Can the pads be machine washed. Do I need to wash the sides in the crib after purchase? How often should you wash baby crib bumpers?

Modern parents have recently increasingly purchased bumpers for the crib. These soft inserts have a number of advantages, ensuring the safety and peace of the baby, entertaining him with bright patterns. Products do not cause any difficulties during operation, problems begin when it comes time to wash the fixture.

Some mothers even doubt whether it is necessary to plunge the sides into a full cleaning, especially if they do not get dirty and always look like new. Experts recommend that this procedure be carried out regularly, otherwise it is possible to provoke the development of allergies in the child caused by dust and dust mites.

Do I need to wash the sides of the crib immediately after purchasing the set?

Immediately after buying a new set, it must be washed without fail. Most often, such products are made from natural materials, which allows them to calmly survive even the most intensive processing options. Before washing new, never used bumpers, you need to consider the following points:

  1. Products need not only be cleaned, but disinfected. At the first wash, it is not even necessary to use powder, it is enough to run the item in very hot water, but only if the type of fabric and filler allow.
  2. Simultaneously with the main fabric, it is necessary to process Velcro, ties, and decorative elements. But they can simply be soaked in hot water while the sides themselves are erased.
  3. In extreme cases, steam treatment of the crib element is allowed. To do this, use a steam cleaner or a very powerful iron. Manipulation is carried out through a layer of cotton fabric or gauze.

After the new sides are processed, they must be thoroughly dried. Any traces of moisture can cause the formation of mold colonies, which is unacceptable when using children's items.

How often should I wash baby crib bumpers?

No specialist will unequivocally answer the question of how often it is recommended to wash an auxiliary element. The following nuances may apply here:

  1. If stains appear on the surface of the fabric, local cleaning should be carried out. If the dirt has penetrated up to the filler, the sides will have to be completely washed.

Tip: Today, parents are increasingly choosing sets that are not presented as a single element, but consisting of four or two separate parts. This allows you to clean them separately as they get dirty. In this case, you need to pay attention to the reliable fastening of the parts to each other.

  1. If the child is so active that his actions lead to knocking down the filler in certain areas, this is also an indicator for washing. Only in this way will it be possible to straighten the inner layer, for which the sides are valued.
  2. Planned washing of products can be carried out as they become dirty, but at least once every three months.

It is also not recommended to wash the functional elements of the crib too often, as this can lead to their rapid fading and wear. If a child gets them dirty very quickly, you should think about purchasing oilcloth covers that are securely attached over the fabric and do not create discomfort for the baby. True, it is not recommended to use them all the time, at least for the time the baby sleeps, they need to be removed.

Features of processing products on synthetic winterizer and foam rubber

Regardless of what the filler is made of, before washing the soiled sides, you need to carry out the following manipulations:

  • First, we try to remove surface stains, using profile gels with enzymes diluted in a small amount of water or safe folk remedies.
  • Velcro and ropes, with which the sides are attached to the crib, must be removed or tightly tied into a knot. Disheveled elements can come off during processing and ruin the machine.
  • All removable elements (some products come with peel-off toys) must be removed and washed separately.
  • If there are traces of organic contaminants on the surface of the products, then instead of the gentle traditional treatment, it is better to use the cleaning method applied to new items. Only this time you will have to add phosphate-free washing powder.

In order to qualitatively wash the sides with synthetic winterizer filler, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. You need to carefully inspect the product. If the synthetic winterizer is not stitched, then you will have to do it yourself or do it by hand washing, otherwise the filler will clump.
  2. During manual processing, it is desirable to maintain a temperature within 40ºС. Neutral shampoo or liquid powder can be used as a detergent. In the process of manipulation, the product does not need to be actively rubbed. It is better to place your palm under the contaminated area and rub gently with your other hand or with a soft brush.
  3. When using a washing machine, the delicate mode, the lowest temperature and an additional rinse cycle are selected. We replace powders with gel products with plant enzymes. Spinning usually does not adversely affect products. We do not use any fragrances, softeners or conditioners.

After cleaning, the sides need to be hung out on the street or on the balcony, in the fresh air they dry in a few hours. It is better not to dry them indoors, it is not recommended to use artificial heat sources.

From foam bumpers, consumers are gradually refusing. This material collects dust too actively and interferes with the natural flow of air. Such products are recommended to be used only during periods of increased activity of the baby. In this case, between uses, it is better to beat them out or ventilate them. Washing foam products is not a hassle. Things perfectly tolerate delicate or manual mode in the washing machine, dry very quickly.

Ironing the sides is not necessary at all, the stretched fabric looks pretty neat even without it. Additional temperature impact on the filler can lead to its melting.

Soft bumpers for the crib of a newborn is a very convenient device for the safety and convenience of the baby. Let's talk about how and how to wash the sides with foam rubber or synthetic winterizer filler for a crib.

Young mothers may be interested in the question: how often should the soft sides for the crib be washed?

When the child is very small, does not yet crawl and does not turn over by himself, the soft sides can remain clean for a long time. However, dust accumulates on them, and it is necessary to wash the sides at least once every three months, even if they look clean.

If the child is active, crawls, plays with the bumpers in the crib, the bumpers should be washed more often, especially if stains and visible dirt appear.

How to wash the soft sides for a baby crib?

Basic rules for washing sides filled with foam rubber or synthetic winterizer:
  • washing temperature should be chosen no higher than 40 degrees;
  • when washing in a washing machine, select the delicate wash mode at minimum speed;
  • use safe washing powders and detergents for children's things;
  • do not put too much washing powder so that it does not remain in the fibers of the fabric;
  • pay attention to rinsing the sides, when machine washing, apply an additional rinse cycle;
  • do not unscrew the sides after washing, so that they do not deform.

Which washing powder is suitable for washing soft bumpers for a crib

Wash soft sides for a crib with the same safe means as for washing baby diapers and clothes.
After washing in the foam rubber or synthetic winterizer filler of the soft side, in any case, particles of detergent remain.

The child not only touches the side with arms and legs, he inhales the air, into which particles of dried washing powder fall.

If you wash the sides with an ordinary washing powder with chemical surfactants, with fragrances, the child risks getting allergies or respiratory diseases. At an early age, children are very sensitive to the effects of harmful substances that make up washing powders. In addition, they spend most of their time in the crib.

Trying to ensure the safety of the child in the crib is the most important task of parents.
Soft bumpers protect the baby from hitting the hard parts of the crib and from drafts in the apartment. But harmful washing powders are fraught with other, no less serious, dangers. So that soft sides do not accumulate a dangerous concentration of harmful substances inside themselves, it is necessary to use natural soap-based washing powders.

Even if the sides for the crib are poorly rinsed, and a little natural powder remains in the foam rubber or padding filler, this will not do any harm to the child.

So, for washing soft sides for a crib, you can use special powders for baby laundry based on soap:

All listed washing powders are suitable for both hand and machine washing.
Safe phosphate-free washing powders based on natural soaps are suitable for washing any baby clothes, bed linen, soft sides for a crib, clothes for parents and older children.

While the child is small, it is better not to keep aggressive detergents with chlorine, phosphates, surfactants and fragrances in the house at all, so that the air in the house and all objects with which the baby comes into contact are clean and safe.

How to dry and iron a soft baby crib pad after washing

After washing, do not immediately hang up the side for drying, so that the filler does not stray into lumps.
First you need to spread the side on a towel and let it dry a little. When excess water drains and the side dries a little, you can hang it to dry in a well-ventilated place.

Soft sides for a crib with synthetic winterizer or foam rubber filler usually dry very quickly. While the sides are drying, you can temporarily replace them with rolled large terry towels.

Usually soft sides for the crib can not be ironed. If you really want to stroke the side, you need to do it at a minimum temperature.

It is not recommended to steam the sides with foam and synthetic fillers.
If the soft side has a removable cover, you can iron it separately.

Soft sides with padding polyester or foam filler for a crib are a useful device for the safety of the baby. Wash the padded crib sides properly by hand or in the washing machine with safe baby detergents.

Bumpers are a necessary accessory that allows you to take care of the child. They are necessary because when the baby begins to actively move, it can get stuck in the bars of the crib.

Thanks to the sides, the baby is protected from drafts and it is possible to ventilate his room more often.

It is necessary to use them from the third month of life, when the baby's eyes begin to focus on objects.

After buying such an accessory, the question arises whether it is necessary how often this procedure should be carried out in order to protect the baby as much as possible from harmful bacteria and dust, which quickly collects on the fabric.

After the purchase

Most of the goods are in warehouses, where not only dust and dirt, but possibly also rodents run around. A person cannot know for sure that the protection for the crib was in a well-ventilated room and there is perfect cleanliness. Therefore, it is necessary to wash the kit.

Protection for babies is made from natural materials so that there is no allergic reaction. But this is a real dust collector, because many packages are opened to show customers how perfect the kit is and that there are no defects.

Therefore, after purchase, it is necessary to wash. First, dust is collected. Secondly, they are touched by other buyers.


How often do you need to wash the upholstery?When the child was just brought from the hospital, he is not very active, mostly eats and sleeps. Wash immediately after purchase, and you can think about the subsequent procedure in 2–2.5 months.

If the child burped, of course, washing should be carried out faster.

When the baby becomes more active, begins to roll over and crawl on his own, washing should be done every 1–1.5 months.

The appeared pollution should be removed at once, instead of to wait when the day of washing comes.

The protection is easy to remove, keeping it clean is not difficult. Just remove the dirty part and put it in order.

Conclusion: the frequency of washing depends on the degree of contamination of the material.

Too frequent procedure will negatively affect the color of protection. The drawing will lose its outline (if it was done poorly), and the colors will become dull.

It is not worth washing the sides weekly. One part is dirty, remove and remove the stain, you do not need to put the whole set in the machine.

Foam rubber

Before washing, remove stains and other dirt that cannot be removed manually or in a typewriter.


  1. Remove any contamination. To do this, use baking soda, ammonia or hydrogen peroxide (if the kit is light and without patterns). Remove stains with dish soap or dish soap.
  2. Then remove all Velcro, rope ribbons. If these accessories are not removable, tie them up before washing. If they remain free-floating, they will break in the process.

Foam rubber does not tolerate high temperatures. Such material cannot be washed at temperatures above 40 degrees.

Many sides are fastened with zippers. This is very good, it is desirable to choose just such protection.

If the foam rubber gets out, it is better to pull it out and wash the upholstery fabric separately. Ventilate the filler in the fresh air.If the foam is not removed, you will have to expose it to strong humidity.

It is impossible to crush such a filler and unscrew it. It can get damaged and torn.

How to wash the sides of a foam crib:

  1. Manually. Extend the protection as much as possible so that it is on a flat surface. Turn on the shower and wet the product. Press the foam rubber against the tub with your hands to squeeze out excess water, most of the settled dust will come out with it. Then wet the side again, add detergent for children's things (but not powder,). Squeeze the foam lightly and rinse with plenty of water. If you pre-knock out the protection, the first rinse can be avoided.
  2. In the washing machine. If the sides fit the size of the device, feel free to wash them and do not be afraid of damage. Temperature - 40 degrees, you can wash in cold water, but not all the dust will come out. It is impossible to wring out foam rubber in a typewriter.

Dry the sides by hanging on a clothesline. They can not be placed on the battery and next to other heating devices. The filler may warp.

If the foam rubber is a little wrinkled, walk the steamer over the fabric or iron it through gauze, just set the iron to the smallest setting.


The synthetic winterizer is not only a universal insulation, it perfectly protects the baby from blows against the arena.

How to wash the bumpers in the crib of a newborn:

  1. As in the case of foam rubber, you need to remove stains from the kit, remove all decor and fasten the Velcro.
  2. Place the sides in the drum of the machine. Set the mode to "delicate" or "synthetic". The water temperature is 30 degrees.
  3. Select a liquid detergent, the powder does not rinse well.
  4. It is not recommended to wring out padding pads in a typewriter. The filler will get lumpy and have to be ripped apart.

Drying of the synthetic winterizer is carried out on a horizontal surface, without twisting.

Lay the protection on a cotton cloth, place another towel on top, press down the material. Moisture will be absorbed into the towel. Then leave the set to dry. If possible, take protection to the balcony.

If you accidentally forgot that the synthetic winterizer cannot be wrung out in a typewriter and it has strayed into lumps, there are several options to straighten it.

You can rewash the sides and put in a few tennis balls. They will break the crumpled filler.

You can use it by hand or beat it with a carpet beater.

And the last option is to dissolve the seam. You do not need to dissolve the entire line, the main thing is that the hand crawls through. Straighten the padding polyester and sew again.


The sides are also stuffed with holofiber. Regardless of the type of filler, every caring mother wants the baby to breathe clean air, not dust.

Holofiber is the best choice for a baby. The fibers of this material are not thermally bonded. This filler is environmentally friendly and non-toxic.

You can not be afraid to subject such a thing to mechanical processing. Hollofiber easily restores its former shape.

How to wash properly:

  1. Place the sides in the washing machine.
  2. Set the temperature to 45-90 degrees. Hollofiber is not afraid of high temperatures.
  3. As with other types of fillers, a liquid detergent must be used.
  4. Any stain remover can be used to remove stains. You need to apply it directly to the dirt or add it to the machine tray when washing.
  5. You can squeeze holofiber in a typewriter.
  6. Dry such bumpers on a clothesline.
  7. After drying, such material can be ironed. The temperature is 100 degrees.

It is not difficult to wash the protection for a crib from holofiber. This filler is better than synthetic winterizer or foam rubber. He does not require such reverent care.

The original appearance of the product can be preserved for a long time if washed correctly. Powders are used only for children, so that the baby does not have an allergic reaction.

Every young mother was faced with the question of how to wash the bumpers in the crib for newborns. Babies from the first days of life are faced with a significant number of adverse environmental factors. These are disease-causing allergens and pathogens hiding behind harmless household pollution. To avoid this, the objects surrounding the child must be clean, and the room where the baby sleeps requires regular wet cleaning. Soft safety screens on a crib should also meet these requirements.

For children's furniture, it is better to use only materials approved by the Sanitary and Epidemiological Inspectorate, which issues special certificates for this. Such certificates, as a rule, distinguish natural materials or high-quality polymeric materials with a high degree of purification of the feedstock. But even high-quality products accumulate dust over time, fatty abrasions appear, traces of children's pranks and surprises.

Children with their delicate skin and weak immunity are able to react with the appearance of allergic reactions, dermatitis and intestinal disorders.

Therefore, the question of whether it is necessary to wash the bumpers in the crib should not be. This requirement is correct.

Screens are divided into the following types:
  1. Fabric made of dense material without filler.
  2. Foam with fabric protective covers.
  3. Fabric with synthetic filler.

The most durable are fabric with and without filler. If the fabric contains a lot of synthetics, then they last even longer, but quickly get dirty, attract dust and pet hair with static, and this is very bad. They also do not create a thick protective barrier against injury, unlike foam rubber.

Babies are very susceptible to chemical irritants.

Therefore, if the child spends a lot of time in bed, it is necessary to avoid the use of potent household chemicals as much as possible. Before washing the bumpers from the crib, they must be soaked in warm water with the addition of hand washing powder and kept in it for several hours. During this time, old stains will move away or become easily washable.

To avoid the destruction of the filler, deformation of the shape and damage to the covers, it is necessary to adhere to the following conditions:
  • avoid high-temperature processing and washing - the filler from this is collected in spools and deforms the entire product;
  • do not remove stains with steam - steam destroys foam rubber and makes it unsuitable for further use;
  • try to wash the side by hand - hand washing is the best way to preserve the appearance;
  • if it is not possible to refuse washing in a washing machine, then choose the shortest and most gentle cycle;
  • do not use powders and bleaches that contain chlorine.

Choose your laundry detergent carefully. If it says “childish” on it, it doesn’t mean anything.

The most correct way to keep the screen clean is to wash it in a timely manner. That is, as soon as it has received pollution, it is easy to wash it off with plain warm water. But if the screen could not be washed on time, then ordinary laundry soap will help. It does not contain caustic components, is hypoallergenic and affordable. They can also pre-treat heavy soiling before washing in a typewriter. But laundry soap does not always cope with stains and unpleasant odors. In this case, you can experiment with baby hygiene products. They do not contain toxic components, have a good smell and a good cleaning effect. It is very important to thoroughly rinse the side after washing without damaging the filler. Since it is undesirable to iron it, the way it is dried or hung on a clothesline will determine the appearance of the screen after washing.

If the sides are washed with a washing machine, then they should be spun at the lowest speed, since high speeds can destroy all the filler material. Also, if the machine has an additional rinse mode before spinning, it must be used. The less detergent residue there is on baby clothes, the less likely it is to become an irritant for the child.

Baby crib bumpers are a rather controversial thing. Someone says that until the child begins to actively toss and turn in bed, they will only disrupt ventilation and collect dust. Others begin to prepare "bumpers" even before the child is born, worried for his safety. But regardless of when and which sides you decide to use, the question of washing them invariably pops up. Let's try to figure it out: do you need to clean the sides or not?

Do you need to wash the sides of the crib?

Let's start with the fact that the sides could fall into your hands in different ways and in different conditions: the need for primary processing will greatly depend on the quality of the item and its background.

  • You have bought brand new high quality bumpers and you have nothing to worry about.

If the thing seems safe to you (it does not have an unpleasant odor and obvious contamination, and the manufacturer is verified), the question of washing is at your discretion. You can wash the entire structure or just the covers, if the product model allows, just iron the covers for disinfection, or do nothing at all. Dry cleaning for a completely new thing is also too radical a measure that smacks of paranoia.

The thing is that newborns have practically no contact with the sides, and if the tissue touches them, it is clearly not in the vulnerable umbilical zone. And a little grown up baby is no longer so sensitive and defenseless against that fraction of chemistry that may be on the covers. And the contact of the baby with the bumpers does not increase much: it cannot be compared with bed linen and clothes.

  • You bought new bumpers, but they smell weird.

Yes, the chemical smell can alert, but even this is not a reason for washing for everyone. Many again iron the covers or try to air the product as long as possible before use. However, washing will solve this problem somewhat faster, so in this case it is easier to load the sides into the machine.

  • You got the bumpers from relatives or friends.

If you borrowed bumpers from friends, washing is necessary: ​​even if the bumpers were washed after use, they probably lay and collected dust for a long time before they got to you, so it would be wise to wash them to remove this dirt.

  • You sewed the sides yourself.

In this case, you win in every way: handmade here will not only provide a unique design and save money, but also the ability to disinfect the synthetic winterizer under the lamp and wash the fabric on covers at a temperature of at least 90˚.

Often on the packaging with sides it is written that they must be washed before use. To some extent, this is a reinsurance for the manufacturer, and you can ignore this recommendation by simply ironing the covers or airing the product. But at the same time, one should not lose sight of the argument that makes moms wash even a completely new high-quality thing: you never know who touched it and where it lay before packaging.

How often should I wash my crib pads?

How often do you clean and wash your sofa upholstery? But for babies, the bumpers in the crib in terms of the frequency of contact perform approximately the same role. Chances are, you touch your couch a lot more than a child touches bumpers, and you clean with detergent so infrequently that you can hardly remember the last time. Of course, we will not advise not to touch the bumpers at all, because they accumulate dust and dirt and can be stained with other things, but, objectively, washing the covers every two weeks with normal child health is rather pointless. You can wash them from 1 time per month or less, but if you enjoy taking care of the baby and cleaning the sides more often, it’s your right, it won’t harm him.

The situation will change slightly if the child has an allergy: then you need to analyze the expediency of dust-accumulating bumpers by observing whether the baby is really tossing and turning so much to hit the slats. Also, if a grown-up baby develops the habit of sleeping, buried in a side, this section will have to be washed as often as linen, because it, in fact, will be used as a pillow.

In the issue of washing the sides, as well as in the issue of installing them, it is better to act according to the situation. If the child is actively moving in a dream, bumpers are needed. If not, why block his view and disturb the ventilation? If the bumpers smell bad, have already been used or are dirty, they should be washed. If everything is in order, you should not fall into paranoia, developing germophobia in yourself.

How to wash the sides?

If you have come to the conclusion that you still need to wash the sides of the crib, this can be done in two ways, each of which has its pros and cons.

  • Handwash.

Often, after reading stories about how a side for a crib washed in a typewriter has to be torn open, re-stuffed and sewn up, mothers are afraid to put bumpers without removable covers in the typewriter. No one wants to see an unusable thing after washing! That is why hand washing of bumpers with non-removable covers is perhaps more popular: it is more delicate, suitable for bumpers with both foam rubber and holofiber and allows you not to worry that the product will be damaged.

On the other hand, many mothers are afraid of not rinsing the stuffing well enough, which will force the baby to come into contact with chemistry. This shortcoming can be easily corrected by using liquid detergents and increasing the rinsing time in the basin, and then under running water.

  • Washing machine.

Machine wash is easier, faster and better for both cleaning and rinsing. But only if your bumpers are of the right type and quality.

Aggressive machine washing at high temperatures will ruin a low-quality product, and it is simply inconvenient to wash the sides with foam rubber in this way. To keep the sides in their original form, choose gentle washing modes at minimum temperatures.

In order not to get into a mess with a machine wash, find the manufacturer's recommendations for temperature, washing and drying.

We think that now you can decide whether it is worth washing the sides in your case, and if you are going to wash them, you will know how to do it right!

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