How to clean the iron from burning. How to clean an iron from burnt fabric - secrets to saving an iron

In the life of every girl, such an unpleasant thing has happened as fabric burning to the sole of the iron. Therefore, the question of how to clean the surface at home will be relevant for many housewives. But in order to consider cleaning options, you need to find out what types of surfaces irons have.

There are quite a few reasons for irons and each of them has its own pros and cons, but first of all, you should pay attention to surfaces that will serve you for a long time and will not spoil your clothes, and in the article below we will look at them in more detail.

The aluminum surface appeared immediately after the cast iron coating and differs from other coatings in its lightness, good thermal conductivity, cools quickly and is inexpensive. But such a surface has its disadvantages:

  • over time, small scratches may appear on it, due to which clothes stick to the base;
  • Soot and dirt appear on such material;
  • when ironing woolen items, a shine appears on the base;
  • With prolonged use, the glide deteriorates.

The ceramic surface glides well and is gentle on fabrics, but this material is very fragile. If scratches appear on it, the coating will soon begin to peel off, so metal is added to the ceramic composition, which helps extend the life of the iron.

The Teflon sole has a non-stick property, does not stick and does not damage fabrics. At high temperatures, the speed of movement may decrease and if the surface is damaged, it will begin to wear off.

Stainless steel iron surfaces are very popular these days. It conducts heat well, glides perfectly over fabric, and is resistant to various damages, which means that the service life of the device increases significantly.

The only disadvantage of this coating is the long heating time and the heaviness of the device.

The titanium surface is the best and most durable, but irons with such a base are expensive products and therefore not so popular. The base is non-stick, very durable and does not show scratches or other damage. Uniform heating will also be a plus. The disadvantages include the long heating time of the base, the heaviness of the iron, and the high cost.

Methods for cleaning an iron from burnt fabric

Before you start cleaning the iron from burnt fabric at home, you should know that the surface should not be rubbed with metal brushes, but rather use soft sponges and cloths. You should also avoid cleaning powders, which can cause scratches.

Method No. 1

The most effective and inexpensive option for how to clean an iron from burnt fabric at home is to use regular salt, but it cannot be used on a Teflon surface. There are two ways to clean with salt:

  1. In the first case, you need to take a sheet of parchment paper and sprinkle half a glass of fine salt on it, turn on the iron to high temperature and perform ironing movements until the surface is clean.
  2. For the second option, you can use a handkerchief and wrap the salt in it, roll it into a bag and wipe off the dirt on a heated surface.

Method No. 2

Burnt fabric can be removed using a regular paraffin candle. To do this, you need to twist a candle into cotton fabric to make a pencil out of a candle, heat the iron to high temperature and run the pencil over the burnt surface.

When the candle begins to melt, the contaminants will flow off along with the paraffin. You just need to hold the iron at an angle, and put paper under the iron so that the paraffin flows there. After removing dirt, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Method No. 3

A universal household product is soda, which is used not only in baking, but also for cleaning kitchen utensils or carpets. It is also an excellent tool for removing burnt fabric from the base of the iron, but it is suitable for surfaces that contain metal, otherwise the base can be damaged.

When using soda, add it to warm water, stir well and bring to a porridge state. Next, take a dry cloth and apply the solution to the burnt areas, and after removing the stains, wipe with a damp cloth.

The versatility of baking soda lies in the fact that it can also remove old stains.

Method No. 4

Burnt tissue can also be removed using toothpaste, but you should know that it removes fresh stains; with old stains, the process will be long. To do this, you need to wait until the iron has cooled down, apply the paste to the contaminated surface and use the back of the sponge to clean the surface.

Method No. 5

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide can be used not only for medical purposes; they are also used to remove dirt from the soleplate of the iron. You need to wait until the iron has cooled down, apply one of the products you have in the house to a cloth, and wipe the dirty surface with it.

This cleaning should be done in a well-ventilated room, as ammonia emits fumes that are harmful to health.

Method number 6

When thinking about how to clean an iron from burnt fabric at home, we should not forget about the importance of vinegar. It will help remove fresh dirt, but for its use you should choose a 9% solution. You need to take a cotton scarf and moisten it in a vinegar solution, the surface of the iron should be warm and wipe the burnt area. After removing carbon deposits, wipe with a paper towel.

Even the most experienced housewives may encounter a situation where they need to clean the iron from burnt fabric, and the question immediately arises of how to do this at home. As we can see, it is not necessary to buy miracle products to remove dirt; you just have to take a good look at what available tools you have in your home and eliminate this problem.

In order to avoid such situations in the future, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime when ironing, since it is different for each material, and then your things and the surface of the iron will remain intact.

Developers of household appliances usually provide detailed operating instructions for their products. However, not all of us read technical manuals and strictly follow all the rules. Admit it, do you personally pour exclusively distilled water into the iron before each ironing and do you always check the set mode for the fabric you plan to iron? So don’t be surprised that during the steaming mode, along with water, scale flakes will fall onto your favorite jacket, or one day you will burn your clothes. How to clean the iron from burnt fabric if this trouble does occur?

Iron cleaning pencil

If you use your household appliance carefully, following all the manufacturer's recommendations, you will not have any problems with it. You should think about cleaning the soleplate of the iron only when dark spots appear on it or if the fabric is burnt during ironing. The greatest number of difficulties arise when cleaning steel surfaces. First, remove large contaminants (fragments of melted fabric), if any.

Don't know how to clean the iron from burnt fabric? Go to a hardware store and buy a special pencil. Be careful when working with this product as it contains strong chemical additives. Remove the pencil from its packaging and move it along the sole of the heated iron. All dirt will simply drain away, but at the end of the procedure, do not forget to iron the unnecessary fabric in order to thoroughly dry the iron.

Salt for cleaning the soleplate of the iron

We bring to your attention a method for removing burnt fabric and various contaminants from the surface of an iron, which our grandmothers successfully used. Attention: this method is not suitable for Teflon-coated irons. There are two options for cleaning your iron using salt. In the first case, pour about half a glass of salt onto a clean sheet of paper and smooth it out. Then, using an iron heated to maximum, carefully stroke the salt mound. There is another way to clean the iron from burnt fabric using salt. To do this, take a handful of the dietary supplement and wrap it in a piece of natural fabric (which you don’t mind throwing away). Rub the heated surface of the iron well with the resulting bag.

Homemade cleaning products

How to clean a ceramic iron if it got burnt at the most inopportune moment, and you don’t have time to go to the store for a special product? We offer you several effective methods, tested by many housewives. Take vinegar or citric acid solution. Saturate the fabric with the selected composition and wipe the soleplate of the iron well. If the contamination is very strong, place the cold iron overnight on a cloth soaked in vinegar. Attention - the device should not be too hot, otherwise the liquid will begin to evaporate, and you risk being poisoned by its vapors.

You can clean the iron in a similar way using ammonia.

You can remove dirt from the surface of an iron that is not afraid of abrasive compounds using baking soda. To do this, dilute the powder with water and apply the resulting slurry to the soleplate of the iron. Then wipe it thoroughly with a soft cloth.

There is an interesting way to clean an iron from burnt fabric using hydroperite tablets. To do this, you just need to rub the stained areas with the uncrushed preparation. Attention - hydroperite has a special smell, use it on the cooled surface of the iron.

Paraffin will defeat dirt and carbon deposits

You can make a worthy substitute for a specialized pencil for cleaning an iron using a regular paraffin candle. Wrap the paraffin in a piece of cotton cloth and carefully rub it over the surface of the heated base of the household appliance. During such cleaning, the molten paraffin must flow off along with the contaminants. Prepare in advance a sheet of paper or fabric that you don’t mind throwing away, and lay it out under the tilted iron.

What to do if the non-stick soleplate of the iron gets dirty?

We figured out how to rid the surface of the iron of dirt. But which of the following methods are suitable for Teflon coating, which is becoming increasingly popular these days? It is important to understand that such modern irons are afraid of harsh mechanical influences. How to clean a burnt Teflon-coated iron without scratching it? The ideal solution would be to use special products sold in hardware stores. Another product suitable for Teflon coatings is vinegar (the method of application is described above). For preventive purposes, the soleplate of such an iron can be carefully washed with regular dish soap.

Getting rid of scale

We have already dealt with the question of how to clean the surface of the iron. But what should you do if white flakes fall out on your clothes when you turn on the steam mode? This is a clear sign that it is time to clean the inside of the tank from scale. Use a special ready-made product in the form of liquid or powder, produced for kettles and washing machines, or prepare a solution of citric acid. Pour the selected composition into the iron tank and set it to maximum steam production mode. Iron the piece of fabric for a while (it will get dirty). Then wait until the device has cooled down, drain the descaling solution, fill it with plain water and iron the fabric for a while with maximum steam, which you don’t mind spoiling. The reservoir and soleplate holes are cleaned - you can use the iron as usual.

Using an iron can burn clothes, especially synthetic ones. As a result, the item and the sole of the iron are damaged. This could happen due to incorrect ironing temperature or poor quality of the clothing material. Every housewife needs to know how to protect against burnt fabric so that it will last for many more years. From this article you will learn about what home methods you can do this.

Iron cleaning products

There are special liquids and cleaning pencils on sale that allow you to quickly and effectively remove all dirt, rust, and traces of scale from the ironing sole. But often they are not available when you need them most. How to clean the soleplate of an iron using home remedies? The housewife always has baking soda, salt, vinegar, and paraffin in her arsenal to help remove dirt from work surfaces. Here are some ways to help housewives:

It is possible to remove dirt immediately after its formation if you smear the hot sole with laundry soap. The cooled iron is wiped clean of residues. It is always easier to prevent contamination than to clean it. Consider the markings on clothing labels when choosing the temperature, iron through cotton fabric. We hope that from this article you learned how to clean your iron from burnt fabric.

Every housewife may encounter the problem of soot or scale on the metal or ceramic surface of the iron; such blackness not only spoils the iron, but also stains things. Therefore, it is important to know how to clean an iron from burnt fabric using homemade products at home. If you make the composition correctly, following the instructions exactly, the sole of the device will again become clean and shiny.

In addition, homemade compositions can remove scale from a steam apparatus. Below we will describe not only effective methods of dealing with carbon deposits on an iron, but we will also tell you how to protect the device from this problem.

  • How to clean an iron
  • Vinegar
  • Soda
  • Hydroperite
  • Lemon acid
  • Toothpaste
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Paraffin candle
  • Salt
  • Ammonia
  • Nail polish remover
  • Laundry soap
  • Lemon juice
  • Cleaning Pencil
  • Self-cleaning function

How to clean an iron

There are many methods on how to clean an iron from burnt marks on the soleplate at home. We will describe options for formulations that can be prepared at home without buying expensive chemicals.


If a housewife is wondering how to descale an iron at home, then you can use regular vinegar. To clean, you need to plug in the device and wait until it warms up. Then a small napkin is moistened with vinegar and the metal surface of the device is treated. When the iron has cooled down, simply wipe it with a soft, dry cloth.


You can also use baking soda to remove carbon marks from synthetic fabric. But here it is worth remembering that this product is an abrasive, for this reason it can damage and scratch the coating if it is not protected. To prepare the composition, take water and soda; from these products you need to make a paste that can be easily applied to the metal plate of the device. Once the iron is clean, remove any remaining baking soda using a soft cloth.


This substance, when heated, emits a very toxic and unpleasant odor. For this reason, if you need to use such tablets to clean the soleplate of the iron, it is best to open the windows in the room. For good cleaning, you need to heat the device to the maximum level, and then you can move the tablet over those parts of the plate that are heavily dirty. Residues from the composition are simply removed with a napkin or paper towel.

Lemon acid

Now let's look at another simple option on how to clean the soleplate of your iron at home, using regular citric acid in granules. To create a solution, you need to take three hundred milliliters of warm water, and then dissolve eighty grams of acid granules in it. After this, you can warm up the device a little and wipe its surface with the solution.


To begin with, the device is heated to maximum temperature, and then a thick layer of toothpaste is applied to it. Any product can be used for this purpose. After this, the device is disconnected from the power supply and allowed to stand in this form until the sole cools down. The already dried composition is simply removed using a dry cloth.

Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide perfectly removes simple stains, and also helps remove soot from clothing that remains on the sole. To carry out the cleaning process, you need to take a soft cloth and soak it in the solution, after which the material is placed on an ironing board and ironed with a hot iron. Continue the process until the iron is clean.

Paraffin candle

Another method for cleaning an iron at home if the fabric is stuck is to use a paraffin candle. But it is worth considering that this product is designed to combat minimal dirt and light residue. To do this, the iron is heated and the candle is wrapped in cloth. A paper towel is placed on the ironing board, and then a candle is passed along the hot sole. Paraffin will quickly remove existing contaminants. The holes in the device are cleaned with steam, and the remains of the candle are removed with a napkin.


If a housewife is looking for an effective method to clean the iron from carbon deposits at home, then you can use ordinary table salt for this. But it is worth remembering that large particles can scratch the device, so for the procedure it is better to take finely ground salt. In addition, take a clean sheet of paper; it is better not to use newspaper so that the paint does not remain on the sole of the iron. Salt is poured onto a sheet of paper, and then the device is heated. The iron is passed over the surface of the salt several times, thereby removing all dirt from the sole. Using salt is the most popular and effective cleaning method.


For this method, a weak solution is prepared; ammonia is combined with water in equal proportions. After this, the iron is heated to maximum and unplugged from the outlet. Soak a washcloth in an alcohol solution and carefully begin to clean the metal or ceramic surface of the device.

Nail polish remover

Using nail polish remover, you can also very quickly remove various stains. To do this, take this liquid and moisten a soft sponge with it. In the meantime, warm up the device, turn off the power supply, and clean it with a sponge until the stains from burnt clothing disappear.

Laundry soap

A good method for removing even very old and complex stains; soap copes even with burnt synthetics. To begin with, the iron is heated to maximum temperature, and then rubbed with laundry soap. Contaminants are removed with a soft cloth or paper towel. After this, the sole is again rubbed with soap and wiped with a damp cloth. This method is suitable for complex but fresh stains.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice removes stains just as well as a solution of citric acid or vinegar. To prepare the product, take three tablespoons of lemon and dissolve in a glass of water. Moisten a soft cloth with this solution and wipe the hot iron with it.

Special cleaning products

Cleaning Pencil

To find out how to clean an iron from burnt fabric at home, you can simply purchase a special pencil that is designed to remove even complex stains from the device. To clean, you need to warm the sole to medium temperature, and also prepare a paper towel. Using a pencil, rub the metal surface; along with the smudges, carbon deposits will be removed. The procedure should be carried out in a ventilated area, as the composition emits a pungent odor.

How to clean a Teflon iron

When you need to decide how to clean a Teflon-coated iron from burnt fabric, it is better to turn to proven and professional products. A special pencil will help here, but if you don’t have one at home and you need to clean it right now, then other methods will also help.

1. Vinegar and essence. The fabric is soaked in vinegar essence, and then the iron is heated and the material is stroked.
2. Solvent. To use this product, just moisten a cotton pad with it and clean the soot area.
3. Foil. It is enough to heat the iron to maximum, and then iron a sheet of foil with it. If any dirt remains, remove it with a soft cloth.

How to clean a ceramic iron

To find out how to clean a ceramic-coated iron from burnt fabric, just read all the methods listed below. For example, a cloth soaked in acetic acid can easily cope with this problem. It is enough to iron it, and there will be no traces of soot on the sole. Ordinary hydrogen peroxide will be very effective; moisten a cloth with it and then wipe the problem area. This procedure is carried out only on a warm device.

How to clean the iron from scale inside

It is also worth considering ways to clean the iron from scale at home; for this it is best to use citric acid or vinegar essence. To clean, you need to take a couple of spoons of citric acid and dissolve it in a glass of water. Vinegar essence is diluted using the same method. After this, the solution is poured into the compartment where water for ironing is poured. The device is left in this form for some time. To clean, you need to plug in the iron and heat it up to maximum. Next, use the button to release steam so that the cleaning is successful.

Preventive measures on how to keep your iron clean

1. In order to use cleaning methods as little as possible, it is worth following the instructions for ironing items exactly. For each type of fabric, it is necessary to set the temperature correctly so as not to damage the clothes and the device itself.
2. After ironing, wipe the sole with a damp cloth.
3. For ironing with steam, you should use special soft water, in this case you will not have to think about how to clean the iron at home from burnt fabric.

Self-cleaning function

Some modern appliances have a special self-cleaning function, which allows you to remove scale that has formed inside the iron. The function cannot cope with carbon deposits, so you will have to do this cleaning yourself.

Modern irons are equipped with different types of surfaces. The usual metal soles are being replaced by Teflon, cermets and other high-tech materials. However, the problems of carbon deposits and contamination of the iron surface are still relevant. No matter how fashionable and expensive the purchased iron is, sooner or later something will stick to it, burn or melt. This is not a reason to panic and think that the item is irrevocably damaged. You just need to get rid of unwanted contamination in time and with the right means and remember about preventive measures that will help the device last for many years and keep your laundry clean and fresh.

Iron sole materials

When choosing an iron, pay attention to the material of the sole. Not all materials have the same resistance to stains.

Traditional metals from which iron soles are made are aluminum, stainless steel and their alloys. Anodized aluminum or polished stainless steel are traditional options for the soles of budget irons. They have high thermal conductivity, which, on the one hand, increases the efficiency of the device, but on the other, increases the risk of soot and the degree of contamination. Anything that can melt readily sticks to a hot sole without a protective coating. This means that dirt on the surface cannot be avoided.

To solve the problem of burning and protect laundry from burns and stains, manufacturers have invented several coating options that are applied to the base:

  • enamel - improves slip, easy to clean;
  • titanium is wear-resistant, scratch-resistant, but has low thermal conductivity, which leads to high energy consumption;
  • ceramics - uniform and quick heating, easy to clean, but fragile and prone to chipping and cracking;
  • Teflon - resistant to stains, does not stick to synthetic fabrics, but is easily scratched and requires special care;
  • sapphire - mineral abrasive chips are resistant to mechanical damage and scratches, and can even be cleaned with a metal brush.

Iron soles: variety of materials (photo gallery)

Some manufacturers, in order to ensure the safety of the ironing process and increase the service life of the devices, offer special attachments for the soleplate of the iron. Non-stick pads eliminate the possibility of burning through delicate, synthetic fabrics and products with patterns, stickers, etc.

Types of pollution

The main types of contamination of the soleplate of the iron: carbon deposits, deposits, burnt synthetics, salt accumulations in the steam holes, etc.

The cleaning method must be chosen, taking into account the surface material and the type of contamination.

Methods for cleaning burnt fabric (synthetics)

Try cleaning a small area with a stuck stain from synthetic fabric or polyethylene using acetone (nail polish remover). To do this, moisten a cotton swab with liquid and wipe away the dirt.

Freshly burnt synthetics must be removed immediately, without waiting for the iron to cool down. To do this, turn on the device at full power so that the synthetic material completely melts, and scrape off the dirt with a wooden spatula, and remove the remaining residue with a soft, clean cotton cloth. Then iron the terry cloth with pressure to achieve final cleanliness.

Stainless steel and aluminum irons can be cleaned with baking soda. To do this, cool the device, mix baking soda with water and the resulting slurry, use a sponge to remove traces of burnt tissue.

Baking soda paste can be used to remove dirt from a metal surface.

Coated irons can be cleaned in a delicate way: rub the hot dirty surface with laundry soap, then turn off the iron and cool. After this, wipe the cooled surface with a sponge soaked in water. Fabric stuck to the iron will easily peel off along with the soap solution.

We remove carbon deposits using special and home remedies

The easiest and most effective way to remove dirt from any coating is to use a special pencil (REAM, DIAS, Typhoon, etc.), which can be purchased in the household chemicals department.

A heated iron is rubbed over the area of ​​contamination with a pencil. The pencil will melt during processing. All you have to do is wipe the surface dry: the melted pencil will “eat” any soot and deposits, including scale. To clean the steam holes, rub them with a pencil and then use the steam function. For maximum effect, wipe each hole with a dry cotton swab.

Remove any remaining dirt from the steam vents using a cotton swab

Important: to avoid damaging the surface of the table or ironing board, first place unnecessary cloth or paper under the iron.

An uncoated iron can be cleaned with salt. To do this, sprinkle a couple of tablespoons of rock salt on a clean cotton cloth and iron it for several minutes without much pressure at maximum power. Don't forget to turn off the steam function. The pollution must disappear. Under no circumstances should you try to clean Teflon coated irons using this method.

How to clean an iron using salt (photo gallery)

Place salt on a clean napkin Set the iron to maximum power, turning off the steam function Iron the salt without pressing hard

Abrasive cleaning agents are not suitable for irons with enamel, Teflon and ceramic coatings, and knives and metal brushes are even more contraindicated.

Here are the products that are suitable for cleaning soles of any type:

  1. A 1:1 mixture of ammonia and table vinegar. Wipe the heated but unplugged device with the resulting mixture. Work with the solution only with rubber gloves. The smell will not be pleasant, but the effect should please you. For heavily ingrained dirt, you can leave the iron overnight on a cloth soaked in vinegar.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide or hydroperide. Wipe the surface with a cotton pad soaked in liquid.
  3. Toothpaste. Apply toothpaste to the dirt and wipe with a damp cloth. Then wipe dry with a woolen cloth. Be careful not to get any toothpaste into the steam vents.

Video: how to clean an iron

Pollution prevention

If you use the iron in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturers, then you may not need the above recommendations at all. Therefore, when purchasing an iron, carefully read the rules for using the device and temperature conditions for various types of fabrics. Keep in mind that modern irons often have a self-cleaning function, which must be used in order to promptly get rid of scale on the heating elements, holes and soleplate.

It is preferable to iron synthetic items through gauze. This way you will protect both the iron and the item. Iron clothes with stickers on the wrong side. Then you simply won’t encounter the problem of stains on the iron.

Always make sure you turn off the iron when you finish ironing. After using the iron, wipe the surface with a soft cloth soaked in a solution of citric acid.

As a rule, wisdom comes with experience. And if you are reading this post, then most likely you have managed to damage your iron a little. There is hardly a housewife who would not go through this. But now you have learned how to get rid of the problem using simple methods at hand.

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