What benefits are due to a pensioner if he has a long seniority. Recalculation of retirement pension 5 points for 40 years of service

The main factor influencing the amount of pension payments is the length of service. In addition, women who have worked for 40 years and are already receiving a pension are entitled to a supplement to the officially established amount of the pension for a long period of uninterrupted activity in one enterprise. Continuous work and regular contributions to the pension fund, as well as obtaining the status of a Labor Veteran, guarantee a bonus - such rules are established at the legislative level in the Russian Federation.

You can calculate the amount of the additional payment ahead of schedule if you know exactly the labor periods during which the employee did not work, but had a good reason for absence from the workplace. When the labor activity is equal to 40 years, it is necessary to obtain a special status and independently apply to the Pension Fund for processing payments.

Legal justification for seniority pension supplements

All rights of citizens to a pension are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. Law No. 400 states that the minimum length of service in which a citizen can work and then finish his labor activity is 9 years.

Although an annual increase in this amount is expected in the future, the payment itself will be small, and therefore it is necessary to continue to officially work for a larger amount of pension payments and additions to them for seniority.

With an experience of 40 years, the employee will be assigned the status - Veteran of Labor. The right to receive such status is regulated by Federal Law No. 5, paragraph 7. The legislation also specifies the requirements that the recipient of the pension and its supplements must meet:

  • possession of medals, insignia of the Russian Federation or the USSR;
  • the beginning of work before the age of majority, during the Second World War;
  • distinction or other successes in the economy;
  • regular deductions of funds to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which are proportional to wages.

The amount of the allowance is not fixed, unless we are talking about 50 years of service - additional charges will be different depending on the region in which the recipient lives, but the same for all people with long experience living there.

How much money the PF will accrue along with the pension depends on the industry in which the applicant worked, the area in which he lives, and bonus payments to him.

Conditions affecting the formation of allowances for women with 40 years of experience

The main condition is at least 40 years of experience. A pattern is established: the longer a citizen has worked, the greater the allowance is due to him in old age.

Prerequisites for receiving co-payments

Less important, but still forming additional payment factors are:

  • merits or bonuses for labor activity;
  • the location of the enterprise where the employee worked;
  • the industry of which the recipient of the allowance is a representative;
  • the number of points of additional payments (with an experience of 40 years, 5 points are accrued - 81.5 rubles to the pension).

Women's 40 years of service means that when they receive a regular pension and continue to work, they remain entitled to a supplement. Such persons receive a maximum of 5 bonus points for retirement. For men who have worked for 45 years, the number of points is similar.

Title "Veteran of Labor"

According to Federal Law No. 5, such a status can be fixed only if several requirements are met. In addition to the fact that the experience must be at least 40 years, it is necessary:

  • have insignia of the USSR or the Russian Federation for work;
  • start work before coming of age or during the Second World War;
  • have awards in the field of economics for 15 years of service with a total of 20 years of service for women.

Title "Veteran of Labor"

Both women and men with a professional experience of 50 years or more are assigned not only the status of a veteran, but also an additional payment of 1,000 rubles to their pensions. In addition to the increased pension, these categories of persons are applicants for certain benefits.

How is seniority calculated?

The main calculation criterion is labor periods and their duration. Although vacations and absences from work cannot be counted towards seniority, some periods of absence are respectful and affect the final value:

  1. Service in the army by conscription or contract.
  2. Official care for the disabled of the first group and the elderly over the age of 80 as an official guardian.
  3. Maternity leave to care for one child up to 1.5 years, provided that the total period of the decree does not exceed 4.5-5 years (depending on the region).
  4. Studying at higher educational institutions is no longer included in the term of work.

Algorithm for calculating the insurance period

When calculating the allowance itself, the amount of points received during work is multiplied by the value of the bonus in rubles. The resulting figure is the amount of the allowance, it can be calculated independently. However, the result will be only approximate, for accurate information you need to contact the FIU.

The pension benefit will be fixed (different surcharges in all regions of the Russian Federation), only if it is accrued to a labor veteran. Military pensioners and representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB can also apply for a special pension.

The amount of surcharges

You need to clarify the amount of the payment with the local administration of the city. The average mark-ups in rubles established for 2020 are:

  • Moscow - 495;
  • Krasnodar Territory - 487;
  • Krasnoyarsk and the region - 421;
  • SPB - 800 and more;
  • Republic of Tatarstan - 448.

How is the recalculation of people already receiving a pension

The allowance is not issued automatically, and you need to deal with it yourself in state bodies. The Pension Fund and social security services are responsible for recalculating the pension and confirming the length of service in the Russian Federation.

Where to apply?

In order for the Pension Fund to recalculate payments, the recipient of the pension must first contact the social service in the city of residence. In this institution, a certificate of 40 years of service is issued and the individual is assigned the status of a veteran. You need to take a work book and a passport with you. With the received document, you need to contact the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application and a package of documents.\

Sample application for recalculation of pension

Required package of documents

The application to the PF indicates a request to review the personal file and charge another amount due for the length of service. In addition to the identity card, the following documents must be attached to the application:

  1. Pension certificate and insurance number.
  2. Employment history. If it is lost, damaged or does not contain the benefits necessary for calculating the allowance, certificates from places of work or employment contracts are provided. Any papers that confirm the duration of the person's work activity will do.
  3. Bank statement showing the applicant's salary.
  4. Extract from the order (needed only by military personnel).
  5. State awards, if any: insignia, orders, medals.
  6. Certificate previously obtained from the social security authorities.

With the timely submission of all documents at once, the allowance will be accrued next month, along with the pension.

The amount is not fixed, and depends on several factors, including the subsistence minimum established in a particular region of the Russian Federation. For residents of the Far North, insurance coverage increases to the maximum - one and a half times higher than current payments.

What additional benefits are provided for the experience of 40 years

Those who have worked for more than 40 years receive the title of Labor Veteran. Federal and regional legislation provides for several benefits for this category of citizens. Although they may vary in different regions of the Russian Federation, in most cases individuals are required to:

  • discounts on utility bills - 50%;
  • paid vacation at any convenient time (if the pensioner is officially employed);
  • medical assistance in dentistry - completely free dental prosthetics;
  • free provision of medical care in state medical institutions;
  • 100% discount on the use of public city and rail transport.

In some regions, this list has been expanded. For example, in St. Petersburg pensioners are given 874 rubles in addition to the basic pension.

This is a supplement to the pension payment at the expense of the local budget. For a pension increase, you must contact the regional department of social protection and those persons whose monthly income does not exceed the subsistence level established in a particular region of Russia. The amount will also be allocated from the regional budget. In Kalmykia, additional payments are lower: when working at a republican enterprise for 10 and 12 years for women and men, respectively, you can receive no more than 590 rubles per month.


Will there be an allowance for 40 years of service for still working pensioners?

The allowance for employees and employees who continue to work is due, but its size will be individual depending on the region in which the enterprise is located and the availability of awards for labor activity.

The supplement to the pension will be made based on the duration of the work activity. Excessive experience gives the right not only to increase payments, but also to social benefits that allow you to save money received.

A decent pension payment that current employees will receive in the future should encourage them to increase their insurance savings. What gives the applicant additional points. The initial minimum determines the possibility of retirement at the required age, and processing determines additional benefits for the future pensioner. Indeed, the new pension legislation provides for an additional payment for a long working period. Under what conditions is the allowance provided, how much will they pay extra, and how to arrange it, we will try to figure it out in this article. In 2018, you need to have at least 7 years of insurance experience to retire. This requirement is specified in the law.

The minimum threshold will increase every year, and in 2025 it will reach 15 years.

It is necessary to demand, provided that it was not possible to make an accrual earlier for one of the following reasons:

  • the pensioner continued to work;
  • the applicant could not prove this or that working period.

Additional payments for 50 years of work will be made under the following conditions:

  • the number of years worked is sufficient for awarding a veteran title;
  • the whole period of work can be confirmed;
  • the pensioner stopped working.

Documentary confirmation for the allowance for 50 years of work We already know the conditions for assigning the allowance, this is a certain number of years worked. If there is a 50-year working period, taking into account military service and a decree, you need to apply to the pension fund.

Supplement to pension for more than 35 or 40 years of service

The Regulations on the Commission for Consideration of Conflict Situations and Control over the Activities of the Administrations of St. Petersburg Districts on Issues of Awarding the Title of Veteran of Labor and its composition is approved by the executive body of state power of St. Petersburg authorized by the Government of St. Petersburg. Article 4. The procedure for issuing a veteran's certificate 1. A person who has been awarded the title of Labor Veteran shall be issued a veteran's certificate. 2. Filling out, issuing and accounting for certificates of a veteran of a single sample are carried out by the social protection authority of the population at the place of residence of the person who was awarded the title of Labor Veteran, in the manner established in accordance with the Federal Law on Veterans by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Answers: In accordance with Art.

Are there benefits for 40 years of service?

Accrued annually, the amount depends on the size of pension contributions;

  • SB - the cost of one point at the time of calculation. In 2017, this figure is 78.58 rubles, since January 2018, thanks to indexation, it will exceed 81 rubles;
  • PV is a fixed pension payment. Its size is set at the level of 4805 rubles, from next year it will be approximately 4,900-5,000 rubles, taking into account the expected indexation.

As you can see, this formula does not contain such a thing as an allowance for 40 years of service for pensioners.

The experience in it is reflected indirectly in the concept of points: the longer a citizen works, the more points he will receive. But the number of points to a greater extent depends on the size of the salary. Thus, a pension for 40 years of service is calculated according to the same scheme with payment for a shorter period of employment.

What are the benefits for pensioners with seniority (50, 45, 40 and 35 years): the amount of the allowance

of the Code, taking into account indexation 5) the right to travel annually from April 27 to October 31 on suburban rail transport with payment of a part of the cost of a single trip at the expense of the budget of St. Petersburg in the amount of 10 percent of the cost of the current fare for public rail transport commuter trains 6) the right to travel annually from April 27 to October 31 in commuter buses operated by block carriers that have concluded agreements with the authorized executive body of state power of St. one-time travel at the expense of the budget of St. Petersburg in the amount of 10 percent of the fare.

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Grounds for recalculating pensions for non-working pensioners

Recalculation of the amount of pension through indexing

Documents for recalculating the pension of non-working pensioners

The procedure for recalculating a pension: how to apply to the Pension Fund and the terms of consideration

When to expect pension payments after recalculation

Recalculation of pensions for non-working pensioners - the conversion of the amount of the monthly subsidy established by the authorities. The pretext is the provision of evidence that testifies to new situations in the fate of a citizen. Surcharge and increase in social benefits can also be as a result of state policy and writing an application in this case is not required.

The old-age pension consists of several components:

  • Basic (social) payments - a fixed amount accrued to each citizen upon reaching retirement age (for 2017 it is 4,805.11 rubles).
  • The funded part is deductions made by a person in the Pension Fund.
  • Insurance pension - is made at the expense of contributions to the PF deducted by the employer, the amount depends on earnings and is 22% of it.

A person without a minimum work experience will receive only a social pension payment. If a citizen has a sufficient length of service, then he is also credited with a pension payment according to the system previously chosen by him: accumulative or insurance.

Grounds for recalculating pensions for non-working pensioners

The Pension Fund considers an application for the recalculation of pension payments, if there are significant reasons for this. So, if a non-working pensioner is disabled and he was given a more severe disability group, he can also apply for a higher level of additional payments.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, the grounds for recalculating the old-age pension for non-working pensioners can be:

  • Age over 80 years. For those receiving an insurance pension, the amount of the fixed payment is multiplied by two.
  • Receipt by a person of another degree of disability (by decision of the medical commission). People of the first group of disability are entitled to a fixed compensation in the amount of 9919.73 rubles. Those who received the first group since childhood - 11,903.51 rubles per month.
  • The appearance of new dependents in the family (a court decision is required to confirm this fact).
  • A certain period of work in the North (15-20 years) or other areas with difficult climatic conditions.
  • Moving a person to an area with an increased accrual coefficient.
  • Loss of the family's sole breadwinner.
  • Loss of the second parent by a child under the age of majority (23 years old while studying at a university).
  • Being a parent on leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years (no more than six years).
  • Military service.
  • Moving from the village to another area.
  • Care of a working person for a person in the first disability group, a disabled child, an elderly person over 80 years old.
  • Staying at the place of work of the spouse without the opportunity to get a job.
  • Diplomatic and consular activities outside the country (no more than 5 years).
  • Unreasonable stay in places of deprivation of liberty.
  • The profession of a military man, the presence of certificates, medals, titles.
  • Transfer of one type of compensation to another.
  • Little work experience and little pay.

Important: if during the recalculation the amount of the pension payment decreases, then the change in the pension does not occur. That is, if your pension was recalculated and it came out less than before the recalculation, you will be left with the pension payment that is greater.

Recalculation of the amount of pension through indexing

The state indexes in connection with the growth of inflation in the country. Indexation does not depend on individual circumstances in a person's life, his will: it is due to each recipient on a general basis. The amount of monthly income is multiplied by the percentage announced by the government, it applies to all types of benefits (for age, survivors, disability).

Important: If the amount of the security is below the regional subsistence minimum, the citizen has the right to recalculate the pension and social supplement from the state budget.

Unlike indexation, points earned by seniority are taken into account in the recalculation (the minimum number is 30). Pension points directly depend on the size of the salary, because depending on it, the amount of payments in the Pension Fund changes during work. And the size of the score is directly dependent on such payments.

In 2017, the amount of pension assistance in Russia increased by 5.4%: the amount of the fixed benefit amounted to 4805.11 rubles, and 1 point = 78.28 rubles.

Documents for recalculating the pension of non-working pensioners

The recalculation of the amount of the pension benefit is possible when submitting an application and related documentation to the Pension Fund.

First of all, you need to make an appeal to the PF. In the text of the request for recalculation, you must specify:

  • SNILS number;
  • belonging to the country;
  • passport data;
  • reasons for the premium;
  • register of attached certificates and documentation;
  • dating.

An increase in the monthly pension benefit at the initiative of a pensioner requires the following documents to be attached to the main application:

  • passports;
  • paper, which indicates the registration of a person in the system of compulsory pension insurance.

Additionally, if there were changes in the life of a citizen that affected his expenses or state of health, it may be necessary to:

  • extract from an individual personal account;
  • proof of the official employment of the citizen and that the citizen had official employment;
  • certificate of disability;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • confirmation of guardianship of a person who has not reached the age of majority;
  • death certificate of parents, etc.

Important: You will need to certify all documents with your signature.

The register can be found on the website of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or clarified with the employees of the Pension Fund. If earlier certificates of this type have already been made, then they will be in the PF database and you will not have to collect them again.

Register now and get a free expert consultation

The procedure for recalculating a pension: how to apply to the Pension Fund and the terms of consideration

The procedure for recalculating monthly compensation to pensioners is handled by the Pension Fund. Specialists will accept papers, evaluate the reasons for changing the amount of assistance, and calculate points.

Important: if it is impossible to visit the PRF on your own, a registered letter with a list of attachments is sent to the postal address of the department.

The website of the pension fund also accepts applications after registration on the website of public services. A representative of a citizen can also submit documents on his behalf.

If everything is in order with the documentation, within 5 days the applicant will receive a response about the consideration of the case. If the amount of the payment did not meet his expectations, he has the right to appeal against the decision of the pension fund.

When to expect pension payments after recalculation

The change in benefits without filing an application is carried out on August 1. People will receive other accruals at the beginning of the next month after applying. Indexation of insurance pensions takes place on February 1, social pensions - on April 1.

People who have crossed 80 years of age are charged from the date they reach the specified age. Citizens who have received the status of a disabled person - from the day of a medical examination of this fact.

In the Russian Federation, the recalculation of pensions is due to people receiving payments for old age, disability, and the loss of a breadwinner. Depending on the reasons, the state appoints it independently and on the basis of an application from a non-working pensioner and documentation indicating a change in his life situation.

Automatic recalculation from April 1, 2018

Since April 1, 2018, a change has been introduced - the recalculation will now take place automatically, without contacting the PFC.

Once every two years

It is important that the recalculation will be carried out automatically, but once every two years. Basically, there is nothing new here.

The only new thing is that they will do it for you.

This is a standard recalculation, which was carried out starting from January 1, 2004 and was provided for working pensioners every two years. The difference is that if earlier such a recalculation was made only at the request of a person, now it will be done automatically, regardless of whether the person applies or not.

Who will receive a pension

  • received additional insurance experience of 24 months or
  • on this date, at least two years have passed since the appointment or previous recalculation of the pension.

In the future, such a recalculation will be made automatically every year on April 1, during which all the experience available at that moment will be taken into account.

For 2 years - 24 full months

These people have the right to recalculate pensions based on seniority and wages. Since some working pensioners had low wages, and this may negatively affect the final figure, a recalculation method that is more beneficial for the pensioner will be chosen.

That is: either it will be a calculation by seniority and salary, or only by seniority.

Two years - less than 24 months

Another category is pensioners who, after the appointment or recalculation of the pension, did not work for two years. “For example, a pension was assigned in 2016, a person worked for 5 months, quit and did not apply to the Fund's bodies for recalculation. For this category, it is necessary to calculate this length of service, even if a person has 24 months of insurance experience, but two years have passed since the appointment or recalculation of the pension. In this case, the recalculation is made only on the insurance experience.

Most of the citizens of retirement age decide for themselves to go on a well-deserved rest. However, as the length of service increases, so does the pension. People with more than 40 years of experience are entitled to a surcharge.

A third of all pensioners still work after reaching retirement age. On the one hand, the state has canceled the indexation of pensions for this category of pensioners, but it cannot ignore the fact of an increase in the length of service.

In 2015, the federal law dated December 28, 2013 No. 400-FZ “On insurance pensions” was adopted. It says that in matters of pension assignment, the total length of service does not play a role. The insurance experience, which began to be considered since 2002, matters.

In 2017, to receive a pension, you must have at least 8 years of insurance experience. And every year the number of years will increase by 1, until the mark of 15 years is reached in 2024.

And yet, the current procedure for calculating the length of service allows the pensioner himself to decide whether to apply to him the rules that were in force even before the introduction of the last law.

According to paragraphs. 3 and 4 art. 30 of the Law of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ, in the calculation formulas, the length of service coefficient is used, the size of which depends on the length of service.

In most cases, its base value is 0.55 for people who have at least 25 years of experience for men and 20 years for women, or it is equal to the required insurance period. For each extra year there is a surcharge to the coefficient in the amount of 0.01. However, the total amount of such an increase cannot exceed 0.2. It turns out that the maximum seniority coefficient is achieved for women at 40 years of experience, and for men - at 45.

According to Art. 14 of the above law, due to long service, the fixed part of the pension can increase by 60% for men and 65% for women.

The pension of the inhabitants of our country is formed from two components: insurance and funded parts.

The first component is calculated by multiplying the value of 1 pension point by their total number. The accumulative component is a payment provided by the Pension Fund of Russia every month.

The size of the pension is affected not only by the length of service, but also by the size of the salary.

If a woman has 30 years of work experience, and a man has 35, this gives the right to receive additional coefficients. In this case, 1. If the experience is 40 and 45 years, then the person already claims 5 coefficients.

However, the length of service still needs to be correctly calculated. It does not include years of study at a university, but military service and a decree for women are taken into account.

If a person has a long record of service and a good salary, this entitles him to a significant increase in his pension.

1. The concept of retirement pension……………………………………………… 3

2. Seniority pensions for federal employees ………………………. 4

3. Seniority pensions for servicemen and equivalent categories………………………………………………………………………..9

List of used literature………………………………………… 12

The concept of retirement pension

The retirement pension is a special type of pension. It is assigned regardless of reaching the retirement age for those who have been engaged in certain professional activities for a long time, associated with the risk of premature professional aging. The circle of subjects provided by this pension has sharply narrowed, since Law No. 173-FZ all seniority pensions previously assigned on the basis of the 1990 Law are now classified as early old-age pensions.

The new pension legislation retained the right to a retirement pension for federal civil servants, military personnel and other categories equated to them in terms of pension provision (prosecutors, employees of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation, tax police, employees of institutions and bodies of the penal system).

The main legal fact, which is associated with the right to a pension for years of service, is a special length of service (length of service) of a statutory duration.

2.Lei service pensions for federal employees.

Federal civil servants are citizens who have held positions in the federal civil service and public positions of federal civil servants, as defined by the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of the Civil Service of the Russian Federation”. According to clause 4 of the above-mentioned Law, federal civil servants are entitled to a seniority pension.

Since January 1, 2002, the provision of pensions for federal civil servants has been regulated by Law No. 166-FZ. At the same time, according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2002 No. 141 “On Certain Issues of Implementing the Federal Law “On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation”” in 2002 until the entry into force of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on pension provision for the length of service of federal civil servants, the appointment, recalculation of the amount and payment of a monthly supplement to the state pension in the part that does not contradict the specified Federal Law. This additional payment is determined by the Regulations on the establishment, payment and recalculation of the monthly supplement to the state pension by persons holding public positions of the Russian Federation public positions of the federal public service, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 1999 No.

No. 1233 “On the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation” of June 15, 1999 No. 755 “On introducing amendments and additions to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 16, 1995 No. 854 “On certain social guarantees for persons holding public office in the Russian Federation and positions of federal civil servants.

A seniority pension for federal civil servants is assigned if the following conditions are met simultaneously:

1) at least 15 years of public service;

2) dismissal from the federal service on one of the following grounds:

a) liquidation of federal state authorities, other state bodies formed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, as well as to reduce the staff of federal civil servants in federal state authorities, their apparatuses, other state bodies formed in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws;

b) Dismissal from positions approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation to directly ensure the execution of the powers of persons holding public positions in the Russian Federation in connection with the termination of their powers by these persons;

c) reaching the age limit established by the Federal Law for filling a position in the federal civil service;

d) Discovered inconsistency with the federal service position being substituted due to a state of health that prevents the continuation of public service;

e) voluntary dismissal due to retirement;

f) citizens dismissed from the federal civil service on the grounds "b" and "e" of paragraph 2, if they held the positions of the federal civil service for at least 12 full months immediately before the dismissal.

Public service experience- this is the total duration of periods of public service and other activities, taken into account when determining the right to a pension of federal civil servants and when calculating the amount of this pension.

In the length of service for the appointment of a pension for the length of service of federal civil servants is included in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, periods of service in positions of the federal civil service, public positions of federal civil servants and other positions determined by the government of the Russian Federation.

When calculating the seniority of public service, the following periods of public service are taken into account, including in elected positions:

1) After the introduction of the Consolidated list of public positions of the Russian Federation and the Register of public positions of federal civil servants:

a) in public positions provided for by the register;

b) in the territorial bodies of federal government bodies;

c) in the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

d) in local governments.

2) Before the entry into force of the Consolidated List and the Register (in the Russian Federation, RSFSR):

a) in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, state bodies of the President of the Russian Federation, state bodies under the President of the Russian Federation;

b) in the Security Council of the Russian Federation and its apparatus;

c) in the federal legislative bodies and their apparatuses, the Control and Budget Committee under the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, the Control and Budget Committee under the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, in the bodies of people's control;

d) in the Government of the Russian Federation and its apparatus, federal executive bodies and their territorial bodies, representative offices of the Russian Federation and representative offices of federal executive bodies abroad, diplomatic missions and consulates of the Russian Federation, as well as in government bodies under the Government of the Russian Federation and federal executive bodies ;

e) in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, federal courts, as well as in the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and its bodies and apparatuses;

f) in the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation and its apparatus;

g) in the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and its apparatus

h) in state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and other state bodies formed in accordance with the Constitutions (charters) of the subjects of the Russian Federation, in the highest state bodies of the autonomous republics, in local state bodies;

i) in abolished state institutions, the functions of state administration of which were transferred to federal state bodies, or in state institutions transformed into federal state bodies, as well as in state institutions, the positions of which were included in the list of state positions of the federal civil service, which are the relevant sections of the Register of State positions in the civil service of the Russian Federation.

3) in the bodies of state power and administration in the USSR:

a) in the offices of the President of the USSR and the President of the RSFSR, the state administration bodies of the President of the USSR and the President of the RSFSR, the state administration bodies under the President of the USSR and the President of the RSFSR, as well as in the offices of the presidents of other union republics;

b) in the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Supreme Soviets and Presidiums of the Supreme Soviets of the Union and Autonomous Republics, the Territorial and Regional Councils of People's Deputies, the Councils of People's Deputies of People's Regions and other subjects of the USSR;

c) in the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Cabinet of Ministers of the USSR, the Committee for Management of the National Economy of the USSR, the Inter-Republican Economic Committee, the state administration bodies of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the state administration bodies under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the councils of ministers of the constituent entities of the USSR;

d) in ministries and departments of the USSR

e) in diplomatic missions of the USSR and Union republics abroad;

f) in economic councils at all levels;

g) in the Committee for Constitutional Supervision of the USSR, the Control Chamber of the USSR and the organs of people's control;

h) in state associations of union, union-republican and republican subordination;

i) in state concerns, associations and other state organizations established by the Council of Ministers of the USSR or the Council of Ministers of the Union Republics;

j) in international organizations abroad if before working in this organization the employee worked in state authorities and administration;

k) in the permanent representation of the USSR in the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance, the apparatus of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance and the organs of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance;

m) in the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Union Republics, regional committees, regional committees, district committees, district committees, city committees and their offices in positions and party committees of state authorities and administration yes March 14, 1990

m) in the central trade union bodies of the Union of the USSR, trade union bodies of the union republics, territories, regions, cities, districts, districts and cities and their offices in positions in trade union committees of state authorities and administration, not including periods of work in trade union committees at enterprises, organizations and institutions .

The recalculation of a pension after 40 years of service is a recalculation of a citizen's pension savings. Under what conditions is it carried out?

General provisions

The current pension legislation provides for strict requirements for the appointment of insurance payments in favor of citizens who have reached retirement age. Having fulfilled certain conditions, we have the right to claim funds from the state. There are only three such conditions:

  • the presence of a minimum working period, in 2019 - 10 years, in 2020 - 11 (gradual increase to 15 years by 2024);
  • availability - the number of pension points - 16.2 points in 2019, 18.6 - in 2020, 30 points - by 2024;
  • achievement: woman - 60 years old, man - 65 years old. Preferential provisions are provided for retirement in 2020.

Legislators provide for a wide range of conditions, the observance of which ensures early retirement. At the same time, there are no indications that the pension for 40 years of service must be recalculated in the current version of the legislation.

Special recalculation of pensions for more than 40 years of service is not provided: the legislation has not established allowances and additional payments.

Recalculation conditions

The amount of the pension payment is reviewed subject to the established requirements:

  1. If a citizen has registered a disability for the first time or his current disability group has been revised or changed to another.
  2. The pension also increases if the pensioner has reached. In this case, a significant surcharge of 100% of the amount of the fixed payment is due to it. In 2019, the allowance is 5344.19 rubles.
  3. Annual indexation of the cost of one pension point. In January 2019, points were indexed by 7.05%, which resulted in a significant increase in the price of one point from 81.49 rubles. up to 87.24 rubles.
  4. For working pensioners, payments are recalculated as for everyone - upon termination of employment. During work, the assigned amount is not subject to indexation.

If a citizen has a work experience of more than 40 years, the pension will be recalculated in the usual manner. Upon dismissal, the employer will submit the relevant data to the Pension Fund. This information will be analyzed, and then the assigned pension will be indexed in the prescribed manner.

Are there special benefits for longevity?

The grounds for recalculation are a change in the conditions for assigning a pension benefit (age, disability, dismissal from work) or an annual indexation of pension points.

It turns out that since the recalculation of pensions after 40 years of service is not carried out, then a huge period of labor activity does not provide any advantages? No, that's not entirely true.

40 years of experience gives the right to issue the honorary title "Veteran of Labor". The provisions are enshrined in Article 7 of Law No. 5-FZ. Not all citizens apply for such a title, but only those who meet the following requirements:

  1. They began their labor activity during the Second World War and worked for 35 years for women and 40 for men.
  2. They have special state awards (orders, diplomas, thanks, insignia) and have worked 20 years. for women and 25 for men.

IMPORTANT! The status of "Veteran of Labor" provides not only federal benefits, but also regional measures of financial support. For each region, the list of additional payments, benefits and benefits is determined individually.

So, a pensioner has the right not to wait for the recalculation of the pension with a work experience of 40 years, but to immediately apply for the title "Veteran of Labor" at the territorial social protection agency or at the multifunctional center at the place of registration.

You should take your passport and documents confirming the receipt of a special status with you. This is a work book, contracts (labor, GPC, copyright) and documents on the presentation of awards (diplomas, thanks, orders, etc.). It is necessary to write an application (its form will be provided at the MFC or social security authorities).

Municipal surcharges

Most municipalities provide for special pension supplements. Such allowances rely on municipal employees.

The municipal payment is assigned for the presence of a certain municipal length of service - labor activity as a municipal employee. Moreover, its size is determined depending on the number of years worked and the level of official salary. Also, the amount of payments depends on the financial capabilities of the municipality itself.

In order to recalculate the pension experience for the municipal supplement, you must contact the administration of the municipality with the appropriate application. Documents confirming the right to the municipal allowance must be attached to the application.

Summing up

The final recalculation of the pension from the length of service is carried out only in relation to working pensioners who have ceased their labor activity. That is, the pension of a working citizen is indexed only after dismissal.

There are no legislative norms on increasing insurance payments for 40 years of service. But the presence of such a labor period makes it possible to issue the title of "Veteran of Labor".

Seniority- this is the period of time when a person worked or carried out another type of activity. It is needed to receive a vacation, pension or an additional increase in wages. Some modern residents of our country have worked quite a lot in their lives. And therefore, they may be worried about what benefits are provided in this case, if the length of service is more than 40 years.

All about work experience

If the work experience is 40 years, and a woman is interested in the issue, then here we will talk about what benefits are provided in this case. But first of all, we will talk in detail about seniority. So, there are three types of work experience:

  • Special.
  • Continuous.
  • General.

General work experience. This concept refers to the total experience of a person, regardless of whether his work activity was interrupted. The total length of service is used to be able to calculate the disability and old age pension. It can also be used to calculate the survivor's pension and seniority. (according to Article 30 of the Federal Law on Labor Pensions in Russia dated December 17, 2001, No. 173-FZ). At the time of accrual of a pension for years of service, the total length of service is also applied to accounting. It is calculated from:

  • The length of service used to calculate the pension after the entry into force of the Law under the number 173-ФЗ.
  • The length of service that a citizen could earn before the entry into force of Law 173-FZ.

Seniority for retirement

In order to assign a labor pension, it is necessary to take into account the length of service of the future pensioner. According to Article 30 of Federal Law 173-FZ, the minimum length of service for a woman is 20 years, and for a man, twenty-five years. This experience can be taken into account for those citizens who retired before the entry into force of the law 173 of the Federal Law, or in the first five years after the adoption of this law. In the event that a citizen could not earn a given number of years, then the size of his future pension will decrease. To calculate pension payments in the total length of service (referring to Article. 11 of Law 173-FZ), the following periods are used:

  • The period when a woman cared for her child, from the moment until he reached one and a half years.
  • Maternity leave.
  • Vacation.
  • Sick leave.
  • Passage of military service.
  • Deduction of insurance payments to the FIU, even if the citizen does not work.
  • Occupation, any public works in the official status of the unemployed.
  • Caring for people who are disabled of the first group or disabled from childhood.
  • Care for the elderly who have reached the age of eighty years.

Length of time in detention. In the event that the sentence to the citizen was erroneously handed down, and after that he was rehabilitated.

Work experience for sick leave

In order to calculate the sick leave, you need to take into account the length of service of the employee, in the period of time when he was insured in the social insurance system at the time of temporary disability. The contributions to the FSS for an employee are fully paid by the company. For this reason, the following periods are included in the length of service for sick leave:

  1. Public service.
  2. Individual entrepreneurship. But it is worth noting that the entrepreneur does not need to make contributions to the FSS. He can transfer funds voluntarily.
  3. Work as a deputy.
  4. Military service.
  5. Serving in law enforcement.

The higher the seniority of the employee, the more benefits will be paid to him. In the event that the length of service is more than eight years, then the sick leave must be paid in the amount of one hundred percent of the average salary of the employee, if the length of service is from five to 8 years, then in the amount of 80 percent. If the experience is less than 5 years, then 60%.

Work experience for women in the Russian Federation

To be eligible for a pension, a woman must work for five years and reach the age of 55. The following periods should be included in the length of service of a woman:

  1. Decree on sick leave of 140 days.
  2. The period until the child reaches 1.5 years.
  3. Vacation.
  4. The period of caring for a child under the age of seven years.

What benefits can be provided if the length of service reaches 40 years

If the length of service reaches forty years, the employee is awarded the title - "Veteran of Labor". After teaching the Veteran of Labor, the employee is entitled to receive a number of benefits.

  • Discount on utility bills - up to 50%.
  • Possibility of free travel in any public transport.
  • Other benefits established by the subjects of the federation. Any subject of the Russian Federation has the right to increase the list of benefits for citizens who are labor veterans on the basis of the adoption of local laws and regulations.


Now you know what benefits are due if you have a long work experience. As you can see, such work experience allows a person to receive certain benefits that can make life easier.


The recalculation of pensions for 40 years of service in Russia will be carried out in 2018 by analogy with the previous year. The payment rules encourage working citizens to work officially, thereby increasing their overall length of service, thanks to which a bonus can be achieved.

After a person goes on a well-deserved rest, he can qualify for monthly payments from the state. Moreover, the requirements for seniority, taking into account all the rules, are quite loyal. The minimum length of service for receiving an old-age pension must be 7 years. However, you should not leave your job after seven years of work. After all, the more experience you have, the more profitable payments you can count on in the future. The state took care of the citizens separately, and adopted a law that says that pensioners who have officially worked for 40 years or more will be able to receive a pension supplement. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

When do people have the right to retire in old age?

According to the law, each citizen of the Russian Federation is obligatorily assigned by the state pension payments as the main source of income when he reaches a certain age or due to certain circumstances. The legislation establishes that women must retire at the age of 55, and men at the age of 60. Next year, this rule will remain unchanged. However, some persons have the right to go on a well-deserved rest, as before, ahead of schedule. This applies to citizens who retire on a seniority basis. This happens after their official work experience with characteristic working conditions reaches the maximum mark.

Seniority payments are compensation given to people whose professional activities are associated with an increased risk to health. It also takes into account the fact that the age of people can negatively affect the quality of work, which is why the state decided to send them to retirement. In turn, such pensioners can continue to work, but in more comfortable conditions, while receiving compensation for lost earnings in the form of a seniority bonus.

What determines the amount of pension payments?

According to the current legislation, pension payments are constantly indexed and changed. Currently, the pension is formed from 2 parts:

  1. insurance, that is, when during the length of service a working citizen accumulates personal pension coefficients or points in another way. After that, their number is multiplied by the cost of 1 point for the current period.
  2. cumulative, that is, a fixed payment that is accrued monthly. Its amount is determined depending on the amount of accruals from the employer for the entire time the citizen worked.

Thus, the duration of the total length of service and its availability have a direct impact on the payment of a pension, but are not the factors that play an important role in determining its size.

The amount of pension accruals today, as before, depends on the salary of a citizen, since the salary part affects the amount of monthly insurance contributions received by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from the enterprise. This means that the higher your official salary, the more money will be transferred by the employer to your individual account opened with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

If you are an individual entrepreneur, then by law you are required to pay for yourself in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in order to be able to receive the prescribed pension from the state in the future.

What pension supplement is due to pensioners in 2018 for a total service of 40 years or more?

Pension accruals consist of a funded and insurance part. The funded part has a fixed rate. Today it is 4805 rubles. To it is added the sum of points accumulated over the years of work, multiplied by the cost of 1 point. In the previous year, the price of a point was about 79 rubles. However, it is expected to increase in 2018.

Personal coefficients are accumulated on the account of the future pensioner. They are accrued at the expense of incoming deductions from the employer in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The larger their sum, the more points you can accumulate. In addition, the legislation makes it possible to additionally accumulate them due to the duration of the general experience. So:

  • surcharge for the experience of 30 years for all citizens is one point;
  • for the experience of 40-45 years adds another 5 points;
  • for official work for 50 years, a pensioner is provided with a fixed allowance, which in the previous year amounted to 1063 rubles. In 2018, this amount can be indexed.

In addition, the amount of the increase in pensions for long-term total service depends on the region of residence and workplace of the citizen.

Will there be an increase for 40 years of service for working pensioners in 2018?

Working retirees with 40 years of experience deserve special attention. For them, in addition to pension points, an increase in payments is expected due to transfers to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation from their place of work. However, indexation of pensions for working pensioners has not been carried out since 2015.

In 2018, these people will be recalculated in the direction of increasing the allowance. Preliminarily, we can say that the price of 1 point will be about 81.5 rubles. The state will be able to add a maximum of 3 points or 244 rubles to pension payments for working pensioners. It is known that funds for indexing their pensions have already been included in the federal budget. This means that the increase will most likely begin as early as January 2018.

What working periods can be included in the total length of service?

In order for the state to make an additional payment to your pension payments for 40 years of service, it is absolutely not necessary to work during this time. The legislation establishes rules that state that in full experience the following will be taken into account:

  • military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
  • the decree and the period of caring for the baby until he reaches 1.5 years, however, it is important to consider that this period cannot exceed 4.5 years.

The time of studying at a university in a specialty that will become a citizen's profession in the future is not included, according to the law, in the length of service.

Contracted servicemen, on the contrary, have the right to count on an increase in pensions for length of service. The amount of the allowance in this case will depend on the number of years served to the Motherland.

What pension increase for a total service of 40 years in 2018 can pensioners in the regions claim?

In some regions of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies set their own amounts of supplements to pension payments. These amounts usually depend on the living wage for pensioners in a particular region, as well as the regional coefficient. For example, for a total experience of 15 years in the regions of the Far North, a citizen can apply for an increase in payments by 1.5 times. At the same time, for an experience of 20 years in an area that, according to the law, is classified as the North, an allowance is also due.

In turn, for work in hazardous industries, benefits and access to a well-deserved rest after years of service are relied upon, but the state did not provide for any allowances. Therefore, in such a situation, pension payments will be made to citizens in the usual manner.

Where to apply for an increase in pension for a total service of 40 years?

If the length of your service is 30-40 years, then the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will automatically recalculate your pension payment, taking into account all allowances. This does not require a special application.

If you have worked for more than 40 years, then you must submit the necessary documentation to the social security department to apply for additional payments. The increased pension, taking into account the allowances, will be transferred to you within a month after the day of application.

What documents are needed to receive an increase for a total experience of more than 40 years?

With a total experience of exactly 40 years, it is not required to apply to social security or the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. But if you have officially worked for more than 40 years, then you need to bring the following documentation:

  1. Application for recalculation of pension, taking into account additional payments for seniority.
  2. Passport of the Russian Federation.
  3. Pensioner's ID.
  4. SNILS.
  5. Certificates obtained at the places of former jobs or at the employment center, as well as from archives and medical institutions.
  6. Characteristics from employers.
  7. For the military: certificates and extracts from orders from military service.
  8. Documents confirming official transfers of wages.
  9. Bank statement showing salary receipts.
  10. Contracts confirming labor relations with employers.

How are veterans' pensions calculated?

For labor veterans, the law provides for completely different conditions for pension payments. Labor veterans include citizens who:

  • worked as a minor during the Second World War, having a total experience of more than 35 years;
  • earned the experience necessary to enter a well-deserved rest, and during the service they were awarded medals, titles, orders.

In order to be recognized as a labor veteran, you will need to visit the social security office at the place of registration in order to obtain the appropriate certificate.

To apply, you must submit:

  1. Russian passport;
  2. a work book or papers confirming the necessary experience;
  3. awards from employers;
  4. photo 3x4 for the document.

After receiving the certificate, you can apply for the following benefits provided to pensioners, depending on the regions of residence:

  • travel card for moving around the city by public transport, issued free of charge;
  • 50% discount on utility bills;
  • free restoration of lost teeth in the state dental clinic;
  • another vacation for working pensioners.

The pension is a monthly payment to those citizens who have already completed their personal labor activity. The pension completely replaces people's earnings. As soon as a citizen reaches the age of incapacity for work, he has the right to retire. In this case, she relies on him in old age. In different countries and cities, the total amount of pensions can change and vary in every possible way. But in this article, we decided to talk about what benefits are provided if the work experience is 40 years for a woman, and in this case the recipient of the pension is a woman.

All about retirement age

Of course, before we talk in detail about these benefits, we will give you some information about the retirement age. The retirement age can be increased for two main reasons:

  • Due to different economic aspects.
  • Due to rising living standards.

In our country, women have the right to take a well-deserved rest when they reach the age of fifty-five, and men at sixty. In order to receive a pension, you must have a certain work experience. Those citizens who did not work in their lives will not be paid. Currently, the total work experience must be five years or more. By the beginning of 2030, the Russian government plans to raise this figure to 15. Citizens receive pension payments from the finances that the employer paid in the Pension Fund during their entire career. Thus, in our country, the formation of an old-age pension is taking place. We will talk about it in our article. All those funds that the employer transfers are stored in the personal pension accounts of any citizen. When a person reaches retirement age, the latter has the right to apply to the Pension Fund for calculating pension payments.

In order to be able to calculate how much the pension will be paid, pension fund employees use a certain form. This form contains the basic pension and the total amount of savings until 2002, as well as the valorization and the amount of capital. The amount that will turn out at the end of the miscalculations is divided by the number - 228. The number that turns out in the answer will be the person's monthly pension.

It is also useful to read the site article: Paying the state duty for a passport through Sberbank online. Consider important points

At the beginning of 2013, reforms of the pension system began in our country. This work implied a complete change in the calculation of pension payments. New rules have come into play. According to this, the accrual of pensions depends on the total pension points. As a rule, the formation of a pension occurs according to the amount of wages and the total length of service of a citizen. If the pensioner applies to the Pension Fund later than necessary, then the number of points will only increase.

The pension for individual entrepreneurs is somewhat different from the standard one. Individual entrepreneurs, like ordinary citizens, can replenish the funded and insurance part. In this case, everything remained unchanged. It is not necessary to lose sight of the fact that a citizen must be born either in 1966 or later. If a person is employed, then all contributions are made by the employer.

And what to do in that situation if you are an employer? In this case, you pay all fees yourself. Many individual entrepreneurs were forced to close their own business only because the Russian government almost doubled insurance premiums.

Increases in 2015

If your work experience is more than 40 years, then you will probably be interested in the question of what benefits are provided in this case. The new pension formula was launched in our country for the first time in 2015. Currently, the price of one pension point is 65 rubles. In the very near future, this amount will be increased to 72 rubles. Since the beginning of February 2015, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation has laid down the costs associated with the indexation of the pension score. But according to many experts, the pension will be indexed according to the old 2014 index. The total amount of fixed deductions for insurance pensions was also determined. Its total amount is 3935 rubles. This means that it has increased by 744 rubles compared to 2014. Pension payments for old age will increase by 780 rubles, and for disability - by 365 rubles. In case of loss of a breadwinner, by 592 rubles.

We should not forget that the new pension formula includes all types of points payments. In the coming year, the average insurance pension will increase by 838 rubles. This means that last year an amount of 11,208 rubles was paid, and at the present time - 12,047 rubles. the size of the social pension will increase by 902 rubles - from 7578 to 8479 rubles. According to the forecasts of our government, the pension supplement will improve the living standards of pensioners. Since from the beginning of 2015, the minimum pension will be 11,980 rubles. This amount is 69% higher than the subsistence minimum.

40 year service allowance

For the entry into force of the new pension reform, the Pension Fund recalculated pensions for pensioners who have been in this fund since 01/01/2015. citizens of Russia with a huge work experience can qualify for an allowance of 500-600 rubles. This information was provided by Andrey Pudov, Deputy Minister of Social Protection and Labor. As we have learned, the pension will be divided into 2 main parts: funded and insurance. One of the most interesting moments of the pension reform is that today the payment of the insurance pension will be made in coefficients, which, in turn, have accumulated over the entire length of service of a person. The odds will be calculated every year. The more money a citizen receives from his place of work, the greater the overall coefficient will be. According to Andrei Pudov, the FIU was instructed to recalculate 1.3 million pensioners who currently receive pension supplements. According to him, the total amount of payments will be able to increase for those citizens who, at the time of retirement, have a total work experience of more than thirty years (for women) and 35 for men.

New rules for calculating pension payments (pension points) encourage citizens to work as long as possible in order to increase their chances of a decent retirement in old age. Nevertheless, the minimum requirements for pension experience for the appointment of an insurance pension are also defined. Information is now being discussed that in 2020 pensioners will receive an allowance for more than 40 years of service. Let's consider whether this is actually the case and analyze all the innovations in laws and pensions.

The amount of payment calculated at the time of retirement of a citizen is not final - it increases annually due to indexation introduced by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation. Pensioners who continue to work are currently deprived of the right to indexation, but contributions continue to be received on their personal account in the Pension Fund, therefore, the number of pension points increases.

The longest work experience deserves special attention - more than 35 or 40 years. The information on the pension supplement for more than 40 years of service is only partially true. Not so simple.

It is for long service that they can pay extra to pensioners only if they have the title of “Veteran of Labour”, however, it is awarded in accordance with the legislation of the regions in the social security authorities. In addition to additional monthly payments, it gives you the opportunity to enjoy certain benefits.

Work experience for a pension

Currently, the determination of the right to a pension, its appointment and payment are carried out in accordance with the norms of Law No. 400-ФЗ “On Insurance Pensions”, which has been in force since the beginning of 2015.

According to the new rules, one of the conditions for assigning an old-age insurance payment is the presence of a certain amount of service, namely 15 years.

However, this condition will be fulfilled gradually. The transition period is envisaged for several years until 2025. Accordingly, it will take 9 years of work to retire in 2020, 10 in the next, and so on.

In addition, each working year of a citizen is evaluated in the form of points calculated on the basis of paid insurance premiums. They also need to dial a certain number, namely 30 by 2025 to determine the right to a pension.

As for other types of pension, this requirement regarding the length of service will be supplemented. For example, for early retirement benefits, it will also depend on the nature of the work performed and the position held.
It is also worth noting that in the absence of insurance experience, a social pension from the state is assigned.

Pension supplement for more than 35 (40) years of service

Contrary to the recent opinion that 5 additional coefficients are due for an experience of 40 years or more, it should immediately be said that the current legislation does not provide for an increase in pensions for continuing to work after going on a well-deserved rest.

To understand why this happens, let's briefly consider the mechanism for assigning a pension. It involves several stages, taking into account the experience for a certain period of time:

  • until 2002, taking into account the salary coefficient for a five-year period of work and valorization calculated for the length of service worked until 1991;
  • from 2002 to 2014 in the form of insurance premiums affecting the amount of pension capital;
  • after 2015 based on the individual pension coefficient for each year worked.

Moreover, at the first two stages, the amount in rubles is first determined, and then, according to the new calculation formula, it is converted into points.

As can be seen, only contributions transferred by the insured for his employee to the FIU are currently taken into account. Thus, the annual recalculation for hours worked is carried out based on the amount of money received by the FIU on the personal account of the insured person. Hence, the difference in the increase for two pensioners can be several tens and even hundreds of rubles, depending on the salary and contributions paid from it for each.

It is important that the period of work during the year itself does not play a role, as it was previously under the norms of Law No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”.

Conditions for assigning an additional payment for seniority to women and men

The length of service for women and men may affect their ability to receive additional pension payments in the following cases:

  1. if earlier this experience was not taken into account when assigning a payment (for example, due to the lack of supporting documents);
  2. if a citizen continues to work as a pensioner;
    if the number of years worked is sufficient to award the title of "veteran of labor".

In the first two cases, the increase in pension provision is established after the recalculation has been made, and in the second case it is made on an unannounced basis annually from August 1 on the insurance premiums transferred by the insured.

In the case of the submission of new documents that affect the amount of the pension, the citizen will need to write an application for recalculation by contacting the territorial department of the PFR at the location of his payment file.

The length of service, equal to 35 years for women and 40 years for men, also increases the amount of payment due to the establishment of an allowance as a labor veteran. Such an additional payment, as well as the very assignment of this title, is appointed by the social protection authorities at the place of residence of the citizen.

A pension supplement for this category of citizens is only due if the applicant has already been assigned an old-age pension. In addition to the additional payment for a long service over 35 or 40 years, various benefits are provided, some of which can also be converted into monetary terms. As for the legal regulation of these issues, it is under the jurisdiction of the regional authorities.

The amount of the pension supplement

Depending on the nature of the proposed additional payment in connection with the cases discussed above, its amount will be different if additional certificates are provided that are not taken into account when assigning a payment, as well as when recalculating insurance premiums.

The amount of additional payment to pensions for the title of "Veteran of Labour" with an experience of more than 35 or 40 years is set, on the contrary, at a fixed value. However, this value will also depend on the region of residence of the pensioner, since funding is provided from local budgets.

So, for example, a labor veteran in St. Petersburg in 2020 is entitled to a monthly cash payment of 828 rubles, as well as a number of benefits:

  • on payment of housing in the amount of 50%;
  • reduction of utility bills by 50%;
  • purchase of a single discount ticket for travel in the metro, trolleybus, tram, bus;
  • 10% reduction in ticket prices for suburban trains and buses from April 27 to October 31.

For labor veterans of Moscow, travel to suburban areas by rail will be completely free. In addition, they are also provided with monetary compensation for paying for local telephone services, free production of dentures, and provision with free vouchers to a sanatorium if there are medical indications. At the same time, the monthly city payment for such Muscovites will be 495 rubles.

The procedure for issuing an allowance

In order for a pensioner to be able to apply for an allowance for a long work experience of more than 35 or 40 years, necessary for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor" to women and men, respectively, he needs to contact the social protection authorities at the place of residence. The Pension Fund does not establish such allowances.

The following documents are required to apply:

  • statement;
  • a document proving the identity of the applied citizen;
  • PFR certificate confirming the appointment of an old-age insurance pension;
  • veteran's certificate.

You can come with the documents in person to the reception or apply through a legal representative who has been issued a notarized power of attorney.

Contact methods:

  1. in writing when submitting an application to the social security authorities;
  2. or electronically through the government services website.

The calculation of pension payments according to the new rules undoubtedly stimulates the desire of citizens to work longer in order to receive a decent payment. At the same time, there are also minimum requirements for the length of service necessary to determine the right to an insurance pension.

The payment calculated at the time of appointment is further increased due to annual indexations established by the government for each calendar year. However, this is not the only possible option for increasing the pension, because many continue to work, becoming pensioners, and, therefore, contributions are received to their personal account according to the number of the insurance certificate. Of these amounts, an unclaimed recalculation of insurance premiums is carried out annually.

Source - pensiology.ru

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