your family, and may your love only bloom every day!

What is love? There is no exact definition for it. But I know for sure that it consists of mutual understanding, respect, loyalty, trust, care, tenderness and passion. And on your wedding day, I wish that throughout your life there will be love between you and all the qualities I listed above! Be happy and take care of each other!

My dear! You are like early morning and dew, like a cold blizzard and snow, like a beach and a warm sea. You are the two pieces that perfectly complement each other. Your union is beautiful, just like you. And I raise this glass so that it will always be like this!

Dear newlyweds! There are candles burning at your wedding, and I want to remind you what they symbolize. Firstly, it is a source of light and heat. Secondly, the candle flame tends upward, and therefore it represents movement towards the highest. Thirdly, it is believed that all bad thoughts and feelings burn out in this flame. And I want to raise a glass so that the unquenchable candle of your love will always illuminate and warm your path, help you move upward, and in its flame everything negative in our lives will burn out. Here's to the newlyweds!

Dear bride and groom! With all my heart I congratulate you on your legal marriage! Today, on this sunny day, the day of your wedding, it’s as if the Sun gave you its particle, and this particle is the family hearth. The sun is the source of life on earth, the family hearth is the source of life for the family. Keep this gift for the rest of your life. No matter how cold the wind blows, the flame in the hearth should burn, giving light and warmth to your family. I raise a glass to the unquenchable light and warmth of your family hearth!

Dear newlyweds! I am so happy for you today! On this beautiful day, you began your long journey through life together. Now a new time begins for you, and may it be full of love, happiness and tenderness! From now on, all your joys and sorrows are common to you, and you should share them equally. Remember that married life is very serious! I wish that you always love each other and never regret your choice!

Love is a mystery. It strikes like a disease, but people do not want to be cured of it. Love is an art in which each participant is a great talent. Love is as old as time, but it never repeats itself. Her words are the same from century to century, but each time they sound as if for the first time. And I want to drink to our newlyweds to keep this secret in their hearts throughout their lives!

Wedding toast from the witness

Do you want your bridesmaid’s toast to impress the newlyweds at the wedding and remember them for a long time? Give an aphorism, tell an old legend or parable. The speech of a witness at a wedding should be beautiful and imaginative in order to stand out among other wishes that will be heard at the festive table.

Can you hear the music? No? Listen. This music is quiet, like the rustling of grass, light, like a breath of wind, gentle, like a mother’s kiss. This music flows from two hearts that have merged together today. I wish you that this music will sound louder, more confident, so that the voices of your children will join it. Let it become a hymn - a hymn of family, love, happiness. Bitterly!

We all know very well that the weather is a capricious lady. Just recently, the sun's rays illuminated the windows of our house - and now drops of cold rain flow down them. Every day there are hurricanes and snow squalls in the world. And I want to wish the newlyweds good weather in the house, so that the need to open an umbrella rarely occurs, so that the husband basks in the rays of his wife’s caring eyes, and she feels protected in the strong embrace of her lover when a blizzard is raging outside the window. Bitterly!

Witnesses at a wedding are the second most important people after the bride and groom. The general mood of the audience depends on their enthusiasm, degree of emancipation and sparkling sense of humor. That is why it is so important that the toasts of the witnesses at the wedding are full of kind words and funny jokes. Then listening to a long story or poem will be fascinating for everyone.

Wedding toasts from friends, including the best man and witness, can be constructed in various forms. Original versions can be:

– theatrical sketch

For example, a toast from a bridesmaid at a wedding may represent a reenactment of an incident from life. To do this, you need to find a wise parable, rework and adapt its text for a mini-script, and then play it perfectly for the young and everyone present. The moral of the parable, uttered at the end of the scene, will become a bright and enchanting toast that will be quoted by friends and relatives for a long time.

- song

If the witness has a good ear for music and voice, then he can safely please the bride and groom with his unforgettable melodic composition. Wedding toasts from a witness, performed in the form of a rhyming song, will be a bright and original event against the background of the monotonous speeches of most guests.

– clip on the projector, prepared and edited in advance

The video series may consist of photographs collected over the entire period of friendship with a young family. Interspersed with signatures and wishes, the photos follow each other to a musical composition familiar to everyone. The clip will not only be an elegant expression of feelings, but also a memorable gift for many years to come.

If you don’t have the opportunity or don’t have enough time to prepare, then you can always use wedding toasts for witnesses already compiled by other authors.

Toast No. 1

Let everyone not break this oath,
What do two wedding rings remember?
Let your souls become united
And hearts in love sound in unison!
May all your days be blessed,
So that you can build your own happiness and not steal someone else’s,
And your thoughts are pure, your confessions are frank:
We got together - forever, and love to your heart's content!
It’s impossible to find more meaningful and shorter words now,
What to generously wish: advice and love to you!

Toast No. 2

They say that metals will rust if they are not taken care of properly. But some alloys are eternal. And to get them, combine the inexhaustible cup of iron patience of the spouse with the ingot of golden character of the wife. So let's drink to the precious newlyweds and their future well-being!

Toast No. 3

Wonderful miracle, wonderful miracle,
Their feeling is strong and mutual.
Guests, parents, girlfriends, friends -
Everyone gathered here to drink to:
Endless love, carefree happiness,
The eyes are sparkling, clear and beautiful for the children!
To the young and their happiness for many years to come!

Toast No. 4

We must live cheerfully and amicably,
You can argue if necessary
And even if things are very difficult -
Remember: you cannot live without each other!
You can't be sad at all
So we all shout: “Bitter!”

Toast No. 5

Once upon a time there lived a wise old man who knew everything in the world about the Universe. He was omniscient and knew how much water was in the ocean, how many stars were in the sky. And one day a young couple of lovers decided to trick the sage, proving to him that it is impossible to know everything about everything.

They caught a fluttering snow-white butterfly. And they hid it in their palms. They decided to ask the sage what exactly they were hiding in their hands. And, of course, knowing the answer, he will say: “Butterfly.” Then they will ask him: is she alive or dead? The moment the elder answers - alive, they quickly clasp their hands and the butterfly dies. And if he says she’s dead, then the young people will carefully release her.

So they came to the sage and asked him a question: “What do we have in our hands?” The old man says: “Butterfly.” - “Is she dead or alive?” - To which, after thinking, the wise old man said: “And this is already in your hands.”

I want to wish our newlyweds that they do not forget that their happiness is in their hands. Take care of your love and be happy!

Most often, best friends are taken as witnesses to a wedding. Therefore, congratulations from the groom will be as pleasant and long-awaited for the bride as words from the closest person. How to prepare a toast for a wedding from a witness, what words to choose and in what form to present it - you will learn in our article.

Throughout the holiday, my friend actively helps in organizing the wedding. Monitors the bride’s appearance, holds the crown at the wedding, purchases towels for the registry office and much more. At the feast, the witness takes part in competitions, helps the host entertain the guests, and congratulates the newlyweds.

If you are afraid of public speaking, don't worry. The toast from the witness comes last when friends congratulate the newlyweds. By that time, the guests will already be pretty warmed up and will accept any performances. To make your toast effective and sincere enough, prepare in advance words that you can easily pronounce and repeat.

Which format to choose

Congratulations can be prepared in poetry, prose, or with humor. You can prepare a surprise gift and add short, laconic wishes to it. The format may be completely unexpected. For example, an interview with newlyweds recorded on camera. A book with recipes for family happiness. You can team up with other bridesmaids and make a general congratulations in the form of a dance or song. If you like to improvise, think over the idea of ​​congratulations in advance, and figure it out on the spot. But just in case, prepare a cheat sheet in the form of a beautiful greeting card.

Video with a speech in his own words from a friend:

Congratulations from a witness in verse

Poems do not have to rhyme. The main thing is rhythm and deep meaning. For example, an interesting idea is a wish poem in the style of “bad advice” by Grigory Oster.

If couples get angry,

And swear in vain.

Then the country's birth rate

It will fall very sharply.

If a storm suddenly starts

Don't yell at each other.

Kiss, hug,

Remember the wedding right away.

I wish you wealth

Children's laughter, love.

I'm glad to be your friend.

Thank you all for coming.

This congratulation sounds simple, but it lifts your spirits for a long time.

Lyric poems are also suitable. To do this, you can remake famous works by Pushkin or Akhmatova. Perhaps you have a talent for rhyming and will write your own poem. Remember, the verse should not be too long. Otherwise, guests will get bored, there will be awkward hesitations, and the effect of pleasant excitement will be completely lost.

A beautiful verse that you can take note of.

I want to put in a word for you

I wish you unearthly happiness.

Get through problems smiling

Falling in love with each other every day.

With one heartbeat

Holding hands until the end.

I believe that love is the crown

It will preserve you throughout all ages.

Congratulations in prose

Congratulations in prose can be prepared in the form of sincere wishes and conveyed in your own words. Show openness and tender emotion in every word.

“Dear, dear lovers! I am incredibly grateful to you for inviting me to be your witness. Together with you, I experienced every minute of your holiday. I am sincerely glad that you found each other and united your hearts. Let your family be illuminated by the bright sun and protected from bad weather and storms. May the fate that brought you together give you expensive gifts and pleasant surprises. Love you!"

Video congratulations from a friend

To make your table a winner, use your imagination and technique. Prepare a surprise for the newlyweds. Agree in advance with the video operator about filming your toast, and with the presenter about the time of your speech. Write questions to the bride and groom about their dreams and plans together. Let the spouses themselves say what they would like to receive and achieve. And you will only join their dreams, wishing them to come true.

Joint congratulations with the boyar

Record funny wishes for your friend and her chosen one together with the boyar on video. A well-edited video will be both a toast and a gift at the same time. Include your video congratulations into the wedding script.

Musical congratulations from girlfriends

A joint performance by the bridesmaids will be a creative congratulation. Practice a colorful dance or sing a love song. It will turn out very impressive.

A solo song from a witness will not only be an excellent gift, but also a good reason for dancing. If you have good vocal abilities, sing to the young people:

Book of recipes for happiness

Create unusual recipes for family happiness. It should look something like this:

Drink “Pleasure for two”:

Full glass of love (with a slide);

1 dessert spoon of tenderness;

3 teaspoons of passion;

A couple of pinches of exotica;

Add sweet kisses - to taste.

Mix all ingredients with a blender until smooth. Serve in the evening after a delicious candlelit dinner.

Print your book in a printing house, preferably with a bright design on thick paper. Design is at your discretion.

When speaking at a wedding, you don’t have to worry about how beautifully you delivered your speech. And the cost of your gifts or the grandiloquence of your words is not important. The bride and groom will appreciate your help in organizing it much more than long poems taken from the Internet. Remember, everything at a wedding should be done with joy. Take this as the basis for your congratulations. Good luck!

At weddings they drink and make toasts. Few people know that this custom dates back to the era of the Caesars, and the word “toast” itself came to us from the British Isles.

It is believed that toasts should be listened to while standing and in complete silence, and the bride should also have her eyes downcast. No one should drink or eat during this time.

Those to whom the toast is dedicated drink last. It is customary to exchange toasts, that is, to answer them. During the wedding, they drink to the newlyweds, but the newlyweds can also make a return toast to the guests.

The situation when someone is looked at as if the person is standing on a stage is familiar to everyone. Hesitations begin and excitement may well up. Therefore, words can be prepared in advance.

The same toasts that everyone knows are frankly uninteresting to listen to. The witness can come up with her own original toast. How it's done?

The first thing you need to know. The toast could be:

  • history;

  • an incident from life;

  • anecdote;

  • aphorism or quotation;

  • interesting fact;

  • interesting question.

In order to come up with a story, you need main characters. The more ridiculous, the more interesting.

Look, an example of a witness's speech at a wedding, it will be a banker and a mouse.

One banker kept money in a bank, but one day a mouse climbed into the bank and chewed all the bills. An unsuccessful financier went bankrupt because he did not know how to handle money. Love is a bank; it does not tolerate bankruptcies. I wish the young people that the safes of their Love are overflowing, that not a single mouse gets into them, and that the shares of tenderness and devotion of this couple rise as high as possible!

An incident from life is something that happened in reality. But it does not at all follow from this that the witness needs to remember some story that actually happened. You just need to present it as if it really happened.

One day I went to see a doctor. Depression, troubles, apathy. He listened to me and then said:
“For many years I have been prescribing a lot of medications to patients. But I concluded that the first remedy for all diseases is love!
– What if she doesn’t help me? - I ask him.
- Double the dose!

So let our young people listen to the advice of the old doctor. I wish them good health and mutual love for many years to come! Bitterly!

Of course, it’s difficult to come up with a joke. But there are a lot of ready-made jokes. Coming up with a toast won't be difficult!

One day my husband called to his home. And his wife, seeing his number, tried to flirt:

– The most charming and beautiful woman in this city is listening to you.

Husband is confused:

- Oh! Sorry, I must have dialed the wrong number.

Our groom was not mistaken the first time: his bride is truly the smartest, most attractive and beautiful. So let's drink to him hitting the bull's eye! Bitterly!

Quotes and aphorisms about love are countless

  • Marquez once said that for someone you can be just a person, one of billions of the same people. And for another, you are the whole world. So let's drink to the bride, my friend, and her groom, from this day on they are the whole world to each other! Bitterly!

  • It is easier to break a jug than to mold it, it is easier to squander money than to earn it.
    I propose a toast to creation in this wonderful new family!

  • There is a wise eastern proverb: “Gold is tested with fire, a woman is tested with gold, and a man is tested with a woman.”

So let's drink to the bride and groom so that they overcome all these trials with dignity!

An interesting fact will show the erudition of the witness.

  • In many cultures, a knot is a symbol of undying love and family. After all, it just has no end and no beginning. Let the bonds that unite our bride and groom today be a symbol of their immortal love! Bitterly!

How to ask an interesting question? You can invent it.

  • What do chocolate and teddy bears have in common? They are given to their beloved girls. And they give everything to the wife: laughter, tears, nights of passion, and a huge loving heart. So let everything that her fiancé gives my friend only multiply every year. Bitterly!

Drake and swan

If the witness honors traditions and folk rituals, she can choose a toast in folk style:

Because of the high pea,
From behind the dark distant forest
The winds were stormy,
They took the snow swan.
And from a flock of swan,
The light swan carried away
To gray geese, wild ducks.
It’s not a swan, it’s a red maiden,
Those are not gray geese and ducks -
That's the groom and his groomsmen.
Fire-father broke out,
Mother Water spilled,
Finally, the wedding.
Groom and bride
Like faithful birds
May you live long summers,
You can't stop loving!

The words spoken before drinking alcoholic drinks in honor of the bride and groom were called “toast” in Rus'. Drinking to the health of the young is never a sin, no matter how banal it may seem.

Therefore, if no one before the witness wished the young people good health, the situation must be corrected. After all, they usually want love and money, they want happiness. But without health, love turns into a test, money in the family will not increase without it, and beauty will disappear.

Cool wedding toasts from a witness

If there are about a hundred guests at the wedding, then it is possible that the witness will need to give a toast only once.

But if there are only one or two dozen guests, then the toast will have to be pronounced more than once. Therefore, it is worth stocking up on a set of short and succinct toasts.

Let's drink to the fact that the striped mattress of young people's lives (sometimes the stripe is light, sometimes it's dark) is white!

Let's drink to our newlyweds so that they always light each other's path!

For the wonderful! For love and newlyweds! Bitterly!

Life is overcoming circumstances, time, obstacles, space and negativity. Let's drink to the young people, so that their lives offer no resistance and smile charmingly!

Our dear bride and groom! May your life together be durable, like silver, pure, like gold, strong and sparkling, like a diamond!

The main thing is that the wedding toast from the witness should sound from the heart, in your own words. Any insincere word is immediately noticeable, especially to those people who have known a person for a long time.

The witness is a close friend of the bride. If the bride in ordinary life is accustomed to the fact that her friend is a lively and punchy girl who, in difficult times, gathers all her strength into a fist, then a wedding toast from her, in which the words “I cry with happiness,” will sound feigned.

If the witness is a laughing girlfriend, who will never miss a moment and will joke, even when in a hopeless situation, then a serious face will not decorate a girl.

And vice versa, if the witness in ordinary life does not like jokes, rarely laughs, then you should not try to make guests laugh. The same applies to all kinds of surprises and gifts. You shouldn’t choose something you don’t like just because “it’s customary.”

At one wedding, the groom's grandmother stood on a chair and started taking out money. She took them out from under her skirt, from her dress, from her stockings. It all looked a little ridiculous, but the elderly woman was not at all shy; During this “striptease,” she told how she and her grandfather earned and saved this money to give it to their grandson, how they brought it to him.

Oddly enough, this is exactly simple and simple congratulations to an elderly person was remembered by all the guests and caused the most sincere delight. Why? Because sincere warmth cannot be hidden or concealed.

What if the witness doesn’t drink at all? In this case, she, of course, should congratulate her friend and her young husband, but toasts must be abandoned in advance. Making a toast with a glass of juice in your hands is stupid.

Few people like long speeches., some kind of stupid confessions, huge “multi-stage” wishes, during which guests are forced to stand, because some of them experience outright boredom.

Make a toast follows with expression, artistically, to attract attention. If it contains dialogue, then you need to change the intonation. The shorter the speech, the better.

After all, it is brevity is recognized as the sister of talent. Not everyone understands someone else’s poems that they have memorized in advance. Are the bride and groom really such strangers that they couldn’t find their own kind words?

Perhaps the witness will remember how much her friend means to her, how they fought off bullies together, how they baked a cherry pie, how they dreamed of finding love, then the congratulations will sound as sincere as possible.

This will be the most pleasant thing the bride will hear during the wedding.

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