Russia celebrates Geologist's Day. Geologist's Day is celebrated in Russia When is Geologist's Day in the year

In 1966, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, in commemoration of the merits of Soviet geologists in creating the country's mineral resource base, a professional holiday of geologists, hydrogeologists, geological engineers, geophysicists, and geochemists was established - Geologist Day. The reason for the establishment was the discovery in 1966 of the first fields of the West Siberian oil and gas province.

The timing of the holiday - the first Sunday in April - was chosen because the end of winter marks the beginning of preparations for summer field work and expeditions.

Geologist's Day is celebrated in almost all geological and mining organizations of the former Soviet Union. In addition to geologists, surveyors, geophysicists, blasters, mine sinkers and all those people who are engaged in the search and extraction of minerals consider it their professional holiday.

On my own behalf, I would like to add that geologists are such a specific caste of people due to their originality and versatility both in work and in everyday life, due to the complexity of the tasks assigned to them, they are often deprived of the minimum conditions of comfort, working conditions and means, but at the same time always possessing a peculiar sense of humor, clarity of mind and endless optimism! I myself was born and raised in a family of geologists; moreover, I have a geological education.

On Geologist's Day, I would like to wish everyone who is in one way or another connected with this profession new discoveries, new interesting life routes, to go boldly and confidently - only forward! Your health, geologists! TOAST!

We all have so much now
Total left behind:
Years of study, kilometers,
Sweat, dust, fog and rain.

But the main thing that remains for us is
Friends, with whom we went through all this,
And, like the military taking an oath,
We are true to geology.

Even if we don’t all go to the field,
But we all know the courage of spring,
When the excitement of pre-season
Comes into our dreams at night.

Don't return to the past.
We will keep him in our hearts.
For Geolfak! For those who are in the field!
Good luck and good luck to them!

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Geologist's Day, established on March 31, 1966 by decree of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Council, is a professional holiday for geologists and is celebrated on the first Sunday in April. This day was not chosen by chance, opening up the beginning of expeditions and summer field work. Historically, it is marked by the merits of Soviet geologists in creating the state’s mineral resource base and opening new mining regions of Western Siberia.

Traditionally, the holiday is celebrated by workers of all mining and geological organizations in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The tireless work of the employees of these organizations allows us to fully cover the rapidly growing needs of society, both in fossil mineral raw materials and in fuel and energy resources. In addition, Geologist's Day is also considered a professional holiday for geophysicists, blasters, surveyors, mine excavators and all those who, one way or another, are engaged in the search and development of minerals.

Gold, ore, diamonds -
You can find everything.
Even oil and even gases
Do you know where to dig it up?

You are a geologist - that means
Today is your bright day.
May happiness and good luck
They smile at you.

Be healthy, rich and young
Forever in heart and soul.
This holiday is a wonderful occasion
We will admire you.

Prosper, live richly,
Always be on top.
Find gold for yourself,
May you be lucky everywhere.

Happy Geologist's Day, friends!
I hasten to congratulate you today,
And congratulations from me -
Good luck, joy, health.

Well-being and strength
In your interesting work,
So that she brings joy
And it was never fresh.

Happy Geologist's Day! Hurry up and celebrate!
I wish to find a priceless treasure.
Let there be in it not gold, silver,
And health, laughter, luck and goodness.

May April give you warmth and sunshine,
Will reward you with a good mood,
So that all your cherished dreams come true,
Make sure you smile!

The roads are rarely walked
They go to places like this -
Even the devil will not roam here,
Yes, housing is a hundred kilometers away...
For the sake of new deposits,
And also for the fire and the song...
Once again they follow the dream, the shadow.
They come from comfort, even if they crack!
The stones will tell them their secrets.
... and there is such a word.
We rarely see each other, maybe even...
It's the geologist's holiday again!

Is exploring the subsoil a simple task?
Here is a gas well, and here is an oil well,
Maybe you can find gold here -
All fossils cannot escape us.

But only amateurs argue this way.
Geologists have many talents:
Physics, chemistry, often, drawing
In my youth, oh, they caused me torment...

Just a passerby cannot live like this -
The motherwort will be suppressed at night.
Let us congratulate them on this holiday with respect
For necessary, important deposits:

New discoveries worthy of the country,
The wells are rich and of great depth.

We congratulate you today
All geologists of the country,
There is no profession more suitable
Geologists are important to us!

Who else is in the bowels of the earth?
Will we find natural gas?
Who will show where they are buried,
Coal, gold, topaz?

You are not seething today,
There is no need to take soil samples,
Will you get together today?
Let's take a walk together!

Well, tomorrow back to the ground,
Go five thousand deep,
In my ear, in secret,
Tell me where to look for oil!

Geologists! Today is the day
As we glorify you!
Love, confidence, dream
Take some with you in reserve.

And discover the best in the world
A source of joy and victory.
Look at life brighter, wider,
To meet happiness and dawn.

Geologist's Day today,
We sincerely wish you
Bright life, impressions
And an ocean of emotions,
Let work give you joy,
Comfort always awaits you at home,
And friends are always there to help
They will definitely come!

Your profession is incredibly exciting:
You study the structure of the earth's crust,
You will look at all the plates carefully
And homogeneous massive textures!

But it's time for you to rest a little,
To break away from the Earth for a while,
And splash bright colors into your life,
So that you can recharge yourself with happiness!

May you have enough strength for everything
And let the mood be great!
I wish that your work gives you
Only joy, positivity and pleasure!

Russian geologists celebrate their professional holiday. It was founded half a century ago when the largest oil fields were discovered in Siberia. Since then, scientists have made serious discoveries: a third of all gas reserves on the planet, a quarter of cobalt, nickel and iron. What have those who like to dig deeper already found, and why are they looking closely at the Arctic and even the Moon?

About diamonds, as it were, by the way - and this is not bravado at all: in the office there are exhibits that are even more valuable. For example, it was his owner who put this point on the map. Geologist Kozlovsky went on his first expedition more than 60 years ago. And already the second gave the country one of the largest tin deposits. In the quarter century since, he has changed a dozen more positions - by the way, he refused to give up offices for a long time - and headed the entire industry in the country.

“When I left the post of minister, I decided to sum up my results - what did I do? And in general terms, it must be said that we have doubled the reserves of mineral raw materials of all types in almost fourteen years,” shares Evgeniy Kozlovsky - Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, in 1975-1989 - Minister of Geology of the USSR.

Now those achievements are often called the “oil needle,” an expression that almost every geologist takes offense at. After all, even the professional holiday itself owes its appearance to the oil industry: in 1966, the fields of Western Siberia were discovered - and now they are one of the largest in the country.

“When I was a student, I came to Western Siberia - these were beams, barracks and the first wells. But, nevertheless, we got used to it: now look at Tyumen, look at Khanty-Mansiysk, Kogalym - wonderful cities where you can you need to live there. There is excellent infrastructure - and all this was built with oil and gas money,” says Alexander Lobusev, dean of the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of Oil and Gas at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin.

And here’s what’s interesting: then, in 1966, oil had been produced on an industrial scale in Russia for more than a century, but geologists were just approaching the huge deposits of natural resources.

“We were told that we had oil for 20-30 years - that was 30 years ago, 40. Now we are saying exactly the same words. That is, this is a normal development of the oil and gas industry, when we have advanced reserves. Well, what about reserves? Our gas life, according to various estimates, is from 70 to 100 years,” continues Alexander Lobusev.

And the answer here is that the blank spots on the geological map will last for several more generations. Now those same bearded men in a sweater and with a backpack, as if swamps, taiga and mosquitoes weren’t enough for them, are heading to the Arctic - to hard-to-recover reserves. Of what has already been explored - a third of all the gas in the world, the same amount of potassium salts, a quarter of cobalt, nickel and iron. Not to mention nuclear fuel, precious stones and metals. In total there are more than 20 thousand deposits, which made it possible to make the country a superpower.

"Most of the industry is based on or uses minerals to produce a product. In order to extract a mineral, you must first, probably, find it. And geologists are engaged in the search for minerals. Therefore, such a simple logical chain suggests that geologists are, of course, that specialty, those people who are at the very beginning,” says Sergei Donskoy, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.

However, geologists, despite the name, work, oddly enough, not only with the Earth. Even before Gagarin’s launch, they learned to study structures where they cannot touch with their hands and cannot stick a shovel in - by reflected light alone. By the way, Korolev, who, according to legend, personally vouched for the fact that the Moon was solid enough for the landing of the module, did not take any particular risks at that time - planetary scientists told him about this. Now they are the ones who are discovering helium-3 on the Moon - fuel for a hypothetical thermonuclear power plant - and warning about a shortage of raw materials for all earthly electronics.

“On Earth, rare earth metals are already running out. The price from ten dollars per kilogram in a year has increased to more than a hundred dollars. And it will continue to grow and grow, if we talk about terrestrial resources. But on the Moon we can find it,” says the manager Department of Lunar and Planetary Research of the SAI MSU Vladislav Shevchenko.

Only on the eve of the professional holiday, Russian geologists here on the planet discovered a gigantic ocean of crystallized water, half a thousand kilometers under Canada. Which was formed at the beginning of earth's history - 3-4 billion years ago. And at the end of last year, a trillion tons of water in its usual liquid form were found under one of the largest deserts in the world - Taklamakan, in China. So today’s anniversaries will have enough work and discoveries for a long time to come.

Geologist's Day is a professional holiday for workers in the geology industry. The celebrations are attended by geologists, hydrogeologists, geoecologists, geological engineers, geophysicists, geochemists, surveyors, mine miners, geomorphologists, geomechanics, blasters, students, graduates and teachers of mining specialties of universities.

In Russia, Geologist Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in April. In 2019, the holiday takes place on April 7.

The holiday coincides with ceremonial events at which workers in the geological industry are awarded certificates and diplomas. Thematic exhibitions and concerts are held. Geological specialists are engaged in planning expeditions and prospecting work.

history of the holiday

The holiday arose after the discovery by geologists of the oil and gas region of Western Siberia in early 1966. It was initiated by a group of geologists led by Academician A. Yanshin. Geologist Day was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated March 31, 1966. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 659 of July 31, 2013 consolidated the celebration. The holiday precedes preparations for expeditions and summer field work.

Holiday traditions

Traditionally, on this day, the management of enterprises in the field of geology presents certificates, diplomas, and awards to distinguished employees. Industry specialists are planning geological exploration expeditions and prospecting work. Museums host geological exhibitions. Festive concerts are held in cultural institutions.

Daily task

Find out what terrain and type of soil prevails in your home region.

  • Geology literally translated from Greek means “the study of the Earth.”
  • Planet Earth is 4.5 billion years old.
  • The first state prospecting and exploration institution in Russia was the Order of Mining Affairs. It was created by Tsar Peter I in 1700.
  • The deepest well in the world is the Kola Superdeep Well. It is located in the Murmansk region. Its depth is 12.26 km. The temperature at the deepest point is 220 °C.
  • The Darvaza gas crater is located in Turkmenistan. People call it the “Door to the Underworld”, or the “Gates of Hell”. In 1971, geologists drilled an exploration well in this place. They stumbled upon an underground void. The earth has collapsed. A cavity filled with gas has formed. To prevent harmful gas from escaping, geologists set it on fire. The fire has not gone out yet.
  • There is an interesting geological formation in Madagascar - a stone forest. It contains tall limestone towers.
  • The volcanic Mount Erebus is located in Antarctica. It is covered with ice towers that constantly emit steam. The steam freezes and the towers expand.


“I congratulate you on Geologist’s Day and sincerely wish you unique finds and great discoveries, unquenchable interest in your activities and great benefits from your work. May life give you great opportunities to realize everything you have planned, may you always succeed in what others fail to achieve.”

“To the conquerors of the subsoil, the conquerors of the elements, the lords of nature - my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday! A geologist is not only a profession, but also a true calling for those who, for the sake of a great goal, are ready to face any difficulties head-on, and invariably overcome them with success. With all my heart I wish you good health, great happiness, easy routes and joyful returns!

“We raise our glasses today for your courage, patience, and deep knowledge of the depths of Mother Earth. On Geologist's Day, we wish you never to remain on your laurels, always move towards new achievements. Your work is an incredible benefit to all humanity, allowing you to rationally use the earth's resources. Be healthy, lucky and happy! Happy holiday to you, all the best to you!


Travel backpack. A capacious backpack with functional sections will serve as a useful and practical gift for a geologist who often goes on expeditions.

Set of field utensils. A set of field utensils for cooking over a fire will serve as an excellent gift that will come in handy during expeditions and outdoor activities.

Compass. A gift-wrapped compass will make a wonderful themed present for Geologist's Day. The compass can be engraved, which will make it a memorable talisman.

Pocket tool kit. The pocket set will allow you to keep the necessary tools at hand for minor repairs in the field.


Japanese traditions
Participants in the competition are given a set of Japanese chopsticks and an open can of Japanese stew. Contestants are given the task of eating the contents of the jar as quickly as possible. The participant who completes the task the fastest wins.

Longest arms
Participants in the competition are given one small item. For example: tennis ball, coin, glass. Each participant must place the received item on the floor and then take a wide step away from it. After this, you need to squat down and try to reach the object with an outstretched arm, without touching the floor with your knees and elbows. The participant who manages to complete the task the fastest wins.

The competition participants are divided into two teams. A map of the country is hung in front of them. Teams are given a set of darts or markers of different colors. Each participant takes turns throwing darts at points on the map where they intend to go on an expedition. Then all the dots are connected. Whichever team manages to cover a large area of ​​the country in expeditions gets a prize.

About the profession of geologists

The work of geologists is related to the search and assessment of mineral deposits, as well as the study of the structure of the earth's crust. Workers of this profession take part in exploration expeditions and research projects. Geologists often have to change their location and go on expeditions to remote wilderness areas. They have to live in the field for a long time, which is associated with discomfort. Therefore, this job requires good physical and mental health. The profession of a geologist is suitable for people who love to travel and make new discoveries.

This holiday in other countries

As in Russia, on the first Sunday in April, Geologist's Day is celebrated in Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Uzbekistan.

The professional holiday Geologist's Day (Day of Workers in Geology, Geodesy and Cartography) was established on March 31, 1966 by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The holiday was intended to celebrate at the state level the achievements of Soviet geologists in creating the country's mineral resource base and successes in subsoil exploration.

When is Geologist's Day celebrated?

Geologist's Day in Russia, according to Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 1, 1980 N 3018-X “On holidays and memorial days,” is celebrated on the first Sunday in April (April 6, 2014). The time of celebration is the end of winter, the beginning of spring - the phase of beginning preparation for long summer expeditions. The holiday is not a day off.

Who's celebrating

On this day, congratulations on Geologist's Day and awards are received by geologists, geological engineers, hydrogeologists, geochemists, geophysicists - all professions related to the study of the bowels of the earth, exploration and extraction of minerals. This holiday is also considered by blasters, mine miners, physical geographers, and geomechanics.

A little about the profession and field of activity

Geology is the science of the structure of the Earth, its composition, history and patterns of development. There are three areas of research in geology:

  • descriptive geology - the study of the location and composition of geological bodies, their sizes, shapes, occurrence in the subsoil and description of rocks, minerals, etc.;
  • dynamic - the evolution of destruction processes, transport of rocks by wind, glaciers and water, the formation and accumulation of their sediments, the study of the movement of the earth's crust (earthquakes, eruptions);
  • historical - a retrospective study of geological processes, their sequences and patterns in the past.

Thus, Geologist's Day is celebrated by people whose profession is studying the development of the Earth, finding and extracting geological resources, and describing current physical processes in the earth's crust.

Background of the holiday

In Russia, the first official institution involved in the exploration of the earth's subsoil was the Order of Mining Affairs, formed in 1700 by Peter I, which later became the Berg College (1720), the Mining Department (1807), and the Geological Committee (1882). In Soviet Russia there was a Central Directorate of Industrial Intelligence and a Geological Committee, which were merged into the USSR Ministry of Geology in 1946. After 1991, geological tasks were transferred to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.

The reason for organizing the professional holiday of geologists was the discovery of a number of fields in the West Siberian oil and gas province in 1966. A group of advanced geologists, headed by Academician A.L., addressed the Supreme Council. Yanshin. The official status of Geologist's Day was confirmed several times: initially in 1966, then in 1980 and 1988, and in the modern history of Russia - on July 31, 2013, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 659 “On the procedure for establishing memorable days and professional holidays in the Russian Federation.”

In addition to Russia, the holiday is also celebrated in Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine.

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